HB 1859 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to elections; amending s. 97.021, F.S.;
3    providing a definition of "early voting"; amending s.
4    101.5612, F.S.; providing for testing of the automatic
5    tabulating equipment prior to the commencement of early
6    voting; amending s. 101.5613, F.S.; providing for the
7    examination of the voting device and ballot information
8    during early voting; amending s. 101.64, F.S.; eliminating
9    the witness on absentee ballots; revising the Voter’s
10    Certificate; amending ss. 101.6103, 101.65, and 101.68,
11    F.S., to conform; amending s. 101.657, F.S.; revising
12    provisions relating to voting an absentee ballot in person
13    to provide for early voting; requiring the Department of
14    State to establish by rule minimum standards for operation
15    of early voting locations; amending ss. 101.62 and
16    102.141, F.S., to conform; amending s. 102.014, F.S.;
17    requiring the Department of State to establish by rule
18    minimum standards for poll workers; encouraging county
19    governments to reassign county employees as poll workers;
20    requiring the supervisors of elections to work to recruit
21    high school and college students as poll workers;
22    requiring the Department of State to develop a statewide
23    program to recruit poll workers; amending s. 125.01, F.S.;
24    conforming a cross reference; repealing s. 20, ch. 2002-
25    281, Laws of Florida, relating to a future amendment of s.
26    125.01, F.S., to conform; amending ss. 99.061 and 105.031,
27    F.S.; providing for earlier qualifying for nomination or
28    election to public office; amending ss. 99.095, 99.0955,
29    and 99.096, F.S.; providing for earlier filing of the oath
30    to qualify by the alternative method; amending ss. 100.061
31    and 100.091, F.S.; providing for earlier primary
32    elections; amending s. 106.07, F.S.; providing for
33    additional campaign finance reporting periods; providing
34    an effective date.
36          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
38          Section 1. Subsections (8) through (39) of section 97.021,
39    Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (9) through
40    (40), respectively, and a new subsection (8) is added to said
41    section, to read:
42          97.021 Definitions.--For the purposes of this code, except
43    where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term:
44          (8) "Early voting" means casting a ballot prior to
45    election day at a location designated by the supervisor of
46    elections and depositing the voted ballot in the tabulation
47    system.
48          Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 101.5612, Florida
49    Statutes, is amended to read:
50          101.5612 Testing of tabulating equipment.--
51          (2) On any day not more than 10 days prior to the
52    commencement of early voting as provided in s. 101.657election
53    day, the supervisor of elections shall have the automatic
54    tabulating equipment publicly tested to ascertain that the
55    equipment will correctly count the votes cast for all offices
56    and on all measures. Public notice of the time and place of the
57    test shall be given at least 48 hours prior thereto by
58    publication once in one or more newspapers of general
59    circulation in the county or, if there is no newspaper of
60    general circulation in the county, by posting such notice in at
61    least four conspicuous places in the county. The supervisor or
62    the municipal elections official may, at the time of qualifying,
63    give written notice of the time and location of such public
64    preelection test to each candidate qualifying with that office
65    and obtain a signed receipt that such notice has been given. The
66    Department of State shall give written notice to each statewide
67    candidate at the time of qualifying, or immediately at the end
68    of qualifying, that the voting equipment will be tested and
69    advise each such candidate to contact the county supervisor of
70    elections as to the time and location of the public preelection
71    test. The supervisor or the municipal elections official shall,
72    at least 15 days prior to the commencement of early voting as
73    provided in s. 101.657an election, send written notice by
74    certified mail to the county party chair of each political party
75    and to all candidates for other than statewide office whose
76    names appear on the ballot in the county and who did not receive
77    written notification from the supervisor or municipal elections
78    official at the time of qualifying, stating the time and
79    location of the public preelection test of the automatic
80    tabulating equipment. The canvassing board shall convene, and
81    each member of the canvassing board shall certify to the
82    accuracy of the test. For the test, the canvassing board may
83    designate one member to represent it. The test shall be open to
84    representatives of the political parties, the press, and the
85    public. Each political party may designate one person with
86    expertise in the computer field who shall be allowed in the
87    central counting room when all tests are being conducted and
88    when the official votes are being counted. Such designee shall
89    not interfere with the normal operation of the canvassing board.
90          Section 3. Section 101.5613, Florida Statutes, is amended
91    to read:
92          101.5613 Examination of equipment during voting.--A member
93    of the election board or, for the purposes of early voting
94    pursuant to s. 101.657, a representative of the supervisor of
95    electionsshall occasionally examine the face of the voting
96    device and the ballot information to determine that the device
97    and the ballot information have not been damaged or tampered
98    with.
99          Section 4. Subsection (3) of section 101.6103, Florida
100    Statutes, is amended to read:
101          101.6103 Mail ballot election procedure.--
102          (3) The return mailing envelope shall contain a statement
103    in substantially the following form:
107          I, ... (Print Name) ..., do solemnly swear (or affirm)
108    that I am a qualified voter in this election and that I have not
109    and will not vote more than one ballot in this election.
110          I understand that failure to sign this certificate and give
111    my residence address will invalidate my ballot. I also
112    understand that my signature will be verified against the
113    signature on my voter registration record and that if my
114    signatures do not match, my ballot will not count.
115          ... (Signature) ...
116          ... (Residence Address) ...
118          Section 5. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section
119    101.62, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
120          101.62 Request for absentee ballots.--
121          (4)
122          (b) As soon as the remainder of the absentee ballots are
123    printed, the supervisor shall provide an absentee ballot to each
124    elector by whom a request for that ballot has been made by one
125    of the following means:
126          1. By nonforwardable, return-if-undeliverable mail to the
127    elector's current mailing address on file with the supervisor,
128    unless the elector specifies in the request that:
129          a. The elector is absent from the county and does not plan
130    to return before the day of the election;
131          b. The elector is temporarily unable to occupy the
132    residence because of hurricane, tornado, flood, fire, or other
133    emergency or natural disaster; or
134          c. The elector is in a hospital, assisted-living facility,
135    nursing home, short-term medical or rehabilitation facility, or
136    correctional facility,
138          in which case the supervisor shall mail the ballot by
139    nonforwardable, return-if-undeliverable mail to any other
140    address the elector specifies in the request.
141          2. By forwardable mail to voters who are entitled to vote
142    by absentee ballot under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens
143    Voting Act.
144          3. By personal delivery to the elector, upon presentation
145    of a Florida driver’s license, a Florida identification card
146    issued under s. 322.051, or another form of picture
147    identification approved by the Department of Statethe
148    identification required in s. 101.657.
149          4. By delivery to a designee on election day or up to 4
150    days prior to the day of an election. Any elector may designate
151    in writing a person to pick up the ballot for the elector;
152    however, the person designated may not pick up more than two
153    absentee ballots per election, other than the designee's own
154    ballot, except that additional ballots may be picked up for
155    members of the designee's immediate family. For purposes of this
156    section, "immediate family" means the designee's spouse or the
157    parent, child, grandparent, or sibling of the designee or of the
158    designee's spouse. The designee shall provide to the supervisor
159    the written authorization by the elector and a picture
160    identification of the designee and must complete an affidavit.
161    The designee shall state in the affidavit that the designee is
162    authorized by the elector to pick up that ballot and shall
163    indicate if the elector is a member of the designee's immediate
164    family and, if so, the relationship. The department shall
165    prescribe the form of the affidavit. If the supervisor is
166    satisfied that the designee is authorized to pick up the ballot
167    and that the signature of the elector on the written
168    authorization matches the signature of the elector on file, the
169    supervisor shall give the ballot to that designee for delivery
170    to the elector.
171          Section 6. Section 101.64, Florida Statutes, is amended to
172    read:
173          101.64 Delivery of absentee ballots; envelopes; form.--
174          (1) The supervisor shall enclose with each absentee ballot
175    two envelopes: a secrecy envelope, into which the absent elector
176    shall enclose his or her marked ballot; and a mailing envelope,
177    into which the absent elector shall then place the secrecy
178    envelope, which shall be addressed to the supervisor and also
179    bear on the back side a certificate in substantially the
180    following form:
182 Note: Please Read Instructions Carefully Before
183 Marking Ballot and Completing Voter's Certificate.
186          I, _____, do solemnly swear or affirm that I am a qualified
187    and registered voter of _____ County, Florida, and that I have
188    not and will not vote more than one ballot in this election. I
189    understand that if I commit or attempt to commit any fraud in
190    connection with voting, vote a fraudulent ballot, or vote more
191    than once in an election, I can be convicted of a felony of the
192    third degree and fined up to $5,000 and/or imprisoned for up to
193    5 years. I also understand that failure to sign this certificate
194    and have my signature properly witnessedwill invalidate my
195    ballot. I also understand that my signature will be verified
196    against the signature on my voter registration record and that if
197    my signatures do not match, my ballot will not count.
199          ... (Date) ...... (Voter's Signature) ...
201          Note: Your Signature Must Be Witnessed By One Witness 18 Years
202    of Age or Older as provided in item 8 of the Instruction Sheet.
204          I swear or affirm that the voter signed this Voter's Certificate
205    in my presence.
207          ... (Signature of Witness) ...
209          ... (Address) ...
210          ... (City/State) ...
212          (2) The certificate shall be arranged on the back of the
213    mailing envelope so that the linelines for the signature
214    signatures of the absent elector isand the attesting witness
215    are across the seal of the envelope; however, no statement shall
216    appear on the envelope which indicates that a signature of the
217    voter or witnessmust cross the seal of the envelope. The absent
218    elector and the attesting witnessshall execute the certificate
219    on the envelope.
220          Section 7. Section 101.65, Florida Statutes, is amended to
221    read:
222          101.65 Instructions to absent electors.--The supervisor
223    shall enclose with each absentee ballot separate printed
224    instructions in substantially the following form:
227          1. VERY IMPORTANT. In order to ensure that your absentee
228    ballot will be counted, it should be completed and returned as
229    soon as possible so that it can reach the supervisor of
230    elections of the county in which your precinct is located no
231    later than 7 p.m. on the day of the election.
232          2. Mark your ballot in secret as instructed on the ballot.
233    You must mark your own ballot unless you are unable to do so
234    because of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write.
235          3. Place your marked ballot in the enclosed secrecy
236    envelope.
237          4. Insert the secrecy envelope into the enclosed mailing
238    envelope which is addressed to the supervisor.
239          5. Seal the mailing envelope and completely fill out the
240    Voter's Certificate on the back of the mailing envelope.
241          6. VERY IMPORTANT. In order for your absentee ballot to be
242    counted, you must sign your name on the line above (Voter's
243    Signature). Your signature on the Voter’s Certificate will be
244    verified against the signature on your voter registration record.
245    If the signatures do not match, your ballot will not count.
246          7. VERY IMPORTANT. If you are an overseas voter, you must
247    include the date you signed the Voter's Certificate on the line
248    above (Date) or your ballot may not be counted.
249          8. VERY IMPORTANT. In order for your absentee ballot to be
250    counted, it must include the signature and address of a witness
251    18 years of age or older affixed to the Voter's Certificate. No
252    candidate may serve as an attesting witness.
253          8.9.Mail, deliver, or have delivered the completed
254    mailing envelope. Be sure there is sufficient postage if mailed.
255          9.10.FELONY NOTICE. It is a felony under Florida law to
256    accept any gift, payment, or gratuity in exchange for your vote
257    for a candidate. It is also a felony under Florida law to vote
258    in an election using a false identity or false address, or under
259    any other circumstances making your ballot false or fraudulent.
260          Section 8. Section 101.657, Florida Statutes, is amended
261    to read:
262          101.657 Early voting absentee ballots in person.--
263          (1) Any qualified and registered elector may pick up and
264    vote an absentee ballot in person at the office of, and under
265    the supervision of, the supervisor of elections. Before
266    receiving the ballot, the elector must present a Florida
267    driver's license, a Florida identification card issued under s.
268    322.051, or another form of picture identification approved by
269    the Department of State. If the elector fails to furnish the
270    required identification, or if the supervisor is in doubt as to
271    the identity of the elector, the supervisor must follow the
272    procedure prescribed in s. 101.49.
273          (1)(2)As an alternative to the provisions of ss. 101.64
274    and 101.65, The supervisor of elections shallmayallow an
275    elector to vote earlycast an absentee ballotin the main or
276    branch office of the supervisor by depositing the voted ballot
277    in a voting device used by the supervisor to collect or tabulate
278    ballots. The results or tabulation may not be made before the
279    close of the polls on election day.
280          (a) The elector must provide picture identification and
281    must complete an Early VotingIn-OfficeVoter Certificate in
282    substantially the following form:
286          I, _____, am a qualified elector in this election and registered
287    voter of _____ County, Florida. I do solemnly swear or affirm
288    that I am the person so listed on the voter registration rolls
289    of _____ County and that I reside at the listed address. I
290    understand that if I commit or attempt to commit fraud in
291    connection with voting, vote a fraudulent ballot, or vote more
292    than once in an election I could be convicted of a felony of the
293    third degree and both fined up to $5,000 and imprisoned for up
294    to 5 years. I understand that my failure to sign this
295    certificate and have my signature witnessedinvalidates my
296    ballot.
299          ... (Voter's Signature) ...
301          ... (Address) ...
303          ... (City/State) ...
305          ... (Name of Witness) ...
307          ... (Signature of Witness) ...
309          ... (Type of identification provided) ...
311          (b) Any elector may challenge an elector seeking to vote
312    earlycast an absentee ballotunder the provisions of s.
313    101.111. Any challenged voterballot must votebe placed in a
314    provisionalregular absentee ballot envelope. The canvassing
315    board shall review the ballot and decide the validity of the
316    ballot by majority vote.
317          (c) The canvass of returns for ballots cast under this
318    subsection shall be substantially the same as votes cast by
319    electors in precincts, as provided in s. 101.5614.
320          (2) The Department of State shall adopt a rule establishing
321    minimum standards for the operation of early voting locations.
322    The rule shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
323          (a) Days and hours of operation.
324          (b) Security of voted ballots.
325          (c) Transmittal of returns or ballots and election
326    materials to the canvassing board.
327          Section 9. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
328    101.68, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
329          101.68 Canvassing of absentee ballot.--
330          (2)
331          (c)1. The canvassing board shall, if the supervisor has
332    not already done so, compare the signature of the elector on the
333    voter's certificate with the signature of the elector in the
334    registration books to see that the elector is duly registered in
335    the county and to determine the legality of that absentee
336    ballot. An absentee ballot shall be considered illegal if it
337    does not include the signature of the elector, as shown by the
338    registration records, and the signature and address of an
339    attesting witness. However, an absentee ballot shall not be
340    considered illegal if the signature of the elector or attesting
341    witnessdoes not cross the seal of the mailing envelope. If the
342    canvassing board determines that any ballot is illegal, a member
343    of the board shall, without opening the envelope, mark across
344    the face of the envelope: "rejected as illegal." The envelope
345    and the ballot contained therein shall be preserved in the
346    manner that official ballots voted are preserved.
347          2. If any elector or candidate present believes that an
348    absentee ballot is illegal due to a defect apparent on the
349    voter's certificate, he or she may, at any time before the
350    ballot is removed from the envelope, file with the canvassing
351    board a protest against the canvass of that ballot, specifying
352    the precinct, the ballot, and the reason he or she believes the
353    ballot to be illegal. A challenge based upon a defect in the
354    voter's certificate may not be accepted after the ballot has
355    been removed from the mailing envelope.
356          Section 10. Section 102.014, Florida Statutes, is amended
357    to read:
358          102.014 Poll worker recruitment and training.--
359          (1) The supervisor of elections shall conduct training for
360    inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs prior to each primary,
361    general, and special election for the purpose of instructing
362    such persons in their duties and responsibilities as election
363    officials. A certificate may be issued by the supervisor of
364    elections to each person completing such training. No person
365    shall serve as an inspector, clerk, or deputy sheriff for an
366    election unless such person has completed the training as
367    required. A clerk may not work at the polls unless he or she
368    demonstrates a working knowledge of the laws and procedures
369    relating to voter registration, voting system operation,
370    balloting and polling place procedures, and problem-solving and
371    conflict-resolution skills.
372          (2) The Department of State shall, by rule, establish
373    minimum standards that each potential poll worker must meet prior
374    to being allowed to work at the polls. Such rules shall, at a
375    minimum, require each poll worker to demonstrate that he or she
376    has a working knowledge of the laws and procedures for the
377    position that he or she is to perform at the polls on election
378    day.
379          (3)(2)A person who has attended previous training
380    conducted within 2 years before the election may be appointed by
381    the supervisor to fill a vacancy on election day. If no person
382    with prior training is available to fill such vacancy, the
383    supervisor of elections may fill such vacancy in accordance with
384    the provisions of subsection (4)(3)from among persons who have
385    not received the training required by this section.
386          (4)(3)In the case of absence or refusal to act on the
387    part of any inspector or clerk at any precinct on the day of an
388    election, the supervisor shall appoint a replacement who meets
389    the qualifications prescribed in s. 102.012(2). The inspector or
390    clerk so appointed shall be a member of the same political party
391    as the clerk or inspector whom he or she replaces.
392          (5)(4)Each supervisor of elections shall be responsible
393    for training inspectors and clerks, subject to the following
394    minimum requirements:
395          (a) No clerk shall be entitled to work at the polls unless
396    he or she has had a minimum of 3 hours of training prior to each
397    election.
398          (b) No inspector shall work at the polls unless he or she
399    has had a minimum of 2 hours of training prior to each election.
400          (c) For the purposes of this subsection, the first and
401    second primary elections shall be considered one election.
402          (6)(5)The Department of State shall create a uniform
403    polling place procedures manual and adopt the manual by rule.
404    Each supervisor of elections shall ensure that the manual is
405    available in hard copy or electronic form in every precinct in
406    the supervisor's jurisdiction on election day. The manual shall
407    guide inspectors, clerks, and deputy sheriffs in the proper
408    implementation of election procedures and laws. The manual shall
409    be indexed by subject, and written in plain, clear, unambiguous
410    language. The manual shall provide specific examples of common
411    problems encountered at the polls on election day, and detail
412    specific procedures for resolving those problems. The manual
413    shall include, without limitation:
414          (a) Regulations governing solicitation by individuals and
415    groups at the polling place;
416          (b) Procedures to be followed with respect to voters whose
417    names are not on the precinct register;
418          (c) Proper operation of the voting system;
419          (d) Ballot handling procedures;
420          (e) Procedures governing spoiled ballots;
421          (f) Procedures to be followed after the polls close;
422          (g) Rights of voters at the polls;
423          (h) Procedures for handling emergency situations;
424          (i) Procedures for dealing with irate voters;
425          (j) The handling and processing of provisional ballots;
426    and
427          (k) Security procedures.
429          The Department of State shall revise the manual as necessary to
430    address new procedures in law or problems encountered by voters
431    and poll workers at the precincts.
432          (7)(6)Supervisors of elections shall work with the
433    business and local community to develop public-private programs
434    to ensure the recruitment of skilled inspectors and clerks.
435          (8)(7)The Department of State shall develop a mandatory,
436    statewide, and uniform program for training poll workers on
437    issues of etiquette and sensitivity with respect to voters
438    having a disability. The program must consist of approximately 1
439    hour of the required number of hours set forth in paragraph
440    (5)(a)(4)(a). The program must be conducted locally by each
441    supervisor of elections, who shall periodically certify to the
442    Department of State whether each poll worker has completed the
443    program. The supervisor of elections shall contract with a
444    recognized disability-related organization, such as a center for
445    independent living, family network on disabilities, deaf service
446    bureau, or other such organization, to develop and assist with
447    training the trainers in the disability sensitivity programs.
448    The program must include actual demonstrations of obstacles
449    confronted by disabled persons during the voting process,
450    including obtaining access to the polling place, traveling
451    through the polling area, and using the voting system.
452          (9) County governments are encouraged to assist the
453    supervisor of elections by reassigning county employees to serve
454    as poll workers on election day.
455          (10) Supervisors of elections shall work with high schools,
456    community colleges, and universities to recruit high school and
457    college students to serve as poll workers.
458          (11) The Department of State shall develop a statewide
459    program to encourage citizens of the state to serve as poll
460    workers.
461          Section 11. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 102.141,
462    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
463          102.141 County canvassing board; duties.--
464          (2) The county canvassing board shall meet in a building
465    accessible to the public in the county where the election
466    occurred at a time and place to be designated by the supervisor
467    of elections to publicly canvass the absentee electors' ballots
468    as provided for in s. 101.68 and provisional ballots as provided
469    by s. 101.048. Public notice of the time and place at which the
470    county canvassing board shall meet to canvass the absentee
471    electors' ballots and provisional ballots shall be given at
472    least 48 hours prior thereto by publication once in one or more
473    newspapers of general circulation in the county or, if there is
474    no newspaper of general circulation in the county, by posting
475    such notice in at least four conspicuous places in the county.
476    As soon as the absentee electors' ballots and the provisional
477    ballots are canvassed, the board shall proceed to publicly
478    canvass the vote given each candidate, nominee, constitutional
479    amendment, or other measure submitted to the electorate of the
480    county, as shown by the returns then on file in the office of
481    the supervisor of elections and the office of the county court
482    judge from the precincts and from the early voting locations.
483          (3) The canvass, except the canvass of absentee electors'
484    returns and the canvass of provisional ballots, shall be made
485    from the returns and certificates of the inspectors as signed
486    and filed by them with the county court judge and supervisor,
487    respectively, and the county canvassing board shall not change
488    the number of votes cast for a candidate, nominee,
489    constitutional amendment, or other measure submitted to the
490    electorate of the county, respectively, in any polling place, as
491    shown by the returns. All returns shall be made to the board on
492    or before 2 a.m. of the day following any primary, general,
493    special, or other election. If the returns from any precinct or
494    early voting locationare missing, if there are any omissions on
495    the returns from any precinct or early voting location, or if
496    there is an obvious error on any such returns, the canvassing
497    board shall order a recount of the returns from such precinct or
498    early voting location. Before canvassing such returns, the
499    canvassing board shall examine the tabulation of the ballots
500    cast in such precinct or early voting locationand determine
501    whether the returns correctly reflect the votes cast. If there
502    is a discrepancy between the returns and the tabulation of the
503    ballots cast, the tabulation of the ballots cast shall be
504    presumed correct and such votes shall be canvassed accordingly.
505          Section 12. Paragraph (y) of subsection (1) of section
506    125.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
507          125.01 Powers and duties.--
508          (1) The legislative and governing body of a county shall
509    have the power to carry on county government. To the extent not
510    inconsistent with general or special law, this power includes,
511    but is not restricted to, the power to:
512          (y) Place questions or propositions on the ballot at any
513    primary election, general election, or otherwise called special
514    election, when agreed to by a majority vote of the total
515    membership of the legislative and governing body, so as to
516    obtain an expression of elector sentiment with respect to
517    matters of substantial concern within the county. No special
518    election may be called for the purpose of conducting a straw
519    ballot. Any election costs, as defined in s. 97.021(9),
520    associated with any ballot question or election called
521    specifically at the request of a district or for the creation of
522    a district shall be paid by the district either in whole or in
523    part as the case may warrant.
524          Section 13. Section 20 of chapter 2002-281, Laws of
525    Florida, is repealed.
526          Section 14. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 99.061,
527    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
528          99.061 Method of qualifying for nomination or election to
529    federal, state, county, or district office.--
530          (1) The provisions of any special act to the contrary
531    notwithstanding, each person seeking to qualify for nomination
532    or election to a federal, state, or multicounty district office,
533    other than election to a judicial office as defined in chapter
534    105 or the office of school board member, shall file his or her
535    qualification papers with, and pay the qualifying fee, which
536    shall consist of the filing fee and election assessment, and
537    party assessment, if any has been levied, to, the Department of
538    State, or qualify by the alternative method with the Department
539    of State, at any time after noon of the 1st day for qualifying,
540    which shall be as follows: the 120th day prior to the first
541    primary, but not later than noon of the 116th day prior to the
542    date of the first primary, for persons seeking to qualify for
543    nomination or election to federal office; and noon of the 64th
544    50thday prior to the first primary, but not later than noon of
545    the 60th46thday prior to the date of the first primary, for
546    persons seeking to qualify for nomination or election to a state
547    or multicounty district office.
548          (2) The provisions of any special act to the contrary
549    notwithstanding, each person seeking to qualify for nomination
550    or election to a county office, or district or special district
551    office not covered by subsection (1), shall file his or her
552    qualification papers with, and pay the qualifying fee, which
553    shall consist of the filing fee and election assessment, and
554    party assessment, if any has been levied, to, the supervisor of
555    elections of the county, or shall qualify by the alternative
556    method with the supervisor of elections, at any time after noon
557    of the 1st day for qualifying, which shall be the 64th50thday
558    prior to the first primary or special district election, but not
559    later than noon of the 60th46thday prior to the date of the
560    first primary or special district election. However, if a
561    special district election is held at the same time as the second
562    primary or general election, qualifying shall be the 50th day
563    prior to the first primary, but not later than noon of the 46th
564    day prior to the date of the first primary. Within 30 days after
565    the closing of qualifying time, the supervisor of elections
566    shall remit to the secretary of the state executive committee of
567    the political party to which the candidate belongs the amount of
568    the filing fee, two-thirds of which shall be used to promote the
569    candidacy of candidates for county offices and the candidacy of
570    members of the Legislature.
571          Section 15. Subsection (1) of section 99.095, Florida
572    Statutes, is amended to read:
573          99.095 Alternative method of qualifying.--
574          (1) A person seeking to qualify for nomination to any
575    office may qualify to have his or her name placed on the ballot
576    for the first primary election by means of the petitioning
577    process prescribed in this section. A person qualifying by this
578    alternative method shall not be required to pay the qualifying
579    fee or party assessment required by this chapter. A person using
580    this petitioning process shall file an oath with the officer
581    before whom the candidate would qualify for the office stating
582    that he or she intends to qualify by this alternative method for
583    the office sought. If the person is running for an office which
584    will be grouped on the ballot with two or more similar offices
585    to be filled at the same election, the candidate must indicate
586    in his or her oath for which group or district office he or she
587    is running. The oath shall be filed at any time after the first
588    Tuesday after the first Monday in NovemberJanuary of the year
589    immediately preceding the yearin which the first primary is
590    held, but prior to the 21st day preceding the first day of the
591    qualifying period for the office sought. The Department of State
592    shall prescribe the form to be used in administering and filing
593    such oath. No signatures shall be obtained by a candidate on any
594    nominating petition until the candidate has filed the oath
595    required in this section. If the person is running for an office
596    which will be grouped on the ballot with two or more similar
597    offices to be filled at the same election and the petition does
598    not indicate the group or district office for which the person
599    is running, the signatures obtained on such petition will not be
600    counted.
601          Section 16. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
602    99.0955, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
603          99.0955 Candidates with no party affiliation; name on
604    general election ballot.--
605          (3)(a) A candidate with no party affiliation may, in lieu
606    of paying the qualifying fee, qualify for office by the
607    alternative method prescribed in this subsection. A candidate
608    using this petitioning process shall file an oath with the
609    officer before whom the candidate would qualify for the office
610    stating that he or she intends to qualify by this alternative
611    method. If the person is running for an office that requires a
612    group or district designation, the candidate must indicate the
613    designation in his or her oath. The oath shall be filed at any
614    time after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
615    January of the year immediately preceding the yearin which the
616    election is held, but before the 21st day preceding the first
617    day of the qualifying period for the office sought. The
618    Department of State shall prescribe the form to be used in
619    administering and filing the oath. Signatures may not be
620    obtained by a candidate on any petition until the candidate has
621    filed the oath required in this subsection. Upon receipt of the
622    written oath from a candidate, the qualifying officer shall
623    provide the candidate with petition forms in sufficient numbers
624    to facilitate the gathering of signatures. If the candidate is
625    running for an office that requires a group or district
626    designation, the petition must indicate that designation or the
627    signatures obtained on the petition will not be counted.
628          Section 17. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
629    99.096, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
630          99.096 Minor party candidates; names on ballot.--
631          (3)(a) A minor party candidate may, in lieu of paying the
632    qualifying fee and party assessment, qualify for office by the
633    alternative method prescribed in this subsection. A candidate
634    using this petitioning process shall file an oath with the
635    officer before whom the candidate would qualify for the office
636    stating that he or she intends to qualify by this alternative
637    method. If the person is running for an office that requires a
638    group or district designation, the candidate must indicate the
639    designation in his or her oath. The oath must be filed at any
640    time after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
641    January of the year immediately preceding the yearin which the
642    election is held, but before the 21st day preceding the first
643    day of the qualifying period for the office sought. The
644    Department of State shall prescribe the form to be used in
645    administering and filing the oath. Signatures may not be
646    obtained by a candidate on any petition until the candidate has
647    filed the oath required in this section. Upon receipt of the
648    written oath from a candidate, the qualifying officer shall
649    provide the candidate with petition forms in sufficient numbers
650    to facilitate the gathering of signatures. If the candidate is
651    running for an office that requires a group or district
652    designation, the petition must indicate that designation or the
653    signatures on such petition will not be counted.
654          Section 18. Section 100.061, Florida Statutes, is amended
655    to read:
656          100.061 First primary election.--In each year in which a
657    general election is held, a first primary election for
658    nomination of candidates of political parties shall be held on
659    the Tuesday 159weeks prior to the general election. Each
660    candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast in each contest
661    in the first primary election shall be declared nominated for
662    such office. A second primary election shall be held as provided
663    by s. 100.091 in every contest in which a candidate does not
664    receive a majority.
665          Section 19. Subsection (1) of section 100.091, Florida
666    Statutes, is amended to read:
667          100.091 Second primary election.--
668          (1) In each year in which a general election is held, a
669    second primary election for nomination of candidates of
670    political parties where nominations were not made in the first
671    primary election shall be held on the Tuesday 85weeks prior to
672    the general election.
673          Section 20. Subsection (1) of section 105.031, Florida
674    Statutes, is amended to read:
675          105.031 Qualification; filing fee; candidate's oath; items
676    required to be filed.--
677          (1) TIME OF QUALIFYING.--Except for candidates for
678    judicial office, nonpartisan candidates for multicounty office
679    shall qualify with the Division of Elections of the Department
680    of State and nonpartisan candidates for countywide or less than
681    countywide office shall qualify with the supervisor of
682    elections. Candidates for judicial office other than the office
683    of county court judge shall qualify with the Division of
684    Elections of the Department of State, and candidates for the
685    office of county court judge shall qualify with the supervisor
686    of elections of the county. Candidates for judicial office shall
687    qualify no earlier than noon of the 120th day, and no later than
688    noon of the 116th day, before the first primary election.
689    Candidates for the office of school board member shall qualify
690    no earlier than noon of the 64th50thday, and no later than
691    noon of the 60th46thday, before the first primary election.
692    Filing shall be on forms provided for that purpose by the
693    Division of Elections and furnished by the appropriate
694    qualifying officer. Any person seeking to qualify by the
695    alternative method, as set forth in s. 105.035, if the person
696    has submitted the necessary petitions by the required deadline
697    and is notified after the fifth day prior to the last day for
698    qualifying that the required number of signatures has been
699    obtained, shall be entitled to subscribe to the candidate's oath
700    and file the qualifying papers at any time within 5 days from
701    the date he or she is notified that the necessary number of
702    signatures has been obtained. Any person other than a write-in
703    candidate who qualifies within the time prescribed in this
704    subsection shall be entitled to have his or her name printed on
705    the ballot.
706          Section 21. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of
707    section 106.07, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
708          106.07 Reports; certification and filing.--
709          (1) Each campaign treasurer designated by a candidate or
710    political committee pursuant to s. 106.021 shall file regular
711    reports of all contributions received, and all expenditures
712    made, by or on behalf of such candidate or political committee.
713    Reports shall be filed on the 10th day following the end of each
714    calendar quarter from the time the campaign treasurer is
715    appointed, except that, if the 10th day following the end of a
716    calendar quarter occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,
717    the report shall be filed on the next following day which is not
718    a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. Quarterly reports shall
719    include all contributions received and expenditures made during
720    the calendar quarter which have not otherwise been reported
721    pursuant to this section.
722          (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), following the
723    last day of qualifying for office, the reports shall be filed on
724    the 46th,32nd, 18th, and 4th days immediately preceding the
725    first primary and on the 32nd, 18th,and 4th days immediately
726    preceding the second primary and general election, for a
727    candidate who is opposed in seeking nomination or election to
728    any office, for a political committee, or for a committee of
729    continuous existence.
730          (b) Following the last day of qualifying for office, any
731    statewide candidate who has requested to receive contributions
732    from the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund or any statewide
733    candidate in a race with a candidate who has requested to
734    receive contributions from the trust fund shall file reports on
735    the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, and 32nd, 39th, and 46thdays prior
736    to the first primary and general elections, and on the 4th,
737    11th, 18th, and 25th, 32nd, and 39thdays prior to the second
738    primary.
739          Section 22. This act shall take effect January 1, 2004.