Senate Bill sb2080c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2080

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator Peaden


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

  3         501.212, F.S.; deleting an exclusion from

  4         application of deceptive and unfair trade

  5         practices provisions to the Department of

  6         Insurance; creating s. 624.156, F.S.; providing

  7         that certain consumer protection laws apply to

  8         the business of insurance; amending s. 627.041,

  9         F.S.; revising definitions; amending s.

10         624.462, F.S.; authorizing health care

11         providers to form a commercial self-insurance

12         fund; amending s. 627.062, F.S.; providing that

13         an insurer may not require arbitration of a

14         rate filing for medical malpractice; amending

15         s. 627.314, F.S.; revising certain authorized

16         actions multiple insurers may engage in

17         together; prohibiting certain conduct on the

18         part of insurers; amending s. 627.4147, F.S.;

19         revising certain notification criteria;

20         providing for application of a discount or

21         surcharge or alternative method based on loss

22         experience in determining the premium paid by a

23         health care provider; providing requirements;

24         providing a limitation; amending s. 627.912,

25         F.S.; increases the limit on a fine; requiring

26         provision of certain financial information to

27         the Office of Insurance Regulation; authorizing

28         an administrative fine for failure to comply;

29         requiring the director of the office to prepare

30         and submit to the Governor and Legislature an

31         annual report; creating s. 627.41491, F.S.;


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 1         requiring the Office of Insurance Regulation to

 2         provide health care providers with a full

 3         disclosure of certain rate comparison

 4         information each year; creating s. 627.41493,

 5         F.S.; requiring a medical malpractice insurance

 6         rate rollback; providing for subsequent

 7         increases under certain circumstances;

 8         requiring approval for use of certain medical

 9         malpractice insurance rates; creating s.

10         627.41495, F.S.; providing for consumer

11         participation in review of medical malpractice

12         rate changes; providing for public inspection;

13         providing for adoption of rules by the Office

14         of Insurance Regulation; authorizing the Office

15         of Insurance Regulation to adopt rules;

16         providing an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 501.212, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         501.212  Application.--This part does not apply to:

23         (4)  Any person or activity regulated under laws

24  administered by the Department of Insurance or Banks and

25  savings and loan associations regulated by the Department of

26  Banking and Finance or banks or savings and loan associations

27  regulated by federal agencies.

28         Section 2.  Section 624.156, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         624.156  Applicability of consumer protection laws to

31  the business of insurance.--


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 1         (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

 2  contrary, the business of insurance shall be subject to the

 3  laws of this state applicable to any other business,

 4  including, but not limited to, the Florida Civil Rights Act of

 5  1992 set forth in part I of chapter 760, the Florida Antitrust

 6  Act of 1980 set forth in chapter 542, the Florida Deceptive

 7  and Unfair Trade Practices Act set forth in part II of chapter

 8  501, and the consumer protection provisions contained in

 9  chapter 540.  The protections afforded consumers by chapters

10  501, 540, 542, and 760 shall apply to insurance consumers.

11         (2)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to

12  prohibit:

13         (a)  Any agreement to collect, compile, and disseminate

14  historical data on paid claims or reserves for reported

15  claims, provided such data is contemporaneously transmitted to

16  the Office of Insurance Regulation and made available for

17  public inspection.

18         (b)  Participation in any joint arrangement established

19  by law or the Office of Insurance Regulation to assure

20  availability of insurance.

21         (c)  Any agent or broker, representing one or more

22  insurers, from obtaining from any insurer such agent or broker

23  represents information relative to the premium for any policy

24  or risk to be underwritten by that insurer.

25         (d)  Any agent or broker from disclosing to an insurer

26  the agent or broker represents any quoted rate or charge

27  offered by another insurer represented by that agent or broker

28  for the purpose of negotiating a lower rate, charge, or term

29  from the insurer to whom the disclosure is made.




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 1         (e)  Any agents, brokers, or insurers from using, or

 2  participating with multiple insurers or reinsurers for

 3  underwriting, a single risk or group of risks.

 4         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 624.462, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         624.462  Commercial self-insurance funds.--

 7         (2)  As used in ss. 624.460-624.488, "commercial

 8  self-insurance fund" or "fund" means a group of members,

 9  operating individually and collectively through a trust or

10  corporation, that must be:

11         (a)  Established by:

12         1.  A not-for-profit trade association, industry

13  association, or professional association of employers or

14  professionals which has a constitution or bylaws, which is

15  incorporated under the laws of this state, and which has been

16  organized for purposes other than that of obtaining or

17  providing insurance and operated in good faith for a

18  continuous period of 1 year;

19         2.  A self-insurance trust fund organized pursuant to

20  s. 627.357 and maintained in good faith for a continuous

21  period of 1 year for purposes other than that of obtaining or

22  providing insurance pursuant to this section.  Each member of

23  a commercial self-insurance trust fund established pursuant to

24  this subsection must maintain membership in the self-insurance

25  trust fund organized pursuant to s. 627.357; or

26         3.  A group of 10 or more health care providers, as

27  defined in s. 627.351(4)(h); or

28         4.3.  A not-for-profit group comprised of no less than

29  10 condominium associations as defined in s. 718.103(2), which

30  is incorporated under the laws of this state, which restricts

31  its membership to condominium associations only, and which has


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 1  been organized and maintained in good faith for a continuous

 2  period of 1 year for purposes other than that of obtaining or

 3  providing insurance.

 4         (b)1.  In the case of funds established pursuant to

 5  subparagraph (a)2. or subparagraph (a)4. subparagraph (a)3.,

 6  operated pursuant to a trust agreement by a board of trustees

 7  which shall have complete fiscal control over the fund and

 8  which shall be responsible for all operations of the fund.

 9  The majority of the trustees shall be owners, partners,

10  officers, directors, or employees of one or more members of

11  the fund.  The trustees shall have the authority to approve

12  applications of members for participation in the fund and to

13  contract with an authorized administrator or servicing company

14  to administer the day-to-day affairs of the fund.

15         2.  In the case of funds established pursuant to

16  subparagraph (a)1. or subparagraph (a)3., operated pursuant to

17  a trust agreement by a board of trustees or as a corporation

18  by a board of directors which board shall:

19         a.  Be responsible to members of the fund or

20  beneficiaries of the trust or policyholders of the

21  corporation;

22         b.  Appoint independent certified public accountants,

23  legal counsel, actuaries, and investment advisers as needed;

24         c.  Approve payment of dividends to members;

25         d.  Approve changes in corporate structure; and

26         e.  Have the authority to contract with an

27  administrator authorized under s. 626.88 to administer the

28  day-to-day affairs of the fund including, but not limited to,

29  marketing, underwriting, billing, collection, claims

30  administration, safety and loss prevention, reinsurance,

31  policy issuance, accounting, regulatory reporting, and general


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 1  administration.  The fees or compensation for services under

 2  such contract shall be comparable to the costs for similar

 3  services incurred by insurers writing the same lines of

 4  insurance, or where available such expenses as filed by

 5  boards, bureaus, and associations designated by insurers to

 6  file such data. A majority of the trustees or directors shall

 7  be owners, partners, officers, directors, or employees of one

 8  or more members of the fund.

 9         Section 4.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 627.041,

10  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

11         627.041  Definitions.--As used in this part:

12         (3)  "Rating organization" means every person, other

13  than an authorized insurer, whether located within or outside

14  this state, who has as his or her object or purpose the

15  collecting, compiling, and disseminating historical data on

16  paid claims or reserves for reported claims making of rates,

17  rating plans, or rating systems. Two or more authorized

18  insurers that act in concert for the purpose of collecting,

19  compiling, and disseminating historical data on paid claims or

20  reserves for reported claims making rates, rating plans, or

21  rating systems, and that do not operate within the specific

22  authorizations contained in ss. 627.311, 627.314(2), (4), and

23  627.351, shall be deemed to be a rating organization. No

24  single insurer shall be deemed to be a rating organization.

25         (4)  "Advisory organization" means every group,

26  association, or other organization of insurers, whether

27  located within or outside this state, which prepares policy

28  forms or makes underwriting rules incident to but not

29  including the making of rates, rating plans, or rating systems

30  or which collects and furnishes to authorized insurers or

31  rating organizations loss or expense statistics or other


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 1  statistical information and data and acts in an advisory, as

 2  distinguished from a ratemaking, capacity.

 3         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section

 4  627.062, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         627.062  Rate standards.--

 6         (6)(a)  After any action with respect to a rate filing

 7  that constitutes agency action for purposes of the

 8  Administrative Procedure Act, except for a rate filing for

 9  medical malpractice, an insurer may, in lieu of demanding a

10  hearing under s. 120.57, require arbitration of the rate

11  filing. Arbitration shall be conducted by a board of

12  arbitrators consisting of an arbitrator selected by the

13  department, an arbitrator selected by the insurer, and an

14  arbitrator selected jointly by the other two arbitrators. Each

15  arbitrator must be certified by the American Arbitration

16  Association. A decision is valid only upon the affirmative

17  vote of at least two of the arbitrators. No arbitrator may be

18  an employee of any insurance regulator or regulatory body or

19  of any insurer, regardless of whether or not the employing

20  insurer does business in this state. The department and the

21  insurer must treat the decision of the arbitrators as the

22  final approval of a rate filing. Costs of arbitration shall be

23  paid by the insurer.

24         Section 6.  Section 627.314, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         627.314  Concerted action by two or more insurers.--

27         (1)  Subject to and in compliance with the provisions

28  of this part authorizing insurers to be members or subscribers

29  of rating or advisory organizations or to engage in joint

30  underwriting or joint reinsurance, two or more insurers may



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 1  act in concert with each other and with others with respect to

 2  any matters pertaining to:

 3         (a)  Collecting, compiling, and disseminating

 4  historical data on paid claims or reserve for reported claims

 5  The making of rates or rating systems except for private

 6  passenger automobile insurance rates;

 7         (b)  The preparation or making of insurance policy or

 8  bond forms, underwriting rules, surveys, inspections, and

 9  investigations;

10         (c)  The furnishing of loss or expense statistics or

11  other information and data; or

12         (c)(d)  The carrying on of research.

13         (2)  With respect to any matters pertaining to the

14  making of rates or rating systems; the preparation or making

15  of insurance policy or bond forms, underwriting rules,

16  surveys, inspections, and investigations; the furnishing of

17  loss or expense statistics or other information and data; or

18  the carrying on of research, two or more authorized insurers

19  having a common ownership or operating in the state under

20  common management or control are hereby authorized to act in

21  concert between or among themselves the same as if they

22  constituted a single insurer. To the extent that such matters

23  relate to cosurety bonds, two or more authorized insurers

24  executing such bonds are hereby authorized to act in concert

25  between or among themselves the same as if they constituted a

26  single insurer.

27         (3)(a)  Members and subscribers of rating or advisory

28  organizations may use the rates, rating systems, underwriting

29  rules, or policy or bond forms of such organizations, either

30  consistently or intermittently; but, except as provided in

31  subsection (2) and ss. 627.311 and 627.351, they shall not


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 1  agree with each other or rating organizations or others to

 2  adhere thereto.

 3         (b)  The fact that two or more authorized insurers,

 4  whether or not members or subscribers of a rating or advisory

 5  organization, use, either consistently or intermittently, the

 6  rates or rating systems made or adopted by a rating

 7  organization or the underwriting rules or policy or bond forms

 8  prepared by a rating or advisory organization shall not be

 9  sufficient in itself to support a finding that an agreement to

10  so adhere exists, and may be used only for the purpose of

11  supplementing or explaining direct evidence of the existence

12  of any such agreement.

13         (b)(c)  This subsection does not apply as to workers'

14  compensation and employer's liability insurances.

15         (4)  Licensed rating organizations and authorized

16  insurers are authorized to exchange information and experience

17  data with rating organizations and insurers in this and other

18  states and may consult with them with respect to ratemaking

19  and the application of rating systems.

20         (4)(5)  Upon compliance with the provisions of this

21  part applicable thereto, any rating organization or advisory

22  organization, and any group, association, or other

23  organization of authorized insurers which engages in joint

24  underwriting or joint reinsurance through such organization or

25  by standing agreement among the members thereof, may conduct

26  operations in this state. As respects insurance risks or

27  operations in this state, no insurer shall be a member or

28  subscriber of any such organization, group, or association

29  that has not complied with the provisions of this part

30  applicable to it.



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 1         (5)(6)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this

 2  part, insurers shall not participate directly or indirectly in

 3  the deliberations or decisions of rating organizations on

 4  private passenger automobile insurance. However, such rating

 5  organizations shall, upon request of individual insurers, be

 6  required to furnish at reasonable cost the rate indications

 7  resulting from the loss and expense statistics gathered by

 8  them. Individual insurers may modify the indications to

 9  reflect their individual experience in determining their own

10  rates. Such rates shall be filed with the department for

11  public inspection whenever requested and shall be available

12  for public announcement only by the press, department, or

13  insurer.

14         Section 7.  Section 627.4147, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         627.4147  Medical malpractice insurance contracts.--

17         (1)  In addition to any other requirements imposed by

18  law, each self-insurance policy as authorized under s. 627.357

19  or insurance policy providing coverage for claims arising out

20  of the rendering of, or the failure to render, medical care or

21  services, including those of the Florida Medical Malpractice

22  Joint Underwriting Association, shall include:

23         (a)  A clause requiring the insured to cooperate fully

24  in the review process prescribed under s. 766.106 if a notice

25  of intent to file a claim for medical malpractice is made

26  against the insured.

27         (b)1.  Except as provided in subparagraph 2., a clause

28  authorizing the insurer or self-insurer to determine, to make,

29  and to conclude, without the permission of the insured, any

30  offer of admission of liability and for arbitration pursuant

31  to s. 766.106, settlement offer, or offer of judgment, if the


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 1  offer is within the policy limits. It is against public policy

 2  for any insurance or self-insurance policy to contain a clause

 3  giving the insured the exclusive right to veto any offer for

 4  admission of liability and for arbitration made pursuant to s.

 5  766.106, settlement offer, or offer of judgment, when such

 6  offer is within the policy limits. However, any offer of

 7  admission of liability, settlement offer, or offer of judgment

 8  made by an insurer or self-insurer shall be made in good faith

 9  and in the best interests of the insured.

10         2.a.  With respect to dentists licensed under chapter

11  466, a clause clearly stating whether or not the insured has

12  the exclusive right to veto any offer of admission of

13  liability and for arbitration pursuant to s. 766.106,

14  settlement offer, or offer of judgment if the offer is within

15  policy limits. An insurer or self-insurer shall not make or

16  conclude, without the permission of the insured, any offer of

17  admission of liability and for arbitration pursuant to s.

18  766.106, settlement offer, or offer of judgment, if such offer

19  is outside the policy limits. However, any offer for admission

20  of liability and for arbitration made under s. 766.106,

21  settlement offer, or offer of judgment made by an insurer or

22  self-insurer shall be made in good faith and in the best

23  interest of the insured.

24         b.  If the policy contains a clause stating the insured

25  does not have the exclusive right to veto any offer or

26  admission of liability and for arbitration made pursuant to s.

27  766.106, settlement offer or offer of judgment, the insurer or

28  self-insurer shall provide to the insured or the insured's

29  legal representative by certified mail, return receipt

30  requested, a copy of the final offer of admission of liability

31  and for arbitration made pursuant to s. 766.106, settlement


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 1  offer or offer of judgment and at the same time such offer is

 2  provided to the claimant. A copy of any final agreement

 3  reached between the insurer and claimant shall also be

 4  provided to the insurer or his or her legal representative by

 5  certified mail, return receipt requested not more than 10 days

 6  after affecting such agreement.

 7         (c)  A clause requiring the insurer or self-insurer to

 8  notify the insured no less than 90 60 days prior to the

 9  effective date of a rate increase or cancellation of the

10  policy or contract and, in the event of a determination by the

11  insurer or self-insurer not to renew the policy or contract,

12  to notify the insured no less than 90 60 days prior to the end

13  of the policy or contract period. If cancellation or

14  nonrenewal is due to nonpayment or loss of license, 10 days'

15  notice is required.

16         (2)  In determining the premium paid by any health care

17  provider, a medical malpractice insurer shall apply a discount

18  or surcharge based on the provider's loss experience,

19  including state disciplinary action, or shall establish an

20  alternative method giving due consideration to the provider s

21  loss experience. The insurer shall include a schedule of all

22  such discounts and surcharges or a description of such

23  alternative method in all filings the insurer makes with the

24  director of the Office of Insurance Regulation. Such schedule

25  or description of alternative method shall also be provided to

26  policyholders or prospective policyholders. No medical

27  malpractice liability insurer may use any rate or charge any

28  premium unless the insurer has filed such schedule or

29  alternative method with the director and the director has

30  approved such schedule or alternative method. Each insurer

31  covered by this section may require the insured to be a member


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 1  in good standing, i.e., not subject to expulsion or

 2  suspension, of a duly recognized state or local professional

 3  society of health care providers which maintains a medical

 4  review committee. No professional society shall expel or

 5  suspend a member solely because he or she participates in a

 6  health maintenance organization licensed under part I of

 7  chapter 641.

 8         (3)  This section shall apply to all policies issued or

 9  renewed after July 1, 2003 October 1, 1985.

10         Section 8.  Section 627.912, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         627.912  Professional liability claims and actions;

13  reports by insurers; annual reports.--

14         (1)  Each self-insurer authorized under s. 627.357 and

15  each insurer or joint underwriting association providing

16  professional liability insurance to a practitioner of medicine

17  licensed under chapter 458, to a practitioner of osteopathic

18  medicine licensed under chapter 459, to a podiatric physician

19  licensed under chapter 461, to a dentist licensed under

20  chapter 466, to a hospital licensed under chapter 395, to a

21  crisis stabilization unit licensed under part IV of chapter

22  394, to a health maintenance organization certificated under

23  part I of chapter 641, to clinics included in chapter 390, to

24  an ambulatory surgical center as defined in s. 395.002, or to

25  a member of The Florida Bar shall report in duplicate to the

26  Department of Insurance any claim or action for damages for

27  personal injuries claimed to have been caused by error,

28  omission, or negligence in the performance of such insured's

29  professional services or based on a claimed performance of

30  professional services without consent, if the claim resulted

31  in:


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 1         (a)  A final judgment in any amount.

 2         (b)  A settlement in any amount.


 4  Reports shall be filed with the department and, if the insured

 5  party is licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461,

 6  or chapter 466, with the Department of Health, no later than

 7  30 days following the occurrence of any event listed in

 8  paragraph (a) or paragraph (b). The Department of Health shall

 9  review each report and determine whether any of the incidents

10  that resulted in the claim potentially involved conduct by the

11  licensee that is subject to disciplinary action, in which case

12  the provisions of s. 456.073 shall apply. The Department of

13  Health, as part of the annual report required by s. 456.026,

14  shall publish annual statistics, without identifying

15  licensees, on the reports it receives, including final action

16  taken on such reports by the Department of Health or the

17  appropriate regulatory board.

18         (2)  The reports required by subsection (1) shall

19  contain:

20         (a)  The name, address, and specialty coverage of the

21  insured.

22         (b)  The insured's policy number.

23         (c)  The date of the occurrence which created the

24  claim.

25         (d)  The date the claim was reported to the insurer or

26  self-insurer.

27         (e)  The name and address of the injured person. This

28  information is confidential and exempt from the provisions of

29  s. 119.07(1), and must not be disclosed by the department

30  without the injured person's consent, except for disclosure by

31  the department to the Department of Health. This information


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 1  may be used by the department for purposes of identifying

 2  multiple or duplicate claims arising out of the same

 3  occurrence.

 4         (f)  The date of suit, if filed.

 5         (g)  The injured person's age and sex.

 6         (h)  The total number and names of all defendants

 7  involved in the claim.

 8         (i)  The date and amount of judgment or settlement, if

 9  any, including the itemization of the verdict, together with a

10  copy of the settlement or judgment.

11         (j)  In the case of a settlement, such information as

12  the department may require with regard to the injured person's

13  incurred and anticipated medical expense, wage loss, and other

14  expenses.

15         (k)  The loss adjustment expense paid to defense

16  counsel, and all other allocated loss adjustment expense paid.

17         (l)  The date and reason for final disposition, if no

18  judgment or settlement.

19         (m)  A summary of the occurrence which created the

20  claim, which shall include:

21         1.  The name of the institution, if any, and the

22  location within the institution at which the injury occurred.

23         2.  The final diagnosis for which treatment was sought

24  or rendered, including the patient's actual condition.

25         3.  A description of the misdiagnosis made, if any, of

26  the patient's actual condition.

27         4.  The operation, diagnostic, or treatment procedure

28  causing the injury.

29         5.  A description of the principal injury giving rise

30  to the claim.



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 1         6.  The safety management steps that have been taken by

 2  the insured to make similar occurrences or injuries less

 3  likely in the future.

 4         (n)  Any other information required by the department

 5  to analyze and evaluate the nature, causes, location, cost,

 6  and damages involved in professional liability cases.

 7         (3)  Upon request by the Department of Health, the

 8  department shall provide the Department of Health with any

 9  information received under this section related to persons

10  licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461, or

11  chapter 466. For purposes of safety management, the department

12  shall annually provide the Department of Health with copies of

13  the reports in cases resulting in an indemnity being paid to

14  the claimants.

15         (4)  There shall be no liability on the part of, and no

16  cause of action of any nature shall arise against, any insurer

17  reporting hereunder or its agents or employees or the

18  department or its employees for any action taken by them under

19  this section. The department may impose a fine of $250 per day

20  per case, but not to exceed a total of $10,000 $1,000 per

21  case, against an insurer that violates the requirements of

22  this section. This subsection applies to claims accruing on or

23  after October 1, 1997.

24         (5)  Any self-insurance program established under s.

25  1004.24 shall report in duplicate to the Department of

26  Insurance any claim or action for damages for personal

27  injuries claimed to have been caused by error, omission, or

28  negligence in the performance of professional services

29  provided by the state university board of trustees through an

30  employee or agent of the state university board of trustees,

31  including practitioners of medicine licensed under chapter


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 1  458, practitioners of osteopathic medicine licensed under

 2  chapter 459, podiatric physicians licensed under chapter 461,

 3  and dentists licensed under chapter 466, or based on a claimed

 4  performance of professional services without consent if the

 5  claim resulted in a final judgment in any amount, or a

 6  settlement in any amount. The reports required by this

 7  subsection shall contain the information required by

 8  subsection (3) and the name, address, and specialty of the

 9  employee or agent of the state university board of trustees

10  whose performance or professional services is alleged in the

11  claim or action to have caused personal injury.

12         (6)  Each entity required to report closed claims for

13  the classification of insurance set forth in subsection (1)

14  shall also provide to the Office of Insurance Regulation the

15  following financial information, specific to this state and

16  countrywide, if applicable, for the prior calendar year:

17         (a)  Direct premiums written.

18         (b)  Direct premiums earned.

19         (c)  Incurred loss and loss expense developed according

20  to the formula A + B - C + D - E + F + G - H, for which A

21  equals the dollar amount of losses paid, B equals the reserves

22  for reported claims at the end of the current year, C equals

23  the reserves for reported claims at the end of the previous

24  year, D equals the reserves for incurred but not reported

25  claims at the end of the current year, E equals the reserves

26  for incurred but not reported claims at the end of the

27  previous year, F equals loss adjustment expenses paid, G

28  equals the reserves for loss adjustment expenses at the end of

29  the current year, and H equals the reserves for loss

30  adjustment expenses at the end of the previous year.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2080

 1         (d)  Incurred expenses allocated separately to

 2  commissions, other acquisition costs, general expenses, taxes,

 3  licenses, and fees, using appropriate estimates when

 4  necessary.

 5         (e)  Policyholder dividends.

 6         (f)  Underwriting gain or loss.

 7         (g)  Net investment income, including net realized

 8  capital gains and losses, using appropriate estimates where

 9  necessary.

10         (h)  Federal income taxes.

11         (i)  Net income.

12         (7)  The director of the Office of Insurance Regulation

13  may levy an administrative fine of $1,000 per day against any

14  insurer failing to comply with the reporting requirements of

15  this section.

16         (8)  The director of the Office of Insurance Regulation

17  shall prepare an annual report no later than July 1 that

18  summarizes the information submitted pursuant to this section.

19  Such summary shall be prepared on an aggregate basis. A copy

20  of the report shall be delivered to the Governor, the

21  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

22  Representatives. The first report submitted pursuant to this

23  subsection shall be delivered on or before October 1, 2003,

24  for the calendar year 2002. Subsequent reports shall be filed

25  on or before March 1 for each prior year.

26         Section 9.  Section 627.41491, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         627.41491  Full disclosure of insurance

29  information.--The Office of Insurance Regulation shall provide

30  health care providers with a comparison of the rate in effect

31  for each medical malpractice insurer and self-insurer and the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2080

 1  Florida Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association.

 2  Such rate comparison chart shall be made available to the

 3  public through the Internet and other commonly used means of

 4  distribution no later than July 1 of each year.

 5         Section 10.  Section 627.41493, Florida Statutes, is

 6  created to read:

 7         627.41493  Insurance rate rollback.--

 8         (1)  For any coverage for medical malpractice insurance

 9  subject to this chapter issued or renewed on or after July 1,

10  2003, every insurer shall reduce its charges to levels that

11  are at least 20 percent less than the charges for the same

12  coverage that were in effect on January 1, 2001.

13         (2)  Between July 1, 2003, and July 1, 2004, rates and

14  premiums reduced pursuant to subsection (1) may only be

15  increased if the director of the Office of Insurance

16  Regulation finds, after a hearing, that an insurer or

17  self-insurer or the Florida Medical Malpractice Joint

18  Underwriting Association is unable to earn a fair rate of

19  return.

20         (3)  Commencing July 1, 2003, insurance rates for

21  medical malpractice subject to this chapter must be approved

22  by the director of the Office of Insurance Regulation prior to

23  being used.

24         (4)  Any separate affiliate of an insurer is subject to

25  the provisions of this section.

26         Section 11.  Section 627.41495, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         627.41495  Consumer participation in rate review.--

29         (1)  Upon the filing of a proposed rate change by a

30  medical malpractice insurer, self-insurer, or risk retention

31  group, the director of the Office of Insurance Regulation


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2080

 1  shall require the insurer, self-insurer, or risk retention

 2  group to give notice to the public and to the insureds or

 3  associations of insureds of the insurer, self-insurer, or risk

 4  retention group making the filing.

 5         (2)  The rate filing shall be available for public

 6  inspection. If any insureds or associations of insureds of the

 7  insurer, self-insurer, or risk retention group filing the

 8  proposed rate change request the director of the Office of

 9  Insurance Regulation to hold a hearing within 30 days after

10  the mailing of the notification of the proposed rate changes

11  to the insureds, the director shall hold a hearing within 30

12  days after such request. Any consumer may participate in such

13  hearing, and the office shall adopt rules governing such

14  participation.

15         Section 12.  The Office of Insurance Regulation may

16  adopt rules to administer this act.

17         Section 13.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2080

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 2080


 4  The committee substitute does the following:

 5  -    Deletes s. 627.41497, F.S., as created by the bill, which
         established medical malpractice rate standards and prior
 6       approval of rates.

 7  -    Amends s. 627.062, F.S., to provide that an insurer that
         makes a medical malpractice rate filing may not demand
 8       binding arbitration as an alternative to an
         administrative hearing.
    -    Deletes the provision that would have allowed medical
10       malpractice self-insurance funds to be formed under s.
         627.357, F.S., and instead, would allow 10 or more health
11       care providers to form a commercial self-insurance fund
         under ss. 624.460-624.488, F.S.
    -    Provides a different finding that the director of the
13       Office of Insurance Regulation must make, in order for a
         medical malpractice rate to be increased between July 1,
14       2003, and July 1, 2004.



















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.