Bill No. HB 1473 CS
Senate House
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12          Representative Benson offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Between line(s) 328 and 329, insert:
16          Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
17    339.135, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
18          339.135 Work program; legislative budget request;
19    definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.--
21          (a)1. To assure that no district or county is penalized
22    for local efforts to improve the State Highway System, the
23    department shall, for the purpose of developing a tentative work
24    program, allocate funds for new construction to the districts,
25    except for the turnpike enterprise, based on equal parts of
26    population and motor fuel tax collections. Funds for
27    resurfacing, bridge repair and rehabilitation, bridge fender
28    system construction or repair, public transit projects except
29    public transit block grants as provided in s. 341.052, and other
30    programs with quantitative needs assessments shall be allocated
31    based on the results of these assessments. The department may
32    not transfer any funds allocated to a district under this
33    paragraph to any other district except as provided in subsection
34    (7). Funds for public transit block grants shall be allocated to
35    the districts pursuant to s. 341.052. Funds for the intercity
36    bus program provided for under s. 5311(f) of the federal
37    nonurbanized area formula program shall be administered and
38    allocated directly to eligible bus carriers as defined in s.
39    341.031(12) at the state level rather than the district. In
40    order to provide state funding to support the intercity bus
41    program provided for under provisions of the federal 5311(f)
42    program, the department shall allocate an amount equal to the
43    federal share of the 5311(f) program from amounts calculated
44    pursuant to s. 206.46(3).
45          2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 1., the
46    department shall allocate at least 50 percent of any new
47    discretionary highway capacity funds to the Florida Intrastate
48    Highway System established pursuant to s. 338.001. Any remaining
49    new discretionary highway capacity funds shall be allocated to
50    the districts for new construction as provided in subparagraph
51    1. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term "new
52    discretionary highway capacity funds" means any funds available
53    to the department above the prior year funding level for
54    capacity improvements, which the department has the discretion
55    to allocate to highway projects.
58    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
59          Remove line(s) 38, and insert:
60          intercity bus service; amending s. 339.135, F.S.;
61    providing for distribution of funds for the intercity bus
62    program; providing for state matching funds; providing an
63    effective date.