HB 1493 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to municipal per diem and travel expenses;
3    amending s. 166.021, F.S.; authorizing municipalities to
4    provide for per diem and travel expenses of its officials,
5    officers, employees, and authorized persons,
6    notwithstanding s. 112.061, F.S.; providing for
7    retroactive application; providing an effective date.
9          WHEREAS, the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, chapter 166,
10    Florida Statutes, provides that the governing body of each
11    municipality has the power to enact legislation concerning any
12    subject matter upon which the Legislature may act, and
13          WHEREAS, the Florida Attorney General, in AGO 1974-18,
14    stated that municipalities, under the Municipal Home Rule Powers
15    Act, have the home rule powers to enact per diem and travel
16    allowances that vary from those specified in section 112.061,
17    Florida Statutes, and
18          WHEREAS, numerous municipalities in the state have relied
19    on the grant of home rule powers and AGO 1974-18 to enact
20    reasonable per diem and travel allowances as determined by the
21    governing body of the municipality, and
22          WHEREAS, the Florida Attorney General, in AGO 2003-01, has
23    essentially reversed the opinion set forth in AGO 1974-18 and
24    has now stated that section 112.061, Florida Statutes, applies
25    to municipalities and controls the maximum rate of per diem and
26    other allowances paid to officers, employees, or others
27    authorized to act on behalf of the municipality, and
28          WHEREAS, AGO 2003-01 clearly violates the intent of the
29    Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, and places municipalities that
30    have relied on AGO 1974-18 into the position of having to repeal
31    their policies on reasonable per diem and travel allowances in
32    order to comply with AGO 2003-01, NOW, THEREFORE,
34          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
36          Section 1. Subsection (10) is added to section 166.021,
37    Florida Statutes, to read:
38          166.021 Powers.--
39          (10) Notwithstanding the provisions for per diem and
40    travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized
41    persons set forth in s. 112.061, the governing body of a
42    municipality may provide for per diem and travel expenses of its
43    officials, officers, employees, and authorized persons as the
44    governing body determines is reasonable. Any policy on per diem
45    and travel expenses provided by a municipality on January 1,
46    2003, shall be valid and in effect for that municipality until
47    otherwise amended. If the governing body of a municipality does
48    not provide for per diem and travel expenses, the municipality
49    shall adhere to the provisions of s. 112.061.
50          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law
51    and shall apply retroactively to January 1, 2003.