HB 1633 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to rural economic development; requiring
3    the Department of Transportation, the Department of
4    Environmental Protection, water management districts;
5    Enterprise Florida, and the Office of Tourism, Trade, and
6    Economic Development and other described agencies to
7    cooperate to promote development in described small
8    counties; amending s. 163.3177, F.S.; revising required
9    elements of a comprehensive plan; revising requirements in
10    described areas for the traffic circulation element in the
11    comprehensive plan; requiring described plans in said
12    element; providing for a comprehensive interchange sector
13    plan; providing for multigovernment jurisdictions;
14    providing for content and considerations; requiring
15    coordination with described public and private agencies;
16    providing for a comprehensive access management plan;
17    requiring conformity to the State Highway System Access
18    Management Act; requiring approval by the Department of
19    Transportation; requiring the department to request
20    specified entities to coordinate all applicable parties;
21    providing for a coordinated plan; amending s. 288.0655,
22    F.S.; revising provisions for award of Rural
23    Infrastructure Fund grants; providing for specified in-
24    kind resources matching certain funds; amending s.
25    337.273, F.S.; providing legislative findings relating to
26    highway interchanges; amending s. 403.973, F.S.; revising
27    provisions for comprehensive plan amendments for described
28    areas; requiring specified entities to develop a master
29    plan; providing purpose of the plan; providing for
30    assistance preparing applications for certain permits;
31    providing for waiver or reduction of application fees for
32    certain permits; creating s. 479.262, F.S.; authorizing
33    the Department of Transportation to establish a tourist-
34    oriented directional sign program in described counties;
35    requiring conformance with certain regulations; providing
36    purpose; authorizing the department to provide described
37    services; authorizing the department to contract for said
38    services; providing for charge of fee to participating
39    businesses; authorizing the department to adopt rules;
40    providing an effective date.
42          WHEREAS, many small rural counties in Florida do not have
43    the resources to compete for growth that will provide jobs and
44    increase the tax base, and
45          WHEREAS, many of these counties are assessing the maximum
46    millage allowed in order to meet the basic needs of our
47    communities and schools, and
48          WHEREAS, opportunities to increase revenues to provide
49    essential services, such as user fees and special assessments,
50    are currently being utilized, and
51          WHEREAS, these counties are rural and have agricultural-
52    based economies and tax bases with average incomes below the
53    state averages, and
54          WHEREAS, interstate exchanges are the most practical areas
55    in these economically disadvantaged counties to concentrate
56    efforts to enhance growth for jobs and tax bases, and
57          WHEREAS, the State of Florida continues to be an effective
58    resource and leader in providing assistance and utilizing
59    creative ways to support and enhance economic development in all
60    areas of Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,
62          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
64          Section 1. The Department of Transportation; the
65    Department of Environmental Protection; water management
66    districts; Enterprise Florida, Inc.; the Office of Tourism,
67    Trade, and Economic Development; and any other agency with
68    regulatory authority shall cooperate to promote economic
69    development in counties recognized as small counties with an
70    emphasis on the development of interstate exchanges.
71          Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
72    163.3177, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraphs (m) and
73    (n) are added to subsection (10) of said section, to read:
74          163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive
75    plan; studies and surveys.--
76          (6) In addition to the requirements of subsections (1)-
77    (5), the comprehensive plan shall include the following
78    elements:
79          (b)1.A traffic circulation element consisting of the
80    types, locations, and extent of existing and proposed major
81    thoroughfares and transportation routes, including bicycle and
82    pedestrian ways. Transportation corridors, as defined in s.
83    334.03, may be designated in the traffic circulation element
84    pursuant to s. 337.273. If the transportation corridors are
85    designated, the local government may adopt a transportation
86    corridor management ordinance.
87          2. For future highway interchanges intersecting limited
88    access facilities on the Florida Intrastate Highway System, or
89    where land use changes are proposed within 1/2 mile of an
90    existing such interchange, the traffic circulation element shall
91    include a comprehensive interchange sector plan. In instances
92    where the sector plan extends into more than one local
93    government jurisdiction, the local government with the largest
94    amount of land within the sector shall be responsible for the
95    coordination of the sector plan. The sector plan shall prescribe
96    the type and intensity of the land use and patterns. The plan
97    shall also include a comprehensive access management plan
98    showing all driveway locations, median openings, traffic
99    signals, and internal traffic circulation. Any such
100    comprehensive access management plan shall, at a minimum,
101    conform to the State Highway System Access Management Act and
102    any rules adopted thereunder, and shall be subject to approval
103    by the Department of Transportation. Nothing herein is intended
104    to affect Department of Transportation jurisdiction over the
105    State Highway System. In rural communities, the sector plan
106    shall also consider job creation, capital investment, and
107    economic development that will strengthen and diversify the
108    community's economy; projected population growth with and in
109    proximity to the sectors; utilities required to support the
110    proposed land uses; stormwater management and treatment
111    facilities; and other infrastructure needs specific to the
112    interchange sector.
113          (10) The Legislature recognizes the importance and
114    significance of chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, the
115    Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive
116    Plans and Determination of Compliance of the Department of
117    Community Affairs that will be used to determine compliance of
118    local comprehensive plans. The Legislature reserved unto itself
119    the right to review chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code,
120    and to reject, modify, or take no action relative to this rule.
121    Therefore, pursuant to subsection (9), the Legislature hereby
122    has reviewed chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and
123    expresses the following legislative intent:
124          (m) The Department of Transportation shall consider
125    compatibility of highway access to and from land uses within
126    interchange sector plans in coordination with the state land
127    planning agency and other government agencies, as appropriate.
128    In rural areas, coordination shall be made with public or
129    private agencies promoting economic development and job
130    creation.
131          (n) The Department of Transportation shall, at the request
132    of the board of county commissioners or a local municipality
133    with a population of less than 75,000, coordinate all applicable
134    state, regional, and local parties, including, but not limited
135    to, the Department of Community Affairs; the Department of
136    Environmental Protection; the Office of Tourism, Trade, and
137    Economic Development; the appropriate regional planning council
138    and water management district; the county or local municipality;
139    and the local landowners. The parties shall prepare a
140    coordinated plan with local landowners to encourage well-
141    planned, environmentally sensitive development on the Florida
142    Intrastate Highway System within those areas. The coordinated
143    plan shall consider all existing permitting requirements and be
144    permittable under existing rules and statutes applicable to such
145    developments.
146          Section 3. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section
147    288.0655, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
148          288.0655 Rural Infrastructure Fund.--
149          (2)
150          (e) To enable local governments to access the resources
151    available pursuant to s. 403.973(18), the office may award
152    grants for surveys, feasibility studies, and other activities
153    related to the identification and preclearance review of land
154    which is suitable for preclearance review and plan development
155    as provided in s. 403.973(18). Authorized grants under this
156    paragraph shall not exceed $75,000 each, except in the case of a
157    project in a rural area of critical economic concern, in which
158    case the grant shall not exceed $300,000. Any funds awarded
159    under this paragraph must be matched at a level of at least50
160    percent with local governmental or private funds and in-kind
161    resources provided by agencies participating in the memorandum
162    of agreement authorized in s. 409.973, except that any funds
163    awarded for a project in a rural area of critical economic
164    concern must be matched at a level of at least33 percent with
165    local governmental or private funds and in-kind resources
166    provided by agencies participating in the memorandum of
167    agreement authorized in s. 409.973. In evaluating applications
168    under this paragraph, the office shall consider the extent to
169    which the application seeks to minimize administrative and
170    consultant expenses. The office may also consider the number of
171    applications for grants authorized by paragraphs (b) and (c)
172    when determining the amount to be awarded under this paragraph.
173          Section 4. Subsection (7) is added to section 337.273,
174    Florida Statutes, to read:
175          337.273 Transportation corridors.--
176          (7) It is recognized by the Legislature that highway
177    interchanges on the Florida Intrastate Highway System are
178    critical elements of the State Highway System and require
179    heightened coordinated management of public transportation
180    facilities and land use. Areas around the Florida Intrastate
181    Highway System interchanges provide growth and economic
182    development opportunities which may be impeded without specific
183    coordination among state and local governments and the private
184    sector in order to provide and preserve safe and efficient
185    mobility and access to these critical areas.
186          Section 5. Subsection (18) of section 403.973, Florida
187    Statutes, is amended to read:
188          403.973 Expedited permitting; comprehensive plan
189    amendments.--
190          (18) The office, working with the Rural Economic
191    Development Initiative and the agencies participating in the
192    memoranda of agreement, shall provide technical assistance in
193    preparing permit applications and local comprehensive plan
194    amendments for counties having a population of less than 75,000
195    residents, or counties having fewer than 100,000 residents which
196    are contiguous to counties having fewer than 75,000 residents.
197    Additional assistance may include, but not be limited to,
198    guidance in land development regulations and permitting
199    processes, working cooperatively with state, regional, and local
200    entities to identify areas within these counties which may be
201    suitable or adaptable for preclearance review of specified types
202    of land uses and other activities requiring permits. When such
203    areas have been identified, the agencies participating in the
204    memoranda of agreement shall work with the office, the Rural
205    Economic Development Initiative, and the local governments to
206    create a master plan for the area that will serve as an
207    inducement for business location and job creation, the nature
208    and type of which shall be specified in the master plan. The
209    agencies shall also assist in the preparation of applications
210    for such permits as may be required, and process the
211    applications for approval. The agencies may waive or
212    substantially reduce all application fees for permits required
213    for the implementation of these master plans.
214          Section 6. Section 479.262, Florida Statutes, is created
215    to read:
216          479.262 Tourist-oriented directional sign program.--
217          (1) For counties with a population of 75,000 or less, the
218    department may establish a tourist-oriented directional sign
219    program in accordance with federal regulations for highways
220    without limited access on the National Highway System and the
221    State Highway System to encourage and assist in rural economic
222    development.
223          (2) The department shall provide the services in the most
224    efficient and cost-effective manner through department staff or
225    by contracting for some or all of the services. The department
226    is authorized to contract pursuant to s. 287.057 for the
227    provision of services related to the tourist-oriented
228    directional sign program.
229          (3) Fees for businesses that participate in the program
230    shall be established in an amount sufficient to offset the total
231    cost to the department for the program.
232          (4) The department shall adopt rules to establish
233    requirements for the location of signs, qualification for
234    participating businesses, and administration of the program.
235          (5) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to create a
236    proprietary or compensable interest in any tourist-oriented
237    directional sign or location for any participating business. The
238    department may terminate participation or change locations of
239    sign sites as it determines necessary for construction or
240    improvement of transportation facilities or for improved traffic
241    control or safety.
242          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.