HB 1591 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to a public records exemption for state
3    employee assistance program records; amending s. 110.1091,
4    F.S.; narrowing the exemption for records relating to an
5    employee's participation in an employee assistance program
6    to provide that an employee’s personal identifying
7    information contained in employee assistance program
8    records is confidential and exempt; making editorial
9    changes; removing the October 2, 2003, repeal thereof
10    scheduled pursuant to the Open Government Sunset Review
11    Act of 1995; providing an effective date.
13          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15          Section 1. Notwithstanding the October 2, 2003, repeal of
16    said section scheduled pursuant to the Open Government Sunset
17    Review Act of 1995, section 110.1091, Florida Statutes, is
18    amended to read:
19          110.1091 Employee assistance programs; public records
20    exemptionProgram for assisting state employees;
21    confidentiality.--
22          (1) An employing state agency may provide a counseling,
23    therapeutic, or other professional treatmentprogram to assist
24    any of its state employeeemployees who hashave a behavioral
25    disorder,or medical disorder, or substance abuse problem, or
26    who has an emotional difficulty that affects the employee’s
27    their job performance, through referral for counseling, therapy,
28    or other professional treatment. Each employing state agency may
29    designate community diagnostic and referral resources as
30    necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection
31    section.
32          (2) A state employee’s personal identifying information
33    contained inAny communication between a state employee and
34    personnel or service providers of a state employee assistance
35    program relative to the employee's participation in the program
36    shall be a confidential communication. Any routine monitoring of
37    telephone calls by the state agency does not violate this
38    provision. All records held by an employing state agency
39    relatingrelative to an employee’sthat participation in an
40    employee assistance program isshall beconfidential and exempt
41    from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the
42    State Constitution. This section is subject to the Open
43    Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s.
44    119.15, and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2003, unless
45    reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the
46    Legislature.
47          Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.