Senate Bill sb2284e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

  3         440.02, F.S.; redefining the term "employer";

  4         providing that certain businesses may form a

  5         group for purposes of workers' compensation;

  6         providing immunity; amending s. 725.06, F.S.;

  7         including promises to insure or obtain

  8         insurance for certain parties to construction

  9         contracts for certain actions as void and

10         unenforceable; providing exceptions; providing

11         for limited liability protection for additional

12         insured coverage under certain agreements or

13         contracts; prohibiting a contractor or

14         subcontractor from withholding payment to

15         certain subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, or

16         materialmen under certain insurance policies

17         under certain circumstances; providing

18         conditions; revising application; providing an

19         effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Section 725.06, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         725.06  Construction contracts; limitation on

26  indemnification; agreements to insure.--

27         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (a),

28  (b), and (c), any portion of any agreement or contract for or

29  in connection with, or any guarantee of or in connection with,

30  any construction, alteration, repair, or demolition of a

31  building, structure, appurtenance, or appliance, including


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1  moving and excavating associated therewith, between an owner

 2  of real property and an architect, engineer, general

 3  contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, or materialman

 4  or any combination thereof wherein any party referred to

 5  herein promises to have someone named an additional insured

 6  under his insurance policy, indemnify, defend or hold harmless

 7  the other party to the agreement, contract, another person or

 8  party guarantee for liability or for damages to persons or

 9  property caused in whole or in part by any act, omission, or

10  default of the person or party indemnitee arising from the

11  contract or its performance, being indemnified shall be void

12  and unenforceable as against public policy. However, this

13  provision shall not be construed to place limits on indemnity

14  agreements that are only between a general contractor and the

15  owner of real property as long as unless the contract contains

16  a monetary limitation on the extent of the indemnification

17  that bears a reasonable commercial relationship to the

18  contract and is part of the project specifications or bid

19  documents, if any. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the monetary

20  limitation on the extent of the indemnification provided to

21  the owner of real property by any party in privity of contract

22  with such owner shall not be less than $1 million per

23  occurrence, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. However,

24  such indemnification shall not include claims of, or damages

25  resulting from, gross negligence, or willful, wanton or

26  intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or its officers,

27  directors, agents or employees, or for statutory violations or

28  punitive damages except and to the extent the statutory

29  violation or punitive damages are caused by or result from the

30  negligent acts, omissions, or default of the indemnitor or any

31  of the indemnitor's contractors, subcontractors,


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1  sub-subcontractors, materialmen, or agents of any tier or

 2  their respective employees.

 3         (a)  Indemnification provisions in any such agreements,

 4  contracts, or guarantees may not require that the indemnitor

 5  indemnify the indemnitee for damages to persons or property

 6  caused in whole or in part by any act, omission, or default of

 7  a party other than:

 8         1.(a)  The indemnitor; or

 9         2.(b)  Any of the indemnitor's contractors,

10  subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, materialmen, or agents of

11  any tier or their respective employees.; or

12         (c)  The indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents,

13  or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include

14  claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or

15  willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or

16  its officers, directors, agents or employees, or for statutory

17  violation or punitive damages except and to the extent the

18  statutory violation or punitive damages are caused by or

19  result from the acts or omissions of the indemnitor or any of

20  the indemnitor's contractors, subcontractors,

21  sub-subcontractors, materialmen, or agents of any tier or

22  their respective employees.

23         (b)(2)  A construction contract for a public agency or

24  in connection with a public agency's project may require a

25  party to that contract to indemnify and hold harmless the

26  other party  to the contract, their officers and employees,

27  from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but

28  not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent

29  caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional

30  wrongful misconduct of the indemnifying party and persons



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1  employed or utilized by the indemnifying party in the

 2  performance of the construction contract.

 3         (c)  Any portion of any agreement or contract for or in

 4  connection with, or any guarantee of or in connection with,

 5  any construction, alteration, repair, or demolition of a

 6  building, structure, appurtenance, or appliance, including

 7  moving and excavating associated therewith, between an entity

 8  regulated by the Florida Public Service Commission and an

 9  architect, engineer, general contractor, subcontractor,

10  sub-subcontractor, or materialman or any combination thereof

11  wherein any party referred to herein promises to indemnify or

12  hold harmless the other party to the agreement, contract, or

13  guarantee for liability for damages to persons or property

14  caused in whole or in part by any negligent act, omission, or

15  default of the indemnitee arising from the contract or its

16  performance, shall be void and unenforceable unless the

17  contract contains a monetary limitation on the extent of the

18  indemnification that bears a reasonable commercial

19  relationship to the contract and is part of the project

20  specifications or bid documents, if any. Notwithstanding the

21  foregoing, the monetary limitation on the extent of the

22  indemnification provided to the owner of real property by any

23  party in privity of contract with such owner shall not be less

24  than $1 million per occurrence, unless otherwise agreed by the

25  parties. Indemnification provisions in any such agreements,

26  contracts, or guarantees may not require that the indemnitor

27  indemnify the indemnitee for damages to persons or property

28  caused in whole or in part by any act, omission, or default of

29  a party other than:

30         1.  The indemnitor;



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1         2.  Any of the indemnitor's contractors,

 2  subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, materialmen, or agents of

 3  any tier or their respective employees; or

 4         3.  The indemnitee or its officers, directors, agents,

 5  or employees. However, such indemnification shall not include

 6  claims of, or damages resulting from, gross negligence, or

 7  willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the indemnitee or

 8  its officers, directors, agents or employees, or for statutory

 9  violation or punitive damages except and to the extent the

10  statutory violation or punitive damages are caused by or

11  result from the acts or omissions of the indemnitor or any of

12  the indemnitor's contractors, subcontractors,

13  sub-subcontractors, materialmen, or agents of any tier or

14  their respective employees.

15         (2)  If, as part of any agreement or contract for or in

16  connection with, or any guarantee of or in connection with,

17  any construction, alteration, repair, or demolition of a

18  building, structure, appurtenance, or appliance, including

19  moving and excavating associated with such activities, between

20  or among an architect, engineer, general contractor,

21  subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, or materialman or any

22  combination of such persons, a policy of insurance extends

23  certain coverage rights to an additional insured for liability

24  arising out of the acts, errors, or omissions of the named

25  insured, such additional insured coverage shall only provide

26  liability protection to the additional insured for the imputed

27  or vicarious liability imposed on the additional insured as a

28  direct consequence of the negligent acts or omissions of the

29  named insured.

30         (3)  If a written contract requires a subcontractor,

31  sub-subcontractor or materialman to provide a policy of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1  insurance or a certificate of insurance to a general

 2  contractor or subcontractor, extending specific coverage

 3  rights to an additional insured:

 4         (a)  The general contractor or subcontractor may at any

 5  point prior to the date the subcontractor, sub-subcontractor

 6  or materialman commences work or delivers material to the

 7  project, accept or reject the policy as being nonconforming;

 8         (b)  If not rejected, the general contractor or

 9  subcontractor shall be deemed to have accepted the policy and;

10         (c)  The general contractor or subcontractor shall not

11  use the lack of conforming insurance as a reason to reject

12  work already completed by a subcontractor, sub-subcontractor,

13  or material already supplied by the materialman, or withhold

14  payment to the subcontractor, sub-subcontractor or materialman

15  for work already completed or material already supplied Except

16  as specifically provided in subsection (2), a construction

17  contract for a public agency or in connection with a public

18  agency's project may not require one party to indemnify,

19  defend, or hold harmless the other party, its employees,

20  officers, directors, or agents from any liability, damage,

21  loss, claim, action, or proceeding, and any such contract

22  provision is void as against public policy of this state.

23         (4)  This section does not affect any contracts,

24  agreements, or guarantees entered into before the effective

25  date of this section or any renewals thereof.

26         Section 2.  Subsection (16) of section 440.02, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         440.02  Definitions.--When used in this chapter, unless

29  the context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms

30  shall have the following meanings:



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 2284                                        First Engrossed

 1         (16)(a)  "Employer" means the state and all political

 2  subdivisions thereof, all public and quasi-public corporations

 3  therein, every person carrying on any employment, and the

 4  legal representative of a deceased person or the receiver or

 5  trustees of any person. If the employer is a corporation,

 6  parties in actual control of the corporation, including, but

 7  not limited to, the president, officers who exercise broad

 8  corporate powers, directors, and all shareholders who directly

 9  or indirectly own a controlling interest in the corporation,

10  are considered the employer for the purposes of ss. 440.105

11  and 440.106.

12         (b)  Businesses, partnerships, corporations, sole

13  proprietorships, or other business entities with four or more

14  paid employees, which are engaged in the same or similar types

15  of work activities, have employees with similar industry

16  classifications, and confine their work exclusively or

17  predominately to a horseracing track or facility servicing a

18  horseracing track in this state may form a group and aggregate

19  their employer obligations under this chapter so that the

20  aggregated business activities of 10 or more separate entities

21  may be considered as single employer for purposes of arranging

22  workers' compensation insurance or self-insurance

23  certification, and the immunity provisions of s. 440.11 shall

24  apply.

25         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law.







CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.