HB 1761 2003
6          The Committee on Judiciary recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to child support; amending s. 61.046,
12    F.S.; redefining the term “support order” for purposes of
13    ch. 61, F.S., to include an order of an administrative
14    agency; amending s. 61.13, F.S.; deleting the requirement
15    that a child support order include the minor’s social
16    security number; amending s. 61.181, F.S.; requiring the
17    clerk of the court to establish an account for interstate
18    cases; providing for the continuation of a fee; amending
19    s. 120.80, F.S.; providing for the location of an
20    administrative hearing; amending ss. 382.013 and 382.016,
21    F.S.; permitting voluntary acknowledgements of paternity
22    which are witnessed; amending s. 409.2557, F.S.;
23    authorizing the Department of Revenue to adopt rules to
24    administer the withholding of insurance payments; amending
25    s. 409.2558, F.S.; providing for a notice to the
26    noncustodial parent in applying an undistributable support
27    collection to another support order; amending s. 409.2561,
28    F.S.; providing for the Department of Revenue to establish
29    the obligation of support; amending s. 409.2563, F.S.;
30    providing for the noncustodial parent to request that the
31    Department of Revenue proceed in circuit court to
32    determine the support obligation; revising the
33    requirements under which a noncustodial parent may
34    petition the circuit court to determine the support
35    obligation; providing that the Department of Revenue is a
36    party to court action only with respect to issues of
37    support; amending s. 409.25656, F.S.; providing for the
38    recovery of fees in liquidating securities for the support
39    owed; creating s. 409.25659, F.S.; providing for
40    withholding insurance payments for unpaid support;
41    providing definitions; specifying the duties of the
42    insurer; providing that unpaid support constitutes a lien
43    against an insurance claim; providing for notice to the
44    obligor; providing for payment to the Department of
45    Revenue; providing for an exemption for certain fees and
46    expenses; providing rulemaking authority; amending s.
47    409.257, F.S.; permitting the use of any means of service
48    of process under ch. 48, F.S.; amending s. 409.2572, F.S.;
49    revising the definition of noncooperation or failure to
50    cooperate as applied to an applicant for or a recipient of
51    public assistance; amending s. 409.259, F.S.; revising the
52    manner of reimbursement to the clerk of the court for
53    court filings in Title IV-D cases; creating s. 440.123,
54    F.S.; requiring an insurer paying workers’ compensation
55    insurance to inquire about unpaid child support; amending
56    s. 440.20, F.S.; requiring the judge of compensation
57    claims to obtain information on the support owed; amending
58    s. 742.10, F.S.; permitting voluntary acknowledgements of
59    paternity which are witnessed; providing effective dates.
61          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
63          Section 1. Subsection (19) of section 61.046, Florida
64    Statutes, is amended to read:
65          61.046 Definitions.--As used in this chapter:
66          (19) "Support order" means a judgment, decree, or order,
67    whether temporary or final, issued by a court of competent
68    jurisdiction or administrative agencyfor the support and
69    maintenance of a child which provides for monetary support,
70    health care, arrearages, or past support. When the child support
71    obligation is being enforced by the Department of Revenue, the
72    term "support order" also means a judgment, decree, or order,
73    whether temporary or final, issued by a court of competent
74    jurisdiction for the support and maintenance of a child and the
75    spouse or former spouse of the obligor with whom the child is
76    living which provides for monetary support, health care,
77    arrearages, or past support.
78          Section 2. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section
79    61.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
80          61.13 Custody and support of children; visitation rights;
81    power of court in making orders.--
82          (1)
83          (d)1. Unless the provisions of subparagraph 3. apply, all
84    child support orders entered on or after January 1, 1985, shall
85    direct that the payments of child support be made as provided in
86    s. 61.181 through the depository in the county where the court
87    is located. All child support orders shall provide the full
88    name,and date of birth, and social security numberof each
89    minor child who is the subject of the child support order.
90          2. Unless the provisions of subparagraph 3. apply, all
91    child support orders entered before January 1, 1985, shall be
92    modified by the court to direct that payments of child support
93    shall be made through the depository in the county where the
94    court is located upon the subsequent appearance of either or
95    both parents to modify or enforce the order, or in any related
96    proceeding.
97          3. If both parties request and the court finds that it is
98    in the best interest of the child, support payments need not be
99    directed through the depository. The order of support shall
100    provide, or shall be deemed to provide, that either party may
101    subsequently apply to the depository to require direction of the
102    payments through the depository. The court shall provide a copy
103    of the order to the depository.
104          4. If the parties elect not to require that support
105    payments be made through the depository, any party may
106    subsequently file an affidavit with the depository alleging a
107    default in payment of child support and stating that the party
108    wishes to require that payments be made through the depository.
109    The party shall provide copies of the affidavit to the court and
110    to each other party. Fifteen days after receipt of the
111    affidavit, the depository shall notify both parties that future
112    payments shall be paid through the depository.
113          5. In IV-D cases, the IV-D agency shall have the same
114    rights as the obligee in requesting that payments be made
115    through the depository.
116          Section 3. Effective July 1, 2003, subsections (1) and (2)
117    of section 61.181, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
118          61.181 Depository for alimony transactions, support,
119    maintenance, and support payments; fees.--
120          (1)(a)The office of the clerk of the court shall operate
121    a depository unless the depository is otherwise created by
122    special act of the Legislature or unless, prior to June 1, 1985,
123    a different entity was established to perform such functions.
124    The department shall, no later than July 1, 1998, extend
125    participation in the federal child support cost reimbursement
126    program to the central depository in each county, to the maximum
127    extent possible under existing federal law. The depository shall
128    receive reimbursement for services provided under a cooperative
129    agreement with the department pursuant to s. 61.1826. Each
130    depository shall participate in the State Disbursement Unit and
131    shall implement all statutory and contractual duties imposed on
132    the State Disbursement Unit. Each depository shall receive from
133    and transmit to the State Disbursement Unit required data
134    through the Clerk of Court Child Support Enforcement Collection
135    System. Payments on non-Title IV-D cases without income
136    deduction orders shall not be sent to the State Disbursement
137    Unit.
138          (b) Upon request by the Title IV-D agency, the depository
139    created pursuant to paragraph (a) shall establish an account for
140    the receipt and disbursement of support payments for Title IV-D
141    interstate cases. The Title IV-D agency shall provide a copy of
142    the other state’s order with the request and the depository
143    shall advise the Title IV-D agency of the account number in
144    writing within 4 business days after receipt of the request.
145          (2)(a) For payments not required to be processed through
146    the State Disbursement Unit, the depository shall impose and
147    collect a fee on each payment made for receiving, recording,
148    reporting, disbursing, monitoring, or handling alimony or child
149    support payments as required under this section. For non-Title
150    IV-D cases required to be processed by the State Disbursement
151    Unit pursuant to this chapter, the State Disbursement Unit
152    shall, on each payment received, collect a fee, and shall
153    transmit to the depository in which the case is located 40
154    percent of such service charge for the depository's
155    administration, management, and maintenance of such case. If a
156    payment is made to the State Disbursement Unit which is not
157    accompanied by the required fee, the State Disbursement Unit
158    shall not deduct any moneys from the support payment for payment
159    of the fee. The fee shall be a flat fee based, to the extent
160    practicable, upon estimated reasonable costs of operation. The
161    fee shall be reduced in any case in which the fixed fee results
162    in a charge to any party of an amount greater than 3 percent of
163    the amount of any support payment made in satisfaction of the
164    amount which the party is obligated to pay, except that no fee
165    shall be less than $1 nor more than $5 per payment made. The fee
166    shall be considered by the court in determining the amount of
167    support that the obligor is, or may be, required to pay.
168          (b)1. For the period of July 1, 1992, through June 30,
169    2003,The fee imposed in paragraph (a) shall be increased to 4
170    percent of the support payments which the party is obligated to
171    pay, except that no fee shall be more than $5.25. The fee shall
172    be considered by the court in determining the amount of support
173    that the obligor is, or may be, required to pay. Notwithstanding
174    the provisions of s. 145.022, 75 percent of the additional
175    revenues generated by this paragraph shall be remitted monthly
176    to the Clerk of the Court Child Support Enforcement Collection
177    System Trust Fund administered by the department as provided in
178    subparagraph 2. These funds shall be used exclusively for the
179    development, implementation, and operation of the Clerk of the
180    Court Child Support Enforcement Collection System to be operated
181    by the depositories, including the automation of civil case
182    information necessary for the State Case Registry. The
183    department shall contract with the Florida Association of Court
184    Clerks and the depositories to design, establish, operate,
185    upgrade, and maintain the automation of the depositories to
186    include, but not be limited to, the provision of on-line
187    electronic transfer of information to the IV-D agency as
188    otherwise required by this chapter. The department's obligation
189    to fund the automation of the depositories is limited to the
190    state share of funds available in the Clerk of the Court Child
191    Support Enforcement Collection System Trust Fund. Each
192    depository created under this section shall fully participate in
193    the Clerk of the Court Child Support Enforcement Collection
194    System and transmit data in a readable format as required by the
195    contract between the Florida Association of Court Clerks and the
196    department.
197          2. Moneys to be remitted to the department by the
198    depository shall be done daily by electronic funds transfer and
199    calculated as follows:
200          a. For each support payment of less than $33, 18.75 cents.
201          b. For each support payment between $33 and $140, an
202    amount equal to 18.75 percent of the fee charged.
203          c. For each support payment in excess of $140, 18.75
204    cents.
205          3. The fees established by this section shall be set forth
206    and included in every order of support entered by a court of
207    this state which requires payment to be made into the
208    depository.
209          Section 4. Paragraph (c) of subsection (14) of section
210    120.80, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
211          120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.--
212          (14) DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE.--
213          (c) Proceedings for administrative support orders.--In
214    proceedings for the establishment of administrative support
215    orders pursuant to s. 409.2563, final orders in cases referred
216    by the Department of Revenue to the Division of Administrative
217    Hearings shall be entered by the division's administrative law
218    judge and transmitted to the Department of Revenue for filing
219    and rendering. The Department of Revenue has the right to seek
220    judicial review under s. 120.68 of a final order entered by an
221    administrative law judge. Administrative support orders rendered
222    pursuant to s. 409.2563 may be enforced pursuant to s. 120.69
223    or, alternatively, by any method prescribed by law for the
224    enforcement of judicial support orders, except contempt.
225    Hearings held by the Division of Administrative Hearings
226    pursuant to s. 409.2563 shall be held in the judicial circuit
227    where the person receiving services under Title IV-D resides or,
228    if the person receiving services under Title IV-D does not
229    reside in this state, in the judicial circuit where the
230    respondent resides. If the department and the respondent agree,
231    the hearing may be held in another location.
232          Section 5. Effective July 1, 2003, paragraph (c) of
233    subsection (2) of section 382.013, Florida Statutes, is amended
234    to read:
235          382.013 Birth registration.--A certificate for each live
236    birth that occurs in this state shall be filed within 5 days
237    after such birth with the local registrar of the district in
238    which the birth occurred and shall be registered by the local
239    registrar if the certificate has been completed and filed in
240    accordance with this chapter and adopted rules. The information
241    regarding registered births shall be used for comparison with
242    information in the state case registry, as defined in chapter
243    61.
244          (2) PATERNITY.--
245          (c) If the mother is not married at the time of the birth,
246    the name of the father may not be entered on the birth
247    certificate without the execution of an affidavit signed by both
248    the mother and the person to be named as the father. The
249    facility shall give notice orally or through the use of video or
250    audio equipment, and in writing, of the alternatives to, the
251    legal consequences of, and the rights, including, if one parent
252    is a minor, any rights afforded due to minority status, and
253    responsibilities that arise from signing an acknowledgment of
254    paternity, as well as information provided by the Title IV-D
255    agency established pursuant to s. 409.2557, regarding the
256    benefits of voluntary establishment of paternity. Upon request
257    of the mother and the person to be named as the father, the
258    facility shall assist in the execution of the affidavit,ora
259    notarized voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, or a voluntary
260    acknowledgment of paternity that is witnessed by two individuals
261    and signed under penalty of perjury as specified by s.
262    92.525(2).
263          Section 6. Effective July 1, 2003, paragraph (b) of
264    subsection (1) of section 382.016, Florida Statutes, is amended
265    to read:
266          382.016 Amendment of records.--The department, upon
267    receipt of the fee prescribed in s. 382.0255; documentary
268    evidence, as specified by rule, of any misstatement, error, or
269    omission occurring in any birth, death, or fetal death record;
270    and an affidavit setting forth the changes to be made, shall
271    amend or replace the original certificate as necessary.
273          (b) Upon written request and receipt of an affidavit, aor
274    notarized voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, or a voluntary
275    acknowledgment of paternity that is witnessed by two individuals
276    and signed under penalty of perjury as specified by s. 92.525(2)
277    that issigned by the mother and father acknowledging the
278    paternity of a registrant born out of wedlock, together with
279    sufficient information to identify the original certificate of
280    live birth, the department shall prepare a new birth
281    certificate, which shall bear the same file number as the
282    original birth certificate. The names and identifying
283    information of the parents shall be entered as of the date of
284    the registrant's birth. The surname of the registrant may be
285    changed from that shown on the original birth certificate at the
286    request of the mother and father of the registrant, or the
287    registrant if of legal age. If the mother and father marry each
288    other at any time after the registrant's birth, the department
289    shall, upon the request of the mother and father or registrant
290    if of legal age and proof of the marriage, amend the certificate
291    with regard to the parents' marital status as though the parents
292    were married at the time of birth. The department shall
293    substitute the new certificate of birth for the original
294    certificate on file. All copies of the original certificate of
295    live birth in the custody of a local registrar or other state
296    custodian of vital records shall be forwarded to the State
297    Registrar. Thereafter, when a certified copy of the certificate
298    of birth or portion thereof is issued, it shall be a copy of the
299    new certificate of birth or portion thereof, except when a court
300    order requires issuance of a certified copy of the original
301    certificate of birth. The department shall place the original
302    certificate of birth and all papers pertaining thereto under
303    seal, not to be broken except by order of a court of competent
304    jurisdiction or as otherwise provided by law.
305          Section 7. Effective July 1, 2003, subsection (3) of
306    section 409.2557, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
307          409.2557 State agency for administering child support
308    enforcement program.--
309          (3) SPECIFIC RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.--The department has the
310    authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54
311    to implement all laws administered by the department in its
312    capacity as the Title IV-D agency for this state including, but
313    not limited to, the following:
314          (a) Background screening of department employees and
315    applicants, including criminal records checks;
316          (b) Confidentiality and retention of department records;
317    access to records; record requests;
318          (c) Department trust funds;
319          (d) Federal funding procedures;
320          (e) Agreements with law enforcement and other state
321    agencies; National Crime Information Center (NCIC) access;
322    Parent Locator Service access;
323          (f) Written agreements entered into between the department
324    and support obligors in establishment, enforcement, and
325    modification proceedings;
326          (g) Procurement of services by the department, pilot
327    programs, and demonstration projects;
328          (h) Management of cases by the department involving any
329    documentation or procedures required by federal or state law,
330    including but not limited to, cooperation; review and
331    adjustment; audits; interstate actions; diligent efforts for
332    service of process;
333          (i) Department procedures for orders for genetic testing;
334    subpoenas to establish, enforce, or modify orders; increasing
335    the amount of monthly obligations to secure delinquent support;
336    suspending or denying driver's and professional licenses and
337    certificates; fishing and hunting license suspensions;
338    suspending vehicle and vessel registrations; screening
339    applicants for new or renewal licenses, registrations, or
340    certificates; income deduction; credit reporting and accessing;
341    tax refund intercepts; passport denials; liens; financial
342    institution data matches; expedited procedures; medical support;
343    and all other responsibilities of the department as required by
344    state or federal law;
345          (j) Collection and disbursement of support and alimony
346    payments by the department as required by federal law;
347    collection of genetic testing costs and other costs awarded by
348    the court;
349          (k) Report information to and receive information from
350    other agencies and entities;
351          (l) Provide location services, including accessing from
352    and reporting to federal and state agencies;
353          (m) Privatizing location, establishment, enforcement,
354    modification, and other functions;
355          (n) State case registry;
356          (o) State disbursement unit;
357          (p) Administrative proceedings to establish child-support
358    obligations; and
359          (q) Insurer reporting of liability claims, withholding of
360    insurance payments for unpaid support, and reporting of weekly
361    workers’ compensation; and
362          (r)(q)All other responsibilities of the department as
363    required by state or federal law.
364          Section 8. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
365    409.2558, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
366          409.2558 Support distribution and disbursement.--
368          (b) Collections that are determined to be undistributable
369    shall be processed in the following order of priority:
370          1. Apply the payment to any assigned arrears on the
371    custodial parent's case; then
372          2. Apply the payment to any administrative costs ordered
373    by the court pursuant to s. 409.2567 associated with the
374    custodial parent's case; then
375          3. When the noncustodial parent is subject to a valid
376    order to support another childother children in aanothercase
377    with a different custodial parent and the obligation is being
378    enforced by the department, the department shall send by
379    certified mail, return receipt requested, to the noncustodial
380    parent at the most recent address provided by the noncustodial
381    parent to the tribunal that issued the order a notice stating
382    the department’s intention to apply the payment pursuant to this
383    subparagraph and advising the noncustodial parent of the right
384    to contest the department’s proposed action in the circuit court
385    by filing and serving a petition on the department within 20
386    days after receipt of the notice. If the noncustodial parent
387    does not file and serve a petition within 20 days after receipt
388    of the notice, or upon a disposition of the judicial action
389    favorable to the department, the department shall, with the
390    noncustodial parent's permission,apply the payment towards his
391    or her other support obligation. If there is more than one such
392    other case, the department shall allocate the remaining
393    undistributable amount as specified by s. 61.1301(4)(c); then
394          4. Return the payment to the noncustodial parent; then
395          5. If the noncustodial parent cannot be located after
396    diligent efforts by the department, the federal share of the
397    payment shall be credited to the Federal Government and the
398    state share shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund.
399          Section 9. Subsection (1) of section 409.2561, Florida
400    Statutes, is amended to read:
401          409.2561 Support obligations when public assistance is
402    paid; assignment of rights; subrogation; medical and health
403    insurance information.--
404          (1) Any payment of temporary cash or Title IV-E assistance
405    made to, or for the benefit of, any dependent child creates an
406    obligation in an amount determined pursuant to the child support
407    guidelines. In accordance with 42 U.S.C. s. 657, the state shall
408    retain amounts collected only to the extent necessary to
409    reimburse amounts paid to the family as assistance by the state.
410    Such amounts collected shall be deposited into the General
411    Revenue Fund up to the level specified in s. 61.1812. If there
412    has been a prior supportcourtorder or final judgment of
413    dissolution of marriage establishing an obligation of support,
414    the obligation is limited to the amount provided by such support
415    courtorder or decree. The extraordinary remedy of contempt is
416    applicable in child support enforcement cases because of the
417    public necessity for ensuring that dependent children be
418    maintained from the resources of their parents, thereby
419    relieving, at least in part, the burden presently borne by the
420    general citizenry through the public assistance program. If
421    there is no prior supportcourt order establishing an obligation
422    of support, the court, or the department as provided by s.
423    409.2563,shall establish the liability of the obligor, if any,
424    by applying the child support guidelines. The department may
425    apply for modification of a supportcourtorder on the same
426    grounds as either party to the cause and shall have the right to
427    settle and compromise actions brought pursuant to law.
428          Section 10. Paragraph (m) of subsection (4) of section
429    409.2563, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
430          409.2563 Administrative establishment of child support
431    obligations.--
433    SUPPORT ORDER.--To commence a proceeding under this section, the
434    department shall provide to the custodial parent and serve the
435    noncustodial parent with a notice of proceeding to establish
436    administrative support order and a blank financial affidavit
437    form. The notice must state:
438          (m) That, neither the department nor the Division of
439    Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction to award or change
440    child custody or rights of parental contact and these issues may
441    only be addressed in circuit court.
442          1. The noncustodial parent may request in writing that the
443    department proceed in circuit court to determine his or her
444    support obligations.
445          2. The noncustodial parent may state in writing to the
446    department his or her intention to address issues concerning
447    custody or rights to parental contact in circuit court.
448          3. If the noncustodial parent submits the request
449    mentioned in subparagraph 1., or the statement mentioned in
450    subparagraph 2., to the department within 20 days after receipt
451    of the initial notice, the department shall file a petition in
452    circuit court for the determination of the noncustodial parent’s
453    child support obligations, and shall send to the noncustodial
454    parent a copy of its petition, a notice of commencement of
455    action, and a request for waiver of service of process as
456    provided in the Rules of Civil Procedure.
457          4. If, within 10 days after receipt of the department's
458    petition and waiver of service, the noncustodial parent signs
459    and returns the waiver of service form to the department, the
460    department shall terminate the administrative proceeding without
461    prejudice and proceed in circuit court.
462          5. In any circuit court action brought by the department
463    pursuant to this subsection, or brought by a noncustodial parent
464    or other person pursuant to paragraph (l) or paragraph (n), the
465    department shall be a party only with respect to those issues of
466    support allowed and reimbursable under Title IV-D of the Social
467    Security Act. It is the responsibility of the noncustodial
468    parent or other person to take the necessary steps to present
469    other issues they wish to have the court consider.That if the
470    noncustodial parent has issues regarding child custody or right
471    of parental contact or requests to proceed in circuit court, the
472    noncustodial parent may request in writing that the department
473    proceed in circuit court to determine support. That the
474    noncustodial parent must make such request in writing within 20
475    days after receipt of the initial notice. That upon such
476    request, the department shall send the noncustodial parent by
477    regular mail a copy of the department's petition and waiver of
478    service form. That the noncustodial parent must sign and return
479    the waiver of service form, within 10 days of receipt of the
480    petition, at which time the department shall terminate the
481    administrative proceeding and file an action in circuit court to
482    determine support;
484          The department may serve the notice of proceeding to establish
485    administrative support order by certified mail, restricted
486    delivery, return receipt requested. Alternatively, the
487    department may serve the notice by any means permitted for
488    service of process in a civil action. For purposes of this
489    section, an authorized employee of the department may serve the
490    notice and execute an affidavit of service. Service by certified
491    mail is completed when the certified mail is received or refused
492    by the addressee or by an authorized agent as designated by the
493    addressee in writing. If a person other than the addressee signs
494    the return receipt, the department shall attempt to reach the
495    addressee by telephone to confirm whether the notice was
496    received, and the department shall document any telephonic
497    communications. If someone other than the addressee signs the
498    return receipt, the addressee does not respond to the notice,
499    and the department is unable to confirm that the addressee has
500    received the notice, service is not completed and the department
501    shall attempt to have the addressee served personally. The
502    department shall provide the custodial parent or caretaker
503    relative with a copy of the notice by regular mail to the last
504    known address of the custodial parent or caretaker.
505          Section 11. Subsection (3) of section 409.25656, Florida
506    Statutes, is amended to read:
507          409.25656 Garnishment.--
508          (3) During the last 30 days of the 60-day period set forth
509    in subsection (1), the executive director or his or her designee
510    may levy upon such credits, personal property, or debts. The
511    levy must be accomplished by delivery of a notice of levy by
512    registered mail, upon receipt of which the person possessing the
513    credits, other personal property, or debts shall transfer them
514    to the department or pay to the department the amount owed by
515    the obligor. If the department levies upon securities and the
516    value of the securities is less than the total amount of past
517    due or overdue support, the person who possesses or controls the
518    securities shall liquidate the securities in a commercially
519    reasonable manner. After liquidation, the person shall transfer
520    to the department the proceeds, less any applicable commissions
521    or fees, or both, which are charged in the normal course of
522    business. If the value of the securities exceeds the total
523    amount of past due or overdue support, the obligor may, within 7
524    days after receipt of the department's notice of levy, instruct
525    the person who possesses or controls the securities which
526    securities are to be sold to satisfy the obligation for past due
527    or overdue support. If the obligor does not provide instructions
528    for liquidation, the person who possesses or controls the
529    securities shall liquidate the securities in a commercially
530    reasonable manner andin an amount sufficient to cover the
531    obligation for past due or overdue support, andlessany
532    applicable commissions or fees, or both, which are charged in
533    the normal course of business, beginning with the securities
534    purchased most recently. After liquidation, the person who
535    possesses or controls the securities shall transfer to the
536    department the total amount of past due or overdue support.
537          Section 12. Effective July 1, 2003, section 409.25659,
538    Florida Statutes, is created to read:
539          409.25659 Withholding of insurance payment for unpaid
540    support.--
541          (1) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
542          (a) “Insurer” means an entity that is responsible for
543    paying a claim on liability coverage in an insurance contract
544    and which is:
545          1. An insurer, as defined in s. 624.03, authorized to
546    transact insurance in this state;
547          2. An eligible surplus lines insurer pursuant to part VIII of
548    chapter 626;
549          3. A joint underwriter or joint reinsurer created by law
550    or otherwise operating pursuant to s. 627.311; or
551          4. An insurance risk apportionment plan operating pursuant
552    to s. 627.351.
553          (b) “Claim" means a claim on liability coverage in an
554    insurance contract payable to an individual, or to a third party
555    for the benefit of an individual, who is a resident of this
556    state or who had an accident or loss that occurred in this
557    state.
560          (a) The department shall periodically make available from
561    a secure web-enabled database or other centralized source to
562    insurers who are subject to this section information concerning
563    obligors in Title IV-D cases who owe unpaid support in excess of
564    $500. For each obligor, the department shall provide, at a
565    minimum, the obligor’s name, social security number, last known
566    address, and the amount of unpaid support owed.
567          (b) Not more than 30 days before paying a claim, the
568    insurer shall inquire of the department pursuant to paragraph
569    (a) whether the claimant is an individual who owes unpaid
570    support by providing the department with the individual’s name,
571    date of birth, social security number, and last known address
572    according to the insurer's records; the claim number; the date
573    of claim; the name of the insurer; and how the insurer may be
574    contacted. Within 30 days after inquiry, the department shall
575    notify the insurer whether the individual owes unpaid support
576    and, if so, the amount owed. An insurer shall withhold payment
577    on a claim until the department notifies the insurer that the
578    individual does not owe unpaid support or otherwise releases the
579    insurer in writing from the duty to withhold.
581    UNPAID SUPPORT.--If the department determines pursuant to
582    subsection (2) that the individual owes unpaid support, the
583    department shall issue a written demand for payment to the
584    insurer, which may be transmitted electronically. A demand for
585    payment issued under this subsection constitutes a lien against
586    the obligor’s claim for the amount of unpaid support stated in
587    the demand and any unpaid support that accrues subsequently. The
588    lien becomes effective when the demand for payment is received
589    by the insurer and is in addition to any preexisting lien for
590    unpaid support. Upon receipt of a demand for payment, the
591    insurer shall provide the department with the name and address
592    of the obligor’s attorney or agent, if known, the amount
593    withheld, the date payment was withheld, and other known
594    information concerning the location, earnings, and assets of the
595    obligor. An insurer who is subject to a demand for payment on a
596    claim may not pay over, release, encumber, assign, or otherwise
597    transfer payment subject to the demand without written
598    authorization by the department or an order of the court.
600    REVIEW.--
601          (a) Upon issuing a demand for payment, the department
602    shall promptly provide a copy to the obligor and notify the
603    obligor in writing of the right to contest the demand for
604    payment by filing a written request for an administrative
605    hearing with the department within 21 days after the date of
606    mailing or personal delivery of the notice. Mailing of the
607    notice to the obligor’s last known address is deemed adequate
608    notice. Failure to make a timely written request for a hearing
609    is deemed a waiver of the right to hearing. The department also
610    shall provide a copy of the demand for payment and notice to the
611    obligor’s attorney or agent, if known.
612          (b) Any person whose substantial interests are affected by
613    the department’s demand for payment may request an
614    administrative hearing as provided by chapter 120. Chapter 120
615    and the Uniform Rules of Procedure govern how administrative
616    hearings are conducted and the entry of final orders. Final
617    orders rendered under this section are subject to judicial
618    review as provided by s. 120.68.
619          (5) PAYMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT.--If the obligor does not
620    file a timely written request for an administrative hearing, or
621    consents to the department’s demand or the department prevails
622    after hearing, the department shall notify the insurer to send
623    to the department the full amount of the withheld payment, not
624    to exceed the amount of unpaid support, less any amounts payable
625    to the obligor or other entities as specified by subsection (7).
626    Payments due the department must be made payable solely to the
627    department.
628          (6) FULL OR PARTIAL RELEASE.--An insurer may be released
629    from the duty to withhold payment only upon written notice by
630    the department or by order of the court. The department shall
631    execute and deliver a release of the lien for unpaid support to
632    the obligor and the insurer upon payment in full of the unpaid
633    support and any costs due. The department may release a lien
634    fully or in part without liability as needed to correctly
635    reflect the amount of unpaid support owed, if assurance of
636    payment is considered adequate, or to facilitate collection of
637    the unpaid support.
640          (a) A lien for unpaid support created by this section is
641    superior to all subsequent liens and security interests. Liens
642    perfected prior to creation of a lien under this section, prior
643    written notices of health care expenditures related to the claim
644    made by the health care providers, and attorneys fees payable
645    from insurance proceeds are not subject to a lien created by
646    this section.
647          (b) An amount not to exceed the lesser of 15 percent of
648    the total payment or $5,000 for the obligor’s future medical
649    expenses is exempt from a demand for payment under this section,
650    provided the expenses are due to a condition that gave rise to
651    the claim and are documented by a licensed physician. The
652    department shall notify the obligor of the exemption and how to
653    claim it when providing notice of the right to contest a demand
654    for payment under subsection (4). The obligor has the burden of
655    proving a claim for an exemption.
656          (8) INSURER IMMUNITY.--An insurer, its directors, agents,
657    and employees and any central reporting organization and its
658    agents and employees authorized by an insurer to act on its
659    behalf who act in conformity with the requirements of this
660    section are immune from any liability to the claimant or other
661    payees, lienholders, or affected entities for any alleged or
662    actual damages that occur as a result of compliance with these
663    requirements.
664          (9) FAILURE TO COMPLY; REMEDIES.--An insurer who does not
665    inquire, withhold, or remit payments as required by this section
666    is liable to the department for the amount the insurer should
667    have withheld or remitted, plus costs, interest, and reasonable
668    attorney’s fees. The department is authorized to bring an action
669    in circuit court to enforce any provision of this section.
670          (10) WORKERS’ COMPENSATION.--When the web-enabled database
671    specified by paragraph (2)(a) becomes operational, the
672    department shall permit access by judges of compensation claims
673    to facilitate review and approval of workers’ compensation
674    settlements as provided by s. 440.20(11)(d).
675          (11) RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.--The department may adopt rules
676    to implement, administer, or enforce the requirements of this
677    section.
678          Section 13. Effective July 1, 2003, section 409.257,
679    Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
680          409.257 Service of process.--The service of initial
681    process and orders in lawsuits filed by the department, under
682    this act, shall be served by the sheriff in the county where the
683    person to be served may be found or, if determined to be more
684    effective by the department, by any means permitted under
685    chapter 48 for service of process in a civil action. The sheriff
686    shall be reimbursed at the prevailing rate of federal financial
687    participation for service of process and orders as allowed by
688    law. The sheriff shall bill the department monthly as provided
689    for in s. 30.51(2). In addition, process and orders may be
690    served or executed by authorized agents of the department at the
691    department's discretion; provided that the agent of the
692    department does not take any action against personal property,
693    real property, or persons. Notices and other intermediate
694    process, except witness subpoenas, shall be served by the
695    department as provided for in the Florida Rules of Civil
696    Procedure. Witness subpoenas shall be served by the department
697    by certified mail as provided for in s. 48.031(3).
698          Section 14. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 409.2572,
699    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
700          409.2572 Cooperation.--
701          (1) An applicant for, or recipient of, public assistance
702    for a dependent child shall cooperate in good faithwith the
703    department or a program attorney in:
704          (a) Identifying and helping to locate the alleged parent
705    or obligor.
706          (b) Assisting in establishing the paternity of a child
707    born out of wedlock.
708          (c) Assisting in obtaining support payments from the
709    obligor.
710          (d) Assisting in obtaining any other payments or property
711    due from the obligor.
712          (e) Identifying another putative father when an earlier
713    named putative father has been excluded by DNA, Human Leukocyte
714    Antigen, or other scientific test.
715          (f) Appearing at an office of the department, or another
716    designated office, as necessary to provide verbal or written
717    information, or documentary or physical evidence, known to,
718    possessed by, or reasonably obtainable by the applicant or
719    recipient.
720          (g) Appearing as a witness at judicial or other hearings
721    or proceedings.
722          (h) Providing information under oath regarding the
723    identity or location of the alleged father of the child or
724    attesting to the lack of information.
725          (i) Paying to the department any support received from the
726    obligor after the assignment is effective.
727          (2) Noncooperation, or failure to cooperate in good faith,
728    is defined to include, but is not limited to, the following
729    conduct:
730          (a) Failing orRefusing to identify the father of the
731    child, or where more than one man could be the father of the
732    child, refusing to identify all such persons. If the mother
733    identifies one or more persons as the possible father of the
734    child and asserts that there are no others who could be the
735    father of the child, but the DNA test, Human Leukocyte Antigen
736    test, or other scientific test indicates that none of the
737    persons identified could in fact have been the father of the
738    child, the mother shall be deemed noncooperative. If she
739    subsequently identifies another person as the possible father of
740    the child, she shall still be deemed noncooperative until that
741    person has been given the DNA test, Human Leukocyte Antigen
742    test, or other scientific test and is not excluded as the father
743    by the test.
744          (b) Failing to appear for two appointments at the
745    department or other designated office without justification and
746    notice.
747          (c) Providing false information regarding the paternity of
748    the child or the obligation of the obligor.
749          (d) All actions of the obligee which interfere with the
750    state's efforts to proceed to establish paternity, the
751    obligation of support, or to enforce or collect support.
752          (e) Failure to appear at the laboratory for drawing of
753    blood samples, or leaving the laboratory prior to the drawing of
754    blood samples without compelling reasons.
755          (f) Failure to assist in the recovery of third-party
756    payment for medical services.
757          Section 15. Section 409.259, Florida Statutes, is amended
758    to read:
759          409.259 Partial payment of Filing fees in Title IV-D
760    cases.--
761          (1) Notwithstanding s. 28.241, each clerk of the circuit
762    court shall accept petitions, complaints, and motions in Title
763    IV-D cases submitted for filing by the department without
764    billing separately for each such filing, since the clerk is
765    being reimbursed in a different manner for expenses incurred in
766    such filings under the cooperative agreement with the department
767    pursuant to ss. 61.181(1) and 61.1826(2) and (4).only be
768    reimbursed at the prevailing rate of federal financial
769    participation on the amount of $40 for each civil action, suit,
770    or proceeding for support instituted in the circuit court in
771    which the parent is not receiving temporary cash assistance. The
772    prevailing rate of the state match shall be paid by the local
773    government in the form of a certified public expenditure. The
774    clerk of the circuit court shall bill the department monthly.
775    The clerk of the circuit court and the department shall maintain
776    a monthly log of the number of civil actions, suits, or
777    proceedings filed in which the parent does not receive temporary
778    assistance. These monthly logs will be used to determine the
779    number of $40 filings the clerk of court may submit for
780    reimbursement at the prevailing rate of federal financial
781    participation.
782          (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the department shall
783    continue to be entitled to the other necessary services of the
784    clerk of court in any proceedings under the IV-D program as
785    authorized under s. 409.2571.
786          Section 16. Effective July 1, 2003, section 440.123,
787    Florida Statutes, is created to read:
788          440.123 Insurer paying periodic compensation; duty to
789    inquire about unpaid child support.--When the web-enabled
790    database specified by s. 409.25659 becomes operational, upon
791    determining that a claimant will be paid weekly compensation, an
792    insurer as defined by s. 440.02(39) shall access the database
793    promptly to inquire whether the claimant owes unpaid support. If
794    it is determined after inquiry that a claimant owes unpaid
795    support, the insurer shall notify the Department of Revenue at
796    that time, through the web-enabled database, by providing the
797    individual’s name, date of birth, social security number, last
798    known address according to the insurer's records, and employer;
799    the claim number; the weekly compensation amount; the date of
800    first payment; the name of the insurer and how the insurer may
801    be contacted; the name and contact information of the payor of
802    weekly compensation, if different from the insurer; and the name
803    and address of the agent or attorney for the claimant, if any.
804          Section 17. Effective July 1, 2003, paragraph (d) of
805    subsection (11) of section 440.20, Florida Statutes, is amended
806    to read:
807          440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for
808    late payment.--
809          (11)
810          (d)1. With respect to any lump-sum settlement under this
811    subsection, a judge of compensation claims must consider at the
812    time of the settlement, whether the settlement allocation
813    provides for the appropriate recovery of child support
814    arrearages.
815          2. When reviewing any settlement of lump-sum payment
816    pursuant to this subsection, judges of compensation claims shall
817    consider the interests of the worker and the worker's family
818    when approving the settlement, which must consider and provide
819    for appropriate recovery of past due support.
820          3. Before approving a settlement, the judge of
821    compensation claims shall require a party to obtain a written
822    statement from the Department of Revenue as to whether the
823    worker owes unpaid support and, if so, the amount owed. In
824    addition, the judge of compensation claims may require a party
825    to obtain a similar statement from a depository, operated
826    pursuant to s. 61.181.
827          Section 18. Effective July 1, 2003, subsection (1) of
828    section 742.10, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
829          742.10 Establishment of paternity for children born out of
830    wedlock.--
831          (1) This chapter provides the primary jurisdiction and
832    procedures for the determination of paternity for children born
833    out of wedlock. When the establishment of paternity has been
834    raised and determined within an adjudicatory hearing brought
835    under the statutes governing inheritance, or dependency under
836    workers' compensation or similar compensation programs, or when
837    an affidavit acknowledging paternity or a stipulation of
838    paternity is executed by both parties and filed with the clerk
839    of the court, or when an affidavit, aornotarized voluntary
840    acknowledgment of paternity, or a voluntary acknowledgment of
841    paternity that is witnessed by two individuals and signed under
842    penalty of perjuryas provided for in s. 382.013 or s. 382.016
843    is executed by both parties, it shall constitute the
844    establishment of paternity for purposes of this chapter. If no
845    adjudicatory proceeding was held, a notarized voluntary
846    acknowledgment of paternity or voluntary acknowledgment of
847    paternity that is witnessed by two individuals and signed under
848    penalty of perjury as specified by s. 92.525(2)shall create a
849    rebuttable presumption, as defined by s. 90.304, of paternity
850    and is subject to the right of any signatory to rescind the
851    acknowledgment within 60 days of the date the acknowledgment was
852    signed or the date of an administrative or judicial proceeding
853    relating to the child, including a proceeding to establish a
854    support order, in which the signatory is a party, whichever is
855    earlier. Both parents are required to provide their social
856    security numbers on any acknowledgment of paternity, consent
857    affidavit, or stipulation of paternity. Except for affidavits
858    under seal pursuant to ss. 382.015 and 382.016, the Office of
859    Vital Statistics shall provide certified copies of affidavits to
860    the Title IV-D agency upon request.
861          Section 19. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
862    shall take effect upon becoming a law.