Bill No. HB 1907
Senate House
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12          Representative Baxley offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Between lines 125 and 126, insert:
17          Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 194.011, Florida
18    Statutes, is amended to read:
19          194.011 Assessment notice; objections to assessments.--
20          (4)(a) At least 10 days before the hearing, the petitioner
21    shall provide to the property appraiser a list of evidence to be
22    presented at the hearing, together with copies of all
23    documentation to be considered by the value adjustment board and
24    a summary of evidence to be presented by witnesses. No
25    petitioner may present for consideration, and no board or
26    special master may accept for consideration, testimony or other
27    evidentiary materials that were requested of the petitioner in
28    writing by the property appraiser and denied to the property
29    appraiser.
30          (b) No later than 5 days before the hearing, ifafterthe
31    petitioner has providedprovidesthe information required under
32    paragraph (a), and if requested in writing by the petitioner,
33    the property appraiser shall provide to the petitioner a list of
34    evidence to be presented at the hearing, together with copies of
35    all documentation to be considered by the value adjustment board
36    and a summary of evidence to be presented by witnesses. The
37    evidence list must contain the property record card if provided
38    by the clerk.
40    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
41          Remove line 2, and insert:
42          An act relating to taxation; amending s. 194.011, F.S.;
43    prohibiting petitioner presentation and board and special master
44    acceptance of certain information under certain circumstances;
45    revising criteria for presentation of certain information by the
46    property appraiser to the petitioner; amending s. 199.052, F.S.;