HB 1497 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to transportation facilities; amending s.
3    334.044; revising powers and duties of the Department of
4    Transportation; providing for the department to plan,
5    acquire, lease, construct, and maintain the Florida Trail;
6    creating s. 334.352, F.S.; creating the Florida Trail
7    Program within the Department of Transportation; providing
8    purpose; authorizing the department to appropriate
9    described right-of-way; requiring the department to
10    acquire interest in certain lands under described
11    conditions; providing for identification and acquisition,
12    of lands for the trail; providing certain protections of
13    landowners; providing for landowners making land available
14    for public use; limiting liability of landowners for
15    specified purposes; providing specified liability
16    insurance for certain landowners under described
17    conditions; authorizing the department to accept certain
18    funds; providing an effective date.
20          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22          Section 1. Subsection (32) is added to section 334.044,
23    Florida Statutes, to read:
24          334.044 Department; powers and duties.--The department
25    shall have the following general powers and duties:
26          (32) To plan, acquire, lease, construct, and maintain the
27    Florida Trail pursuant to the guidance and limitations provided
28    in s. 334.352.
29          Section 2. Section 334.352, Florida Statutes, is created
30    to read:
31          334.352 Florida Trail Program.--
32          (1) There is established within the department the
33    "Florida Trail Program," the purpose of which is to facilitate
34    the establishment of a 1,300 mile system of trails. Such trails
35    shall be acquired by written consent of the landowner or
36    pursuant to the department's authority under s. 334.044(6) using
37    the process provided in chapter 74 after exhaustion of other
38    alternative means as provided in s. 73.015. Identification of
39    lands in such information shall not:
40          (a) Require or empower any unit of local or regional
41    government, or any state agency, to impose additional or more
42    restrictive environmental, land-use, or zoning regulations;
43          (b) Be construed or cited as authority to adopt, enforce,
44    or amend any environmental rule or regulation; comprehensive
45    plan goals, policies, or objectives; or zoning or land-use
46    ordinance; or
47          (c) Be used as the basis for permit denial; imposition of
48    any permit condition; or application of any rule, regulation, or
49    state government.
50          (2) The department is authorized to appropriate a right-
51    of-way with a minimum width of 3 feet for purposes consistent
52    with this section.
53          (3)(a) A private landowner whose land is designated as
54    part of the Florida Trail Program pursuant to this section,
55    including a person holding a subservient interest, owes no duty
56    of care to keep that land safe for entry or use by others or to
57    give warning to persons entering that land of any hazardous
58    conditions, structures, or activities thereon. Such landowner
59    shall not:
60          1. Be presumed to extend any assurance that such land is
61    safe for any purpose;
62          2. Incur any duty of care toward a person who goes on the
63    land; or
64          3. Become liable or responsible for any injury to persons
65    or property caused by the act or omission of a person who goes
66    on the land.
67          (b) The provisions of paragraph (a) apply whether the
68    person going on the designated trail is an invitee, licensee,
69    trespasser, or otherwise.
70          (4) Any private landowner who consents to designation of
71    his or her land as part of the Florida Trail Program pursuant to
72    this section without compensation shall be considered a
73    volunteer, as defined in s. 110.501, and shall be covered by
74    state liability protection pursuant to s. 768.28, including s.
75    %_%2%_%(9).
76          (5)(a) The provisions of subsection (3) shall not apply if
77    there is any charge made or usually made by the landowner for
78    entering or using the land designated as a trail, or any part
79    thereof, or if any commercial or other activity whereby profit
80    is derived by the landowner from the patronage of the general
81    public is conducted on the land so designated or any part
82    thereof.
83          (b) Incentives granted by any unit of government to the
84    private landowner, including tax incentives, grants, or other
85    financial consideration specific to the development or
86    management of designated trails, shall not be construed as a
87    charge for use or profit derived from patronage for purposes of
88    this subsection and shall not be construed as monetary or
89    material compensation for purposes of subsection (4).
90          (6) The provisions of subsection (3) shall also apply to
91    adjacent land owned by the private landowner who consents to
92    designation of a trail where such adjacent land is accessed
93    through the land so designated.
94          (7)(a) When a private landowner agrees to make his or her
95    land available for public use as a designated trail, the
96    department or its designee shall post notices along the boundary
97    of the designated trail which inform the public that the land
98    adjacent to the trail is private property upon which
99    unauthorized entry for any purpose is prohibited and constitutes
100    trespassing.
101          (b) Such notices must comply with s. 810.011(5) and shall
102    constitute a warning to unauthorized persons to remain off the
103    private property and not to depart from the designated trail.
104    Any person who commits such an unauthorized entry commits a
105    trespass as provided in s. %_%4%_%
106          (8) If agreed to by the department and the landowner in
107    the designation agreement, a landowner whose land is designated
108    as part of the statewide system of trails pursuant to this
109    section shall be indemnified for:
110          (a) Any injury or damage incurred by a third party arising
111    out of the use of the designated trail;
112          (b) Any injury or damage incurred by a third party on
113    lands adjacent to and accessed through the designated trail; and
114          (c) Any damage to the landowner's property, including land
115    adjacent to and accessed through the designated trail, caused by
116    the act or omission of a third person resulting from any use of
117    the land so designated.
118          (9) This section does not relieve any person of liability
119    that would otherwise exist for deliberate, willful, or malicious
120    injury to persons or property. The provisions of this section
121    shall not be deemed to create or increase the liability of any
122    person.
123          (10) The department shall be empowered to accept state and
124    federal funds, grants, and donations of any type of property,
125    labor, or other thing of value from any public or private source
126    that are bequests for purposes of the trail.
127          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.