HB 1585 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to time limitations for criminal
3    prosecutions; amending s. 775.15, F.S.; providing a longer
4    statute of limitations for certain criminal offenses;
5    providing an exception; providing an effective date.
7          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9          Section 1. Subsections (1) and (7) of section 775.15,
10    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
11          775.15 Time limitations.--
12          (1)(a) A prosecution for a capital felony, a life felony,
13    or a felony that resulted in a death may be commenced at any
14    time. A prosecution for a felony that resulted in injury to any
15    person, when such felony arises from the use of a "destructive
16    device," as defined in s. 790.001, may be commenced within 10
17    years. If the death penalty is held to be unconstitutional by
18    the Florida Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court,
19    all crimes designated as capital felonies shall be considered
20    life felonies for the purposes of this section, and prosecution
21    for such crimes may be commenced at any time.
22          (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (7), a
23    prosecution for a first or second degree felony violation of s.
24    794.011, if such crime is reported to a law enforcement agency
25    within 72 hours after commission of the crime, may be commenced
26    at any time. If such crime is not reported within 72 hours after
27    the commission of the crime, the prosecution must be commenced
28    within the time periods prescribed in subsection (2).
29          (b)(c)A prosecution for perjury in an official proceeding
30    that relates to the prosecution of a capital felony may be
31    commenced at any time.
32          (7) If the victim of a violation of s. 794.011, former s.
33    794.05, Florida Statutes 1995, s. 800.04, or s. 826.04 is under
34    the age of 18, the applicable period of limitation, if any, does
35    not begin to run until the victim has reached the age of 18 or
36    the violation is reported to a law enforcement agency or other
37    governmental agency, whichever occurs earlier. Such law
38    enforcement agency or other governmental agency shall promptly
39    report such allegation to the state attorney for the judicial
40    circuit in which the alleged violation occurred. The prosecution
41    must be commenced no later than 4 years after the report.If the
42    offense is a first or second degree felony violation of s.
43    794.011, and the crime is reported within 72 hours after its
44    commission, paragraph (1)(b) applies.This subsection applies to
45    any such offense except an offense the prosecution of which
46    would have been barred by former s. 775.15(2), Florida Statutes
47    1983 subsection (2) on or before December 31, 1984, or former s.
48    775.15(2) and (7), Florida Statutes 2002 on or before July 1,
49    2003.
50          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.