HB 0203 2003
6          The Committee on Finance & Tax recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to the Lower Florida Keys Hospital
12    District, Monroe County; providing legislative intent;
13    codifying, amending, repealing, and reenacting all special
14    acts relating to the district; repealing chapters 67-1724,
15    69-1322, 72-617, 73-555, 73-558, 75-450, 77-600, 77-601,
16    77-602, 77-603, 78-565, 79-511, 82-414, 87-459, 89-551,
17    and 94-415, Laws of Florida; providing an effective date.
19          WHEREAS, the transactions authorized by this act will
20    enhance the efficiency of the delivery of hospital services to
21    residents of the district and protect the availability of needed
22    hospital services to residents of the district, including
23    indigent residents, NOW, THEREFORE,
25          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
27          Section 1. Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
28    this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
29    relating to the Lower Florida Keys Hospital District. It is the
30    intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a
31    single, comprehensive special act charter for the district
32    including all current legislative authority granted to the
33    district by its several legislative enactments and any
34    additional authority granted by this act. It is further the
35    intent of this act to preserve all District authority in
36    addition to any authority contained in the Florida Statutes, as
37    amended from time to time.
38          Section 2. Chapters 67-1724, 69-1322, 72-617, 73-555, 73-
39    558, 75-450, 77-600, 77-601, 77-602, 77-603, 78-565, 79-511, 82-
40    414, 87-459, 89-551, and 94-415, Laws of Florida, are amended,
41    codified, reenacted, and repealed as herein provided.
42          Section 3. The charter for the Lower Florida Keys Hospital
43    District is re-created and reenacted to read:
44          Section 1. A special tax district is created and
45    incorporated in Monroe County to be known as the "Lower Florida
46    Keys Hospital District,” hereafter referred to as the
47    "district." Said district shall include that portion of Monroe
48    County embracing Key West and the Florida Keys that is between
49    range 24 east and range 31 east.
50          Section 2. The governing body of the Lower Florida Keys
51    Hospital District, hereinafter referred to as the "board," shall
52    consist of nine commissioners, of whom no more than one
53    commissioner may be a member of the medical profession. On or
54    before September 12, 1977, the Governor shall appoint all nine
55    commissioners as follows: two for a term of four years each,
56    two for a term of three years each, two for a term of two years
57    each, and three for a term of one year each. Thereafter, all
58    commissioners shall be appointed by the Governor for terms of
59    four years each and vacancies shall be filled by appointment by
60    the Governor for the unexpired term. All commissioners shall
61    serve without compensation and shall be qualified electors
62    residing in the Lower Florida Keys Hospital District for more
63    than one year prior to the appointment; at least three
64    commissioners shall reside in said hospital district other than
65    at Key West, at least three commissioners shall reside in Key
66    West, and the remaining commissioners shall reside in any area
67    of the district. The commissioners shall be reimbursed for per
68    diem and traveling expenses in accordance with the provisions of
69    s. 112.061, Florida Statutes. Each commissioner shall give bond
70    to the Governor for the faithful performance of his or her
71    duties in the sum of $5,000 with a security company qualified to
72    do business in this state as surety, which bond shall be
73    approved and kept by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe
74    County. The board shall elect annually one of its members chair
75    and shall elect or appoint a vice chair, a secretary, a
76    treasurer, and such other officers and assistants as the board
77    may determine, who need not be members of the board. The office
78    of secretary and treasurer may be held by one person. Should the
79    treasurer be other than a member of the board, he or she shall
80    give a like bond of $5,000 for the faithful performance of his
81    or her duties. Premiums on all bonds required by this section
82    shall be paid as part of the expenses of the district. The
83    Governor of the State of Florida shall have the power to remove
84    any member of said board for cause.
85          Section 3.
86          (1) The board shall have all the powers of a body
87    corporate, including, but not limited to, the power to sue and
88    be sued under the name of the Lower Florida Keys Hospital
89    District; to enter into contracts; to adopt and use a common
90    seal and to alter same at pleasure; to create, establish, or
91    otherwise acquire corporations, under the control of the
92    district, which corporations shall have all the powers
93    enumerated in chapter 607, Florida Statutes, unless prohibited
94    by the Florida Constitution or this act; to enter into capital
95    or operating leases; to acquire, purchase, hold, lease,
96    mortgage, and convey such real and personal property as the
97    board may deem proper or expedient to carry out the purposes of
98    this act; to appoint and employ an administrator, and such other
99    agents and employees as the board may deem advisable to operate
100    and manage the district’s facilities; to fix the compensation of
101    all employees and to remove any appointees or employees; to
102    ensure the improvements, fixtures, and equipment against loss by
103    fire, windstorm, or other coverage in such amounts as may be
104    determined reasonable and proper; to borrow money and to issue
105    evidence of indebtedness of the district therefor to carry out
106    the provisions of this act in the manner as set forth in this
107    act.
108          (2) Without limitation by any other provision of this act
109    and notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the
110    district is authorized and empowered to: form a Florida not-for-
111    profit corporation of which the district is the sole member but
112    which may include on its board a minority of the members thereof
113    designated by a private person; lease the district’s facilities
114    to such not-for-profit corporation; provide in such leases
115    options to sell and/or purchase such facilities for fair market
116    value as determined in a manner acceptable to the district;
117    transfer the operations of the district’s facilities to such
118    not-for-profit corporation; sell, assign, or transfer contracts
119    or leases of the district to such not-for-profit corporation;
120    and enter into and perform agreements for the provision of
121    hospital and other health care services to indigent and other
122    residents of the district, with all of the foregoing being on
123    such terms and conditions as the district in its sole discretion
124    may determine is in the public interest, but subject to
125    subsection (3). Nevertheless, the district shall supervise such
126    not-for-profit corporation by election of a majority of such
127    not-for-profit corporation’s board and by review and approval of
128    such not-for-profit corporation’s budgets, rates, and charges;
129    its policies regarding medical staff appointment, reappointment,
130    and adverse action; and its policies regarding admission and
131    discharge of patients and purchases of goods and services. Each
132    member of the not-for-profit corporation’s board must file full
133    and public disclosure of his or her financial interest in the
134    same manner and to the same extent as is required of
135    constitutional officers by Section 8 of Article II of the State
136    Constitution. For the purposes of the foregoing, the word
137    “person” has the meaning ascribed thereto in section 1.01,
138    Florida Statutes, 1989. This section does not abrogate or limit
139    the district’s responsibilities under this act relating to the
140    provision of indigent care to residents of the district.
141          (3) Any transaction entered into pursuant to subsection
142    (2) must:
143          (a) Provide that the articles of incorporation of each
144    such not-for-profit corporation be subject to the approval of
145    the board of commissioners of the district;
146          (b) Provide for the orderly transition of the district’s
147    hospital facilities to not-for-profit corporate status; and
148          (c) Provide for the return of the district’s facilities
149    upon termination of the lease thereof or dissolution of such
150    not-for-profit corporation except that the district may not be
151    prohibited from granting and performing options to purchase any
152    or all of the district’s facilities for fair market value
153    determined in a manner acceptable to the district.
154          (d) Any transfer, sale, or lease of a hospital facility by
155    the district shall be preconditioned upon the transferee, buyer,
156    or lessee providing, on an annual basis, an amount of indigent
157    care and Medicaid care to residents of the district which is not
158    less than the amount of such care previously provided by the
159    hospital as reported to the Health Care Cost Containment Board
160    in the last year prior to the transfer, sale, or lease of the
161    hospital facility, provided there is the demand for such level
162    of indigent care and Medicaid care in the district. Any
163    contract, agreement, or lease of a hospital entered into by the
164    district shall also comply with the provisions of section
165    155.40, Florida Statutes.
166          Section 4. Regular meetings shall be held not less than
167    quarterly, but may be held as frequently as deemed necessary,
168    which additional regular meetings shall be called in the same
169    manner as special meetings. A special meeting may be called by
170    the chair or at the request of three (3) members of the board of
171    commissioners, and said meeting shall be held no later than
172    three (3) days from the date called or requested. A quorum for
173    special and regular meetings shall consist of at least one half
174    (1/2) of the membership of said board then appointed, qualified,
175    and so serving. Death and accepted resignation of members shall
176    not be considered in ascertaining the number necessary for a
177    quorum. In the absence of the chair or his or her inability to
178    act at any regular or special meeting, warrants for payment of
179    money may be signed by the vice chair or by any other member of
180    the board selected by the members present as chair pro tem.
181          Section 5. The board through its secretary, or secretary-
182    treasurer as the case may be, shall keep true and accurate
183    minutes and records of all business transacted by it, and shall
184    keep full, true, and complete books of account and minutes,
185    which minutes, records, and books of account at all reasonable
186    times shall be open and subject to inspection and copying by any
187    inhabitant of the district. Failure to comply with this section
188    shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable as such as
189    provided by law.
190          Section 6. The board is authorized to establish,
191    construct, lease, operate, and maintain a hospital or hospitals,
192    medical facilities, and other health care related facilities and
193    services as in its opinion shall be necessary for the use of the
194    people of the district. Said hospital or hospitals, medical
195    facilities, and other health care related facilities and
196    services shall be established, constructed, leased, operated,
197    and maintained by the board for the preservation of the public
198    health, for the public good, and for the use of the public of
199    the district, and maintenance of such hospital or hospitals,
200    medical facilities, or other health care related facilities and
201    services within the district is hereby found and declared to be
202    a public purpose and necessary for the preservation of the
203    public health and welfare of the district and inhabitants
204    thereof. The board may enter into contractual relationships
205    with other health service organizations, either public or
206    private, for the provision of such administrative and medical
207    services as it does not on its own provide in connection with
208    said hospital or hospitals, medical facilities, or other health
209    care related facilities and services. The location of any
210    hospital, medical facility, or other health care related
211    facility established under this act shall be determined by the
212    board. The board is authorized to accept any and all gifts,
213    loans, or advancements for the purchase of property, real or
214    personal, for the construction, equipping, and maintenance of
215    any hospital, medical facility, or other health care related
216    facility established hereunder.
217          Section 7. (1) Before any single purchase of merchandise,
218    supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment is made, the price
219    of which exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or any
220    contracts for any construction work is let, the price of which
221    exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), there shall be an
222    advertisement by the board at least one (1) time in a newspaper
223    of general circulation published in Key West, inviting sealed
224    bids or proposals to furnish such merchandise, supplies,
225    materials, machinery, or equipment or to perform such
226    construction. Sealed bids or proposals received shall be
227    properly evaluated by the board and the lowest responsible bid
228    or proposal shall be accepted unless the board shall reject all
229    sealed bids or proposals. If all sealed bids be rejected, new
230    sealed bids or proposals shall be solicited by advertisement.
231    The board may, by resolution or motion, dispense with
232    advertising for sealed bids or proposals in the event of an
233    emergency requiring that merchandise, supplies, materials,
234    machinery, or equipment or construction work is necessary and
235    required. If after two (2) successive unsuccessful attempts to
236    obtain sealed bids or proposals, or in the event of an
237    emergency, the board may purchase merchandise, supplies, or
238    materials or contract for construction or repairs by negotiation
239    with suppliers or contractors. When an emergency is declared to
240    exist by action of the majority of the board members meeting in
241    a regular or special meeting, the basis of such determination
242    and the vote of each member of the board shall be set forth in
243    writing in the minutes of the meeting.
244          (2) The district’s board of commissioners is specifically
245    delegated the authority to grant, deny, revoke, or suspend staff
246    privileges at its hospitals, medical facilities, or other health
247    care related facilities according to the applicable Florida
248    Statutes and the applicable rules and regulations. A decision
249    of the board of commissioners of the Lower Florida Keys Hospital
250    District to refuse, revoke, or suspend membership on the staff,
251    or to refuse, revoke, or suspend any privileges attendant to
252    such membership, is hereby declared to be a quasi-judicial
253    function of the board and judicial review of such decision shall
254    be by petition for certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of
255    Florida prescribed by the Florida Appellate Rules having
256    jurisdiction of the appeals from Monroe County, in the time and
257    manner prescribed by the Florida Appellate Rules for such
258    petitions for writ of certiorari, unless the provisions of such
259    appellate rules shall confer exclusive jurisdiction of such
260    petition upon the Supreme Court of Florida.
261          Section 8. The board in its discretion is authorized to
262    establish and maintain in connection with any hospital, medical
263    facility, or other health care related facility established
264    under this act a training school for nurses and other health
265    care related professionals, which school must conform to all the
266    requirements of the general state law governing schools of
267    professional nursing and the practice of nursing and such other
268    professional sciences. The board is authorized to promulgate
269    and adopt all rules and regulations necessary or required by
270    general law for the operation of such training schools and to
271    make all necessary expenditures in connection therewith. The
272    board is also authorized in its discretion to establish,
273    operate, and maintain a nursing home, an ambulance service, and
274    such other services related to the operation and maintenance of
275    a hospital, medical facility, or other health care related
276    facility in a manner provided by general law.
277          Section 9. The board of commissioners is authorized and
278    empowered, at any time in its discretion, to establish,
279    maintain, or participate in such programs and projects of and
280    for medical research, education, and development affecting human
281    physical or mental health and well-being as it may deem
282    desirable; and in connection with such programs and projects the
283    board of commissioners is authorized and empowered to cooperate
284    with public and private educational or research institutions,
285    corporations, foundations, or organizations of any and all types
286    as well as agencies, departments, divisions, branches, or bodies
287    of government, or created by government, whether federal, state,
288    county, municipal, or otherwise. In furtherance of such
289    programs and projects, the board of commissioners is further
290    authorized and empowered to expend moneys and utilize assets and
291    property, real or personal, of the district and to receive
292    donations, grants, or gifts of money or property, real or
293    personal, from any person or persons, firm, organization,
294    corporation, society, institution, foundation, or legal entity
295    of whatever nature whether private, governmental, or public.
296          Section 10. To carry out the provisions of this act, the
297    board is authorized to borrow money from time to time for
298    periods of time not exceeding one (1) year at any one time and
299    to issue any note of the district therefor upon such terms and
300    upon such rates of interest not exceeding the current prime rate
301    as the board may deem advisable and to secure the payment of
302    same by note or mortgage and note upon any property, real or
303    personal, owned by the district. The board shall have the
304    additional right to pledge as security for money borrowed any
305    moneys accruing to it or to accrue to it from any source,
306    including revenues derived from the operation of any hospital
307    established under this act; provided, however, that the
308    aggregate amount of principal of moneys so borrowed upon the
309    note or notes of the district shall not at any one time exceed
310    the sum of $3 million or 20 percent of the appraised value of
311    the capital assets of the district, whichever sum is greater.
312    The board shall have the authority to receive and accept grants,
313    gifts, and donations from any person, firm, trust, foundation,
314    corporation (whether profit or nonprofit), partnership, estate,
315    or governmental agency. The board shall have exclusive control
316    of all expenditures of and from the moneys, loan proceeds,
317    contributions, and revenues of the district, except that persons
318    who desire to make contributions to the district shall have the
319    right to attach conditions to their gifts. The board, upon
320    accepting any such contribution, shall be controlled by the
321    terms of the gift, bequest, or devise, and may, in such cases,
322    establish funds therefor separate and apart from items of
323    general revenue. Any such contribution made to the district
324    without conditions attached thereto may be expended by the board
325    for such purposes as shall be deemed necessary and proper by the
326    board of commissioners.
327          Section 11. The board is authorized to issue bonds of the
328    district bearing interest for the purposes set forth in this
329    act, for the purpose of raising funds to establish, construct,
330    refinance, or pay off existing obligations previously incurred
331    on capital expenditures, and maintain any hospital as in the
332    board’s opinion is necessary in the district, and for the
333    acquisition and development of real property, including
334    appurtenances, fixtures, and equipment, and for major repairs or
335    renovations to real property which significantly extend its
336    useful life or change its function, and for any necessary
337    operating capital outlay to furnish and operate a new or
338    improved facility. The board shall have the power to refund any
339    and all previous issues of bonds for any and all lawful hospital
340    purposes. All the proceeds derived from the sale of bonds or
341    refunding bonds, exclusive of expenses, shall be deposited in a
342    depository selected by the board. Nothing herein shall limit
343    any rights the district has or may have under general law.
344          Section 12. Prior to the issuance of bonds, the board
345    shall, by resolution, determine the amount which in its opinion
346    will be necessary to be raised annually by taxation for an
347    interest and sinking fund with which to pay the interest and
348    principal of the bonds; and the board is authorized and required
349    to provide annually for the levy and collection of a sufficient
350    tax upon all the taxable property in the district, not exempt by
351    law, to pay such interest, and with which to provide and
352    maintain a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of
353    bonds.
354          Section 13. All bonds issued by the board, except
355    refunding bonds, revenue bonds, or certificates and anticipation
356    time warrants, shall be issued only after the same shall have
357    been approved by the majority vote of the electors voting in an
358    election called and held by the board subject to reasonable
359    rules and regulations prepared by the board. In the event it is
360    determined to hold an election to decide whether the electors
361    are in favor of the issuance of bonds, the board, by resolution,
362    shall order an election to be held in the district and shall
363    give 30 days' notice of election by publication in a newspaper
364    of general circulation within the district once a week for 4
365    consecutive weeks during such period.
366          Section 14. Only registered electors of the district shall
367    be permitted to vote at a bond election. For the purpose of
368    determining the total number of qualified electors residing in
369    the district, the Supervisor of Registration of Monroe County
370    shall prepare a list of the names of all qualified electors
371    appearing upon the registration books of Monroe County and
372    qualified to vote in the election. Such lists shall be
373    furnished to the inspectors or clerks of the election at each
374    voting place and such lists shall be prima facie evidence of the
375    total number of qualified electors eligible to participate in
376    the election. No person shall be permitted to vote in such
377    election whose name does not appear on such list.
378          Section 15. As far as practicable and where not
379    inconsistent with the provisions of this act, the procedure
380    outlined in chapter 100, Florida Statutes, providing the
381    procedure for bond elections, shall govern.
382          Section 16. All bonds issued under this act shall be in
383    the denomination of $500 or some multiple thereof, shall bear
384    interest payable annually or semiannually, and both principal
385    and interest shall be payable at such prices as the board may
386    determine. The form of such bond shall be fixed by resolution
387    of the board and said bonds shall be signed by the chair and
388    countersigned by the secretary under the seal of the district.
389    The coupons, if any, shall be executed by the facsimile
390    signatures of said officers. The delivery at any subsequent
391    date of any bond and coupons so executed shall be valid,
392    although before the date of delivery the persons signing bonds
393    or coupons shall cease to hold office.
394          Section 17. Bonds issued hereunder may be either
395    registered or coupon bonds. Coupon bonds may be registered as
396    to principal in the holder’s name on the books of the district,
397    the registration being noted upon the bonds, after which no
398    transfer shall be valid unless made on the district’s books by
399    the registered holder and similarly noted on the bonds. Bonds
400    registered as to principal may be discharged from registration
401    by being transferred to bearer, after which they shall be
402    transferable by delivery, but may be again registered as to
403    principal as before. The registration of the bonds as to
404    principal shall not restrain the negotiability of the coupons by
405    delivery merely.
406          Section 18. Before any bonds of the district are issued
407    hereunder, the board shall investigate and determine the
408    legality of the proceedings. The resolution authorizing the
409    bonds may direct that they shall contain the following recital:
410          "It is certified that this bond is authorized by and is issued
411    in conformity with the requirements of the constitution and
412    statutes of the State of Florida."
413          Such recital shall be an authorized declaration by the board and
414    shall import that there is constitutional and statutory
415    authority for incurring the debts and issuing the bonds; that
416    all the proceedings therefor are regular; that all acts,
417    conditions, and things required to exist, happen, and be
418    performed precedent to and in the issuance of the bond have
419    existed, happened, and been performed in due time, form, and
420    manner, as required by law; and that the amount of the bond,
421    together with all other indebtedness, does not exceed any limit
422    prescribed by the constitution and statutes of this state. If
423    any bond be issued containing the recital, it shall be
424    conclusively presumed that the recital, construed according to
425    the import hereby declared, is true, and the district shall not
426    be permitted to question the validity or legality of the
427    obligation in any court in any action or proceeding.
428          Section 19. In issuing bonds under the provision of this
429    act, it shall be lawful for the board to include more than one
430    (1) improvement or hospital purpose in any bond issue.
431          Section 20. All bonds issued hereunder shall be advertised
432    for sale on sealed bids, which advertisement shall be published
433    once a week for three (3) weeks, the first publication to be
434    made at least twenty-one (21) days preceding the date fixed for
435    the reception of bids, in a newspaper published in the hospital
436    district. Notice of sale shall also be published once a week
437    for three (3) weeks preceding the date fixed for the reception
438    of bids, either in a financial paper published in the city of
439    New York, the city of Chicago, or the city of Baltimore, or in a
440    newspaper of general circulation published in a city in Florida
441    having a population of not less than twenty thousand (20,000)
442    inhabitants according to the latest official decennial census.
443    The board may reject any and all bids. If the bonds are not
444    sold pursuant to such advertisements, they may be sold by the
445    board at private sale within sixty (60) days after the date
446    advertised for the reception of sealed bids, but no private sale
447    shall be made at a price less than the highest bid which shall
448    have been received. If not sold, bonds shall be readvertised in
449    the manner herein prescribed. No bonds issued hereunder shall
450    be sold for less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the par value
451    and accrued interest.
452          Section 21. No resolution or proceeding in respect to the
453    issuance of bonds shall be necessary except as required by this
454    act. Any publication prescribed hereby may be made in any
455    newspaper conforming to the terms of this act, without regard to
456    the designation thereof as the official organ of the district.
457    Bonds issued hereunder shall have all the qualities of
458    negotiable paper under the law merchant, shall not be invalid
459    for any irregularity or defect in the proceedings for the issue
460    and sale thereof, and shall be incontestable in the hands of a
461    bona fide purchaser or holder for value.
462          Section 22. The board shall have the power to provide by
463    resolution for the issuance of refunding bonds to refund
464    principal and interest of an existing bond indebtedness, for the
465    payment of which the tax moneys derived from the district is
466    pledged, and such bonds may be issued at or prior to maturity of
467    the bonds to be refunded. Such resolution may be adopted at a
468    regular or special meeting, and at the same meeting at which it
469    is introduced, by a majority of the members of the board then in
470    office. It is determined and declared as a matter of
471    legislative intent that no election to authorize the issuance of
472    refunding bonds shall be necessary except in cases where an
473    election may be required by the state constitution. In all
474    cases where it is not necessary under the constitution to hold
475    an election on the issuance of such refunding bonds, such
476    resolution shall take effect immediately upon the adoption
477    thereof. No other proceedings shall be required for the
478    issuance of bonds by the district other than the provisions of
479    section 20 of this act which shall be applicable to this
480    section.
481          Section 23. The resolution of the board authorizing the
482    issuance of the refunding bonds may provide that the refunding
483    bonds may be issued in one (1) or more series, bear the date,
484    mature at the time not exceeding thirty (30) years from their
485    respective dates, bear interest at the rate not exceeding the
486    maximum rate of interest borne by the notes, bonds, or other
487    obligations refinanced thereby, be in the denomination, be in
488    the form either coupon or registered, carry the registration and
489    conversion privileges, be executed in the manner, be payable in
490    the medium of payment at the place, be subject to the terms of
491    redemption with or without a premium, be declared or become due
492    before the maturity date thereof, provide for the replacement of
493    mutilated, destroyed, stolen, or lost bonds, be authenticated in
494    the manner and upon compliance with the conditions, and contain
495    such other terms and covenants as may be desired.
496    Notwithstanding the form or tenor of a bond and in the absence
497    of an express recital on the face that the bond is
498    nonnegotiable, all refunding bonds shall be considered
499    negotiable instruments for all purposes.
500          Section 24. Refunding bonds bearing the signature of board
501    officers of the district in office on the date of the signing
502    thereof shall be valid and binding obligations of the district
503    for all purposes, notwithstanding that before the delivery
504    thereof any or all of the persons whose signatures appear
505    thereon shall have ceased to be officers of the district. Any
506    resolution authorizing refunding bonds may provide that any
507    refunding bonds issued pursuant to this act may contain such a
508    recital, and any refunding bond issued under authority of any
509    resolution shall be conclusively deemed to be valid and to have
510    been issued in conformity with the provisions of this act. The
511    authority of a district to issue obligations under this act may
512    be determined and obligations to be issued under this act may be
513    validated as provided by law.
514          Section 25. Refunding bonds may be sold or exchanged as
515    follows:
516          (1) In installments at different times, or an entire issue
517    or series may be sold or exchanged at one (1) time. Any issue
518    or series of refunding bonds may be exchanged in part or sold in
519    parts in installments at different times or at one (1) time.
520    The refunding bonds may be sold or exchanged at any time on,
521    before, or after the maturity of any of the outstanding notes,
522    bonds, certificates, or other obligations to be refinanced
523    thereby.
524          (2) If the board determines to exchange any refunding
525    bonds, the refunding bonds may be exchanged privately for and in
526    payment and discharge of any of the outstanding notes, bonds, or
527    other obligations of the district. The refunding bonds may be
528    exchanged for a like or greater principal amount of notes,
529    bonds, or other obligations of the district, except the
530    principal amount of the outstanding notes, bonds, or other
531    obligations to the extent necessary or advisable, in the
532    discretion of the board, to fund interest in arrears or about to
533    become due. The holder of outstanding notes, bonds, or other
534    obligations need not pay accrued interest on the refunding bonds
535    to be delivered in exchange therefor if and to the extent that
536    interest is due or accrued and unpaid on the outstanding notes,
537    bonds, or other obligations to be surrendered.
538          (3) If the board determines to sell any refunding bonds,
539    the refunding bonds shall be sold at not less than ninety-five
540    percent (95%) of par at public or private sale, in such manner
541    and upon the terms the board shall deem best for the interest of
542    the district.
543          Section 26. All bonds or refunding bonds issued pursuant
544    to this act shall be legal investments for state, county,
545    municipal, and all other public funds and for banks, savings
546    banks, insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees,
547    and all other fiduciaries, and shall also be and constitute
548    securities eligible as collateral security for all state,
549    county, municipal, or other public funds.
550          Section 27. The funds of the district shall be paid out
551    only upon warrants signed by the chair or vice chair or such
552    other member of the board designated by the board. Warrants
553    shall have affixed thereto the corporate seal of the district
554    which may be an impression thereon or facsimile thereof. No
555    warrant shall be drawn or issued against funds of the district
556    except for a purpose authorized by this act after the account or
557    expenditure for which the same is to be given in payment has
558    been ordered and approved by the board at a meeting in which a
559    quorum is present.
560          Section 28. A special account shall be set up which shall
561    require only the signature of the administrator of the hospital
562    or hospitals or such other employees as the board shall
563    determine for such purposes. The administrator’s account shall
564    be such sum or sums as the board deems necessary from time to
565    time and shall be used only as a payroll account or for such
566    other purposes as the board shall determine.
567          Section 29. The board is authorized and directed annually
568    to levy upon taxable real property only within the district, not
569    exempt by law, a sufficient tax necessary for the purposes and
570    needs of the district incurred in the exercise of the powers and
571    purposes herein granted. The rate of taxation per annum shall
572    not exceed two (2) mills on the dollar of the county assessed
573    valuation of the property within the district for tax purposes.
574    The term “mill” as used in this section shall be deemed to mean
575    one-tenth (1/10) part of one cent (1c) or one thousandth
576    (1/1000) of a dollar ($1).
577          Section 30. The levy by the board of the taxes authorized
578    by any provision of this act shall be by resolution of the board
579    duly entered upon the minutes of the board. Certified copies of
580    such resolution executed in the name of the board by its chair,
581    under its corporate seal, shall be made and delivered to the
582    board of county commissioners of Monroe County and to the
583    comptroller of the state no later than July 1 of each year. It
584    shall be the mandatory duty of the county commissioners of
585    Monroe County to order and require the county tax assessor of
586    the county to assess, and the county tax collector of the county
587    to collect the amount of taxes so assessed or levied by the
588    board of the district upon the taxable property in the district,
589    not exempt by law, at the rate of taxation adopted by the board
590    of the district for the year and included in the warrant of the
591    tax assessor and attached to the assessment roll of taxes for
592    said county of each year. The tax collector shall collect such
593    tax so levied by the board in the same manner as other taxes are
594    collected and shall pay the same over to the board within the
595    time and in the manner prescribed by law for the payment by the
596    tax collector of county taxes to the county depository. All
597    such taxes shall be held by the board and paid out by them as
598    provided in this act. The board is authorized to pay necessary
599    expenses to the forenamed officers for the assessment and
600    collection of taxes on a reasonable fee basis. If any surplus
601    shall occur in the operation and maintenance fund, the board is
602    authorized to use the surplus or any portion thereof to retire
603    bonded indebtedness, but not to the extent that the financial
604    security of the operation and maintenance fund shall be
605    impaired.
606          Section 31. The board is authorized to pay from the funds
607    of the district all expenses of the organization of the board
608    and all expenses necessarily incurred with the formation of the
609    district and all other reasonable and necessary expenses
610    approved and certified by the board, including the fees and
611    expenses of an attorney in the transaction of the business of
612    the district, and in carrying out and accomplishing the purposes
613    of this act. This section, however, shall not be construed to
614    limit or destroy any of the powers vested in the board by any
615    other section or provision of this act.
616          Section 32. (1) Subject to such provisions and
617    restrictions as may be set forth in the resolution authorizing
618    or securing any bonds issued under the provisions of this act,
619    the board shall have the power to enter into contracts with the
620    government of the United States or any agency or instrumentality
621    thereof, or with the state or any county, municipality,
622    district, authority, or political subdivision, private
623    corporation, partnership, association, or individual providing
624    for or relating to the construction or acquisition of additions,
625    extensions, and improvements to the hospital or hospitals,
626    medical facilities, or other health care related facilities, and
627    any other matters relevant thereto or otherwise necessary to
628    effect the purpose of this act, and to receive and accept from
629    any federal agency, state agency, or other public body grants or
630    loans for or in aid of said purposes and to receive and accept
631    aid or contributions or loans from any other source of either
632    money, property, labor, or other things of value, to be held,
633    used, and applied only for the purpose for which such grants,
634    contributions, or loans may be made.
635          (2) The board is hereby authorized and empowered to lease
636    or sell any real or personal property owned by the district, or
637    to otherwise relinquish and dispose of the district’s title or
638    right to immediate possession of such property, according to the
639    following terms and conditions:
640          (a) Any real or personal property of a fair value of less
641    than $2,500 may be leased or sold, or the title or right to
642    immediate possession otherwise relinquished or disposed of
643    according to the manner and procedure and according to the terms
644    and conditions the board at the time might determine.
645          (b) Any real or personal property of a fair market value
646    of more than $2,500 may be leased, or the right to immediate
647    possession otherwise relinquished, according to the procedures,
648    terms, and conditions that the board approves, to a public or
649    private health service organization for the provision of medical
650    services that the board cannot on its own provide, as authorized
651    by section 6.
652          (c) Any real or personal property of a fair value of more
653    than $2,500 may be sold, or leased for a term of more than 1
654    year and 1 day, or the title or right to immediate possession
655    otherwise relinquished or disposed of for a term of more than 1
656    year and 1 day, after the board has determined by appropriate
657    resolution that such property is surplus to the needs and
658    requirements of the district, and after the board has submitted
659    the property to the general public for offers by publishing a
660    Notice of Intent to Dispose of Property in a newspaper of
661    general circulation published in Key West at least 30 days in
662    advance of such lease, sale, or other disposition. Any person
663    desiring such property shall submit his or her offer to lease or
664    buy to the board during such 30-day period, or during such
665    longer period as the board might establish, along with the terms
666    and conditions of such offer. The published notice shall be
667    sufficient if it shall reasonably identify the property in
668    question and inform any persons interested in such property that
669    the board desires to dispose of said property and seeks offers
670    to lease or buy thereon. It is not required that such notice
671    specify the terms and conditions desired by the district, and if
672    such terms and conditions are included in such notice, or
673    otherwise provided, they are to be for general information only
674    and shall not prevent the board from accepting different terms
675    and conditions which the board might determine to be more
676    beneficial to the district. Offers submitted by the bidders are
677    not required to be sealed or to be kept confidential to the
678    district, unless otherwise specified in the published notice,
679    and any bidder may submit any number of alternate offers at any
680    time during the bidding period.
681          (d) The board is hereby authorized and empowered to accept
682    any bid upon surplus property, and to lease, sell, or otherwise
683    convey said property, in accordance with the provisions of this
684    section, or to reject all the bids, as the board might determine
685    to be in the best interests of the district.
686          (e) The board is authorized and empowered to convey to
687    Monroe County, or to any municipality or to any other
688    governmental body or agency of the State of Florida or of the
689    United States located partially or entirely within the
690    boundaries of the district, any surplus property for a nominal
691    consideration and according to those terms and conditions as the
692    board may at that time determine, regardless of the value of
693    such property, whenever it shall appear to the board that such
694    conveyance would be in the best interests of the district and
695    the residents thereof; provided, however, that such conveyance
696    for nominal consideration shall not be made until at least 30
697    days after the terms and conditions thereof shall have been
698    published in a newspaper of general circulation published in Key
699    West, or until residents and taxpayers of the district shall
700    have been afforded an opportunity to be heard upon such
701    conveyance at a regular meeting of the board.
702          (f) Except as authorized in this section, any real or
703    personal property of a fair market value of more than $2,500 may
704    not be leased, nor may right to immediate possession be
705    otherwise relinquished, for a term exceeding 1 year and 1 day.
706          Section 33. At least once each year the board shall
707    publish once in some newspaper published in the district, a
708    complete detailed annual statement of all moneys received and
709    disbursed by them since the creation of the district as to the
710    first published statement and since the last published statement
711    as to any other year. The statements shall also show the
712    several sources from which the funds were received and shall
713    show the balance on hand at the time of the published statement.
714    It shall show a complete statement of the financial condition of
715    the district.
716          Section 34. Each hospital, medical facility, or other
717    health care related facility established under this act shall be
718    for the use and benefit of the residents of the district.
719    Residents shall be admitted to the hospital or hospitals or any
720    of the related facilities and shall be entitled to
721    hospitalization and treatment, subject, however, to the rules
722    and regulations prescribed by the board effective as of the date
723    of admission of such resident. The board shall be authorized to
724    accept money from any welfare funds provided for Monroe County
725    or moneys available to the indigent patients from a federal,
726    state, or county agency or municipality or moneys available to
727    Monroe County from said governmental agencies for welfare and
728    hospital purposes, for the payment of costs of treatment and
729    care of indigent residents of the district; the board may
730    collect from patients financially able such charges as the board
731    may from time to time establish. The board may exclude from
732    treatment and care any person having a communicable or
733    contagious disease where such disease may be a detriment to the
734    best interests of the hospital or hospitals or related
735    facilities or which may constitute a source of contagion or
736    infection to the patients in its care, unless the institution
737    involved has a separate building or ward for the special
738    treatment of such persons and can properly and with safety to
739    the other patients retain the communicable or contagious case in
740    such separate ward or building. The board may extend the
741    privileges and use of a hospital or related facilities to
742    nonresidents of the district but who pay the rates established
743    by the board and upon such terms and conditions as the board may
744    from time to time by its rules and regulations provide.
745    However, the residents of the district wherein a hospital or
746    related facility is located shall have first claim to admission.
747    The board further shall have the power to furnish and extend the
748    benefits of a hospital or related facility and treatment to the
749    homes of indigent residents of the district. Each municipal
750    corporation situated within the district and the law enforcing
751    agencies of Monroe County shall be liable to the board for the
752    occupancy, care, medicine, and treatment of prisoners in the
753    custody of the municipal corporation or county officers who are
754    admitted to the hospital or other facility operated by the
755    board.
756          Section 35. Realizing that factors other than professional
757    must enter into qualification of those who practice medicine and
758    surgery, the board is authorized to promulgate and adopt rules,
759    regulations, and bylaws for the governing of the operation of
760    any hospital, nursing home, ambulance service, or such other
761    services as may be established under this act and the hospital
762    staff, nursing home, nursing home staff, ambulance service, and
763    medical staff; and the board is authorized to give, refuse,
764    grant, revoke, suspend, and otherwise curtail licenses and/or
765    privileges of staff members so that the welfare and health of
766    patients and the interests of any such hospital, nursing home,
767    and ambulance service may be best served at all times. The
768    board further is authorized to set up rules and regulations for
769    the hospital, nursing home, and an ambulance service, which
770    terms shall include nurses on general duty or on private duty
771    attending patients, and all other personnel in the hospital,
772    nursing home, and ambulance service who are in any capacity in
773    attendance upon patients. There shall be no liability on the
774    part of, and no cause of action of any nature shall arise
775    against any hospital, nursing home, hospital medical staff,
776    ambulance service, district board of commissioners, individually
777    or collectively, or hospital disciplinary body or its agents or
778    employees for any action taken in good faith and without malice
779    in carrying out the provisions of this section. However,
780    nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve any person
781    of liability in the case of medical malpractice or negligence.
782          Section 36. The board on behalf of the district shall
783    secure and keep in force in amounts it may determine reasonable,
784    in companies duly authorized to do business in Florida,
785    liability insurance covering vehicles and premises. The board
786    on behalf of the district shall attempt to secure and keep in
787    force in amounts it may determine reasonable, in companies duly
788    authorized to do business in Florida, liability insurance
789    covering professional malpractice. In the event such
790    professional malpractice insurance is not available or is
791    otherwise available at costs the board deems unreasonable, the
792    board on behalf of the district may elect to self-insure for
793    such risk. In consideration of the premium at which each policy
794    of insurance, if any, shall be written, it shall be part of the
795    insurance contract that the insurance company shall not be
796    entitled to the benefit of the defense of governmental immunity
797    for the insured by reason of exercising a governmental function
798    on any suit brought against the insured. Immunity of the
799    hospital district against liability damages is waived to the
800    extent of liability insurance carried. However, no attempt
801    shall be made at the trial of any action against the district to
802    suggest the existence of any insurance which covers in whole or
803    in part any judgment which may be rendered in favor of a
804    plaintiff. The board, on its behalf individually and on behalf
805    of the district, shall be indemnified by the district for any
806    and all acts taken by it, both collectively and individually, in
807    good faith and without malice in carrying out their duties under
808    this act.
809          Section 37. The board is empowered to destroy any of its
810    records together with any of the records of the hospital or
811    hospitals or related facilities established under this act
812    provided that the records are photographed or microfilmed prior
813    to their destruction.
814          Section 38. It is declared to be the legislative intent
815    that if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or
816    provision of this act is held invalid, the remainder of the act
817    shall not be affected.
818          Section 39. This act shall become effective only upon
819    approval by a majority vote of the qualified freeholder electors
820    voting in a referendum election in which a majority of the
821    freeholders who are qualified registered electors in the
822    district shall participate, to be held in Monroe County at a
823    special election to be called by the county commission within
824    forty-five (45) days from the date this act is filed with the
825    Secretary of State. If the election so held is favorable to the
826    establishment of a hospital district, then the cost of said
827    election shall be borne by the hospital commission created
828    thereby. If such measure fails, then the cost of the special
829    election shall be borne by the county commission of Monroe
830    County.
831          Section 4. If any provision of this act or the application
832    thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
833    invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
834    the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
835    or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
836    declared severable.
837          Section 5. This act shall be construed as a remedial act
838    and shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose for
839    which it is intended.
840          Section 6. Chapters 67-1724, 69-1322, 72-617, 73-555, 73-
841    558, 75-450, 77-600, 77-601, 77-602, 77-603, 78-565, 79-511, 82-
842    414, 87-459, 89-551, and 94-415, Laws of Florida, are repealed.
843          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.