Senate Bill sb1772c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1772

    By the Committee on Education


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to education; amending s.

  3         24.121, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;

  4         amending s. 212.055, F.S.; eliminating

  5         references to the Florida Frugal Schools

  6         Program; amending s. 216.136, F.S.; eliminating

  7         reference to an obsolete board; providing that

  8         the executive director of the Commission for

  9         Independent Education is a member of the

10         Workforce Estimating Conference; amending s.

11         316.615, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

12         rulemaking with respect to school bus

13         operation; amending s. 402.305, F.S.; revising

14         provisions relating to rules with respect to

15         child care facilities; amending s. 409.1451,

16         F.S.; correcting a cross-reference; amending s.

17         445.0123, F.S.; eliminating a reference to

18         State Board of Independent Colleges and

19         Universities; prescribing duties of the

20         Commission for Independent Education with

21         respect to determining eligibility for certain

22         students; amending s. 455.2125, F.S.;

23         eliminating a reference to the State Board of

24         Independent Colleges and Universities and the

25         State Board of Nonpublic Career Education;

26         requiring certain entities to consult with the

27         Commission for Independent Education; amending

28         s. 456.028, F.S.; eliminating a reference to

29         the State Board of Independent Colleges and

30         Universities and the State Board of Nonpublic

31         Career Education; requiring certain entities to


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 1         consult with the Commission for Independent

 2         Education; amending s. 467.009, F.S.;

 3         transferring certain duties from the authority

 4         of the State Board of Nonpublic Career

 5         Education to the Commission for Independent

 6         Education; amending s. 488.01, F.S.;

 7         transferring certain duties from the State

 8         Board of Nonpublic Career Education to the

 9         Commission for Independent Education; amending

10         s. 489.125, F.S.; eliminating a reference to

11         the Commissioner of Education; providing

12         rulemaking authority of the State Board of

13         Education; amending s. 817.566, F.S.;

14         correcting a cross-reference; transferring

15         certain duties from the State Board of

16         Independent Colleges and Universities to the

17         Commission for Independent Education; amending

18         s. 817.567, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;

19         transferring certain duties from the State

20         Board of Independent Colleges and Universities

21         to the Commission for Independent Education;

22         amending s. 943.22, F.S.; replacing a reference

23         to the Accrediting Commission for Independent

24         Colleges to one for the Accrediting Council for

25         Independent Colleges and Schools; amending s.

26         1000.04, F.S.; correcting terminology; amending

27         s. 1001.26, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;

28         amending s. 1001.372, F.S.; correcting an

29         internal reference; amending s. 1001.42, F.S.;

30         correcting a cross-reference; amending s.

31         1001.50, F.S.; eliminating age as a criterion


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 1         of compensation for district school

 2         superintendents; amending s. 1001.74, F.S.;

 3         correcting a cross-reference; amending s.

 4         1002.01, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;

 5         amending s. 1002.32, F.S.; redesignating a

 6         developmental research school as a "lab"

 7         school; deleting a cross-reference; amending s.

 8         1002.33, F.S.; requiring compliance with s.

 9         1012.45, F.S., for transportation of charter

10         school students; amending s. 1002.42, F.S.;

11         correcting a cross-reference; amending s.

12         1002.43, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;

13         amending s. 1003.63, F.S.; eliminating the

14         authority of the State Board of Education to

15         waive law; amending s. 1004.24, F.S.;

16         eliminating an obsolete reference to postaudits

17         of financial accounts; providing for financial

18         audit pursuant to s. 11.45, F.S.; amending s.

19         1004.26, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

20         university oversight of student government;

21         amending s. 1004.445, F.S.; eliminating an

22         obsolete reference to postaudit of financial

23         accounts; requiring a financial audit pursuant

24         to s. 11.45, F.S.; amending s. 1005.04, F.S.;

25         correcting an error in punctuation; amending s.

26         1006.14, F.S.; correcting an error in

27         punctuation; amending s. 1006.21, F.S.;

28         deleting references to "regulations" and

29         conforming references to State Board of

30         Education; amending s. 1007.21, F.S.; deleting

31         references to guardians; amending s. 1008.37,


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 1         F.S.; correcting a date; amending s. 1009.29,

 2         F.S.; correcting reference to State Board of

 3         Education; correcting reference to the number

 4         of state universities; amending s. 1009.531,

 5         F.S.; correcting an error in grammar; amending

 6         s. 1009.534, F.S.; revising provisions relating

 7         to rules concerning the Florida Academic

 8         Scholars award; amending s. 1009.535, F.S.;

 9         revising provisions relating to rules

10         concerning the Florida Medallion Scholars

11         award; amending s. 1009.539, F.S.;

12         redesignating the Florida Merit Scholars award

13         as the Florida Medallion Scholars award;

14         transferring certain duties of the Articulation

15         Coordinating Committee to the State Board of

16         Education; correcting a cross-reference;

17         amending s. 1009.765, F.S.; revising provisions

18         relating to rules concerning the Ethics in

19         Business scholarships; amending s. 1009.77,

20         F.S.; revising provisions relating to rules

21         concerning the Florida Work Experience Program;

22         amending s. 1010.75, F.S.; providing that fees

23         be remitted for disbursement from the Teacher

24         Certification Examination Trust Fund; amending

25         s. 1011.60, F.S.; deleting a cross-reference;

26         amending s. 1011.62, F.S.; redesignating the

27         Accrediting Commission of the Association of

28         Independent Colleges and Schools as the

29         Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges

30         and Schools; amending s. 1012.21, F.S.;

31         correcting a reference to the Department of


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 1         Education; amending s. 1012.585, F.S.;

 2         correcting the name of a trust fund; correcting

 3         a cross-reference; amending s. 1012.62, F.S.;

 4         correcting a cross-reference; amending s.

 5         1012.74, F.S.; correcting cross-references;

 6         amending s. 1012.79, F.S.; correcting a

 7         cross-reference; amending s. 1012.795, F.S.;

 8         designating the appointed representative of a

 9         district school superintendent to receive

10         certain records concerning certain offenses;

11         amending s. 1012.796, F.S.; correcting

12         cross-references; amending s. 1012.98, F.S.;

13         requiring consultation with state university

14         faculty; amending 1013.73, F.S.; correcting a

15         cross-reference; amending s. 1013.74, F.S.;

16         eliminating an obsolete cross-reference;

17         providing an effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (5) of section

22  24.121, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         24.121  Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds

24  for public education.--

25         (5)

26         (d)  No funds shall be released for any purpose from

27  the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund to any school district

28  in which one or more schools do not have an approved school

29  improvement plan pursuant to s. 1001.42(16) or do not comply

30  with school advisory council membership composition

31  requirements pursuant to s. 1001.452(1) s. 229.58(1).


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 1  Effective July 1, 2002, the Commissioner of Education shall

 2  withhold disbursements from the trust fund to any school

 3  district that fails to adopt the performance-based salary

 4  schedule required by s. 1012.22(1).

 5         Section 2.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (6) of

 6  section 212.055, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 7         212.055  Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative

 8  intent; authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the

 9  legislative intent that any authorization for imposition of a

10  discretionary sales surtax shall be published in the Florida

11  Statutes as a subsection of this section, irrespective of the

12  duration of the levy.  Each enactment shall specify the types

13  of counties authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be

14  imposed; the maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed,

15  if any; the procedure which must be followed to secure voter

16  approval, if required; the purpose for which the proceeds may

17  be expended; and such other requirements as the Legislature

18  may provide.  Taxable transactions and administrative

19  procedures shall be as provided in s. 212.054.


21         (b)  The resolution shall include a statement that

22  provides a brief and general description of the school capital

23  outlay projects to be funded by the surtax. If applicable, the

24  resolution must state that the district school board has been

25  recognized by the State Board of Education as having a Florida

26  Frugal Schools Program. The statement shall conform to the

27  requirements of s. 101.161 and shall be placed on the ballot

28  by the governing body of the county. The following question

29  shall be placed on the ballot:


31        ....FOR THE               ....CENTS TAX


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 1        ....AGAINST THE           ....CENTS TAX


 3         (c)  The resolution providing for the imposition of the

 4  surtax shall set forth a plan for use of the surtax proceeds

 5  for fixed capital expenditures or fixed capital costs

 6  associated with the construction, reconstruction, or

 7  improvement of school facilities and campuses which have a

 8  useful life expectancy of 5 or more years, and any land

 9  acquisition, land improvement, design, and engineering costs

10  related thereto. Additionally, the plan shall include the

11  costs of retrofitting and providing for technology

12  implementation, including hardware and software, for the

13  various sites within the school district.  Surtax revenues may

14  be used for the purpose of servicing bond indebtedness to

15  finance projects authorized by this subsection, and any

16  interest accrued thereto may be held in trust to finance such

17  projects. Neither the proceeds of the surtax nor any interest

18  accrued thereto shall be used for operational expenses. If the

19  district school board has been recognized by the State Board

20  of Education as having a Florida Frugal Schools Program, the

21  district's plan for use of the surtax proceeds must be

22  consistent with this subsection and with uses assured under

23  the Florida Frugal Schools Program.

24         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section

25  216.136, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         216.136  Consensus estimating conferences; duties and

27  principals.--


29         (b)  Principals.--The Commissioner of Education, the

30  Executive Office of the Governor, the director of the Office

31  of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, the director of


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 1  the Agency for Workforce Innovation, the Chancellor of the

 2  State University System, the Executive Director of the State

 3  Board of Community Colleges, the Executive Director chair of

 4  the Commission for Independent Education State Board of

 5  Nonpublic Career Education, the chair of Workforce Florida,

 6  Inc., the coordinator of the Office of Economic and

 7  Demographic Research, or their designees, and professional

 8  staff from the Senate and the House of Representatives who

 9  have forecasting and substantive expertise, are the principals

10  of the Workforce Estimating Conference.  In addition to the

11  designated principals of the conference, nonprincipal

12  participants of the conference shall include a representative

13  of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and other interested

14  parties.  The principal representing the Executive Office of

15  the Governor shall preside over the sessions of the

16  conference.

17         Section 4.  Subsection (3) of section 316.615, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         316.615  School buses; physical requirements of

20  drivers.--

21         (3)  A person may not operate or cause to be operated a

22  motor vehicle covered by subsection (1) or subsection (2) when

23  transporting school children unless the operator has met the

24  physical examination requirements established by law and by

25  rule of the State Board of Education adopted by the

26  Commissioner of Education.  The operator of such a motor

27  vehicle shall pass an annual physical examination and have

28  posted in the vehicle a certificate to drive the vehicle.

29         Section 5.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1), subsection

30  (5), and paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of section 402.305,

31  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:


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 1         402.305  Licensing standards; child care facilities.--

 2         (1)  LICENSING STANDARDS.--The department shall

 3  establish licensing standards that each licensed child care

 4  facility must meet regardless of the origin or source of the

 5  fees used to operate the facility or the type of children

 6  served by the facility.

 7         (b)  All standards established under ss.

 8  402.301-402.319 must be consistent with the rules adopted by

 9  the State Fire Marshal for child care facilities. However, if

10  the facility is operated in a public school, the department

11  shall use the public school fire code, as provided in the

12  rules of the State Board Department of Education, as the

13  minimum standard for firesafety.

14         (5)  PHYSICAL FACILITIES.--Minimum standards shall

15  include requirements for building conditions, indoor play

16  space, outdoor play space, napping space, bathroom facilities,

17  food preparation facilities, outdoor equipment, and indoor

18  equipment. Because of the nature and duration of drop-in child

19  care, outdoor play space and outdoor equipment shall not be

20  required for licensure; however, if such play space and

21  equipment are provided, then the minimum standards shall apply

22  to drop-in child care. With respect to minimum standards for

23  physical facilities of a child care program for school-age

24  children which is operated in a public school facility, the

25  department shall adopt the State Uniform Building Code for

26  Public Educational Facilities Construction as the minimum

27  standards, regardless of the operator of the program. The

28  Legislature intends that if a child care program for

29  school-age children is operated in a public school, the

30  program need not conform to standards for physical facilities



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 1  other than the standards adopted by the State Board

 2  Commissioner of Education.

 3         (7)  SANITATION AND SAFETY.--

 4         (b)  In the case of a child care program for school-age

 5  children attending before and after school programs on the

 6  public school site, the department shall use the public school

 7  fire code, as adopted promulgated in the rules of the State

 8  Board Department of Education, as the minimum standard for

 9  firesafety.  In the case of a child care program for

10  school-age children attending before-school and after-school

11  programs on a site operated by a municipality, the department

12  shall adopt rules for such site and intended use.

13         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section

14  409.1451, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         409.1451  Independent living transition services.--


17  FORMERLY IN FOSTER CARE.--Based on the availability of funds,

18  the department shall provide or arrange for the following

19  services to young adults formerly in foster care who meet the

20  prescribed conditions and are determined eligible by the

21  department. The categories of services available to assist a

22  young adult formerly in foster care to achieve independence

23  are:

24         (b)  Road-to-Independence Scholarship Program.--

25         1.  The Road-to-Independence Scholarship Program is

26  intended to help eligible students who are former foster

27  children in this state to receive the educational and

28  vocational training needed to achieve independence. The amount

29  of the award shall equal the earnings that the student would

30  have been eligible to earn working a 40-hour-a-week federal

31  minimum wage job, after considering other grants and


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 1  scholarships that are in excess of the educational

 2  institutions' fees and costs, and contingent upon available

 3  funds. Students eligible for the Road-to-Independence

 4  Scholarship Program may also be eligible for educational fee

 5  waivers for workforce development postsecondary programs,

 6  community colleges, and universities, pursuant to s.

 7  1009.25(2)(c).

 8         2.  A young adult 18 to 21 years of age is eligible for

 9  the initial award, and a young adult under 23 years of age is

10  eligible for renewal awards, if he or she:

11         a.  Is a dependent child, pursuant to chapter 39, and

12  is living in licensed foster care or in subsidized independent

13  living at the time of his or her 18th birthday;

14         b.  Has spent at least 6 months living in foster care

15  before reaching his or her 18th birthday;

16         c.  Is a resident of this state as defined in s.

17  1009.40; and

18         d.  Meets one of the following qualifications:

19         (I)  Has earned a standard high school diploma or its

20  equivalent as described in s. 1003.425 or s. 1003.43 or s.

21  1003.435, and has been admitted for full-time enrollment in an

22  eligible postsecondary education institution as defined in s.

23  1009.533;

24         (II)  Is enrolled full time in an accredited high

25  school, is within 2 years of graduation, and has maintained a

26  grade point average of at least 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 for the

27  two semesters preceding the date of his or her 18th birthday;

28  or

29         (III)  Is enrolled full time in an accredited adult

30  education program designed to provide the student with a high

31  school diploma or its equivalent, is making satisfactory


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 1  progress in that program as certified by the program, and is

 2  within 2 years of graduation.

 3         3.a.  The department must advertise the availability of

 4  the program and must ensure that the children and young adults

 5  leaving foster care, foster parents, or family services

 6  counselors are informed of the availability of the program and

 7  the application procedures.

 8         b.  A young adult must apply for the initial award

 9  during the 6 months immediately preceding his or her 18th

10  birthday. A young adult who fails to make an initial

11  application, but who otherwise meets the criteria for an

12  initial award, may make one application for the initial award

13  if such application is made before the young adult's 21st

14  birthday.

15         c.  If funding for the program is available, the

16  department shall issue awards from the scholarship program for

17  each young adult who meets all the requirements of the

18  program.

19         d.  An award shall be issued at the time the eligible

20  student reaches 18 years of age.

21         e.  If the award recipient transfers from one eligible

22  institution to another and continues to meet eligibility

23  requirements, the award must be transferred with the

24  recipient.

25         f.  Scholarship funds awarded to any eligible young

26  adult under this program are in addition to any other services

27  provided to the young adult by the department through its

28  independent living transition services.

29         g.  The department shall provide information concerning

30  young adults receiving the Road-to-Independence Scholarship to



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 1  the Department of Education for inclusion in the student

 2  financial assistance database, as provided in s. 1009.94.

 3         h.  Scholarship funds shall be terminated when the

 4  young adult has attained a bachelor of arts or bachelor of

 5  science degree, or equivalent undergraduate degree, or reaches

 6  23 years of age, whichever occurs earlier.

 7         i.  The department shall evaluate and renew each award

 8  annually during the 90-day period before the young adult's

 9  birthday. In order to be eligible for a renewal award for the

10  subsequent year, the young adult must:

11         (I)  Complete at least 12 semester hours or the

12  equivalent in the last academic year in which the young adult

13  earned a scholarship, except for a young adult who meets the

14  requirements of s. 1009.41.

15         (II)  Maintain the cumulative grade point average

16  required by the scholarship program, except that, if the young

17  adult's grades are insufficient to renew the scholarship at

18  any time during the eligibility period, the young adult may

19  restore eligibility by improving the grade point average to

20  the required level.

21         j.  Scholarship funds may be terminated during the

22  interim between an award and the evaluation for a renewal

23  award if the department determines that the award recipient is

24  no longer enrolled in an educational institution as defined in

25  sub-subparagraph 2.d., or is no longer a state resident. The

26  department shall notify a student who is terminated and inform

27  the student of his or her right to appeal.

28         k.  An award recipient who does not qualify for a

29  renewal award or who chooses not to renew the award may

30  subsequently apply for reinstatement. An application for

31  reinstatement must be made before the young adult reaches 23


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 1  years of age, and a student may not apply for reinstatement

 2  more than once. In order to be eligible for reinstatement, the

 3  young adult must meet the eligibility criteria and the

 4  criteria for award renewal for the scholarship program.

 5         l.  A young adult receiving continued services of the

 6  foster care program under former s. 409.145(3) must transfer

 7  to the scholarship program by July 1, 2003.

 8         Section 7.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section

 9  445.0123, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         445.0123  Eligible postsecondary education

11  institutions.--A student is eligible for an award or the

12  renewal of an award from the Careers for Florida's Future

13  Incentive Grant Program if the student meets the requirements

14  for the program as described in ss. 445.012-445.0125 and is

15  enrolled in a postsecondary education institution that meets

16  the description of any one of the following:

17         (4)  An independent postsecondary education institution

18  in this state which is licensed by the Commission for

19  Independent Education State Board of Independent Colleges and

20  Universities and which:

21         (a)  Shows evidence of sound financial condition; and

22         (b)  Has operated in this state for at least 3 years

23  without having its approval, accreditation, or license placed

24  on probation.

25         (5)  An independent postsecondary education institution

26  in this state which is licensed by the Commission for

27  Independent Education State Board of Nonpublic Career

28  Education and which:

29         (a)  Has a program-completion and placement rate of at

30  least the rate required by current state law, the Florida



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 1  Administrative Code, or the Department of Education for an

 2  institution at its level;

 3         (b)  Shows evidence of sound financial condition; and

 4         (c)1.  Is accredited at the institutional level by an

 5  accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department

 6  of Education and has operated in this state for at least 3

 7  years during which there has been no complaint for which

 8  probable cause has been found; or

 9         2.  Has operated in this state for 5 years during which

10  there has been no complaint for which probable cause has been

11  found.

12         Section 8.  Section 455.2125, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         455.2125  Consultation with postsecondary education

15  boards prior to adoption of changes to training

16  requirements.--Any state agency or board that has jurisdiction

17  over the regulation of a profession or occupation shall

18  consult with the Commission for Independent Education State

19  Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, the State

20  Board of Nonpublic Career Education, the Board of Regents, and

21  the State Board of Community Colleges prior to adopting any

22  changes to training requirements relating to entry into the

23  profession or occupation. This consultation must allow the

24  educational board to provide advice regarding the impact of

25  the proposed changes in terms of the length of time necessary

26  to complete the training program and the fiscal impact of the

27  changes. The educational board must be consulted only when an

28  institution offering the training program falls under its

29  jurisdiction.

30         Section 9.  Section 456.028, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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 1         456.028  Consultation with postsecondary education

 2  boards prior to adoption of changes to training

 3  requirements.--Any state agency or board that has jurisdiction

 4  over the regulation of a profession or occupation shall

 5  consult with the Commission for Independent Education State

 6  Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, the State

 7  Board of Nonpublic Career Education, the Board of Regents, and

 8  the State Board of Community Colleges prior to adopting any

 9  changes to training requirements relating to entry into the

10  profession or occupation. This consultation must allow the

11  educational board to provide advice regarding the impact of

12  the proposed changes in terms of the length of time necessary

13  to complete the training program and the fiscal impact of the

14  changes. The educational board must be consulted only when an

15  institution offering the training program falls under its

16  jurisdiction.

17         Section 10.  Subsection (8) of section 467.009, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         467.009  Midwifery programs; education and training

20  requirements.--

21         (8)  Nonpublic educational institutions that conduct

22  approved midwifery programs shall be accredited by a member of

23  the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation

24  and shall be licensed by the Commission for Independent

25  Education State Board of Nonpublic Career Education.

26         Section 11.  Section 488.01, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         488.01  License to engage in business of operating a

29  driver's school required.--The Department of Highway Safety

30  and Motor Vehicles shall oversee and license all commercial

31  driver's schools except truck driving schools.  All commercial


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 1  truck driving schools shall be required to be licensed

 2  pursuant to chapter 1005, and additionally shall be subject to

 3  the provisions of ss. 488.04 and 488.05.  No person, group,

 4  organization, institution, business entity, or corporate

 5  entity may engage in the business of operating a driver's

 6  school without first obtaining a license therefor from the

 7  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles pursuant to

 8  this chapter or from the Commission for Independent Education

 9  State Board of Nonpublic Career Education pursuant to chapter

10  1005.

11         Section 12.  Section 489.125, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         489.125  Prequalification of certificateholders.--Any

14  person holding a certificate shall be prequalified to bid by a

15  district school board pursuant to uniform prequalification of

16  contractors criteria adopted by rule of the State Board

17  Commissioner of Education. This section does not supersede any

18  small, woman-owned or minority-owned business enterprise

19  preference program adopted by a district school board. A

20  district school board may not modify or supplement the uniform

21  prequalification criteria adopted by rule. A person holding a

22  certificate must apply to each board for prequalification

23  consideration.

24         Section 13.  Section 817.566, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         817.566  Misrepresentation of association with, or

27  academic standing at, postsecondary educational

28  institution.--Any person who, with intent to defraud,

29  misrepresents his or her association with, or academic

30  standing or other progress at, any postsecondary educational

31  institution by falsely making, altering, simulating, or


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 1  forging a document, degree, certificate, diploma, award,

 2  record, letter, transcript, form, or other paper; or any

 3  person who causes or procures such a misrepresentation; or any

 4  person who utters and publishes or otherwise represents such a

 5  document, degree, certificate, diploma, award, record, letter,

 6  transcript, form, or other paper as true, knowing it to be

 7  false, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree,

 8  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

 9  Individuals who present a religious academic degree from any

10  college, university, seminary, or institution that which is

11  not licensed by the Commission for Independent Education State

12  Board of Independent Colleges and Universities or that which

13  is not exempt pursuant to the provisions of s. 1005.06(1)(e)

14  s. 246.085 shall disclose the religious nature of the degree

15  upon presentation.

16         Section 14.  Subsection (1) of section 817.567, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         817.567  Making false claims of academic degree or

19  title.--

20         (1)  No person in the state may claim, either orally or

21  in writing, to possess an academic degree, as defined in s.

22  1005.02, or the title associated with said degree, unless the

23  person has, in fact, been awarded said degree from an

24  institution that is:

25         (a)  Accredited by a regional or professional

26  accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department

27  of Education or the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary

28  Accreditation;

29         (b)  Provided, operated, and supported by a state

30  government or any of its political subdivisions or by the

31  Federal Government;


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 1         (c)  A school, institute, college, or university

 2  chartered outside the United States, the academic degree from

 3  which has been validated by an accrediting agency approved by

 4  the United States Department of Education as equivalent to the

 5  baccalaureate or postbaccalaureate degree conferred by a

 6  regionally accredited college or university in the United

 7  States;

 8         (d)  Licensed by the Commission for Independent

 9  Education State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities

10  pursuant to ss. 1005.01-1005.38 or exempt from licensure

11  pursuant to s. 1005.06(1)(e) s. 246.085; or

12         (e)  A religious seminary, institute, college, or

13  university which offers only educational programs that prepare

14  students for a religious vocation, career, occupation,

15  profession, or lifework, and the nomenclature of whose

16  certificates, diplomas, or degrees clearly identifies the

17  religious character of the educational program.

18         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

19  943.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         943.22  Salary incentive program for full-time

21  officers.--

22         (1)  For the purpose of this section, the term:

23         (a)  "Accredited college, university, or community

24  college" means a college, university, or community college

25  which has been accredited by the Southern Association of

26  Colleges and Schools, another regional accrediting agency, or

27  the Accrediting Council Commission for Independent Colleges

28  and Schools.

29         Section 16.  Subsection (1) of section 1000.04, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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 1         1000.04  Components for the delivery of public

 2  education within the Florida K-20 education system.--Florida's

 3  K-20 education system provides for the delivery of public

 4  education through publicly supported and controlled K-12

 5  schools, community colleges, state universities and other

 6  postsecondary educational institutions, other educational

 7  institutions, and other educational services as provided or

 8  authorized by the Constitution and laws of the state.

 9         (1)  PUBLIC K-12 SCHOOLS.--The public K-12 schools

10  include charter schools and consist of kindergarten classes;

11  elementary, middle, and high school grades and special

12  classes; workforce development education; area technical

13  centers; adult, part-time, career and technical, and evening

14  schools, courses, or classes, as authorized by law to be

15  operated under the control of district school boards; and lab

16  schools operated under the control of state universities.

17         Section 17.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

18  1001.26, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         1001.26  Public broadcasting program system.--

20         (2)(a)  The Department of Education is responsible for

21  implementing the provisions of this section pursuant to s.

22  282.102 part III of chapter 287 and may employ personnel,

23  acquire equipment and facilities, and perform all duties

24  necessary for carrying out the purposes and objectives of this

25  section.

26         Section 18.  Subsection (3) of section 1001.372,

27  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         1001.372  District school board meetings.--


30  presiding officer of any district school board may order the

31  removal, from a public meeting held by the district school


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 1  board, of any person interfering with the expeditious or

 2  orderly process of such meeting, provided such officer has

 3  first issued a warning that continued interference with the

 4  orderly processes of the meeting will result in removal.  Any

 5  law enforcement authority or a sergeant-at-arms designated by

 6  the officer shall remove any person ordered removed pursuant

 7  to this subsection section.

 8         Section 19.  Paragraph (m) of subsection (4) of section

 9  1001.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         1001.42  Powers and duties of district school

11  board.--The district school board, acting as a board, shall

12  exercise all powers and perform all duties listed below:


14  SCHOOLS.--Adopt and provide for the execution of plans for the

15  establishment, organization, and operation of the schools of

16  the district, including, but not limited to, the following:

17         (m)  Alternative education programs for students in

18  residential care facilities.--Provide, in accordance with the

19  provisions of s. 1003.58 chapter 1006, educational programs

20  according to rules of the State Board of Education to students

21  who reside in residential care facilities operated by the

22  Department of Children and Family Services.

23         Section 20.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (3) of section

24  1001.50, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         1001.50  Superintendents employed under Art. IX of the

26  State Constitution.--

27         (3)  The district school board of each such district

28  shall pay to the district school superintendent a reasonable

29  annual salary. In determining the amount of compensation to be

30  paid, the board shall take into account such factors as:



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 1         (f)  The educational qualifications and, professional

 2  experience, and age of the candidate for the position of

 3  district school superintendent.

 4         Section 21.  Subsection (8) of section 1001.74, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         1001.74  Powers and duties of university boards of

 7  trustees.--

 8         (8)  Each board of trustees is authorized to create

 9  divisions of sponsored research pursuant to the provisions of

10  s. 1004.22 s. 1011.411 to serve the function of administration

11  and promotion of the programs of research.

12         Section 22.  Subsection (2) of section 1002.01, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         1002.01  Definitions.--

15         (2)  A "private school" is a nonpublic school defined

16  as an individual, association, copartnership, or corporation,

17  or department, division, or section of such organizations,

18  that designates itself as an educational center that includes

19  kindergarten or a higher grade or as an elementary, secondary,

20  business, technical, or trade school below college level or

21  any organization that provides instructional services that

22  meet the intent of s. 1003.01(13) s. 1003.01(14) or that gives

23  preemployment or supplementary training in technology or in

24  fields of trade or industry or that offers academic, literary,

25  or career and technical training below college level, or any

26  combination of the above, including an institution that

27  performs the functions of the above schools through

28  correspondence or extension, except those licensed under the

29  provisions of chapter 1005. A private school may be a

30  parochial, religious, denominational, for-profit, or nonprofit



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 1  school. This definition does not include home education

 2  programs conducted in accordance with s. 1002.41.

 3         Section 23.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) and

 4  paragraph (a) of subsection (11) of section 1002.32, Florida

 5  Statutes, are amended to read:

 6         1002.32  Developmental research (laboratory) schools.--

 7         (3)  MISSION.--The mission of a lab school shall be the

 8  provision of a vehicle for the conduct of research,

 9  demonstration, and evaluation regarding management, teaching,

10  and learning. Programs to achieve the mission of a lab school

11  shall embody the goals and standards established pursuant to

12  ss. 1000.03(5) and 1001.23(2) and shall ensure an appropriate

13  education for its students.

14         (a)  Each lab school shall emphasize mathematics,

15  science, computer science, and foreign languages. The primary

16  goal of a lab school is to enhance instruction and research in

17  such specialized subjects by using the resources available on

18  a state university campus, while also providing an education

19  in nonspecialized subjects. Each lab school shall provide

20  sequential elementary and secondary instruction where

21  appropriate. A lab school may not provide instruction at grade

22  levels higher than grade 12 without authorization from the

23  State Board of Education. Each lab developmental research

24  school shall develop and implement a school improvement plan

25  pursuant to s. 1003.02(3).

26         (11)  EXCEPTIONS TO LAW.--To encourage innovative

27  practices and facilitate the mission of the lab schools, in

28  addition to the exceptions to law specified in s. 1001.23(2),

29  the following exceptions shall be permitted for lab schools:

30         (a)  The methods and requirements of the following

31  statutes shall be held in abeyance:  ss. 316.75; 1001.30;


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 1  1001.31; 1001.32; 1001.33; 1001.34; 1001.35; 1001.36;

 2  1001.361; 1001.362; 1001.363; 1001.37; 1001.371; 1001.372;

 3  1001.38; 1001.39; 1001.395; 1001.40; 1001.41; 1001.44;

 4  1001.453; 1001.46; 1001.461; 1001.462; 1001.463; 1001.464;

 5  1001.47; 1001.48; 1001.49; 1001.50; 1001.51; 1006.12(1);

 6  1006.21(3), (4); 1006.23; 1010.07(2); 1010.40; 1010.41;

 7  1010.42; 1010.43; 1010.44; 1010.45; 1010.46; 1010.47; 1010.48;

 8  1010.49; 1010.50; 1010.51; 1010.52; 1010.53; 1010.54; 1010.55;

 9  1011.02(1)-(3), (5); 1011.04; 1011.20; 1011.21; 1011.22;

10  1011.23; 1011.71; 1011.72; 1011.73; and 1011.74; and 1013.77.

11         Section 24.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (21) of

12  section 1002.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         1002.33  Charter schools.--

14         (21)  SERVICES.--

15         (c)  Transportation of charter school students shall be

16  provided by the charter school consistent with the

17  requirements of subpart I.e. of chapter 1006 and s. 1012.45.

18  The governing body of the charter school may provide

19  transportation through an agreement or contract with the

20  district school board, a private provider, or parents. The

21  charter school and the sponsor shall cooperate in making

22  arrangements that ensure that transportation is not a barrier

23  to equal access for all students residing within a reasonable

24  distance of the charter school as determined in its charter.

25         Section 25.  Subsection (14) of section 1002.42,

26  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         1002.42  Private schools.--

28         (14)  BUS DRIVER TRAINING.--Private school bus drivers

29  may participate in a district school board's bus driver

30  training program, if the district school board makes the

31  program available pursuant to s. 1012.45(4) s. 1006.26.


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 1         Section 26.  Subsection (1) of section 1002.43, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         1002.43  Private tutoring programs.--

 4         (1)  Regular attendance as defined in s. 1003.01(13) s.

 5  1003.01(14) may be achieved by attendance in a private

 6  tutoring program if the person tutoring the student meets the

 7  following requirements:

 8         (a)  Holds a valid Florida certificate to teach the

 9  subjects or grades in which instruction is given.

10         (b)  Keeps all records and makes all reports required

11  by the state and district school board and makes regular

12  reports on the attendance of students in accordance with the

13  provisions of s. 1003.23(2).

14         (c)  Requires students to be in actual attendance for

15  the minimum length of time prescribed by s. 1011.60(2).

16         Section 27.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section

17  1003.63, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         1003.63  Deregulated public schools pilot program.--

19         (7)  EXEMPTION FROM STATUTES.--

20         (a)  A deregulated public school shall operate in

21  accordance with its proposal and shall be exempt from all

22  statutes of the Florida K-20 Education Code, except those

23  pertaining to civil rights and student health, safety, and

24  welfare, or as otherwise required by this section. A

25  deregulated public school shall not be exempt from the

26  following statutes: chapter 119, relating to public records,

27  and s. 286.011, relating to public meetings and records,

28  public inspection, and penalties. The school district, upon

29  request of a deregulated public school, may apply to the State

30  Board of Education for a waiver of provisions of law

31  applicable to deregulated public schools under this section,


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 1  except that the provisions of chapter 1010 or chapter 1011

 2  shall not be eligible for waiver if the waiver would affect

 3  funding allocations or create inequity in public school

 4  funding. The State Board of Education may grant the waiver if

 5  necessary to implement the school program.

 6         Section 28.  Subsection (5) of section 1004.24, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         1004.24  State Board of Education authorized to secure

 9  liability insurance.--

10         (5)  Each self-insurance program council shall make

11  provision for an annual financial audit pursuant to s. 11.45

12  postaudit of its financial accounts to be conducted by an

13  independent certified public accountant. The annual audit

14  report must include a management letter and shall be submitted

15  to the State Board of Education for review. The State Board of

16  Education shall have the authority to require and receive from

17  the self-insurance program council or from its independent

18  auditor any detail or supplemental data relative to the

19  operation of the self-insurance program.

20         Section 29.  Subsection (5) of section 1004.26, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         1004.26  University student governments.--

23         (5)  Each student government is a part of the

24  university at which it is established. Each university board

25  of trustees shall approve the internal procedures of student

26  government organizations pursuant to s. 1001.74(10)(i). Each

27  state university president shall provide purchasing,

28  contracting, and budgetary review processes for student

29  government organizations pursuant to s. 1001.75(15). If an

30  internal procedure of the university student government is

31  disapproved by the university president under s. 229.0082(15),


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 1  a member of the university board of trustees may request a

 2  review of the disapproved procedure at the next meeting of the

 3  board of trustees.

 4         Section 30.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section

 5  1004.445, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         1004.445  Florida Alzheimer's Center and Research

 7  Institute.--

 8         (3)  The State Board of Education shall provide in the

 9  agreement with the not-for-profit corporation for the

10  following:

11         (d)  Preparation of an annual financial audit pursuant

12  to s. 11.45 postaudit of the not-for-profit corporation's

13  financial accounts and the financial accounts of any

14  subsidiaries to be conducted by an independent certified

15  public accountant. The annual audit report shall include

16  management letters and shall be submitted to the Auditor

17  General and the State Board of Education for review. The State

18  Board of Education, the Auditor General, and the Office of

19  Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall

20  have the authority to require and receive from the

21  not-for-profit corporation and any subsidiaries, or from their

22  independent auditor, any detail or supplemental data relative

23  to the operation of the not-for-profit corporation or

24  subsidiary.

25         Section 31.  Subsection (1) of section 1005.04, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         1005.04  Fair consumer practices.--

28         (1)  Every institution that is under the jurisdiction

29  of the commission or is exempt from the jurisdiction or

30  purview of the commission pursuant to s. 1005.06(1)(c) or (f)



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 1  and that either directly or indirectly solicits for enrollment

 2  any student shall:

 3         (a)  Disclose to each prospective student a statement

 4  of the purpose of such institution, its educational programs

 5  and curricula, a description of its physical facilities, its

 6  status regarding licensure, its fee schedule and policies

 7  regarding retaining student fees if a student withdraws, and a

 8  statement regarding the transferability of credits to and from

 9  other institutions. The institution shall make the required

10  disclosures in writing at least 1 week prior to enrollment or

11  collection of any tuition from the prospective student. The

12  required disclosures may be made in the institution's current

13  catalog;.

14         (b)  Use a reliable method to assess, before accepting

15  a student into a program, the student's ability to complete

16  successfully the course of study for which he or she has

17  applied;

18         (c)  Inform each student accurately about financial

19  assistance and obligations for repayment of loans; describe

20  any employment placement services provided and the limitations

21  thereof; and refrain from promising or implying guaranteed

22  placement, market availability, or salary amounts;

23         (d)  Provide to prospective and enrolled students

24  accurate information regarding the relationship of its

25  programs to state licensure requirements for practicing

26  related occupations and professions in Florida;

27         (e)  Ensure that all advertisements are accurate and

28  not misleading;

29         (f)  Publish and follow an equitable prorated refund

30  policy for all students, and follow both the federal refund



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 1  guidelines for students receiving federal financial assistance

 2  and the minimum refund guidelines set by commission rule;

 3         (g)  Follow the requirements of state and federal laws

 4  that require annual reporting with respect to crime statistics

 5  and physical plant safety and make those reports available to

 6  the public; and

 7         (h)  Publish and follow procedures for handling student

 8  complaints, disciplinary actions, and appeals.

 9         Section 32.  Subsection (5) of section 1006.14, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         1006.14  Secret societies prohibited in public K-12

12  schools.--

13         (5)  It is unlawful for any student enrolled in any

14  public K-12 school to be a member of, to join or to become a

15  member of or to pledge himself or herself to become a member

16  of any secret fraternity, sorority, or group wholly or partly

17  formed from the membership of students attending public K-12

18  schools or to take part in the organization or formation of

19  any such fraternity, sorority, or secret society; provided

20  that this does not prevent any student from belonging to any

21  organization fostered and promoted by the school authorities,;

22  or approved and accepted by the school authorities and whose

23  membership is selected on the basis of good character, good

24  scholarship, leadership ability, and achievement.

25         Section 33.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

26  1006.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         1006.21  Duties of district school superintendent and

28  district school board regarding transportation.--

29         (1)  The district school superintendent shall ascertain

30  which students should be transported to school or to school

31  activities, determine the most effective arrangement of


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 1  transportation routes to accommodate these students; recommend

 2  such routing to the district school board; recommend plans and

 3  procedures for providing facilities for the economical and

 4  safe transportation of students; recommend such rules and

 5  regulations as may be necessary and see that all rules and

 6  regulations relating to the transportation of students

 7  approved by the district school board, as well as rules

 8  regulations of the State Board of Education, are properly

 9  carried into effect, as prescribed in this chapter.

10         (2)  After considering recommendations of the district

11  school superintendent, the district school board shall make

12  provision for the transportation of students to the public

13  schools or school activities they are required or expected to

14  attend; authorize transportation routes arranged efficiently

15  and economically; provide the necessary transportation

16  facilities, and, when authorized under rules of the State

17  Board of Education and if more economical to do so, provide

18  limited subsistence in lieu thereof; and adopt the necessary

19  rules and regulations to ensure safety, economy, and

20  efficiency in the operation of all buses, as prescribed in

21  this chapter.

22         Section 34.  Subsection (1) and paragraphs (a) and (b)

23  of subsection (2) of section 1007.21, Florida Statutes, are

24  amended to read:

25         1007.21  Readiness for postsecondary education and the

26  workplace.--

27         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that students

28  and parents set early achievement and career goals for the

29  student's post-high school experience. This section sets forth

30  a model which schools, through their school advisory councils,

31  may choose to implement to ensure that students are ready for


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 1  postsecondary education and the workplace. If such a program

 2  is adopted, students and their parents shall have the option

 3  of participating in this model to plan the student's secondary

 4  level course of study. Parents and students are to become

 5  partners with school personnel in educational choice. Clear

 6  academic course expectations shall be made available to all

 7  students by allowing both student and parent or guardian

 8  choice.

 9         (2)(a)  Students entering the 9th grade and their

10  parents shall be active participants in choosing an

11  end-of-high-school student destination based upon both student

12  and parent or guardian goals. Four or more destinations should

13  be available with bridges between destinations to enable

14  students to shift destinations should they choose to change

15  goals. The destinations shall accommodate the needs of

16  students served in exceptional education programs to the

17  extent appropriate for individual students. Exceptional

18  education students may continue to follow the courses outlined

19  in the district school board student progression plan.

20  Participating students and their parents shall choose among

21  destinations, which must include:

22         1.  Four-year college or university, community college

23  plus university, or military academy.

24         2.  Two-year postsecondary degree.

25         3.  Postsecondary career and technical certificate.

26         4.  Immediate employment or entry-level military.

27         (b)  The student progression model toward a chosen

28  destination shall include:

29         1.  A "path" of core courses leading to each of the

30  destinations provided in paragraph (a).



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 1         2.  A recommended group of electives which shall help

 2  define each path.

 3         3.  Provisions for a teacher, school administrator,

 4  other school staff member, or community volunteer to be

 5  assigned to a student as an "academic advocate" if parental or

 6  guardian involvement is lacking.

 7         Section 35.  Subsection (2) of section 1008.37, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         1008.37  Postsecondary feedback of information to high

10  schools.--

11         (2)  The Commissioner of Education shall report, by

12  high school, to the State Board of Education and the

13  Legislature, no later than November 30 November 31 of each

14  year, on the number of prior year Florida high school

15  graduates who enrolled for the first time in public

16  postsecondary education in this state during the previous

17  summer, fall, or spring term, indicating the number of

18  students whose scores on the common placement test indicated

19  the need for remediation through college-preparatory or

20  vocational-preparatory instruction pursuant to s. 1004.91 or

21  s. 1008.30.

22         Section 36.  Subsection (1) of section 1009.29, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         1009.29  Increased fees for funding financial aid

25  program.--

26         (1)  Student tuition and registration fees at each

27  state university and community college shall include up to

28  $4.68 per quarter, or $7.02 per semester, per full-time

29  student, or the per-student credit hour equivalents of such

30  amounts. The fees provided for by this section shall be

31  adjusted from time to time, as necessary, to comply with the


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 1  debt service coverage requirements of the student loan revenue

 2  bonds issued pursuant to s. 1009.79. If the Division of Bond

 3  Finance of the State Board of Administration Education and the

 4  Commissioner of Education determine that such fees are no

 5  longer required as security for revenue bonds issued pursuant

 6  to ss. 1009.78-1009.88, moneys previously collected pursuant

 7  to this section which are held in escrow, after administrative

 8  expenses have been met and up to $150,000 has been used to

 9  establish a financial aid data processing system for the state

10  universities incorporating the necessary features to meet the

11  needs of all 11 nine universities for application through

12  disbursement processing, shall be reallocated to the

13  generating institutions to be used for student financial aid

14  programs, including, but not limited to, scholarships and

15  grants for educational purposes. Upon such determination, such

16  fees shall no longer be assessed and collected.

17         Section 37.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section

18  1009.531, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         1009.531  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program;

20  student eligibility requirements for initial awards.--

21         (1)  To be eligible for an initial award from any of

22  the three types of scholarships under the Florida Bright

23  Futures Scholarship Program, a student must:

24         (e)  Not have been found guilty of, or pled plead nolo

25  contendere to, a felony charge, unless the student has been

26  granted clemency by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the

27  Executive Office of Clemency.

28         Section 38.  Subsection (1) of section 1009.534,

29  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         1009.534  Florida Academic Scholars award.--



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 1         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Academic

 2  Scholars award if the student meets the general eligibility

 3  requirements for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

 4  Program and the student:

 5         (a)  Has achieved a 3.5 weighted grade point average as

 6  calculated pursuant to s. 1009.531, or its equivalent, in high

 7  school courses that are designated by the State Board of

 8  Education as college-preparatory academic courses; and has

 9  attained at least the score identified by rules of the State

10  Board of Education on the combined verbal and quantitative

11  parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic

12  Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test

13  of the College Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on

14  the ACT Assessment Program; or

15         (b)  Has attended a home education program according to

16  s. 1002.41 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

17  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

18  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

19  the score identified by rules of the State Board Department of

20  Education on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

21  Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic Assessment Test, or

22  the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College

23  Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on the ACT

24  Assessment Program; or

25         (c)  Has been awarded an International Baccalaureate

26  Diploma from the International Baccalaureate Office; or

27         (d)  Has been recognized by the merit or achievement

28  programs of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a

29  scholar or finalist; or

30         (e)  Has been recognized by the National Hispanic

31  Recognition Program as a scholar recipient.


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 2  A student must complete a program of community service work,

 3  as approved by the district school board or the administrators

 4  of a nonpublic school, which shall include a minimum of 75

 5  hours of service work and require the student to identify a

 6  social problem that interests him or her, develop a plan for

 7  his or her personal involvement in addressing the problem,

 8  and, through papers or other presentations, evaluate and

 9  reflect upon his or her experience.

10         Section 39.  Subsection (1) of section 1009.535,

11  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

12         1009.535  Florida Medallion Scholars award.--

13         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Medallion

14  Scholars award if the student meets the general eligibility

15  requirements for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

16  Program and the student:

17         (a)  Has achieved a weighted grade point average of 3.0

18  as calculated pursuant to s. 1009.531, or the equivalent, in

19  high school courses that are designated by the State Board of

20  Education as college-preparatory academic courses; and has

21  attained at least the score identified by rules of the State

22  Board of Education on the combined verbal and quantitative

23  parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic

24  Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test

25  of the College Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on

26  the ACT Assessment Program; or

27         (b)  Has attended a home education program according to

28  s. 1002.41 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

29  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

30  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

31  the score identified by rules of the State Board Department of


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 1  Education on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

 2  Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic Assessment Test, or

 3  the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College

 4  Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on the ACT

 5  Assessment Program; or

 6         (c)  Has been recognized by the merit or achievement

 7  program of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a

 8  scholar or finalist but has not completed a program of

 9  community service as provided in s. 1009.534; or

10         (d)  Has been recognized by the National Hispanic

11  Recognition Program as a scholar, but has not completed a

12  program of community service as provided in s. 1009.534.

13         Section 40.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) and

14  subsection (5) of section 1009.539, Florida Statutes, are

15  amended to read:

16         1009.539  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing

17  Program.--

18         (3)

19         (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a),

20  and for the 2002-2003 fiscal year only, initial award

21  recipients for the 2002-2003 academic year who are eligible

22  for a Florida Academic Scholars award or a Florida Medallion

23  Merit Scholars award and who are admitted to and enroll in a

24  community college or state university shall, prior to

25  registering for courses that may be earned through a CLEP

26  examination and no later than the end of the 2002-2003

27  academic year, complete at least five examinations from those

28  specified in subsection (1) in the following areas: English;

29  humanities; mathematics; natural sciences; and social

30  sciences. Successful completion of dual enrollment courses,

31  Advanced Placement examinations, and International


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 1  Baccalaureate examinations taken prior to high school

 2  graduation satisfy this requirement. The State Board of

 3  Education Articulation Coordinating Committee shall identify

 4  the examinations that satisfy each component of this

 5  requirement. This paragraph expires July 1, 2003.

 6         (5)  The credit awarded pursuant to this section shall

 7  apply toward the 120 hours of college credit required pursuant

 8  to s. 1007.25(8) s. 1007.25(7).

 9         Section 41.  Section 1009.765, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         1009.765  Ethics in Business scholarships for community

12  colleges and independent postsecondary educational

13  institutions.--When the Department of Insurance receives a $6

14  million settlement as specified in the Consent Order of the

15  Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner, case number 18900-96-c,

16  that portion of the $6 million not used to satisfy the

17  requirements of section 18 of the Consent Order must be

18  transferred from the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust

19  Fund to the State Student Financial Assistance Trust Fund is

20  appropriated from the State Student Financial Assistance Trust

21  Fund to provide Ethics in Business scholarships to students

22  enrolled in public community colleges and independent

23  postsecondary educational institutions eligible to participate

24  in the William L. Boyd, IV, Florida Resident Access Grant

25  Program under s. 1009.89. The funds shall be allocated to

26  institutions for scholarships in the following ratio:

27  Two-thirds for community colleges and one-third for eligible

28  independent institutions. The Department of Education shall

29  administer the scholarship program for students attending

30  community colleges and independent institutions. These funds

31  must be allocated to institutions that provide an equal amount


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 1  of matching funds generated by private donors for the purpose

 2  of providing Ethics in Business scholarships. Public funds may

 3  not be used to provide the match, nor may funds collected for

 4  other purposes. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,

 5  the State Board of Administration shall have the authority to

 6  invest the funds appropriated under this section. The State

 7  Board Department of Education may adopt rules for

 8  administration of the program.

 9         Section 42.  Subsection (7) of section 1009.77, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         1009.77  Florida Work Experience Program.--

12         (7)  The State Board Department of Education shall

13  prescribe such rules for the program as are necessary for its

14  administration, for the determination of eligibility and

15  selection of institutions to receive funds for students, to

16  ensure the proper expenditure of funds, and to provide an

17  equitable distribution of funds between students at public and

18  independent colleges and universities.

19         Section 43.  Section 1010.75, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         1010.75  Teacher Certification Examination Trust

22  Fund.--The proceeds for the certification examination fee

23  levied pursuant to s. 1012.59 shall be remitted by the

24  Department of Education to the Treasurer for deposit into and

25  disbursed from for the "Teacher Certification Examination

26  Trust Fund" as re-created by chapter 99-28, Laws of Florida.

27         Section 44.  Subsection (2) of section 1011.60, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         1011.60  Minimum requirements of the Florida Education

30  Finance Program.--Each district which participates in the

31  state appropriations for the Florida Education Finance Program


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 1  shall provide evidence of its effort to maintain an adequate

 2  school program throughout the district and shall meet at least

 3  the following requirements:

 4         (2)  MINIMUM TERM.--Operate all schools for a term of

 5  at least 180 actual teaching days as prescribed in s.

 6  1003.01(14) or the equivalent on an hourly basis as specified

 7  by rules of the State Board of Education each school year. The

 8  State Board of Education may prescribe procedures for

 9  altering, and, upon written application, may alter, this

10  requirement during a national, state, or local emergency as it

11  may apply to an individual school or schools in any district

12  or districts if, in the opinion of the board, it is not

13  feasible to make up lost days, and the apportionment may, at

14  the discretion of the Commissioner of Education and if the

15  board determines that the reduction of school days is caused

16  by the existence of a bona fide emergency, be reduced for such

17  district or districts in proportion to the decrease in the

18  length of term in any such school or schools. A strike, as

19  defined in s. 447.203(6), by employees of the school district

20  may not be considered an emergency.

21         Section 45.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) of section

22  1011.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         1011.62  Funds for operation of schools.--If the annual

24  allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each

25  district for operation of schools is not determined in the

26  annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing

27  the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as

28  follows:


30  OPERATION.--The following procedure shall be followed in



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 1  determining the annual allocation to each district for

 2  operation:

 3         (i)  Calculation of full-time equivalent membership

 4  with respect to instruction from community colleges or state

 5  universities.--Students enrolled in community college or

 6  university dual enrollment instruction pursuant to s. 1007.271

 7  may be included in calculations of full-time equivalent

 8  student memberships for basic programs for grades 9 through 12

 9  by a district school board. Such students may also be

10  calculated as the proportional shares of full-time equivalent

11  enrollments they generate for the community college or

12  university conducting the dual enrollment instruction. Early

13  admission students shall be considered dual enrollments for

14  funding purposes. Students may be enrolled in dual enrollment

15  instruction provided by an eligible independent college or

16  university and may be included in calculations of full-time

17  equivalent student memberships for basic programs for grades 9

18  through 12 by a district school board. However, those

19  provisions of law which exempt dual enrolled and early

20  admission students from payment of instructional materials and

21  tuition and fees, including laboratory fees, shall not apply

22  to students who select the option of enrolling in an eligible

23  independent institution. An independent college or university

24  which is located and chartered in Florida, is not for profit,

25  is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern

26  Association of Colleges and Schools or the Accrediting Council

27  for Commission of the Association of Independent Colleges and

28  Schools, and which confers degrees as defined in s. 1005.02

29  shall be eligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment or

30  early admission program. Students enrolled in dual enrollment

31  instruction shall be exempt from the payment of tuition and


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 1  fees, including laboratory fees. No student enrolled in

 2  college credit mathematics or English dual enrollment

 3  instruction shall be funded as a dual enrollment unless the

 4  student has successfully completed the relevant section of the

 5  entry-level examination required pursuant to s. 1008.30.

 6         Section 46.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section

 7  1012.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 8         1012.21  Department of Education duties; K-12

 9  personnel.--


11  cooperation with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement,

12  the department of Education may periodically perform criminal

13  history record checks on individuals who hold a certificate

14  pursuant to s. 1012.56 or s. 1012.57.


16  TO CHILD SUPPORT DELINQUENCY.--The department of Education

17  shall allow applicants for new or renewal certificates and

18  renewal certificateholders to be screened by the Title IV-D

19  child support agency pursuant to s. 409.2598 to assure

20  compliance with an obligation for support, as defined in s.

21  409.2554.  The purpose of this section is to promote the

22  public policy of this state as established in s. 409.2551.

23  The department shall, when directed by the court, deny the

24  application of any applicant found to have a delinquent

25  support obligation. The department shall issue or reinstate

26  the certificate without additional charge to the

27  certificateholder when notified by the court that the

28  certificateholder has complied with the terms of the court

29  order.  The department shall not be held liable for any

30  certificate denial or suspension resulting from the discharge

31  of its duties under this section.


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 1         Section 47.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and

 2  paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 1012.585, Florida

 3  Statutes, are amended to read:

 4         1012.585  Process for renewal of professional

 5  certificates.--

 6         (1)(a)  District school boards in this state shall

 7  renew state-issued professional certificates as follows:

 8         1.  Each district school board shall renew state-issued

 9  professional certificates for individuals who hold a

10  professional certificate by this state and are employed by

11  that district pursuant to criteria established in subsections

12  (2), (3), and (4) and rules of the State Board of Education.

13         2.  The employing school district may charge the

14  individual an application fee not to exceed the amount charged

15  by the Department of Education for such services, including

16  associated late renewal fees.  Each district school board

17  shall transmit monthly to the department a fee in an amount

18  established by the State Board of Education for each renewed

19  certificate. The fee shall not exceed the actual cost for

20  maintenance and operation of the statewide certification

21  database and for the actual costs incurred in printing and

22  mailing such renewed certificates. As defined in current rules

23  of the state board, the department shall contribute a portion

24  of such fee for purposes of funding the Educator Recovery

25  Network established in s. 1012.798. The department shall

26  deposit all funds into the Educational Certification and

27  Service Trust Fund for use as specified in s. 1012.59.

28         (3)  For the renewal of a professional certificate, the

29  following requirements must be met:

30         (a)  The applicant must earn a minimum of 6 college

31  credits or 120 inservice points or a combination thereof. For


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 1  each area of specialization to be retained on a certificate,

 2  the applicant must earn at least 3 of the required credit

 3  hours or equivalent inservice points in the specialization

 4  area. Education in "clinical educator" training pursuant to s.

 5  1004.04(5)(b) and credits or points that provide training in

 6  the area of exceptional student education, normal child

 7  development, and the disorders of development may be applied

 8  toward any specialization area. Credits or points that provide

 9  training in the areas of drug abuse, child abuse and neglect,

10  strategies in teaching students having limited proficiency in

11  English, or dropout prevention, or training in areas

12  identified in the educational goals and performance standards

13  adopted pursuant to ss. 1000.03(5) and 1008.345 1001.23 may be

14  applied toward any specialization area. Credits or points

15  earned through approved summer institutes may be applied

16  toward the fulfillment of these requirements. Inservice points

17  may also be earned by participation in professional growth

18  components approved by the State Board of Education and

19  specified pursuant to s. 1012.98 in the district's approved

20  master plan for inservice educational training, including, but

21  not limited to, serving as a trainer in an approved teacher

22  training activity, serving on an instructional materials

23  committee or a state board or commission that deals with

24  educational issues, or serving on an advisory council created

25  pursuant to s. 1001.452.

26         Section 48.  Section 1012.62, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         1012.62  Transfer of sick leave and annual leave.--In

29  implementing the provisions of ss. 402.22(1)(d) and

30  1001.42(4)(m) 1001.42(4)(n), educational personnel in

31  Department of Children and Family Services residential care


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 1  facilities who are employed by a district school board may

 2  request, and the district school board shall accept, a

 3  lump-sum transfer of accumulated sick leave for such personnel

 4  to the maximum allowed by policies of the district school

 5  board, notwithstanding the provisions of s. 110.122.

 6  Educational personnel in Department of Children and Family

 7  Services residential care facilities who are employed by a

 8  district school board under the provisions of s. 402.22(1)(d)

 9  may request, and the district school board shall accept, a

10  lump-sum transfer of accumulated annual leave for each person

11  employed by the district school board in a position in the

12  district eligible to accrue vacation leave under policies of

13  the district school board.

14         Section 49.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2)

15  of section 1012.74, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

16         1012.74  Florida educators professional liability

17  insurance protection.--

18         (2)

19         (b)  Educator professional liability coverage shall be

20  extended at cost to all instructional personnel, as defined by

21  s. 1012.01(2) s. 1012.01(3), who are part-time personnel, as

22  defined by the district school board policy, and choose to

23  participate in the state-provided program.

24         (c)  Educator professional liability coverage shall be

25  extended at cost to all administrative personnel, as defined

26  by s. 1012.01(3) s. 1012.01(2), who choose to participate in

27  the state-provided program.

28         Section 50.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of section

29  1012.79, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         1012.79  Education Practices Commission;

31  organization.--


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 1         (7)  The duties and responsibilities of the commission

 2  are to:

 3         (b)  Revoke or suspend a certificate or take other

 4  appropriate action as provided in ss. 1012.795 ss. 1012.56 and

 5  1012.796.

 6         Section 51.  Subsection (2) of section 1012.795,

 7  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         1012.795  Education Practices Commission; authority to

 9  discipline.--

10         (2)  The plea of guilty in any court, the decision of

11  guilty by any court, the forfeiture by the teaching

12  certificateholder of a bond in any court of law, or the

13  written acknowledgment, duly witnessed, of offenses listed in

14  subsection (1) to the district school superintendent or a duly

15  appointed representative of such superintendent or to the

16  district school board shall be prima facie proof of grounds

17  for revocation of the certificate as listed in subsection (1)

18  in the absence of proof by the certificateholder that the plea

19  of guilty, forfeiture of bond, or admission of guilt was

20  caused by threats, coercion, or fraudulent means.

21         Section 52.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and

22  subsection (4) of section 1012.796, Florida Statutes, are

23  amended to read:

24         1012.796  Complaints against teachers and

25  administrators; procedure; penalties.--

26         (1)

27         (c)  Each school district shall file in writing with

28  the department all legally sufficient complaints within 30

29  days after the date on which subject matter of the complaint

30  comes to the attention of the school district. The school

31  district shall include all information relating to the


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 1  complaint which is known to the school district at the time of

 2  filing. Each district school board shall develop policies and

 3  procedures to comply with this reporting requirement. The

 4  district school board policies and procedures shall include

 5  appropriate penalties for all personnel of the district school

 6  board for nonreporting and procedures for promptly informing

 7  the district school superintendent of each legally sufficient

 8  complaint. The district school superintendent is charged with

 9  knowledge of these policies and procedures.  If the district

10  school superintendent has knowledge of a legally sufficient

11  complaint and does not report the complaint, or fails to

12  enforce the policies and procedures of the district school

13  board, and fails to comply with the requirements of this

14  subsection, in addition to other actions against

15  certificateholders authorized by law, the district school

16  superintendent shall be subject to penalties as specified in

17  s. 1001.51(12) s. 1001.51(13). This paragraph does not limit

18  or restrict the power and duty of the department to

19  investigate complaints as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b),

20  regardless of the school district's untimely filing, or

21  failure to file, complaints and followup reports.

22         (4)  The complaint and all information obtained

23  pursuant to the investigation by the department shall be

24  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1)

25  until the conclusion of the preliminary investigation of the

26  complaint, until such time as the preliminary investigation

27  ceases to be active, or until such time as otherwise provided

28  by s. 1012.798 s. 1012.798(6). However, the complaint and all

29  material assembled during the investigation may be inspected

30  and copied by the certificateholder under investigation, or

31  the certificateholder's designee, after the investigation is


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 1  concluded, but prior to the determination of probable cause by

 2  the commissioner. If the preliminary investigation is

 3  concluded with the finding that there is no probable cause to

 4  proceed, the complaint and information shall be open

 5  thereafter to inspection pursuant to s. 119.07(1). If the

 6  preliminary investigation is concluded with the finding that

 7  there is probable cause to proceed and a complaint is filed

 8  pursuant to subsection (6), the complaint and information

 9  shall be open thereafter to inspection pursuant to s.

10  119.07(1). If the preliminary investigation ceases to be

11  active, the complaint and all such material shall be open

12  thereafter to inspection pursuant to s. 119.07(1), except as

13  otherwise provided pursuant to s. 1012.798 s. 1012.798(6). For

14  the purpose of this subsection, a preliminary investigation

15  shall be considered active as long as it is continuing with a

16  reasonable, good faith anticipation that an administrative

17  finding will be made in the foreseeable future.

18         Section 53.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

19  1012.98, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         1012.98  School Community Professional Development

21  Act.--

22         (4)  The Department of Education, school districts,

23  schools, community colleges, and state universities share the

24  responsibilities described in this section. These

25  responsibilities include the following:

26         (b)  Each school district shall develop a professional

27  development system. The system shall be developed in

28  consultation with teachers and representatives of community

29  college and state university faculty, community agencies, and

30  other interested citizen groups to establish policy and

31  procedures to guide the operation of the district professional


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 1  development program.  The professional development system

 2  must:

 3         1.  Be approved by the department. All substantial

 4  revisions to the system shall be submitted to the department

 5  for review for continued approval.

 6         2.  Require the use of student achievement data; school

 7  discipline data; school environment surveys; assessments of

 8  parental satisfaction; performance appraisal data of teachers,

 9  managers, and administrative personnel; and other performance

10  indicators to identify school and student needs that can be

11  met by improved professional performance.

12         3.  Provide inservice activities coupled with followup

13  support that are appropriate to accomplish district-level and

14  school-level improvement goals and standards. The inservice

15  activities for instructional personnel shall primarily focus

16  on subject content and teaching methods, including technology,

17  as related to the Sunshine State Standards, assessment and

18  data analysis, classroom management, and school safety.

19         4.  Include a master plan for inservice activities,

20  pursuant to rules of the State Board of Education, for all

21  district employees from all fund sources. The master plan

22  shall be updated annually by September 1 using criteria for

23  continued approval as specified by rules of the State Board of

24  Education. Written verification that the inservice plan meets

25  all requirements of this section must be submitted annually to

26  the commissioner by October 1.

27         5.  Require each school principal to establish and

28  maintain an individual professional development plan for each

29  instructional employee assigned to the school. The individual

30  professional development plan must:



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 1         a.  Be related to specific performance data for the

 2  students to whom the teacher is assigned.

 3         b.  Define the inservice objectives and specific

 4  measurable improvements expected in student performance as a

 5  result of the inservice activity.

 6         c.  Include an evaluation component that determines the

 7  effectiveness of the professional development plan.

 8         6.  Include inservice activities for school

 9  administrative personnel that address updated skills necessary

10  for effective school management and instructional leadership.

11         7.  Provide for systematic consultation with regional

12  and state personnel designated to provide technical assistance

13  and evaluation of local professional development programs.

14         8.  Provide for delivery of professional development by

15  distance learning and other technology-based delivery systems

16  to reach more educators at lower costs.

17         9.  Provide for the continuous evaluation of the

18  quality and effectiveness of professional development programs

19  in order to eliminate ineffective programs and strategies and

20  to expand effective ones. Evaluations must consider the impact

21  of such activities on the performance of participating

22  educators and their students' achievement and behavior.

23         Section 54.  Subsection (6) of section 1013.73, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         1013.73  Effort index grants for school district

26  facilities.--

27         (6)  A school district may receive a distribution for

28  use pursuant to paragraph (3)(a) only if the district school

29  board certifies to the Commissioner of Education that the

30  district has no unmet need for permanent classroom facilities

31  in its 5-year capital outlay work plan. If the work plan


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 1  contains such unmet needs, the district must use its

 2  distribution for the payment of bonds under paragraph (3)(b)

 3  (2)(b). If the district does not require its full bonded

 4  distribution to eliminate such unmet needs, it may bond only

 5  that portion of its allocation necessary to meet the needs.

 6         Section 55.  Subsection (1) of section 1013.74, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         1013.74  University authorization for fixed capital

 9  outlay projects.--

10         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 216,

11  including s. 216.351, a university may accomplish fixed

12  capital outlay projects consistent with the provisions of this

13  section. Projects authorized by this section shall not require

14  educational plant survey approval as prescribed in this

15  chapter 235.

16         Section 56.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

17  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                         Senate Bill 1772


22  The Committee Substitute amends ss. 1009.534, 1009.535,
    1009.765, 1009.77, F.S., to reaffirm the State Board of
23  Education as the rulemaking authority.

24  The Committee Substitute amends s. 1003.63, F.S., to eliminate
    the authority of the State Board of Education to waive law.
    The Committee Substitute restores current law with respect to
26  s. 20.055, F.S.







CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.