HB 1709 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to statements by the accused; providing a
3    popular name; providing intent; providing for
4    applicability; providing definitions; providing that
5    statements made during custodial interrogations are
6    presumed inadmissible; providing exceptions; providing an
7    effective date.
9          WHEREAS, the reputations of countless hard-working law
10    enforcement officers are needlessly attacked by criminal
11    suspects who falsely claim that the officers have violated their
12    constitutional rights, and
13          WHEREAS, limited trial court resources are squandered in
14    hearings on motions seeking to suppress statements made by
15    criminal suspects who are given the opportunity to make such
16    claims because no recordings of their interrogations exist, and
17          WHEREAS, further judicial resources are squandered when
18    criminal suspects, after having been convicted of their crimes,
19    file frivolous and unnecessary appeals, and
20          WHEREAS, this process is costing the taxpayers of Florida
21    untold dollars each year, dollars which could be better spent
22    enhancing the administration of the criminal justice system, and
23          WHEREAS, low cost technology is now available in every
24    jurisdiction to record each custodial interrogation of a
25    criminal suspect, eliminating this gross waste of resources and
26    enhancing the reliability and reputation of law enforcement,
29          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
31          Section 1. (1) POPULAR NAME.--This act shall be known by
32    the popular name "The Brenton Butler Act."
33          (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--The purpose of this act is to
34    enhance the quality of the prosecution of those who may be
35    guilty while affording protection to the innocent. It is
36    intended to create a verbatim record of the entire custodial
37    interrogation for the purpose of eliminating disputes in court
38    as to what factually occurred during the interrogation.
39          (3) APPLICABILITY.--This act shall apply to custodial
40    interrogations in which the accused is suspected of a felony.
41          (4) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this act:
42          (a) “Electronic recording" means the complete and
43    authentic reproduction of the entire custodial interrogation of
44    a criminal suspect, created by motion picture, videotape,
45    audiotape, or digital media.
46          (b) “Custodial interrogation" means the questioning by law
47    enforcement personnel or others acting in concert with or on
48    behalf of law enforcement personnel, which is conducted in a
49    police station, police vehicle, courthouse, correctional
50    facility, community correctional center, detention facility, or
51    other secure environment.
53          (a) An oral, written, or sign-language statement of a
54    defendant made during a custodial interrogation shall be
55    presumed inadmissible as evidence against a defendant in a
56    criminal proceeding unless:
57          1. The interrogation is electronically recorded in its
58    entirety.
59          2. Prior to the statement, but during the recording, the
60    accused is given the requisite Miranda warnings and the accused
61    knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waives any rights set
62    out in the warning.
63          3. The recording device was capable of making an accurate
64    recording, the operator was competent, and the recording was not
65    altered.
66          4. All voices on the recording that are material to the
67    custodial interrogation are identified.
68          5. During discovery, but in no circumstances later than
69    the 20th day before the date of the proceeding in which the
70    prosecution intends to offer the statement, the attorney
71    representing the defendant is provided with a true, complete,
72    and accurate copy of all recordings of the defendant made under
73    this act.
74          (b) The state may rebut a presumption of inadmissibility
75    through clear and convincing evidence that:
76          1. The statement was both voluntary and reliable.
77          2. The law enforcement officers had good cause not to tape
78    the entire interrogation. For the purpose of this subparagraph,
79    good cause includes, but is not limited to the following
80    circumstances:
81          a. The interrogation took place at a location not
82    identified by paragraph (4)(b) and under exigent circumstances
83    where the requisite recording equipment was not readily
84    available and there was no opportunity to move the defendant to
85    a location identified by paragraph (4)(b) or where the requisite
86    recording equipment was readily available;
87          b. The accused refused to have his or her interrogation
88    electronically recorded, and the refusal itself was
89    electronically recorded;
90          c. The failure to electronically record an entire
91    interrogation was the result of equipment failure and obtaining
92    replacement equipment was not feasible; or
93          d. The statements were obtained in the course of
94    electronic eavesdropping which was being conducted pursuant to a
95    properly obtained and issued warrant.
96          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
97    subsection, a written, oral, or sign-language statement of the
98    accused made as a result of a custodial interrogation is
99    admissible against the accused in a criminal proceeding in this
100    state if:
101          1. The statement was obtained in another state and was
102    obtained by law enforcement personnel of that state, acting
103    independently of law enforcement personnel from Florida, in
104    compliance with the laws of that state; or
105          2. The statement was obtained by a federal law enforcement
106    officer in this state or another state during a lawful federal
107    criminal investigation and was obtained in compliance with the
108    laws of the United States.
109          (6) Every electronic recording made of a custodial
110    interrogation must be preserved until such time as the
111    defendant's conviction for any offense relating to the
112    interrogation is final and all direct and habeas corpus appeals
113    are exhausted, or the prosecution of such offenses is barred by
114    law.
115          (7) This act does not preclude the admission of a
116    statement made by the accused:
117          (a) At his or her trial or other hearing in open court;
118          (b) Before a grand jury;
119          (c) That is the res gestae of the arrest or the offense;
120    or
121          (d) That does not stem from custodial interrogation.
122          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.