HB 1837, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to workers' compensation; amending s.
3    440.02, F.S.; providing, revising, and deleting
4    definitions; amending s. 440.05, F.S.; revising
5    authorization to claim exemptions and requirements
6    relating to submitting notice of election of exemption;
7    specifying effect of exemption; amending s. 440.06, F.S.;
8    revising provisions relating to failure to secure
9    compensation; amending s. 440.077, F.S.; providing that a
10    corporate officer electing to be exempt may not receive
11    benefits; amending s. 440.09, F.S.; revising provisions
12    relating to compensation for subsequent injuries;
13    providing definitions; revising provisions relating to
14    drug testing; specifying effect of criminal acts; creating
15    s. 440.093, F.S.; providing for compensability of mental
16    and nervous injuries; amending s. 440.10, F.S.; revising
17    provisions relating to contractors and subcontractors with
18    regard to liability for compensation; requiring
19    subcontractors to provide evidence of workers'
20    compensation coverage or proof of exemption to a
21    contractor; deleting provisions relating to independent
22    contractors; amending s. 440.1025, F.S.; revising
23    requirements relating to workplace safety programs;
24    amending s. 440.103, F.S.; providing conditions for
25    applying for building permits; amending s. 440.105, F.S.;
26    increasing criminal penalties for certain violations;
27    providing sanctions for violation of stop-work orders and
28    presentation of certain false or misleading statements as
29    evidence; amending s. 440.1051, F.S.; increasing criminal
30    penalty for false reports; amending s. 440.107, F.S.;
31    providing additional powers to the Department of Financial
32    Services relating to compliance and enforcement; providing
33    a definition; providing penalties; amending s. 440.11,
34    F.S.; providing exclusiveness of liability; revising
35    provisions relating to employer and safety consultant
36    immunity from liability; amending s. 440.13, F.S.;
37    providing for practice parameters and treatment protocols;
38    revising provisions relating to provider reimbursement;
39    requiring revision of specified reimbursement schedules;
40    providing for release of information; providing additional
41    criteria for independent medical examinations; providing a
42    definition; providing standards for medical care under ch.
43    440, F.S.; providing penalties; amending s. 440.134, F.S.;
44    revising provisions relating to managed care arrangements;
45    revising definitions; providing for assignment of a
46    medical care coordinator; amending s. 440.14, F.S.;
47    revising provisions relating to calculation of average
48    weekly wage for injured employees; conforming cross
49    references; amending s. 440.15, F.S.; providing additional
50    limitations on compensation for permanent total
51    disability; providing a definition; specifying impairment
52    benefits and providing for partial reduction under certain
53    circumstances; deleting provisions relating to
54    supplemental benefits; amending s. 440.151, F.S.;
55    specifying compensability of occupational disease;
56    providing a definition; amending s. 440.16, F.S.;
57    increasing the limits on the amount of certain benefits
58    paid as compensation for death; amending s. 440.185, F.S.;
59    specifying duty of employer upon receipt of notice of
60    injury or death; increasing penalties for noncompliance;
61    amending s. 440.192, F.S.; revising procedure for
62    resolving benefit disputes; requiring a petition for
63    benefits to include all claims which are ripe, due, and
64    owing; providing that the Chief Judge, rather than the
65    Deputy Chief Judge, shall refer petitions for benefits;
66    creating s. 440.1926, F.S.; providing for alternative
67    dispute resolution and arbitration of claims; amending s.
68    440.20, F.S.; revising provisions relating to timely
69    payment of compensation and medical bills and penalties
70    for late payment; amending s. 440.25, F.S.; revising
71    procedures for mediation and hearings; amending s. 440.34,
72    F.S.; revising provisions relating to the award of
73    attorney's fees; amending s. 440.38, F.S.; providing
74    requirement for employers with coverage provided by
75    insurers from outside the state; amending s. 440.381,
76    F.S.; providing criminal penalty for unlawful
77    applications; requiring on-site audits of employers under
78    certain circumstances; amending s. 440.42, F.S.; revising
79    provision relating to notice of cancellation of coverage;
80    amending ss. 440.49 and 440.491, F.S., to conform cross
81    references; amending s. 440.525, F.S.; providing for
82    audits, examinations, and investigations of claims-handing
83    entities; providing penalties; providing for rules;
84    amending s. 627.162, F.S.; revising delinquency and
85    collection fee for late payment of premium installments;
86    amending s. 627.311, F.S.; requiring participation in
87    safety programs; providing for an additional subplan
88    within the joint underwriting plan for workers’
89    compensation insurance; providing for rates, surcharges,
90    and assessments; limiting assessment powers; amending s.
91    921.0022, F.S.; revising the offense severity ranking
92    chart to reflect changes in penalties under the act;
93    requiring a report to the Legislature from the Department
94    of Financial Services regarding provisions of law relating
95    to enforcement; amending ss. 946.523 and 985.315, F.S.,
96    to conform cross references; repealing s. 440.1925, F.S.,
97    relating to procedure for resolving maximum medical
98    improvement or permanent impairment disputes; providing
99    effective dates.
101          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
103          Section 1. Effective upon this act becoming a law,
104    Subsections (1), (15), (29), (38), (40), (41), and (42) of
105    section 440.02, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
106          440.02 Definitions.-- When used in this chapter, unless
107    the context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms
108    shall have the following meanings:
109          (1) "Accident" means only an unexpected or unusual event
110    or result that happens suddenly. A mental or nervous injury due
111    to stress, fright, or excitement only, orDisability or death
112    due to the accidental acceleration or aggravation of a venereal
113    disease or of a disease due to the habitual use of alcohol or
114    controlled substances or narcotic drugs, or a disease that
115    manifests itself in the fear of or dislike for an individual
116    because of the individual's race, color, religion, sex, national
117    origin, age, or handicap is not an injury by accident arising
118    out of the employment. Subject to s. 440.15(5),if a preexisting
119    disease or anomaly is accelerated or aggravated by an accident
120    arising out of and in the course of employment, only
121    acceleration of death or acceleration or aggravation of the
122    preexisting condition reasonably attributable to the accident is
123    compensable, with respect to any compensation otherwise payable
124    under this chapterdeath or permanent impairment. An injury or
125    disease caused by exposure to a toxic substance, including, but
126    not limited to, fungus or mold, is not an injury by accident
127    arising out of the employment unless there is clear and
128    convincing evidence establishing that exposure to the specific
129    substance involved, at the levels to which the employee was
130    exposed, can cause the injury or disease sustained by the
131    employee.
132          (15)(a) "Employee" means any person engaged in any
133    employment under any appointment or contract of hire or
134    apprenticeship, express or implied, oral or written, whether
135    lawfully or unlawfully employed, and includes, but is not
136    limited to, aliens and minors.
137          (b) "Employee" includes any person who is an officer of a
138    corporation and who performs services for remuneration for such
139    corporation within this state, whether or not such services are
140    continuous.
141          1. Any officer of a corporation may elect to be exempt
142    from this chapter by filing written notice of the election with
143    the department as provided in s. 440.05.
144          2. As to officers of a corporation who are actively
145    engaged in the construction industry, no more than three
146    officers may elect to be exempt from this chapter by filing
147    written notice of the election with the department as provided
148    in s. 440.05. However, any exemption obtained by a corporate
149    officer of a corporation actively engaged in the construction
150    industry is not applicable with respect to any commercial
151    building project estimated to be valued at $250,000 or greater.
152          3. An officer of a corporation who elects to be exempt
153    from this chapter by filing a written notice of the election
154    with the department as provided in s. 440.05 is not an employee.
156          Services are presumed to have been rendered to the corporation
157    if the officer is compensated by other than dividends upon
158    shares of stock of the corporation which the officer owns.
159          (c)1."Employee" includes a sole proprietor or a partner
160    who devotes full time to the proprietorship or partnership and,
161    except as provided in this paragraph, elects to be included in
162    the definition of employee by filing notice thereof as provided
163    in s. 440.05. Partners or sole proprietors actively engaged in
164    the construction industry are considered employees unless they
165    elect to be excluded from the definition of employee by filing
166    written notice of the election with the department as provided
167    in s. 440.05. However, no more than three partners in a
168    partnership that is actively engaged in the construction
169    industry may elect to be excluded. A sole proprietor or partner
170    who is actively engaged in the construction industry and who
171    elects to be exempt from this chapter by filing a written notice
172    of the election with the department as provided in s. 440.05 is
173    not an employee. For purposes of this chapter, an independent
174    contractor is an employee unless he or she meets all of the
175    conditions set forth in subparagraph (d)1.
176          2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 1., the
177    term "employee" includes a sole proprietor or partner actively
178    engaged in the construction industry with respect to any
179    commercial building project estimated to be valued at $250,000
180    or greater. Any exemption obtained is not applicable, with
181    respect to work performed at such a commercial building project.
182          (d) "Employee" does not include:
183          1. An independent contractor, if:
184          a. The independent contractor maintains a separate
185    business with his or her own work facility, truck, equipment,
186    materials, or similar accommodations;
187          b. The independent contractor holds or has applied for a
188    federal employer identification number, unless the independent
189    contractor is a sole proprietor who is not required to obtain a
190    federal employer identification number under state or federal
191    requirements;
192          c. The independent contractor performs or agrees to
193    perform specific services or work for specific amounts of money
194    and controls the means of performing the services or work;
195          d. The independent contractor incurs the principal
196    expenses related to the service or work that he or she performs
197    or agrees to perform;
198          e. The independent contractor is responsible for the
199    satisfactory completion of work or services that he or she
200    performs or agrees to perform and is or could be held liable for
201    a failure to complete the work or services;
202          f. The independent contractor receives compensation for
203    work or services performed for a commission or on a per-job or
204    competitive-bid basis and not on any other basis;
205          g. The independent contractor may realize a profit or
206    suffer a loss in connection with performing work or services;
207          h. The independent contractor has continuing or recurring
208    business liabilities or obligations; and
209          i. The success or failure of the independent contractor's
210    business depends on the relationship of business receipts to
211    expenditures.
213          However, the determination as to whether an individual included
214    in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual of 1987,
215    Industry Numbers 0711, 0721, 0722, 0751, 0761, 0762, 0781, 0782,
216    0783, 0811, 0831, 0851, 2411, 2421, 2435, 2436, 2448, or 2449,
217    or a newspaper delivery person, is an independent contractor is
218    governed not by the criteria in this paragraph but by common-law
219    principles, giving due consideration to the business activity of
220    the individual. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph
221    or any other provision of this chapter, with respect to any
222    commercial building project estimated to be valued at $250,000
223    or greater, a person who is actively engaged in the construction
224    industry is not an independent contractor and is either an
225    employer or an employee who may not be exempt from the coverage
226    requirements of this chapter.
227          2. A real estate salesperson or agent, if that person
228    agrees, in writing, to perform for remuneration solely by way of
229    commission.
230          3. Bands, orchestras, and musical and theatrical
231    performers, including disk jockeys, performing in licensed
232    premises as defined in chapter 562, if a written contract
233    evidencing an independent contractor relationship is entered
234    into before the commencement of such entertainment.
235          4. An owner-operator of a motor vehicle who transports
236    property under a written contract with a motor carrier which
237    evidences a relationship by which the owner-operator assumes the
238    responsibility of an employer for the performance of the
239    contract, if the owner-operator is required to furnish the
240    necessary motor vehicle equipment and all costs incidental to
241    the performance of the contract, including, but not limited to,
242    fuel, taxes, licenses, repairs, and hired help; and the owner-
243    operator is paid a commission for transportation service and is
244    not paid by the hour or on some other time-measured basis.
245          5. A person whose employment is both casual and not in the
246    course of the trade, business, profession, or occupation of the
247    employer.
248          6. A volunteer, except a volunteer worker for the state or
249    a county, municipality, or other governmental entity. A person
250    who does not receive monetary remuneration for services is
251    presumed to be a volunteer unless there is substantial evidence
252    that a valuable consideration was intended by both employer and
253    employee. For purposes of this chapter, the term "volunteer"
254    includes, but is not limited to:
255          a. Persons who serve in private nonprofit agencies and who
256    receive no compensation other than expenses in an amount less
257    than or equivalent to the standard mileage and per-diem expenses
258    provided to salaried employees in the same agency or, if such
259    agency does not have salaried employees who receive mileage and
260    per diem, then such volunteers who receive no compensation other
261    than expenses in an amount less than or equivalent to the
262    customary mileage and per diem paid to salaried workers in the
263    community as determined by the department; and
264          b. Volunteers participating in federal programs
265    established under Pub. L. No. 93-113.
266          7. Any officer of a corporation who elects to be exempt
267    from this chapter.
268          8. A sole proprietor or officer of a corporation who
269    actively engages in the construction industry, and a partner in
270    a partnership that is actively engaged in the construction
271    industry, who elects to be exempt from the provisions of this
272    chapter. Such sole proprietor, officer, or partner is not an
273    employee for any reason until the notice of revocation of
274    election filed pursuant to s. 440.05 is effective.
275          9. An exercise rider who does not work for a single horse
276    farm or breeder, and who is compensated for riding on a case-by-
277    case basis, provided a written contract is entered into prior to
278    the commencement of such activity which evidences that an
279    employee/employer relationship does not exist.
280          10. A taxicab, limousine, or other passenger vehicle-for-
281    hire driver who operates said vehicles pursuant to a written
282    agreement with a company which provides any dispatch, marketing,
283    insurance, communications, or other services under which the
284    driver and any fees or charges paid by the driver to the company
285    for such services are not conditioned upon, or expressed as a
286    proportion of, fare revenues.
287          11. A person who performs services as a sports official
288    for an entity sponsoring an interscholastic sports event or for
289    a public entity or private, nonprofit organization that sponsors
290    an amateur sports event. For purposes of this subparagraph, such
291    a person is an independent contractor. For purposes of this
292    subparagraph, the term "sports official" means any person who is
293    a neutral participant in a sports event, including, but not
294    limited to, umpires, referees, judges, linespersons,
295    scorekeepers, or timekeepers. This subparagraph does not apply
296    to any person employed by a district school board who serves as
297    a sports official as required by the employing school board or
298    who serves as a sports official as part of his or her
299    responsibilities during normal school hours.
300          (29) "Weekly compensation rate" means and refers to the
301    amount of compensation payable for a period of 7 consecutive
302    calendardays, including any Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and
303    other nonworking days which fall within such period of 7
304    consecutive calendardays. When Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or
305    other nonworking days follow the first 7 calendardays of
306    disability or occur at the end of a period of disability as the
307    last day or days of such period, such nonworking days constitute
308    a part of the period of disability with respect to which
309    compensation is payable.
310          (38) "Catastrophic injury" means a permanent impairment
311    constituted by the loss of both hands, both arms, both feet,
312    both legs, or both eyes, or any two thereof, or paraplegia or
313    quadriplegia.:
314          (a) Spinal cord injury involving severe paralysis of an
315    arm, a leg, or the trunk;
316          (b) Amputation of an arm, a hand, a foot, or a leg
317    involving the effective loss of use of that appendage;
318          (c) Severe brain or closed-head injury as evidenced by:
319          1. Severe sensory or motor disturbances;
320          2. Severe communication disturbances;
321          3. Severe complex integrated disturbances of cerebral
322    function;
323          4. Severe episodic neurological disorders; or
324          5. Other severe brain and closed-head injury conditions at
325    least as severe in nature as any condition provided in
326    subparagraphs 1.-4.;
327          (d) Second-degree or third-degree burns of 25 percent or
328    more of the total body surface or third-degree burns of 5
329    percent or more to the face and hands;
330          (e) Total or industrial blindness; or
331          (f) Any other injury that would otherwise qualify under
332    this chapter of a nature and severity that would qualify an
333    employee to receive disability income benefits under Title II or
334    supplemental security income benefits under Title XVI of the
335    federal Social Security Act as the Social Security Act existed
336    on July 1, 1992, without regard to any time limitations provided
337    under that act.
338          (40) "Statement," for the purposes of ss. 440.105 and
339    440.106, shall include the exact fraud statement language in s.
340    440.105(7). This requirementincludes, but is not limited to,
341    any notice, representation, statement, proof of injury, bill for
342    services, diagnosis, prescription, hospital or doctor record, X
343    ray, test result, or other evidence of loss, injury, or expense.
344          (41) “Specificity” means information on the petition for
345    benefits sufficient to put the employer or carrier on notice of
346    the exact statutory classification and outstanding time period
347    of benefits being requested and includes a detailed explanation
348    of any benefits received that should be increased, decreased,
349    changed, or otherwise modified. If the petition is for medical
350    benefits, the information shall include specific details as to
351    why such benefits are being requested, why such benefits are
352    medically necessary, and why current treatment, if any, is not
353    sufficient. Any petition requesting alternate or other medical
354    care, including, but not limited to, petitions requesting
355    psychiatric or psychological treatment, must specifically
356    identify the physician, as defined in s. 440.13(1), that is
357    recommending such treatment. A copy of a report from such
358    physician making the recommendation for alternate or other
359    medical care shall also be attached to the petition. A judge of
360    compensation claims shall not order such treatment if a
361    physician is not recommending such treatment."Commercial
362    building" means any building or structure intended for
363    commercial or industrial use, or any building or structure
364    intended for multifamily use of more than four dwelling units,
365    as well as any accessory use structures constructed in
366    conjunction with the principal structure. The term, "commercial
367    building," does not include the conversion of any existing
368    residential building to a commercial building.
369          (42) "Residential building" means any building or
370    structure intended for residential use containing four or fewer
371    dwelling units and any structures intended as an accessory use
372    to the residential structure.
373          Section 2. Effective January 1, 2004, subsections (8),
374    (15), and (16) of section 440.02, Florida Statutes, as amended
375    by this act, are amended to read:
376          440.02 Definitions.--When used in this chapter, unless the
377    context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms shall
378    have the following meanings:
379          (8) "Construction industry" means for-profit activities
380    involving the carrying out ofany building, clearing, filling,
381    excavation, or substantial improvement in the size or use of any
382    structure or the appearance of any land. When appropriate to the
383    context, "construction" refers to the act of construction or the
384    result of construction. However, "construction" doesshallnot
385    mean a homeowner'slandowner'sact of construction or the result
386    of a construction upon his or her own premises, provided such
387    premises are not intended to be sold,or resold, or leased by
388    the owner within 1 year after the commencement of construction.
389    The division may, by rule, establish standard industrial
390    classification codes and definitions thereof which meet the
391    criteria of the term “construction industry” as set forth in
392    this section.
393          (15)(a) "Employee" means any person who receives
394    remuneration from an employer for the performance of any work or
395    service whileengaged in any employment under any appointment or
396    contract forofhire or apprenticeship, express or implied, oral
397    or written, whether lawfully or unlawfully employed, and
398    includes, but is not limited to, aliens and minors.
399          (b) "Employee" includes any person who is an officer of a
400    corporation and who performs services for remuneration for such
401    corporation within this state, whether or not such services are
402    continuous.
403          1. Any officer of a corporation may elect to be exempt
404    from this chapter by filing written notice of the election with
405    the department as provided in s. 440.05.
406          2. As to officers of a corporation who are actively
407    engaged in the construction industry, no more than three
408    officers of a corporation or of any group of affiliated
409    corporationsmay elect to be exempt from this chapter by filing
410    written notice of the election with the department as provided
411    in s. 440.05. Officers must be shareholders, each owning at
412    least 10 percent of the stock of such corporation and listed as
413    an officer of such corporation with the Division of Corporations
414    of the Department of State, in order to elect exemptions under
415    this chapter. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term
416    “affiliated” means and includes one or more corporations or
417    entities, any one of which is a corporation engaged in the
418    construction industry, under the same or substantially the same
419    control of a group of business entities which are connected or
420    associated so that one entity controls or has the power to
421    control each of the other business entities. The term
422    “affiliated” includes, but is not limited to, the officers,
423    directors, executives, shareholders active in management,
424    employees, and agents of the affiliated corporation. The
425    ownership by one business entity of a controlling interest in
426    another business entity or a pooling of equipment or income
427    among business entities shall be prima facie evidence that one
428    business is affiliated with the other.
429          3. An officer of a corporation who elects to be exempt
430    from this chapter by filing a written notice of the election
431    with the department as provided in s. 440.05 is not an employee.
433          Services are presumed to have been rendered to the corporation
434    if the officer is compensated by other than dividends upon
435    shares of stock of the corporation which the officer owns.
436          (c) "Employee" includes:
437          1. A sole proprietor or a partner who is not engaged in
438    the construction industry,devotes full time to the
439    proprietorship or partnership, and, except as provided in this
440    paragraph,elects to be included in the definition of employee
441    by filing notice thereof as provided in s. 440.05. Partners or
442    sole proprietors actively engaged in the construction industry
443    are considered employees unless they elect to be excluded from
444    the definition of employee by filing written notice of the
445    election with the department as provided in s. 440.05. However,
446    no more than three partners in a partnership that is actively
447    engaged in the construction industry may elect to be excluded. A
448    sole proprietor or partner who is actively engaged in the
449    construction industry and who elects to be exempt from this
450    chapter by filing a written notice of the election with the
451    department as provided in s. 440.05 is not an employee. For
452    purposes of this chapter, an independent contractor is an
453    employee unless he or she meets all of the conditions set forth
454    in subparagraph (d)1.
455          2. All persons who are being paid by a construction
456    contractor as a subcontractor, unless the subcontractor has
457    validly elected an exemption as permitted by this chapter, or
458    has otherwise secured the payment of compensation coverage as a
459    subcontractor, consistent with s. 440.10, for work performed by
460    or as a subcontractor.
461          3. An independent contractor working or performing
462    services in the construction industry.
463          4. A sole proprietor who engages in the construction
464    industry and a partner or partnership that is engaged in the
465    construction industry.
466          (d) "Employee" does not include:
467          1. An independent contractor who is not engaged in the
468    construction industry., if:
469          a. In order to meet the definition of independent
470    contractor, at least four of the following criteria must be met:
471          (I) The independent contractor maintains a separate
472    business with his or her own work facility, truck, equipment,
473    materials, or similar accommodations;
474          (II) The independent contractor holds or has applied for a
475    federal employer identification number, unless the independent
476    contractor is a sole proprietor who is not required to obtain a
477    federal employer identification number under state or federal
478    regulations;
479          (III) The independent contractor receives compensation for
480    services rendered or work performed and such compensation is
481    paid to a business rather than to an individual;
482          (IV) The independent contractor holds one or more bank
483    accounts in the name of the business entity for purposes of
484    paying business expenses or other expenses related to services
485    rendered or work performed for compensation;
486          (V) The independent contractor performs work or is able to
487    perform work for any entity in addition to or besides the
488    employer at his or her own election without the necessity of
489    completing an employment application or process; or
490          (VI) The independent contractor receives compensation for
491    work or services rendered on a competitive-bid basis or
492    completion of a task or a set of tasks as defined by a
493    contractual agreement, unless such contractual agreement
494    expressly states that an employment relationship exists.The
495    independent contractor maintains a separate business with his or
496    her own work facility, truck, equipment, materials, or similar
497    accommodations;
498          b. If four of the criteria listed in sub-subparagraph a.
499    do not exist, an individual may still be presumed to be an
500    independent contractor and not an employee based on full
501    consideration of the nature of the individual situation with
502    regard to satisfying any of the following conditions:
503          (I) The independent contractor performs or agrees to
504    perform specific services or work for a specific amount of money
505    and controls the means of performing the services or work.
506          (II) The independent contractor incurs the principal
507    expenses related to the service or work that he or she performs
508    or agrees to perform.
509          (III) The independent contractor is responsible for the
510    satisfactory completion of the work or services that he or she
511    performs or agrees to perform.
512          (IV) The independent contractor receives compensation for
513    work or services performed for a commission or on a per-job
514    basis and not on any other basis.
515          (V) The independent contractor may realize a profit or
516    suffer a loss in connection with performing work or services.
517          (VI) The independent contractor has continuing or
518    recurring business liabilities or obligations.
519          (VII) The success or failure of the independent
520    contractor’s business depends on the relationship of business
521    receipts to expenditures.The independent contractor holds or
522    has applied for a federal employer identification number, unless
523    the independent contractor is a sole proprietor who is not
524    required to obtain a federal employer identification number
525    under state or federal requirements;
526          c. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
527    subparagraph, an individual claiming to be an independent
528    contractor has the burden of proving that he or she is an
529    independent contractor for purposes of this chapter.The
530    independent contractor performs or agrees to perform specific
531    services or work for specific amounts of money and controls the
532    means of performing the services or work;
533          d. The independent contractor incurs the principal
534    expenses related to the service or work that he or she performs
535    or agrees to perform;
536          e. The independent contractor is responsible for the
537    satisfactory completion of work or services that he or she
538    performs or agrees to perform and is or could be held liable for
539    a failure to complete the work or services;
540          f. The independent contractor receives compensation for
541    work or services performed for a commission or on a per-job or
542    competitive-bid basis and not on any other basis;
543          g. The independent contractor may realize a profit or
544    suffer a loss in connection with performing work or services;
545          h. The independent contractor has continuing or recurring
546    business liabilities or obligations; and
547          i. The success or failure of the independent contractor's
548    business depends on the relationship of business receipts to
549    expenditures.
551          However, the determination as to whether an individual included
552    in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual of 1987,
553    Industry Numbers 0711, 0721, 0722, 0751, 0761, 0762, 0781, 0782,
554    0783, 0811, 0831, 0851, 2411, 2421, 2435, 2436, 2448, or 2449,
555    or a newspaper delivery person, is an independent contractor is
556    governed not by the criteria in this paragraph but by common-law
557    principles, giving due consideration to the business activity of
558    the individual.
559          2. A real estate salesperson or agent, if that person
560    agrees, in writing, to perform for remuneration solely by way of
561    commission.
562          3. Bands, orchestras, and musical and theatrical
563    performers, including disk jockeys, performing in licensed
564    premises as defined in chapter 562, if a written contract
565    evidencing an independent contractor relationship is entered
566    into before the commencement of such entertainment.
567          4. An owner-operator of a motor vehicle who transports
568    property under a written contract with a motor carrier which
569    evidences a relationship by which the owner-operator assumes the
570    responsibility of an employer for the performance of the
571    contract, if the owner-operator is required to furnish the
572    necessary motor vehicle equipment and all costs incidental to
573    the performance of the contract, including, but not limited to,
574    fuel, taxes, licenses, repairs, and hired help; and the owner-
575    operator is paid a commission for transportation service and is
576    not paid by the hour or on some other time-measured basis.
577          5. A person whose employment is both casual and not in the
578    course of the trade, business, profession, or occupation of the
579    employer.
580          6. A volunteer, except a volunteer worker for the state or
581    a county, municipality, or other governmental entity. A person
582    who does not receive monetary remuneration for services is
583    presumed to be a volunteer unless there is substantial evidence
584    that a valuable consideration was intended by both employer and
585    employee. For purposes of this chapter, the term "volunteer"
586    includes, but is not limited to:
587          a. Persons who serve in private nonprofit agencies and who
588    receive no compensation other than expenses in an amount less
589    than or equivalent to the standard mileage and per diem expenses
590    provided to salaried employees in the same agency or, if such
591    agency does not have salaried employees who receive mileage and
592    per diem, then such volunteers who receive no compensation other
593    than expenses in an amount less than or equivalent to the
594    customary mileage and per diem paid to salaried workers in the
595    community as determined by the department; and
596          b. Volunteers participating in federal programs
597    established under Pub. L. No. 93-113.
598          7. Unless otherwise prohibited by this chapter,any
599    officer of a corporation who elects to be exempt from this
600    chapter. Such officer is not an employee for any reason under
601    this chapter until the notice of revocation of election filed
602    pursuant to s. 440.05 is effective.
603          8. Ana sole proprietor or officer of a corporation who
604    actively engages in the construction industry, and a partner in
605    a partnership that is activelyengaged in the construction
606    industry,who elects to be exempt from the provisions of this
607    chapter, as otherwise permitted by this chapter. Such sole
608    proprietor, officer, or partneris not an employee for any
609    reason until the notice of revocation of election filed pursuant
610    to s. 440.05 is effective.
611          9. An exercise rider who does not work for a single horse
612    farm or breeder, and who is compensated for riding on a case-by-
613    case basis, provided a written contract is entered into prior to
614    the commencement of such activity which evidences that an
615    employee/employer relationship does not exist.
616          10. A taxicab, limousine, or other passenger vehicle-for-
617    hire driver who operates said vehicles pursuant to a written
618    agreement with a company which provides any dispatch, marketing,
619    insurance, communications, or other services under which the
620    driver and any fees or charges paid by the driver to the company
621    for such services are not conditioned upon, or expressed as a
622    proportion of, fare revenues.
623          11. A person who performs services as a sports official
624    for an entity sponsoring an interscholastic sports event or for
625    a public entity or private, nonprofit organization that sponsors
626    an amateur sports event. For purposes of this subparagraph, such
627    a person is an independent contractor. For purposes of this
628    subparagraph, the term "sports official" means any person who is
629    a neutral participant in a sports event, including, but not
630    limited to, umpires, referees, judges, linespersons,
631    scorekeepers, or timekeepers. This subparagraph does not apply
632    to any person employed by a district school board who serves as
633    a sports official as required by the employing school board or
634    who serves as a sports official as part of his or her
635    responsibilities during normal school hours.
636          12. Medicaid-enrolled clients under chapter 393 who are
637    excluded from the definition of employment under s.
638    443.036(21)(d)5. and served by Adult Day Training Services under
639    the Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver program in a
640    sheltered workshop setting licensed by the United States
641    Department of Labor for the purpose of training and earning less
642    than the federal hourly minimum wage.
643          (16)(a)"Employer" means the state and all political
644    subdivisions thereof, all public and quasi-public corporations
645    therein, every person carrying on any employment, and the legal
646    representative of a deceased person or the receiver or trustees
647    of any person. "Employer" also includes employment agencies,
648    employee leasing companies, and similar agents who provide
649    employees to other persons.If the employer is a corporation,
650    parties in actual control of the corporation, including, but not
651    limited to, the president, officers who exercise broad corporate
652    powers, directors, and all shareholders who directly or
653    indirectly own a controlling interest in the corporation, are
654    considered the employer for the purposes of ss. 440.105,and
655    440.106, and 440.107.
656          (b) A homeowner shall not be considered the employer of
657    persons hired by the homeowner to carry out construction on the
658    homeowner’s own premises if those premises are not intended for
659    immediate lease, sale, or resale.
660          (c) Facilities serving individuals under subparagraph
661    (15)(d)12. shall be considered agents of the Agency for Health
662    Care Administration as it relates to providing Adult Day
663    Training Services under the Home and Community-Based Medicaid
664    Waiver program and not employers or third parties for the
665    purpose of limiting or denying Medicaid benefits.
666          Section 3. Effective January 1, 2004, subsections (3),
667    (4), (6), (10), (11), and (12) of section 440.05, Florida
668    Statutes, are amended, present subsection (13) is renumbered as
669    subsection (11) and amended, and new subsections (12), (13), and
670    (14) are added to said section, to read:
671          440.05 Election of exemption; revocation of election;
672    notice; certification.--
673          (3) Each sole proprietor, partner, orofficer of a
674    corporation who is activelyengaged in the construction industry
675    and who elects an exemption from this chapter or who, after
676    electing such exemption, revokes that exemption, must mail a
677    written notice to such effect to the department on a form
678    prescribed by the department. The notice of election to be
679    exempt from the provisions of this chapter must be notarized and
680    under oath. The notice of election to be exempt which is
681    submitted to the department by the sole proprietor, partner, or
682    officer of a corporation who is allowed to claim an exemption as
683    provided by this chaptermust list the name, federal tax
684    identification number, social security number, all certified or
685    registered licenses issued pursuant to chapter 489 held by the
686    person seeking the exemption, a copy of relevant documentation
687    as to employment status filed with the Internal Revenue Service
688    as specified by the department, a copy of the relevant
689    occupational license in the primary jurisdiction of the
690    business, and, for corporate officers and partners,the
691    registration number of the corporation or partnershipfiled with
692    the Division of Corporations of the Department of State along
693    with a copy of the stock certificate evidencing the required
694    ownership under this chapter. The notice of election to be
695    exempt must identify each sole proprietorship, partnership, or
696    corporation that employs the person electing the exemption and
697    must list the social security number or federal tax
698    identification number of each such employer and the additional
699    documentation required by this section. In addition, the notice
700    of election to be exempt must provide that the sole proprietor,
701    partner, orofficer electing an exemption is not entitled to
702    benefits under this chapter, must provide that the election does
703    not exceed exemption limits for officers and partnerships
704    provided in s. 440.02, and must certify that any employees of
705    the corporation whosesole proprietor, partner, or officer
706    electselectingan exemption are covered by workers'
707    compensation insurance. Upon receipt of the notice of the
708    election to be exempt, receipt of all application fees, and a
709    determination by the department that the notice meets the
710    requirements of this subsection, the department shall issue a
711    certification of the election to the sole proprietor, partner,
712    orofficer, unless the department determines that the
713    information contained in the notice is invalid. The department
714    shall revoke a certificate of election to be exempt from
715    coverage upon a determination by the department that the person
716    does not meet the requirements for exemption or that the
717    information contained in the notice of election to be exempt is
718    invalid. The certificate of election must list the namenamesof
719    the sole proprietorship, partnership, orcorporation listed in
720    the request for exemption. A new certificate of election must be
721    obtained each time the person is employed by a new sole
722    proprietorship, partnership, or differentcorporation that is
723    not listed on the certificate of election. A copy of the
724    certificate of election must be sent to each workers'
725    compensation carrier identified in the request for exemption.
726    Upon filing a notice of revocation of election, ana sole
727    proprietor, partner, or officer who is a subcontractor or an
728    officer of a corporate subcontractormust notify her or his
729    contractor. Upon revocation of a certificate of election of
730    exemption by the department, the department shall notify the
731    workers' compensation carriers identified in the request for
732    exemption.
733          (4) The notice of election to be exempt from the
734    provisions of this chapter must contain a notice that clearly
735    states in substance the following: "Any person who, knowingly
736    and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive the department or
737    any employer or employee, insurance company, or any other person
738    purposes program, files a notice of election to be exempt
739    containing any false or misleading information is guilty of a
740    felony of the third degree." Each person filing a notice of
741    election to be exempt shall personally sign the notice and
742    attest that he or she has reviewed, understands, and
743    acknowledges the foregoing notice.
744          (6) A construction industry certificate of election to be
745    exempt which is issued in accordance with this section shall be
746    valid for 2 years after the effective date stated thereon. Both
747    the effective date and the expiration date must be listed on the
748    face of the certificate by the department. The construction
749    industry certificate must expire at midnight, 2 years from its
750    issue date, as noted on the face of the exemption certificate.
751    Any person who has received from the division a construction
752    industry certificate of election to be exempt which is in effect
753    on December 31, 1998, shall file a new notice of election to be
754    exempt by the last day in his or her birth month following
755    December 1, 1998. A construction industry certificate of
756    election to be exempt may be revoked before its expiration by
757    the sole proprietor, partner, orofficer for whom it was issued
758    or by the department for the reasons stated in this section. At
759    least 60 days prior to the expiration date of a construction
760    industry certificate of exemption issued after December 1, 1998,
761    the department shall send notice of the expiration date and an
762    application for renewal to the certificateholder at the address
763    on the certificate.
764          (10) Each sole proprietor, partner, orofficer of a
765    corporation who is actively engaged in the construction industry
766    and who elects an exemption from this chapter shall maintain
767    business records as specified by the division by rule, which
768    rules must include the provision that any corporation with
769    exempt officers and any partnership activelyengaged in the
770    construction industry with exempt partnersmust maintain written
771    statements of those exempted persons affirmatively acknowledging
772    each such individual's exempt status.
773          (11) Any sole proprietor or partner actively engaged in
774    the construction industry claiming an exemption under this
775    section shall maintain a copy of his or her federal income tax
776    records for each of the immediately previous 3 years in which he
777    or she claims an exemption. Such federal income tax records must
778    include a complete copy of the following for each year in which
779    an exemption is claimed:
780          (a) For sole proprietors, a copy of Federal Income Tax
781    Form 1040 and its accompanying Schedule C;
782          (b) For partners, a copy of the partner's Federal Income
783    Tax Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) and Federal Income Tax Form 1040
784    and its accompanying Schedule E.
786          A sole proprietor or partner shall produce, upon request by the
787    division, a copy of those documents together with a statement by
788    the sole proprietor or partner that the tax records provided are
789    true and accurate copies of what the sole proprietor or partner
790    has filed with the federal Internal Revenue Service. The
791    statement must be signed under oath by the sole proprietor or
792    partner and must be notarized. The division shall issue a stop-
793    work order under s. 440.107(5) to any sole proprietor or partner
794    who fails or refuses to produce a copy of the tax records and
795    affidavit required under this paragraph to the division within 3
796    business days after the request is made.
797          (12) For those sole proprietors or partners that have not
798    been in business long enough to provide the information required
799    of an established business, the division shall require such sole
800    proprietor or partner to provide copies of the most recently
801    filed Federal Income Tax Form 1040. The division shall establish
802    by rule such other criteria to show that the sole proprietor or
803    partner intends to engage in a legitimate enterprise within the
804    construction industry and is not otherwiseattempting to evade
805    the requirements of this section. The division shall establish
806    by rule the form and format of financial information required to
807    be submitted by such employers.
808          (11)(13) Any corporate officer permitted by this chapter
809    to claimclaiming an exemption under this sectionmust be listed
810    on the records of this state's Secretary of State, Division of
811    Corporations, as a corporate officer. If the person who claims
812    an exemption as a corporate officer is not so listed on the
813    records of the Secretary of State, the individual must provide
814    to the division, upon request by the division, a notarized
815    affidavit stating that the individual is a bona fide officer of
816    the corporation and stating the date his or her appointment or
817    election as a corporate officer became or will become effective.
818    The statement must be signed under oath by both the officer and
819    the president or chief operating officer of the corporation and
820    must be notarized.The division shall issue a stop-work order
821    under s. 440.107(1) to any corporation who employs a person who
822    claims to be exempt as a corporate officer but who fails or
823    refuses to produce the documents required under this subsection
824    to the division within 3 business days after the request is
825    made.
826          (12) Certificates of election to be exempt issued under
827    subsection (3) shall apply only to the corporate officer named
828    on the notice of election to be exempt and apply only within the
829    scope of the business or trade listed on the notice of election
830    to be exempt.
831          (13) Notices of election to be exempt and certificates of
832    election to be exempt shall be subject to revocation if, at any
833    time after the filing of the notice or the issuance of the
834    certificate, the person named on the notice or certificate no
835    longer meets the requirements of this section for issuance of a
836    certificate. The department shall revoke a certificate at any
837    time for failure of the person named on the certificate to meet
838    the requirements of this section.
839          (14) An officer of a corporation who elects exemption from
840    this chapter by filing a certificate of election under this
841    section may not recover benefits or compensation under this
842    chapter. For purposes of determining the appropriate premium for
843    workers' compensation coverage, carriers may not consider any
844    officer of a corporation who validly meets the requirements of
845    this section to be an employee.
846          Section 4. Section 440.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to
847    read:
848          440.06 Failure to secure compensation; effect.--Every
849    employer who fails to secure the payment of compensation, as
850    provided in s. 440.10, by failing to meet the requirements of
851    under this chapter as provided ins. 440.38 may not, in any suit
852    brought against him or her by an employee subject to this
853    chapter to recover damages for injury or death, defend such a
854    suit on the grounds that the injury was caused by the negligence
855    of a fellow servant, that the employee assumed the risk of his
856    or her employment, or that the injury was due to the comparative
857    negligence of the employee.
858          Section 5. Effective January 1, 2004, section 440.077,
859    Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
860          440.077 When a corporatesole proprietor, partner, or
861    officer rejects chapter, effect.--AnA sole proprietor, partner,
862    or officer of a corporation who is permitted to elect an
863    exemption under this chapteractively engaged in the
864    construction industryand who elects to be exempt from the
865    provisions of this chapter may not recover benefits under this
866    chapter.
867          Section 6. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 440.09,
868    Florida Statutes, are amended and paragraph (e) is added to
869    subsection (7) of said section, to read:
870          440.09 Coverage.--
871          (1) The employer mustshallpay compensation or furnish
872    benefits required by this chapter if the employee suffers an
873    accidental compensableinjury or death arising out of work
874    performed in the course and the scope of employment. The injury,
875    its occupational cause, and any resulting manifestations or
876    disability mustshallbe established to a reasonable degree of
877    medical certainty, based onand by objective relevantmedical
878    findings, and the accidental compensable injury must be the
879    major contributing cause of any resulting injuries. For purposes
880    of this section, “major contributing cause” means the cause
881    which is more than 50 percent responsible for the injury as
882    compared to all other causes combined for which treatment or
883    benefits are sought. In cases involving occupational disease or
884    repetitive exposure, both causation and sufficient exposure to
885    support causation must be proven by clear and convincing
886    evidence. Pain or other subjective complaints alone, in the
887    absence of objective relevant medical findings, are not
888    compensable. For purposes of this section, “objective relevant
889    medical findings” are those objective findings that correlate to
890    the subjective complaints of the injured employee and are
891    confirmed by physical examination findings or diagnostic
892    testing. Establishment of the causal relationship between a
893    compensable accident and injuries for conditions that are not
894    readily observable must be by medical evidence only, as
895    demonstrated by physical examination findings or diagnostic
896    testing. Major contributing cause must be demonstrated by
897    medical evidence only. Mental or nervous injuries occurring as a
898    manifestation of an injury compensable under this section shall
899    be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence.
900          (a) This chapter does not require any compensation or
901    benefits for any subsequent injury the employee suffers as a
902    result of an original injury arising out of and in the course of
903    employment unless the original injury is the major contributing
904    cause of the subsequent injury. Major contributing cause must be
905    demonstrated by medical evidence only.
906          (b) If an injury arising out of and in the course of
907    employment combines with a preexisting disease or condition to
908    cause or prolong disability or need for treatment, the employer
909    must pay compensation or benefits required by this chapter only
910    to the extent that the injury arising out of and in the course
911    of employment is and remains more than 50 percent responsible
912    for the injury as compared to all other causes combined and
913    thereafter remainsthe major contributing cause of the
914    disability or need for treatment. Major contributing cause must
915    be demonstrated by medical evidence only.
916          (c) Death resulting from an operation by a surgeon
917    furnished by the employer for the cure of hernia as required in
918    s. %_%0%_%[F.S. 1981]shall for the purpose of this chapter be
919    considered to be a death resulting from the accident causing the
920    hernia.
921          (d) If an accident happens while the employee is employed
922    elsewhere than in this state, which would entitle the employee
923    or his or her dependents to compensation if it had happened in
924    this state, the employee or his or her dependents are entitled
925    to compensation if the contract of employment was made in this
926    state, or the employment was principally localized in this
927    state. However, if an employee receives compensation or damages
928    under the laws of any other state, the total compensation for
929    the injury may not be greater than is provided in this chapter.
930          (4)(a)An employee shall not be entitled to compensation or
931    benefits under this chapter if any judge of compensation claims,
932    administrative law judge, court, or jury convened in this state
933    determines that the employee has knowingly or intentionally
934    engaged in any of the acts described in s. 440.105 or any
935    criminal actfor the purpose of securing workers' compensation
936    benefits. For purposes of this section, the term “intentional”
937    shall include, but is not limited to, pleas of guilty or nolo
938    contendere in criminal matters. This section shall apply to
939    accidents, regardless of the date of the accident. For injuries
940    occurring prior to January 1, 1994, this section shall pertain
941    to the acts of the employee described in s. 440.105 or criminal
942    activities occurring subsequent to January 1, 1994.
943          (b) A judge of compensation claims, administrative law
944    judge, or court of this state shall take judicial notice of a
945    finding of insurance fraud by a court of competent jurisdiction
946    and terminate or otherwise disallow benefits.
947          (c) Upon the denial of benefits in accordance with this
948    section, a judge of compensation claims shall have the
949    jurisdiction to order any benefits payable to the employee to be
950    paid into the court registry or an escrow account during the
951    pendency of an appeal or until such time as the time in which to
952    file an appeal has expired.
953          (7)
954          (e) As a part of rebutting any presumptions under
955    paragraph (b), the injured worker must prove the actual
956    quantitative amounts of the drug or its metabolites as measured
957    on the initial and confirmation post-accident drug tests of the
958    injured worker’s urine sample and provide additional evidence
959    regarding the absence of drug influence other than the worker’s
960    denial of being under the influence of a drug. No drug test
961    conducted on a urine sample shall be rejected as to its results
962    or the presumption imposed under paragraph (b) on the basis of
963    the urine being bodily fluid tested.
964          Section 7. Section 440.093, Florida Statutes, is created
965    to read:
966          440.093 Mental and nervous injuries.--
967          (1) A mental or nervous injury due to stress, fright, or
968    excitement only is not an injury by accident arising out of the
969    employment. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow
970    for the payment of benefits under this chapter for mental or
971    nervous injuries without an accompanying physical injury
972    requiring medical treatment. A physical injury resulting from
973    mental or nervous injuries unaccompanied by physical trauma
974    requiring medical treatment shall not be compensable under this
975    chapter.
976          (2) Mental or nervous injuries occurring as a
977    manifestation of an injury compensable under this chapter shall
978    be demonstrated by clear and convincing medical evidence by a
979    licensed psychiatrist meeting criteria established in the most
980    recent edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of
981    mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric
982    Association. The compensable physical injury must be and remain
983    the major contributing cause of the mental or nervous condition
984    and the compensable physical injury as determined by reasonable
985    medical certainty must be at least 50 percent responsible for
986    the mental or nervous condition as compared to all other
987    contributing causes combined. Compensation is not payable for
988    the mental, psychological, or emotional injury arising out of
989    depression from being out of work or losing employment
990    opportunities, resulting from a preexisting mental,
991    psychological, or emotional condition or due to pain or other
992    subjective complaints that cannot be substantiated by objective,
993    relevant medical findings.
994          (3) Subject to the payment of permanent benefits under s.
995    440.15, in no event shall benefits for a compensable mental or
996    nervous injury be paid for more than 3 months after the date of
997    maximum medical improvement for the injured employee’s physical
998    injury or injuries, which shall be included in the period of 104
999    weeks as provided in s. 440.15(2) and (4). Mental or nervous
1000    injuries are compensable only in accordance with the terms of
1001    this section.
1002          Section 8. Effective January 1, 2004, subsection (1) of
1003    section 440.10, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1004          440.10 Liability for compensation.--
1005          (1)(a) Every employer coming within the provisions of this
1006    chapter, including any brought within the chapter by waiver of
1007    exclusion or of exemption,shall be liable for, and shall
1008    secure, the payment to his or her employees, or any physician,
1009    surgeon, or pharmacist providing services under the provisions
1010    of s. 440.13, of the compensation payable under ss. 440.13,
1011    440.15, and 440.16. Any contractor or subcontractor who engages
1012    in any public or private construction in the state shall secure
1013    and maintain compensation for his or her employees under this
1014    chapter as provided in s. 440.38.
1015          (b) In case a contractor sublets any part or parts of his
1016    or her contract work to a subcontractor or subcontractors, all
1017    of the employees of such contractor and subcontractor or
1018    subcontractors engaged on such contract work shall be deemed to
1019    be employed in one and the same business or establishment,;and
1020    the contractor shall be liable for, and shall secure, the
1021    payment of compensation to all such employees, except to
1022    employees of a subcontractor who has secured such payment.
1023          (c) A contractor shallmayrequire a subcontractor to
1024    provide evidence of workers' compensation insurance or a copy of
1025    his or her certificate of election. A subcontractor who is a
1026    corporation and has an officer who electselectingto be exempt
1027    as permitted under this chaptera sole proprietor, partner, or
1028    officer of a corporationshall provide a copy of his or her
1029    certificate of exemptionelectionto the contractor.
1030          (d)1. If a contractor becomes liable for the payment of
1031    compensation to the employees of a subcontractor who has failed
1032    to secure such payment in violation of s. 440.38, the contractor
1033    or other third-party payor shall be entitled to recover from the
1034    subcontractor all benefits paid or payable plus interest unless
1035    the contractor and subcontractor have agreed in writing that the
1036    contractor will provide coverage.
1037          2. If a contractor or third-party payor becomes liable for
1038    the payment of compensation to the corporate officeremployeeof
1039    a subcontractor who is activelyengaged in the construction
1040    industry and has elected to be exempt from the provisions of
1041    this chapter, but whose election is invalid, the contractor or
1042    third-party payor may recover from the claimant, partnership,or
1043    corporation all benefits paid or payable plus interest, unless
1044    the contractor and the subcontractor have agreed in writing that
1045    the contractor will provide coverage.
1046          (e) A subcontractor providing services in conjunction with
1047    a contractor on the same project or contract workis not liable
1048    for the payment of compensation to the employees of another
1049    subcontractor or the contractor on such contract work and is not
1050    protected by the exclusiveness-of-liability provisions of s.
1051    440.11 from anyaction at law or in admiralty on account of
1052    injury to anof such employee of another subcontractor, or of
1053    the contractor, provided that:
1054          1. The subcontractor has secured workers’ compensation
1055    insurance for its employees or the contractor has secured such
1056    insurance on behalf of the subcontractor and its employees in
1057    accordance with paragraph (b); and
1058          2. The subcontractor’s own gross negligence was not the
1059    major contributing cause of the injury.
1060          (f) If an employer fails to secure compensation as
1061    required by this chapter, the department shallmayassess
1062    against the employer a penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each
1063    employee of that employer who is classified by the employer as
1064    an independent contractor but who is found by the department to
1065    not meet the criteria for an independent contractor that are set
1066    forth in s. 440.02. The division shall adopt rules to administer
1067    the provisions of this paragraph.
1068          (g) Subject to s. 440.38, any employer who has employees
1069    engaged in work in this state shall obtain a Florida policy or
1070    endorsement for such employees which utilizes Florida class
1071    codes, rates, rules, and manuals that are in compliance with and
1072    approved under the provisions of this chapter and the Florida
1073    Insurance Code. Failure to comply with this paragraph is a
1074    felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
1075    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. The department shall adopt
1076    rules for construction industry and nonconstruction-industry
1077    employers with regard to the activities that define what
1078    constitutes being “engaged in work” in this state, using the
1079    following standards:
1080          1. For employees of nonconstruction-industry employers who
1081    have their headquarters outside of Florida and also operate in
1082    Florida and who are routinely crossing state lines, but usually
1083    return to their homes each night, the employee shall be assigned
1084    to the headquarters’ state. However, the construction industry
1085    employees performing new construction or alterations in Florida
1086    shall be assigned to Florida even if the employees return to
1087    their home state each night.
1088          2. The payroll of executive supervisors who may visit a
1089    Florida location but who are not in direct charge of a Florida
1090    location shall be assigned to the state in which the
1091    headquarters is located.
1092          3. For construction contractors who maintain a permanent
1093    staff of employees and superintendents, if any of these
1094    employees or superintendents are assigned to a job that is
1095    located in Florida, either for the duration of the job or any
1096    portion thereof, their payroll shall be assigned to Florida
1097    rather than headquarters’ state.
1098          4. Employees who are hired for a specific project in
1099    Florida shall be assigned to Florida.For purposes of this
1100    section, a person is conclusively presumed to be an independent
1101    contractor if:
1102          1. The independent contractor provides the general
1103    contractor with an affidavit stating that he or she meets all
1104    the requirements of s. 440.02; and
1105          2. The independent contractor provides the general
1106    contractor with a valid certificate of workers' compensation
1107    insurance or a valid certificate of exemption issued by the
1108    department.
1110          A sole proprietor, partner, or officer of a corporation who
1111    elects exemption from this chapter by filing a certificate of
1112    election under s. 440.05 may not recover benefits or
1113    compensation under this chapter. An independent contractor who
1114    provides the general contractor with both an affidavit stating
1115    that he or she meets the requirements of s. 440.02 and a
1116    certificate of exemption is not an employee under s. 440.02 and
1117    may not recover benefits under this chapter. For purposes of
1118    determining the appropriate premium for workers' compensation
1119    coverage, carriers may not consider any person who meets the
1120    requirements of this paragraph to be an employee.
1121          Section 9. Section 440.1025, Florida Statutes, is amended
1122    to read:
1123          440.1025 Consideration of publicEmployer workplace safety
1124    program in rate-setting; program requirements; rulemaking.—
1125          (1) For a public or privateemployer to be eligible for
1126    receipt of specific identifiable consideration under s. 627.0915
1127    for a workplace safety program in the setting of rates, the
1128    publicemployer must have a workplace safety program. At a
1129    minimum, the program must include a written safety policy and
1130    safety rules, and make provision for safety inspections,
1131    preventative maintenance, safety training, first-aid, accident
1132    investigation, and necessary recordkeeping. For purposes of this
1133    section, "public employer" means any agency within state,
1134    county, or municipal government employing individuals for
1135    salary, wages, or other remuneration. The division may adopt
1136    promulgate rules for insurers to utilize in determining public
1137    employer compliance with the requirements of this section.
1138          (2) The division shall publicize on the Internet, and
1139    shall encourage insurers to publicize, the availability of free
1140    safety consultation services and safety program resources.
1141          Section 10. Section 440.103, Florida Statutes, is amended
1142    to read:
1143          440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum
1144    premium policy.--Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,
1145    Every employer shall, as a condition to applying for and
1146    receiving a building permit, show proof and certify to the
1147    permit issuerthat it has secured compensation for its employees
1148    under this chapter as provided in ss. 440.10 and 440.38. Such
1149    proof of compensation must be evidenced by a certificate of
1150    coverage issued by the carrier, a valid exemption certificate
1151    approved by the department or the former Division of Workers'
1152    Compensation of the Department of Labor and Employment Security,
1153    or a copy of the employer's authority to self-insure and shall
1154    be presented each time the employer applies for a building
1155    permit. As provided in s. 627.413(5), each certificate of
1156    coverage must show, on its face, whether or not coverage is
1157    secured under the minimum premium provisions of rules adopted by
1158    rating organizations licensed by the department. The words
1159    "minimum premium policy" or equivalent language shall be typed,
1160    printed, stamped, or legibly handwritten.
1161          Section 11. Section 440.105, Florida Statutes, is amended
1162    to read:
1163          440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties;
1164    limitations.--
1165          (1)(a) Any insurance carrier, any individual self-insured,
1166    any commercial or group self-insurance fund, any professional
1167    practitioner licensed or regulated by the Department of Health
1168    Business and Professional Regulation, except as otherwise
1169    provided by law, any medical review committee as defined in s.
1170    766.101, any private medical review committee, and any insurer,
1171    agent, or other person licensed under the insurance code, or any
1172    employee thereof, having knowledge or who believes that a
1173    fraudulent act or any other act or practice which, upon
1174    conviction, constitutes a felony or misdemeanor under this
1175    chapter is being or has been committed shall send to the
1176    Division of Insurance Fraud, Bureau of Workers' Compensation
1177    Fraud, a report or information pertinent to such knowledge or
1178    belief and such additional information relative thereto as the
1179    bureau may require. The bureau shall review such information or
1180    reports and select such information or reports as, in its
1181    judgment, may require further investigation. It shall then cause
1182    an independent examination of the facts surrounding such
1183    information or report to be made to determine the extent, if
1184    any, to which a fraudulent act or any other act or practice
1185    which, upon conviction, constitutes a felony or a misdemeanor
1186    under this chapter is being committed. The bureau shall report
1187    any alleged violations of law which its investigations disclose
1188    to the appropriate licensing agency and state attorney or other
1189    prosecuting agency having jurisdiction with respect to any such
1190    violations of this chapter. If prosecution by the state attorney
1191    or other prosecuting agency having jurisdiction with respect to
1192    such violation is not begun within 60 days of the bureau's
1193    report, the state attorney or other prosecuting agency having
1194    jurisdiction with respect to such violation shall inform the
1195    bureau of the reasons for the lack of prosecution.
1196          (b) In the absence of fraud or bad faith, a person is not
1197    subject to civil liability for libel, slander, or any other
1198    relevant tort by virtue of filing reports, without malice, or
1199    furnishing other information, without malice, required by this
1200    section or required by the bureau, and no civil cause of action
1201    of any nature shall arise against such person:
1202          1. For any information relating to suspected fraudulent
1203    acts furnished to or received from law enforcement officials,
1204    their agents, or employees;
1205          2. For any information relating to suspected fraudulent
1206    acts furnished to or received from other persons subject to the
1207    provisions of this chapter; or
1208          3. For any such information relating to suspected
1209    fraudulent acts furnished in reports to the bureau, or the
1210    National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
1211          (2) Whoever violates any provision of this subsection
1212    commits a misdemeanor of the firstseconddegree, punishable as
1213    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
1214          (a) It shall be unlawful for any employer to knowingly:
1215          1. Coerce or attempt to coerce, as a precondition to
1216    employment or otherwise, an employee to obtain a certificate of
1217    election of exemption pursuant to s. 440.05.
1218          2. Discharge or refuse to hire an employee or job
1219    applicant because the employee or applicant has filed a claim
1220    for benefits under this chapter.
1221          3. Discharge, discipline, or take any other adverse
1222    personnel action against any employee for disclosing information
1223    to the department or any law enforcement agency relating to any
1224    violation or suspected violation of any of the provisions of
1225    this chapter or rules promulgated hereunder.
1226          4. Violate a stop-work order issued by the department
1227    pursuant to s. 440.107.
1228          (b) It shall be unlawful for any insurance entity to
1229    revoke or cancel a workers' compensation insurance policy or
1230    membership because an employer has returned an employee to work
1231    or hired an employee who has filed a workers' compensation
1232    claim.
1233          (3) Whoever violates any provision of this subsection
1234    commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
1235    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
1236          (a) It shall be unlawful for any employer to knowingly
1237    fail to update applications for coverage as required by s.
1238    440.381(1) and department of Insurance rules within 7 days after
1239    the reporting date for any change in the required information,
1240    or to post notice of coverage pursuant to s. 440.40.
1241          (b) It is unlawful for any attorney or other person, in
1242    his or her individual capacity or in his or her capacity as a
1243    public or private employee, or for any firm, corporation,
1244    partnership, or association to receive any fee or other
1245    consideration or any gratuity from a person on account of
1246    services rendered for a person in connection with any
1247    proceedings arising under this chapter, unless such fee,
1248    consideration, or gratuity is approved by a judge of
1249    compensation claims or by the Deputy Chief Judge of Compensation
1250    Claims.
1251          (4) Whoever violates any provision of this subsection
1252    commits insurance fraud, punishable as provided in paragraph
1253    (f).
1254          (a) It shall be unlawful for any employer to knowingly:
1255          1. Present or cause to be presented any false, fraudulent,
1256    or misleading oral or written statement to any person as
1257    evidence of compliance with s. 440.38.
1258          2. Make a deduction from the pay of any employee entitled
1259    to the benefits of this chapter for the purpose of requiring the
1260    employee to pay any portion of premium paid by the employer to a
1261    carrier or to contribute to a benefit fund or department
1262    maintained by such employer for the purpose of providing
1263    compensation or medical services and supplies as required by
1264    this chapter.
1265          3. Fail to secure payment of compensation if required to
1266    do so by this chapter.
1267          (b) It shall be unlawful for any person:
1268          1. To knowingly make, or cause to be made, any false,
1269    fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement for the
1270    purpose of obtaining or denying any benefit or payment under
1271    this chapter.
1272          2. To present or cause to be presented any written or oral
1273    statement as part of, or in support of, a claim for payment or
1274    other benefit pursuant to any provision of this chapter, knowing
1275    that such statement contains any false, incomplete, or
1276    misleading information concerning any fact or thing material to
1277    such claim.
1278          3. To prepare or cause to be prepared any written or oral
1279    statement that is intended to be presented to any employer,
1280    insurance company, or self-insured program in connection with,
1281    or in support of, any claim for payment or other benefit
1282    pursuant to any provision of this chapter, knowing that such
1283    statement contains any false, incomplete, or misleading
1284    information concerning any fact or thing material to such claim.
1285          4. To knowingly assist, conspire with, or urge any person
1286    to engage in activity prohibited by this section.
1287          5. To knowingly make any false, fraudulent, or misleading
1288    oral or written statement, or to knowingly omit or conceal
1289    material information, required by s. 440.185 or s. 440.381, for
1290    the purpose of obtaining workers' compensation coverage or for
1291    the purpose of avoiding, delaying, or diminishing the amount of
1292    payment of any workers' compensation premiums.
1293          6. To knowingly misrepresent or conceal payroll,
1294    classification of workers, or information regarding an
1295    employer's loss history which would be material to the
1296    computation and application of an experience rating modification
1297    factor for the purpose of avoiding or diminishing the amount of
1298    payment of any workers' compensation premiums.
1299          7. To knowingly present or cause to be presented any
1300    false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement to
1301    any person as evidence of compliance with s. 440.38, as evidence
1302    of eligibility for a certificate of exemption under s. 440.05.
1303          8. To knowingly violate a stop-work order issued by the
1304    department pursuant to s. 440.107.
1305          9. To knowingly present or cause to be presented any
1306    false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement to
1307    any person as evidence of identity for the purpose of obtaining
1308    employment or filing or supporting a claim for workers’
1309    compensation benefits.
1310          (c) It shall be unlawful for any physician licensed under
1311    chapter 458, osteopathic physician licensed under chapter 459,
1312    chiropractic physician licensed under chapter 460, podiatric
1313    physician licensed under chapter 461, optometric physician
1314    licensed under chapter 463, or any other practitioner licensed
1315    under the laws of this state to knowingly and willfully assist,
1316    conspire with, or urge any person to fraudulently violate any of
1317    the provisions of this chapter.
1318          (d) It shall be unlawful for any person or governmental
1319    entity licensed under chapter 395 to maintain or operate a
1320    hospital in such a manner so that such person or governmental
1321    entity knowingly and willfully allows the use of the facilities
1322    of such hospital by any person, in a scheme or conspiracy to
1323    fraudulently violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
1324          (e) It shall be unlawful for any attorney or other person,
1325    in his or her individual capacity or in his or her capacity as a
1326    public or private employee, or any firm, corporation,
1327    partnership, or association, to knowingly assist, conspire with,
1328    or urge any person to fraudulently violate any of the provisions
1329    of this chapter.
1330          (f) If the monetary value amount of any claim or workers'
1331    compensation insurance premium involved in anyviolation of this
1332    subsection:
1333          1. Is less than $20,000, the offender commits a felony of
1334    the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
1335    775.083, or s. 775.084.
1336          2. Is $20,000 or more, but less than $100,000, the
1337    offender commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as
1338    provided in s. 775.082,. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
1339          3. Is $100,000 or more, the offender commits a felony of
1340    the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
1341    775.083, or s. 775.084.
1342          (5) It shall be unlawful for any attorney or other person,
1343    in his or her individual capacity or in his or her capacity as a
1344    public or private employee or for any firm, corporation,
1345    partnership, or association, to unlawfully solicit any business
1346    in and about city or county hospitals, courts, or any public
1347    institution or public place; in and about private hospitals or
1348    sanitariums; in and about any private institution; or upon
1349    private property of any character whatsoever for the purpose of
1350    making workers' compensation claims. Whoever violates any
1351    provision of this subsection commits a felony of the second
1352    thirddegree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083,
1353    or s. 775.085.
1354          (6) This section shall not be construed to preclude the
1355    applicability of any other provision of criminal law that
1356    applies or may apply to any transaction.
1357          (7) For the purpose of the section, the term "statement"
1358    includes, but is not limited to, any notice, representation,
1359    statement, proof of injury, bill for services, diagnosis,
1360    prescription, hospital or doctor records, X ray, test result, or
1361    other evidence of loss, injury, or expense.
1362          (7)(8)An injured employee or any other party making a
1363    claim under this chapter shall provide his or her personal
1364    signature attesting that he or she has reviewed, understands,
1365    and acknowledgesAll claim forms as provided for in this chapter
1366    shall contain a notice that clearly states in substancethe
1367    following statement: "Any person who, knowingly and with intent
1368    to injure, defraud, or deceive any employer or employee,
1369    insurance company, or self-insured program, files a statement of
1370    claim containing any false or misleading information commits
1371    insurance fraud, punishable as provided in s. 817.234." If the
1372    injured employee or other party refuses to sign the document
1373    attestingEach claimant shall personally sign the claim form and
1374    attestthat he or she has reviewed, understands, and
1375    acknowledges the statement, benefits or payments under this
1376    chapter shall be suspended until such signature is obtained
1377    foregoing notice.
1378          Section 12. Subsection (3) of section 440.1051, Florida
1379    Statutes, is amended to read:
1380          440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal
1381    penalties.--
1382          (2) Any person who reports workers' compensation fraud to
1383    the division under subsection (1) is immune from civil liability
1384    for doing so, and the person or entity alleged to have committed
1385    the fraud may not retaliate against him or her for providing
1386    such report, unless the person making the report knows it to be
1387    false.
1388          (3) A person who calls and, knowingly and falsely, reports
1389    workers' compensation fraud or who, in violation of subsection
1390    (2) retaliates against a person for making such report, commits
1391    is guilty of a felonymisdemeanor of the thirdfirstdegree,
1392    punishable as provided in s. 775.082,or s. 775.083, or s.
1393    775.084both.
1394          Section 13. Section 440.107, Florida Statutes, is amended
1395    to read:
1396          440.107 Department powers to enforce employer compliance
1397    with coverage requirements.--
1398          (1) The Legislature finds that the failure of an employer
1399    to comply with the workers' compensation coverage requirements
1400    under this chapter poses an immediate danger to public health,
1401    safety, and welfare. The Legislature authorizes the department
1402    to secure employer compliance with the workers' compensation
1403    coverage requirements and authorizes the department to conduct
1404    investigations for the purpose of ensuring employer compliance.
1405          (2) For the purposes of this section, “securing the
1406    payment of workers’ compensation” means obtaining coverage that
1407    meets the requirements of this chapter and the Florida Insurance
1408    Code. However, if at any time an employer materially understates
1409    or conceals payroll, materially misrepresents or conceals
1410    employee duties so as to avoid proper classification for premium
1411    calculations, or materially misrepresents or conceals
1412    information pertinent to the computation and application of an
1413    experience rating modification factor, such employer shall be
1414    deemed to have failed to secure payment of workers’ compensation
1415    and shall be subject to the sanctions set forth in this section.
1416    A stop-work order issued because an employer is deemed to have
1417    failed to secure the payment of workers’ compensation required
1418    under this chapter because the employer has materially
1419    understated or concealed payroll, materially misrepresented or
1420    concealed employee duties so as to avoid proper classification
1421    for premium calculations, or materially misrepresented or
1422    concealed information pertinent to the computation and
1423    application of an experience rating modification factor shall
1424    have no effect upon an employer’s or carrier’s duty to provide
1425    benefits under this chapter or upon any of the employer’s or
1426    carrier’s rights and defenses under this chapter, including
1427    exclusive remedy.The department and its authorized
1428    representatives may enter and inspect any place of business at
1429    any reasonable time for the limited purpose of investigating
1430    compliance with workers' compensation coverage requirements
1431    under this chapter. Each employer shall keep true and accurate
1432    business records that contain such information as the department
1433    prescribes by rule. The business records must contain
1434    information necessary for the department to determine compliance
1435    with workers' compensation coverage requirements and must be
1436    maintained within this state by the business, in such a manner
1437    as to be accessible within a reasonable time upon request by the
1438    department. The business records must be open to inspection and
1439    be available for copying by the department at any reasonable
1440    time and place and as often as necessary. The department may
1441    require from any employer any sworn or unsworn reports,
1442    pertaining to persons employed by that employer, deemed
1443    necessary for the effective administration of the workers'
1444    compensation coverage requirements.
1445          (3) The department shall enforce workers’ compensation
1446    coverage requirements, including the requirement that the
1447    employer secure the payment of workers’ compensation, and the
1448    requirement that the employer provide the carrier with
1449    information to accurately determine payroll and correctly assign
1450    classification codes. In addition to any other powers under this
1451    chapter, the department shall have the power to:
1452          (a) Conduct investigations for the purpose of ensuring
1453    employer compliance.
1454          (b) Enter and inspect any place of business at any
1455    reasonable time for the purpose of investigating employer
1456    compliance.
1457          (c) Examine and copy business records.
1458          (d) Administer oaths and affirmations.
1459          (e) Certify to official acts.
1460          (f) Issue and serve subpoenas for attendance of witnesses
1461    or production of business records, books, papers,
1462    correspondence, memoranda, and other records.
1463          (g) Issue stop-work orders, penalty assessment orders, and
1464    any other orders necessary for the administration of this
1465    section.
1466          (h) Enforce the terms of a stop-work order.
1467          (i) Levy and pursue actions to recover penalties.
1468          (j) Seek injunctions and other appropriate relief.In
1469    discharging its duties, the department may administer oaths and
1470    affirmations, certify to official acts, issue subpoenas to
1471    compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books,
1472    papers, correspondence, memoranda, and other records deemed
1473    necessary by the department as evidence in order to ensure
1474    proper with the coverage provisions of this chapter.
1475          (4) The department shall designate representatives who may
1476    serve subpoenas and other process of the department issued under
1477    this section.
1478          (5) The department shall specify by rule the business
1479    records that employers must maintain and produce to comply with
1480    this section.
1481          (6)(4)If a person has refused to obey a subpoena to
1482    appear before the department or its authorized representative or
1483    andproduce evidence requested by the department or to give
1484    testimony about the matter that is under investigation, a court
1485    has jurisdiction to issue an order requiring compliance with the
1486    subpoena if the court has jurisdiction in the geographical area
1487    where the inquiry is being carried on or in the area where the
1488    person who has refused the subpoena is found, resides, or
1489    transacts business. Failure to obey such a court order may be
1490    punished by the court as contempt, either civilly or criminally.
1491    Costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the
1492    department to obtain an order granting, in whole or in part, a
1493    petition to enforce a subpoena or a subpoena duces tecum shall
1494    be taxed against the subpoenaed party.
1495          (7)(a)(5)Whenever the department determines that an
1496    employer who is required to secure the payment to his or her
1497    employees of the compensation provided for by this chapter has
1498    failed to secure the payment of workers’ compensation required
1499    by this chapter or produce the required business records under
1500    subsection (5) within 5 business days after receipt of the
1501    written request of the departmentdo so, such failure shall be
1502    deemed an immediate serious danger to public health, safety, or
1503    welfare sufficient to justify service by the department of a
1504    stop-work order on the employer, requiring the cessation of all
1505    business operations at the place of employment or job site. If
1506    the departmentdivision makes such a determination, the
1507    departmentdivisionshall issue a stop-work order within 72
1508    hours. The order shall take effect when served upon the date of
1509    service upon the employer or, for a particular employer
1510    worksite, when served at that worksite. In addition to serving a
1511    stop-work order, which shall be effective immediately, at a
1512    particular worksite, the department shall immediately proceed
1513    with service upon the employer which shall be effective upon all
1514    employer worksites in the state. A stop-work order may be served
1515    with regard to an employer’s worksite by posting a copy of the
1516    stop-work order in a conspicuous location at such site. The
1517    order shall remain in effect until the department issues an
1518    order releasing the stop-work order upon a finding that the
1519    employer has come into compliance with the coverage requirements
1520    of this chapter and has paid any penalty assessed under this
1521    section. The department may require an employer who is found to
1522    have failed to comply with the coverage requirements of s.
1523    440.38 to file with the department, as a condition of release
1524    from a stop-work order, periodic reports that demonstrate the
1525    employer's continued compliance with this chapter for a
1526    probationary period that shall not exceed 2 years. The
1527    department shall by rule specify the reports required and the
1528    time for filing under this subsectionunless the employer
1529    provides evidence satisfactory to the department of having
1530    secured any necessary insurance or self-insurance and pays a
1531    civil penalty to the department, to be deposited by the
1532    department into the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust
1533    Fund, in the amount of $100 per day for each day the employer
1534    was not in compliance with this chapter.
1535          (b) Stop-work orders and penalty assessment orders issued
1536    under this section against a corporation, partnership, or sole
1537    proprietorship shall be in effect against any successor
1538    corporation or business entity that has one or more of the same
1539    principals or officers as the corporation or partnership against
1540    which the stop-work order was issued and is engaged in the same
1541    or related enterprise.
1542          (c) The department shall assess a penalty of $1,000 per
1543    day against an employer for each day that the employer conducts
1544    business operations that are in violation of a stop-work order.
1545          (d)1. In addition to any penalty, stop-work order, or
1546    injunction, the department shall assess against any employer who
1547    has failed to secure the payment of compensation as required by
1548    this chapter a penalty equal to 1.5 times the amount the
1549    employer would have paid in premium when applying approved
1550    manual rates to the employer’s payroll during periods for which
1551    it failed to secure the payment of workers’ compensation
1552    required by this chapter within the preceding 3-year period or
1553    $1,000, whichever is greater.
1554          2. Any subsequent violation within 5 years after the most
1555    recent violation shall, in addition to the penalties set forth
1556    in this subsection, be deemed a knowing act within the meaning
1557    of s. 440.105.
1558          (e) When an employer fails to provide business records
1559    sufficient to enable the department to determine the employer’s
1560    payroll for the period requested for the calculation of the
1561    penalty provided in paragraph (d), for penalty calculation
1562    purposes, the imputed weekly payroll for each employee,
1563    corporate officer, sole proprietor, or partner shall be the
1564    statewide average weekly wage as defined in s. 440.12(2)
1565    multiplied by 1.5.
1566          (f) In addition to any other penalties provided for in
1567    this chapter, the department may assess against the employer a
1568    penalty of $5,000 for each employee of that employer who the
1569    employer represents to the department or carrier as an
1570    independent contractor but who is determined by the department
1571    not to be an independent contractor as defined in s. 440.02.
1572          (8)(6)In addition to the issuance of a stop-work order
1573    under subsection (7),the department may file a complaint in the
1574    circuit court in and for Leon County to enjoin any employer,who
1575    has failed to secure the payment of workers’ compensation as
1576    required by this chapter,from employing individuals and from
1577    conducting business until the employer presents evidence
1578    satisfactory to the department of having secured the payment of
1579    workers’for compensation required by this chapterand pays a
1580    civil penalty assessed byto the department under this section,
1581    to be deposited by the department into the Workers' Compensation
1582    Administration Trust Fund, in the amount of $100 per day for
1583    each day the employer was not in compliance with this chapter.
1584          (9)(7) In addition to any penalty, stop-work order, or
1585    injunction, the department shall assess against any employer,
1586    who has failed to secure the payment of compensation as required
1587    by this chapter, a penalty in the following amount:
1588          (a) An amount equal to at least the amount that the
1589    employer would have paid or up to twice the amount the employer
1590    would have paid during periods it illegally failed to secure
1591    payment of compensation in the preceding 3-year period based on
1592    the employer's payroll during the preceding 3-year period; or
1593          (b) One thousand dollars, whichever is greater. Any
1594    penalty assessed under this subsection is due within 30 days
1595    after the date on which the employer is notified, except that,
1596    if the department has posted a stop-work order or obtained
1597    injunctive relief against the employer, payment is due, in
1598    addition to those conditions set forth in this section, as a
1599    condition to relief from a stop-work order or an injunction.
1600    Interest shall accrue on amounts not paidwhen due at the rate
1601    of 1 percent per month. The departmentdivisionshall adopt
1602    rules to administer this section.
1603          (10)(8)The department may bring an action in circuit
1604    court to recover penalties assessed under this section,
1605    including any interest owed to the department pursuant to this
1606    section. In any action brought by the department pursuant to
1607    this section in which it prevails, the circuit court shall award
1608    costs, including the reasonable costs of investigation and a
1609    reasonable attorney's fee.
1610          (11)(9)Any judgment obtained by the department and any
1611    penalty due pursuant to the service of a stop-work order or
1612    otherwise due under this section shall, until collected,
1613    constitute a lien upon the entire interest of the employer,
1614    legal or equitable, in any property, real or personal, tangible
1615    or intangible; however, such lien is subordinate to claims for
1616    unpaid wages and any prior recorded liens, and a lien created by
1617    this section is not valid against any person who, subsequent to
1618    such lien and in good faith and for value, purchases real or
1619    personal property from such employer or becomes the mortgagee on
1620    real or personal property of such employer, or against a
1621    subsequent attaching creditor, unless, with respect to real
1622    estate of the employer, a notice of the lien is recorded in the
1623    public records of the county where the real estate is located,
1624    and with respect to personal property of the employer, notice is
1625    recorded with the Secretary of State.
1626          (12)(10)Any law enforcement agency in the state may, at
1627    the request of the department, render any assistance necessary
1628    to carry out the provisions of this section, including, but not
1629    limited to, preventing any employee or other person from
1630    remaining at a place of employment or job site after a stop-work
1631    order or injunction has taken effect.
1632          (13)(11)Agency actionActionsby the department under
1633    this section, if contested,must be contested as provided in
1634    chapter 120. All civilpenalties assessed by the department must
1635    be paid into the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust
1636    Fund. The department shall return any sums previously paid, upon
1637    conclusion of an action, if the department fails to prevail and
1638    if so directed by an order of court or an administrative hearing
1639    officer. The requirements of this subsection may be met by
1640    posting a bond in an amount equal to twice the penalty and in a
1641    form approved by the department.
1642          (14)(12) If the departmentdivisionfinds that an employer
1643    who is certified or registered under part I or part II of
1644    chapter 489 and who is required to secure the payment of
1645    workers’the compensation underprovided for bythis chapter to
1646    his or her employees has failed to do so, the department
1647    divisionshall immediately notify the Department of Business and
1648    Professional Regulation.
1649          Section 14. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 440.11,
1650    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1651          440.11 Exclusiveness of liability.--
1652          (1) The liability of an employer prescribed in s. 440.10
1653    shall be exclusive and in place of all other liability,
1654    including vicarious liability,of such employer to any third-
1655    party tortfeasor and to the employee, the legal representative
1656    thereof, husband or wife, parents, dependents, next of kin, and
1657    anyone otherwise entitled to recover damages from such employer
1658    at law or in admiralty on account of such injury or death,
1659    except as follows:that
1660          (a)If an employer fails to secure payment of compensation
1661    as required by this chapter, an injured employee, or the legal
1662    representative thereof in case death results from the injury,
1663    may elect to claim compensation under this chapter or to
1664    maintain an action at law or in admiralty for damages on account
1665    of such injury or death. In such action the defendant may not
1666    plead as a defense that the injury was caused by negligence of a
1667    fellow employee, that the employee assumed the risk of the
1668    employment, or that the injury was due to the comparative
1669    negligence of the employee.
1670          (b) When an employer commits an intentional tort that
1671    causes the injury or death of the employee. For purposes of this
1672    paragraph, an employer’s actions shall be deemed to constitute
1673    an intentional tort and not an accident only when the employee
1674    proves, by clear and convincing evidence, that:
1675          1. The employer deliberately intended to injure the
1676    employee; or
1677          2. The employer engaged in conduct that the employer knew,
1678    based on prior similar accidents or on explicit warnings
1679    specifically identifying a known danger, was certain to result
1680    in injury or death to the employee, and the employee was not
1681    aware of the risk because the danger was not apparent and the
1682    employer deliberately concealed or misrepresented the danger so
1683    as to prevent the employee from exercising informed judgment
1684    about whether to perform the work.
1686          The same immunities from liability enjoyed by an employer shall
1687    extend as well to each employee of the employer when such
1688    employee is acting in furtherance of the employer's business and
1689    the injured employee is entitled to receive benefits under this
1690    chapter. Such fellow-employee immunities shall not be applicable
1691    to an employee who acts, with respect to a fellow employee, with
1692    willful and wanton disregard or unprovoked physical aggression
1693    or with gross negligence when such acts result in injury or
1694    death or such acts proximately cause such injury or death, nor
1695    shall such immunities be applicable to employees of the same
1696    employer when each is operating in the furtherance of the
1697    employer's business but they are assigned primarily to unrelated
1698    works within private or public employment. The same immunity
1699    provisions enjoyed by an employer shall also apply to any sole
1700    proprietor, partner, corporate officer or director, supervisor,
1701    or other person who in the course and scope of his or her duties
1702    acts in a managerial or policymaking capacity and the conduct
1703    which caused the alleged injury arose within the course and
1704    scope of said managerial or policymaking duties and was not a
1705    violation of a law, whether or not a violation was charged, for
1706    which the maximum penalty which may be imposed does not exceed
1707    60 days' imprisonment as set forth in s. 775.082. The immunity
1708    from liability provided in this subsection extends to county
1709    governments with respect to employees of county constitutional
1710    officers whose offices are funded by the board of county
1711    commissioners.
1712          (3) An employer's workers' compensation carrier, service
1713    agent, or safety consultant shall not be liable as a third-party
1714    tortfeasor to employees of the employer or employees of its
1715    subcontractors for assisting the employer and its
1716    subcontractors, if any,in carrying out the employer's rights
1717    and responsibilities under this chapter by furnishing any safety
1718    inspection, safety consultative service, or other safety service
1719    incidental to the workers' compensation or employers' liability
1720    coverage or to the workers' compensation or employer's liability
1721    servicing contract. Without limitation, a safety consultant may
1722    include an owner, as defined in chapter 713, or an owner’s
1723    related, affiliated, or subsidiary companies and the employees
1724    of each.The exclusion from liability under this subsection
1725    shall not apply in any case in which injury or death is
1726    proximately caused by the willful and unprovoked physical
1727    aggression, or by the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, by
1728    employees, officers, or directors of the employer's workers'
1729    compensation carrier, service agent, or safety consultant.
1730          Section 15. Section 440.13, Florida Statutes, is amended
1731    to read:
1732          440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for
1733    violations; limitations.--
1734          (1) DEFINITIONS.-- As used in this section, the term:
1735          (a) "Alternate medical care" means a change in treatment
1736    or health care provider.
1737          (b) "Attendant care" means care rendered by trained
1738    professional attendants which is beyond the scope of household
1739    duties. Family members may provide nonprofessional attendant
1740    care, but may not be compensated under this chapter for care
1741    that falls within the scope of household duties and other
1742    services normally and gratuitously provided by family members.
1743    "Family member" means a spouse, father, mother, brother, sister,
1744    child, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, aunt, or uncle.
1745          (c) "Carrier" means, for purposes of this section,
1746    insurance carrier, self-insurance fund or individually self-
1747    insured employer, assessable mutual insurer.
1748          (d) "Catastrophic injury" means an injury as defined in s.
1749    440.02.
1750          (e) "Certified health care provider" means a health care
1751    provider who has been certified by the agency or who has entered
1752    an agreement with a licensed managed care organization to
1753    provide treatment to injured workers under this section.
1754    Certification of such health care provider must include
1755    documentation that the health care provider has read and is
1756    familiar with the portions of the statute, impairment guides,
1757    practice parameters, protocols of treatment,and rules which
1758    govern the provision of remedial treatment, care, and
1759    attendance.
1760          (f) "Compensable" means a determination by a carrier or
1761    judge of compensation claims that a condition suffered by an
1762    employee results from an injury arising out of and in the course
1763    of employment.
1764          (g) "Emergency services and care" means emergency services
1765    and care as defined in s. 395.002.
1766          (h) "Health care facility" means any hospital licensed
1767    under chapter 395 and any health care institution licensed under
1768    chapter 400.
1769          (i) "Health care provider" means a physician or any
1770    recognized practitioner who provides skilled services pursuant
1771    to a prescription or under the supervision or direction of a
1772    physician and who has been certified by the agency as a health
1773    care provider. The term "health care provider" includes a health
1774    care facility.
1775          (j) "Independent medical examiner" means a physician
1776    selected by either an employee or a carrier to render one or
1777    more independent medical examinations in connection with a
1778    dispute arising under this chapter.
1779          (k) "Independent medical examination" means an objective
1780    evaluation of the injured employee's medical condition,
1781    including, but not limited to, impairment or work status,
1782    performed by a physician or an expert medical advisor at the
1783    request of a party, a judge of compensation claims, or the
1784    agency to assist in the resolution of a dispute arising under
1785    this chapter.
1786          (l) “Instance of overutilization" means a specific
1787    inappropriate service or level of service provided to an injured
1788    employee that includes the provision of treatment in excess of
1789    established practice parameters and protocols of treatment
1790    established in accordance with this chapter.
1791          (m) "Medically necessary" or “medical necessity”means any
1792    medical service or medical supply which is used to identify or
1793    treat an illness or injury, is appropriate to the patient's
1794    diagnosis and status of recovery, and is consistent with the
1795    location of service, the level of care provided, and applicable
1796    practice parameters. The service should be widely accepted among
1797    practicing health care providers, based on scientific criteria,
1798    and determined to be reasonably safe. The service must not be of
1799    an experimental, investigative, or research nature, except in
1800    those instances in which prior approval of the Agency for Health
1801    Care Administration has been obtained. The Agency for Health
1802    Care Administration shall adopt rules providing for such
1803    approval on a case-by-case basis when the service or supply is
1804    shown to have significant benefits to the recovery and well-
1805    being of the patient.
1806          (n) "Medicine" means a drug prescribed by an authorized
1807    health care provider and includes only generic drugs or single-
1808    source patented drugs for which there is no generic equivalent,
1809    unless the authorized health care provider writes or states that
1810    the brand-name drug as defined in s. 465.025 is medically
1811    necessary, or is a drug appearing on the schedule of drugs
1812    created pursuant to s. 465.025(6), or is available at a cost
1813    lower than its generic equivalent.
1814          (o) "Palliative care" means noncurative medical services
1815    that mitigate the conditions, effects, or pain of an injury.
1816          (p) "Pattern or practice of overutilization" means
1817    repetition of instances of overutilization within a specific
1818    medical case or multiple cases by a single health care provider.
1819          (q) "Peer review" means an evaluation by two or more
1820    physicians licensed under the same authority and with the same
1821    or similar specialty as the physician under review, of the
1822    appropriateness, quality, and cost of health care and health
1823    services provided to a patient, based on medically accepted
1824    standards.
1825          (r) "Physician" or "doctor" means a physician licensed
1826    under chapter 458, an osteopathic physician licensed under
1827    chapter 459, a chiropractic physician licensed under chapter
1828    460, a podiatric physician licensed under chapter 461, an
1829    optometrist licensed under chapter 463, or a dentist licensed
1830    under chapter 466, each of whom must be certified by the agency
1831    as a health care provider.
1832          (s) "Reimbursement dispute" means any disagreement between
1833    a health care provider or health care facility and carrier
1834    concerning payment for medical treatment.
1835          (t) “Utilization control" means a systematic process of
1836    implementing measures that assure overall management and cost
1837    containment of services delivered, including compliance with
1838    practice parameters and protocols of treatment as provided for
1839    in this chapter.
1840          (u) "Utilization review" means the evaluation of the
1841    appropriateness of both the level and the quality of health care
1842    and health services provided to a patient, including, but not
1843    limited to, evaluation of the appropriateness of treatment,
1844    hospitalization, or office visits based on medically accepted
1845    standards. Such evaluation must be accomplished by means of a
1846    system that identifies the utilization of medical services based
1847    on practice parameters and protocols of treatment as provided
1848    for in this chaptermedically accepted standards as established
1849    by medical consultants with qualifications similar to those
1850    providing the care under review, and that refers patterns and
1851    practices of overutilization to the agency.
1853          (a) Subject to the limitations specified elsewhere in this
1854    chapter, the employer shall furnish to the employee such
1855    medically necessary remedial treatment, care, and attendance for
1856    such period as the nature of the injury or the process of
1857    recovery may require, which is in accordance with established
1858    practice parameters and protocols of treatment as provided for
1859    in this chapter, including medicines, medical supplies, durable
1860    medical equipment, orthoses, prostheses, and other medically
1861    necessary apparatus. Remedial treatment, care, and attendance,
1862    including work-hardening programs or pain-management programs
1863    accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
1864    Facilities or Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health
1865    Organizations or pain-management programs affiliated with
1866    medical schools, shall be considered as covered treatment only
1867    when such care is given based on a referral by a physician as
1868    defined in this chapter. Each facility shall maintain outcome
1869    data, including work status at discharges, total program
1870    charges, total number of visits, and length of stay. The
1871    department shall utilize such data and report to the President
1872    of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
1873    regarding the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of such program,
1874    no later than October 1, 1994.Medically necessary treatment,
1875    care, and attendance does not include chiropractic services in
1876    excess of 2418 treatments or rendered 128weeks beyond the
1877    date of the initial chiropractic treatment, whichever comes
1878    first, unless the carrier authorizes additional treatment or the
1879    employee is catastrophically injured.
1880          (b) The employer shall provide appropriate professional or
1881    nonprofessional attendant care performed only at the direction
1882    and control of a physician when such care is medically
1883    necessary. The physician shall prescribe such care in writing.
1884    The employer or carrier shall not be responsible for such care
1885    until the prescription for attendant care is received by the
1886    employer and carrier, which shall specify the time periods for
1887    such care, the level of care required, and the type of
1888    assistance required. A prescription for attendant care shall not
1889    prescribe such care retroactively.The value of nonprofessional
1890    attendant care provided by a family member must be determined as
1891    follows:
1892          1. If the family member is not employed or if the family
1893    member is employed and is providing attendant care services
1894    during hours that he or she is not engaged in employment, the
1895    per-hour value equals the federal minimum hourly wage.
1896          2. If the family member is employed and elects to leave
1897    that employment to provide attendant or custodial care, the per-
1898    hour value of that care equals the per-hour value of the family
1899    member's former employment, not to exceed the per-hour value of
1900    such care available in the community at large. A family member
1901    or a combination of family members providing nonprofessional
1902    attendant care under this paragraph may not be compensated for
1903    more than a total of 12 hours per day.
1904          3. If the family member remains employed while providing
1905    attendant or custodial care, the per-hour value of that care
1906    equals the per-hour value of the family member’s employment, not
1907    to exceed the per-hour value of such care available in the
1908    community at large.
1909          (c) If the employer fails to provide initialtreatment or
1910    care required by this section after request by the injured
1911    employee, the employee may obtain such initialtreatment at the
1912    expense of the employer, if the initial treatment or careis
1913    compensable and medically necessary and is in accordance with
1914    established practice parameters and protocols of treatment as
1915    provided for in this chapter. There must be a specific request
1916    for the initial treatment or care, and the employer or carrier
1917    must be given a reasonable time period within which to provide
1918    the initialtreatment or care. However, the employee is not
1919    entitled to recover any amount personally expended for the
1920    initial treatment or careserviceunless he or she has requested
1921    the employer to furnish that initialtreatment or service and
1922    the employer has failed, refused, or neglected to do so within a
1923    reasonable time or unless the nature of the injury requires such
1924    initialtreatment, nursing, and services and the employer or his
1925    or her superintendent or foreman, having knowledge of the
1926    injury, has neglected to provide the initial treatment or care
1927    service.
1928          (d) The carrier has the right to transfer the care of an
1929    injured employee from the attending health care provider if an
1930    independent medical examination determines that the employee is
1931    not making appropriate progress in recuperation.
1932          (e) Except in emergency situations and for treatment
1933    rendered by a managed care arrangement, after any initial
1934    examination and diagnosis by a physician providing remedial
1935    treatment, care, and attendance, and before a proposed course of
1936    medical treatment begins, each insurer shall review, in
1937    accordance with the requirements of this chapter, the proposed
1938    course of treatment, to determine whether such treatment would
1939    be recognized as reasonably prudent. The review must be in
1940    accordance with all applicable workers' compensation practice
1941    parameters and protocols of treatment established in accordance
1942    with this chapter. The insurer must accept any such proposed
1943    course of treatment unless the insurer notifies the physician of
1944    its specific objections to the proposed course of treatment by
1945    the close of the tenth business day after notification by the
1946    physician, or a supervised designee of the physician, of the
1947    proposed course of treatment.
1948          (f) Upon the written request of the employee, the carrier
1949    shall give the employee the opportunity for one change of
1950    physician during the course of treatment for any one accident.
1951    Upon the granting of a change of physician, the originally
1952    authorized physician in the same specialty as the changed
1953    physician shall become deauthorized upon written notification by
1954    the employer or carrier. The carrier shall authorize an
1955    alternative physician who shall not be professionally affiliated
1956    with the previous physician within 5 days after receipt of the
1957    request. If the carrier fails to provide a change of physician
1958    as requested by the employee, the employee may select the
1959    physician and such physician shall be considered authorized if
1960    the treatment being provided is compensable and medically
1961    necessary.
1963          Failure of the carrier to timely comply with this subsection
1964    shall be a violation of this chapter and the carrier shall be
1965    subject to penalties as provided for in s. 440.525.The employee
1966    shall be entitled to select another physician from among not
1967    fewer than three carrier-authorized physicians who are not
1968    professionally affiliated.
1970          (a) As a condition to eligibility for payment under this
1971    chapter, a health care provider who renders services must be a
1972    certified health care provider and must receive authorization
1973    from the carrier before providing treatment. This paragraph does
1974    not apply to emergency care. The agency shall adopt rules to
1975    implement the certification of health care providers.
1976          (b) A health care provider who renders emergency care must
1977    notify the carrier by the close of the third business day after
1978    it has rendered such care. If the emergency care results in
1979    admission of the employee to a health care facility, the health
1980    care provider must notify the carrier by telephone within 24
1981    hours after initial treatment. Emergency care is not compensable
1982    under this chapter unless the injury requiring emergency care
1983    arose as a result of a work-related accident. Pursuant to
1984    chapter 395, all licensed physicians and health care providers
1985    in this state shall be required to make their services available
1986    for emergency treatment of any employee eligible for workers'
1987    compensation benefits. To refuse to make such treatment
1988    available is cause for revocation of a license.
1989          (c) A health care provider may not refer the employee to
1990    another health care provider, diagnostic facility, therapy
1991    center, or other facility without prior authorization from the
1992    carrier, except when emergency care is rendered. Any referral
1993    must be to a health care provider that has been certified by the
1994    agency, unless the referral is for emergency treatment, and the
1995    referral must be made in accordance with practice parameters and
1996    protocols of treatment as provided for in this chapter.
1997          (d) A carrier must respond, by telephone or in writing, to
1998    a request for authorization from an authorized health care
1999    providerby the close of the third business day after receipt of
2000    the request. A carrier who fails to respond to a written request
2001    for authorization for referral for medical treatment by the
2002    close of the third business day after receipt of the request
2003    consents to the medical necessity for such treatment. All such
2004    requests must be made to the carrier. Notice to the carrier does
2005    not include notice to the employer.
2006          (e) Carriers shall adopt procedures for receiving,
2007    reviewing, documenting, and responding to requests for
2008    authorization. Such procedures shall be for a health care
2009    provider certified under this section.
2010          (f) By accepting payment under this chapter for treatment
2011    rendered to an injured employee, a health care provider consents
2012    to the jurisdiction of the agency as set forth in subsection
2013    (11) and to the submission of all records and other information
2014    concerning such treatment to the agency in connection with a
2015    reimbursement dispute, audit, or review as provided by this
2016    section. The health care provider must further agree to comply
2017    with any decision of the agency rendered under this section.
2018          (g) The employee is not liable for payment for medical
2019    treatment or services provided pursuant to this section except
2020    as otherwise provided in this section.
2021          (h) The provisions of s. 456.053 are applicable to
2022    referrals among health care providers, as defined in subsection
2023    (1), treating injured workers.
2024          (i) Notwithstanding paragraph (d), a claim for specialist
2025    consultations, surgical operations, physiotherapeutic or
2026    occupational therapy procedures, X-ray examinations, or special
2027    diagnostic laboratory tests that cost more than $1,000 and other
2028    specialty services that the agency identifies by rule is not
2029    valid and reimbursable unless the services have been expressly
2030    authorized by the carrier, or unless the carrier has failed to
2031    respond within 10 days to a written request for authorization,
2032    or unless emergency care is required. The insurer shall not
2033    refuse toauthorize such consultation or procedure unless the
2034    health care provider or facility is not authorized or certified,
2035    unless such treatment is not in accordance with practice
2036    parameters and protocols of treatment established in this
2037    chapter, or unless a judge of compensation claimsan expert
2038    medical advisorhas determined that the consultation or
2039    procedure is not medically necessary, not in accordance with the
2040    practice parameters and protocols of treatment established in
2041    this chapter, or otherwise notcompensable under this chapter.
2042    Authorization of a treatment plan does not constitute express
2043    authorization for purposes of this section, except to the extent
2044    the carrier provides otherwise in its authorization procedures.
2045    This paragraph does not limit the carrier's obligation to
2046    identify and disallow overutilization or billing errors.
2047          (j) Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the
2048    contrary, a sick or injured employee shall be entitled, at all
2049    times, to free, full, and absolute choice in the selection of
2050    the pharmacy or pharmacist dispensing and filling prescriptions
2051    for medicines required under this chapter. It is expressly
2052    forbidden for the agency, an employer, or a carrier, or any
2053    agent or representative of the agency, an employer, or a
2054    carrier to select the pharmacy or pharmacist which the sick or
2055    injured employee must use; condition coverage or payment on the
2056    basis of the pharmacy or pharmacist utilized; or to otherwise
2057    interfere in the selection by the sick or injured employee of a
2058    pharmacy or pharmacist.
2060    DEPARTMENT.--
2061          (a) Any health care provider providing necessary remedial
2062    treatment, care, or attendance to any injured worker shall
2063    submit treatment reports to the carrier in a format prescribed
2064    by the department in consultation with the agency. A claim for
2065    medical or surgical treatment is not valid or enforceable
2066    against such employer or employee, unless, by the close of the
2067    third business day following the first treatment, the physician
2068    providing the treatment furnishes to the employer or carrier a
2069    preliminary notice of the injury and treatment in a formaton
2070    forms prescribed by the department in consultation with the
2071    agencyand, within 15 days thereafter, furnishes to the employer
2072    or carrier a complete report, and subsequent thereto furnishes
2073    progress reports, if requested by the employer or insurance
2074    carrier, at intervals of not less than 3 weeks apart or at less
2075    frequent intervals if requested in a formaton formsprescribed
2076    by the department in consultation with the agency.
2077          (b) Upon the request of the department or agency, each
2078    medical report or bill obtained or received by the employer, the
2079    carrier, or the injured employee, or the attorney for the
2080    employer, carrier, or injured employee, with respect to the
2081    remedial treatment, care, and attendance of the injured
2082    employee, including any report of an examination, diagnosis, or
2083    disability evaluation, must be produced by the health care
2084    provider tofiled with the department or agencypursuant to
2085    rules adopted by the department in consultation with the agency.
2086    The health care provider shall also furnish to the injured
2087    employee or to his or her attorney and the employer or carrier
2088    or its attorney, on demand, a copy of his or her office chart,
2089    records, and reports, and may charge the injured employee no
2090    more than 50 cents per page for copying the records and the
2091    actual direct cost to the health care provider or health care
2092    facility for X rays, microfilm, or other nonpaper recordsan
2093    amount authorized by the department for the copies. Each such
2094    health care provider shall provide to the agency ordepartment
2095    information about the remedial treatment, care, and attendance
2096    which the agency ordepartment reasonably requests.
2097          (c) It is the policy for the administration of the
2098    workers' compensation system that there shallbe reasonable
2099    access to medical information by all parties to facilitate the
2100    self-executing features of the law. An employee who reports an
2101    injury or illness alleged to be work-related waives any
2102    physician-patient privilege with respect to any condition or
2103    complaint reasonably related to the condition for which the
2104    employee claims compensation.Notwithstanding the limitations in
2105    s. 456.057 and subject to the limitations in s. 381.004, upon
2106    the request of the employer, the carrier, an authorized
2107    qualified rehabilitation provider, or the attorney for the
2108    employer or carrier, the medical records, reports, and
2109    information of an injured employee relevant to the particular
2110    injury or illness for which compensation is soughtmust be
2111    furnished to those persons and the medical condition of the
2112    injured employee must be discussed with those persons, if the
2113    records and the discussions are restricted to conditions
2114    relating to the workplace injury. Release of medical information
2115    by the health care provider or other physician does not require
2116    the authorization of the injured employee. If medical records,
2117    reports, and information of an injured employee are sought from
2118    health care providers who are not subject to the jurisdiction of
2119    the state, the injured employee shall sign an authorization
2120    allowing for the employer or carrier to obtain the medical
2121    records, reports, or information. Any such discussions or
2122    release of informationmay be held before or after the filing of
2123    a claim or petition for benefitswithout the knowledge, consent,
2124    or presence of any other party or his or her agent or
2125    representative. A health care provider who willfully refuses to
2126    provide medical records or to discuss the medical condition of
2127    the injured employee, after a reasonable request is made for
2128    such information pursuant to this subsection, shall be subject
2129    by the departmentagencyto one or more of the penalties set
2130    forth in paragraph (8)(b). The department may adopt rules to
2131    carry out this subsection.
2133          (a) In any dispute concerning overutilization, medical
2134    benefits, compensability, or disability under this chapter, the
2135    carrier or the employee may select an independent medical
2136    examiner. If the parties agree,the examiner may be a health
2137    care provider treating or providing other care to the employee.
2138    An independent medical examiner may not render an opinion
2139    outside his or her area of expertise, as demonstrated by
2140    licensure and applicable practice parameters. The employer and
2141    employee shall be entitled to only one independent medical
2142    examination per accident and not one independent medical
2143    examination per medical specialty. The party requesting and
2144    selecting the independent medical examination shall be
2145    responsible for all expenses associated with said examination,
2146    including, but not limited to, medically necessary diagnostic
2147    testing performed and physician or medical care provider fees
2148    for the evaluation. The party selecting the independent medical
2149    examination shall identify the choice of the independent medical
2150    examiner to all other parties within 15 days after the date the
2151    independent medical examination is to take place. Failure to
2152    timely provide such notification shall preclude the requesting
2153    party from submitting the findings of such independent medical
2154    examiner in a proceeding before a judge of compensation claims.
2155    The independent medical examiner may not provide followup care
2156    if such recommendation for care is found to be medically
2157    necessary. If the employee prevails in a medical dispute as
2158    determined in an order by a judge of compensation claims or if
2159    benefits are paid or treatment provided after the employee has
2160    obtained an independent medical examination based upon the
2161    examiner’s findings, the costs of such examination shall be paid
2162    by the employer or carrier.
2163          (b) Each party is bound by his or her selection of an
2164    independent medical examiner, including the selection of the
2165    independent medical examiner in accordance with s. 440.134 and
2166    the opinions of such independent medical examiner. Each party
2167    andis entitled to an alternate examiner only if:
2168          1. The examiner is not qualified to render an opinion upon
2169    an aspect of the employee's illness or injury which is material
2170    to the claim or petition for benefits;
2171          2. The examiner ceases to practice in the specialty
2172    relevant to the employee's condition;
2173          3. The examiner is unavailable due to injury, death, or
2174    relocation outside a reasonably accessible geographic area; or
2175          4. The parties agree to an alternate examiner.
2177          Any party may request, or a judge of compensation claims may
2178    require, designation of an agency medical advisor as an
2179    independent medical examiner. The opinion of the advisors acting
2180    as examiners shall not be afforded the presumption set forth in
2181    paragraph (9)(c).
2182          (c) The carrier may, at its election, contact the claimant
2183    directly to schedule a reasonable time for an independent
2184    medical examination. The carrier must confirm the scheduling
2185    agreement in writing with the claimant and thewithin 5 days and
2186    notifyclaimant's counsel, if any, at least 7 days before the
2187    date upon which the independent medical examination is scheduled
2188    to occur. An attorney representing a claimant is not authorized
2189    to schedule the self-insured employer’s or carrier’sindependent
2190    medical evaluations under this subsection. Neither the self-
2191    insured employer nor the carrier shall be responsible for
2192    scheduling any independent medical examination other than an
2193    employer or carrier independent medical examination.
2194          (d) If the employee fails to appear for the independent
2195    medical examination scheduled by the employer or carrierwithout
2196    good cause and fails to advise the physician at least 24 hours
2197    before the scheduled date for the examination that he or she
2198    cannot appear, the employee is barred from recovering
2199    compensation for any period during which he or she has refused
2200    to submit to such examination. Further, the employee shall
2201    reimburse the employer orcarrier 50 percent of the physician's
2202    cancellation or no-show fee unless the employer orcarrier that
2203    schedules the examination fails to timely provide to the
2204    employee a written confirmation of the date of the examination
2205    pursuant to paragraph (c) which includes an explanation of why
2206    he or she failed to appear. The employee may appeal to a judge
2207    of compensation claims for reimbursement when the employer or
2208    carrier withholds payment in excess of the authority granted by
2209    this section.
2210          (e) No medical opinion other than the opinion of a medical
2211    advisor appointed by the judge of compensation claims or the
2212    departmentagency, an independent medical examiner, or an
2213    authorized treating provider is admissible in proceedings before
2214    the judges of compensation claims.
2215          (f) Attorney’s fees incurred by an injured employee in
2216    connection with delay of or opposition to an independent medical
2217    examination, including, but not limited to, motions for
2218    protective orders, are not recoverable under this chapter.
2219          (g) When a medical dispute arises, the parties may
2220    mutually agree to refer the employee to a licensed physician
2221    specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of the medical
2222    condition at issue for an independent medical examination and
2223    report. Such medical examination shall be referred to as a
2224    “consensus independent medical examination.” The findings and
2225    conclusions of such mutually agreed upon consensus independent
2226    medical examination shall be binding on the parties and shall
2227    constitute resolution of the medical dispute addressed in the
2228    independent consensus medical examination and in any proceeding.
2229    Agreement by the parties to a consensus independent medical
2230    examination shall not affect the employer's, carrier's, or
2231    employee's entitlement to one independent medical examination
2232    per accident as provided for in this subsection.
2233          (6) UTILIZATION REVIEW.--Carriers shall review all bills,
2234    invoices, and other claims for payment submitted by health care
2235    providers in order to identify overutilization and billing
2236    errors, including compliance with practice parameters and
2237    protocols of treatment established in accordance with this
2238    chapter, and may hire peer review consultants or conduct
2239    independent medical evaluations. Such consultants, including
2240    peer review organizations, are immune from liability in the
2241    execution of their functions under this subsection to the extent
2242    provided in s. 766.101. If a carrier finds that overutilization
2243    of medical services or a billing error has occurred, or there is
2244    a violation of the practice parameters and protocols of
2245    treatment established in accordance with this chapter, it must
2246    disallow or adjust payment for such services or error without
2247    order of a judge of compensation claims or the agency, if the
2248    carrier, in making its determination, has complied with this
2249    section and rules adopted by the agency.
2251          (a) Any health care provider, carrier, or employer who
2252    elects to contest the disallowance or adjustment of payment by a
2253    carrier under subsection (6) must, within 30 days after receipt
2254    of notice of disallowance or adjustment of payment, petition the
2255    agency to resolve the dispute. The petitioner must serve a copy
2256    of the petition on the carrier and on all affected parties by
2257    certified mail. The petition must be accompanied by all
2258    documents and records that support the allegations contained in
2259    the petition. Failure of a petitioner to submit such
2260    documentation to the agency results in dismissal of the
2261    petition.
2262          (b) The carrier must submit to the agency within 10 days
2263    after receipt of the petition all documentation substantiating
2264    the carrier's disallowance or adjustment. Failure of the carrier
2265    to timelysubmit the requested documentation to the agency
2266    within 10 days constitutes a waiver of all objections to the
2267    petition.
2268          (c) Within 60 days after receipt of all documentation, the
2269    agency must provide to the petitioner, the carrier, and the
2270    affected parties a written determination of whether the carrier
2271    properly adjusted or disallowed payment. The agency must be
2272    guided by standards and policies set forth in this chapter,
2273    including all applicable reimbursement schedules, practice
2274    parameters, and protocols of treatment,in rendering its
2275    determination.
2276          (d) If the agency finds an improper disallowance or
2277    improper adjustment of payment by an insurer, the insurer shall
2278    reimburse the health care provider, facility, insurer, or
2279    employer within 30 days, subject to the penalties provided in
2280    this subsection.
2281          (e) The agency shall adopt rules to carry out this
2282    subsection. The rules may include provisions for consolidating
2283    petitions filed by a petitioner and expanding the timetable for
2284    rendering a determination upon a consolidated petition.
2285          (f) Any carrier that engages in a pattern or practice of
2286    arbitrarily or unreasonably disallowing or reducing payments to
2287    health care providers may be subject to one or more of the
2288    following penalties imposed by the agency:
2289          1. Repayment of the appropriate amount to the health care
2290    provider.
2291          2. An administrative fine assessed by the agency in an
2292    amount not to exceed $5,000 per instance of improperly
2293    disallowing or reducing payments.
2294          3. Award of the health care provider's costs, including a
2295    reasonable attorney's fee, for prosecuting the petition.
2297          (a) Carriers must report to the agency all instances of
2298    overutilization including, but not limited to, all instances in
2299    which the carrier disallows or adjusts payment or a
2300    determination has been made that the provided or recommended
2301    treatment is in excess of the practice parameters and protocols
2302    of treatment established in this chapter. The agency shall
2303    determine whether a pattern or practice of overutilization
2304    exists.
2305          (b) If the agency determines that a health care provider
2306    has engaged in a pattern or practice of overutilization or a
2307    violation of this chapter or rules adopted by the agency,
2308    including a pattern or practice of providing treatment in excess
2309    of the practice parameters or protocols of treatment, it may
2310    impose one or more of the following penalties:
2311          1. An order of the agency barring the provider from
2312    payment under this chapter;
2313          2. Deauthorization of care under review;
2314          3. Denial of payment for care rendered in the future;
2315          4. Decertification of a health care provider certified as
2316    an expert medical advisor under subsection (9) or of a
2317    rehabilitation provider certified under s. 440.49;
2318          5. An administrative fine assessed by the agency in an
2319    amount not to exceed $5,000 per instance of overutilization or
2320    violation; and
2321          6. Notification of and review by the appropriate licensing
2322    authority pursuant to s. 440.106(3).
2323          (9) EXPERT MEDICAL ADVISORS.--
2324          (a) The agency shall certify expert medical advisors in
2325    each specialty to assist the agency and the judges of
2326    compensation claims within the advisor's area of expertise as
2327    provided in this section. The agency shall, in a manner
2328    prescribed by rule, in certifying, recertifying, or decertifying
2329    an expert medical advisor, consider the qualifications,
2330    training, impartiality, and commitment of the health care
2331    provider to the provision of quality medical care at a
2332    reasonable cost. As a prerequisite for certification or
2333    recertification, the agency shall require, at a minimum, that
2334    an expert medical advisor have specialized workers' compensation
2335    training or experience under the workers' compensation system of
2336    this state and board certification or board eligibility.
2337          (b) The agency shall contract with one or more entities
2338    that employ, contract with, or otherwise secureor employexpert
2339    medical advisors to provide peer review or expertmedical
2340    consultation, opinions, and testimonyto the agency or to a
2341    judge of compensation claims in connection with resolving
2342    disputes relating to reimbursement, differing opinions of health
2343    care providers, and health care and physician services rendered
2344    under this chapter, including utilization issues. The agency
2345    shall by rule establish the qualifications of expert medical
2346    advisors, including training and experience in the workers’
2347    compensation system in the state and the expert medical
2348    advisor’s knowledge of and commitment to the standards of care,
2349    practice parameters, and protocols established pursuant to this
2350    chapter.Expert medical advisors contracting with the agency
2351    shall, as a term of such contract, agree to provide consultation
2352    or services in accordance with the timetables set forth in this
2353    chapter and to abide by rules adopted by the agency, including,
2354    but not limited to, rules pertaining to procedures for review of
2355    the services rendered by health care providers and preparation
2356    of reports and testimony orrecommendations for submission to
2357    the agency or the judge of compensation claims.
2358          (c) If there is disagreement in the opinions of the health
2359    care providers, if two health care providers disagree on medical
2360    evidence supporting the employee's complaints or the need for
2361    additional medical treatment, or if two health care providers
2362    disagree that the employee is able to return to work, the agency
2363    may, and the judge of compensation claims shall, upon his or her
2364    own motion or within 15 days after receipt of a written request
2365    by either the injured employee, the employer, or the carrier,
2366    order the injured employee to be evaluated by an expert medical
2367    advisor. The opinion of the expert medical advisor is presumed
2368    to be correct unless there is clear and convincing evidence to
2369    the contrary as determined by the judge of compensation claims.
2370    The expert medical advisor appointed to conduct the evaluation
2371    shall have free and complete access to the medical records of
2372    the employee. An employee who fails to report to and cooperate
2373    with such evaluation forfeits entitlement to compensation during
2374    the period of failure to report or cooperate.
2375          (d) The expert medical advisor must complete his or her
2376    evaluation and issue his or her report to the agency or to the
2377    judge of compensation claims within 1545days after receipt of
2378    all medical records. The expert medical advisor must furnish a
2379    copy of the report to the carrier and to the employee.
2380          (e) An expert medical advisor is not liable under any
2381    theory of recovery for evaluations performed under this section
2382    without a showing of fraud or malice. The protections of s.
2383    766.101 apply to any officer, employee, or agent of the agency
2384    and to any officer, employee, or agent of any entity with which
2385    the agency has contracted under this subsection.
2386          (f) If the agency or a judge of compensation claims orders
2387    determines thatthe services of a certified expert medical
2388    advisor are requiredto resolve a dispute under this section,
2389    the party requesting such examinationcarriermust compensate
2390    the advisor for his or her time in accordance with a schedule
2391    adopted by the agency. If the employee prevails in a dispute as
2392    determined in an order by a judge of compensation claims based
2393    upon the expert medical advisor’s findings, the employer or
2394    carrier shall pay for the costs of such expert medical advisor.
2395    If a judge of compensation claims, upon his or her motion, finds
2396    that an expert medical advisor is needed to resolve the dispute,
2397    the carrier must compensate the advisor for his or her time in
2398    accordance with a schedule adopted by the agency.The agency may
2399    assess a penalty not to exceed $500 against any carrier that
2400    fails to timely compensate an advisor in accordance with this
2401    section.
2402          (10) WITNESS FEES.-- Any health care provider who gives a
2403    deposition shall be allowed a witness fee. The amount charged by
2404    the witness may not exceed $200 per hour. An expert witness who
2405    has never provided direct professional services to a party but
2406    has merely reviewed medical records and provided an expert
2407    opinion or has provided only direct professional services that
2408    were unrelated to the workers' compensation case may not be
2409    allowed a witness fee in excess of $200 per day.
2412          (a) The Agency for Health Care Administration may
2413    investigate health care providers to determine whether providers
2414    are complying with this chapter and with rules adopted by the
2415    agency, whether the providers are engaging in overutilization,
2416    andwhether providers are engaging in improper billing
2417    practices, and whether providers are adhering to practice
2418    parameters and protocols established in accordance with this
2419    chapter. If the agency finds that a health care provider has
2420    improperly billed, overutilized, or failed to comply with agency
2421    rules or the requirements of this chapter, including, but not
2422    limited to, practice parameters and protocols established in
2423    accordance with this chapter,it must notify the provider of its
2424    findings and may determine that the health care provider may not
2425    receive payment from the carrier or may impose penalties as set
2426    forth in subsection (8) or other sections of this chapter. If
2427    the health care provider has received payment from a carrier for
2428    services that were improperly billed, that constitute
2429    overutilization, or that were outside practice parameters or
2430    protocols established in accordance with this chapteror for
2431    overutilization, it must return those payments to the carrier.
2432    The agency may assess a penalty not to exceed $500 for each
2433    overpayment that is not refunded within 30 days after
2434    notification of overpayment by the agency or carrier.
2435          (b) The department shall fine or otherwise discipline an
2436    employer or carrier, pursuant to this chapter, the insurance
2437    code, or rules adopted by the department, for each late payment
2438    of compensation that is below the minimum 95-percent90-percent
2439    performance standard. Any carrier that is found to be not in
2440    compliance in subsequent consecutive quarters must implement a
2441    medical-bill review program approved by the division, and the
2442    carrier is subject to disciplinary action by the Department of
2443    Insurance.
2444          (c) The agency has exclusive jurisdiction to decide any
2445    matters concerning reimbursement, to resolve any overutilization
2446    dispute under subsection (7), and to decide any question
2447    concerning overutilization under subsection (8), which question
2448    or dispute arises after January 1, 1994.
2449          (d) The following agency actions do not constitute agency
2450    action subject to review under ss. 120.569 and 120.57 and do not
2451    constitute actions subject to s. 120.56: referral by the entity
2452    responsible for utilization review; a decision by the agency to
2453    refer a matter to a peer review committee; establishment by a
2454    health care provider or entity of procedures by which a peer
2455    review committee reviews the rendering of health care services;
2456    and the review proceedings, report, and recommendation of the
2457    peer review committee.
2460          (a) A three-member panel is created, consisting of the
2461    Insurance Commissioner, or the Insurance Commissioner's
2462    designee, and two members to be appointed by the Governor,
2463    subject to confirmation by the Senate, one member who, on
2464    account of present or previous vocation, employment, or
2465    affiliation, shall be classified as a representative of
2466    employers, the other member who, on account of previous
2467    vocation, employment, or affiliation, shall be classified as a
2468    representative of employees. The panel shall determine statewide
2469    schedules of maximum reimbursement allowances for medically
2470    necessary treatment, care, and attendance provided by
2471    physicians, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, work-
2472    hardening programs, pain programs, and durable medical
2473    equipment. The maximum reimbursement allowances for inpatient
2474    hospital care shall be based on a schedule of per diem rates, to
2475    be approved by the three-member panel no later than March 1,
2476    1994, to be used in conjunction with a precertification manual
2477    as determined by the department, including maximum hours in
2478    which an outpatient may remain in observation status, which
2479    shall not exceed 23 hoursagency. All compensable charges for
2480    hospital outpatient care shall be reimbursed at 75 percent of
2481    usual and customary charges, except as otherwise provided by
2482    this subsection. Until the three-member panel approves a
2483    schedule of per diem rates for inpatient hospital care and it
2484    becomes effective, all compensable charges for hospital
2485    inpatient care must be reimbursed at 75 percent of their usual
2486    and customary charges.Annually, the three-member panel shall
2487    adopt schedules of maximum reimbursement allowances for
2488    physicians, hospital inpatient care, hospital outpatient care,
2489    ambulatory surgical centers, work-hardening programs, and pain
2490    programs. However, the maximum percentage of increase in the
2491    individual reimbursement allowance may not exceed the percentage
2492    of increase in the Consumer Price Index for the previous year.
2493    An individual physician, hospital, ambulatory surgical center,
2494    pain program, or work-hardening program shall be reimbursed
2495    either the usual and customary charge for treatment, care, and
2496    attendance, the agreed-upon contract price,or the maximum
2497    reimbursement allowance in the appropriate schedule, whichever
2498    is less.
2499          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature to increase the
2500    schedule of maximum reimbursement allowances for selected
2501    physicians effective January 1, 2004, and to pay for the
2502    increases through reductions in payments to hospitals. Revisions
2503    developed pursuant to this subsection are limited to the
2504    following:
2505          1. Payments for outpatient physical, occupational, and
2506    speech therapy provided by hospitals shall be reduced to the
2507    schedule of maximum reimbursement allowances for these services
2508    which applies to nonhospital providers.
2509          2. Payments for scheduled outpatient nonemergency
2510    radiological and clinical laboratory services that are not
2511    provided in conjunction with a surgical procedure shall be
2512    reduced to the schedule of maximum reimbursement allowances for
2513    these services which applies to nonhospital providers.
2514          3. Outpatient reimbursement for scheduled surgeries shall
2515    be reduced from 75 percent of charges to 60 percent of charges.
2516          4. Maximum reimbursement for a physician licensed under
2517    chapter 458 or chapter 459 shall be increased to 110 percent of
2518    the reimbursement allowed by Medicare, using appropriate codes
2519    and modifiers or the medical reimbursement level adopted by the
2520    three-member panel as of January 1, 2003, whichever is greater.
2521          5. Maximum reimbursement for surgical procedures shall be
2522    increased to 140 percent of the reimbursement allowed by
2523    Medicare or the medical reimbursement level adopted by the
2524    three-member panel as of January 1, 2003, whichever is greater.
2525          (c)(b)As to reimbursement for a prescription medication,
2526    the reimbursement amount for a prescription shall be the average
2527    wholesale price times 0.861.2 plus $4.26$4.18for the
2528    dispensing fee, except where the carrier has contracted for a
2529    lower amount. Fees for pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical
2530    services shall be reimbursable at the applicable fee schedule
2531    amount. Where the employer or carrier has contracted for such
2532    services and the employee elects to obtain them through a
2533    provider not a party to the contract, the carrier shall
2534    reimburse at the schedule, negotiated, or contract price,
2535    whichever is lower. No such contract shall rely on a provider
2536    that is not reasonably accessible to the employee.
2537          (d)(c)Reimbursement for all fees and other charges for
2538    such treatment, care, and attendance, including treatment, care,
2539    and attendance provided by any hospital or other health care
2540    provider, ambulatory surgical center, work-hardening program, or
2541    pain program, must not exceed the amounts provided by the
2542    uniform schedule of maximum reimbursement allowances as
2543    determined by the panel or as otherwise provided in this
2544    section. This subsection also applies to independent medical
2545    examinations performed by health care providers under this
2546    chapter. In determining the uniform schedule, the panel shall
2547    first approve the data which it finds representative of
2548    prevailing charges in the state for similar treatment, care, and
2549    attendance of injured persons. Each health care provider, health
2550    care facility, ambulatory surgical center, work-hardening
2551    program, or pain program receiving workers' compensation
2552    payments shall maintain records verifying their usual charges.
2553    In establishing the uniform schedule of maximum reimbursement
2554    allowances, the panel must consider:
2555          1. The levels of reimbursement for similar treatment,
2556    care, and attendance made by other health care programs or
2557    third-party providers;
2558          2. The impact upon cost to employers for providing a level
2559    of reimbursement for treatment, care, and attendance which will
2560    ensure the availability of treatment, care, and attendance
2561    required by injured workers;
2562          3. The financial impact of the reimbursement allowances
2563    upon health care providers and health care facilities, including
2564    trauma centers as defined in s. 395.4001, and its effect upon
2565    their ability to make available to injured workers such
2566    medically necessary remedial treatment, care, and attendance.
2567    The uniform schedule of maximum reimbursement allowances must be
2568    reasonable, must promote health care cost containment and
2569    efficiency with respect to the workers' compensation health care
2570    delivery system, and must be sufficient to ensure availability
2571    of such medically necessary remedial treatment, care, and
2572    attendance to injured workers; and
2573          4. The most recent average maximum allowable rate of
2574    increase for hospitals determined by the Health Care Board under
2575    chapter 408.
2576          (e)(d)In addition to establishing the uniform schedule of
2577    maximum reimbursement allowances, the panel shall:
2578          1. Take testimony, receive records, and collect data to
2579    evaluate the adequacy of the workers' compensation fee schedule,
2580    nationally recognized fee schedules and alternative methods of
2581    reimbursement to certified health care providers and health care
2582    facilities for inpatient and outpatient treatment and care.
2583          2. Survey certified health care providers and health care
2584    facilities to determine the availability and accessibility of
2585    workers' compensation health care delivery systems for injured
2586    workers.
2587          3. Survey carriers to determine the estimated impact on
2588    carrier costs and workers' compensation premium rates by
2589    implementing changes to the carrier reimbursement schedule or
2590    implementing alternative reimbursement methods.
2591          4. Submit recommendations on or before January 1, 2003,
2592    and biennially thereafter, to the President of the Senate and
2593    the Speaker of the House of Representatives on methods to
2594    improve the workers' compensation health care delivery system.
2596          The division shall provide data to the panel, including but not
2597    limited to, utilization trends in the workers' compensation
2598    health care delivery system. The division shall provide the
2599    panel with an annual report regarding the resolution of medical
2600    reimbursement disputes and any actions pursuant to s. 440.13(8).
2601    The division shall provide administrative support and service to
2602    the panel to the extent requested by the panel.
2604    TO RENDER MEDICAL CARE.-- The agency shall remove from the list
2605    of physicians or facilities authorized to provide remedial
2606    treatment, care, and attendance under this chapter the name of
2607    any physician or facility found after reasonable investigation
2608    to have:
2609          (a) Engaged in professional or other misconduct or
2610    incompetency in connection with medical services rendered under
2611    this chapter;
2612          (b) Exceeded the limits of his or her or its professional
2613    competence in rendering medical care under this chapter, or to
2614    have made materially false statements regarding his or her or
2615    its qualifications in his or her application;
2616          (c) Failed to transmit copies of medical reports to the
2617    employer or carrier, or failed to submit full and truthful
2618    medical reports of all his or her or its findings to the
2619    employer or carrier as required under this chapter;
2620          (d) Solicited, or employed another to solicit for himself
2621    or herself or itself or for another, professional treatment,
2622    examination, or care of an injured employee in connection with
2623    any claim under this chapter;
2624          (e) Refused to appear before, or to answer upon request
2625    of, the agency or any duly authorized officer of the state, any
2626    legal question, or to produce any relevant book or paper
2627    concerning his or her conduct under any authorization granted to
2628    him or her under this chapter;
2629          (f) Self-referred in violation of this chapter or other
2630    laws of this state; or
2631          (g) Engaged in a pattern of practice of overutilization or
2632    a violation of this chapter or rules adopted by the agency,
2633    including failure to adhere to practice parameters and protocols
2634    established in accordance with this chapter.
2635          (14) PAYMENT OF MEDICAL FEES.--
2636          (a) Except for emergency care treatment, fees for medical
2637    services are payable only to a health care provider certified
2638    and authorized to render remedial treatment, care, or attendance
2639    under this chapter. Carriers shall pay, disallow, or deny
2640    payment to health care providers in the manner and at times set
2641    forth in this chapter.A health care provider may not collect or
2642    receive a fee from an injured employee within this state, except
2643    as otherwise provided by this chapter. Such providers have
2644    recourse against the employer or carrier for payment for
2645    services rendered in accordance with this chapter. Payment to
2646    health care providers or physicians shall be subject to the
2647    medical fee schedule and applicable practice parameters and
2648    protocols, regardless of whether the health care provider or
2649    claimant is asserting that the payment should be made.
2650          (b) Fees charged for remedial treatment, care, and
2651    attendance, except for independent medical examinations and
2652    consensus independent medical examinations, may not exceed the
2653    applicable fee schedules adopted under this chapter and
2654    department rule. Notwithstanding any other provision in this
2655    chapter, if a physician or health care provider specifically
2656    agrees in writing to follow identified procedures aimed at
2657    providing quality medical care to injured workers at reasonable
2658    costs, deviations from established fee schedules shall be
2659    permitted. Written agreements warranting deviations may include,
2660    but are not limited to, the timely scheduling of appointments
2661    for injured workers, participating in return-to-work programs
2662    with injured workers’ employers, expediting the reporting of
2663    treatments provided to injured workers, and agreeing to
2664    continuing education, utilization review, quality assurance,
2665    precertification, and case management systems that are designed
2666    to provide needed treatment for injured workers.
2667          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
2668    following overall maximum medical improvement from an injury
2669    compensable under this chapter, the employee is obligated to pay
2670    a copayment of $10 per visit for medical services. The copayment
2671    shall not apply to emergency care provided to the employee.
2672          (15) PRACTICE PARAMETERS.—The practice parameters and
2673    protocols mandated under this chapter shall be the Workers’
2674    Compensation Utilization Management Standards adopted by the
2675    American Accreditation Health Care Commission in effect on
2676    January 1, 2003.
2677          (a) The Agency for Health Care Administration, in
2678    conjunction with the department and appropriate health
2679    professional associations and health-related organizations shall
2680    develop and may adopt by rule scientifically sound practice
2681    parameters for medical procedures relevant to workers'
2682    compensation claimants. Practice parameters developed under this
2683    section must focus on identifying effective remedial treatments
2684    and promoting the appropriate utilization of health care
2685    resources. Priority must be given to those procedures that
2686    involve the greatest utilization of resources either because
2687    they are the most costly or because they are the most frequently
2688    performed. Practice parameters for treatment of the 10 top
2689    procedures associated with workers' compensation injuries
2690    including the remedial treatment of lower-back injuries must be
2691    developed by December 31, 1994.
2692          (b) The guidelines may be initially based on guidelines
2693    prepared by nationally recognized health care institutions and
2694    professional organizations but should be tailored to meet the
2695    workers' compensation goal of returning employees to full
2696    employment as quickly as medically possible, taking into
2697    consideration outcomes data collected from managed care
2698    providers and any other inpatient and outpatient facilities
2699    serving workers' compensation claimants.
2700          (c) Procedures must be instituted which provide for the
2701    periodic review and revision of practice parameters based on the
2702    latest outcomes data, research findings, technological
2703    advancements, and clinical experiences, at least once every 3
2704    years.
2705          (d) Practice parameters developed under this section must
2706    be used by carriers and the agency in evaluating the
2707    appropriateness and overutilization of medical services provided
2708    to injured employees.
2709          (16) STANDARDS OF CARE.--The following standards of care
2710    shall be followed in providing medical care under this chapter:
2711          (a) Abnormal anatomical findings alone, in the absence of
2712    objective relevant medical findings, shall not be an indicator
2713    of injury or illness, a justification for the provision of
2714    remedial medical care or the assignment of restrictions, or a
2715    foundation for limitations.
2716          (b) At all times during evaluation and treatment, the
2717    provider shall act on the premise that returning to work is an
2718    integral part of the treatment plan. The goal of removing all
2719    restrictions and limitations as early as appropriate shall be
2720    part of the treatment plan on a continuous basis. The assignment
2721    of restrictions and limitations shall be reviewed with each
2722    patient exam and upon receipt of new information, such as
2723    progress reports from physical therapists and other providers.
2724    Consideration shall be given to upgrading or removing the
2725    restrictions and limitations with each patient exam, based upon
2726    the presence or absence of objective relevant medical findings.
2727          (c) Reasonable necessary medical care of injured employees
2728    shall in all situations:
2729          1. Utilize a high intensity, short duration treatment
2730    approach that focuses on early activation and restoration of
2731    function whenever possible.
2732          2. Include reassessment of the treatment plans, regimes,
2733    therapies, prescriptions, and functional limitations or
2734    restrictions prescribed by the provider every 30 days.
2735          3. Be focused on treatment of the individual employee's
2736    specific clinical dysfunction or status and shall not be based
2737    upon nondescript diagnostic labels.
2739          All treatment shall be inherently scientifically logical and the
2740    evaluation or treatment procedure must match the documented
2741    physiologic and clinical problem. Treatment shall match the
2742    type, intensity, and duration of service required by the problem
2743    identified.
2744          (17) Failure to comply with this section shall be
2745    considered a violation of this chapter and is subject to
2746    penalties as provided for in s. 440.525.
2747          Section 16. Paragraphs (d) and (i) of subsection (1) and
2748    subsections (2), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (17), and (25)
2749    of section 440.134, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
2750          440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.--
2751          (1) As used in this section, the term:
2752          (d) “Grievance" means a written complaint, other than a
2753    petition for benefits, filed by the injured worker pursuant to
2754    the requirements of the managed care arrangement, expressing
2755    dissatisfaction with the medical care provided by aninsurer's
2756    workers' compensation managed care arrangement’s refusal to
2757    provide medical care or the medical care providedarrangement
2758    health care providers, expressed in writing by an injured
2759    worker.
2760          (i) "Medical care coordinator" means a primary care
2761    provider within a provider network who is responsible for
2762    managing the medical care of an injured worker including
2763    determining other health care providers and health care
2764    facilities to which the injured employee will be referred for
2765    evaluation or treatment. A medical care coordinator shall be a
2766    physician licensed under chapter 458,oran osteopathic
2767    physician licensed under chapter 459, a chiropractic physician
2768    licensed under chapter 460, or a podiatric physician licensed
2769    under chapter 461.
2770          (2)(a) The self-insured employer or carrier may, subject
2771    to the terms and limitations specified elsewhere in this section
2772    and chapter, furnish to the employee solely through managed care
2773    arrangements such medically necessary remedial treatment, care,
2774    and attendance for such period as the nature of the injury or
2775    the process of recovery requires and which shall be in
2776    accordance with practice parameters and protocols established
2777    pursuant to this chapter. For any self-insured employer or
2778    carrier who elects to deliver the medical benefits required by
2779    this chapter through a method other than a workers' compensation
2780    managed care arrangement, the discontinuance of the use of the
2781    workers' compensation managed care arrangement shall be without
2782    regard to the date of the accident, notwithstanding any other
2783    provision of law or rule.
2784          (b) The agency shall authorize an insurer to offer or
2785    utilize a workers' compensation managed care arrangement after
2786    the insurer files a completed application along with the payment
2787    of a $1,000 application fee, and upon the agency's being
2788    satisfied that the applicant has the ability to provide quality
2789    of care consistent with the prevailing professional standards of
2790    care and the insurer and its workers' compensation managed care
2791    arrangement otherwise meets the requirements of this section. No
2792    insurer may offer or utilize a managed care arrangement without
2793    such authorization. The authorization, unless sooner suspended
2794    or revoked, shall automatically expire 2 years after the date of
2795    issuance unless renewed by the insurer. The authorization shall
2796    be renewed upon application for renewal and payment of a renewal
2797    fee of $1,000, provided that the insurer is in compliance with
2798    the requirements of this section and any rules adopted
2799    hereunder. An application for renewal of the authorization shall
2800    be made 90 days prior to expiration of the authorization, on
2801    forms provided by the agency. Renewal application shall not
2802    require the resubmission of any documents previously filed with
2803    the agency if such documents have remained valid and unchanged
2804    since their original filing.
2805          (6) The proposed managed care plan of operation must
2806    include:
2807          (a) A statement or map providing a clear description of
2808    the service area.
2809          (b) A description of the grievance procedure to be used.
2810          (c) A description of the quality assurance program which
2811    assures that the health care services provided to workers shall
2812    be rendered under reasonable standards of quality of care
2813    consistent with the prevailing standards of medical practice in
2814    the medical community. The program shall include, but not be
2815    limited to:
2816          1. A written statement of goals and objectives that
2817    stresses health and return-to-work outcomes as the principal
2818    criteria for the evaluation of the quality of care rendered to
2819    injured workers.
2820          2. A written statement describing how methodology has been
2821    incorporated into an ongoing system for monitoring of care that
2822    is individual case oriented and, when implemented, can provide
2823    interpretation and analysis of patterns of care rendered to
2824    individual patients by individual providers.
2825          3. Written procedures for taking appropriate remedial
2826    action whenever, as determined under the quality assurance
2827    program, inappropriate or substandard services have been
2828    provided or services that should have been furnished have not
2829    been provided.
2830          4. A written plan, which includes ongoing review, for
2831    providing review of physicians and other licensed medical
2832    providers.
2833          5. Appropriate financial incentives to reduce service
2834    costs and utilization without sacrificing the quality of
2835    service.
2836          6. Adequate methods of peer review and utilization review.
2837    The utilization review process shall include a health care
2838    facility'sfacilitiesprecertification mechanism, including, but
2839    not limited to, all elective admissions and nonemergency
2840    surgeries and adherence to practice parameters and protocols
2841    established in accordance with this chapter.
2842          7. Provisions for resolution of disputes arising between a
2843    health care provider and an insurer regarding reimbursements and
2844    utilization review.
2845          8. Availability of a process for aggressive medical care
2846    coordination, as well as a program involving cooperative efforts
2847    by the workers, the employer, and the workers' compensation
2848    managed care arrangement to promote early return to work for
2849    injured workers.
2850          9. A written plan allowing for the independent medical
2851    examination provided for in s. 440.13(5). Notwithstanding any
2852    provision to the contrary, the costs for the independent medical
2853    examination shall be paid by the carrier if such examination is
2854    performed by a physician in the provider network. Otherwise,
2855    such costs shall be paid in accordance with s. 440.13(5). An
2856    independent medical examination requested by a claimant and paid
2857    for by the carrier shall constitute the claimant’s one
2858    independent medical examination per accident under s. 440.13(5).
2859    A process allowing employees to obtain one second medical
2860    opinion in the same specialty and within the provider network
2861    during the course of treatment for a work-related injury.
2862          10. A provision for the selection of a primary care
2863    provider by the employee from among primary providers in the
2864    provider network.
2865          11. The written information proposed to be used by the
2866    insurer to comply with subparagraph 8.
2867          (7) Written procedures to provide the insurer with timely
2868    medical records and information including, but not limited to,
2869    work status, work restrictions, date of maximum medical
2870    improvement, permanent impairment ratings, and other information
2871    as required, including information demonstrating compliance with
2872    the practice parameters and protocols of treatment established
2873    pursuant to this chapter.
2874          (8) Evidence that appropriate health care providers and
2875    administrative staff of the insurer's workers' compensation
2876    managed care arrangement have received training and education on
2877    the provisions of this chapter;andthe administrative rules
2878    that govern the provision of remedial treatment, care, and
2879    attendance of injured workers; and the practice parameters and
2880    protocols of treatment established pursuant to this chapter.
2881          (9) Written procedures and methods to prevent
2882    inappropriate or excessive treatment that are in accordance with
2883    the practice parameters and protocols of treatment established
2884    pursuant to this chapter.
2885          (10) Written procedures and methods for the management of
2886    an injured worker's medical care by a medical care coordinator
2887    including:
2888          (a) The mechanism for assuring that covered employees
2889    receive all initial covered services from a primary care
2890    provider participating in the provider network, except for
2891    emergency care.
2892          (b) The mechanism for assuring that all continuing covered
2893    services be received from the same primary care provider
2894    participating in the provider network that provided the initial
2895    covered services, except when services from another provider are
2896    authorized by the medical care coordinator pursuant to paragraph
2897    (d).
2898          (c) The policies and procedures for allowing an employee
2899    one change to another provider within the same specialty and
2900    provider network as the authorized treating physician during the
2901    course of treatment for a work-related injury, in accordance
2902    with the procedures provided in s. 440.13(2)(f), if a request is
2903    made to the medical care coordinator by the employee; and
2904    requiring that special provision be made for more than one such
2905    referral through the arrangement's grievance procedures.
2906          (d) The process for assuring that all referrals authorized
2907    by a medical care coordinator, in accordance with the practice
2908    parameters and protocols of treatment established pursuant to
2909    this chapter,are made to the participating network providers,
2910    unless medically necessary treatment, care, and attendance are
2911    not available and accessible to the injured worker in the
2912    provider network.
2913          (e) Assignment of a medical care coordinator licensed
2914    under chapter 458 or chapter 459 to manage care by physicians
2915    licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, a medical care
2916    coordinator licensed under chapter 460 to manage care by
2917    physicians licensed under chapter 460, and a medical care
2918    coordinator licensed under chapter 461 to manage care by
2919    physicians licensed under chapter 461 upon request by an injured
2920    employee for care by a physician licensed under chapter 458,
2921    chapter 459, chapter 460, or chapter 461.
2922          (11) A description of the use of workers' compensation
2923    practice parameters and protocols of treatmentfor health care
2924    services when adopted by the agency.
2925          (17) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter,
2926    when a carrier provides medical care through a workers'
2927    compensation managed care arrangement, pursuant to this section,
2928    those workers who are subject to the arrangement must receive
2929    medical services for work-related injuries and diseases as
2930    prescribed in the contract, provided the employer and carrier
2931    have provided notice to the employees of the arrangement in a
2932    manner approved by the agency and the medical services are in
2933    accordance with the practice parameters and protocols
2934    established pursuant to this chapter. Treatment received outside
2935    the workers' compensation managed care arrangement is not
2936    compensable, regardless of the purpose of the treatment,
2937    including, but not limited to, evaluations, examinations, or
2938    diagnostic studies to determine causation between medical
2939    findings and a compensable accident, the existence or extent of
2940    impairments or disabilities, and whether the injured employee
2941    has reached maximum medical improvement,unless authorized by
2942    the carrier prior to the treatment date.
2943          (25) The agency shall adopt rules that specify:
2944          (a) Procedures for authorization and examination of
2945    workers' compensation managed care arrangements by the agency.
2946          (b) Requirements and procedures for authorization of
2947    workers' compensation arrangement provider networks and
2948    procedures for the agency to grant exceptions from accessibility
2949    of services.
2950          (c) Requirements and procedures for case management,
2951    utilization management, and peer review.
2952          (d) Requirements and procedures for quality assurance and
2953    medical records.
2954          (e) Requirements and procedures for dispute resolution in
2955    conformance with this chapter.
2956          (f) Requirements and procedures for employee and provider
2957    education.
2958          (g) Requirements and procedures for reporting data
2959    regarding grievances, return-to-work outcomes, and provider
2960    networks.
2961          Section 17. Subsections (1) and (4)and paragraph (b) of
2962    subsection (5) of section 440.14, Florida Statutes, are amended
2963    to read:
2964          440.14 Determination of pay.--
2965          (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the
2966    average weekly wages of the injured employee on the date of the
2967    accidentat the time of the injuryshall be taken as the basis
2968    upon which to compute compensation and shall be determined,
2969    subject to the limitations of s. 440.12(2), as follows:
2970          (a) If the injured employee has worked in the employment
2971    in which she or he was working on the date of the accidentat
2972    the time of the injury, whether for the same or another
2973    employer, during substantially the whole of 13 weeks immediately
2974    preceding the accidentinjury, her or his average weekly wage
2975    shall be one-thirteenth of the total amount of wages earned in
2976    such employment during the 13 weeks. As used in this paragraph,
2977    the term "substantially the whole of 13 weeks" means the
2978    calendarshall be deemed to mean and refer to a constructive
2979    period of 13 weeks as a whole, which shall be defined as the 13
2980    calendar weeks before the date of the accident, excluding the
2981    week during which the accident occurred.a consecutive period of
2982    91 days, andThe term "during substantially the whole of 13
2983    weeks" shall be deemed to mean during not less than 7590
2984    percent of the total customary full-timehours of employment
2985    within such period considered as a whole.
2986          (b) If the injured employee has not worked in such
2987    employment during substantially the whole of 13 weeks
2988    immediately preceding the accidentinjury, the wages of a
2989    similar employee in the same employment who has worked
2990    substantially the whole of such 13 weeks shall be used in making
2991    the determination under the preceding paragraph.
2992          (c) If an employee is a seasonal worker and the foregoing
2993    method cannot be fairly applied in determining the average
2994    weekly wage, then the employee may use, instead of the 13 weeks
2995    immediately preceding the accidentinjury, the calendar year or
2996    the 52 weeks immediately preceding the accidentinjury. The
2997    employee will have the burden of proving that this method will
2998    be more reasonable and fairer than the method set forth in
2999    paragraphs (a) and (b) and, further, must document prior
3000    earnings with W-2 forms, written wage statements, or income tax
3001    returns. The employer shall have 30 days following the receipt
3002    of this written proof to adjust the compensation rate, including
3003    the making of any additional payment due for prior weekly
3004    payments, based on the lower rate compensation.
3005          (d) If any of the foregoing methods cannot reasonably and
3006    fairly be applied, the full-time weekly wages of the injured
3007    employee shall be used, except as otherwise provided in
3008    paragraph (e) or paragraph (f).
3009          (e) If it is established that the injured employee was
3010    under 22 years of age when the accident occurredinjuredand
3011    that under normal conditions her or his wages should be expected
3012    to increase during the period of disability, the fact may be
3013    considered in arriving at her or his average weekly wages.
3014          (f) If it is established that the injured employee was a
3015    part-time worker on the date of the accidentat the time of the
3016    injury, that she or he had adopted part-time employment as a
3017    customary practice, and that under normal working conditions she
3018    or he probably would have remained a part-time worker during the
3019    period of disability, these factors shall be considered in
3020    arriving at her or his average weekly wages. For the purpose of
3021    this paragraph, the term "part-time worker" means an individual
3022    who customarily works less than the full-time hours or full-time
3023    workweek of a similar employee in the same employment.
3024          (g) If compensation is due for a fractional part of the
3025    week, the compensation for such fractional part shall be
3026    determined by dividing the weekly compensation rate by the
3027    number of days employed per week to compute the amount due for
3028    each day.
3029          (4) Upon termination of the employee or upon termination
3030    of the payment of fringe benefits of any employee who is
3031    collecting indemnity benefits pursuant to s. 440.15(2) or
3032    (3)(b), the employer shall within 7 days of such termination
3033    file a corrected 13-week wage statement reflecting the wages
3034    paid and the fringe benefits that had been paid to the injured
3035    employee, as provided in s. 440.02(27).
3036          (5)
3037          (b) The employee waives any entitlement to interest,
3038    penalties, and attorney's fees during the period in which the
3039    employee has not provided information concerning the loss of
3040    earnings from concurrent employment. Carriers are not subject to
3041    penalties by the division under s. 440.20(8)(b) and (c)for
3042    unpaid compensation related to concurrent employment during the
3043    period in which the employee has not provided information
3044    concerning the loss of earnings from concurrent employment.
3045          Section 18. Section 440.15, Florida Statutes, is amended
3046    to read:
3047          440.15 Compensation for disability.-- Compensation for
3048    disability shall be paid to the employee, subject to the limits
3049    provided in s. 440.12(2), as follows:
3051          (a) In case of total disability adjudged to be permanent,
3052    662/3 percent of the average weekly wages shall be paid to the
3053    employee during the continuance of such total disability.
3054          (b) Only A catastrophic injury as defined in s. 440.02(38)
3055    shall, in the absence of conclusive proof of a substantial
3056    earning capacity, constitute permanent total disability. In all
3057    other cases, no compensation shall be payable under paragraph
3058    (a) if the employee is engaged in, or is physically capable of
3059    engaging in, employment, including sheltered employment. In
3060    order to obtain permanent total disability benefits, the
3061    employee must establish that he or she is not able
3062    uninterruptedly to engage in any employment, including part-time
3063    sedentary employment or available sheltered employment within a
3064    50-mile radius of the employee’s residence, due to his or her
3065    physical limitation. “Sheltered employment” means work
3066    unavailable in the open labor market that is offered to the
3067    employee or that is actually performed by the employee as
3068    offered by the employer in whose employment the injured worker
3069    was engaged at the time of the accident. Such benefits shall be
3070    payable until the employee reaches age 70, notwithstanding any
3071    age limits. If the accident occurred on or after the employee
3072    reaches age 65, benefits shall be payable during the continuance
3073    of permanent total disability, not to exceed 5 years following
3074    the determination of permanent total disability.Only claimants
3075    with catastrophic injuries or claimants who are incapable of
3076    engaging in employment, including sheltered employment as
3077    described in this paragraph,are eligible for permanent total
3078    benefits. In no other case may permanent total disability be
3079    awarded.
3080          (c) In cases of permanent total disability resulting from
3081    injuries that occurred prior to July 1, 1955, such payments
3082    shall not be made in excess of 700 weeks.
3083          (d) If an employee who is being paid compensation for
3084    permanent total disability becomes rehabilitated to the extent
3085    that she or he establishes an earning capacity, the employee
3086    shall be paid, instead of the compensation provided in paragraph
3087    (a), benefits pursuant to subsection (3). The department shall
3088    adopt rules to enable a permanently and totally disabled
3089    employee who may have reestablished an earning capacity to
3090    undertake a trial period of reemployment without prejudicing her
3091    or his return to permanent total status in the case that such
3092    employee is unable to sustain an earning capacity.
3093          (e)1. The employer's or carrier's right to conduct
3094    vocational evaluations or testing by the employer's or carrier's
3095    chosen rehabilitation advisor or providerpursuant to s. 440.491
3096    continues even after the employee has been accepted or
3097    adjudicated as entitled to compensation under this chapter and
3098    costs for such evaluations and testing shall be borne by the
3099    employer or carrier, respectively. This right includes, but is
3100    not limited to, instances in which such evaluations or tests are
3101    recommended by a treating physician or independent medical-
3102    examination physician, instances warranted by a change in the
3103    employee's medical condition, or instances in which the employee
3104    appears to be making appropriate progress in recuperation. This
3105    right may not be exercised more than once every calendar year.
3106          2. The carrier must confirm the scheduling of the
3107    vocational evaluation or testing in writing, and must notify the
3108    employee and theemployee's counsel, if any, at least 7 days
3109    before the date on which vocational evaluation or testing is
3110    scheduled to occur.
3111          3. Pursuant to an order of the judge of compensation
3112    claims,The employer or carrier may withhold payment of benefits
3113    for permanent total disability or supplements for any period
3114    during which the employee willfully fails or refuses to appear
3115    without good cause for the scheduled vocational evaluation or
3116    testing.
3117          (f)1. If permanent total disability results from injuries
3118    that occurred subsequent to June 30, 1955, and for which the
3119    liability of the employer for compensation has not been
3120    discharged under s. 440.20(11), the injured employee shall
3121    receive additional weekly compensation benefits equal to 5
3122    percent of her or his weekly compensation rate, as established
3123    pursuant to the law in effect on the date of her or his injury,
3124    multiplied by the number of calendar years since the date of
3125    injury. The weekly compensation payable and the additional
3126    benefits payable under this paragraph, when combined, may not
3127    exceed the maximum weekly compensation rate in effect at the
3128    time of payment as determined pursuant to s. 440.12(2).
3129    Entitlement to These supplemental payments shall not be paid or
3130    payable after the employee attainscease at age 62, regardless
3131    of whetherif the employee has applied for or is eligible to
3132    applyis eligiblefor social security benefits under 42 U.S.C.
3133    ss. 402 and 423, whether or not the employee has applied for
3134    such benefits. These supplemental benefits shall be paid by the
3135    department out of the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust
3136    Fund when the injury occurred subsequent to June 30, 1955, and
3137    before July 1, 1984. These supplemental benefits shall be paid
3138    by the employer when the injury occurred on or after July 1,
3139    1984. Supplemental benefits are not payable for any period prior
3140    to October 1, 1974.
3141          2.a. The department shall provide by rule for the periodic
3142    reporting to the department of all earnings of any nature and
3143    social security income by the injured employee entitled to or
3144    claiming additional compensation under subparagraph 1. Neither
3145    the department nor the employer or carrier shall make any
3146    payment of those additional benefits provided by subparagraph 1.
3147    for any period during which the employee willfully fails or
3148    refuses to report upon request by the department in the manner
3149    prescribed by such rules.
3150          b. The department shall provide by rule for the periodic
3151    reporting to the employer or carrier of all earnings of any
3152    nature and social security income by the injured employee
3153    entitled to or claiming benefits for permanent total disability.
3154    The employer or carrier is not required to make any payment of
3155    benefits for permanent total disability for any period during
3156    which the employee willfully fails or refuses to report upon
3157    request by the employer or carrier in the manner prescribed by
3158    such rules or if any employee who is receiving permanent total
3159    disability benefits refuses to apply for or cooperate with the
3160    employer or carrier in applying for social security benefits.
3161          3. When an injured employee receives a full or partial
3162    lump-sum advance of the employee's permanent total disability
3163    compensation benefits, the employee's benefits under this
3164    paragraph shall be computed on the employee's weekly
3165    compensation rate as reduced by the lump-sum advance.
3167          (a) Subject to subsection (7),in case of disability total
3168    in character but temporary in quality, 662/3 percent of the
3169    average weekly wages shall be paid to the employee during the
3170    continuance thereof, not to exceed 104 weeks except as provided
3171    in this subsection, s. 440.12(1), and s. 440.14(3). Once the
3172    employee reaches the maximum number of weeks allowed, or the
3173    employee reaches the date of maximum medical improvement,
3174    whichever occurs earlier, temporary disability benefits shall
3175    cease and the injured worker's permanent impairment shall be
3176    determined.
3177          (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a), an
3178    employee who has sustained the loss of an arm, leg, hand, or
3179    foot, has been rendered a paraplegic, paraparetic, quadriplegic,
3180    or quadriparetic, or has lost the sight of both eyes shall be
3181    paid temporary total disability of 80 percent of her or his
3182    average weekly wage. The increased temporary total disability
3183    compensation provided for in this paragraph must not extend
3184    beyond 6 months from the date of the accident; however, such
3185    benefits shall not be due or payable if the employee is eligible
3186    for, entitled to, or collecting permanent total disability
3187    benefits. The compensation provided by this paragraph is not
3188    subject to the limits provided in s. 440.12(2), but instead is
3189    subject to a maximum weekly compensation rate of $700. If, at
3190    the conclusion of this period of increased temporary total
3191    disability compensation, the employee is still temporarily
3192    totally disabled, the employee shall continue to receive
3193    temporary total disability compensation as set forth in
3194    paragraphs (a) and (c). The period of time the employee has
3195    received this increased compensation will be counted as part of,
3196    and not in addition to, the maximum periods of time for which
3197    the employee is entitled to compensation under paragraph (a) but
3198    not paragraph (c).
3199          (c) Temporary total disability benefits paid pursuant to
3200    this subsection shall include such period as may be reasonably
3201    necessary for training in the use of artificial members and
3202    appliances, and shall include such period as the employee may be
3203    receiving training and education under a program pursuant to s.
3204    440.491. Notwithstanding s. 440.02, the date of maximum medical
3205    improvement for purposes of paragraph (3)(b) shall be no earlier
3206    than the last day for which such temporary disability benefits
3207    are paid.
3208          (d) The department shall, by rule, provide for the
3209    periodic reporting to the department, employer, or carrier of
3210    all earned income, including income from social security, by the
3211    injured employee who is entitled to or claiming benefits for
3212    temporary total disability. The employer or carrier is not
3213    required to make any payment of benefits for temporary total
3214    disability for any period during which the employee willfully
3215    fails or refuses to report upon request by the employer or
3216    carrier in the manner prescribed by the rules. The rule must
3217    require the claimant to personally sign the claim form and
3218    attest that she or he has reviewed, understands, and
3219    acknowledges the foregoing.
3221          (a) Impairment benefits.--
3222          1.Once the employee has reached the date of maximum
3223    medical improvement, impairment benefits are due and payable
3224    within 1420days after the carrier has knowledge of the
3225    impairment.
3226          (b)2.The three-member panel, in cooperation with the
3227    department, shall establish and use a uniform permanent
3228    impairment rating schedule. This schedule must be based on
3229    medically or scientifically demonstrable findings as well as the
3230    systems and criteria set forth in the American Medical
3231    Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment;
3232    the Snellen Charts, published by American Medical Association
3233    Committee for Eye Injuries; and the Minnesota Department of
3234    Labor and Industry Disability Schedules. The schedule must
3235    shouldbe based upon objective findings. The schedule shall be
3236    more comprehensive than the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of
3237    Permanent Impairment and shall expand the areas already
3238    addressed and address additional areas not currently contained
3239    in the guides. On August 1, 1979, and pending the adoption, by
3240    rule, of a permanent schedule, Guides to the Evaluation of
3241    Permanent Impairment, copyright 1977, 1971, 1988, by the
3242    American Medical Association, shall be the temporary schedule
3243    and shall be used for the purposes hereof. For injuries after
3244    July 1, 1990, pending the adoption by rule of a uniform
3245    disability rating agency schedule, the Minnesota Department of
3246    Labor and Industry Disability Schedule shall be used unless that
3247    schedule does not address an injury. In such case, the Guides to
3248    the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment by the American Medical
3249    Association shall be used. Determination of permanent impairment
3250    under this schedule must be made by a physician licensed under
3251    chapter 458, a doctor of osteopathic medicine licensed under
3252    chapters 458 and 459, a chiropractic physician licensed under
3253    chapter 460, a podiatric physician licensed under chapter 461,
3254    an optometrist licensed under chapter 463, or a dentist licensed
3255    under chapter 466, as appropriate considering the nature of the
3256    injury. No other persons are authorized to render opinions
3257    regarding the existence of or the extent of permanent
3258    impairment.
3259          (c)3.All impairment income benefits shall be based on an
3260    impairment rating using the impairment schedule referred to in
3261    paragraph (b)subparagraph 2. Impairment income benefits are
3262    paid biweeklyweekly at the rate of 7550percent of the
3263    employee's average weekly temporary total disability benefit not
3264    to exceed the maximum weekly benefit under s. 440.12; provided,
3265    however, that such benefits shall be reduced by 50 percent for
3266    each week in which the employee has earned income equal to or in
3267    excess of the employee’s average weekly wage. An employee's
3268    entitlement to impairment income benefits begins the day after
3269    the employee reaches maximum medical improvement or the
3270    expiration of temporary benefits, whichever occurs earlier, and
3271    continues until the earlier of:
3272          1.a.The expiration of a period computed at the rate of 3
3273    weeks for each percentage point of impairment; or
3274          2.b.The death of the employee.
3276          Impairment income benefits as defined by this subsection are
3277    payable only for impairment ratings for physical impairments. If
3278    objective medical findings can substantiate a permanent
3279    psychiatric impairment resulting from the accident, permanent
3280    impairment benefits are limited for the permanent psychiatric
3281    impairment to 1-percent permanent impairment.
3282          (d)4.After the employee has been certified by a doctor as
3283    having reached maximum medical improvement or 6 weeks before the
3284    expiration of temporary benefits, whichever occurs earlier, the
3285    certifying doctor shall evaluate the condition of the employee
3286    and assign an impairment rating, using the impairment schedule
3287    referred to in paragraph (b)subparagraph 2. Compensation is not
3288    payable for the mental, psychological, or emotional injury
3289    arising out of depression from being out of work.If the
3290    certification and evaluation are performed by a doctor other
3291    than the employee's treating doctor, the certification and
3292    evaluation must be submitted to the treating doctor, the
3293    employee, and the carrier within 10 days after the evaluation.
3294    and The treating doctor must indicate to the carrieragreement
3295    or disagreement with the other doctor’scertification and
3296    evaluation.
3297          1.The certifying doctor shall issue a written report to
3298    the department, the employee,and the carrier certifying that
3299    maximum medical improvement has been reached, stating the
3300    impairment rating to the body as a whole, and providing any
3301    other information required by the department by rule. The
3302    carrier shall establish an overall maximum medical improvement
3303    date and permanent impairment rating, based upon all such
3304    reports.
3305          2. Within 14 days after the carrier’s knowledge of each
3306    maximum medical improvement date and impairment rating to the
3307    body as a whole upon which the carrier is paying benefits, the
3308    carrier shall report such maximum medical improvement date and,
3309    when determined, the overall maximum medical improvement date
3310    and associated impairment rating to the department in a format
3311    as set forth in department rule.If the employee has not been
3312    certified as having reached maximum medical improvement before
3313    the expiration of 98102 weeks after the date temporary total
3314    disability benefits begin to accrue, the carrier shall notify
3315    the treating doctor of the requirements of this section.
3316          (e)5. The carrier shall pay the employee impairment income
3317    benefits for a period based on the impairment rating.
3318          (f)6. The department may by rule specify forms and
3319    procedures governing the method of payment of wage loss and
3320    impairment benefits under this sectionfor dates of accidents
3321    before January 1, 1994, and for dates of accidents on or after
3322    January 1, 1994.
3323          (b) Supplemental benefits.--
3324          1. All supplemental benefits must be paid in accordance
3325    with this subsection. An employee is entitled to supplemental
3326    benefits as provided in this paragraph as of the expiration of
3327    the impairment period, if:
3328          a. The employee has an impairment rating from the
3329    compensable injury of 20 percent or more as determined pursuant
3330    to this chapter;
3331          b. The employee has not returned to work or has returned
3332    to work earning less than 80 percent of the employee's average
3333    weekly wage as a direct result of the employee's impairment; and
3334          c. The employee has in good faith attempted to obtain
3335    employment commensurate with the employee's ability to work.
3336          2. If an employee is not entitled to supplemental benefits
3337    at the time of payment of the final weekly impairment income
3338    benefit because the employee is earning at least 80 percent of
3339    the employee's average weekly wage, the employee may become
3340    entitled to supplemental benefits at any time within 1 year
3341    after the impairment income benefit period ends if:
3342          a. The employee earns wages that are less than 80 percent
3343    of the employee's average weekly wage for a period of at least
3344    90 days;
3345          b. The employee meets the other requirements of
3346    subparagraph 1.; and
3347          c. The employee's decrease in earnings is a direct result
3348    of the employee's impairment from the compensable injury.
3349          3. If an employee earns wages that are at least 80 percent
3350    of the employee's average weekly wage for a period of at least
3351    90 days during which the employee is receiving supplemental
3352    benefits, the employee ceases to be entitled to supplemental
3353    benefits for the filing period. Supplemental benefits that have
3354    been terminated shall be reinstated when the employee satisfies
3355    the conditions enumerated in subparagraph 2. and files the
3356    statement required under subparagraph 4. Notwithstanding any
3357    other provision, if an employee is not entitled to supplemental
3358    benefits for 12 consecutive months, employee ceases to be
3359    entitled to any additional income benefits for the compensable
3360    injury. If the employee is discharged within 12 months after
3361    losing entitlement under this subsection, benefits may be
3362    reinstated if the employee was discharged at that time with the
3363    intent to deprive the employee of supplemental benefits.
3364          4. After the initial determination of supplemental
3365    benefits, the employee must file a statement with the carrier
3366    stating that the employee has earned less than 80 percent of the
3367    employee's average weekly wage as a direct result of the
3368    employee's impairment, stating the amount of wages the employee
3369    earned in the filing period, and stating that the employee has
3370    in good faith sought employment commensurate with the employee's
3371    ability to work. The statement must be filed quarterly on a form
3372    and in the manner prescribed by the department. The department
3373    may modify the filing period as appropriate to an individual
3374    case. Failure to file a statement relieves the carrier of
3375    liability for supplemental benefits for the period during which
3376    a statement is not filed.
3377          5. The carrier shall begin payment of supplemental
3378    benefits not later than the seventh day after the expiration
3379    date of the impairment income benefit period and shall continue
3380    to timely pay those benefits. The carrier may request a
3381    mediation conference for the purpose of contesting the
3382    employee's entitlement to or the amount of supplemental income
3383    benefits.
3384          6. Supplemental benefits are calculated quarterly and paid
3385    monthly. For purposes of calculating supplemental benefits, 80
3386    percent of the employee's average weekly wage and the average
3387    wages the employee has earned per week are compared quarterly.
3388    For purposes of this paragraph, if the employee is offered a
3389    bona fide position of employment that the employee is capable of
3390    performing, given the physical condition of the employee and the
3391    geographic accessibility of the position, the employee's weekly
3392    wages are considered equivalent to the weekly wages for the
3393    position offered to the employee.
3394          7. Supplemental benefits are payable at the rate of 80
3395    percent of the difference between 80 percent of the employee's
3396    average weekly wage determined pursuant to s. 440.14 and the
3397    weekly wages the employee has earned during the reporting
3398    period, not to exceed the maximum weekly income benefit under s.
3399    440.12.
3400          8. The department may by rule define terms that are
3401    necessary for the administration of this section and forms and
3402    procedures governing the method of payment of supplemental
3403    benefits for dates of accidents before January 1, 1994, and for
3404    dates of accidents on or after January 1, 1994.
3405          (c) Duration of temporary impairment and supplemental
3406    income benefits.-- The employee's eligibility for temporary
3407    benefits, impairment income benefits, and supplemental benefits
3408    terminates on the expiration of 401 weeks after the date of
3409    injury.
3410          (g) Notwithstanding paragraph (c), for accidents occurring
3411    on or after October 1, 2003, an employee's entitlement to
3412    impairment income benefits begins the day after the employee
3413    reaches maximum medical improvement or the expiration of
3414    temporary benefits, whichever occurs earlier, and continues for
3415    the following periods:
3416          1. Two weeks of benefits are to be paid to the employee
3417    for each percentage point of impairment from 1 percent up to and
3418    including 10 percent.
3419          2. For each percentage point of impairment from 11 percent
3420    up to and including 15 percent, 3 weeks of benefits are to be
3421    paid.
3422          3. For each percentage point of impairment from 16 percent
3423    up to and including 20 percent, 4 weeks of benefits are to be
3424    paid.
3425          4. For each percentage point of impairment from 21 percent
3426    and higher, 6 weeks of benefits are to be paid.
3428          (a) Subject to subsection (7),in case of temporary
3429    partial disability, compensation shall be equal to 80 percent of
3430    the difference between 80 percent of the employee's average
3431    weekly wage and the salary, wages, and other remuneration the
3432    employee is able to earn post injury, as compared weekly;
3433    however, the weekly temporary partial disabilitybenefits may
3434    not exceed an amount equal to 66 2/3 percent of the employee's
3435    average weekly wage at the time of accidentinjury. In order to
3436    simplify the comparison of the preinjury average weekly wage
3437    with the salary, wages, and other remuneration the employee is
3438    able to earn post injury, the department may by rule provide for
3439    payment of the initial installment of temporary partial
3440    disability benefits to be paid as a partial week so that payment
3441    for remaining weeks of temporary partial disability canthe
3442    modification of the weekly comparison so as tocoincide as
3443    closely as possible with the post injury employer’s work week
3444    injured worker's pay periods. The amount determined to be the
3445    salary, wages, and other remuneration the employee is able to
3446    earn shall in no case be less than the sum actually being earned
3447    by the employee, including earnings from sheltered employment.
3448    Benefits shall be payable under this subsection only if overall
3449    maximum medical improvement has not been reached and the medical
3450    conditions resulting from the accident create restrictions on
3451    the injured employee’s ability to return to work.
3452          (b) Within 5 business days after the carrier’s knowledge
3453    of the employee’s release to restricted work, the carrier shall
3454    mail to the employee and employer an informational letter,
3455    adopted by department rule, explaining the employee’s possible
3456    eligibility and responsibilities for temporary partial
3457    disability benefits.
3458          (c) When an employee returns to work with the restrictions
3459    resulting from the accident and is earning wages less than 80
3460    percent of the preinjury average weekly wage, the first
3461    installment of temporary partial disability benefits is due 7
3462    days after the last date of the post injury employer’s first
3463    biweekly work week. Thereafter, payment for temporary partial
3464    benefits shall be paid biweekly no later than the 7th day
3465    following the last day of each biweekly work week.
3466          (d) If the employee is unable to return to work with the
3467    restrictions resulting from the accident and is not earning
3468    wages, salary, or other remuneration, temporary partial
3469    disability benefits shall be paid no later than the last day of
3470    each biweekly period. The employee shall notify the carrier
3471    within 5 business days after returning to work. Failure to
3472    notify the carrier of the establishment of an earning capacity
3473    in the required time shall result in a suspension or nonpayment
3474    of temporary partial disability benefits until the proper
3475    notification is provided.
3476          (e)(b)Such benefits shall be paid during the continuance
3477    of such disability, not to exceed a period of 104 weeks, as
3478    provided by this subsection and subsection (2). Once the injured
3479    employee reaches the maximum number of weeks, temporary
3480    disability benefits cease and the injured worker's permanent
3481    impairment must be determined. If the employee is terminated
3482    from post injury employment based on the employee’s misconduct,
3483    temporary partial disability benefits are not payable as
3484    provided for in this section. The department shallmayby rule
3485    specify forms and procedures governing the method and time for
3486    ofpayment of temporary disability benefits for dates of
3487    accidents before January 1, 1994, and for dates of accidents on
3488    or after January 1, 1994.
3489          (5) SUBSEQUENT INJURY.--
3490          (a) The fact that an employee has suffered previous
3491    disability, impairment, anomaly, or disease, or received
3492    compensation therefor, shall not preclude her or him from
3493    benefits, as specified in paragraph (b),for a subsequent
3494    aggravation or acceleration of the preexisting condition ornor
3495    preclude benefits for death resulting therefrom, except that no
3496    benefits shall be payable if the employee, at the time of
3497    entering into the employment of the employer by whom the
3498    benefits would otherwise be payable, falsely represents herself
3499    or himself in writing as not having previously been disabled or
3500    compensated because of such previous disability, impairment,
3501    anomaly, or disease and the employer detrimentally relies on the
3502    misrepresentation. Compensation for temporary disability,
3503    medical benefits, and wage-loss benefitsshall not be subject to
3504    apportionment.
3505          (b) If a compensable injury, disability, or need for
3506    medical carepermanent impairment, or any portion thereof, is a
3507    result of aggravation or acceleration of a preexisting
3508    condition, or is the result of merger with a preexisting
3509    condition, only the disabilities and medical treatment
3510    associated with such compensable injury shall be payable under
3511    this chapter, excluding the degree of disability or medical
3512    conditions existing at the time of the impairment rating or at
3513    the time of the accident, regardless of whether the preexisting
3514    condition was disabling at the time of the accident or at the
3515    time of the impairment rating and without considering whether
3516    the preexisting condition would be disabling without the
3517    compensable accidentimpairment, an employee eligible to receive
3518    impairment benefits under paragraph (3)(a) shall receive such
3519    benefits for the total impairment found to result, excluding the
3520    degree of impairment existing at the time of the subject
3521    accident or injury or which would have existed by the time of
3522    the impairment rating without the intervention of the
3523    compensable accident or injury. The degree of permanent
3524    impairment or disabilityattributable to the accident or injury
3525    shall be compensated in accordance with this section,
3526    apportioning out the preexisting condition based on the
3527    anatomical impairment rating attributable to the preexisting
3528    condition. Medical benefits shall be paid apportioning out the
3529    percentage of the need for such care attributable to the
3530    preexisting conditionparagraph (3)(a). As used in this
3531    paragraph, "merger" means the combining of a preexisting
3532    permanent impairment or disabilitywith a subsequent compensable
3533    permanent impairment or disabilitywhich, when the effects of
3534    both are considered together, result in a permanent impairment
3535    or disabilityrating which is greater than the sum of the two
3536    permanent impairment or disability ratings when each impairment
3537    or disability is considered individually.
3538          (6) OBLIGATION TO REHIRE.-- If the employer has not in
3539    good faith made available to the employee, within a 100-mile
3540    radius of the employee's residence, work appropriate to the
3541    employee's physical limitations within 30 days after the carrier
3542    notifies the employer of maximum medical improvement and the
3543    employee's physical limitations, the employer shall pay to the
3544    department for deposit into the Workers' Compensation
3545    Administration Trust Fund a fine of $250 for every $5,000 of the
3546    employer's workers' compensation premium or payroll, not to
3547    exceed $2,000 per violation, as the department requires by rule.
3548    The employer is not subject to this subsection if the employee
3549    is receiving permanent total disability benefits or if the
3550    employer has 50 or fewer employees.
3551          (6)(7)EMPLOYEE REFUSES EMPLOYMENT.--If an injured
3552    employee refuses employment suitable to the capacity thereof,
3553    offered to or procured therefor, such employee shall not be
3554    entitled to any compensation at any time during the continuance
3555    of such refusal unless at any time in the opinion of the judge
3556    of compensation claims such refusal is justifiable. Time periods
3557    for the payment of benefits in accordance with this section
3558    shall be counted in determining the limitation of benefits as
3559    provided for in paragraphs (2)(a), (3)(c), and (4)(b).
3560          (7)(8)EMPLOYEE LEAVES EMPLOYMENT.-- If an injured
3561    employee, when receiving compensation for temporary partial
3562    disability, leaves the employment of the employer by whom she or
3563    he was employed at the time of the accident for which such
3564    compensation is being paid, the employee shall, upon securing
3565    employment elsewhere, give to such former employer an affidavit
3566    in writing containing the name of her or his new employer, the
3567    place of employment, and the amount of wages being received at
3568    such new employment; and, until she or he gives such affidavit,
3569    the compensation for temporary partial disability will cease.
3570    The employer by whom such employee was employed at the time of
3571    the accident for which such compensation is being paid may also
3572    at any time demand of such employee an additional affidavit in
3573    writing containing the name of her or his employer, the place of
3574    her or his employment, and the amount of wages she or he is
3575    receiving; and if the employee, upon such demand, fails or
3576    refuses to make and furnish such affidavit, her or his right to
3577    compensation for temporary partial disability shall cease until
3578    such affidavit is made and furnished. If the employee leaves her
3579    or his employment while receiving temporary partial benefits
3580    without just cause as determined by the judge of compensation
3581    claims, temporary partial benefits shall be payable based on the
3582    deemed earnings of the employee as if she or he had remained
3583    employed.
3584          (8)(9)EMPLOYEE BECOMES INMATE OF INSTITUTION.--In case an
3585    employee becomes an inmate of a public institution, then no
3586    compensation shall be payable unless she or he has dependent
3587    upon her or him for support a person or persons defined as
3588    dependents elsewhere in this chapter, whose dependency shall be
3589    determined as if the employee were deceased and to whom
3590    compensation would be paid in case of death; and such
3591    compensation as is due such employee shall be paid such
3592    dependents during the time she or he remains such inmate.
3595          (a) Weekly compensation benefits payable under this
3596    chapter for disability resulting from injuries to an employee
3597    who becomes eligible for benefits under 42 U.S.C. s. 423 shall
3598    be reduced to an amount whereby the sum of such compensation
3599    benefits payable under this chapter and such total benefits
3600    otherwise payable for such period to the employee and her or his
3601    dependents, had such employee not been entitled to benefits
3602    under this chapter, under 42 U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423, does not
3603    exceed 80 percent of the employee's average weekly wage.
3604    However, this provision shall not operate to reduce an injured
3605    worker's benefits under this chapter to a greater extent than
3606    such benefits would have otherwise been reduced under 42 U.S.C.
3607    s. 424(a). This reduction of compensation benefits is not
3608    applicable to any compensation benefits payable for any week
3609    subsequent to the week in which the injured worker reaches the
3610    age of 62 years.
3611          (b) If the provisions of 42 U.S.C. s. 424(a) are amended
3612    to provide for a reduction or increase of the percentage of
3613    average current earnings that the sum of compensation benefits
3614    payable under this chapter and the benefits payable under 42
3615    U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423 can equal, the amount of the reduction of
3616    benefits provided in this subsection shall be reduced or
3617    increased accordingly. The department may by rule specify forms
3618    and procedures governing the method for calculating and
3619    administering the offset of benefits payable under this chapter
3620    and benefits payable under 42 U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423. The
3621    department shall have first priority in taking any available
3622    social security offsets on dates of accidents occurring before
3623    July 1, 1984.
3624          (c) No disability compensation benefits payable for any
3625    week, including those benefits provided by paragraph (1)(f),
3626    shall be reduced pursuant to this subsection until the Social
3627    Security Administration determines the amount otherwise payable
3628    to the employee under 42 U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423 and the employee
3629    has begun receiving such social security benefit payments. The
3630    employee shall, upon demand by the department, the employer, or
3631    the carrier, authorize the Social Security Administration to
3632    release disability information relating to her or him and
3633    authorize the Division of Unemployment Compensation to release
3634    unemployment compensation information relating to her or him, in
3635    accordance with rules to be adopted by the department
3636    prescribing the procedure and manner for requesting the
3637    authorization and for compliance by the employee. Neither the
3638    department nor the employer or carrier shall make any payment of
3639    benefits for total disability or those additional benefits
3640    provided by paragraph (1)(f) for any period during which the
3641    employee willfully fails or refuses to authorize the release of
3642    information in the manner and within the time prescribed by such
3643    rules. The authority for release of disability information
3644    granted by an employee under this paragraph shall be effective
3645    for a period not to exceed 12 months, such authority to be
3646    renewable as the department may prescribe by rule.
3647          (d) If compensation benefits are reduced pursuant to this
3648    subsection, the minimum compensation provisions of s. 440.12(2)
3649    do not apply.
3653          (a) No compensation benefits shall be payable for
3654    temporary total disability or permanent total disability under
3655    this chapter for any week in which the injured employee has
3656    received, or is receiving, unemployment compensation benefits.
3657          (b) If an employee is entitled to temporary partial
3658    benefits pursuant to subsection (4) and unemployment
3659    compensation benefits, such unemployment compensation benefits
3660    shall be primary and the temporary partial benefits shall be
3661    supplemental only, the sum of the two benefits not to exceed the
3662    amount of temporary partial benefits which would otherwise be
3663    payable.
3665    OFFICERS.--Any law enforcement officer as defined in s.
3666    943.10(1), (2), or (3) who, while acting within the course of
3667    employment as provided by s. 440.091, is maliciously or
3668    intentionally injured and who thereby sustains a job-connected
3669    disability compensable under this chapter shall be carried in
3670    full-pay status rather than being required to use sick, annual,
3671    or other leave. Full-pay status shall be granted only after
3672    submission to the employing agency's head of a medical report
3673    which gives a current diagnosis of the employee's recovery and
3674    ability to return to work. In no case shall the employee's
3675    salary and workers' compensation benefits exceed the amount of
3676    the employee's regular salary requirements.
3677          (12)(13)REPAYMENT.--If an employee has received a sum as
3678    an indemnity benefit under any classification or category of
3679    benefit under this chapter to which she or he is not entitled,
3680    the employee is liable to repay that sum to the employer or the
3681    carrier or to have that sum deducted from future benefits,
3682    regardless of the classification of benefits, payable to the
3683    employee under this chapter; however, a partial payment of the
3684    total repayment may not exceed 20 percent of the amount of the
3685    biweekly payment.
3686          Section 19. Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section
3687    440.151, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
3688          440.151 Occupational diseases.--
3689          (1)(a) Where the employer and employee are subject to the
3690    provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law, the disablement or
3691    death of an employee resulting from an occupational disease as
3692    hereinafter defined shall be treated as the happening of an
3693    injury by accident, notwithstanding any other provisions of this
3694    chapter, and the employee or, in case of death, the employee's
3695    dependents shall be entitled to compensation as provided by this
3696    chapter, except as hereinafter otherwise provided; and the
3697    practice and procedure prescribed by this chapter shall apply to
3698    all proceedings under this section, except as hereinafter
3699    otherwise provided. Provided, however, that in no case shall an
3700    employer be liable for compensation under the provisions of this
3701    section unless such disease has resulted from the nature of the
3702    employment in which the employee was engaged under such
3703    employer,and was actually contracted while so engaged, and the
3704    nature of the employment was the major contributing cause of the
3705    disease. Major contributing cause must be shown by medical
3706    evidence only, as demonstrated by physical examination findings
3707    and diagnostic testing.meaning by "Nature of the employment"
3708    means that intothe occupation in which the employee was so
3709    engaged there is attached a particular hazard of such disease
3710    that distinguishes it from the usual run of occupations, or the
3711    incidence of such disease is substantially higher in the
3712    occupation in which the employee was so engaged than in the
3713    usual run of occupations. In claims for death under s. 440.16,
3714    death must occuror, in case of death, unless death follows
3715    continuous disability from such disease, commencing within the
3716    period above limited, for which compensation has been paid or
3717    awarded, or timely claim made as provided in this section, and
3718    results within 350 weeks after such last exposure. Both
3719    causation and sufficient exposure to a specific harmful
3720    substance shown to be present in the workplace to support
3721    causation shall be proven by clear and convincing evidence.
3722          (b) No compensation shall be payable for an occupational
3723    disease if the employee, at the time of entering into the
3724    employment of the employer by whom the compensation would
3725    otherwise be payable, falsely represents herself or himself in
3726    writing as not having previously been disabled, laid off or
3727    compensated in damages or otherwise, because of such disease.
3728          (c) Where an occupational disease is aggravated by any
3729    other disease or infirmity, not itself compensable, or where
3730    disability or death from any other cause, not itself
3731    compensable, is aggravated, prolonged, accelerated or in anywise
3732    contributed to by an occupational disease, the compensation
3733    shall be payable only if the occupational disease is the major
3734    contributing cause of the injury. Any compensationshall be
3735    reduced and limited to such proportion only of the compensation
3736    that would be payable if the occupational disease were the sole
3737    cause of the disability or death as such occupational disease,
3738    as a causative factor, bears to all the causes of such
3739    disability or death, such reduction in compensation to be
3740    effected by reducing the number of weekly or monthly payments or
3741    the amounts of such payments, as under the circumstances of the
3742    particular case may be for the best interest of the claimant or
3743    claimants. Major contributing cause must be demonstrated by
3744    medical evidence based on physical examination findings and
3745    diagnostic testing.
3746          (d) No compensation for death from an occupational disease
3747    shall be payable to any person whose relationship to the
3748    deceased, which under the provisions of this Workers'
3749    Compensation Law would give right to compensation, arose
3750    subsequent to the beginning of the first compensable disability,
3751    save only to afterborn children of a marriage existing at the
3752    beginning of such disability.
3753          (e) No compensation shall be payable for disability or
3754    death resulting from tuberculosis arising out of and in the
3755    course of employment by the Department of Health at a state
3756    tuberculosis hospital, or aggravated by such employment, when
3757    the employee had suffered from said disease at any time prior to
3758    the commencement of such employment.
3759          (2) Whenever used in this section the term "occupational
3760    disease" shall be construed to mean only a disease which is due
3761    to causes and conditions which are characteristic of and
3762    peculiar to a particular trade, occupation, process, or
3763    employment, and to exclude all ordinary diseases of life to
3764    which the general public is exposed, unless the incidence of the
3765    disease is substantially higher in the particular trade,
3766    occupation, process, or employment than for the general public.
3767    “Occupational disease” means only a disease for which there are
3768    epidemiological studies showing that exposure to the specific
3769    substance involved, at the levels to which the employee was
3770    exposed, may cause the precise disease sustained by the
3771    employee.
3772          (3) Except as hereinafterotherwise provided in this
3773    section, "disablement" means disability as described in s.
3774    440.02(13)the event of an employee's becoming actually
3775    incapacitated, partially or totally, because of an occupational
3776    disease, from performing her or his work in the last occupation
3777    in which injuriously exposed to the hazards of such disease; and
3778    "disability" means the state of being so incapacitated.
3779          Section 20. Subsections (1) and (7) of section 440.16,
3780    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
3781          440.16 Compensation for death.--
3782          (1) If death results from the accident within 1 year
3783    thereafter or follows continuous disability and results from the
3784    accident within 5 years thereafter, the employer shall pay:
3785          (a) Within 14 days after receiving the bill, actual
3786    funeral expenses not to exceed $7,500$5,000.
3787          (b) Compensation, in addition to the above, in the
3788    following percentages of the average weekly wages to the
3789    following persons entitled thereto on account of dependency upon
3790    the deceased, and in the following order of preference, subject
3791    to the limitation provided in subparagraph 2., but such
3792    compensation shall be subject to the limits provided in s.
3793    440.12(2), shall not exceed $150,000$100,000, and may be less
3794    than, but shall not exceed, for all dependents or persons
3795    entitled to compensation, 662/3 percent of the average wage:
3796          1. To the spouse, if there is no child, 50 percent of the
3797    average weekly wage, such compensation to cease upon the
3798    spouse's death.
3799          2. To the spouse, if there is a child or children, the
3800    compensation payable under subparagraph 1. and, in addition,
3801    162/3 percent on account of the child or children. However, when
3802    the deceased is survived by a spouse and also a child or
3803    children, whether such child or children are the product of the
3804    union existing at the time of death or of a former marriage or
3805    marriages, the judge of compensation claims may provide for the
3806    payment of compensation in such manner as may appear to the
3807    judge of compensation claims just and proper and for the best
3808    interests of the respective parties and, in so doing, may
3809    provide for the entire compensation to be paid exclusively to
3810    the child or children; and, in the case of death of such spouse,
3811    331/3 percent for each child. However, upon the surviving
3812    spouse's remarriage, the spouse shall be entitled to a lump-sum
3813    payment equal to 26 weeks of compensation at the rate of 50
3814    percent of the average weekly wage as provided in s. 440.12(2),
3815    unless the $150,000$100,000limit provided in this paragraph is
3816    exceeded, in which case the surviving spouse shall receive a
3817    lump-sum payment equal to the remaining available benefits in
3818    lieu of any further indemnity benefits. In no case shall a
3819    surviving spouse's acceptance of a lump-sum payment affect
3820    payment of death benefits to other dependents.
3821          3. To the child or children, if there is no spouse, 331/3
3822    percent for each child.
3823          4. To the parents, 25 percent to each, such compensation
3824    to be paid during the continuance of dependency.
3825          5. To the brothers, sisters, and grandchildren, 15 percent
3826    for each brother, sister, or grandchild.
3827          (c) To the surviving spouse, payment of postsecondary
3828    student fees for instruction at any area technical center
3829    established under s. 1001.44 for up to 1,800 classroom hours or
3830    payment of student fees at any community college established
3831    under part III of chapter 1004 for up to 80 semester hours. The
3832    spouse of a deceased state employee shall be entitled to a full
3833    waiver of such fees as provided in ss. 1009.22 and 1009.23 in
3834    lieu of the payment of such fees. The benefits provided for in
3835    this paragraph shall be in addition to other benefits provided
3836    for in this section and shall terminate 7 years after the death
3837    of the deceased employee, or when the total payment in eligible
3838    compensation under paragraph (b) has been received. To qualify
3839    for the educational benefit under this paragraph, the spouse
3840    shall be required to meet and maintain the regular admission
3841    requirements of, and be registered at, such area technical
3842    center or community college, and make satisfactory academic
3843    progress as defined by the educational institution in which the
3844    student is enrolled.
3845          (7) Compensation under this chapter to aliens not
3846    residents (or about to become nonresidents) of the United States
3847    or Canada shall be the same in amount as provided for residents,
3848    except that dependents in any foreign country shall be limited
3849    to surviving spouse and child or children, or if there be no
3850    surviving spouse or child or children, to surviving father or
3851    mother whom the employee has supported, either wholly or in
3852    part, for the period of 1 year prior to the date of the injury,
3853    and except that the judge of compensation claims may, at the
3854    option of the judge of compensation claims, or upon the
3855    application of the insurance carrier, commute all future
3856    installments of compensation to be paid to such aliens by paying
3857    or causing to be paid to them one-half of the commuted amount of
3858    such future installments of compensation as determined by the
3859    judge of compensation claims, and provided further that
3860    compensation to dependents referred to in this subsection shall
3861    in no case exceed $75,000$50,000.
3862          Section 21. Subsection (9) of section 440.185, Florida
3863    Statutes, is amended, and subsection (12) is added to said
3864    section, to read:
3865          440.185 Notice of injury or death; reports; penalties for
3866    violations.--
3867          (9) Any employer or carrier who fails or refuses to timely
3868    send any form, report, or notice required by this section shall
3869    be subject to an administrative fine by the departmenta civil
3870    penalty not to exceed $1,000$500for each such failure or
3871    refusal. If, within 1 calendar year, an employer fails to timely
3872    submit to the carrier more than 10 percent of its notices of
3873    injury or death, the employer shall be subject to an
3874    administrative fine by the department not to exceed $2,000 for
3875    each such failure or refusal.However, any employer who fails to
3876    notify the carrier of the injury on the prescribed form or by
3877    letter within the 7 days required in subsection (2) shall be
3878    liable for the administrative finecivil penalty, which shall be
3879    paid by the employer and not the carrier. Failure by the
3880    employer to meet its obligations under subsection (2) shall not
3881    relieve the carrier from liability for the administrative fine
3882    civil penaltyif it fails to comply with subsections (4) and
3883    (5).
3884          (12) Upon receiving notice of an injury from an employee
3885    under subsection (1), the employer or carrier shall provide the
3886    employee with a written notice, in the form and manner
3887    determined by the department by rule, of the availability of
3888    services from the Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office. The
3889    substance of the notice to the employee shall include:
3890          (a) A description of the scope of services provided by the
3891    office.
3892          (b) A listing of the toll-free telephone number of, the
3893    email address, and the postal address of the office.
3894          (c) A statement that the informational brochure referred
3895    to in subsection (4) will be mailed to the employee within 3
3896    days after the carrier receives notice of the injury.
3897          (d) Any other information regarding access to assistance
3898    that the department finds is immediately necessary for an
3899    injured employee.
3900          Section 22. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 440.192,
3901    Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (9) is added to
3902    said section, to read:
3903          440.192 Procedure for resolving benefit disputes.—
3904          (1) Subject to s. 440.191, Any employee may, for any
3905    benefit that is ripe, due, and owing,who has not received a
3906    benefit to which the employee believes she or he is entitled
3907    under this chapter shallfile by certified mail, or by
3908    electronic means approved by the Deputy Chief Judge, with the
3909    Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims a petition for
3910    benefits which meets the requirements of this section and the
3911    definition of specificity in s. 440.02. The department shall
3912    inform employees of the location of the Office of the Judges of
3913    Compensation Claims for purposes of filing a petition for
3914    benefits. The employee shall also serve copies of the petition
3915    for benefits by certified mail, or by electronic means approved
3916    by the Deputy Chief Judge, upon the employer and the employer's
3917    carrier. The DeputyChief Judge shall refer the petitions to the
3918    judges of compensation claims.
3919          (2) Upon receipt, the Office of the Judges of Compensation
3920    Claims shall review each petition and shall dismiss each
3921    petition or any portion of such a petition, upon the judge's own
3922    motion or upon the motion of any party,that does not on its
3923    face specifically identify or itemize the following:
3924          (a) Name, address, telephone number, and social security
3925    number of the employee.
3926          (b) Name, address, and telephone number of the employer.
3927          (c) A detailed description of the injury and cause of the
3928    injury, including the location of the occurrence and the date or
3929    dates of the accident.
3930          (d) A detailed description of the employee's job, work
3931    responsibilities, and work the employee was performing when the
3932    injury occurred.
3933          (e) The time period for which compensation and the
3934    specific classification of compensation were not timely
3935    provided.
3936          (f) Date of maximum medical improvement, character of
3937    disability, specific statement of all benefits or compensation
3938    that the employee is seeking.
3939          (g) All specific travel costs to which the employee
3940    believes she or he is entitled, including dates of travel and
3941    purpose of travel, means of transportation, and mileage and
3942    including the date the request for mileage was filed with the
3943    carrier and a copy of the request filed with the carrier.
3944          (h) Specific listing of all medical charges alleged
3945    unpaid, including the name and address of the medical provider,
3946    the amounts due, and the specific dates of treatment.
3947          (i) The type or nature of treatment care or attendance
3948    sought and the justification for such treatment. If the employee
3949    is under the care of a physician for an injury identified under
3950    paragraph (c), a copy of the physician’s request, authorization,
3951    or recommendation for treatment, care, or attendance must
3952    accompany the petition.
3953          (j) Specific explanation of any other disputed issue that
3954    a judge of compensation claims will be called to rule upon.
3956          The dismissal of any petition or portion of such a petition
3957    under this section is without prejudice and does not require a
3958    hearing.
3959          (9) A petition for benefits must contain claims for all
3960    benefits that are ripe, due, and owing on the date the petition
3961    is filed. Unless stipulated in writing by the parties, only
3962    claims which have been properly raised in a petition for
3963    benefits and have undergone mediation may be considered for
3964    adjudication by a judge of compensation claims.
3965          Section 23. Section 440.1926, Florida Statutes, is created
3966    to read:
3967          440.1926 Alternate dispute resolution; claim
3968    arbitration.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this
3969    chapter, the employer, carrier, and employee may mutually agree
3970    to seek consent from a judge of compensation claims to enter
3971    into binding claim arbitration in lieu of any other remedy
3972    provided for in this chapter to resolve all issues in dispute
3973    regarding an injury. Arbitrations agreed to pursuant to this
3974    section shall be governed by chapter 682, the Florida
3975    Arbitration Code, except that, notwithstanding any provision in
3976    chapter 682, the term “court” shall mean a judge of compensation
3977    claims. An arbitration award in accordance with this section
3978    shall be enforceable in the same manner and with the same powers
3979    as any final compensation order.
3980          Section 24. Subsections (2), (3), (4), (6), and (8) and
3981    paragraph (d) of subsection (11) of section 440.20, Florida
3982    Statutes, are amended to read:
3983          440.20 Time for payment of compensation and medical bills;
3984    penalties for late payment.--
3985          (2)(a)The carrier must pay the first installment of
3986    compensation for total disability or death benefitsor deny
3987    compensability no later than the 14th calendarday after the
3988    employer receives notificationnotice of the injury or death,
3989    when disability is immediate and continuous for 8 calendar days
3990    or more after the injury. If the first 7 days after disability
3991    are nonconsecutive or delayed, the first installment of
3992    compensation is due on the 6th day after the first 8 calendar
3993    days of disability.The carrier shall thereafter pay
3994    compensation in biweekly installments or as otherwise provided
3995    in s. 440.15, unless the judge of compensation claims determines
3996    or the parties agree that an alternate installment schedule is
3997    in the best interests of the employee.
3998          (b) The carrier must pay, disallow, or deny all medical,
3999    dental, pharmacy, and hospital bills submitted to the carrier in
4000    accordance with department rule no later than 45 calendar days
4001    after the carrier’s receipt of the bill.
4002          (3) Upon making initial payment of indemnity benefits, or
4003    upon suspension or cessation of payment for any reason, the
4004    carrier shall immediately notify the injured employee, the
4005    employer, and thedepartment that it has commenced, suspended,
4006    or ceased payment of compensation. The department may require
4007    such notification to the injured employee, employer, and the
4008    department in aanyformat and manner it deems necessary to
4009    obtain accurate and timely notificationreporting.
4010          (4) If the carrier is uncertain of its obligation to
4011    provide all benefits or compensation, it may initiate payment
4012    without prejudice and without admitting liability. the carrier
4013    shall immediately and in good faith commence investigation of
4014    the employee's entitlement to benefits under this chapter and
4015    shall admit or deny compensability within 120 days after the
4016    initial provision of compensation or benefits as required under
4017    subsection (2) or s. 440.192(8). Additionally, the carrier shall
4018    initiate payment and continue the provision of all benefits and
4019    compensation as if the claim had been accepted as compensable,
4020    without prejudice and without admitting liability.Upon
4021    commencement of payment as required under subsection (2) or s.
4022    440.192 (8), the carrier shall provide written notice to the
4023    employee that itis has elected to pay all or part ofthe claim
4024    pending further investigation, and that it will advise the
4025    employee of claim acceptance or denial within 120 days. A
4026    carrier that fails to deny compensability within 120 days after
4027    the initial provision of benefits or payment of compensation as
4028    required under subsection (2) or s. 440.192(8) waives the right
4029    to deny compensability, unless the carrier can establish
4030    material facts relevant to the issue of compensability that it
4031    could not have discovered through reasonable investigation
4032    within the 120-day period. The initial provision of compensation
4033    or benefits, for purposes of this subsection, means the first
4034    installment of compensation or benefits to be paid by the
4035    carrier under subsection (2) or pursuant to a petition for
4036    benefits under s. 440.192(8).
4037          (6)(a)If any installment of compensation for death or
4038    dependency benefits, or compensation for disability benefits,
4039    permanent impairment, or wage losspayable without an award is
4040    not paid within 7 days after it becomes due, as provided in
4041    subsection (2), subsection (3), or subsection (4), there shall
4042    be added to such unpaid installment a punitivepenalty of an
4043    amount equal to 20 percent of the unpaid installment or $5,
4044    which shall be paid at the same time as, but in addition to,
4045    such installment of compensation. This penalty shall not apply
4046    for late payments resulting, unless notice is filed under
4047    subsection (4) or unless such nonpayment resultsfrom conditions
4048    over which the employer or carrier had no control. When any
4049    installment of compensation payable without an award has not
4050    been paid within 7 days after it became due and the claimant
4051    concludes the prosecution of the claim before a judge of
4052    compensation claims without having specifically claimed
4053    additional compensation in the nature of a penalty under this
4054    section, the claimant will be deemed to have acknowledged that,
4055    owing to conditions over which the employer or carrier had no
4056    control, such installment could not be paid within the period
4057    prescribed for payment and to have waived the right to claim
4058    such penalty. However, during the course of a hearing, the judge
4059    of compensation claims shall on her or his own motion raise the
4060    question of whether such penalty should be awarded or excused.
4061    The department may assess without a hearing the punitivepenalty
4062    against either the employer or the insurancecarrier, depending
4063    upon who was at fault in causing the delay. The insurance policy
4064    cannot provide that this sum will be paid by the carrier if the
4065    department or the judge of compensation claims determines that
4066    the punitive penalty should be paidmadeby the employer rather
4067    than the carrier. Any additional installment of compensation
4068    paid by the carrier pursuant to this section shall be paid
4069    directly to the employee by check or, if authorized by the
4070    employee, by direct deposit into the employee's account at a
4071    financial institution. As used in this subsection, the term
4072    "financial institution" means a financial institution as defined
4073    in s. 655.005(1)(h).
4074          (b) For medical services provided on or after January 1,
4075    2004, the department shall require that all medical, hospital,
4076    pharmacy, or dental bills properly submitted by the provider,
4077    except for bills that are disallowed or denied by the carrier or
4078    its authorized vendor in accordance with department rule, are
4079    timely paid within 45 calendar days after the carrier’s receipt
4080    of the bill. The department shall impose penalties for late
4081    payments or disallowances or denials of medical, hospital,
4082    pharmacy, or dental bills that are below a minimum 95 percent
4083    timely performance standard. The carrier shall pay to the
4084    Workers’ Compensation Administration Trust Fund a penalty of:
4085          1. Twenty-five dollars for each bill below the 95 percent
4086    timely performance standard, but meeting a 90 percent timely
4087    standard.
4088          2. Fifty dollars for each bill below a 90 percent timely
4089    performance standard.
4090          (8)(a)In addition to any other penalties provided by this
4091    chapter for late payment, if any installment of compensation is
4092    not paid when it becomes due, the employer, carrier, or
4093    servicing agent shall pay interest thereon at the rate of 12
4094    percent per year from the date the installment becomes due until
4095    it is paid, whether such installment is payable without an order
4096    or terms of an order. The interest payment shall be the greater
4097    of the amount due or $5.
4098          (a) Within 30 days after final payment of compensation has
4099    been made, the employer, carrier, or servicing agent shall send
4100    to the department a notice, in accordance with a format and
4101    manner prescribed by the department, stating that such final
4102    payment has been made and stating the total amount of
4103    compensation paid, the name of the employee and of any other
4104    person to whom compensation has been paid, the date of the
4105    injury or death, and the date to which compensation has been
4106    paid.
4107          (b) If the employer, carrier, or servicing agent fails to
4108    so notify the department within such time, the department shall
4109    assess against such employer, carrier, or servicing agent a
4110    civil penalty in an amount not over $100.
4111          (b)(c)In order to ensure carrier compliance under this
4112    chapter and provisions of the Insurance Code, the department
4113    shall monitor, audit, and investigatethe performance of
4114    carriers by conducting market conduct examinations, as provided
4115    in s. 624.3161, and conducting investigations, as provided in s.
4116    624.317. The department shall requireestablish by rule a
4117    minimum performance standards for carriers to ensure that a
4118    minimum of 90 percent ofall compensation benefits are timely
4119    paid in accordance with this section. The department shall
4120    impose penaltiesfine a carrier as provided in s. 440.13(11)(b)
4121    up to $50 for each late paymentspayment of compensation that
4122    areis below athe minimum 9590 percent timely payment
4123    performance standard. The carrier shall pay to the Workers’
4124    Compensation Administration Trust Fund a penalty of:
4125          1. Fifty dollars per number of installments of
4126    compensation below the 95 percent timely payment performance
4127    standard and equal to or greater than a 90 percent timely
4128    payment performance standard.
4129          2. One hundred dollars per number of installments of
4130    compensation below a 90 percent timely payment performance
4131    standard.
4133          This section does not affect the imposition of any penalties or
4134    interest due to the claimant. If a carrier contracts with a
4135    servicing agent to fulfill its administrative responsibilities
4136    under this chapter, the payment practices of the servicing agent
4137    are deemed the payment practices of the carrier for the purpose
4138    of assessing penalties against the carrier.
4139          (11)
4140          (d)1. With respect to any lump-sum settlement under this
4141    subsection, a judge of compensation claims must consider at the
4142    time of the settlement, whether the settlement allocation
4143    provides for the appropriate recovery of child support
4144    arrearages. An employer or carrier does not have a duty to
4145    investigate or collect information regarding child support
4146    arrearages.
4147          2. When reviewing any settlement of lump-sum payment
4148    pursuant to this subsection, judges of compensation claims shall
4149    consider the interests of the worker and the worker's family
4150    when approving the settlement, which must consider and provide
4151    for appropriate recovery of past due support.
4152          Section 25. Section 440.25, Florida Statutes, is amended
4153    to read:
4154          440.25 Procedures for mediation and hearings.--
4155          (1) Forty daysWithin 90 daysafter a petition for
4156    benefits is filed under s. 440.192, a mediation conference
4157    concerning such petition shall be held. Within 40 days after
4158    such petition is filed,the judge of compensation claims shall
4159    notify the interested parties by order that a mediation
4160    conference concerning such petition has been scheduledwill be
4161    held unless the parties have notified the judgeOffice of the
4162    Judges of compensation claims that a privatemediation has been
4163    held or is scheduled to be held. A mediation, whether private
4164    or public, shall be held within 130 days after the filing of the
4165    petition. Such order must give the date by whichthe mediation
4166    conference is tomustbe held. Such order may be served
4167    personally upon the interested parties or may be sent to the
4168    interested parties by mail. If multiple petitions are pending,
4169    or if additional petitions are filed after the scheduling of a
4170    mediation, the judge of compensation claims shall consolidate
4171    all petitions into one mediation.The claimant or the adjuster
4172    of the employer or carrier may, at the mediator's discretion,
4173    attend the mediation conference by telephone or, if agreed to by
4174    the parties, other electronic means. A continuance may be
4175    granted upon the agreement of the parties orif the requesting
4176    party demonstrates to the judge of compensation claims that the
4177    reason for requesting the continuance arises from circumstances
4178    beyond the party's control. Any order granting a continuance
4179    must set forth the date of the rescheduled mediation conference.
4180    A mediation conference may not be used solely for the purpose of
4181    mediating attorney's fees.
4182          (2) Any party who participates in a mediation conference
4183    shall not be precluded from requesting a hearing following the
4184    mediation conference should both parties not agree to be bound
4185    by the results of the mediation conference. A mediation
4186    conference is required to be held unless this requirement is
4187    waived by the Deputy Chief Judge. No later than 3 days prior to
4188    the mediation conference, all parties must submit any applicable
4189    motions, including, but not limited to, a motion to waive the
4190    mediation conference, to the judge of compensation claims.
4191          (3)(a)Such mediation conference shall be conducted
4192    informally and does not require the use of formal rules of
4193    evidence or procedure. Any information from the files, reports,
4194    case summaries, mediator's notes, or other communications or
4195    materials, oral or written, relating to a mediation conference
4196    under this section obtained by any person performing mediation
4197    duties is privileged and confidential and may not be disclosed
4198    without the written consent of all parties to the conference.
4199    Any research or evaluation effort directed at assessing the
4200    mediation program activities or performance must protect the
4201    confidentiality of such information. Each party to a mediation
4202    conference has a privilege during and after the conference to
4203    refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing
4204    communications made during the conference whether or not the
4205    contested issues are successfully resolved. This subsection and
4206    paragraphs (4)(a) and (b) shall not be construed to prevent or
4207    inhibit the discovery or admissibility of any information that
4208    is otherwise subject to discovery or that is admissible under
4209    applicable law or rule of procedure, except that any conduct or
4210    statements made during a mediation conference or in negotiations
4211    concerning the conference are inadmissible in any proceeding
4212    under this chapter.
4213          (a)1. Unless the parties conduct a private mediation under
4214    paragraph (b)subparagraph 2., mediation shall be conducted by a
4215    mediator selected by the Director of the Division of
4216    Administrative Hearings from among mediators employed on a full-
4217    time basis by the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims. A
4218    mediator must be a member of The Florida Bar for at least 5
4219    years and must complete a mediation training program approved by
4220    the Deputy Chief JudgeDirector of the Division of
4221    Administrative Hearings. Adjunct mediators may be employed by
4222    the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims on an as-needed
4223    basis and shall be selected from a list prepared by the Director
4224    of the Division of Administrative Hearings. An adjunct mediator
4225    must be independent of all parties participating in the
4226    mediation conference. An adjunct mediator must be a member of
4227    The Florida Bar for at least 5 years and must complete a
4228    mediation training program approved by the Office of the Judges
4229    of Compensation ClaimsDirector of the Division of
4230    Administrative Hearings. An adjunct mediator shall have access
4231    to the office, equipment, and supplies of the judge of
4232    compensation claims in each district.
4233          (b)2. With respect to any private mediation occurring on
4234    or after January 1, 2003, if the parties agree or if mediators
4235    are not available under paragraph (a), pursuant to notice from
4236    the judge of compensation claimssubparagraph 1., to conduct the
4237    required mediation within the period specified in this section,
4238    the parties shall hold a mediation conference at the carrier's
4239    expense within the 130-day90-dayperiod set for mediation. The
4240    mediation conference shall be conducted by a mediator certified
4241    under s. 44.106. If the parties do not agree upon a mediator
4242    within 10 days after the date of the order, the claimant shall
4243    notify the judge in writing and the judge shall appoint a
4244    mediator under this subparagraph within 7 days. In the event
4245    both parties agree, the results of the mediation conference
4246    shall be binding and neither party shall have a right to appeal
4247    the results. In the event either party refuses to agree to the
4248    results of the mediation conference, the results of the
4249    mediation conference as well as the testimony, witnesses, and
4250    evidence presented at the conference shall not be admissible at
4251    any subsequent proceeding on the claim. The mediator shall not
4252    be called in to testify or give deposition to resolve any claim
4253    for any hearing before the judge of compensation claims. The
4254    employer may be represented by an attorney at the mediation
4255    conference if the employee is also represented by an attorney at
4256    the mediation conference.
4257          (b) The parties shall complete the pretrial stipulations
4258    before the conclusion of the mediation conference if the claims,
4259    except for attorney's fees and costs, have not been settled and
4260    if any claims in any filed petition remain unresolved. The judge
4261    of compensation claims may impose sanctions against a party or
4262    both parties for failing to complete the pretrial stipulations
4263    before the conclusion of the mediation conference.
4264          (4)(a) If the parties fail to agree touponwritten
4265    submission of pretrial stipulations at the mediation conference,
4266    the judge of compensation claims shall conduct a liveorder a
4267    pretrial hearing to occur within 14 days after the date of
4268    mediation ordered by the judge of compensation claims. The judge
4269    of compensation claims shall give the interested parties at
4270    least 147 days' advance notice of the pretrial hearing by mail.
4271    At the pretrial hearing, the judge of compensation claims shall,
4272    subject to paragraph (b), set a date for the final hearing that
4273    allows the parties at least 60 days to conduct discovery unless
4274    the parties consent to an earlier hearing date.
4275          (b) The final hearing must be held and concluded within 90
4276    days after the mediation conference is held, allowing the
4277    parties sufficient time to complete discovery. Except as set
4278    forth in this section,continuances may be granted only if the
4279    requesting party demonstrates to the judge of compensation
4280    claims that the reason for requesting the continuance arises
4281    from circumstances beyond the party's control. The written
4282    consent of the claimant must be obtained before any request from
4283    a claimant's attorney is granted for an additional continuance
4284    after the initial continuance has been granted. Any order
4285    granting a continuance must set forth the date and time of the
4286    rescheduled hearing. A continuance may be granted only if the
4287    requesting party demonstrates to the judge of compensation
4288    claims that the reason for requesting the continuance arises
4289    from circumstances beyond the control of the parties. The judge
4290    of compensation claims shall report any grant of two or more
4291    continuances to the Deputy Chief Judge.
4292          (c) The judge of compensation claims shall give the
4293    interested parties at least 147days' advance notice of the
4294    final hearing, served upon the interested parties by mail.
4295          (d) The final hearing shall be held within 210 days after
4296    receipt of the petition for benefits in the county where the
4297    injury occurred, if the injury occurred in this state, unless
4298    otherwise agreed to between the parties and authorized by the
4299    judge of compensation claims in the county where the injury
4300    occurred; However, the claimant may waive the timeframes within
4301    this section for good cause shown. If the injury occurred
4302    outside the state and is one for which compensation is payable
4303    under this chapter, then the final hearing may be held in the
4304    county of the employer's residence or place of business, or in
4305    any other county of the state that will, in the discretion of
4306    the Deputy Chief Judge, be the most convenient for a hearing.
4307    The final hearing shall be conducted by a judge of compensation
4308    claims, who shall, within 30 days after final hearing or closure
4309    of the hearing record, unless otherwise agreed by the parties,
4310    enter a final order on the merits of the disputed issues. The
4311    judge of compensation claims may enter an abbreviated final
4312    order in cases in which compensability is not disputed. Either
4313    party may request separate findings of fact and conclusions of
4314    law. At the final hearing, the claimant and employer may each
4315    present evidence with respect to the claims presented by the
4316    petition for benefits and may be represented by any attorney
4317    authorized in writing for such purpose. When there is a conflict
4318    in the medical evidence submitted at the hearing, the provisions
4319    of s. 440.13 shall apply. The report or testimony of the expert
4320    medical advisor shall be admitted into evidence in amade a part
4321    of the record of the proceeding and shall be given the same
4322    consideration by the judge of compensation claims as is accorded
4323    other medical evidence submitted in the proceeding;and all
4324    costs incurred in connection with such examination and testimony
4325    may be assessed as costs in the proceeding, subject to the
4326    provisions of s. 440.13. No judge of compensation claims may
4327    make a finding of a degree of permanent impairment that is
4328    greater than the greatest permanent impairment rating given the
4329    claimant by any examining or treating physician,except upon
4330    stipulation of the parties. Any benefit due but not raised at
4331    the final hearing which was ripe, due, or owing at the time of
4332    the final hearing is waived.
4333          (e) The order making an award or rejecting the claim,
4334    referred to in this chapter as a "compensation order," shall set
4335    forth the findings of ultimate facts and the mandate; and the
4336    order need not include any other reason or justification for
4337    such mandate. The compensation order shall be filed in the
4338    Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims at Tallahassee. A
4339    copy of such compensation order shall be sent by mail to the
4340    parties and attorneys of record at the last known address of
4341    each, with the date of mailing noted thereon.
4342          (f) Each judge of compensation claims is required to
4343    submit a special report to the Deputy Chief Judge in each
4344    contested workers' compensation case in which the case is not
4345    determined within 30 days of final hearing or closure of the
4346    hearing record. Said form shall be provided by the director of
4347    the Division of Administrative Hearings and shall contain the
4348    names of the judge of compensation claims and of the attorneys
4349    involved and a brief explanation by the judge of compensation
4350    claims as to the reason for such a delay in issuing a final
4351    order.
4352          (f)(g)Notwithstanding any other provision of this
4353    section, the judge of compensation claims may require the
4354    appearance of the parties and counsel before her or him without
4355    written notice for an emergency conference where there is a bona
4356    fide emergency involving the health, safety, or welfare of an
4357    employee. An emergency conference under this section may result
4358    in the entry of an order or the rendering of an adjudication by
4359    the judge of compensation claims.
4360          (g)(h)To expedite dispute resolution and to enhance the
4361    self-executing features of the Workers' Compensation Law, the
4362    Deputy Chief Judge shall make provision by rule or order for the
4363    resolution of appropriate motions by judges of compensation
4364    claims without oral hearing upon submission of brief written
4365    statements in support and opposition, and for expedited
4366    discovery and docketing. Unless the judge of compensation
4367    claims, for good cause, orders a hearing under paragraph (h)(i),
4368    each claim in a petition relating to the determination of the
4369    average weekly wagepayunder s. 440.14 shall be resolved under
4370    this paragraph without oral hearing.
4371          (h)(i)To further expedite dispute resolution and to
4372    enhance the self-executing features of the system, those
4373    petitions filed in accordance with s. 440.192 that involve a
4374    claim for benefits of $5,000 or less shall, in the absence of
4375    compelling evidence to the contrary, be presumed to be
4376    appropriate for expedited resolution under this paragraph; and
4377    any other claim filed in accordance with s. 440.192, upon the
4378    written agreement of both parties and application by either
4379    party, may similarly be resolved under this paragraph. A claim
4380    in a petition or $5,000 or less for medical benefits only or a
4381    petition for reimbursement for mileage for medical purposes
4382    shall, in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, be
4383    resolved through the expedited dispute resolution process
4384    provided in this paragraph. For purposes of expedited resolution
4385    pursuant to this paragraph, the Deputy Chief Judge shall make
4386    provision by rule or order for expedited and limited discovery
4387    and expedited docketing in such cases. At least 15 days prior to
4388    hearing, the parties shall exchange and file with the judge of
4389    compensation claims a pretrial outline of all issues, defenses,
4390    and witnesses on a form adopted by the Deputy Chief Judge;
4391    provided, in no event shall such hearing be held without 15
4392    days' written notice to all parties. No pretrial hearing shall
4393    be held and no mediation scheduled unless requested by a party.
4394    The judge of compensation claims shall limit all argument and
4395    presentation of evidence at the hearing to a maximum of 30
4396    minutes, and such hearings shall not exceed 30 minutes in
4397    length. Neither party shall be required to be represented by
4398    counsel. The employer or carrier may be represented by an
4399    adjuster or other qualified representative. The employer or
4400    carrier and any witness may appear at such hearing by telephone.
4401    The rules of evidence shall be liberally construed in favor of
4402    allowing introduction of evidence.
4403          (i)(j)A judge of compensation claims may, upon the motion
4404    of a party or the judge's own motion, dismiss a petition for
4405    lack of prosecution if a petition, response, motion, order,
4406    request for hearing, or notice of deposition has not been filed
4407    during the previous 12 months unless good cause is shown. A
4408    dismissal for lack of prosecution is without prejudice and does
4409    not require a hearing.
4410          (j)(k)A judge of compensation claims may not award
4411    interest on unpaid medical bills and the amount of such bills
4412    may not be used to calculate the amount of interest awarded.
4413    Regardless of the date benefits were initially requested,
4414    attorney's fees do not attach under this subsection until 30
4415    days after the date the carrier or self-insured employer
4416    receives the petition.
4417          (5)(a) Procedures with respect to appeals from orders of
4418    judges of compensation claims shall be governed by rules adopted
4419    by the Supreme Court. Such an order shall become final 30 days
4420    after mailing of copies of such order to the parties, unless
4421    appealed pursuant to such rules.
4422          (b) An appellant may be relieved of any necessary filing
4423    fee by filing a verified petition of indigency for approval as
4424    provided in s. 57.081(1) and may be relieved in whole or in part
4425    from the costs for preparation of the record on appeal if,
4426    within 15 days after the date notice of the estimated costs for
4427    the preparation is served, the appellant files with the judge of
4428    compensation claims a copy of the designation of the record on
4429    appeal, and a verified petition to be relieved of costs. A
4430    verified petition filed prior to the date of service of the
4431    notice of the estimated costs shall be deemed not timely filed.
4432    The verified petition relating to record costs shall contain a
4433    sworn statement that the appellant is insolvent and a complete,
4434    detailed, and sworn financial affidavit showing all the
4435    appellant's assets, liabilities, and income. Failure to state in
4436    the affidavit all assets and income, including marital assets
4437    and income, shall be grounds for denying the petition with
4438    prejudice. The Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims shall
4439    adopt rules as may be required pursuant to this subsection,
4440    including forms for use in all petitions brought under this
4441    subsection. The appellant's attorney, or the appellant if she or
4442    he is not represented by an attorney, shall include as a part of
4443    the verified petition relating to record costs an affidavit or
4444    affirmation that, in her or his opinion, the notice of appeal
4445    was filed in good faith and that there is a probable basis for
4446    the District Court of Appeal, First District, to find reversible
4447    error, and shall state with particularity the specific legal and
4448    factual grounds for the opinion. Failure to so affirm shall be
4449    grounds for denying the petition. A copy of the verified
4450    petition relating to record costs shall be served upon all
4451    interested parties. The judge of compensation claims shall
4452    promptly conduct a hearing on the verified petition relating to
4453    record costs, giving at least 15 days' notice to the appellant,
4454    the department, and all other interested parties, all of whom
4455    shall be parties to the proceedings. The judge of compensation
4456    claims may enter an order without such hearing if no objection
4457    is filed by an interested party within 20 days from the service
4458    date of the verified petition relating to record costs. Such
4459    proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions
4460    of this section and with the workers' compensation rules of
4461    procedure, to the extent applicable. In the event an insolvency
4462    petition is granted, the judge of compensation claims shall
4463    direct the department to pay record costs and filing fees from
4464    the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund pending
4465    final disposition of the costs of appeal. The department may
4466    transcribe or arrange for the transcription of the record in any
4467    proceeding for which it is ordered to pay the cost of the
4468    record.
4469          (c) As a condition of filing a notice of appeal to the
4470    District Court of Appeal, First District, an employer who has
4471    not secured the payment of compensation under this chapter in
4472    compliance with s. 440.38 shall file with the notice of appeal a
4473    good and sufficient bond, as provided in s. 59.13, conditioned
4474    to pay the amount of the demand and any interest and costs
4475    payable under the terms of the order if the appeal is dismissed,
4476    or if the District Court of Appeal, First District, affirms the
4477    award in any amount. Upon the failure of such employer to file
4478    such bond with the judge of compensation claims orthe District
4479    Court of Appeal, First District, along with the notice of
4480    appeal, the District Court of Appeal, First District, shall
4481    dismiss the notice of appeal.
4482          (6) An award of compensation for disability may be made
4483    after the death of an injured employee.
4484          (7) An injured employee claiming or entitled to
4485    compensation shall submit to such physical examination by a
4486    certified expert medical advisor approved by the agency or the
4487    judge of compensation claims as the agency or the judge of
4488    compensation claims may require. The place or places shall be
4489    reasonably convenient for the employee. Such physician or
4490    physicians as the employee, employer, or carrier may select and
4491    pay for may participate in an examination if the employee,
4492    employer, or carrier so requests. Proceedings shall be suspended
4493    and no compensation shall be payable for any period during which
4494    the employee may refuse to submit to examination.Any interested
4495    party shall have the right in any case of death to require an
4496    autopsy, the cost thereof to be borne by the party requesting
4497    it; and the judge of compensation claims shall have authority to
4498    order and require an autopsy and may, in her or his discretion,
4499    withhold her or his findings and award until an autopsy is held.
4500          Section 26. Section 440.34, Florida Statutes, is amended
4501    to read:
4502          440.34 Attorney's fees; costs.--
4503          (1) A fee, gratuity, or other consideration may not be
4504    paid for services rendered fora claimant in connection with any
4505    proceedings arising under this chapter, unless approved as
4506    reasonable by the judge of compensation claims or court having
4507    jurisdiction over such proceedings. Except as provided by this
4508    subsection,Any attorney's fee approved by a judge of
4509    compensation claims for benefits secured on behalf ofservices
4510    rendered to a claimant may not exceed 18must equal to 20
4511    percent of the first $5,000 of the amount of the benefits
4512    secured, 1315percent of the next $5,000 of the amount of the
4513    benefits secured, 810percent of the remaining amount of the
4514    benefits secured to be provided during the first 10 years after
4515    the date the claim is filed, and 5 percent of the benefits
4516    secured after 10 years. The judge of compensation claims shall
4517    not approve a compensation order, a joint stipulation for lump-
4518    sum settlement, a stipulation or agreement between a claimant
4519    and his or her attorney, or any other agreement related to
4520    benefits under this chapter that provides for an attorney’s fee
4521    in excess of the amount permitted by this section. The judge of
4522    compensation claims is not required to approve any retainer
4523    agreement between the claimant and his or her attorney. The
4524    retainer agreement as to fees and costs may not be for
4525    compensation in excess of the amount allowed under this section.
4526    However, The judge of compensation claims shall consider the
4527    following factors in each case and may increase or decrease the
4528    attorney's fee if, in her or his judgment, the circumstances of
4529    the particular case warrant such action:
4530          (a) The time and labor required, the novelty and
4531    difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to
4532    perform the legal service properly.
4533          (b) The fee customarily charged in the locality for
4534    similar legal services.
4535          (c) The amount involved in the controversy and the
4536    benefits resulting to the claimant.
4537          (d) The time limitation imposed by the claimant or the
4538    circumstances.
4539          (e) The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer
4540    or lawyers performing services.
4541          (f) The contingency or certainty of a fee.
4542          (2) In awarding a reasonable claimant's attorney's fee,
4543    the judge of compensation claims shall consider only those
4544    benefits secured byto the claimant that the attorney is
4545    responsible for securing. The amount, statutory basis, and type
4546    of benefits obtained through legal representation shall be
4547    listed on all attorney's fees awarded by the judge of
4548    compensation claims. For purposes of this section, the term
4549    "benefits secured" means benefits obtained as a result of the
4550    claimant's attorney's legal services rendered in connection with
4551    the claim for benefits. However, such termdoes not include
4552    future medical benefits to be provided on any date more than 5
4553    years after the date the claim is filed. In the event an offer
4554    to settle an issue pending before a judge of compensation claims
4555    is communicated in writing to the claimant or the claimant’s
4556    attorney at least 30 days prior to the trial date on such issue,
4557    benefits secured shall be only that amount awarded above that
4558    specified in the offer to settle. If multiple issues are pending
4559    before the judge of compensation claims, said offer of
4560    settlement shall address each issue pending and shall state
4561    explicitly whether or not the offer on each issue is severable.
4562    The written offer shall also unequivocally state whether or not
4563    it includes medical witness fees and expenses, and all other
4564    costs associated with the claim.
4565          (3) If any partythe claimantshould prevail in any
4566    proceedings before a judge of compensation claims or court,
4567    there shall be taxed against the nonprevailing party employer
4568    the reasonable costs of such proceedings, not to include the
4569    attorney's fees of the claimant. A claimant shall be responsible
4570    for the payment of her or his own attorney's fees, except that a
4571    claimant shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's
4572    fee from a carrier or employer:
4573          (a) Against whom she or he successfully asserts a petition
4574    for medical benefits only, if the claimant has not filed or is
4575    not entitled to file at such time a claim for disability,
4576    permanent impairment, wage-loss, or death benefits, arising out
4577    of the same accident;
4578          (b) In any case in which the employer or carrier files a
4579    response to petition denying benefits with the Office of the
4580    Judges of Compensation Claims and the injured person has
4581    employed an attorney in the successful prosecution of the
4582    petition;
4583          (c) In a proceeding in which a carrier or employer denies
4584    that an accident occurred for which compensation benefits are
4585    payable, and the claimant prevails on the issue of
4586    compensability; or
4587          (d) In cases where the claimant successfully prevails in
4588    proceedings filed under s. 440.24 or s. 440.28.
4590          Regardless of the date benefits were initially requested,
4591    attorney's fees shall not attach under this subsection until 30
4592    days after the date the carrier or employer, if self-insured,
4593    receives the petition. In applying the factors set forth in
4594    subsection (1) to cases arising under paragraphs (a), (b), (c),
4595    and (d), the judge of compensation claims must only consider
4596    only such benefits and the time reasonably spent in obtaining
4597    them as were secured for the claimant within the scope of
4598    paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d).
4599          (4) In such cases in which the claimant is responsible for
4600    the payment of her or his own attorney's fees, such fees are a
4601    lien upon compensation payable to the claimant, notwithstanding
4602    s. 440.22.
4603          (5) If any proceedings are had for review of any claim,
4604    award, or compensation order before any court, the court may
4605    award the injured employee or dependent an attorney's fee to be
4606    paid by the employer or carrier, in its discretion, which shall
4607    be paid as the court may direct.
4608          (6) A judge of compensation claims may not enter an order
4609    approving the contents of a retainer agreement that permits the
4610    escrowing of any portion of the employee's compensation until
4611    benefits have been secured.
4612          (7) If an employer or carrier incurs defense fees that
4613    exceed the fee payable to an injured worker's attorney that
4614    would be calculated by the formulas set forth in this section,
4615    the fee limitations set forth in paragraphs (3)(a) and (b) shall
4616    not apply and the fee shall be calculated based on factors in
4617    this section.
4618          Section 27. Subsection (7) is added to section 440.38,
4619    Florida Statutes, to read:
4620          440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and
4621    self-insurers.—
4622          (7) Any employer who meets the requirements of subsection
4623    (1) through a policy of insurance issued outside of this state
4624    must at all times, with respect to all employees working in this
4625    state, maintain the required coverage under a Florida
4626    endorsement using Florida rates and rules pursuant to payroll
4627    reporting that accurately reflects the work performed in this
4628    state by such employees.
4629          Section 28. Subsections (2) and (6) of section 440.381,
4630    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
4631          440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll;
4632    payroll audit procedures; penalties.--
4633          (2) Submission of an application that contains false,
4634    misleading, or incomplete information provided with the purpose
4635    of avoiding or reducing the amount of premiums for workers’
4636    compensation coverage is a felony of the second degree,
4637    punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
4638    The application must contain a statement that the filing of an
4639    application containing false, misleading, or incomplete
4640    information providedwith the purpose of avoiding or reducing
4641    the amount of premiums for workers' compensation coverage is a
4642    felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
4643    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. The application must contain
4644    a sworn statement by the employer attesting to the accuracy of
4645    the information submitted and acknowledging the provisions of
4646    former s. 440.37(4). The application must contain a sworn
4647    statement by the agent attesting that the agent explained to the
4648    employer or officer the classification codes that are used for
4649    premium calculations.
4650          (6)(a) If an employer understates or conceals payroll, or
4651    misrepresents or conceals employee duties so as to avoid proper
4652    classification for premium calculations, or misrepresents or
4653    conceals information pertinent to the computation and
4654    application of an experience rating modification factor, the
4655    employer, or the employer's agent or attorney, shall pay to the
4656    insurance carrier a penalty of 10 times the amount of the
4657    difference in premium paid and the amount the employer should
4658    have paid and reasonable attorney's fees. The penalty may be
4659    enforced in the circuit courts of this state.
4660          (b) If the department determines that an employer has
4661    materially understated or concealed payroll, has materially
4662    misrepresented or concealed employee duties so as to avoid
4663    proper classification for premium calculations, or has
4664    materially misrepresented or concealed information pertinent to
4665    the computation and application of an experience rating
4666    modification factor, the department shall immediately notify the
4667    employer’s carrier of such determination. The carrier shall
4668    commence a physical onsite audit of the employer within 30 days
4669    after receiving notification from the department. If the carrier
4670    fails to commence the audit as required by this section, the
4671    department shall contract with auditing professionals to conduct
4672    the audit at the carrier’s expense. A copy of the carrier’s
4673    audit of the employer shall be provided to the department upon
4674    completion. The carrier is not required to conduct the physical
4675    onsite audit of the employer as set forth in this paragraph if
4676    the carrier gives written notice of cancellation to the employer
4677    within 30 days after receiving notification from the department
4678    of the material misrepresentation, understatement, or
4679    concealment and an audit is conducted in conjunction with the
4680    cancellation.
4681          Section 29. Subsection (3) of section 440.42, Florida
4682    Statutes, is amended to read:
4683          440.42 Insurance policies; liability.--
4684          (3) No contract or policy of insurance issued by a carrier
4685    under this chapter shall expire or be canceled until at least 30
4686    days have elapsed after a notice of cancellation has been sent
4687    to the department and to the employer in accordance with the
4688    provisions of s. 440.185(7). For cancellation due to nonpayment
4689    of premium, the insurer shall mail notification to the employer
4690    at least 10 days prior to the effective date of the
4691    cancellation.However, when duplicate or dual coverage exists by
4692    reason of two different carriers having issued policies of
4693    insurance to the same employer securing the same liability, it
4694    shall be presumed that only that policy with the later effective
4695    date shall be in force and that the earlier policy terminated
4696    upon the effective date of the latter. In the event that both
4697    policies carry the same effective date, one of the policies may
4698    be canceled instanter upon filing a notice of cancellation with
4699    the department and serving a copy thereof upon the employer in
4700    such manner as the department prescribes by rule. The department
4701    may by rule prescribe the content of the notice of retroactive
4702    cancellation and specify the time, place, and manner in which
4703    the notice of cancellation is to be served.
4704          Section 30. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
4705    440.49, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
4706          440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury
4707    through Special Disability Trust Fund.--
4711          (a) Permanent impairment.--If an employee who has a
4712    preexisting permanent physical impairment incurs a subsequent
4713    permanent impairment from injury or occupational disease arising
4714    out of, and in the course of, her or his employment which merges
4715    with the preexisting permanent physical impairment to cause a
4716    permanent impairment, the employer shall, in the first instance,
4717    pay all benefits provided by this chapter; but, subject to the
4718    limitations specified in subsection (6), such employer shall be
4719    reimbursed from the Special Disability Trust Fund created by
4720    subsection (9) for 50 percent of all impairment benefits which
4721    the employer has been required to provide pursuant to s.
4722    440.15(3)(a)as a result of the subsequent accident or
4723    occupational disease.
4724          Section 31. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
4725    440.491, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
4726          440.491 Reemployment of injured workers; rehabilitation.--
4727          (6) TRAINING AND EDUCATION.--
4728          (b) When it appears that an employee who has attained
4729    maximum medical improvement requires training and education to
4730    obtain suitable gainful employment, the employer shall pay the
4731    employee additional temporary total compensation while the
4732    employee receives such training and education for a period not
4733    to exceed 26 weeks, which period may be extended for an
4734    additional 26 weeks or less, if such extended period is
4735    determined to be necessary and proper by a judge of compensation
4736    claims. However, a carrier or employer is not precluded from
4737    voluntarily paying additional temporary total disability
4738    compensation beyond that period. If an employee requires
4739    temporary residence at or near a facility or an institution
4740    providing training and education which is located more than 50
4741    miles away from the employee's customary residence, the
4742    reasonable cost of board, lodging, or travel must be borne by
4743    the department from the Workers' Compensation Administration
4744    Trust Fund established by s. 440.50. An employee who refuses to
4745    accept training and education that is recommended by the
4746    vocational evaluator and considered necessary by the department
4747    is subject to a 50-percent reduction in weekly compensation
4748    benefits, including wage-loss benefits, as determined under s.
4749    440.15(3)(b).
4750          Section 32. Section 440.525, Florida Statutes, is amended
4751    to read:
4752          440.525 Audit, examination, and examination of carriers
4753    and claims-handling entities.--
4754          (1) The department may audit, examine, or investigate any
4755    each carrier, third-party administrator, servicing agent, or
4756    other claims-handling entityas often as is warranted to ensure
4757    that it iscarriers are fulfilling itstheir obligations under
4758    this chapterthe law. The examination may cover any period of
4759    the carrier's operations since the last previous examination.
4760          (2) An audit or examination may cover any period of the
4761    carrier’s, third-party administrator’s, servicing agent’s, or
4762    other claims-handling entity’s operations since the last
4763    previous audit or examination. An investigation based upon a
4764    reasonable belief by the department that a material violation of
4765    this chapter has occurred may cover any time period, but may not
4766    predate the last audit by more than 5 years. The department may
4767    by rule establish procedures, standards, and protocols for
4768    audits, examinations, and investigations. If the department
4769    finds any violation of this chapter, it may impose
4770    administrative penalties pursuant to this chapter. If the
4771    department finds any self-insurer in violation of this chapter,
4772    it may take action pursuant s. 440.38(3). Audits, examinations,
4773    or investigations by the department may address, but are not
4774    limited to addressing: unfair or unreasonable claims-handling
4775    techniques; patterns or practices of unreasonable denial of
4776    claims or unreasonable delay in claims handling; timeliness and
4777    accuracy of payments and reports under ss. 440.13, 440.16, and
4778    440.185; proper application of practice parameters and protocols
4779    in paying medical benefits; or patterns or practices of
4780    harassment, coercion, or intimidation of claimants. The
4781    department may also specify by rule the documentation to be
4782    maintained for each claim file.
4783          (3) As to any audit, examination, or investigation
4784    conducted under this chapter, the department shall have the
4785    power to conduct onsite inspections of claims records and
4786    documentation of a carrier, third-party administrator, servicing
4787    agent, or other claims-handling entity, and conduct interviews,
4788    both sworn and unsworn, of claims-handling personnel. Carriers,
4789    third-party administrators, servicing agents, and other claims-
4790    handling entities shall make all claims records, documentation,
4791    communication, and correspondence available to department
4792    personnel during regular business hours. If any person fails to
4793    comply with a department request for production of records or
4794    documents or fails to produce an employee for interview, the
4795    department may compel production or attendance by subpoena. The
4796    results of an audit, examination, or investigation shall be
4797    provided to the carrier, third-party administrator, servicing
4798    agent, or other claims-handling entity in a written report
4799    setting forth the basis for any violations that are asserted.
4800    Such report is agency action for purposes of chapter 120, and
4801    the aggrieved party may request a proceeding under s. 120.57
4802    with regard to the findings and conclusion of the report.
4803          (4) If the department finds that violations of this
4804    chapter have occurred, the department may impose an
4805    administrative penalty upon the offending entity or entities.
4806    For each offending entity, such penalties shall not exceed
4807    $2,500 for each pattern or practice constituting nonwillful
4808    violation and shall not exceed an aggregate amount of $10,000
4809    for all nonwillful violations arising out of the same action. If
4810    the department finds a pattern of practice that constitutes a
4811    willful violation, the department may impose an administrative
4812    penalty upon each offending entity not to exceed $20,000 for
4813    each willful pattern or practice. Such fines shall not exceed
4814    $100,000 for all willful violations arising out of the same
4815    action. No penalty assessed under this section may be recouped
4816    by any carrier in the rate base, the premium, or any rate
4817    filing. Any administrative penalty imposed under this section
4818    for a nonwillful violation shall not duplicate an administrative
4819    penalty imposed under another provision of this chapter. The
4820    department may adopt rules to implement this section. The
4821    department shall adopt penalty guidelines by rule to set
4822    penalties under this chapter.
4823          Section 33. Subsection (2) of section 627.162, Florida
4824    Statutes, is amended to read:
4825          627.162 Requirements for premium installments;
4826    delinquency, collection, and check return charges; attorney's
4827    fees.--
4828          (2) Insurers providing workers' compensation coverage
4829    under chapter 440 may charge the insured a delinquency and
4830    collection fee on each installment in default for a period of
4831    not less than 5 days in an amount not to exceed $25$10or 5
4832    percent of the delinquent installment, whichever is greater.
4833    Only one such delinquency and collection fee may be collected on
4834    any such installment regardless of the period during which it
4835    remains in default.
4836          Section 34. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (4) of
4837    section 627.311, Florida Statutes, are amended to read
4838          627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.--
4839          (4)
4840          (c) The operation of the plan shall be governed by a plan
4841    of operation that is prepared at the direction of the board of
4842    governors. The plan of operation may be changed at any time by
4843    the board of governors or upon request of the department. The
4844    plan of operation and all changes thereto are subject to the
4845    approval of the department. The plan of operation shall:
4846          1. Authorize the board to engage in the activities
4847    necessary to implement this subsection, including, but not
4848    limited to, borrowing money.
4849          2. Develop criteria for eligibility for coverage by the
4850    plan, including, but not limited to, documented rejection by at
4851    least two insurers which reasonably assures that insureds
4852    covered under the plan are unable to acquire coverage in the
4853    voluntary market. Any insured may voluntarily elect to accept
4854    coverage from an insurer for a premium equal to or greater than
4855    the plan premium if the insurer writing the coverage adheres to
4856    the provisions of s. 627.171.
4857          3. Require notice from the agent to the insured at the
4858    time of the application for coverage that the application is for
4859    coverage with the plan and that coverage may be available
4860    through an insurer, group self-insurers' fund, commercial self-
4861    insurance fund, or assessable mutual insurer through another
4862    agent at a lower cost.
4863          4. Establish programs to encourage insurers to provide
4864    coverage to applicants of the plan in the voluntary market and
4865    to insureds of the plan, including, but not limited to:
4866          a. Establishing procedures for an insurer to use in
4867    notifying the plan of the insurer's desire to provide coverage
4868    to applicants to the plan or existing insureds of the plan and
4869    in describing the types of risks in which the insurer is
4870    interested. The description of the desired risks must be on a
4871    form developed by the plan.
4872          b. Developing forms and procedures that provide an insurer
4873    with the information necessary to determine whether the insurer
4874    wants to write particular applicants to the plan or insureds of
4875    the plan.
4876          c. Developing procedures for notice to the plan and the
4877    applicant to the plan or insured of the plan that an insurer
4878    will insure the applicant or the insured of the plan, and notice
4879    of the cost of the coverage offered; and developing procedures
4880    for the selection of an insuring entity by the applicant or
4881    insured of the plan.
4882          d. Provide for a market-assistance plan to assist in the
4883    placement of employers. All applications for coverage in the
4884    plan received 45 days before the effective date for coverage
4885    shall be processed through the market-assistance plan. A market-
4886    assistance plan specifically designed to serve the needs of
4887    small good policyholders as defined by the board must be
4888    finalized by January 1, 1994.
4889          5. Provide for policy and claims services to the insureds
4890    of the plan of the nature and quality provided for insureds in
4891    the voluntary market.
4892          6. Provide for the review of applications for coverage
4893    with the plan for reasonableness and accuracy, using any
4894    available historic information regarding the insured.
4895          7. Provide for procedures for auditing insureds of the
4896    plan which are based on reasonable business judgment and are
4897    designed to maximize the likelihood that the plan will collect
4898    the appropriate premiums.
4899          8. Authorize the plan to terminate the coverage of and
4900    refuse future coverage for any insured that submits a fraudulent
4901    application to the plan or provides fraudulent or grossly
4902    erroneous records to the plan or to any service provider of the
4903    plan in conjunction with the activities of the plan.
4904          9. Establish service standards for agents who submit
4905    business to the plan.
4906          10. Establish criteria and procedures to prohibit any
4907    agent who does not adhere to the established service standards
4908    from placing business with the plan or receiving, directly or
4909    indirectly, any commissions for business placed with the plan.
4910          11. Provide for the establishment of reasonable safety
4911    programs for all insureds in the plan. All insureds of the plan
4912    must participate in the safety program.
4913          12. Authorize the plan to terminate the coverage of and
4914    refuse future coverage to any insured who fails to pay premiums
4915    or surcharges when due; who, at the time of application, is
4916    delinquent in payments of workers' compensation or employer's
4917    liability insurance premiums or surcharges owed to an insurer,
4918    group self-insurers' fund, commercial self-insurance fund, or
4919    assessable mutual insurer licensed to write such coverage in
4920    this state; or who refuses to substantially comply with any
4921    safety programs recommended by the plan.
4922          13. Authorize the board of governors to provide the
4923    services required by the plan through staff employed by the
4924    plan, through reasonably compensated service providers who
4925    contract with the plan to provide services as specified by the
4926    board of governors, or through a combination of employees and
4927    service providers.
4928          14. Provide for service standards for service providers,
4929    methods of determining adherence to those service standards,
4930    incentives and disincentives for service, and procedures for
4931    terminating contracts for service providers that fail to adhere
4932    to service standards.
4933          15. Provide procedures for selecting service providers and
4934    standards for qualification as a service provider that
4935    reasonably assure that any service provider selected will
4936    continue to operate as an ongoing concern and is capable of
4937    providing the specified services in the manner required.
4938          16. Provide for reasonable accounting and data-reporting
4939    practices.
4940          17. Provide for annual review of costs associated with the
4941    administration and servicing of the policies issued by the plan
4942    to determine alternatives by which costs can be reduced.
4943          18. Authorize the acquisition of such excess insurance or
4944    reinsurance as is consistent with the purposes of the plan.
4945          19. Provide for an annual report to the department on a
4946    date specified by the department and containing such information
4947    as the department reasonably requires.
4948          20. Establish multiple rating plans for various
4949    classifications of risk which reflect risk of loss, hazard
4950    grade, actual losses, size of premium, and compliance with loss
4951    control. At least one of such plans must be a preferred-rating
4952    plan to accommodate small-premium policyholders with good
4953    experience as defined in sub-subparagraph 22.a.
4954          21. Establish agent commission schedules.
4955          22. Establish fourthreesubplans as follows:
4956          a. Subplan “A” must include those insureds whose annual
4957    premium does not exceed $2,500 and who have neither incurred any
4958    lost-time claims nor incurred medical-only claims exceeding 50
4959    percent of their premium for the immediate 2 years.
4960          b. Subplan “B” must include insureds that are employers
4961    identified by the board of governors as high-risk employers due
4962    solely to the nature of the operations being performed by those
4963    insureds and for whom no market exists in the voluntary market,
4964    and whose experience modifications are less than 1.00.
4965          c. Subplan “C” must include all otherinsureds within the
4966    plan that are not eligible for subplan “A,” subplan “B,” or
4967    subplan “D.
4968          d. Subplan “D” must include any employer with 50 or fewer
4969    employees, except that an employer who is eligible for subplan
4970    “D” and another subplan may elect the subplan in which it will
4971    participate. The rate plan for subplan “D” shall be the same
4972    rate plan as the plan approved under ss. 627.091-627.151 and
4973    each participant in subplan “D” shall pay the premium determined
4974    under such rate plan, plus a surcharge determined by the board
4975    to be sufficient to ensure that the plan does not compete with
4976    the voluntary market rate for any participant, but not to exceed
4977    25 percent.
4978          23. Provide for a depopulation program to reduce the
4979    number of insureds in subplan “D.” If an employer insured
4980    through subplan “D” is offered coverage from a voluntary market
4981    carrier:
4982          a. During the first 30 days of coverage under the subplan;
4983          b. Before a policy is issued under the subplan;
4984          c. By issuance of a policy upon expiration or cancellation
4985    of the policy under the subplan; or
4986          d. By assumption of the subplan’s obligation with respect
4987    to an in-force policy,
4989          that employer is no longer eligible for coverage through the
4990    plan. The premium for risks assumed by the voluntary market
4991    carrier must be the same premium plus, for the first 2 years,
4992    the surcharge as determined in sub-subparagraph 22.d. A premium
4993    under this subparagraph, including surcharge, is deemed approved
4994    and is not an excess premium for purposes of s. 627.171.
4995          24. Require that policies issued under subplan “D” and
4996    applications for such policies must include a notice that the
4997    policy issued under subplan “D” could be replaced by a policy
4998    issued from a voluntary market carrier and that if an offer of
4999    coverage is obtained from a voluntary market carrier, the
5000    policyholder is no longer eligible for coverage through subplan
5001    “D.” The notice must also specify that acceptance of coverage
5002    under subplan “D” creates a conclusive presumption that the
5003    applicant or policyholder is aware of this potential. With
5004    respect to any employer organized as a not-for-profit
5005    corporation and tax-exempt under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal
5006    Revenue Code, the surcharge shall be sufficient to ensure that
5007    the subplan does not compete with the voluntary market but does
5008    not exceed 10 percent.
5009          (d)1.The plan must be funded through actuarially sound
5010    premiums charged to insureds of the plan.
5011          2.The plan may issue assessable policies only to those
5012    insureds in subplan “C.and subplan “D.” Assessments levied
5013    against subplan “C” participants shall cover only the excess
5014    losses attributable to subplan “C,” and assessments levied
5015    against subplan “D” participants shall cover only the excess
5016    losses attributable to subplan “D.” In no event may the plan
5017    levy assessments against any person or entity except as
5018    authorized by this paragraph.Those assessable policies must be
5019    clearly identified as assessable by containing, in contrasting
5020    color and in not less than 10-point type, the following
5021    statements: “This is an assessable policy. If the plan is unable
5022    to pay its obligations, policyholders will be required to
5023    contribute on a pro rata earned premium basis the money
5024    necessary to meet any assessment levied.”
5025          3.The plan may issue assessable policies with differing
5026    terms and conditions to different groups within subplan “C” and
5027    subplan “D”the planwhen a reasonable basis exists for the
5028    differentiation.
5029          4.The plan may offer rating, dividend plans, and other
5030    plans to encourage loss prevention programs.
5031          Section 35. Paragraphs (c) and (e) of subsection (3) of
5032    section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
5033          921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity
5034    ranking chart.--
(c) LEVEL 3
316.193(2)(b)3rdFelony DUI, 3rd conviction.
316.1935(2)3rdFleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer in marked patrol vehicle with siren and lights activated.
319.30(4)3rdPossession by junkyard of motor vehicle with identification number plate removed.
319.33(1)(a)3rdAlter or forge any certificate of title to a motor vehicle or mobile home.
319.33(1)(c)3rdProcure or pass title on stolen vehicle.
319.33(4)3rdWith intent to defraud, possess, sell, etc., a blank, forged, or unlawfully obtained title or registration.
327.35(2)(b)3rdFelony BUI.
328.05(2)3rdPossess, sell, or counterfeit fictitious, stolen, or fraudulent titles or bills of sale of vessels.
328.07(4)3rdManufacture, exchange, or possess vessel with counterfeit or wrong ID number.
376.302(5)3rdFraud related to reimbursement for cleanup expenses under the Inland Protection Trust Fund.
440.105(3)(a)3rdFailure to update workers’ compensation insurance coverage application or to post notice of coverage.
440.105(3)(b)3rdReceipt of fee or consideration without approval by judge of compensation claims.
440.1051(3)3rdFalse report of workers’ compensation fraud or retaliation for making such a report.
501.001(2)(b)2ndTampers with a consumer product or the container using materially false/misleading information.
697.083rdEquity skimming.
790.15(3)3rdPerson directs another to discharge firearm from a vehicle.
796.05(1)3rdLive on earnings of a prostitute.
806.10(1)3rdMaliciously injure, destroy, or interfere with vehicles or equipment used in firefighting.
806.10(2)3rdInterferes with or assaults firefighter in performance of duty.
810.09(2)(c)3rdTrespass on property other than structure or conveyance armed with firearm or dangerous weapon.
812.014(2)(c)2.3rdGrand theft; $5,000 or more but less than $10,000.
812.0145(2)(c)3rdTheft from person 65 years of age or older; $300 or more but less than $10,000.
815.04(4)(b)2ndComputer offense devised to defraud or obtain property.
817.034(4)(a)3.3rdEngages in scheme to defraud (Florida Communications Fraud Act), property valued at less than $20,000.
817.2333rdBurning to defraud insurer.
817.234(8)&(9)3rdUnlawful solicitation of persons involved in motor vehicle accidents.
817.234(11)(a)3rdInsurance fraud; property value less than $20,000.
817.505(4)3rdPatient brokering.
828.12(2)3rdTortures any animal with intent to inflict intense pain, serious physical injury, or death.
831.28(2)(a)3rdCounterfeiting a payment instrument with intent to defraud or possessing a counterfeit payment instrument.
831.292ndPossession of instruments for counterfeiting drivers' licenses or identification cards.
838.021(3)(b)3rdThreatens unlawful harm to public servant.
843.193rdInjure, disable, or kill police dog or horse.
870.01(2)3rdRiot; inciting or encouraging.
893.13(1)(a)2.3rdSell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs).
893.13(1)(d)2.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs within 200 feet of university or public park.
893.13(1)(f)2.3rdSell, manufacture, or deliver s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs within 200 feet of public housing facility.
893.13(6)(a)3rdPossession of any controlled substance other than felony possession of cannabis.
893.13(7)(a)8.3rdWithhold information from practitioner regarding previous receipt of or prescription for a controlled substance.
893.13(7)(a)9.3rdObtain or attempt to obtain controlled substance by fraud, forgery, misrepresentation, etc.
893.13(7)(a)10.3rdAffix false or forged label to package of controlled substance.
893.13(7)(a)11.3rdFurnish false or fraudulent material information on any document or record required by chapter 893.
893.13(8)(a)1.3rdKnowingly assist a patient, other person, or owner of an animal in obtaining a controlled substance through deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practitioner's practice.
893.13(8)(a)2.3rdEmploy a trick or scheme in the practitioner's practice to assist a patient, other person, or owner of an animal in obtaining a controlled substance.
893.13(8)(a)3.3rdKnowingly write a prescription for a controlled substance for a fictitious person.
893.13(8)(a)4.3rdWrite a prescription for a controlled substance for a patient, other person, or an animal if the sole purpose of writing the prescription is a monetary benefit for the practitioner.
918.13(1)(a)3rdAlter, destroy, or conceal investigation evidence.
944.47(1)(a)1.-2.3rdIntroduce contraband to correctional facility.
944.47(1)(c)2ndPossess contraband while upon the grounds of a correctional institution.
985.31413rdEscapes from a juvenile facility (secure detention or residential commitment facility).
(e) LEVEL 5
316.027(1)(a)3rdAccidents involving personal injuries, failure to stop; leaving scene.
316.1935(4)2ndAggravated fleeing or eluding.
322.34(6)3rdCareless operation of motor vehicle with suspended license, resulting in death or serious bodily injury.
327.30(5)3rdVessel accidents involving personal injury; leaving scene.
381.0041(11)(b)3rdDonate blood, plasma, or organs knowing HIV positive.
440.10(1)(g)2ndFailure to obtain workers’ compensation coverage.
440.105(5)2ndUnlawful solicitation for the purpose of making workers' compensation claims.
440.381(2)2ndSubmission of false, misleading, or incomplete information with the purpose of avoiding or reducing workers’ compensation premiums.
790.01(2)3rdCarrying a concealed firearm.
790.1622ndThreat to throw or discharge destructive device.
790.163(1)2ndFalse report of deadly explosive or weapon of mass destruction.
790.221(1)2ndPossession of short-barreled shotgun or machine gun.
790.232ndFelons in possession of firearms or electronic weapons or devices.
800.04(6)(c)3rdLewd or lascivious conduct; offender less than 18 years.
800.04(7)(c)2ndLewd or lascivious exhibition; offender 18 years or older.
806.111(1)3rdPossess, manufacture, or dispense fire bomb with intent to damage any structure or property.
812.0145(2)(b)2ndTheft from person 65 years of age or older; $10,000 or more but less than $50,000.
812.015(8)3rdRetail theft; property stolen is valued at $300 or more and one or more specified acts.
812.019(1)2ndStolen property; dealing in or trafficking in.
812.131(2)(b)3rdRobbery by sudden snatching.
812.16(2)3rdOwning, operating, or conducting a chop shop.
817.034(4)(a)2.2ndCommunications fraud, value $20,000 to $50,000.
817.234(11)(b)2ndInsurance fraud; property value $20,000 or more but less than $100,000.
817.568(2)(b)2ndFraudulent use of personal identification information; value of benefit, services received, payment avoided, or amount of injury or fraud, $75,000 or more.
817.625(2)(b)2ndSecond or subsequent fraudulent use of scanning device or reencoder.
825.1025(4)3rdLewd or lascivious exhibition in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult.
827.071(4)2ndPossess with intent to promote any photographic material, motion picture, etc., which includes sexual conduct by a child.
839.13(2)(b)2ndFalsifying records of an individual in the care and custody of a state agency involving great bodily harm or death.
843.013rdResist officer with violence to person; resist arrest with violence.
874.05(2)2ndEncouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal street gang; second or subsequent offense.
893.13(1)(a)1.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs).
893.13(1)(c)2.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs) within 1,000 feet of a child care facility or school.
893.13(1)(d)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs) within 200 feet of university or public park.
893.13(1)(e)2.2ndSell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) within 1,000 feet of property used for religious services or a specified business site.
893.13(1)(f)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), or (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs) within 200 feet of public housing facility.
893.13(4)(b)2ndDeliver to minor cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs).
5126          Section 36. Report to the Legislature regarding
5127    outstanding enforcement issues.--The Department of Financial
5128    Services shall, no later than January 1, 2004, provide a report
5129    to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
5130    Representatives, the minority leaders of the Senate and the
5131    House of Representatives, and the chairs of the standing
5132    committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives having
5133    jurisdiction over insurance issues, containing the following
5134    information:
5135          (1) Any provision of chapter 440, Florida Statutes,
5136    relating to workers’ compensation carrier compliance and
5137    enforcement, that the department finds it is unable to enforce.
5138          (2) Any administrative rule relating to workers’
5139    compensation carrier compliance and enforcement that the
5140    department finds it is unable to enforce.
5141          (3) Any other impediment to enforcement of chapter 440,
5142    Florida Statutes, resulting from the transfer of activities from
5143    the former Department of Labor and Employment Security to the
5144    department or the reorganization of the former Department of
5145    Insurance into the department.
5146          Section 37. Subsection (2) of section 946.523, Florida
5147    Statutes, is amended to read:
5148          946.523 Prison industry enhancement (PIE) programs.--
5149          (2) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,
5150    including s. 440.15(8)(9), private sector employers shall
5151    provide workers' compensation coverage to inmates who
5152    participate in prison industry enhancement (PIE) programs under
5153    subsection (1). However, inmates are not entitled to
5154    unemployment compensation.
5155          Section 38. Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of section
5156    985.315, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
5157          985.315 Educational/technical and vocational work-related
5158    programs.--
5159          (5)
5160          (c) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,
5161    including s. 440.15(8)(9), private sector employers shall
5162    provide juveniles participating in juvenile work programs under
5163    paragraph (b) with workers' compensation coverage, and juveniles
5164    shall be entitled to the benefits of such coverage. Nothing in
5165    this subsection shall be construed to allow juveniles to
5166    participate in unemployment compensation benefits.
5167          Section 39. Section 440.1925, Florida Statutes, is
5168    repealed.
5169          Section 40. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
5170    shall take effect October 1, 2003.