Bill No. HB 1837, 2nd Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 813084
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       05/01/2003 05:36 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Atwater moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Between lines 4837 and 4838,
16  insert:
17         Section 33.  Section 440.593, Florida Statutes, is
18  amended to read:
19         440.593  Electronic reporting.--
20         (1)  For forms, reports, or other information filed
21  with the department by electronic reporting, the department
22  may by rule extend or reduce the filing deadlines from those
23  otherwise required when reporting the information by other
24  means by up to 7 days to reflect the needs of electronic
25  filing establish an electronic reporting system requiring or
26  authorizing an employer or carrier to submit required forms,
27  reports, or other information electronically rather than by
28  other means. The department may establish different deadlines
29  for submitting forms, reports, or information to the
30  department, or to its authorized agent, via the electronic
31  reporting system than are otherwise required when reporting
    10:51 AM   04/30/03                               h1837c-25j03

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1837, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 813084 1 information by other means. 2 (2) The department may require any carrier to submit 3 data electronically, either directly or through a third-party 4 vendor, and may require any carrier or vendor submitting data 5 to the department electronically to be approved certified by 6 the department as prescribed by rule. The department shall may 7 specify performance requirements for any carrier or vendor 8 submitting data electronically. 9 (3) The department may revoke the certification of any 10 carrier or vendor determined by the department to be in 11 noncompliance with performance standards prescribed by rule 12 for electronic submissions. 13 (4)(a) The department shall establish by rule a 14 schedule whereby carriers must begin filing information 15 electronically. Such rule shall provide an implementation date 16 of at least 180 days after the effective date of the rule. 17 When a carrier is required to file electronically, failure to 18 so file shall subject the carrier to an administrative penalty 19 of $500 per day for the first 90 days of noncompliance, after 20 which the department shall take further action as set forth in 21 s. 440.38, if the carrier is a self-insurer, or refer the 22 carrier to the Office of Insurance Regulation for additional 23 sanctions pursuant to s. 624.308 The department may assess a 24 civil penalty, not to exceed $500 for each violation, as 25 prescribed by rule. 26 (b) A carrier shall timely file all electronic 27 information required by and in accordance with department 28 rule. Sanctions as set forth in ss. 440.185 and 440.525 shall 29 be imposed for failure to timely file any required electronic 30 information. 31 (5) The department may adopt rules to administer this 2 10:51 AM 04/30/03 h1837c-25j03
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1837, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 813084 1 section. 2 3 4 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 5 And the title is amended as follows: 6 On line 86, after the third semicolon, 7 8 insert: 9 amending s. 440.593, F.S.; requiring the 10 Department of Insurance to establish rules for 11 electronic reporting; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 10:51 AM 04/30/03 h1837c-25j03