Bill No. HB 1713
Senate House
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12          Representatives Ambler and Homan offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Remove line(s) 1010-1098, and insert:
16          Section 25. Subsections (3) and (4) and paragraph (a) of
17    subsection (10) of section 766.106, Florida Statutes, are
18    amended, and subsections (13) and (14) are added to said
19    section, to read:
20          766.106 Notice before filing action for medical
21    malpractice; presuit screening period; offers for admission of
22    liability and for arbitration; informal discovery; review.--
23          (3)(a) No suit may be filed for a period of 18090days
24    after notice is mailed to any prospective defendant. During the
25    180-day90-dayperiod, the prospective defendant's insurer or
26    self-insurer shall conduct a review to determine the liability
27    of the defendant. Each insurer or self-insurer shall have a
28    procedure for the prompt investigation, review, and evaluation
29    of claims during the 180-day90-dayperiod. This procedure shall
30    include one or more of the following:
31          1. Internal review by a duly qualified claims adjuster;
32          2. Creation of a panel comprised of an attorney
33    knowledgeable in the prosecution or defense of medical
34    malpractice actions, a health care provider trained in the same
35    or similar medical specialty as the prospective defendant, and a
36    duly qualified claims adjuster;
37          3. A contractual agreement with a state or local
38    professional society of health care providers, which maintains a
39    medical review committee;
40          4. Any other similar procedure which fairly and promptly
41    evaluates the pending claim.
43          Each insurer or self-insurer shall investigate the claim in good
44    faith, and both the claimant and prospective defendant shall
45    cooperate with the insurer in good faith. If the insurer
46    requires, a claimant shall appear before a pretrial screening
47    panel or before a medical review committee and shall submit to a
48    physical examination, if required. Unreasonable failure of any
49    party to comply with this section justifies dismissal of claims
50    or defenses. There shall be no civil liability for participation
51    in a pretrial screening procedure if done without intentional
52    fraud.
53          (b) At or before the end of the 18090days, the insurer
54    or self-insurer shall provide the claimant with a response:
55          1. Rejecting the claim;
56          2. Making a settlement offer; or
57          3. Making an offer of admission of liability and for
58    arbitration on the issue of damages. This offer may be made
59    contingent upon a limit of general damages.
60          (c) The response shall be delivered to the claimant if not
61    represented by counsel or to the claimant's attorney, by
62    certified mail, return receipt requested. Failure of the
63    prospective defendant or insurer or self-insurer to reply to the
64    notice within 18090days after receipt shall be deemed a final
65    rejection of the claim for purposes of this section.
66          (d) Within 30 days afterofreceipt of a response by a
67    prospective defendant, insurer, or self-insurer to a claimant
68    represented by an attorney, the attorney shall advise the
69    claimant in writing of the response, including:
70          1. The exact nature of the response under paragraph (b).
71          2. The exact terms of any settlement offer, or admission
72    of liability and offer of arbitration on damages.
73          3. The legal and financial consequences of acceptance or
74    rejection of any settlement offer, or admission of liability,
75    including the provisions of this section.
76          4. An evaluation of the time and likelihood of ultimate
77    success at trial on the merits of the claimant's action.
78          5. An estimation of the costs and attorney's fees of
79    proceeding through trial.
80          (4) The notice of intent to initiate litigation shall be
81    served within the time limits set forth in s. 95.11. However,
82    during the 180-day90-dayperiod, the statute of limitations is
83    tolled as to all potential defendants. Upon stipulation by the
84    parties, the 180-day90-dayperiod may be extended and the
85    statute of limitations is tolled during any such extension. Upon
86    receiving notice of termination of negotiations in an extended
87    period, the claimant shall have 60 days or the remainder of the
88    period of the statute of limitations, whichever is greater,
89    within which to file suit.
90          (10) If a prospective defendant makes an offer to admit
91    liability and for arbitration on the issue of damages, the
92    claimant has 50 days from the date of receipt of the offer to
93    accept or reject it. The claimant shall respond in writing to
94    the insurer or self-insurer by certified mail, return receipt
95    requested. If the claimant rejects the offer, he or she may then
96    file suit. Acceptance of the offer of admission of liability and
97    for arbitration waives recourse to any other remedy by the
98    parties, and the claimant's written acceptance of the offer
99    shall so state.
100          (a) If rejected, the offer to admit liability and for
101    arbitration on damages is not admissible in any subsequent
102    litigation. Upon rejection of the offer to admit liability and
103    for arbitration, the claimant has 60 days from receipt of the
104    rejection of the offer to admit liability and for arbitration,
105    60 days from the date of the declaration of impasse during
106    presuit mediation conducted pursuant to s. 766.1065,or the
107    remainder of the period of the statute of limitations, whichever
108    period is greater, in which to file suit.
109          (13) In matters relating to professional liability
110    insurance coverage for medical negligence, an insurer shall not
111    be held in bad faith for failure to timely pay its policy limits
112    if it tenders its policy limits and meets all other conditions
113    of settlement prior to the conclusion of the presuit screening
114    period provided for in this section.
115          (14) Failure to cooperate on the part of any party during
116    the presuit investigation may be grounds to strike any claim
117    made, or defense raised, by such party in suit.
118          Section 26. Section 766.1065, Florida Statutes, is created
119    to read:
120          766.1065 Mandatory staging of presuit investigation and
121    mandatory mediation.--
122          (1) Within 30 days after service of the presuit notice of
123    intent to initiate medical malpractice litigation, each party
124    shall voluntarily produce to all other parties, without being
125    requested, any and all medical, hospital, health care, and
126    employment records concerning the claimant in the disclosing
127    party’s possession, custody, or control, and the disclosing
128    party shall affirmatively certify in writing that the records
129    produced include all records in that party’s possession,
130    custody, or control or that the disclosing party has no medical,
131    hospital, health care, or employment records concerning the
132    claimant.
133          (a) Subpoenas may be issued according to the Florida Rules
134    of Civil Procedure as though suit had been filed for the limited
135    purpose of obtaining copies of medical, hospital, health care,
136    and employment records of the claimant. The party shall indicate
137    on the subpoena that it is being issued in accordance with the
138    presuit procedures of this section and shall not be required to
139    include a case number.
140          (b) Nothing in this section shall limit the ability of any
141    party to use any other available form of presuit discovery
142    available under this chapter or the Florida Rules of Civil
143    Procedure.
144          (2) Within 60 days after service of the presuit notice of
145    intent to initiate medical malpractice litigation, all parties
146    must be made available for a sworn deposition. Such deposition
147    may not be used in a civil suit for medical negligence.
148          (3) Within 120 days after service of the presuit notice of
149    intent to initiate medical malpractice litigation, each party’s
150    corroborating expert, who will otherwise be tendered as the
151    expert complying with the affidavit provisions set forth in s.
152    766.203, must be made available for a sworn deposition.
153          (a) The expenses associated with the expert’s time and
154    travel in preparing for and attending such deposition shall be
155    the responsibility of the party retaining such expert.
156          (b) An expert shall be deemed available for deposition if
157    suitable accommodations can be made for appearance of said
158    expert via real-time video technology.
159          (4) Within 180 days after service of the presuit notice of
160    intent to initiate medical malpractice litigation, all parties
161    shall attend in-person mandatory mediation in accordance with s.
162    44.102 if binding arbitration under s. 766.106 or s. 766.207 has
163    not been agreed to by the parties. The Florida Rules of Civil
164    Procedure shall apply to mediation held pursuant to this
165    section.
168    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
169          Remove line(s) 70-72, and insert:
170          revising provisions relating to a claimant's period to
171    file suit after rejection of a prospective defendant's
172    offer to admit liability and for arbitration on the issue
173    of damages; specifying consequences of failure to
174    cooperate on the part of any party during the presuit
175    investigation; creating s. 766.1065, F.S.; requiring
176    parties to provide certain information to parties without
177    request; authorizing the issuance of subpoenas without
178    case numbers; requiring that parties and certain experts
179    be made available for deposition; providing for mandatory
180    presuit mediation; creating s. 766.1067, F.S.; providing
181    for