HB 1841 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund;
3    amending ss. 24.121 and 1010.70, F.S.; increasing amounts
4    to be deposited into the Educational Enhancement Trust
5    Fund; providing an effective date.
7          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9          Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 24.121, Florida
10    Statutes, is amended to read:
11          24.121 Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for
12    public education.--
13          (2) Each fiscal year, at least 3938percent of the gross
14    revenue from the sale of on-line lottery tickets, variable
15    percentages of the gross revenue from the sale of instant
16    lottery tickets as determined by the department consistent with
17    subsection (1), and other earned revenue, excluding application
18    processing fees, shall be deposited in the Educational
19    Enhancement Trust Fund, which is hereby created in the State
20    Treasury to be administered by the Department of Education. The
21    Department of the Lottery shall transfer moneys to the
22    Educational Enhancement Trust Fund at least once each quarter.
23    Funds in the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund shall be used to
24    the benefit of public education in accordance with the
25    provisions of this act. Notwithstanding any other provision of
26    law, a maximum of $180 million of lottery revenues transferred
27    to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund in fiscal year 1997-
28    1998 and for 30 years thereafter shall be reserved as needed and
29    used to meet the requirements of the documents authorizing the
30    bonds issued by the state pursuant to s. 1013.68 or s. 1013.70
31    or distributed to school districts for the Classrooms First
32    Program as provided in s. 1013.68. Such lottery revenues are
33    hereby pledged to the payment of debt service on bonds issued by
34    the state pursuant to s. 1013.68 or s. 1013.70. Debt service
35    payable on bonds issued by the state pursuant to s. 1013.68 or
36    s. 1013.70 shall be payable from the first lottery revenues
37    transferred to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund in each
38    fiscal year. Amounts distributable to school districts that
39    request the issuance of bonds pursuant to s. 1013.68(3) are
40    hereby pledged to such bonds pursuant to s. 11(d), Art. VII of
41    the State Constitution. The amounts distributed through the
42    Classrooms First Program shall equal $145 million in each fiscal
43    year. These funds are intended to provide up to $2.5 billion for
44    public school facilities.
45          Section 2. Section 1010.70, Florida Statutes, is amended
46    to read:
47          1010.70 Educational Enhancement Trust Fund.--Each fiscal
48    year, at least 3938percent of the gross revenue from the sale
49    of lottery tickets, variable percentages of the gross revenue
50    from the sale of instant lottery tickets as determined by the
51    department,and other earned revenue, excluding application
52    processing fees, shall be deposited in the Educational
53    Enhancement Trust Fund as provided in s. 24.121.
54          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.