HB 0193 2003
6          Committee on Education K-20 recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to school readiness; providing legislative
12    findings and purpose; requiring a joint interim study to
13    make recommendations with respect to restructuring the
14    existing school readiness program and creating the new
15    constitutionally required voluntary universal
16    prekindergarten program; providing an effective date.
18          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20          Section 1. Legislative findings and purpose.--
21          (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--
22          (a) The Legislature finds:
23          1. In 1999, the Legislature created s. 411.01, Florida
24    Statutes, the "School Readiness Act," and expressed legislative
25    intent in s. 411.01(2), Florida Statutes, to provide for an
26    integrated and seamless system of school readiness for the
27    state's at-risk and economically disadvantaged birth-to-
28    kindergarten children, a system coordinated with, but separate
29    from, the state's public school system.
30          2. The focus of the new school readiness program was
31    intended to be appropriate early education, not child care. All
32    programs receiving public funds for school readiness programs
33    were charged with transitioning to the education focus. A
34    statewide board, the Florida Partnership for School Readiness,
35    and local school readiness coalitions were directed to
36    accomplish the intent of the new system.
37          (b) Due to a variety of reasons, the School Readiness Act
38    has failed to be fully implemented in the 4 years since its
39    enactment, as noted in the Office of Program Policy Analysis and
40    Government Accountability report #02-07, entitled "School
41    Readiness Program's Potential Not Realized with Critical Issues
42    Unresolved."
43          (c) Furthermore, there have been indications of
44    inefficiencies, waste of taxpayer dollars at both the state and
45    local levels, and instances of ineligible children being served
46    while eligible children were turned away.
47          (d) In the November 2002 General Election, the voters
48    amended the State Constitution to require, no later than the
49    beginning of the 2005 school year, voluntary universal
50    prekindergarten education for the state's 4-year-old children.
51    The State Constitution includes no eligibility requirements for
52    4-year-old children to participate in the new voluntary
53    universal prekindergarten program. However, the constitutional
54    language stipulates that the new voluntary universal
55    prekindergarten program shall not be funded with funds from any
56    existing education, health, or development program.
57          (e) The 1999 School Readiness Act must now be revisited as
58    part of the process of determining how best to establish and
59    fund the new voluntary universal prekindergarten program for 4-
60    year-old children.
61          (2) LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE.--It is the purpose of the
62    Legislature to:
63          (a) Require, in accordance with provisions and timeframes
64    of this act, a joint interim school readiness study conducted by
65    the State Board of Education, the Office of Program Policy
66    Analysis and Government Accountability, and the Auditor General
67    to assist the Legislature in determining how best to restructure
68    the existing school readiness program, create the new
69    constitutionally required voluntary universal prekindergarten
70    program for 4-year-old children, and efficiently operate and
71    fund both programs.
72          (b) Reexamine the state and local governance structure of
73    the existing school readiness program and prescribe a governance
74    structure that will reduce system bureaucracy; eliminate waste,
75    inefficiency, and duplication; and identify and eliminate
76    obstacles to effective and efficient governance, service
77    delivery, and funding.
78          (c) Prescribe best practices for accomplishing the
79    original legislative intent for the existing school readiness
80    program and for establishing the new voluntary universal
81    prekindergarten program for 4-year-old children in a manner that
82    emphasizes instruction for 4-year-old children in the areas of
83    language, cognitive, and early reading development, based on
84    scientific research and proven instructional and outcome-based
85    assessment practices, so that all 4-year-old children who
86    participate in either program enter school ready to succeed.
87    This should include a recommendation as to the optimal number of
88    hours per day and days per year for voluntary universal
89    prekindergarten education.
90          (d) Prescribe best practices for funding the new voluntary
91    universal prekindergarten program for 4-year-old children in a
92    manner that maximizes the benefit of taxpayer dollars expended
93    on the education of children rather than on system bureaucracy.
94          (e) Assess accountability of school readiness funding
95    based on an audit of funds that have been appropriated by the
96    Legislature for the Florida Partnership for School Readiness for
97    the 2000-2001, 2001-2002, and 2002-2003 fiscal years and the
98    existing school readiness program at the local level for the
99    2001-2002 and 2002-2003 fiscal years. Audit objectives must
100    include a determination of the extent that management controls
101    promoted the achievement of management objectives relating to
102    compliance with controlling laws, rules, and other guidelines;
103    efficient and effective operations; reliability of financial
104    records and reports; and safeguarding of assets. The audit must
105    include, but not be limited to, an identification of waste,
106    inefficiency, and instances of ineligible children being served
107    while eligible children remained on waiting lists. The audit
108    must also include a review of expenditures by the Agency for
109    Workforce Innovation on behalf of the school readiness program.
110          (f) Prescribe a new funding formula for the existing
111    school readiness program that is based on equity for all
112    children eligible for the program and that rewards outcome-based
113    performance.
114          Section 2. Joint interim school readiness study.--The
115    State Board of Education, the Office of Program Policy Analysis
116    and Government Accountability, and the Office of the Auditor
117    General shall collaborate to conduct a joint interim school
118    readiness study to provide the Legislature with findings and
119    recommendations in accordance with the findings, purpose, and
120    requirements of this act.
121          (1) The State Board of Education shall identify best
122    practices in accordance with section 1(2)(a) and (c) of this act
123    and shall report its findings to the Governor, the President of
124    the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no
125    later than October 1, 2003. Best practices shall be based on
126    recommendations of the Florida Center for Reading Research and
127    the reading office of the Department of Education. Best
128    practices must recognize flexibility but must be based on the
129    framework of appropriate scientific research in language and
130    vocabulary skills, phonological awareness, and alphabetic
131    knowledge. Best practices must include a full spectrum of
132    parental choice options among public, private, and faith-based
133    providers, but shall not include the option of offering any
134    existing school readiness program or new voluntary universal
135    prekindergarten program in a school designated as a performance
136    grade category "D" or "F."
137          (2) The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
138    Accountability shall reexamine the existing school readiness
139    program and governance structure in accordance with section
140    1(2)(a) and (b) of this act; identify best practices for funding
141    the new voluntary universal prekindergarten program in
142    accordance with section 1(2)(a) and (d) of this act; recommend a
143    new funding formula for the existing school readiness program in
144    accordance with section 1(2)(a) and (f) of this act; and report
145    its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the President
146    of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
147    no later than January 15, 2004.
148          (3) The Auditor General shall conduct an audit in
149    accordance with the requirements of section 1(2)(a) and (e) of
150    this act and shall include audit procedures as determined
151    necessary by the Auditor General; collaborate with the Office of
152    Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to
153    identify best practices for funding the new voluntary universal
154    prekindergarten program in accordance with section 1(2)(a) and
155    (d) of this act; collaborate, based on the audit performed in
156    accordance with section 1(2)(a) and (e) of this act and other
157    audit results, with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and
158    Government Accountability to recommend a new funding formula for
159    the existing school readiness program in accordance with section
160    1(2)(a) and (f) of this act; and report its findings and
161    recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate,
162    and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than
163    January 15, 2004.
164          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
165    law.