Senate Bill sb2082er
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
2003 Legislature SB 2082, 1st Engrossed
2 An act relating to the disposition of fetal
3 remains; creating s. 383.33625, F.S.; providing
4 a popular name; providing that where a health
5 practitioner has custody of fetal remains
6 following a spontaneous fetal demise, the
7 health practitioner must notify the mother of
8 her option of burial or cremation of the fetal
9 remains; providing requirements with respect to
10 notification; directing the Department of
11 Health to develop forms for health
12 practitioners; providing that where a facility
13 has custody of fetal remains following a
14 spontaneous fetal demise, the facility must
15 notify the mother of her option of burial or
16 cremation of the fetal remains, as well as
17 procedures pertaining thereto; directing the
18 Agency for Health Care Administration to
19 develop forms for facilities; providing an
20 effective date.
22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24 Section 1. Section 383.33625, Florida Statutes, is
25 created to read:
26 383.33625 Stephanie Saboor Grieving Parents Act;
27 disposition of fetus; notification; forms developed.--
28 (1) This section shall be known by the popular name
29 the "Stephanie Saboor Grieving Parents Act."
30 (2) A health care practitioner licensed pursuant to
31 chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 464, or chapter 467, Florida
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
2003 Legislature SB 2082, 1st Engrossed
1 Statutes, having custody of fetal remains following a
2 spontaneous fetal demise occurring after a gestation period of
3 less than 20 completed weeks must notify the mother of her
4 option to arrange for the burial or cremation of the fetal
5 remains, as well as the procedures provided by general law.
6 Notification may also include other options such as, but not
7 limited to, a ceremony, a certificate, or common burial of the
8 fetal remains.
9 (3) The Department of Health shall adopt rules to
10 develop forms to be used for notifications and elections by
11 the health care practitioner, and the health care practitioner
12 shall provide the forms to the mother.
13 (4) A facility licensed pursuant to chapter 383 or
14 chapter 395 having custody of fetal remains following a
15 spontaneous fetal demise occurring after a gestation period of
16 less than 20 completed weeks must notify the mother of her
17 option to arrange for the burial or cremation of the fetal
18 remains, as well as the procedures provided by general law.
19 Notification may also include other options such as, but not
20 limited to, a ceremony, a certificate, or common burial of the
21 fetal remains.
22 (5) If the mother chooses the option of using the
23 procedures provided by general law, the facility or health
24 care practitioner in custody of fetal remains shall follow the
25 procedures set forth in general law.
26 (6) The Agency for Health Care Administration shall
27 adopt rules to develop forms to be used for notifications and
28 elections by the facility, and the hospital shall provide the
29 forms to the mother.
30 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
31 law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.