HB 1685 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to Liberty Fire District, Walton County;
3          creating a special district; providing definitions;
4    providing for creation, status, charter amendments,
5    boundaries, and purposes; providing for a board of
6    commissioners; providing for election and terms of
7    commissioners; providing for employment of board
8    personnel; providing for election of board officers;
9    providing for compensation and bonds of commissioners;
10    providing for powers, duties, and responsibilities of the
11    board; preserving the authority to levy non-ad valorem
12    special assessments; providing for impact fees;
13    authorizing the board to levy special assessments;
14    providing legislative intent; providing for duties of the
15    property appraiser; providing for special assessment as a
16    lien; providing for deposit of such special assessments;
17    providing for authority to disburse funds; authorizing the
18    board to borrow money; providing for use of district
19    funds; requiring a record of all board meetings;
20    authorizing the board to adopt policies and regulations;
21    providing for the board to make an annual budget;
22    requiring an annual report; authorizing the board to enact
23    fire prevention ordinances, appoint a district fire chief,
24    acquire land, enter contracts, establish salaries, and
25    establish and operate a fire rescue service; providing for
26    district authority upon annexation of district lands;
27    providing for dissolution; providing immunity from tort
28    liability for officers, agents, and employees; providing
29    for district expansion; providing for construction,
30    effect, and conflict; providing an effective date.
32          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
34          Section 1. The Liberty Fire District is hereby created and
35    the charter for the district is created to read:
36          Section 1. Definitions.--As used in this act, unless
37    otherwise specified:
38          (1) "District" means the Liberty Fire District.
39          (2) "Board" means the board of commissioners created
40    pursuant to this act and chapter 191, Florida Statutes.
41          (3) "Board of directors" means the existing policymaking
42    and governing body of the Liberty Fire District of Walton
43    County.
44          (4) "Commissioner" means a member of the board of
45    commissioners of and for the district.
46          (5) "Director" means a member of the board of directors.
47          (6) "Residence" means one single-family dwelling,
48    including one single-apartment dwelling unit, one single-
49    condominium dwelling unit, one single duplex, triplex, or other
50    attached dwelling unit, one single-family detached dwelling
51    unit, or one single mobile or modular home dwelling unit.
52          (7) "Business" means motels, apartments, or rental
53    dwellings, along with other standard commercial or industrial
54    businesses such as gasoline stations, stores, marinas, and
55    similar establishments, as authorized pursuant to the applicable
56    local government comprehensive plan, whether or not such
57    businesses are required to pay or collect sales taxes.
58          Section 2. Creation; status; charter amendments;
59    boundaries; district purposes.--There is hereby created an
60    independent special fire control district and rescue service
61    district incorporating lands in Walton County described in
62    subsection (1), which shall be a public corporation having the
63    powers, duties, obligations, and immunities herein set forth,
64    under the name of the Liberty Fire District. The district is
65    organized and exists for all purposes and shall hold all powers
66    set forth in this act and chapters 189 and 191, Florida
67    Statutes.
68          (1) The lands to be included within the district are
69    the following described lands in Walton County: All
70    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
71    21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36,
72    Township 4 North, Range 20 West; Walton County,
73    Florida. Also all of Section 33, Township 4 North,
74    Range 19 West, Walton County, Florida; less and except
75    the North 3/4 of section. Also all Sections 17, 18,
76    19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, Township 4 North, Range 19
77    West; Walton County, Florida. Also Sections 4, 5, 6,
78    7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, Township 3 North,
79    Range 19 West; Walton County, Florida. Also Sections
80    1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, Township 3
81    North, Range 20 West; Walton County, Florida. Also
82    Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 19 West, less and
83    except; S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of NE
84    1/4 and S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and also less
85    the N 1/2 of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4.
86    All of Section 28, Township 3 North, Range 19 West;
87    Walton County, Florida less and except the SW 1/4 of
88    section and also less and except the E 1/4 of section
89    also less and except beginning at the Southwest corner
90    of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 thence run West to the
91    Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the NE ¼ thence run
92    West to the Southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of the NE
93    1/4 run thence North to the South boundary line of the
94    R/W line of L & N Railroad; thence Westward along the
95    South boundary line of said L & N Railroad to its
96    intersection with the West line of Section 28; thence
97    South along the section line to the Southwest corner
98    of the NW 1/4 of said Section 28; thence East to the
99    Southeast corner of the NW 1/4 of said Section 28
100    thence South to the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of
101    said section; thence East to the Southeast corner of
102    the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section; thence North
103    along the line to the point of beginning; also less
104    and except the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4; also
105    less and except the commencing at the SW corner of Lot
106    No. 1, Kam-Akers S/D, thence run Westerly along the
107    North R/W line of U.S. Highway 90 a distance of 40
108    feet to the point of beginning; thence continue
109    Westerly along said highway a distance of 156.10 feet;
110    thence North perpendicular to said highway a distance
111    of 144 feet; thence East Parallel with said highway a
112    distance of 97.71 feet; thence South perpendicular
113    with said highway a distance of 44 feet; thence East
114    parallel with said highway 60 feet to the Western
115    boundary of Twin Lake Drive; thence South 100 feet to
116    the point of beginning; also less and except begin at
117    the intersection of the Easterly R/W line of U.S.
118    Highway 331 and the Northerly R/W line of U.S. Highway
119    90 located in the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 28;
120    thence N 02 degrees 09'26'' East along the South line
121    of Wilburn and Linda Cotton property (O.R. Book 329,
122    Page 433) and the South line of William and Ruth
123    Wickert (O.R. Book 331, Page 619) at the Northeast
124    corner of section run South 00 degrees property 550.25
125    feet to the Westerly R/W line of U.S. Highway 90;
126    thence run N 79 degrees 06'31'' West along said
127    Northerly R/W line 199.40 feet to the point of
128    beginning. All of Section 21, Township 3 North, Range
129    19 West; less and except commencing at the SE corner
130    of Block 1 of Plant No. 1 of W.B. Harbeson Lumber
131    Company's S/D run thence N 10 degrees 30'00'' East
132    66.5 feet to the North R/W line of U.S. Highway 90;
133    thence Eastwardly along said Northern highway boundary
134    a distance of 250 feet to the point of beginning;
135    thence continue Eastwardly along said Northern highway
136    boundary a distance of 918 feet; thence N 04 degrees
137    40'00'' east 636.60 feet; thence North 79 degrees
138    30'00'' West 833.80 feet; thence South 10 degrees
139    30'00'' West a distance of 630 feet to the point of
140    beginning; also less and except all of South 3/4 of
141    section lying East of U.S. Highway 331 North; and also
142    less and except; commence at the Northeast corner of
143    Lot 6 Block Z of said Oakwood Lake Estates; thence
144    North 88 degrees 14'10'' West along the North line of
145    said Block Z for 1100 feet to the Northwest corner
146    thereof and its intersection with the East R/W line of
147    Commerce Blvd.; thence departing said North block line
148    run North 01 degrees 45'50'' East along the East R/W
149    line and Northeasterly extension thereof for 787.97
150    feet; thence departing the Northeasterly extension of
151    the East R/W line of Commerce Blvd. run South 88
152    degrees 14'10'' East for 119.62 feet to the West R/W
153    line of U.S. Highway 331 and a point on a curve being
154    concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 5696.58
155    feet; thence run Southwesterly along said curve and
156    West R/W line an arc distance of 414.27 feet through a
157    central angle of 04 degrees 10'00'' (chord = 414.18
158    feet, chord bearing = S 02 degrees 12'04'' West) to
159    the point of tangency of said curve; thence continue
160    along said R/W line S 04 degrees 17'04'' West for
161    374.16 feet to the foresaid Northeast corner of Lot 6
162    Block Z of said recorded S/D and the point of
163    beginning; and also less and except; beginning
164    31'16'' East along the East boundary line of said
165    section 1848.16 feet; thence N 76 degrees 14'35'' West
166    along the Northerly R/W line of Shoemaker Drive 36.74
167    feet; thence North 00 degrees 33'51'' West 529.40
168    feet; thence N 89 degrees 48'59'' West 387.56 feet;
169    thence S 00 degrees 33'51'' East 433.04 feet to the
170    Northerly R/W of Shoemaker Drive and a point that is
171    North 16 degrees 14'35'' West 436.74 feet and South 00
172    degrees 31'16'' East 1848.16 feet from the P.O.B.
173    thence run Northwesterly along said R/W line 1680.00
174    feet; thence North 12 degrees 33'01'' East 259.06 feet
175    to the Northerly R/W line of a 75-foot gas
176    transmission easement; thence run along said easement
177    North 80 degrees 21'05'' West 790.19 feet more or less
178    to the Easterly R/W line of U.S. 331; thence North 05
179    degrees 50'00'' West 34.90 feet of a chord; thence
180    Northwesterly along the arc of said R/W 600.45 feet;
181    thence run East along the North section line to the
182    point of beginning. All of Section 22, Township 3
183    North, Range 19 West, Walton County, Florida less and
184    except; South 3/4 of section and also less and except;
185    the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of section also less and
186    except; the point of beginning shall be the
187    intersection of the South line of the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4
188    of Section 22 with the East boundary of Juniper Lake
189    Road (66 feet wide), a County Road described in Deed
190    Book 201, Page 409 Public Records of Walton County,
191    Florida; thence run East along said Southline to the
192    Southeast corner of said NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, thence run
193    North 400 feet along the East line of said NE 1/4 of
194    NW 1/4, thence run Northeasterly to the center point
195    of the top of the vertical outflow drainage structure
196    (riser pipe) in Blueberry Pond; thence run northerly
197    to the center point of the termination of the drainage
198    structure outflow pipe into Magnolia Lake; thence
199    continue on the same bearing an additional 200 feet;
200    thence run Northeasterly to the center point of the
201    top of the vertical outflow drainage structure (riser
202    pipe) of Magnolia Lake; thence run Westerly to the
203    center point of the termination of the drainage
204    structure outflow pipe from Pine Pond into Magnolia
205    Lake, thence run Southwesterly to the center point of
206    the top of the vertical outflow drainage structure in
207    Pine Pond; thence run Southwesterly to a point in Pine
208    Pond described, as follows; a point located on a
209    bearing line running south 44 degrees 29'08'' East
210    from the Southeast corner of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of
211    the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 15, Township 3
212    North, Range 19 West, which is equidistant from the
213    points on said bearing line where it intersects the
214    Northwest waterline and the Southeast water line of
215    Pine Pond; thence run Southwest on a meander line
216    through Pine Pond to the center point of Smith Creek
217    where it normally enters Pine Pond; thence run West to
218    the intersection with the East line of the SW 1/4 of
219    the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3
220    North, Range 19 West; thence run South along said East
221    line to the Southeast corner of said SW 1/4 of SE 1/4
222    of SW 1/4; thence run South to the South line of the
223    North 33 feet of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4
224    of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 22, Township 3
225    North, Range 19 West, thence run East along said South
226    line to the East line of said W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of the
227    NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence run South
228    along said East line to the Southeast corner of said W
229    1/2 of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW
230    1/4; thence run West to the Northeast corner of the SW
231    1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the
232    NW 1/4 of Section 22 Township 3 North, Range 19 West;
233    thence run South to the Southeast corner of NW 1/4 of
234    the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4
235    of Section 22 Township 3 North. Range 19 West; thence
236    run West along the South line of said NW 1/4 of SW 1/4
237    of NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 to the point of intersection
238    with the East boundary of Juniper Lake Road; thence
239    run South along the East boundary to the point of
240    beginning. so, the following easements for road and
241    utility purposes; South 33 feet of SW 1/4 of the SE ¼
242    of the SW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3 North, Range
243    19 West. The South 33 feet of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4
244    of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3
245    North, Range 19 West. The North 33 feet of the NW 1/4
246    of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section
247    22, Township 3 North, Range 19 West. The North 33 feet
248    of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section
249    22, Township 3 North, Range 19 West, Walton County,
250    Florida. All of Section 15, Township 3 North, Range 19
251    West, Walton County, Florida less and except. The
252    point of beginning shall be the intersection of the
253    South line of the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 22 with
254    the East boundary of Juniper Lake Road (66 feet wide),
255    a county road described, in Deed Book 201, Page 409
256    Public Records of Walton County, Florida; thence run
257    East along said South line to the Southeast Corner of
258    said NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, thence run north 400 feet along
259    the East line of said NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, thence run
260    Northeasterly to the center point of the top of the
261    vertical outflow drainage structure (riser pipe) in
262    Blueberry Pond; thence run Northerly to the center
263    point of the termination of the drainage structure
264    outflow pipe into Magnolia Lake; thence continue on
265    the same bearing an additional 200 feet; thence run
266    Northeasterly to the center point of the top of the
267    vertical outflow drainage structure (riser pipe) of
268    Magnolia Lake; thence run Westerly to the center point
269    of the termination of the drainage structure outflow
270    pipe from Pine Pond into Magnolia Lake, thence run
271    Southwesterly to the center point of the top of the
272    vertical outflow drainage structure in Pine Pond;
273    thence run Southwesterly to a point in Pind Pond
274    Described, as follows; a point located on a bearing
275    line running South 44 degrees 29'08'' East from the
276    Southeast corner of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4
277    to SW 1/4, Section 15, Township 3 North, Range 19
278    West, which is equidistant from the points on said
279    bearing line where it intersects the Northwest
280    waterline and the Southeast water line of Pine Pond;
281    thence run Southwest on a meander line through Pine
282    Pond to the center point of Smith Creek where it
283    normally enters Pine Pond; thence run West to the
284    intersection with the East line to the Southeast
285    corner of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
286    Section 15, Township 3 North, Range 19 West; thence
287    run South along said East line to the Southeast corner
288    of said SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; thence run South
289    to the South line of the North 33 feet of the W 1/2 of
290    the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4,
291    Section 22, Township 3 North, Range 19 West, thence
292    run East along said South line to the East line of
293    said W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of
294    the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence run South along said
295    East line to the Southeast corner of said W 1/2 of NW
296    1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence
297    run West to the Northeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the
298    NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of
299    Section 22, Township 3 North, Range 19 West; thence
300    run South to the Southeast corner of NW 1/4 of the SW
301    1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 22,
302    Township 3 North, Range 19 West; thence run West along
303    the South line of said NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of
304    NW 1/4 to the point of intersection with the east
305    boundary of Juniper Lake Road; thence run South along
306    the East boundary to the point of beginning. Also, the
307    following easements for road and utility purposes;
308    South 33 feet of SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of
309    Section 15, Township 3 North, Range 19 West. The South
310    33 feet of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of
311    the NW 1/4 Section 22, Township 3 North, Range 19
312    West. The North 33 feet of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
313    the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3
314    North, Range 19 West. The North 33 feet of the NW 1/4
315    of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3
316    North, Range 19 West Walton County, Florida. Also
317    less all property lying East of a line running North
318    and South from the center of Juniper Lake Dam and not
319    in the Defuniak Springs City Limits. All of Section
320    10, Township 3 North, Range 19 West Walton County,
321    Florida less and except all lying North of Juniper
322    Lake, and Southeast corner of the section East of
323    Juniper Lake Dam.
324          (2) The purpose of this act is to promote the general
325    health, welfare, and safety of the citizens and residents of
326    Walton County who reside within the geographical limits of the
327    Liberty Fire District by providing for the financial support of
328    the Liberty Fire District of Walton County, a Florida not-for-
329    profit corporation, which currently provides the district with
330    fire protection services, facilities, and firefighting
331    equipment; the establishment and maintenance of fire stations
332    and fire substations; the acquisition and maintenance of all
333    firefighting and protection equipment necessary for the
334    prevention of fires or fighting of fires; the employment and
335    training of such personnel as may be necessary to accomplish
336    fire prevention and firefighting; the establishment and
337    maintenance of emergency services; the acquisition and
338    maintenance of rescue and other emergency equipment; and the
339    employment and training of necessary emergency personnel. The
340    district may provide emergency medical services. The district
341    shall have all other powers necessary to carry out these
342    purposes. The district shall be a fire control district and
343    shall have no responsibility for providing ambulance or similar
344    emergency services within the district's boundaries.
345          (3) Nothing herein shall prevent the district from
346    cooperating with the state or other local governments to render
347    such services to communities adjacent to the land described in
348    this section as evidenced by a signed Aid Agreement.
349          (4) The district charter may be amended only by special
350    act of the Legislature.
351          Section 3. Board of commissioners.--
352          (1) Pursuant to chapter 191, Florida Statutes, the
353    business and affairs of the district shall be governed and
354    administered by a board of five commissioners, who shall be
355    qualified electoral residing within the district and shall be
356    elected by the qualified electors residing within the district
357    at a special election, subject to the provisions of chapter 189
358    and 191, Florida Statues, and this act. Each commissioner shall
359    hold office until his or her successor is elected and qualified
360    under the provisions of this act. The procedures for conducting
361    district elections and for qualification of candidates and
362    electors shall be pursuant to chapters 189 and 191, Florida
363    Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time.
364          (2) The five members of the initial board shall be elected
365    by the qualified electors residing within the district. The
366    three elected members for seats 1, 3, and 5 in the initial
367    election under this act shall serve terms of 3 years each. The
368    remaining two selected members for seats 2 and 4 in the initial
369    election under this act shall serve terms of 2 years each.
370    Subsequent elections under this act shall coincide with the
371    general elections of this state. The members of the board shall
372    serve on a nonpartisan basis for a term of 4 years each.
373          (3) Vacancies in office shall be filled by special
374    election, said election to be held coincidental with the next
375    countywide general or special election. The board may appoint a
376    qualified elector of the district to act as commissioner until
377    the vacancy is filled by election. A commissioner must be a
378    qualified elector residing within the district. A commissioner
379    may be removed from office for any reason that a state or county
380    officer may be removed.
381          (4) All elections shall be noticed, called, and held
382    pursuant to the provisions of the general laws of the state,
383    except as herein otherwise provided. The board shall, to the
384    extent possible, coordinate all elections with countywide
385    general or special elections in order to minimize cost.
386    Elections shall be called through the adoption of an appropriate
387    resolution of the district directed to the Board of County
388    Commissioners of Walton County, the Supervisor of Elections of
389    Walton County, and other appropriate officers of the county. The
390    district shall reimburse county government for the actual cost
391    of district elections. No commissioner shall be a paid employee
392    of the district while holding said position. This shall not
393    prevent volunteers receiving reimbursement for expenses from
394    serving as commissioners.
395          (5) The board may employ such personnel as deemed
396    necessary for the proper function and operation of a fire
397    district. The salaries of fire department and emergency service
398    personnel, and any other wages, shall be determined by the
399    board.
400          Section 4. Officers; board compensation; bond.–-
401          (1) In accordance with chapter 191, Florida Statutes, each
402    elected member of the board shall assume office 10 days
403    following the member's election. Annually, within 60 days after
404    election of new members of said board, the members immediately
405    upon their election as herein provided, or within 10 days
406    thereafter and annually in November, shall organize by electing
407    from their number a chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer.
408    However, the same member may be both secretary and treasurer, in
409    accordance with chapter 191, Florida Statutes, as amended from
410    time to time.
411          (2) The commissioners may receive reimbursement for actual
412    expenses incurred while performing the duties of their offices
413    in accordance with general law governing per diem for public
414    officials. Commissioners may receive compensation for their
415    services in accordance with chapter 191, Florida Statutes, as
416    amended from time to time.
417          (3) Each commissioner, upon taking office and in
418    accordance with chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, shall
419    execute to the Governor, for the benefit of the district, a bond
420    of $5,000 with a qualified personal or corporate surety,
421    conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the
422    commissioner's office and upon an accounting for all funds which
423    come into his or her hands as commissioner; however, the
424    treasurer shall furnish a bond of $10,000, which may be in lieu
425    of the $5,000 bond. The premium for such bonds shall be paid
426    from district funds.
427          Section 5. Powers; duties; responsibilities.–-
428          (1) The district shall have and the board may exercise by
429    majority vote all the powers and duties set forth in this act
430    and chapters 189, 191, and 197, Florida Statutes, as they may be
431    amended from time to time, including, but not limited to,
432    special assessments, other revenue-raising capabilities, budget
433    preparation and approval, liens and foreclosure of liens, use of
434    tax deeds and tax certificates as appropriate from non-ad
435    valorem assessments, contractual agreements, and adoption of
436    ordinances and resolutions that are necessary to conduct
437    district business if such ordinances do not conflict with any
438    ordinance of a local general purpose government within whose
439    jurisdiction the district is located.
440          (2) The board shall continue to have the right, power, and
441    authority to levy annually special assessment against the
442    taxable real estate within the district to provide funds for the
443    purposes of the district, in an amount not to exceed the limit
444    provided in chapter 191, Florida Statues, as amended from time
445    to time.
446          (3) The methods for assessing and collecting special
447    assessments, fees, or service charges shall be as set
448          forth in this act and chapters 170, 189, 191, and 197, Florida
449    Statues, as amended from time to time.
450          (4) The district shall levy and collect special
451    assessments in accordance with chapter 200, Florida Statutes, as
452    amended from time to time.
453          (5) The district is authorized to levy and enforce special
454    assessments in accordance with chapters 170, 189, 191, and 197,
455    Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time.
456          (6) The district’s planning requirements shall be as set
457    forth in this act and chapters 189 and 191, Florida
458          Statues, as amended from time to time.
459          (7) Requirements for financial disclosure, meeting
460    notices, reporting, public records maintenance, and per diem
461    expenses for officers and employees shall be as set forth in
462    this act and chapters 112, 119, 189, 191, and 286, Florida
463    Statutes, as amended from time to time.
464          Section 6. Impact fees.--
465          (1) Pursuant to section 191.009(4), Florida Statutes, it
466    is hereby declared that the cost of new facilities upon fire
467    protection and emergency services should be borne by new users
468    of the district's services to the extent new construction
469    requires new facilities, but only to that extent. It is the
470    legislative intent of this section to transfer to the new users
471    of the district's fire protection and emergency services a fair
472    share of the costs that new users impose on the district for new
473    facilities. This shall only apply in the event that the general
474    purpose local government in which the district is located has
475    not adopted an impact fee for fire services which is distributed
476    to the district for construction within its jurisdictional
477    boundaries.
478          (2) The impact fees collected by the district pursuant to
479    this section shall be kept as a separate fund from other
480    revenues of the district and shall be used exclusively for the
481    acquisition, purchase, or construction of new facilities or
482    portions thereof required to provide fire protection and
483    emergency services to new construction. "New facilities" means
484    land, buildings, and capital equipment, including, but not
485    limited to, fire and emergency vehicles and radio telemetry
486    equipment. The fees shall not be used for the acquisition,
487    purchase, or construction of facilities which must be obtained
488    in any event, regardless of growth within the district. The
489    board of fire commissioners shall maintain adequate records to
490    ensure that impact fees are expended only for permissible new
491    facilities.
492          Section 7. Special assessments.--
493          (1) The board shall have the right, power, and authority
494    to levy special assessments against the taxable real estate
495    within the district to provide funds for the purpose of the
496    district.
497          (2)(a) The rate of the special assessment for a residence
498    will be $25 annually.
499          (b) The rate of the special assessment for a business will
500    be $82 annually.
501          (c) Any increase to the special assessment must be
502    approved by a majority of the electors within the Liberty Fire
503    District.
504          (3) It is the legislative intent that this act shall
505    authorize the Walton County Property Appraiser and the Walton
506    County Tax Collector to take all appropriate action to comply
507    with the intent of the purpose of this act.
508          (4) It is also the legislative intent that the board of
509    commissioners shall be a vehicle to provide funding to
510    accomplish the purpose set out in this act.
511          Section 8. Property appraiser.--
512          (1) The Walton County Property Appraiser shall furnish the
513    commissioners a tax roll covering all taxable properties within
514    the district on or before July 1 of each year.
515          (2) The Walton County Property Appraiser shall include in
516    the Walton County tax roll the assessments made by the board,
517    and the same shall be collected in the manner as provided for by
518    this act and paid over by the Walton County Tax Collector to the
519    board.
520          (3) The Walton County Property Appraiser shall be
521    reimbursed for assessing such special assessments in the manner
522    and amount authorized by general law, and the Walton County Tax
523    Collector shall receive a commission or fee of 3 percent for
524    collection of such special assessments.
525          Section 9. Special assessment as a lien.--
526          (1) The special assessment levied and assessed by the
527    district shall be a lien upon the property so assessed along
528    with the county taxes assessed against such property until said
529    assessments and taxes have been paid, and if the special
530    assessment levied by the district becomes delinquent, such
531    special assessment shall be considered a part of the county tax
532    subject to the same penalties, charges, fees, and remedies for
533    enforcement and collection of such taxes.
534          Section 10. Deposit of special assessments; fees;
535    authority to disburse funds.--
536          (1) The proceeds of the assessments and funds of the
537    district shall be deposited in qualified public depositories, in
538    accordance with chapters 191 and 280, Florida Statutes, as they
539    may be amended from time to time, in the name of the district in
540    a bank authorized to receive deposits of district funds. The
541    bank shall be designated by a resolution of the board.
542          (2) All warrants for the payment of labor, equipment, and
543    other expenses of the board, and in carrying into effect this
544    act and the purpose thereof, shall be payable by the treasurer
545    of the board on accounts and vouchers approved and authorized by
546    the board. No funds of the district shall be paid out or
547    disbursed except by check signed by the treasurer of the board
548    and either the chair or vice chair of the board.
549          Section 11. Authority to borrow money.–-
550          (1) The board of commissioners shall have the power and
551    authority to borrow money or issue other evidences of
552    indebtedness for the purpose of the district in accordance with
553    chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to
554    time; provided, however, that the total payments in any one
555    year, including principal and interest, on any indebtedness
556    incurred by the district shall not exceed 50 percent of the
557    total estimated
558          annual budgeted revenues of the district.
559          (2) The board of commissioners, board of directors as a
560    body, or any of the members of either board as individuals shall
561    not be personally or individually liable for the repayment of
562    such loan. Such repayment shall be made out of the special
563    assessment receipts of the district, except as provided in this
564    subsection. The commissioners shall not create any indebtedness
565    or incur obligations for any sum or amount which they are unable
566    to repay out of district funds available to them at that time,
567    except as otherwise provided in this act; provided, however,
568    that the commissioners may make purchases of equipment on an
569    installment basis as necessary if funds are available for the
570    payment of the current year's installment on such equipment plus
571    the amount due in that year of any of the installments and the
572    repayment of any bank loan or other existing indebtedness, which
573    may be due that year.
574          Section 12. Use of district funds.-–
575          (1) No funds of the district shall be used for any
576    purposes other than the administration of the affairs and
577    business of the district; the construction, care, maintenance,
578    upkeep operation, and purchase of firefighting and rescue
579    equipment or a fire station; the payment of public utilities;
580    and the payment of salaries of district personnel as the board
581    may from time to time determine to be necessary for the
582    operations and effectiveness
583          of the district.
584          Section 13. Record of board meetings; authority to adopt
585    rules and regulations; annual reports; budget.--
586          (1) A record shall be kept of all meetings of the board,
587    and in such meetings concurrence of a majority of the
588    commissioners present shall be necessary to any affirmative
589    action by the board.
590          (2) The board shall have the authority to adopt and amend
591    policies and regulations for the administration of the affairs
592    of the district under the terms of this act and chapters 189 and
593    191, Florida Statues, which shall include, but not be limited
594    to, the authority to adopt the necessary rules and regulations
595    for the administration and supervision of the property and
596    personnel of the district; for the prevention of fires, fire
597    control, fire hydrant placement, and flow testing in accordance
598    with current NFPA rules; and for rescue work within the
599    district. Said commissioners shall have all the lawful power and
600    the authority necessary to carry out the purposes of said fire
601    district; to purchase all necessary real and personal property;
602    to purchase and carry standard insurance policies on all such
603    equipment; to employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry
604    out the purpose of said fire district; to provide adequate
605    insurance for said employees; to purchase and carry appropriate
606    insurance for the protection of all firefighters and personnel
607    as well as all equipment and personal property on loan to the
608    district; to sell surplus real and personal property in the same
609    manner and subject to the same restrictions as provided for such
610    sales by counties; to enter into contracts with qualified
611    service providers, the Liberty Fire District of Walton County,
612    other fire departments, municipalities, and state and federal
613    governmental units for the purpose of obtaining financial aid;
614    and for otherwise carrying out the purposes of the district. The
615    commissioners shall adopt a fiscal year for said fire district,
616    which shall be October 1 to September 30.
617          (3) Any policies, rules, and regulations promulgated and
618    made by the board shall have the force and effect of law after
619    copies thereof, signed by the secretary and chair or vice chair,
620    shall have been posted in three public places within the
621    district in conspicuous locations and advertised by title once a
622    week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general paid
623    circulation in the district.
624          (4) The board shall, on or before November 1, make an
625    annual report of its actions and accounting of its funds as of
626    September of that year, and shall file said report in the office
627    of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Walton County, whose duty
628    it shall be to receive and file said report and hold and keep
629    the same as a public record.
630          (5) For the purposes of carrying into effect this act, the
631    board shall annually prepare, consider, and adopt a district
632    budget pursuant to the applicable requirements of chapters 189
633    and 191, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from time to
634    time. The board shall, at the same time as it makes its annual
635    report, file its estimated budget for the fiscal year beginning
636    October 1, which budget shall show the estimated revenue to be
637    received by the district and the estimated expenditures to be
638    incurred by the district in carrying out its operations.
639          Section 14. Authority to enact fire prevention ordinances;
640    appoint fire chief; acquire land; enter contracts; establish
641    salaries; general and special powers; authority to provide
642    emergency medical and rescue services.--
643          (1) The board of commissioners shall have the right and
644    power to enact fire prevention ordinances in the same manner
645    provided for the adoption of policies and regulations in
646    subsection (2) of section 13, and when the provisions of such
647    fire prevention ordinances are determined by the board to be
648    violated, the office of the state attorney, upon written notice
649    of such violation issued by the board, is authorized to
650    prosecute such person or persons held to be in violation
651    thereof. Any person found guilty of a violation may be punished
652    as provided in chapter 775, Florida Statutes, as a misdemeanor
653    of the second degree. The cost of such prosecution shall be paid
654    out of the district funds, unless otherwise provided by law.
655          (2) The board shall have the power to appoint a fire
656    chief, who shall be a person experienced in all types of
657    firefighting and fire prevention and who shall work with and
658    cooperate with the Florida State Fire Marshal in which the
659    district is situated in the prevention of fires of all types.
660    The district fire chief shall be authorized to enter, at all
661    reasonable hours, any building or premises for the purpose of
662    making any inspection or investigation which the State Fire
663    Marshal is authorized to make pursuant to state law and
664    regulation. The owner, lessee, manager, or operator of any
665    building or premises shall permit the district fire chief to
666    enter and inspect the building or premises at all reasonable
667    hours. The district fire chief shall report any violations of
668    state fire safety laws or regulations to the appropriate
669    officials.
670          (3) The board shall have the power to acquire, by gift or
671    purchase, lands or rights in lands, and any other property, real
672    and personal, tangible or intangible, necessary, desirable, or
673    convenient for carrying out the purposes of the district, and to
674    pay any and all costs of same out of the funds of the district,
675    provided that prior to the acquisition of the location of a fire
676    station site, an appropriate investigation shall be conducted
677    which shall include, but not limited to, obtaining the staff
678    recommendation of the Walton County Planning Department.
679          (4) The board shall have the power to enter into contracts
680    or to otherwise join with the Liberty Fire District of Walton
681    County, or to otherwise join with any other district, city, or
682    town, the United States of America, or any agency or authority
683    thereunder, for the purpose of expanding services, providing
684    effective aid, and accomplishing and carrying out the purposes
685    for which the district was created and for the further purpose
686    of specifically obtaining financial aid, assistance, or subsidy.
687          (5) The salaries of fire department personnel and any
688    other wages shall be determined by the board.
689          (6) The district is authorized to establish and maintain
690    emergency medical and rescue response services and acquire and
691    maintain rescue, medical, and other emergency equipment, subject
692    to the provisions of chapter 401, Florida Statutes.
693          Section 15. Annexations.--If any municipality or other
694    fire control district annexes any land included in the district,
695    such annexation shall follow the procedures set forth in section
696    171.093, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time.
697          Section 16. Dissolution.--The district shall exist until
698    dissolved in the same manner as it was created. If the Liberty
699    Fire District of Walton County is dissolved or ceases to exist
700    for any reason, or if the board determines that the Liberty Fire
701    District of Walton County is unable to carry out its objectives
702    as stated or the objectives of the district as stated in
703    subsection (2) of section 2, or the district's published
704    policies, the board shall in its discretion make arrangements
705    for other means of providing fire protection and rescue
706    services.
707          Section 17. Immunity from tort liability.-–
708          (1) The district and its officers, agents, and employees
709    shall have the same immunity from tort liability as other
710    agencies and subdivisions of the state. The provisions of
711    chapter 768, Florida Statutes, as from time to time amended,
712    shall apply to all claims asserted against the district.
713          (2) The district commissioners and all officers, agents,
714    and employees of the district shall have the same immunity and
715    exemption from personal liability as is provided by general law
716    of the state for state, county, and municipal officers.
717          (3) The district shall defend all claims against the
718    commissioners, officers, agents, and employees which arise
719    within the scope of employment or purposes of the district and
720    shall pay all judgments against said persons, except where said
721    persons acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a
722    manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights,
723    safety, or property.
724          Section 18. District expansion.-–
725          (1) The district boundaries may be extended from time to
726    time as follows:
727          (a) Land contiguous to the boundaries of the district in
728    unincorporated Walton County may be included in the district
729    when petition for inclusion signed and sworn to by a majority of
730    the owners of the real property within the tract or tracts to be
731    included in the district has been presented to the board of
732    commissioners and the proposal has been approved by the
733    affirmative vote of no fewer than three members of the board of
734    commissioners at a regular meeting.
735          (b) The petition must contain the legal description of the
736    property sought to be added to the district and the names and
737    addresses of the owners of the property.
738          (2) If a proposal to add an area to the district as
739    defined in subsection (1) is approved by the affirmative vote of
740    no fewer than three members of the board of commissioners at a
741    regular meeting, the board of commissioners shall thereafter
742    adopt a resolution describing the lands to be included within
743    the district and shall cause such resolution to be duly enrolled
744    in the record of the meeting and a certified copy of the
745    resolution to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the
746    Circuit Court of Walton County.
747          (3) Upon adoption of the resolution by the board, the
748    district shall, pursuant to chapter 191, Florida Statutes,
749    request that its legislative delegation approve said addition
750    and sponsor legislation amending the district boundary. Upon
751    approval by the legislature, the boundary shall be amended.
752          (4) Lands within municipal boundaries of cities contiguous
753    to district boundaries may be included in the district upon
754    request by the governing board of the municipality, approval of
755    said request by affirmative vote of no fewer that three members
756    of the district board, and referendum approval of inclusion by
757    the electors of the municipality. The referendum shall be
758    conducted by the municipality at the next available special or
759    general election.
760          Section 19. Construction.--This act shall be construed as
761    remedial and shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose
762    for which it is intended.
763          Section 20. Effect.--In the event that any part of this
764    act should be held void for any reason, such holding shall not
765    affect any other part thereof.
766          Section 21. Conflict.--Except as otherwise provided in
767    this act, in the event of a conflict of the provisions of this
768    act with the provisions of any other act, the provisions of this
769    act shall control to the extent of such conflict.
770          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.