HB 1501, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to license plates; amending ss. 320.08056
3    and 320.08058, F.S.; creating a Hospice license plate;
4    providing for the distribution of annual use fees received
5    from the sale of such plates; providing an effective date.
7          WHEREAS, Florida hospices have served this state for more
8    than 20 years in helping to meet the medical, physical,
9    emotional, and spiritual needs of terminally ill adults and
10    children and their families, and
11          WHEREAS, skilled hospice staff and volunteers provide
12    special hands and hearts of caring, and
13          WHEREAS, the hospice concept of care exists by and through
14    local communities, and
15          WHEREAS, this state benefits greatly from the increased
16    care, outreach, and education provided by hospice caregivers and
17    seeks to reward the contributions to the state made by current
18    and future hospice patients, their loved ones, and their hospice
19    caregivers, and
20          WHEREAS, Florida Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., was
21    founded 20 years ago to establish and ensure a statewide
22    mechanism for bringing together and disseminating hospice and
23    related care information, research, education, outreach,
24    referrals, and funding for the benefit of our citizens and
25    communities, NOW, THEREFORE,
27          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
29          Section 1. Paragraph (mm) is added to subsection (4) of
30    section 320.08056, Florida Statutes, to read:
31          320.08056 Specialty license plates.--
32          (4) The following license plate annual use fees shall be
33    collected for the appropriate specialty license plates:
34          (mm) Hospice license plate, $25.
35          Section 2. Subsection (39) is added to section 320.08058,
36    Florida Statutes, to read:
37          320.08058 Specialty license plates.--
38          (39) HOSPICE LICENSE PLATES.--
39          (a) The department shall develop a Hospice license plate
40    as provided in this section. The word "Florida" must appear at
41    the top of the plate, and the words "Hospice: Every Day Is A
42    Gift" must appear at the bottom of the plate. A figure of a
43    butterfly in the colors of orange, light purple, and black shall
44    appear on the left side of the plate and the background of the
45    plate shall be in shades of orange and white.
46          (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to Florida
47    Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., to be used as follows:
48          1. To fund projects relating to hospice care for special
49    groups, such as children, veterans, and ethnic, religious,
50    gender, or minority groups, or to provide disease-specific
51    research or outreach.
52          2. To fund education and outreach for hospice volunteers,
53    patients, families, and health care professionals.
54          3. To fund informational and educational media programs
55    regarding the availability of hospice services.
56          4. To fund the expansion or enhancement of the Florida
57    Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., toll-free referral line
58    operated to provide hospice information.
59          5. To fund the expansion or enhancement of the Florida
60    Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., Internet website.
61          (c) The sum of $90,000 in annual use fees shall be
62    distributed to Florida Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., to be
63    used to recover all startup costs for developing and issuing the
64    plates. Thereafter, the proceeds shall be distributed to Florida
65    Hospices and Palliative Care, Inc., which shall distribute the
66    fees through a standing committee that reviews funding
67    solicitations and awards.
68          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.