Bill No. HB 1935
Senate House
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12          Representative Johnson offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Remove line(s) 167-223, and insert:
16          Section 2. Effective November 1, 2003, subsections (2) and
17    (3) of section 213.235, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
18          213.235 Determination of interest on deficiencies.--
19          (2) If the adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded
20    to the nearest full percent, plus 4 percentage points,during
21    either:
22          (a) The 6-month period ending on September 30 of any
23    calendar year, or
24          (b) The 6-month period ending on March 31 of any calendar
25    year
27          differs from the interest rate in effect on either such date,
28    the executive director of the department shall, within 20 days,
29    establish an adjusted rate of interest equal to such adjusted
30    prime rate plus 4 percentage points.
31          (3) An adjusted rate of interest established under this
32    section becomes effective:
33          (a) On January 1 of the succeeding year, if based upon the
34    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
35    period ending on September 30; or
36          (b) On July 1 of the same calendar year, if based upon the
37    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
38    period ending on March 31.
39          Section 3. Amendments made by this act to s. 213.235(2)
40    and (3), Florida Statutes, apply to interest due on tax payment
41    deficiencies that arise on or after November 1, 2003, and also
42    apply to interest due on tax payment deficiencies that arose on
43    or after January 1, 2000, but remain unpaid as of November 1,
44    2003. When calculating the rate that takes effect on November 1,
45    2003, the Department shall use in making that calculation the
46    adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded to the nearest
47    full percent, during the 6-month period ending on August 31,
48    2003.
49          Section 4. Effective November 1, 2003, subsections (1),
50    (2), and (3) of section 220.807, Florida Statutes, are amended
51    to read:
52          220.807 Determination of rate of interest.--
53          (1) The annual rate of interest applicable to this chapter
54    shall be the adjusted rate established by the executive director
55    of the Department of Revenue under subsection (2), except that
56    the annual rate of interest shall never be greater than 12
57    percent.
58          (2) If the adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded
59    to the nearest full percent, plus 4 percentage points,during
60    either:
61          (a) The 6-month period ending on September 30 of any
62    calendar year; or
63          (b) The 6-month period ending on March 31 of any calendar
64    year,
66          differs from the interest rate in effect on either such date,
67    the executive director of the Department of Revenue shall,
68    within 20 days, establish an adjusted rate of interest equal to
69    such adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage points.
70          (3) An adjusted rate of interest established under this
71    section shall become effective:
72          (a) On January 1 of the succeeding year, if based upon the
73    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
74    period ending on September 30; or
75          (b) On July 1 of the same calendar year, if based upon the
76    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
77    period ending on March 31.
78          Section 5. Amendments made by this act to s. 220.807(1),
79    (2), and (3), Florida Statutes, apply to interest due on tax
80    payment deficiencies that arise on or after November 1, 2003,
81    and also apply to interest due on tax payment deficiencies that
82    arose on or after January 1, 2000, but remain unpaid as of
83    November 1, 2003. When calculating the rate that takes effect on
84    November 1, 2003, the Department shall use in making that
85    calculation the adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded to
86    the nearest full percent, during the 6-month period ending on
87    August 31, 2003.
88          Section 6. Effective November 1, 2003, subsection (1) of
89    section 202.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
90          202.35 Powers of department in dealing with delinquents;
91    tax to be separately stated.--
92          (1) If any dealer or other person fails to remit the tax,
93    or any portion thereof, on or before the day when the tax is
94    required by law to be paid, there will be added to the amount
95    due interest at the rate calculated pursuant to s. 213.235 of
96    the amount due from the date due until paid, except that the
97    annual rate of interest shall never be greater than 12 percent.
98    Interest on the delinquent tax is to be calculated beginning on
99    the 21st day of the month following the month for which the tax
100    is due, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
101          Section 7. The sum of $485,000 is appropriated from the
103    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
104          Remove line(s) 13 and 14, and insert:
105          prime rate plus 4 percentage points; providing maximum
106    limitations on certain annual interest rates; providing
107    application of certain adjustments; requiring the Department of
108    Revenue to use certain adjusted prime rates in certain
109    calculations; providing legislative intent; amending s. 202.35,
110    F.S.; limiting certain annual rates of interest; providing an
111    appropriation; providing an effective