HB 1477 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to health care practitioners; amending s.
3    456.076, F.S., relating to treatment programs for impaired
4    practitioners; providing certain rights of a licensee
5    against whom a legally sufficient complaint involving
6    impairment has been filed with the Department of Health;
7    authorizing the licensee to review the complaint and
8    evidence and to contest the complaint in writing or at a
9    hearing in person; providing conditions on the limiting or
10    suspension of the licensee from practice; requiring notice
11    of such rights to licensees subject to investigations
12    initiated by the department; providing an effective date.
14          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16          Section 1. Section 456.076, Florida Statutes, is amended
17    to read:
18          456.076 Treatment programs for impaired practitioners.--
19          (1) For professions that do not have impaired practitioner
20    programs provided for in their practice acts, the department
21    shall, by rule, designate approved impaired practitioner
22    programs under this section. The department may adopt rules
23    setting forth appropriate criteria for approval of treatment
24    providers. The rules may specify the manner in which the
25    consultant, retained as set forth in subsection (2), works with
26    the department in intervention, requirements for evaluating and
27    treating a professional, and requirements for the continued care
28    and monitoring of a professional by the consultant by an
29    approved treatment provider.
30          (2) The department shall retain one or more impaired
31    practitioner consultants. A consultant shall be a licensee under
32    the jurisdiction of the Division of Medical Quality Assurance
33    within the department, and at least one consultant must be a
34    practitioner or recovered practitioner licensed under chapter
35    458, chapter 459, or part I of chapter 464. The consultant shall
36    assist the probable cause panel and department in carrying out
37    the responsibilities of this section. This shall include working
38    with department investigators to determine whether a
39    practitioner is, in fact, impaired.
40          (3)(a) Whenever the department receives a written or oral
41    legally sufficient complaint alleging that a licensee under the
42    jurisdiction of the Division of Medical Quality Assurance within
43    the department is impaired as a result of the misuse or abuse of
44    alcohol or drugs, or both, or due to a mental or physical
45    condition which could affect the licensee's ability to practice
46    with skill and safety, and no complaint against the licensee
47    other than impairment exists, the reporting of such information
48    shall not constitute grounds for discipline pursuant to s.
49    456.072 or the corresponding grounds for discipline within the
50    applicable practice act if the probable cause panel of the
51    appropriate board, or the department when there is no board,
52    finds:
53          1. The licensee has acknowledged the impairment problem.
54          2. The licensee has voluntarily enrolled in an
55    appropriate, approved treatment program.
56          3. The licensee has voluntarily withdrawn from practice or
57    limited the scope of practice as required by the consultant, in
58    each case, until such time as the panel, or the department when
59    there is no board, is satisfied the licensee has successfully
60    completed an approved treatment program.
61          4. The licensee has executed releases for medical records,
62    authorizing the release of all records of evaluations,
63    diagnoses, and treatment of the licensee, including records of
64    treatment for emotional or mental conditions, to the consultant.
65    The consultant shall make no copies or reports of records that
66    do not regard the issue of the licensee's impairment and his or
67    her participation in a treatment program.
68          (b) Whenever the department receives a legally sufficient
69    complaint alleging that a licensee under the jurisdiction of the
70    Division of Medical Quality Assurance within the department is
71    impaired as a result of the misuse or abuse of alcohol or drugs,
72    or both, or due to a mental or physical condition which could
73    affect the licensee's ability to practice with skill and safety,
74    the department shall promptly furnish to the licensee or the
75    licensee’s attorney a copy of the complaint that resulted in the
76    initiation of the investigation and a copy of all evidence upon
77    which the complaint is based. If the secretary of the
78    department, or the secretary's designee, and the chair of the
79    respective board or the chair of its probable cause panel agree
80    in writing that such notification would be detrimental to the
81    investigation, the department may withhold notification pending
82    a finding of probable cause. Once probable cause has been found
83    to warrant further action by the board, or department if there
84    is no board, the department shall notify the licensee as set
85    forth in this paragraph.
86          (c)(b)If, however, the department has not received a
87    legally sufficient complaint and the licensee agrees to withdraw
88    from practice until such time as the consultant determines the
89    licensee has satisfactorily completed an approved treatment
90    program or evaluation, the probable cause panel, or the
91    department when there is no board, shall not become involved in
92    the licensee's case.
93          (d)(c)Inquiries related to impairment treatment programs
94    designed to provide information to the licensee and others and
95    which do not indicate that the licensee presents a danger to the
96    public shall not constitute a complaint within the meaning of s.
97    456.073 and shall be exempt from the provisions of this
98    subsection.
99          (e)(d)Whenever the department receives a legally
100    sufficient complaint alleging that a licensee is impaired as
101    described in paragraph (a) and no complaint against the licensee
102    other than impairment exists, the department shall forward all
103    information in its possession regarding the impaired licensee to
104    the consultant. For the purposes of this section, a suspension
105    from hospital staff privileges due to the impairment does not
106    constitute a complaint.
107          (f)(e)The probable cause panel, or the department when
108    there is no board, shall work directly with the consultant, and
109    all information concerning a practitioner obtained from the
110    consultant by the panel, or the department when there is no
111    board, shall remain confidential and exempt from the provisions
112    of s. 119.07(1), subject to the provisions of subsections (5)
113    and (6).
114          (g)(f) A finding of probable cause shall not be made when
115    as long as the panel, or the department when there is no board,
116    is satisfied, based upon information it receives from the
117    consultant and the department, that the licensee is progressing
118    satisfactorily in an approved impaired practitioner program and
119    no other complaint against the licensee exists and the licensee
120    has:
121          1. Acknowledged the impairment problem.
122          2. Voluntarily enrolled in an appropriate, approved
123    treatment program.
124          3. Voluntarily withdrawn from practice or limited the
125    scope of practice as required by the consultant, in each case,
126    until such time as the panel, or the department when there is no
127    board, is satisfied the licensee has successfully completed an
128    approved treatment program.
129          4. Executed releases for medical records, authorizing the
130    release of all records of evaluations, diagnoses, and treatment
131    of the licensee, including records of treatment for emotional or
132    mental conditions, to the consultant. The consultant shall make
133    no copies or reports of records that do not regard the issue of
134    the licensee's impairment and his or her participation in a
135    treatment program.
136          (4) In any disciplinary action for a violation other than
137    impairment in which a licensee establishes the violation for
138    which the licensee is being prosecuted was due to or connected
139    with impairment and further establishes the licensee is
140    satisfactorily progressing through or has successfully completed
141    an approved treatment program pursuant to this section, such
142    information may be considered by the board, or the department
143    when there is no board, as a mitigating factor in determining
144    the appropriate penalty. This subsection does not limit
145    mitigating factors the board may consider.
146          (5)(a) An approved treatment provider shall, upon request,
147    disclose to the consultant all information in its possession
148    regarding the issue of a licensee's impairment and participation
149    in the treatment program. All information obtained by the
150    consultant and department pursuant to this section is
151    confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1),
152    subject to the provisions of this subsection and subsection (6).
153    Failure to provide such information to the consultant is grounds
154    for withdrawal of approval of such program or provider.
155          (b) If in the opinion of the consultant, after
156    consultation with the treatment provider, an impaired licensee
157    has not progressed satisfactorily in a treatment program, all
158    information regarding the issue of a licensee's impairment and
159    participation in a treatment program in the consultant's
160    possession shall be disclosed to the department. Such disclosure
161    shall constitute a complaint pursuant to the general provisions
162    of s. 456.073. Whenever the consultant concludes that impairment
163    affects a licensee's practice and constitutes an immediate,
164    serious danger to the public health, safety, or welfare, that
165    conclusion shall be communicated to the secretary of the
166    department.
167          (6) A consultant, licensee, or approved treatment provider
168    who makes a disclosure pursuant to this section is not subject
169    to civil liability for such disclosure or its consequences. The
170    provisions of s. 766.101 apply to any officer, employee, or
171    agent of the department or the board and to any officer,
172    employee, or agent of any entity with which the department has
173    contracted pursuant to this section.
174          (7) Neither the board, or department when there is no
175    board, nor the consultant, retained as set forth in subsection
176    (2), may limit a licensee's practice or suspend a licensee from
177    practice while the consultant, board, or department investigates
178    the complaint, unless one of the following conditions is met:
179          (a) The licensee waives his or her right under subsection
180    (8) to contest the complaint;
181          (b) A probable cause panel has issued a summary emergency
182    order under subsection (9); or
183          (c) A probable cause panel, after conducting a hearing,
184    has determined that sufficient evidence exists that the licensee
185    presents a clear and present danger to society if he or she
186    continues to practice.
187          (8)(a) A licensee against whom a complaint is filed may
188    elect to contest the complaint by:
189          1. Submitting a written response to the information
190    contained in the complaint within 20 days after service to the
191    licensee of the complaint; or
192          2. Requesting a hearing within 20 days after service to
193    the licensee of the complaint at which he or she may present
194    evidence or testimony and cross-examine any person offering
195    testimony or sworn statements as part of the investigation.
196          (b) The licensee's written response and any evidence
197    presented at a hearing shall be considered by the probable cause
198    panel.
199          (9)(a) The right to contest a complaint does not prohibit
200    the issuance of a summary emergency order if necessary to
201    protect the public. Such emergency order must be delivered in
202    writing to the licensee prior to taking effect. For the purposes
203    of this paragraph, a facsimile copy of the order shall be
204    sufficient. The order shall be accompanied by a copy of all
205    evidence upon which it is based.
206          (b) Upon receipt of the order, the licensee shall
207    immediately cease and desist practicing under his or her
208    license.
209          (c) The licensee shall be entitled to an emergency hearing
210    in front of the probable cause panel, within 72 hours after
211    receipt of the order, to present rebuttal evidence and cross-
212    examine witnesses. A written decision by the panel shall be
213    issued within 24 hours after the emergency hearing ends stating
214    findings of whether the licensee poses a clear and present
215    danger to the safety of the public if not otherwise suspended
216    from practice during the pending investigation as set forth in
217    this section.
218          (10)(a) The licensee against whom a complaint was made
219    shall, prior to a final judgment of impairment by the
220    consultant, board, or department, have the following rights:
221          1. The right to review a copy of all accusations against
222    him or her. The department may withhold the name of the
223    complainant when applicable.
224          2. The right to review all evidence obtained during the
225    investigation.
226          3. The right to rebut the accusations in a hearing or the
227    right to waive his or her right to a hearing and instead submit
228    a written rebuttal.
229          4. The right to depose under oath any person offering
230    testimony or sworn statements as part of the investigation.
231          5. The right to record, via audiorecorder, videorecorder,
232    or a court reporter, any investigative meeting, interview,
233    hearing, or counseling session in which the licensee
234    participates.
235          6. The right to be represented by competent counsel during
236    all portions of the investigation.
237          (b) When the department initiates an investigation
238    concerning impairment of a licensee, the department shall
239    provide the licensee in writing a detailed summary of all of his
240    or her rights provided by law.
241          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.