HB 1805 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to transportation; creating pt. II of ch.
3    339, F.S., entitled "Florida Strategic Intermodal System";
4    creating the Florida Strategic Intermodal System;
5    providing legislative findings, declaration, and intent;
6    providing for components of the system; providing for the
7    designation of facilities in the system; requiring the
8    Department of Transportation to develop a Strategic
9    Intermodal System Plan; providing criteria for the
10    development and revision of such plan; creating the
11    Strategic Intermodal Transportation Advisory Council;
12    providing legislative findings and purpose; defining
13    "intermodal modes of transportation," "intermodal
14    transportation project," and "SITAC"; providing for
15    intermodal project funding review by districts of the
16    department, the council, and the Legislature; amending s.
17    339.08, F.S.; authorizing the payment of costs of projects
18    on the Florida Strategic Intermodal System as a use of
19    moneys in the State Transportation Trust Fund; providing
20    an effective date.
22          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24          Section 1. Chapter 339, Florida Statutes, is designated
25    part I of said chapter and part II, consisting of sections
26    339.61, 339.62, 339.63, 339.64, and 339.65, is created to read:
29          339.61 Florida Strategic Intermodal System; legislative
30    findings, declaration, and intent.--
31          (1) There is created the Florida Strategic Intermodal
32    System.
33          (2) The Legislature finds that increasing demands are
34    continuing to be placed on the state's transportation system by
35    a fast-growing economy, continued population growth, and
36    projected increases in freight movement, international trade,
37    and tourism. The Legislature also finds that the state's growing
38    regional and intercity economic centers will increase the demand
39    for interregional and intercity travel and that the evolving
40    service-based and information-based industries will change the
41    type of transportation system that business and industry
42    demands, increasing the importance of speed and reliability. The
43    Legislature further finds that our transportation system must be
44    designed and operated in such a way that it preserves the
45    abundance of natural and manmade amenities that have been so
46    successful in attracting new residents, businesses, and tourists
47    to this state. Therefore, the Legislature declares that the
48    development of a strategic intermodal system, composed of
49    facilities and services of statewide and interregional
50    significance, will efficiently serve the mobility needs of
51    Florida's citizens, businesses, and visitors and will help
52    Florida become a worldwide economic leader, enhance economic
53    prosperity and competitiveness, enrich quality of life, and
54    reflect responsible environmental stewardship. To that end, it
55    is the intent of the Legislature that the Strategic Intermodal
56    System consist of transportation facilities of compelling state
57    interest and that limited resources available for the
58    implementation of statewide and interregional transportation
59    priorities be focused on that system.
60          339.62 System components.--The Strategic Intermodal System
61    shall consist of appropriate components of:
62          (1) The Florida Intrastate Highway System established
63    pursuant to s. 338.001.
64          (2) The National Highway System.
65          (3) Airport, seaport, and spaceport facilities.
66          (4) Rail facilities.
67          (5) Selected intermodal facilities; passenger and freight
68    terminals; and appropriate components of the State Highway
69    System, county road system, city street system, and local public
70    transit systems that serve as connections between the components
71    listed in subsections (1)-(4).
72          (6) Existing or planned corridors that serve a statewide
73    or interregional purpose.
74          339.63 System facilities designated; additions and
75    deletions.--
76          (1) The initial Strategic Intermodal System shall include
77    all facilities that meet the criteria recommended by the
78    Strategic Intermodal Steering Committee in a report titled
79    "Steering Committee Final Report: Recommendations for
80    Designating Florida's Strategic Intermodal System" dated
81    December 2002.
82          (2) Subsequent to the initial designation of the Strategic
83    Intermodal System pursuant to subsection (1), the Secretary of
84    Transportation shall periodically add facilities to or delete
85    facilities from the Strategic Intermodal System based upon
86    adopted criteria.
87          339.64 Strategic Intermodal System Plan.--
88          (1) The department shall develop, in cooperation with
89    metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning councils,
90    local governments, and other transportation providers, a
91    Strategic Intermodal System Plan. The plan shall be consistent
92    with the Florida Transportation Plan developed pursuant to s.
93    339.155 and shall be updated at least once every 5 years,
94    subsequent to updates of the Florida Transportation Plan.
95          (2) During the development of the Strategic Intermodal
96    System Plan and the development of all subsequent updates, the
97    department shall provide metropolitan planning organizations,
98    regional planning councils, local governments, transportation
99    providers, affected public agencies, and citizens with an
100    opportunity to participate in and comment on the development of
101    the proposed plan or update.
102          (3) The Strategic Intermodal System Plan shall include the
103    following:
104          (a) A needs assessment.
105          (b) A project prioritization process.
106          (c) A map of facilities designated as Strategic Intermodal
107    System facilities and facilities that are emerging in importance
108    that are likely to be designated as part of the system in the
109    future.
110          (d) A finance plan based on projections of revenues that
111    can reasonably be expected. The finance plan shall include both
112    10-year and 20-year cost-feasible components.
113          339.65 Strategic Intermodal Transportation Advisory
114    Council created; membership; responsibilities.--
115          (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE.--The Legislature
116    finds that the geographic makeup and economic diversity of the
117    State of Florida present unique transportation challenges to
118    citizens and tourists traveling throughout the state; that all
119    modes of transportation play an important role in ensuring the
120    efficient and safe movement of people and goods throughout the
121    state; and that, if Florida is to remain a competitive and safe
122    location for international and domestic trade, the state must
123    ensure the continued viability of efficient and cost-effective
124    modes of transportation. It is the purpose of this section to
125    ensure that transportation policy and specific transportation
126    projects are coordinated to stimulate the state's economy and
127    allow for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods
128    throughout the state.
129          (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
130          (a) "Intermodal modes of transportation" means airports
131    and seaports and rail, trucking, and public transit
132    transportation modes and transportation connections between and
133    among these modes.
134          (b) "Intermodal transportation project" means any project
135    relating to an intermodal mode or modes of transportation as
136    defined herein.
137          (c) "SITAC" means the Strategic Intermodal Transportation
138    Advisory Council.
140    COUNCIL.--The Strategic Intermodal Transportation Advisory
141    Council is created to advise and make recommendations to the
142    Legislature, the Department of Transportation, and federal
143    transportation agencies on policies, planning, and funding of
144    intermodal transportation projects in this state. The council's
145    responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to:
146          (a) Advising the department on the policies, planning, and
147    implementation of the Strategic Intermodal System.
148          (b) Providing advice and recommendations to the
149    Legislature on funding for intermodal transportation projects.
150          (4) MEMBERSHIP.--
151          (a) The members of Strategic Intermodal Transportation
152    Advisory Council shall consist of the following members:
153          1. Four intermodal industry representatives selected by
154    the Governor as follows:
155          a. Two representatives from airports involved in the
156    movement of freight and people from their airport facility to
157    another transportation mode. In no event may both of the
158    representatives be employed by the same company.
159          b. One representative representing a fixed-route, local-
160    government transit system.
161          c. One representative from an intercity bus company
162    providing regularly scheduled bus travel as determined by
163    federal regulations.
164          2. Three intermodal industry representatives selected by
165    the President of the Senate as follows:
166          a. One representative from short line railroads.
167          b. One representative from seaports listed in s. 311.09(1)
168    from the Atlantic Coast.
169          c. One representative from intermodal trucking companies.
170          3. Three intermodal industry representatives selected by
171    the Speaker of the House of Representatives as follows:
172          a. One representative from major line railroads.
173          b. One representative from seaports listed in s. 311.09(1)
174    from the Gulf Coast.
175          c. One representative from intermodal trucking companies.
176    In no event may this representative be employed by the same
177    company that employs the intermodal trucking company
178    representative selected by the President of the Senate.
179          (b)1. Initial appointments to the council must be made no
180    later than 30 days after the effective date of this section.
181          2. The initial appointments made by the President of the
182    Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
183    serve terms concurrent with those of the respective appointing
184    officer. Beginning January 15, 2005, and for all subsequent
185    appointments, council members appointed by the President of the
186    Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
187    serve 2-year terms, concurrent with the term of the respective
188    appointing officer.
189          3. The initial appointees, and all subsequent appointees,
190    made by the Governor shall serve 2-year terms.
191          4. Vacancies on the council shall be filled in the same
192    manner as the initial appointments.
193          (c) Each member of the council shall be allowed one vote.
194    The council shall select a chair from among its membership.
195    Meetings shall be held at the call of the chair, but not less
196    frequently than quarterly. The members of the council shall be
197    reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses as provided in s.
198    112.061.
199          (d) The department shall provide administrative staff
200    support and shall ensure that council meetings are
201    electronically recorded. Such recordings and all documents
202    received, prepared for, or used by the council in conducting its
203    business shall be preserved pursuant to chapters 119 and 257.
205          (a) Each district of the department shall, on an annual
206    basis, review all intermodal transportation project applications
207    to determine which projects meet the criteria listed in s.
208    339.63(2). By December 1, 2003, and annually thereafter, the
209    department shall submit to the Strategic Intermodal
210    Transportation Advisory Council an unranked list of qualified
211    intermodal transportation project applications that it has
212    reviewed.
213          (b) The Strategic Intermodal Transportation Advisory
214    Council shall evaluate all of the project applications that are
215    submitted to it annually by each of the districts of the
216    department. At least 30 days before the start of each regular
217    legislative session, the council shall develop and submit to the
218    Legislature for review an unranked list of projects that qualify
219    pursuant to s. 339.63(2).
220          (c) The Strategic Intermodal Transportation Advisory
221    Council shall develop a methodology for scoring and ranking
222    project proposals, based on the criteria referenced in s.
223    339.63(2). The council may select a project based on other
224    factors as it determines; however, such other factors must be
225    fully documented in writing by the council when it submits its
226    list of recommended projects to the Legislature.
227          Section 2. Paragraph (m) of subsection (2) of section
228    339.08, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as paragraph (n) and a
229    new paragraph (m) is added to said subsection to read:
230          339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust Fund.--
231          (2) These rules must restrict the use of such moneys to
232    the following purposes:
233          (m) To pay the cost of projects on the Florida Strategic
234    Intermodal System developed pursuant to s. 339.61.
235          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.