HB 1553 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to complaints against health care
3    practitioners; amending s. 456.073, F.S.; providing that a
4    state prisoner must exhaust all available administrative
5    remedies before filing a complaint with the Department of
6    Health against a health care practitioner who is providing
7    health care services within the Department of Corrections;
8    providing an effective date.
10          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12          Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 456.073, Florida
13    Statutes, is amended to read:
14          456.073 Disciplinary proceedings.--Disciplinary
15    proceedings for each board shall be within the jurisdiction of
16    the department.
17          (1) The department, for the boards under its jurisdiction,
18    shall cause to be investigated any complaint that is filed
19    before it if the complaint is in writing, signed by the
20    complainant, and legally sufficient. A complaint filed by a
21    state prisoner against a health care practitioner employed by or
22    otherwise providing health care services within a facility of
23    the Department of Corrections is not legally sufficient unless
24    there is a showing that the prisoner complainant has exhausted
25    all available administrative remedies within the state
26    correctional system before filing the complaint.A complaint is
27    legally sufficient if it contains ultimate facts that show that
28    a violation of this chapter, of any of the practice acts
29    relating to the professions regulated by the department, or of
30    any rule adopted by the department or a regulatory board in the
31    department has occurred. In order to determine legal
32    sufficiency, the department may require supporting information
33    or documentation. The department may investigate, and the
34    department or the appropriate board may take appropriate final
35    action on, a complaint even though the original complainant
36    withdraws it or otherwise indicates a desire not to cause the
37    complaint to be investigated or prosecuted to completion. The
38    department may investigate an anonymous complaint if the
39    complaint is in writing and is legally sufficient, if the
40    alleged violation of law or rules is substantial, and if the
41    department has reason to believe, after preliminary inquiry,
42    that the violations alleged in the complaint are true. The
43    department may investigate a complaint made by a confidential
44    informant if the complaint is legally sufficient, if the alleged
45    violation of law or rule is substantial, and if the department
46    has reason to believe, after preliminary inquiry, that the
47    allegations of the complainant are true. The department may
48    initiate an investigation if it has reasonable cause to believe
49    that a licensee or a group of licensees has violated a Florida
50    statute, a rule of the department, or a rule of a board. Except
51    as provided in ss. 458.331(9), 459.015(9), 460.413(5), and
52    461.013(6), when an investigation of any subject is undertaken,
53    the department shall promptly furnish to the subject or the
54    subject's attorney a copy of the complaint or document that
55    resulted in the initiation of the investigation. The subject may
56    submit a written response to the information contained in such
57    complaint or document within 20 days after service to the
58    subject of the complaint or document. The subject's written
59    response shall be considered by the probable cause panel. The
60    right to respond does not prohibit the issuance of a summary
61    emergency order if necessary to protect the public. However, if
62    the secretary, or the secretary's designee, and the chair of the
63    respective board or the chair of its probable cause panel agree
64    in writing that such notification would be detrimental to the
65    investigation, the department may withhold notification. The
66    department may conduct an investigation without notification to
67    any subject if the act under investigation is a criminal
68    offense.
69          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.