HB 1935 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to tax administration; directing the
3    Department of Revenue to develop and implement an amnesty
4    program for taxpayers subject to the state and local taxes
5    imposed by chapters 125, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 206,
6    211, 212, 220, 221, 336, 370, 376, 403, 538, 624, 627, and
7    681, F.S.; providing time periods; providing program
8    guidelines; providing for eligible participants; providing
9    for waiver of penalties and interest under specified
10    circumstances; providing for emergency rules; amending ss.
11    213.235 and 220.807, F.S.; providing that the interest
12    rate on certain tax deficiencies shall be an adjusted
13    prime rate plus 4 percentage points; providing legislative
14    intent; providing an appropriation; providing an effective
15    date.
17          WHEREAS, state government should undertake all reasonable
18    efforts to ensure uniform compliance with the existing state
19    revenue laws across the state, and
20          WHEREAS, the Department of Revenue has implemented an
21    integrated tax-administration information system (SUNTAX) that
22    will provide the department with better information on taxpayer
23    compliance, and
24          WHEREAS, the SUNTAX system provides the department with
25    additional capabilities to discover unregistered and
26    noncompliant taxpayers, and
27          WHEREAS, the department is currently using the SUNTAX
28    system to identify areas of noncompliance and to help taxpayers
29    come into full compliance with the law, and
30          WHEREAS, the department expects SUNTAX to be of substantial
31    further benefit in helping to ensure that all taxpayers bear
32    their fair share of the state’s tax burden, and
33          WHEREAS, taxpayers that are not in full compliance with tax
34    laws may be unaware of some aspects of their obligations under
35    Florida law, and
36          WHEREAS, it is the intent of this state to assist taxpayers
37    in fully understanding their tax obligations and in complying
38    with those obligations in ways that place the lowest possible
39    burden on taxpayers, and
40          WHEREAS, the department is aware of circumstances in which
41    taxpayers, often without their knowledge, are not in compliance
42    with the tax laws of the state, and
43          WHEREAS, the Legislature finds and declares that taxpayers
44    should be given an opportunity to come into voluntary compliance
45    before the department undertakes further steps to identify
46    taxpayers that are in noncompliance, and
47          WHEREAS, the Legislature finds and declares that a public
48    purpose is served by the waiver of tax penalties and interest in
49    return for the immediate reporting and payment of previously
50    underreported, unreported, or unpaid tax liabilities, and
51          WHEREAS, the Legislature further finds and declares that
52    among the benefits gained through an amnesty program are
53    increased collection of currently owed taxes and permanently
54    bringing into the tax system taxpayers that have been unaware of
55    or have not been fulfilling their tax obligations, and
56          WHEREAS, to encourage the full payment of taxes owed to the
57    State of Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,
59          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
61          Section 1. (1) No later than July 1, 2003, the Department
62    of Revenue shall develop and implement an amnesty program for
63    taxpayers subject to the state and local taxes imposed by
64    chapters 125, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 206, 211, 212, 220, 221,
65    336, 370, 376, 403, 538, 624, 627, and 681, Florida Statutes.
66          (2) The amnesty program shall be a one-time opportunity
67    for eligible taxpayers to satisfy their tax liabilities under
68    the revenue laws of this state and thereby avoid criminal
69    prosecution, penalties, and interest as provided in subsections
70    (4), (5), and (6).
71          (3) The amnesty program shall be in effect for a 4-month
72    period beginning on July 1, 2003, and ending on October 31,
73    2003. The amnesty program shall apply only to tax liabilities
74    due prior to July 1, 2003. In order to participate in the
75    amnesty program, eligible taxpayers must file the forms and
76    other documentation specified by the Department of Revenue,
77    including, but not limited to, returns and amended returns, must
78    make full payment of tax due, and must make payment of the
79    interest due as provided in subsections (4) and (5).
80          (4) A taxpayer may participate in the amnesty program
81    whether or not the taxpayer is under audit, inquiry,
82    examination, or civil investigation initiated by the Department
83    of Revenue, regardless of whether the amount due is included in
84    a proposed assessment or an assessment, bill, notice, or demand
85    for payment issued by the Department of Revenue, and without
86    regard to whether the amount due is subject to a pending
87    administrative or judicial proceeding. If any of the
88    circumstances set forth in this subsection apply, the taxpayer
89    shall be required to pay the full amount of the tax due and 75
90    percent of the amount of interest due. A taxpayer that is
91    participating in the certified audits program authorized by s.
92    213.285, Florida Statutes, shall be eligible for the interest
93    and penalty compromises authorized by either the amnesty program
94    or the certified audits program, but not both.
95          (5) If the circumstances set forth in subsection (4) do
96    not apply and the initial contact with the Department of Revenue
97    is made by the taxpayer pursuant to the amnesty program, the
98    taxpayer shall be required to pay the full amount of the tax due
99    and 50 percent of the amount of interest due.
100          (6) No penalties shall be imposed on any tax paid pursuant
101    to the amnesty program, and the Department of Revenue shall not
102    initiate a criminal investigation against or refer for
103    prosecution any taxpayer participating in the amnesty program
104    with respect to the failure to timely pay the tax disclosed in
105    the amnesty program.
106          (7) Participation in the amnesty program shall be
107    conditioned upon the taxpayer’s express waiver of rights to
108    contest taxes being reported pursuant to the amnesty program. If
109    the taxes reported pursuant to the amnesty program are the
110    subject of a pending informal protest under s. 213.21, Florida
111    Statutes, or of administrative or judicial proceedings that have
112    not become final as of the date payment of the taxes is made
113    pursuant to the amnesty program, participation in the amnesty
114    program is conditioned upon the taxpayer’s withdrawal of such
115    informal protest or dismissal of such administrative or judicial
116    proceeding. Participation in the amnesty program shall also be
117    conditioned upon the taxpayer’s express agreement to waive any
118    right to claim a refund or to protest or initiate an
119    administrative or judicial proceeding to review any denial of a
120    refund claim for any refund of tax or interest paid under the
121    amnesty program except as provided in this subsection. No refund
122    may be made of any penalty or interest paid prior to July 1,
123    2003. Any credit or refund of tax or interest paid as a result
124    of participation in the amnesty program shall be strictly
125    limited to amounts determined by the Department of Revenue to
126    have been paid in error.
127          (8) A taxpayer that has been placed on notice that the
128    taxpayer is under criminal investigation, or is under
129    indictment, information, or prosecution regarding a revenue law
130    of this state shall not be eligible to participate in the
131    amnesty program. A taxpayer that has been convicted of a crime
132    regarding a revenue law of this state shall not be eligible to
133    participate in the amnesty program.
134          (9) With or without an audit, the Department of Revenue is
135    authorized to issue a notice or demand for payment with respect
136    to any tax or interest that it determines to be due with any
137    return filed under the tax amnesty program, and such notice and
138    demand shall be prima facie correct in any administrative,
139    judicial, or quasi-judicial proceeding.
140          (10) The Department of Revenue may, on the basis of fraud,
141    misrepresentation, or mutual mistake of fact, rescind a grant of
142    amnesty. Any taxpayer that files under the amnesty program
143    false or fraudulent returns, forms, or documentation or attempts
144    in any manner to defeat or evade a tax is subject to applicable
145    penalties and criminal prosecution.
146          (11) Any local option tax administered by a local
147    government that imposed the tax pursuant to a statute permitting
148    self-administration is excluded from the amnesty program unless
149    the local government notifies the Department of Revenue by June
150    1, 2003, that it chooses to participate in the amnesty program.
151    Any taxpayer that has entered into a settlement of liability
152    for local option taxes before July 1, 2003, but has not made
153    full and complete payment of the settlement amount shall not be
154    eligible to participate in the amnesty program.
155          (12) The executive director of the Department of Revenue
156    is authorized to adopt emergency rules under ss. 120.536(1) and
157    120.54(4), Florida Statutes, to implement the amnesty program.
158    Such rules may provide forms, procedures, terms, conditions, and
159    methods of payment appropriate for fair and effective
160    administration of the amnesty program and to ensure the
161    taxpayer's ongoing commitment to proper remittance of taxes to
162    the state. Notwithstanding any other law, the emergency rules
163    shall remain in effect until the later of the date that is 6
164    months after the date of adoption of the rule or the date of
165    final resolution of all amnesty applications filed pursuant to
166    this section.
167          Section 2. Effective July 1, 2003, subsections (2) and (3)
168    of section 213.235, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
169          213.235 Determination of interest on deficiencies.--
170          (2) If the adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded
171    to the nearest full percent, plus 4 percentage points,during
172    either:
173          (a) The 6-month period ending on September 30 of any
174    calendar year, or
175          (b) The 6-month period ending on March 31 of any calendar
176    year
178          differs from the interest rate in effect on either such date,
179    the executive director of the department shall, within 20 days,
180    establish an adjusted rate of interest equal to such adjusted
181    prime rate plus 4 percentage points.
182          (3) An adjusted rate of interest established under this
183    section becomes effective:
184          (a) On January 1 of the succeeding year, if based upon the
185    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
186    period ending on September 30; or
187          (b) On July 1 of the same calendar year, if based upon the
188    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
189    period ending on March 31.
190          Section 3. Amendments made by this act to s. 213.235(2)
191    and (3), Florida Statutes, apply to interest due on tax payment
192    deficiencies that arise on or after July 1, 2003, and also apply
193    to interest due on tax payment deficiencies that arose on or
194    after January 1, 2000, but remain unpaid as of July 1, 2003.
195          Section 4. Effective July 1, 2003, subsections (2) and (3)
196    of section 220.807, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
197          220.807 Determination of rate of interest.--
198          (2) If the adjusted prime rate charged by banks, rounded
199    to the nearest full percent, plus 4 percentage points,during
200    either:
201          (a) The 6-month period ending on September 30 of any
202    calendar year; or
203          (b) The 6-month period ending on March 31 of any calendar
204    year,
206          differs from the interest rate in effect on either such date,
207    the executive director of the Department of Revenue shall,
208    within 20 days, establish an adjusted rate of interest equal to
209    such adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage points.
210          (3) An adjusted rate of interest established under this
211    section shall become effective:
212          (a) On January 1 of the succeeding year, if based upon the
213    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
214    period ending on September 30; or
215          (b) On July 1 of the same calendar year, if based upon the
216    adjusted prime rate plus 4 percentage pointsfor the 6-month
217    period ending on March 31.
218          Section 5. Amendments made by this act to s. 220.807(2)
219    and (3), Florida Statutes, apply to interest due on tax payment
220    deficiencies that arise on or after July 1, 2003, and also apply
221    to interest due on tax payment deficiencies that arose before
222    January 1, 2003, but remain unpaid as of July 1, 2003.
223          Section 6. The sum of $385,000 is appropriated from the
224    General Revenue Fund to the Department of Revenue for the
225    purpose of administering the amnesty program created by this
226    act.
227          Section 7. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
228    shall take effect upon becoming a law.