Bill No. HB 1839
Senate House
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12          Representative Ryan offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Between lines 35 and 36, insert:
17          Section 2. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this act
18    and Senate Bill 18E, adopted during the 2002 Special Session E
19    of the Legislature, and any provision of s. 220.03, Florida
20    Statutes, providing for giving effect under the Florida Income
21    Tax Code to amendments to the Internal Revenue Code, any
22    provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
23    which took effect after January 1, 2002, pursuant to the Job
24    Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, shall not be
25    included within the meaning of the term "Internal Revenue Code,"
26    as defined in s. 220.03, Florida Statutes, for purposes of the
27    tax imposed by chapter 220, Florida Statutes, on the income of a
28    corporation and shall not be given effect under the Florida
29    Income Tax Code unless expressly adopted by the Legislature by
30    general law.
31          (2) The Department of Revenue shall adopt rules to
32    implement the provisions of this section.
33          Section 3. The sum of $124,000,000, available as a result
34    of nonapplication of the provisions of the Job Creation and
35    Worker Assistance Act of 2002 under the Florida Income Tax Code
36    pursuant to section 2, is appropriated from the General Revenue
37    Fund as follows: $57,191,523 to the Agency for Health Care
38    Administration for fiscal year 2003-2004 and for the last 2
39    months of the current fiscal year to restore the current
40    medically needy program otherwise scheduled to be changed May 1,
41    2003; the remaining funds to the Department of Education to
42    fully fund Bright Futures Scholarships, to avoid higher
43    education tuition increases at our public postsecondary
44    institutions, to protect the prepaid tuition program, and to
45    restore funding cuts to the State University System.
47    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
48          Remove line(s) 4, and insert:
49          version of the Internal Revenue Code; specifying nonapplication
50    of certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code under the
51    Florida Income Tax Code for certain purposes; requiring the
52    Department of Revenue to adopt certain rules; providing
53    appropriations; specifying distribution and uses of certain
54    moneys; providing for