HB 1621, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to adult protective services; amending s.
3    415.1045, F.S.; requiring the Department of Children and
4    Family Services to enter into certain working agreements
5    with local law enforcement agencies; requiring a review of
6    the efficacy of such agreements by the Office of Program
7    Policy Analysis and Government Accountability; requiring a
8    report by the department regarding its compliance with
9    certain recommendations made by the Office of Program
10    Policy Analysis and Government Accountability; amending s.
11    744.7021, F.S.; providing that the executive director of
12    the Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall be
13    appointed by the Secretary of Elderly Affairs, rather than
14    by the Governor; transferring certain responsibilities
15    from the Statewide Public Guardianship Office to the
16    Department of Elderly Affairs; providing an effective
17    date.
19          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21          Section 1. Subsection (6) of section 415.1045, Florida
22    Statutes, is amended to read:
23          415.1045 Photographs, videotapes, and medical
24    examinations; abrogation of privileged communications;
25    confidential records and documents.--
26          (6) WORKING AGREEMENTS.--By March 1, 2004,the department
27    shall enter into working agreements with the jurisdictionally
28    responsible county sheriffs' office or local police department
29    that will be the lead agency when conducting any criminal
30    investigation arising from an allegation of abuse, neglect, or
31    exploitation of a vulnerable adult. The working agreement must
32    specify how the requirements of this chapter will be met. The
33    Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability
34    shall conduct a review of the efficacy of the agreements by
35    March 1, 2005.For the purposes of such agreement, the
36    jurisdictionally responsible law enforcement entity is
37    authorized to share Florida criminal history and local criminal
38    history information that is not otherwise exempt from s.
39    119.07(1) with the district personnel. A law enforcement entity
40    entering into such agreement must comply with s. 943.0525.
41    Criminal justice information provided by such law enforcement
42    entity shall be used only for the purposes specified in the
43    agreement and shall be provided at no charge. Notwithstanding
44    any other provision of law, the Department of Law Enforcement
45    shall provide to the department electronic access to Florida
46    criminal justice information which is lawfully available and not
47    exempt from s. 119.07(1), only for the purpose of protective
48    investigations and emergency placement. As a condition of access
49    to such information, the department shall be required to execute
50    an appropriate user agreement addressing the access, use,
51    dissemination, and destruction of such information and to comply
52    with all applicable laws and rules of the Department of Law
53    Enforcement.
54          Section 2. Given the serious and growing problem of elder
55    abuse, by December 1, 2003, the Department of Children and
56    Family Services is directed to report to the Legislature on the
57    status of the department's compliance with all of the
58    recommendations for improvement of the Adult Services Program
59    included in Report No. 03-08 from the Office of Program Policy
60    Analysis and Government Accountability. The department is also
61    directed to analyze and include as part of this report a plan
62    for implementing at least one multidisciplinary adult protection
63    team, as defined in s. 415.1102, Florida Statutes, in each of
64    the department's districts.
65          Section 3. Section 744.7021, Florida Statutes, is amended
66    to read:
67          744.7021 Statewide Public Guardianship Office.--There is
68    hereby created the Statewide Public Guardianship Office within
69    the Department of Elderly Affairs. The Department of Elderly
70    Affairs shall provide administrative support and service to the
71    office to the extent requested by the executive director within
72    the available resources of the department. The Statewide Public
73    Guardianship Office may request the assistance of the Inspector
74    General of the Department of Elderly Affairs in providing
75    auditing services, and the Office of General Counsel of the
76    department may provide assistance in rulemaking and other
77    matters as needed to assist the Statewide Public Guardianship
78    Office. The Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall not be
79    subject to control, supervision, or direction by the Department
80    of Elderly Affairs in the performance of its duties.
81          (1) The Secretary of Elderly Affairs shall appoint the
82    executive director, who shall be thehead of the Statewide
83    Public Guardianship Office is the executive director, who shall
84    be appointed by the Governor. The executive director must be a
85    member of The Florida Bar, knowledgeable oflicensed attorney
86    with a background in guardianship law and knowledge of the
87    social services available to meet the needs of incapacitated
88    persons, shall serve on a full-time basis, and shall personally,
89    or through representatives of the office, carry out the purposes
90    and functions of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office in
91    accordance with state and federal law. The executive director
92    shall serve at the pleasure of and report to the Secretary
93    Governor.
94          (2) The executive directorStatewide Public Guardianship
95    Office shall, within available resources, have oversight
96    responsibilities for all public guardians.
97          (a) The executive directorofficeshall review the current
98    public guardian programs in Florida and other states.
99          (b) The executive directoroffice, in consultation with
100    local guardianship offices, shall develop statewide performance
101    measures and standards.
102          (c) The executive directorofficeshall review the various
103    methods of funding guardianship programs, the kinds of services
104    being provided by such programs, and the demographics of the
105    wards. In addition, the executive directorofficeshall review
106    and make recommendations regarding the feasibility of recovering
107    a portion or all of the costs of providing public guardianship
108    services from the assets or income of the wards.
109          (d) No later than October 1, 2000, the office shall submit
110    to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the
111    House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme
112    Court an interim report describing the progress of the office in
113    meeting the goals as described in this section. No later than
114    October 1, 2001, the office shall submit to the Governor, the
115    President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
116    Representatives, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court a
117    proposed public guardianship plan including alternatives for
118    meeting the state's guardianship needs. This plan may include
119    recommendations for less than the entire state, may include a
120    phase-in system, and shall include estimates of the cost of each
121    of the alternatives.By January 1, 2004, and by January 1 of
122    each year thereafter, the executive directorofficeshall
123    provide a status report and provide further recommendations to
124    the Secretary thataddress the need for public guardianship
125    services and related issues.
126          (e) The executive directorofficemay provide assistance
127    to local governments or entities in pursuing grant
128    opportunities. The executive directorofficeshall review and
129    make recommendations in the annual report on the availability
130    and efficacy of seeking Medicaid matching funds. The executive
131    directorofficeshall diligently seek ways to use existing
132    programs and services to meet the needs of public wards.
133          (f) The executive director, in consultation with the
134    Florida Guardianship Foundationofficeshall develop a
135    guardianship training program curriculum that. The training
136    programmay be offered to all guardians whether public or
137    private. The office shall establish a curriculum committee to
138    develop the training program specified in this part. The
139    curriculum committee shall include, but not be limited to,
140    probate judges. A fee may be charged to private guardians in
141    order to defray the cost of providing the training. In addition,
142    a fee may be charged to any training provider for up to the
143    actual cost of the review and approval of their curriculum. Any
144    fees collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in
145    the Department of Elderly Affairs Administrative Trust Fund to
146    be used for the guardianship training program.
147          (3) The executive directorofficemay conduct or contract
148    for demonstration projects authorized by the Department of
149    Elderly Affairs, within funds appropriated or through gifts,
150    grants, or contributions for such purposes, to determine the
151    feasibility or desirability of new concepts of organization,
152    administration, financing, or service delivery designed to
153    preserve the civil and constitutional rights of persons of
154    marginal or diminished capacity. Any gifts, grants, or
155    contributions for such purposes shall be deposited in the
156    Department of Elderly Affairs Administrative Trust Fund.
157          (4) The Department of Elderly Affairsofficehas authority
158    to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to carry
159    out the provisions of this section.
160          Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.