Senate Bill sb1924c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator Clary


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to financial services; revising

  3         provisions relating to mortgage brokerage and

  4         mortgage lending; amending s. 494.0029, F.S.;

  5         specifying nontransferability of certain

  6         permits; providing requirements for changes in

  7         certain ownerships or controlling interests;

  8         providing for cancellation and reinstatement of

  9         certain permits; amending s. 494.00295, F.S.;

10         clarifying certain professional education

11         provisions as continuing education; amending s.

12         494.003, F.S.; clarifying types of financial

13         institutions eligible for exemptions from

14         application of certain provisions; amending s.

15         494.0031, F.S.; authorizing the Financial

16         Services Commission to require information from

17         applicants for licensure; specifying

18         nontransferability of certain licenses;

19         providing requirements for changes in certain

20         ownerships or controlling interests; amending

21         s. 494.0032, F.S.; providing for electronic

22         filing of certain license renewal forms;

23         providing for cancellation and reinstatement of

24         certain licenses; amending s. 494.0033, F.S.;

25         revising mortgage broker licensure

26         requirements; providing for third-party

27         administration of certain tests; authorizing

28         the commission to waive an examination

29         requirement for certain individuals under

30         certain circumstances; authorizing the

31         commission to assess a fee; amending s.


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 1         494.0034, F.S.; providing for electronic filing

 2         of certain license renewal forms; providing for

 3         cancellation and reinstatement of certain

 4         licenses; amending s. 494.0036, F.S.;

 5         clarifying a provision for issuance of a

 6         mortgage brokerage business branch office

 7         license; amending s. 494.006, F.S.; clarifying

 8         types of financial institutions eligible for

 9         exemptions from application of certain

10         provisions; amending s. 494.0061, F.S.;

11         clarifying application of certain accounting

12         principles; providing requirements for changes

13         in certain ownerships or controlling interests;

14         providing for third-party administration of

15         certain tests; authorizing the commission to

16         waive an examination requirement for certain

17         individuals under certain circumstances;

18         authorizing the commission to assess a fee;

19         amending s. 494.0062, F.S.; authorizing the

20         commission or the Office of Financial

21         Institutions and Securities Regulation to

22         require information from applicants for

23         licensure; clarifying application of certain

24         accounting principles; providing requirements

25         for changes in certain ownerships or

26         controlling interests; providing for

27         third-party administration of certain tests;

28         authorizing the department to waive an

29         examination requirement for certain individuals

30         under certain circumstances; authorizing the

31         commission to assess a fee; amending s.


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 1         494.0064, F.S.; providing for electronic filing

 2         of certain license renewal forms; clarifying

 3         certain professional education provisions as

 4         continuing education; providing for

 5         cancellation and reinstatement of certain

 6         licenses; amending s. 494.0065, F.S.;

 7         clarifying application of certain accounting

 8         principles; providing education and testing

 9         requirements for principal representatives;

10         authorizing the commission to waive an

11         examination requirement for certain individuals

12         under certain circumstances; authorizing the

13         commission to assess a fee; requiring mortgage

14         lenders to designate a principal representative

15         for certain purposes; requiring the office to

16         be notified of the designation and education of

17         principal representatives; providing for

18         cancellation and reinstatement of certain

19         licenses; amending s. 494.0066, F.S.; providing

20         for cancellation and reinstatement of certain

21         licenses; amending s. 494.0067, F.S.;

22         clarifying certain professional education

23         provisions as continuing education; amending

24         ss. 494.0016, 516.12, 520.997, and 537.009,

25         F.S.; revising the authority to regulate

26         certain licensees; authorizing the commission

27         to provide by rule requirements for destruction

28         of certain information; authorizing the

29         commission to prescribe by rule certain minimum

30         information to be shown in certain documents;

31         amending s. 517.12, F.S.; specifying an


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 1         additional depository for certain fees and

 2         documents required for registration of certain

 3         securities licensees; providing an effective

 4         date.


 6  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 8         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 494.0029, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (4) and (5) are added to

10  that section, to read:

11         494.0029  Mortgage business schools.--

12         (1)  Each person, school, or institution, except

13  accredited colleges, universities, community colleges, and

14  area technical centers in this state, which offers or conducts

15  mortgage business training as a condition precedent to

16  licensure as a mortgage broker, mortgage or lender, or a

17  correspondent mortgage lender shall obtain a permit from the

18  office department and abide by the regulations imposed upon

19  such person, school, or institution by this chapter and rules

20  adopted pursuant to this chapter. The commission department

21  shall, by rule, recertify the permits annually with initial

22  and renewal permit fees that do not exceed $500 plus the cost

23  of accreditation.

24         (4)  A permit issued under this section is not

25  transferable or assignable. Any person who, directly or

26  indirectly, seeks to own, control, or hold with power to vote,

27  or holds proxies representing 50 percent or greater of any

28  class of equity securities or ultimate equitable ownership of

29  a mortgage business school, shall file a new application for

30  and be approved for licensure prior to the effective date of

31  the change in ownership or controlling interest.


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 1         (5)  If an initial mortgage business school permit or

 2  renewal permit has been issued but the check upon which the

 3  license is based is returned for any reason, the permit shall

 4  be deemed canceled. A permit deemed canceled pursuant to this

 5  subsection shall be reinstated if the department receives a

 6  certified check for the appropriate amount within 30 days

 7  after the date the check was returned.

 8         Section 2.  Section 494.00295, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         494.00295  Professional continuing education.--

11         (1)  Each mortgage broker, mortgage lender, and

12  correspondent mortgage lender must certify to the office

13  department at the time of renewal that during the 2 years

14  prior to an application for license renewal, all mortgage

15  brokers and the principal representative and, loan

16  originators, and associates of a mortgage lender or

17  correspondent mortgage lender have successfully completed at

18  least 14 hours of professional continuing education programs

19  covering primary and subordinate mortgage financing

20  transactions and the provisions of this chapter. Licensees

21  shall maintain records documenting compliance with this

22  subsection for a period of 4 years.

23         (2)  Professional continuing education programs must

24  contribute directly to the professional competency of the

25  participants, may only be offered by permitted mortgage

26  business schools or entities specifically exempted from

27  permitting as mortgage business schools, and may include

28  electronically transmitted or distance education courses.

29         (3)  The commission department shall adopt rules

30  necessary to administer this section, including rules

31  governing qualifying hours for professional continuing


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 1  education programs and standards for electronically

 2  transmitted or distance education courses, including course

 3  completion requirements.

 4         Section 3.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1)

 5  and paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section 494.003,

 6  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 7         494.003  Exemptions.--

 8         (1)  None of the following persons is subject to the

 9  requirements of ss. 494.003-494.0043:

10         (b)  A state or federal chartered bank, bank holding

11  company formed or regulated under the laws of the United

12  States or the various states, trust company, savings and loan

13  association, savings bank, credit union, or consumer finance

14  company licensed pursuant to chapter 516.

15         (c)  A wholly owned bank holding company subsidiary

16  formed or regulated under the laws of the United States or the

17  various states or a wholly owned savings and loan association

18  holding company subsidiary that is approved or certified by

19  the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Veterans

20  Administration, the Government National Mortgage Association,

21  the Federal National Mortgage Association, or the Federal Home

22  Loan Mortgage Corporation.

23         (2)  None of the following persons is required to be

24  licensed under ss. 494.003-494.0043:

25         (e)  A wholly owned subsidiary of a state or federal

26  chartered bank or savings and loan association the sole

27  activity of which is to distribute the lending programs of

28  such state or federal chartered bank or savings and loan

29  association to persons who arrange loans for, or make loans

30  to, borrowers.



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 1         Section 4.  Subsections (1), (3), and (5) of section

 2  494.0031, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (6) is

 3  added to that section, to read:

 4         494.0031  Licensure as a mortgage brokerage business.--

 5         (1)  The commission or the office may require each

 6  applicant for a mortgage brokerage business license to provide

 7  any information reasonably necessary to make a determination

 8  of the applicant's eligibility for licensure. The office

 9  department shall issue a mortgage brokerage business license

10  to each person who:

11         (a)  Has submitted a completed application form and a

12  nonrefundable application fee of $425; and

13         (b)  Has a qualified principal broker pursuant to s.

14  494.0035.

15         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

16  it is a ground for denial of licensure if the designated

17  principal mortgage broker; any officer, director, partner, or

18  joint venturer; any natural person owning a 10-percent or

19  greater interest in the mortgage brokerage business; or any

20  natural person who is the ultimate equitable owner of a

21  10-percent or greater interest in the mortgage brokerage

22  business has committed any violation specified in ss.

23  494.001-494.0077 or has pending against him or her any

24  criminal prosecution or administrative enforcement action, in

25  any jurisdiction, which involves fraud, dishonest dealing, or

26  any other act of moral turpitude.

27         (5)  If an initial mortgage brokerage business or

28  branch office license has been issued but the check upon which

29  the license is based is returned for any reason due to

30  insufficient funds, the license shall be deemed canceled. A

31  license deemed canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be


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 1  reinstated if the office department receives a certified check

 2  for the appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the

 3  check was returned due to insufficient funds.

 4         (6)  A license issued under ss. 494.003-494.0043 is not

 5  transferable or assignable. Any person or persons who,

 6  directly or indirectly, seek to own, control, or hold with

 7  power to vote, or hold proxies representing 50 percent or

 8  greater of any class of equity securities or ultimate

 9  equitable ownership of a mortgage brokerage business, shall

10  file a new application for and be approved for licensure prior

11  to the effective date of the change in ownership or

12  controlling interest.

13         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

14  494.0032, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (4) is

15  added to that section, to read:

16         494.0032  Renewal of mortgage brokerage business

17  license or branch office license.--

18         (1)  The office department shall renew a mortgage

19  brokerage business license upon receipt of an electronically

20  filed a completed renewal form and payment of a nonrefundable

21  renewal fee of $375. Each licensee shall pay at the time of

22  renewal a nonrefundable renewal fee of $225 for the renewal of

23  each branch office license.

24         (2)  The commission department shall adopt rules

25  establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of mortgage

26  brokerage business licenses and branch office licenses. The

27  commission department may prescribe the electronic format form

28  for renewal and may require an update of all information

29  provided in the licensee's initial application.

30         (4)  If the renewal of a mortgage brokerage business or

31  branch office license has been issued but the check upon which


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 1  the license is based is returned for any reason, the license

 2  shall be deemed canceled. A license deemed canceled pursuant

 3  to this subsection shall be reinstated if the department

 4  receives a certified check for the appropriate amount within

 5  30 days after the date the check was returned.

 6         Section 6.  Subsection (1), paragraphs (b) and (c) of

 7  subsection (2), and subsection (7) of section 494.0033,

 8  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 9         494.0033  Mortgage broker's license.--

10         (1)  Each natural person who acts as a mortgage broker

11  for a mortgage brokerage business or acts as an associate for

12  a mortgage lender or correspondent mortgage lender must be

13  licensed pursuant to this section. To act as a mortgage

14  broker, an individual must be an associate of a mortgage

15  brokerage business, mortgage lender, or correspondent mortgage

16  lender. A mortgage broker is prohibited from being an

17  associate of more than one mortgage brokerage business,

18  mortgage lender, or correspondent mortgage lender.

19         (2)  Each initial application for a mortgage broker's

20  license must be in the form prescribed by rule of the

21  commission department. The commission or office department may

22  require each applicant to provide any information reasonably

23  necessary to make a determination of the applicant's

24  eligibility for licensure. The office department shall issue

25  an initial license to any natural person who:

26         (b)  Has passed a written test, pursuant to rules of

27  the commission adopted by the and administered by the office

28  or a third party approved by the office, department which is

29  designed to determine competency in primary and subordinate

30  mortgage financing transactions as well as to test knowledge

31  of ss. 494.001-494.0077 and the rules adopted pursuant


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 1  thereto. The commission may waive by rule the examination

 2  requirement for any individual who has passed a comparable

 3  test offered by a national group of state mortgage regulators

 4  or a federal governmental agency that covers primary and

 5  subordinate mortgage financing transactions;

 6         (c)  Has submitted a completed application and a

 7  nonrefundable application fee of $200. The commission

 8  department may set by rule an additional fee for taking a

 9  retake of the examination and any retakes required; and

10         (7)  If an initial mortgage broker license has been

11  issued but the check upon which the license is based is

12  returned for any reason due to insufficient funds, the license

13  shall be deemed canceled. A license deemed canceled pursuant

14  to this subsection shall be reinstated if the office

15  department receives a certified check for the appropriate

16  amount within 30 days after the date the check was returned

17  due to insufficient funds.

18         Section 7.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

19  494.0034, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (4) is

20  added to that section, to read:

21         494.0034  Renewal of mortgage broker's license.--

22         (1)  The office department shall renew a mortgage

23  broker license upon receipt of an electronically filed the

24  completed renewal form, certification of compliance with

25  continuing education requirements of s. 494.00295, and payment

26  of a nonrefundable renewal fee of $150.

27         (2)  The commission department shall adopt rules

28  establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of mortgage

29  broker's licenses. The commission department may prescribe the

30  electronic format form of the renewal application and may



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1  require an update of information since the licensee's last

 2  renewal.

 3         (4)  If the renewal of a mortgage broker license has

 4  been issued but the check upon which the license is based is

 5  returned for any reason, the license shall be deemed canceled.

 6  A license deemed canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be

 7  reinstated if the office receives a certified check for the

 8  appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the check was

 9  returned.

10         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 494.0036, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         494.0036  Mortgage brokerage business branch offices.--

13         (2)  The office department shall issue a mortgage

14  brokerage business branch office license to any licensee, if

15  the office has determined that the licensee has submitted upon

16  receipt of a completed application in a form as prescribed by

17  commission department rule and has paid payment of an initial

18  nonrefundable branch office license fee of $225. Branch office

19  licenses must be renewed in conjunction with the renewal of

20  the mortgage brokerage business license. The branch office

21  license shall be issued in the name of the mortgage brokerage

22  business that maintains the branch office.

23         Section 9.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (1)

24  and paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 494.006,

25  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

26         494.006  Exemptions.--

27         (1)  None of the following persons are subject to the

28  requirements of ss. 494.006-494.0077 in order to act as a

29  mortgage lender or correspondent mortgage lender:

30         (a)  A state or federal chartered bank, bank holding

31  company formed or regulated under the laws of the United


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 1  States or the various states, trust company, savings and loan

 2  association, savings bank, credit union, or insurance company

 3  if the insurance company is duly licensed in this state.

 4         (c)  A wholly owned bank holding company subsidiary

 5  formed or regulated under the laws of the United States or the

 6  various states or a wholly owned savings and loan association

 7  holding company subsidiary that is approved or certified by

 8  the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Veterans

 9  Administration, the Government National Mortgage Association,

10  the Federal National Mortgage Association, or the Federal Home

11  Loan Mortgage Corporation.

12         (2)(a)  A natural person employed by a mortgage lender

13  or correspondent mortgage lender licensed under ss.

14  494.001-494.0077 is exempt from the licensure requirements of

15  ss. 494.001-494.0077 when acting within the scope of

16  employment with the licensee.

17         Section 10.  Subsections (1), (5), (7), (9), and (10)

18  of section 494.0061, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

19         494.0061  Mortgage lender's license requirements.--

20         (1)  The commission or office department may require

21  each applicant for a mortgage lender license to provide any

22  information reasonably necessary to make a determination of

23  the applicant's eligibility for licensure. The office

24  department shall issue an initial mortgage lender license to

25  any person that submits:

26         (a)  A completed application form;

27         (b)  A nonrefundable application fee of $575;

28         (c)  Audited financial statements, which documents

29  disclose that the applicant has a bona fide and verifiable net

30  worth, pursuant to accounting principles generally accepted in

31  the United States accounting principles, of at least $250,000,


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 1  which must be continuously maintained as a condition of

 2  licensure;

 3         (d)  A surety bond in the amount of $10,000, payable to

 4  the state and conditioned upon compliance with ss.

 5  494.001-494.0077, which inures to the department and which

 6  must be continuously maintained thereafter in full force;

 7         (e)  Documentation that the applicant is duly

 8  incorporated, registered, or otherwise formed as a general

 9  partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company,

10  or other lawful entity under the laws of this state or another

11  state of the United States; and

12         (f)  For applications submitted after October 1, 2001,

13  proof that the applicant's principal representative has

14  completed 24 hours of classroom instruction in primary and

15  subordinate financing transactions and in the provisions of

16  this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter.

17         (5)  A license issued in accordance with ss.

18  494.006-494.0077 is not transferable or assignable. Any person

19  or persons who, directly or indirectly, seek to own, control,

20  or hold with power to vote, or hold proxies representing 50

21  percent or greater of any class of equity securities or

22  ultimate equitable ownership of a mortgage lender, shall file

23  a new application for and be approved for licensure prior to

24  the effective date of the change in ownership or controlling

25  interest.

26         (7)  If an initial mortgage lender or branch office

27  license has been issued but the check upon which the license

28  is based is returned for any reason due to insufficient funds,

29  the license shall be deemed canceled. A license deemed

30  canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be reinstated if

31  the office department receives a certified check for the


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 1  appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the check was

 2  returned due to insufficient funds.

 3         (9)  After October 1, 2001, an applicant's principal

 4  representative must pass a written test, pursuant to rules of

 5  the commission and administered by the office or a third party

 6  approved by the office, prescribed by the department which

 7  covers primary and subordinate mortgage financing transactions

 8  and the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted under

 9  this chapter. The commission may waive the examination

10  requirement for any individual who has passed a comparable

11  test offered by a national group of state mortgage regulators

12  or a federal governmental agency that covers primary and

13  subordinate mortgage financing transactions. The commission

14  may set by rule a fee for taking the examination and any

15  retakes required.

16         (10)  A lender shall notify the office department of

17  the name and address of any new principal representative and

18  shall document that the person has completed the educational

19  and testing requirements of this section within 90 days after

20  upon the designation of a new principal representative.

21         Section 11.  Subsections (1), (3), (8), (10), (12), and

22  (13) of section 494.0062, Florida Statutes, are amended to

23  read:

24         494.0062  Correspondent mortgage lender's license

25  requirements.--

26         (1)  The commission or office may require each

27  applicant for a correspondent mortgage lender license to

28  provide any information reasonably necessary to make a

29  determination of the applicant's eligibility for licensure.

30  The office department shall issue an initial correspondent

31  mortgage lender license to any person who submits:


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 1         (a)  A completed application form;

 2         (b)  A nonrefundable application fee of $500;

 3         (c)  Audited financial statements, which document that

 4  the application has a bona fide and verifiable net worth,

 5  pursuant to accounting principles generally accepted in the

 6  United States, accounting principles of $25,000 or more, which

 7  must be continuously maintained as a condition of licensure;

 8         (d)  A surety bond in the amount of $10,000, payable to

 9  the State of Florida and conditioned upon compliance with ss.

10  494.001-494.0077, which inures to the office department and

11  which must be continuously maintained, thereafter, in full

12  force;

13         (e)  Documentation that the applicant is duly

14  incorporated, registered, or otherwise formed as a general

15  partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company,

16  or other lawful entity under the laws of this state or another

17  state of the United States; and

18         (f)  For applications filed after October 1, 2001,

19  proof that the applicant's principal representative has

20  completed 24 hours of classroom instruction in primary and

21  subordinate financing transactions and in the provisions of

22  this chapter and rules enacted under this chapter.

23         (3)  Each initial application for a correspondent

24  mortgage lender's license must be in a form prescribed by the

25  commission department. The department may require each

26  applicant to provide any information reasonably necessary to

27  make a determination of the applicant's eligibility for

28  licensure. The commission or office department may require

29  that each officer, director, and ultimate equitable owner of a

30  10-percent or greater interest submit a complete set of

31  fingerprints taken by an authorized law enforcement officer.


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 1         (8)  A license issued under this section is not

 2  transferable or assignable. Any person or persons who,

 3  directly or indirectly, seek to own, control, or hold with

 4  power to vote, or hold proxies representing 50 percent or

 5  greater of any class of equity securities or ultimate

 6  equitable ownership of a correspondent mortgage lender, shall

 7  file a new application for and be approved for licensure prior

 8  to the effective date of the change in ownership or

 9  controlling interest.

10         (10)  If an initial correspondent mortgage lender or

11  branch office license has been issued but the check upon which

12  the license is based is returned for any reason due to

13  insufficient funds, the license shall be deemed canceled. A

14  license deemed canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be

15  reinstated if the office department receives a certified check

16  for the appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the

17  check was returned due to insufficient funds.

18         (12)  After October 1, 2001, an applicant's principal

19  representative must pass a written test, pursuant to rules of

20  the commission and administered by the office or a third party

21  approved by the office, prescribed by the department which

22  covers primary and subordinate mortgage financing transactions

23  and the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted under

24  this chapter. The commission may waive the examination

25  requirement for any individual who has passed a comparable

26  test offered by a national group of state mortgage regulators

27  or a federal governmental agency that covers primary and

28  subordinate mortgage financing transactions. The commission

29  may set by rule a fee for taking the examination and any

30  retakes required.



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 1         (13)  A correspondent lender shall notify the office

 2  department of the name and address of any new principal

 3  representative and shall document that such person has

 4  completed the educational and testing requirements of this

 5  section within 90 days after upon the lender's designation of

 6  a new principal representative.

 7         Section 12.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

 8  494.0064, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (5) is

 9  added to that section, to read:

10         494.0064  Renewal of mortgage lender's license; branch

11  office license renewal.--

12         (1)(a)  The office department shall renew a mortgage

13  lender license upon receipt of an electronically filed a

14  completed renewal form and the nonrefundable renewal fee of

15  $575. The office department shall renew a correspondent lender

16  license upon receipt of an electronically filed a completed

17  renewal form and a nonrefundable renewal fee of $475. Each

18  licensee shall pay at the time of renewal a nonrefundable fee

19  of $325 for the renewal of each branch office license.

20         (b)  A licensee shall also submit, as part of the

21  renewal form, certification that during the preceding 2 years

22  the licensee's principal representative and, loan originators,

23  and associates have completed the professional continuing

24  education requirements of s. 494.00295.

25         (2)  The commission department shall adopt rules

26  establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of mortgage

27  lender's licenses, correspondent lender's licenses, and branch

28  office permits. The commission department may prescribe the

29  electronic format form for renewal and may require an update

30  of all information provided in the licensee's initial

31  application.


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 1         (5)  If the renewal of a mortgage lender, correspondent

 2  mortgage lender, or branch office license has been issued but

 3  the check upon which the license is based is returned for any

 4  reason, the license shall be deemed canceled. A license deemed

 5  canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be reinstated if

 6  the office receives a certified check for the appropriate

 7  amount within 30 days after the date the check was returned.

 8         Section 13.  Subsections (2) and (5) of section

 9  494.0065, Florida Statutes, are amended, paragraphs (c) and

10  (d) are added to subsection (4) of that section, and

11  subsections (9), (10), and (11) are added to that section, to

12  read:

13         494.0065  Saving clause.--

14         (2)  A licensee issued a license pursuant to subsection

15  (1) may renew its mortgage lending license if it documents a

16  minimum net worth of $25,000, according to accounting

17  principles generally accepted in the United States accounting

18  principles, which must be continuously maintained as a

19  condition to licensure. The office department shall require an

20  audited financial statement which documents such net worth.

21         (4)

22         (c)  For any transfer applications filed after October

23  1, 2001, proof shall be required that the applicant's

24  principal representative has completed 24 hours of classroom

25  instruction in primary and subordinate financing transactions

26  and in the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted under

27  this chapter.

28         (d)  For any transfer applications filed after October

29  1, 2001, an applicant's principal representative must pass a

30  written test, pursuant to rules adopted by the commission and

31  administered by the office or a third party approved by the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1  office, which covers primary and subordinate mortgage

 2  financing transactions and the provisions of this chapter and

 3  rules adopted under this chapter. The commission may waive the

 4  examination requirement for any individual who has passed a

 5  comparable test offered by a national group of state mortgage

 6  regulators or a federal governmental agency that covers

 7  primary and subordinate mortgage financing transactions. The

 8  commission may set by rule a fee for taking the examination

 9  and any retakes required.

10         (5)  The commission or office department may require

11  each applicant for any transfer to provide any information

12  reasonably necessary to make a determination of the

13  applicant's eligibility for licensure. The office department

14  shall issue the transfer of licensure to any person who

15  submits the following documentation at least 90 days prior to

16  the anticipated transfer:

17         (a)  A completed application form.

18         (b)  A nonrefundable fee set by rule of the commission

19  department in the amount of $575 $500.

20         (c)  Audited financial statements that substantiate

21  that the applicant has a bona fide and verifiable net worth,

22  according to accounting principles generally accepted in the

23  United States accounting principles, of at least $25,000,

24  which must be continuously maintained as a condition of

25  licensure.

26         (d)  Documentation that the applicant is incorporated,

27  registered, or otherwise formed as a general partnership,

28  limited partnership, limited liability company, or other

29  lawful entity under the laws of this state or another state of

30  the United States.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1         (e)  For applications filed after October 1, 2001,

 2  proof that the applicant's principal representative has

 3  completed 24 hours of classroom instruction in primary and

 4  subordinate financing transactions and in the provisions of

 5  this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter.

 6         (f)  For applications filed after October 1, 2001,

 7  proof that the applicant's principal representative has passed

 8  a written test, pursuant to rules adopted by the commission

 9  and administered by the office or a third party approved by

10  the office, which covers primary and subordinate mortgage

11  financing transactions and the provisions of this chapter and

12  rules adopted under this chapter. The commission may waive the

13  examination requirement for any individual who has passed a

14  comparable test offered by a national group of state mortgage

15  regulators or a federal governmental agency that covers

16  primary and subordinate mortgage financing transactions. The

17  commission may set by rule a fee for taking the examination

18  and any retakes required.


20  The commission or office department may require that each

21  officer, director, and ultimate equitable owner of a

22  10-percent or greater interest in the applicant submit a

23  complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law

24  enforcement officer.

25         (9)  Each mortgage lender shall designate a principal

26  representative who exercises control over the business and

27  shall maintain a form prescribed by the commission designating

28  the principal representative. If the form is not accurately

29  maintained, the business is considered to be operated by each

30  officer, director, or equitable owner of a 10-percent or

31  greater interest in the business.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1         (10)  A lender shall notify the office of the name and

 2  address of any new principal representative and shall document

 3  that the person has completed the educational and testing

 4  requirements of this section within 90 days after the

 5  designation of a new principal representative.

 6         (11)  If a change of control license, branch office

 7  license, or lender or branch office renewal license has been

 8  issued but the check upon which the license is based is

 9  returned for any reason, the license shall be deemed canceled.

10  A license deemed canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be

11  reinstated if the office receives a certified check for the

12  appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the check was

13  returned.

14         Section 14.  Section 494.0066, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         494.0066  Branch offices.--

17         (1)  A branch office license is required for each

18  branch office maintained by a licensee under ss.

19  494.006-494.0077.

20         (2)  The office department shall issue a branch office

21  license to any licensee, once the office determines the

22  licensee has submitted upon receipt of a completed application

23  form as prescribed by rule by the commission department and an

24  initial nonrefundable branch office license fee of $325. The

25  branch office application must include the name and license

26  number of the licensee under ss. 494.006-494.0077, the name of

27  the licensee's employee in charge of the branch office, and

28  the address of the branch office. The branch office license

29  shall be issued in the name of the licensee under ss.

30  494.006-494.0077 and must be renewed in conjunction with the

31  license renewal.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1         (3)  If an initial branch office license has been

 2  issued but the check upon which the license is based is

 3  returned for any reason, the license shall be deemed canceled.

 4  A license deemed canceled pursuant to this subsection shall be

 5  reinstated if the office receives a certified check for the

 6  appropriate amount within 30 days after the date the check was

 7  returned.

 8         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (10) of

 9  section 494.0067, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         494.0067  Requirements of licensees under ss.

11  494.006-494.0077.--

12         (10)(a)  Each licensee shall require the principal

13  representative and all loan originators or associates who

14  perform services for the licensee to complete 14 hours of

15  professional continuing education during each biennial license

16  period. The education shall cover primary and subordinate

17  mortgage financing transactions and the provisions of this

18  chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter.

19         Section 16.  Subsection (4) of section 494.0016,

20  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         494.0016  Books, accounts, and records; maintenance;

22  examinations by the office department.--

23         (4)  The commission department may prescribe by rule

24  the minimum information to be shown in the books, accounts,

25  records, and documents of licensees so that such records will

26  enable the office department to determine the licensee's

27  compliance with ss. 494.001-494.0077. In addition, the

28  commission may prescribe by rule the requirements for

29  destruction of books, accounts, records, and documents

30  retained by the licensee after completion of the time period

31  indicated in subsection (3).


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1         Section 17.  Subsection (3) is added to section 516.12,

 2  Florida Statutes, to read:

 3         516.12  Records to be kept by licensee.--

 4         (3)  The commission may prescribe by rule the minimum

 5  information to be shown in the books, accounts, records, and

 6  documents of licensees for purposes of enabling the office to

 7  determine the licensee's compliance with ss. 516.001-516.36.

 8  In addition, the commission may prescribe by rule the

 9  requirements for destruction of books, accounts, records, and

10  documents retained by the licensee after completion of the

11  time period indicated in subsection (1).

12         Section 18.  Subsection (4) of section 520.997, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         520.997  Books, accounts, and records.--

15         (4)  The commission may department is hereby authorized

16  and empowered to prescribe by rule the minimum information to

17  be shown in the books, accounts, and records, and documents of

18  licensees so that such records will enable the office

19  department to determine compliance with the provisions of this

20  chapter. In addition, the commission may prescribe by rule the

21  requirements for destruction of books, accounts, records, and

22  documents retained by the licensee after completion of the

23  time period indicated in subsection (3).

24         Section 19.  Subsection (5) of section 537.009, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         537.009  Recordkeeping; reporting; safekeeping of

27  property.--

28         (5)  The commission department may prescribe by rule

29  the books, accounts, and records, and documents, and the

30  minimum information to be shown in the books, accounts, and

31  records, and documents, of licensees so that such records will


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

 1  enable the office department to determine compliance with the

 2  provisions of this act. In addition, the commission may

 3  prescribe by rule the requirements for destruction of books,

 4  accounts, records, and documents retained by the licensee

 5  after completion of the time period indicated in subsection

 6  (3).

 7         Section 20.  Subsection (15) of section 517.12, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         517.12  Registration of dealers, associated persons,

10  investment advisers, and branch offices.--

11         (15)  In lieu of filing with the office department the

12  applications specified in subsection (6), the fees required by

13  subsection (10), and the termination notices required by

14  subsection (12), the commission department may by rule

15  establish procedures for the deposit of such fees and

16  documents with the Central Registration Depository or the

17  Investment Adviser Registration Depository of the National

18  Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., as developed under

19  contract with the North American Securities Administrators

20  Association, Inc.; provided, however, that such procedures

21  must shall provide the office department with the information

22  and data as required by this section.

23         Section 21.  This act shall take effect October 1,

24  2003.









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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1924

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 1924


 4  The committee substitute does the following:

    -    Provides conforming, statutory changes to reflect the
 6       transfer of all activities relating to the regulation of
         financial institutions, mortgage brokers, finance
 7       companies, and the securities industry from the
         Department of Banking and Finance to the Office of
 8       Financial Institutions and Securities Regulation within
         the Financial Services Commission.
    -    Requires the commission to adopt rules regarding the
10       mortgage brokerage test and allows the office or a third
         party authorized by the office to administer the test,
11       rather than a third party only.

12  -    Authorizes the commission, rather than the office, to
         adopt rules concerning recordkeeping requirements.
    -    Corrects technical errors.



















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.