Senate Bill sb1964

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 1964

    By Senator Argenziano


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to licenses for automobile

  3         dealers; amending s. 320.62, F.S.; increasing

  4         the initial and renewal licensing fees for

  5         manufacturers, distributors, and importers of

  6         motor vehicles; providing an effective date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  Section 320.62, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         320.62  Licenses; amount; disposition of proceeds.--The

13  initial license for each manufacturer, distributor, or

14  importer shall be $400 $300 and shall be in addition to all

15  other licenses or taxes now or hereafter levied, assessed, or

16  required of the applicant or licensee.  The annual renewal

17  license fee shall be $200 $100.  The proceeds from all

18  licenses under ss. 320.60-320.70 shall be paid to into the

19  department State Treasury to the credit of the Florida

20  Dealership Fraud Trust General Revenue Fund.  All licenses

21  shall be payable on or before October 1 of each year and shall

22  expire, unless sooner revoked or suspended, on the following

23  September 30.

24         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


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27                          SENATE SUMMARY

28    Increases the initial and renewal licensing fees for
      manufacturers, distributors, and importers of motor
29    vehicles.




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.