HB 1919, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to law enforcement; amending s. 23.1225,
3    F.S.; revising the types of agreements that constitute
4    mutual aid agreements for purposes of pt. I of ch. 23,
5    F.S., the "Florida Mutual Aid Act"; defining "law
6    enforcement agency" for purposes of the act; revising the
7    persons or entities authorized to enter into a mutual aid
8    agreement; revising provisions, to conform; amending s.
9    282.1095, F.S.; authorizing a member of the Joint Task
10    Force on State Agency Law Enforcement Communications to
11    appoint an alternate; providing for the Department of Law
12    Enforcement and the Department of Community Affairs,
13    Division of Emergency Management, to work in conjunction
14    with the State Technology Office to establish certain
15    policies, procedures, and standards; authorizing the
16    office to make certain mutual aid channels in the state
17    radio communications system available to other agencies;
18    providing for the creation of an interoperability network;
19    providing powers and duties of the office; providing an
20    effective date.
22          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24          Section 1. Section 23.1225, Florida Statutes, is amended
25    to read:
26          23.1225 Mutual aid agreements.--
27          (1) The term "mutual aid agreement," as used in this part,
28    refers to one of the following types of agreement:
29          (a) A voluntary cooperation written agreement between two
30    or more law enforcement agencies that, or between one or more
31    law enforcement agencies and either a school board that employs
32    school safety officers or a state university that employs or
33    appoints university police officers in accordance with s.
34    1012.97, which agreementpermits voluntary cooperation and
35    assistance of a routine law enforcement nature across
36    jurisdictional lines. The agreement must specify the nature of
37    the law enforcement assistance to be rendered, the agency or
38    entitythat shall bear any liability arising from acts
39    undertaken under the agreement, the procedures for requesting
40    and for authorizing assistance, the agency or entitythat has
41    command and supervisory responsibility, a time limit for the
42    agreement, the amount of any compensation or reimbursement to
43    the assisting agency or entity, and any other terms and
44    conditions necessary to give it effect. Examples of law
45    enforcement activities that may be addressed in a voluntary
46    cooperation written agreement include, but are not limited to,
47    establishing a joint city-county task force on narcotics
48    smuggling, authorizing school safety officers to enforce laws in
49    an area within 1,000 feet of a school or school board property,
50    or establishing a joint city-county traffic enforcement task
51    force.
52          (b) A requested operational assistance written agreement
53    between two or more law enforcement agencies that, or between
54    one or more law enforcement agencies and either a school board
55    that employs school safety officers or a state university that
56    employs or appoints university police officers in accordance
57    with s. 1012.97, which agreementis for the rendering of
58    assistance in a law enforcement emergency. The agreement must
59    specify the nature of the law enforcement assistance to be
60    rendered, the agency or entitythat shall bear any liability
61    arising from acts undertaken under the agreement, the procedures
62    for requesting and for authorizing assistance, the agency or
63    entitythat has command and supervisory responsibility, a time
64    limit for the agreement, the amount of any compensation or
65    reimbursement to the assisting agency or entity, and any other
66    terms and conditions necessary to give it effect. An example of
67    the use of a requested operational assistance written agreement
68    is to meet a request for assistance due to a civil disturbance
69    or other emergency as defined in s. 252.34.
70          (c) A combination of the agreements described in
71    paragraphs (a) and (b).
72          (2) For the purposes of this section, "law enforcement
73    agency" means any agency, unit of government, or municipality,
74    or the state or any political subdivision or agency thereof,
75    that has constitutional or statutory authority to employ or
76    appoint persons as law enforcement officers as defined in s.
77    943.10(1).
78          (3)(2)A mutual aid agreement may allow for discretion by
79    the parties as to when, whether, and to what extent assistance
80    will be available.
81          (4)(3) A mutual aid agreement may be entered into by a law
82    enforcement agency upon written agreement by the chief executive
83    officer of such agency having authority to bind the agency:
84          (a) A sheriff;
85          (b) A mayor or chief executive officer of a municipality
86    or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, if authorized
87    by the governing body of the municipality or county;
88          (c) A school board that employs school safety officers; or
89          (d) A state university that employs or appoints university
90    police officers in accordance with s. 1012.97.
91          (5)(4)A copy of a mutual aid agreement must be filed with
92    the Department of Law Enforcement within 14 days after it is
93    signed.
94          (6)(5)In the event of a disaster or emergency such that a
95    state of emergency is declared by the Governor pursuant to
96    chapter 252, the requirement that a requested operational
97    assistance agreement be a written agreement for rendering of
98    assistance in a law enforcement emergency may be waived by the
99    participating agencies for a period of up to 90 days from the
100    declaration of the disaster.
101          (a) When a law enforcement agency, a school board
102    employing school safety officers, or a state university
103    employing or appointing university police officers in accordance
104    with s. 1012.97lends assistance pursuant to this subsection,
105    all powers, privileges, and immunities listed in s. 23.127,
106    except with regard to interstate mutual aid agreements, apply to
107    the agency or entity, provided that the law enforcement, school
108    board, or universityemployees rendering services are being
109    requested and coordinated by the affected local law enforcement
110    executive in charge of law enforcement operations.
111          (b) A listing of such agencies or entitiesand the
112    officers and employees of such agencies or entitiesrendering
113    assistance pursuant to this subsection must be maintained by the
114    agency or entityrequesting such assistance and filed at the end
115    of the 90-day period with the Florida Department of Law
116    Enforcement.
117          Section 2. Section 282.1095, Florida Statutes, is amended
118    to read:
119          282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system and
120    interoperability network.--
121          (1) The State Technology Office may acquire and implement
122    a statewide radio communications system to serve law enforcement
123    units of state agencies, and to serve local law enforcement
124    agencies through a mutual aid channelschannel. The Joint Task
125    Force on State Agency Law Enforcement Communications is
126    established in the State Technology Office to advise the office
127    of member-agency needs for the planning, designing, and
128    establishment of the joint system. The State Agency Law
129    Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund is established in the State
130    Technology Office. The trust fund shall be funded from
131    surcharges collected under ss. 320.0802 and 328.72.
132          (2)(a) The Joint Task Force on State Agency Law
133    Enforcement Communications shall consist of eight members, as
134    follows:
135          1. A representative of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages
136    and Tobacco of the Department of Business and Professional
137    Regulation who shall be appointed by the secretary of the
138    department.
139          2. A representative of the Division of Florida Highway
140    Patrol of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
141    who shall be appointed by the executive director of the
142    department.
143          3. A representative of the Department of Law Enforcement
144    who shall be appointed by the executive director of the
145    department.
146          4. A representative of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation
147    Commission who shall be appointed by the executive director of
148    the commission.
149          5. A representative of the Division of Law Enforcement of
150    the Department of Environmental Protection who shall be
151    appointed by the secretary of the department.
152          6. A representative of the Department of Corrections who
153    shall be appointed by the secretary of the department.
154          7. A representative of the Division of State Fire Marshal
155    of the Department of Insurance who shall be appointed by the
156    State Fire Marshal.
157          8. A representative of the Department of Transportation
158    who shall be appointed by the secretary of the department.
159          (b) Each appointed member of the joint task force shall
160    serve at the pleasure of the appointing official. Any vacancy
161    on the joint task force shall be filled in the same manner as
162    the original appointment. Any joint task force member may, upon
163    notification to the chair prior to the beginning of any
164    scheduled meeting, appoint an alternative to represent the
165    member on the task force and vote on task force business in his
166    or her absence.
167          (c) The joint task force shall elect a chair from among
168    its members to serve a 1-year term. A vacancy in the chair of
169    the joint task force must be filled for the remainder of the
170    unexpired term by an election of the joint task force members.
171          (d) The joint task force shall meet as necessary, but at
172    least quarterly, at the call of the chair and at the time and
173    place designated by him or her.
174          (e) The per diem and travel expenses incurred by a member
175    of the joint task force in attending its meetings and in
176    attending to its affairs shall be paid pursuant to s. 112.061,
177    from funds budgeted to the state agency that the member
178    represents.
179          (f) The State Technology Office is hereby authorized to
180    rent or lease space on any tower under its control. The office
181    may also rent, lease, or sublease ground space as necessary to
182    locate equipment to support antennae on the towers. The costs
183    for use of such space shall be established by the office for
184    each site, when it is determined to be practicable and feasible
185    to make space available. The office may refuse to lease space on
186    any tower at any site. All moneys collected by the office for
187    such rents, leases, and subleases shall be deposited directly
188    into the Law Enforcement Radio Operating Trust Fund and may be
189    used by the office to construct, maintain, or support the
190    system.
191          (g) The State Technology Office is hereby authorized to
192    rent, lease, or sublease ground space on lands acquired by the
193    office for the construction of privately owned or publicly owned
194    towers. The office may, as a part of such rental, lease, or
195    sublease agreement, require space on said tower or towers for
196    antennae as may be necessary for the construction and operation
197    of the state agency law enforcement radio system or any other
198    state need. The positions necessary for the office to accomplish
199    its duties under this paragraph and paragraph (f) shall be
200    established in the General Appropriations Act and shall be
201    funded by the Law Enforcement Radio Operating Trust Fund or
202    other revenue sources.
203          (h) The State Technology Office may make the mutual aid
204    channels in the statewide radio communications system available
205    to federal agencies, state agencies, and agencies of the
206    political subdivisions of the state for the purpose of public
207    safety and domestic security. The office shall exercise its
208    powers and duties, as specified in this chapter, to plan,
209    manage, and administer the mutual aid channels. The office
210    shall, in implementing such powers and duties, act in
211    consultation and conjunction with the Department of Law
212    Enforcement and the Division of Emergency Management of the
213    Department of Community Affairs, and shall manage and administer
214    the mutual aid channels in a manner that reasonably addresses
215    the needs and concerns of the involved law enforcement agencies
216    and emergency response agencies and entities.
217          (3) Upon appropriation, moneys in the trust fund may be
218    used by the office to acquire by competitive procurement the
219    equipment; software; and engineering, administrative, and
220    maintenance services it needs to construct, operate, and
221    maintain the statewide radio system. Moneys in the trust fund
222    collected as a result of the surcharges set forth in ss.
223    320.0802 and 328.72 shall be used to help fund the costs of the
224    system. Upon completion of the system, moneys in the trust fund
225    may also be used by the office to provide for payment of the
226    recurring maintenance costs of the system.
227          (4)(a) The office shall, in conjunction with the
228    Department of Law Enforcement and the Division of Emergency
229    Management of the Department of Community Affairs,establish
230    policies, procedures, and standards which shall be incorporated
231    into a comprehensive management plan for the use and operation
232    of the statewide radio communications system.
233          (b) The joint task force, in consultation with the office,
234    shall have the authority to permit other state agencies to use
235    the communications system, under terms and conditions
236    established by the joint task force.
237          (5) The office shall provide technical support to the
238    joint task force and shall bear the overall responsibility for
239    the design, engineering, acquisition, and implementation of the
240    statewide radio communications system and for ensuring the
241    proper operation and maintenance of all system common equipment.
242          (6)(a) The State Technology Office may create and
243    implement an interoperability network to enable interoperability
244    between various radio communications technologies and to serve
245    federal agencies, state agencies, and agencies of political
246    subdivisions of the state for the purpose of public safety and
247    domestic security. The office shall, in conjunction with the
248    Department of Law Enforcement and the Division of Emergency
249    Management of the Department of Community Affairs, exercise its
250    powers and duties pursuant to this chapter to plan, manage, and
251    administer the interoperability network. The office may:
252          1. Enter into mutual aid agreements among federal
253    agencies, state agencies, and political subdivisions of the
254    state for the use of the interoperability network.
255          2. Establish the cost of maintenance and operation of the
256    interoperability network and charge subscribing federal and
257    local law enforcement agencies for access and use of the
258    network. The State Technology Office may not charge state law
259    enforcement agencies identified in paragraph(2)(a) to use the
260    network.
261          3. In consultation with the Department of Law Enforcement
262    and the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of
263    Community Affairs, amend and enhance the statewide radio
264    communications system as necessary to implement the
265    interoperability network.
266          (b) The State Technology Office, in consultation with the
267    Joint Task Force on State Agency Law Enforcement Communications,
268    and in conjunction with the Department of Law Enforcement and
269    the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of
270    Community Affairs, shall establish policies, procedures, and
271    standards to incorporate into a comprehensive management plan
272    for the use and operation of the interoperability network.
273          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.