HB 1521 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to constitutional amendments proposed by
3    initiative; amending s. 15.21, F.S.; requiring supervisors
4    of elections to verify initiative petition signatures
5    within 30 days after submission, if feasible; encouraging
6    submission by September 1 of the year preceding the next
7    general election; amending s. 16.061, F.S.; requiring the
8    Attorney General to attach to each petition a motion
9    requesting that the Supreme Court complete its review
10    prior to the first Tuesday in March of the year that the
11    next general election is held, if feasible; amending s.
12    100.371, F.S.; reducing the period for which petition
13    signatures remain valid; requiring an attesting witness 18
14    years of age or older to each petition signature;
15    providing that a petition form is illegal if it doesn't
16    include the signature and address of the attesting
17    witness; requiring a printed warning of the penalty for
18    fraudulent signing; prohibiting giving or offering to give
19    anything of value in exchange for petition signatures;
20    providing penalties; requiring periodic submission and
21    prompt verification of elector signatures; encouraging the
22    Revenue Estimating Conference to complete its analysis and
23    fiscal impact statement no later than March 1 of the year
24    that the next general election is held, if feasible;
25    amending ss. 100.381, 101.161, and 216.136, F.S.;
26    conforming cross references; providing effective dates.
28          WHEREAS, additional procedural measures are necessary to
29    ensure ballot integrity for constitutional amendments proposed
30    by initiative, and
31          WHEREAS, timely and periodic submission of petition
32    signatures for constitutional amendments proposed by initiative
33    is necessary to ensure an orderly process for verification by
34    supervisors of elections and review by the Secretary of State,
35    the Attorney General, the Supreme Court, and the Revenue
36    Estimating Conference, and
37          WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Legislature by this act to
38    ensure expeditious and proper verification of such petition
39    signatures, NOW, THEREFORE,
41          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
43          Section 1. Section 15.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to
44    read:
45          15.21 Initiative petitions; s. 3, Art. XI, State
46    Constitution.--The Secretary of State shall immediately submit
47    an initiative petition to the Attorney General and to the
48    Revenue Estimating Conference if the sponsor has:
49          (1) Registered as a political committee pursuant to s.
50    106.03;
51          (2) Submitted the ballot title, substance, and text of the
52    proposed revision or amendment to the Secretary of State
53    pursuant to ss. 100.371 and 101.161; and
54          (3) Obtained a letter from the Division of Elections
55    confirming that the sponsor has submitted to the appropriate
56    supervisors for verification, and the supervisors have verified,
57    petitionforms signed and dated equal to 10 percent of the
58    number of electors statewide and in at least one-fourth of the
59    congressional districts required by s. 3, Art. XI of the State
60    Constitution. Such verification shall be completed within 30
61    days after submission of the forms by the sponsor, if feasible.
62    To facilitate timely review by the Revenue Estimating Conference
63    and the Supreme Court, sponsors are encouraged to submit the
64    signed petition forms to the supervisors of elections no later
65    than September 1 of the year preceding the next general
66    election.
67          Section 2. Section 16.061, Florida Statutes, is amended to
68    read:
69          16.061 Initiative petitions.--
70          (1) The Attorney General shall, within 30 days after
71    receipt of a proposed revision or amendment to the State
72    Constitution by initiative petition from the Secretary of State,
73    petition the Supreme Court, requesting an advisory opinion
74    regarding the compliance of the text of the proposed amendment
75    or revision with s. 3, Art. XI of the State Constitution and the
76    compliance of the proposed ballot title and substance with s.
77    101.161. The Attorney General shall attach to each petition a
78    motion requesting that the Supreme Court complete its review
79    prior to the first Tuesday in March of the year that the next
80    general election is held, if feasible.The petition may
81    enumerate any specific factual issues thatwhichthe Attorney
82    General believes would require a judicial determination.
83          (2) A copy of the petition shall be provided to the
84    Secretary of State and the principal officer of the sponsor.
85          Section 3. Effective July 1, 2003, section 16.061, Florida
86    Statutes, as amended by section 2 of chapter 2002-390, Laws of
87    Florida, is amended to read:
88          16.061 Proposed constitutional revisions or amendments.—
89          (1) The Attorney General shall, within 30 days after
90    receipt of a proposed revision or amendment to the State
91    Constitution by initiative petition from the Secretary of State,
92    petition the Supreme Court, requesting an advisory opinion
93    regarding the compliance of the text of the proposed amendment
94    or revision with s. 3, Art. XI of the State Constitution and the
95    compliance of the proposed ballot title and substance with s.
96    101.161 and the compliance of the fiscal impact statement with
97    ss. 100.371 and 101.161. The Attorney General shall attach to
98    each petition a motion requesting that the Supreme Court
99    complete its review prior to the first Tuesday in March of the
100    year that the next general election is held, if feasible.For
101    all other proposed revisions or amendments to the State
102    Constitution, the Attorney General shall, upon the Revenue
103    Estimating Conference finalizing the fiscal impact statement,
104    petition the Supreme Court requesting an advisory opinion
105    regarding compliance of the text of the fiscal impact statement
106    with ss. 100.371, 100.381, and 101.161. The petition may
107    enumerate any specific factual issues thatwhichthe Attorney
108    General believes would require a judicial determination.
109          (2) A copy of the petition shall be provided to the
110    Secretary of State and the principal officer of the sponsor.
111          (3) Any fiscal impact statement that the court finds not
112    to be in accordance with s. 100.371, s. 100.381, or s. 101.161
113    shall be remanded solely to the Revenue Estimating Conference
114    for redrafting.
115          Section 4. Section 100.371, Florida Statutes, is amended
116    to read:
117          100.371 Initiatives; procedure for placement on ballot.--
118          (1) Constitutional amendments proposed by initiative shall
119    be placed on the ballot for the general election occurring in
120    excess of 90 days from the certification of ballot position by
121    the Secretary of State.
122          (2) Such certification shall be issued when the Secretary
123    of State has received verification certificates from the
124    supervisors of elections indicating that the requisite number
125    and distribution of valid signatures of electors have been
126    submitted to and verified by the supervisors. Every signature
127    shall be dated when made and shall be valid for a period of 24
128    months4 years following thesuch date of signature
129    certification to the Secretary of State, provided all other
130    requirements of law are satisfiedcomplied with. For a signed
131    initiative petition to be counted, it must include the signature
132    and address of a witness 18 years of age or older affixed to the
133    petition form in conformance with the absentee ballot witness
134    requirement provided in the instruction sheet set forth in s.
135    101.65. A signed petition form shall be considered illegal if it
136    does not include the signature and address of an attesting
137    witness.
138          (3) The sponsor of an initiative amendment shall, prior to
139    obtaining any signatures, register as a political committee
140    pursuant to s. 106.03 and submit the text of the proposed
141    amendment to the Secretary of State, with the form on which the
142    signatures will be affixed, and shall obtain the approval of the
143    Secretary of State of such form. Each petition form shall
144    include a warning, in red ink and prominent type, regarding the
145    penalty for fraudulent signing pursuant to s. 104.185.The
146    Secretary of State shall adoptpromulgaterules pursuant to s.
147    120.54 prescribing the style and requirements of such form.
148          (4) Any signature gatherer who gives or offers to give
149    anything of value to a person in exchange for the person's
150    signature on a petition form commits a misdemeanor of the first
151    degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
152          (5) Initiative sponsors shall submit collected signatures
153    to the appropriate supervisors of elections every 60 days after
154    10 percent of the required signatures have been verified
155    pursuant to s. 15.21(3). To further facilitate timely
156    verification of the requisite number and distribution of elector
157    signatures, petition sponsors are encouraged to submit the
158    signatures required by s. 3, Art. XI of the State Constitution
159    to the supervisors of elections for verification no later than
160    the third Friday in July of the year that the next general
161    election is held, if feasible.
162          (6)(4)The sponsor shall submit signed and dated forms to
163    the appropriate supervisor of elections for verification as to
164    the number of registered electors whose valid signatures appear
165    thereon. The supervisor shall promptly verify the signatures
166    upon payment of the fee required by s. 99.097. Such verification
167    shall be completed within 30 days, if feasible.Upon completion
168    of verification, the supervisor shall execute a certificate
169    indicating the total number of signatures checked, the number of
170    signatures verified as valid and as being of registered
171    electors, and the distribution by congressional district. This
172    certificate shall be immediately transmitted to the Secretary of
173    State, who shall act pursuant to s. 15.21. The supervisor shall
174    retain the signature forms for at least 1 year following the
175    election in which the issue appeared on the ballot or until the
176    Division of Elections notifies the supervisors of elections that
177    the committee which circulated the petition is no longer seeking
178    to obtain ballot position.
179          (7)(5)The Secretary of State shall determine from the
180    verification certificates received from supervisors of elections
181    the total number of verified valid signatures and the
182    distribution of such signatures by congressional districts. Upon
183    a determination that the requisite number and distribution of
184    valid signatures have been obtained, the secretary shall issue a
185    certificate of ballot position for that proposed amendment and
186    shall assign a designating number pursuant to s. 101.161. A
187    petition shall be deemed to be filed with the Secretary of State
188    upon the date of the receipt by the secretary of a certificate
189    or certificates from supervisors of elections indicating the
190    petition has been signed by the constitutionally required number
191    of electors.
192          (8)(6)(a) Within 45 days after receipt of a proposed
193    revision or amendment to the State Constitution by initiative
194    petition from the Secretary of State or, for any initiative
195    approved by the Florida Supreme Court for the general election
196    ballot for 2002, within 45 days after the effective date of this
197    subsection, whichever occurs later, the Revenue Estimating
198    Conference shall complete an analysis and fiscal impact
199    statement to be placed on the ballot of the estimated increase
200    or decrease in any revenues or costs to state or local
201    governments resulting from the proposed initiative. To ensure
202    ballot integrity, the Revenue Estimating Conference is
203    encouraged to complete its analysis and fiscal impact statement
204    no later than March 1 of the year that the next general election
205    is held, if feasible.The Revenue Estimating Conference shall
206    provide an opportunity for any proponents or opponents of the
207    initiative to submit information and may solicit information or
208    analysis from any other entities or agencies, including the
209    Office of Economic and Demographic Research.
210          (b)1. Members of the Revenue Estimating Conference shall
211    reach a consensus or majority concurrence on a clear and
212    unambiguous fiscal impact statement, no more than 50 words in
213    length. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the Revenue
214    Estimating Conference from setting forth a range of potential
215    impacts in the fiscal impact statement. Any fiscal impact
216    statement that a court finds not to be in accordance with this
217    section, s. 100.381, or s. 101.161 shall be remanded solely to
218    the Revenue Estimating Conference for redrafting. The Revenue
219    Estimating Conference shall redraft the fiscal impact statement
220    within 15 days.
221          2. If the members of the Revenue Estimating Conference are
222    unable to agree on the statement required by this subsection,
223    the following statement shall appear on the ballot pursuant to
224    s. 101.161(1): "The fiscal impact of this measure, if any,
225    cannot be reasonably determined at this time."
226          (c) The fiscal impact statement must be separately
227    contained and be set forth after the ballot summary as required
228    in s. 101.161(1).
229          (9)(7)The Department of State may adopt rules in
230    accordance with s. 120.54 to carry out the provisions of
231    subsections (1)-(7)(1)-(5) of this section.
232          Section 5. Section 100.381, Florida Statutes, is amended
233    to read:
234          100.381 Constitutional amendments or revisions other than
235    initiatives; fiscal impact statement.--For any amendment or
236    revision proposed pursuant to Art. XI of the State Constitution
237    other than an initiative, the Revenue Estimating Conference
238    shall prepare a fiscal impact statement as provided in s.
239    100.371(8)(6)no later than 80 days before the election on the
240    proposed amendment or revision. The fiscal impact statement must
241    be separately contained and be set forth after the ballot
242    summary as required in s. 101.161(1).
243          Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 101.161, Florida
244    Statutes, is amended to read:
245          101.161 Referenda; ballots.--
246          (1) Whenever a constitutional amendment or other public
247    measure is submitted to the vote of the people, the substance of
248    such amendment or other public measure shall be printed in clear
249    and unambiguous language on the ballot after the list of
250    candidates, followed by the word "yes" and also by the word
251    "no," and shall be styled in such a manner that a "yes" vote
252    will indicate approval of the proposal and a "no" vote will
253    indicate rejection. The wording of the substance of the
254    amendment or other public measure and the ballot title to appear
255    on the ballot shall be embodied in the joint resolution,
256    constitutional revision commission proposal, constitutional
257    convention proposal, taxation and budget reform commission
258    proposal, or enabling resolution or ordinance. Except for
259    amendments and ballot language proposed by joint resolution, the
260    substance of the amendment or other public measure shall be an
261    explanatory statement, not exceeding 75 words in length, of the
262    chief purpose of the measure. In addition, the ballot shall
263    include a separate fiscal impact statement concerning the
264    measure prepared by the Revenue Estimating Conference in
265    accordance with s. 100.371(8)(6)or s. 100.381. The ballot title
266    shall consist of a caption, not exceeding 15 words in length, by
267    which the measure is commonly referred to or spoken of.
268          Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
269    216.136, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
270          216.136 Consensus estimating conferences; duties and
271    principals.--
273          (a) Duties.--The Revenue Estimating Conference shall
274    develop such official information with respect to anticipated
275    state and local government revenues as the conference determines
276    is needed for the state planning and budgeting system. Any
277    principal may request the conference to review and estimate
278    revenues for any trust fund. Also, the conference shall prepare
279    fiscal impact statements for constitutional amendments pursuant
280    to s. 100.371(8)(6).
281          Section 8. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
282    shall take effect upon becoming a law.