Senate Bill sb2362c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2362

    By the Committee on Commerce, Economic Opportunities, and
    Consumer Services; and Senators Klein and Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Business

  3         Corporations Act; amending s. 607.0120, F.S.;

  4         clarifying a document execution provision

  5         relating to filing requirement; amending s.

  6         607.0122, F.S.; clarifying an agent statement

  7         of resignation fee provision; amending s.

  8         607.0123, F.S.; clarifying an effective time

  9         and date of document provision; amending s.

10         607.0124, F.S.; clarifying a filed document

11         correction provision; amending s. 607.0141,

12         F.S.; revising certain required notice

13         provisions; providing for nonapplication to

14         certain provisions; amending s. 607.0401, F.S.;

15         clarifying a corporate name provision;

16         providing construction relating to a corporate

17         name; amending s. 607.0505, F.S.; providing for

18         agent designation withdrawals by alien business

19         organizations; amending s. 607.0630, F.S.;

20         clarifying shareholder's preemptive rights

21         provisions relating to certain securities;

22         amending s. 607.0701, F.S.; providing for

23         remote communications at annual shareholder

24         meetings; providing requirements; amending s.

25         607.0702, F.S.; providing for remote

26         communications at special shareholder meetings;

27         providing requirements; amending s. 607.07401,

28         F.S.; revising a complaint verification and

29         allegation requirement under a shareholder

30         derivative action provision; amending s.

31         607.0902, F.S.; revising a notice of


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 1         shareholder meeting requirement; providing

 2         construction of control shares voting rights;

 3         deleting a rights of dissenting shareholders

 4         provision; amending s. 607.10025, F.S.;

 5         clarifying certain articles of incorporation

 6         provisions; amending s. 607.1004, F.S.;

 7         clarifying certain voting group amendment

 8         voting provisions; amending s. 607.1006, F.S.;

 9         clarifying certain execution of articles of

10         amendment provisions; amending s. 607.1103,

11         F.S.; clarifying a notification of certain plan

12         actions provision; amending s. 607.1104, F.S.;

13         clarifying a merger of subsidiary corporation

14         plan of merger information requirement;

15         amending s. 607.1108, F.S.; correcting a

16         cross-reference; amending s. 607.11101, F.S.;

17         clarifying certain effect of merger provisions;

18         amending s. 607.1202, F.S.; clarifying a notice

19         requirement relating to certain sales of

20         assets; amending s. 607.1301, F.S.; providing

21         definitions relating to appraisal rights;

22         amending s. 607.1302, F.S.; providing for

23         shareholders' rights to appraisals under

24         certain circumstances; providing limitations;

25         providing for limiting or eliminating appraisal

26         rights under certain circumstances; prohibiting

27         certain corporate action challenges under

28         certain circumstances; creating s. 607.1303,

29         F.S.; providing procedures, requirements, and

30         limitations for assertion of rights by nominees

31         and beneficial owners; amending s. 607.1320,


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 1         F.S.; providing requirements for notice of

 2         appraisal rights; creating s. 607.1321, F.S.;

 3         providing requirements for notice of intent to

 4         demand payment; creating s. 607.1322, F.S.;

 5         providing appraisal notice and form

 6         requirements; creating s. 607.1323, F.S.;

 7         providing procedures, requirements, and

 8         limitations for perfection of appraisal rights;

 9         providing for right to withdraw under certain

10         circumstances; creating s. 607.1324, F.S.;

11         providing procedures and requirements for

12         shareholders' acceptance of certain offers;

13         creating s. 607.1326, F.S.; providing

14         procedures for shareholder dissatisfaction with

15         certain offers; providing for waiver of certain

16         rights; creating s. 607.1330, F.S.; providing

17         requirements, procedures, and limitations on

18         court actions; providing for entitlement to

19         certain judgments; requiring corporate payments

20         under certain circumstances; creating s.

21         607.1331, F.S.; providing for assessment and

22         award of court costs and attorney fees under

23         certain circumstances; creating s. 607.1332,

24         F.S.; providing for disposition of certain

25         acquired shares; creating s. 607.1333, F.S.;

26         providing limitations on corporate payouts;

27         providing certain shareholder notice

28         requirements; amending s. 607.1403, F.S.;

29         providing for execution of articles of

30         dissolution; clarifying requirements; amending

31         s. 607.1406, F.S.; clarifying provisions


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 1         relating to claims against dissolved

 2         corporations; creating s. 607.1407, F.S.;

 3         providing procedures and requirements for

 4         administration of unknown claims against

 5         dissolved corporations; amending s. 607.1422,

 6         F.S.; revising procedural requirements for

 7         reinstatement after administrative dissolution;

 8         amending s. 607.1430, F.S.; providing for

 9         restricting certain grounds for judicial

10         dissolution; providing application; amending s.

11         607.1503, F.S.; clarifying certain foreign

12         corporation name requirements; amending s.

13         607.1504, F.S.; revising certain execution

14         procedures and requirements for amended

15         certificates of authority; amending s.

16         607.1506, F.S.; clarifying name requirements

17         for foreign corporations; creating s. 607.1605,

18         F.S.; providing requirements, procedures, and

19         limitations on inspection of corporate records

20         by directors; amending s. 607.1622, F.S.;

21         deleting an annual report information

22         requirement relating to corporate liability for

23         certain taxes; amending s. 607.1907, F.S.;

24         clarifying an effect of repeal of prior acts

25         provision; repealing s. 607.0903, F.S.,

26         relating to application of certain provisions

27         to foreign corporations; providing effective

28         dates.


30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:



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 1         Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 607.0120, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         607.0120  Filing requirements.--

 4         (6)  The document must be executed:

 5         (a)  By a director the chair or any vice chair of the

 6  board of directors of a domestic or foreign corporation, or by

 7  its president or by another of its officers;

 8         (b)  If directors or officers have not been selected or

 9  the corporation has not been formed, by an incorporator; or

10         (c)  If the corporation is in the hands of a receiver,

11  trustee, or other court-appointed fiduciary, by that

12  fiduciary.

13         Section 2.  Subsection (7) of section 607.0122, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         607.0122  Fees for filing documents and issuing

16  certificates.--The Department of State shall collect the

17  following fees when the documents described in this section

18  are delivered to the department for filing:

19         (7)  Agent's statement of resignation from an inactive

20  administratively dissolved corporation: $35.

21         Section 3.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

22  607.0123, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         607.0123  Effective time and date of document.--

24         (1)  Except as provided in subsections subsection (2)

25  and (4) and in s. 607.0124(3), a document accepted for filing

26  is effective on:

27         (a)  At the date and at the time of filing, as

28  evidenced by such means as the Department of State may use for

29  the purpose of recording the date and time of filing; or

30         (b)  At the date specified in the document as its

31  effective date.


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 1         (2)  A document may specify a delayed effective date

 2  and, if desired, a time on that date, and if it does the

 3  document shall become effective on the date and at the time,

 4  if any, specified. If a delayed effective date is specified

 5  without specifying a time on that date, the document shall

 6  become effective at the start of business on that date. Unless

 7  otherwise permitted by this act, a delayed effective date for

 8  a document may not be later than the 90th day after the date

 9  on which it is filed.

10         Section 4.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

11  607.0124, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         607.0124  Correcting filed document.--

13         (1)  A domestic or foreign corporation may correct a

14  document filed by the Department of State within 30 10

15  business days after of filing if the document:

16         (a)  Contains an inaccuracy;

17         (b)  Was defectively executed, attested, sealed,

18  verified, or acknowledged; or

19         (c)  The electronic transmission was defective.

20         (2)  A document is corrected:

21         (a)  By preparing articles of correction that:

22         1.  Describe the document (including its filing date)

23  or attach a copy of it to the articles;

24         2.  Specify the inaccuracy or defect to be corrected;

25  and

26         3.  Correct the inaccuracy or defect; and

27         (b)  By delivering the executed articles of correction

28  to the Department of State for filing, executed in accordance

29  with s. 607.0120.

30         Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 607.0141, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:


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 1         607.0141  Notice.--

 2         (3)(a)  Written notice by a domestic or foreign

 3  corporation authorized to transact business in this state to

 4  its shareholder, if in a comprehensible form, is effective:

 5         1.(a)  Upon deposit into the United States mail, if

 6  mailed postpaid and correctly addressed to the shareholder's

 7  address shown in the corporation's current record of

 8  shareholders; or

 9         2.(b)  When electronically transmitted to the

10  shareholder in a manner authorized by the shareholder.

11         (b)  Unless otherwise provided in the articles of

12  incorporation or bylaws, and without limiting the manner by

13  which notice otherwise may be given effectively to

14  shareholders, any notice to shareholders given by the

15  corporation under any provision of this chapter, the articles

16  of incorporation, or the bylaws, shall be effective if given

17  by a single written notice to shareholders who share an

18  address if consented to by the shareholders at that address to

19  whom such notice is given. Any such consent shall be revocable

20  by a shareholder by written notice to the corporation.

21         (c)  Any shareholder who fails to object in writing to

22  the corporation, within 60 days after having been given

23  written notice by the corporation of its intention to send the

24  single notice permitted under paragraph (b), shall be deemed

25  to have consented to receiving such single written notice.

26         (d)  This subsection shall not apply to s. 607.0620, s.

27  607.1402, or s. 607.1404.

28         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 607.0401, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (5) is added to that

30  section, to read:

31         607.0401  Corporate name.--A corporate name:


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 1         (1)  Must contain the word "corporation," "company," or

 2  "incorporated" or the abbreviation "Corp.," "Inc.," or "Co.,"

 3  or words or abbreviations of like import in language, or the

 4  designation "Corp," "Inc," or "Co," as will clearly indicate

 5  that it is a corporation instead of a natural person, or

 6  partnership, or other business entity;

 7         (5)  The name of the corporation as filed with the

 8  Department of State shall be for public notice only and shall

 9  not alone create any presumption of ownership beyond that

10  which is created under the common law.

11         Section 7.  Subsection (12) is added to section

12  607.0505, Florida Statutes, to read:

13         607.0505  Registered agent; duties.--

14         (12)  Any alien business organization may withdraw its

15  registered agent designation by delivering an application for

16  certificate of withdrawal to the Department of State for

17  filing. Such application shall set forth:

18         (a)  The name of the alien business organization and

19  the jurisdiction under the law of which it is incorporated or

20  organized.

21         (b)  That it is no longer required to maintain a

22  registered agent in this state.

23         Section 8.  Subsection (1) and paragraphs (a), (c),

24  (d), and (e) of subsection (2) of section 607.0630, Florida

25  Statutes, are amended to read:

26         607.0630  Shareholders' preemptive rights.--

27         (1)  The shareholders of a corporation do not have a

28  preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares

29  or the corporation's treasury shares, except in each case to

30  the extent the articles of incorporation so provide.



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 1         (2)  A statement included in the articles of

 2  incorporation that "the corporation elects to have preemptive

 3  rights" (or words of similar import) means that the following

 4  principles apply except to the extent the articles of

 5  incorporation expressly provide otherwise:

 6         (a)  The shareholders of the corporation have a

 7  preemptive right, granted on uniform terms and conditions

 8  prescribed by the board of directors to provide a fair and

 9  reasonable opportunity to exercise the right, to acquire

10  proportional amounts of the corporation's unissued shares and

11  treasury shares upon the decision of the board of directors to

12  issue them.

13         (c)  There is no preemptive right with respect to:

14         1.  Shares issued as compensation to directors,

15  officers, agents, or employees of the corporation or its

16  subsidiaries or affiliates;

17         2.  Shares issued to satisfy conversion or option

18  rights created to provide compensation to directors, officers,

19  agents, or employees of the corporation or its subsidiaries or

20  affiliates;

21         3.  Shares authorized in articles of incorporation that

22  are issued within 6 months from the effective date of

23  incorporation;

24         4.  Shares issued pursuant to a plan of reorganization

25  approved by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to a

26  law of this state or of the United States; or

27         5.4.  Shares issued for consideration other sold

28  otherwise than for money.

29         (d)  Holders of shares of any class or series without

30  general voting rights but with preferential rights to



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2362

 1  distributions or net assets upon dissolution and liquidation

 2  have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class.

 3         (e)  Holders of shares of any class or series with

 4  general voting rights but without preferential rights to

 5  distributions or net assets upon dissolution or liquidation

 6  have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class

 7  with preferential rights to distributions or assets unless the

 8  shares with preferential rights are convertible into or carry

 9  a right to subscribe for or acquire shares without

10  preferential rights.

11         Section 9.  Subsection (4) is added to section

12  607.0701, Florida Statutes, to read:

13         607.0701  Annual meeting.--

14         (4)  If authorized by the board of directors, and

15  subject to such guidelines and procedures as the board of

16  directors may adopt, shareholders and proxyholders not

17  physically present at an annual meeting of shareholders may,

18  by means of remote communication:

19         (a)  Participate in an annual meeting of shareholders.

20         (b)  Be deemed present in person and vote at an annual

21  meeting of shareholders, whether such meeting is to be held at

22  a designated place or solely by means of remote communication,

23  provided that:

24         1.  The corporation shall implement reasonable measures

25  to verify that each person deemed present and permitted to

26  vote at the annual meeting by means of remote communication is

27  a shareholder or proxyholder;

28         2.  The corporation shall implement reasonable measures

29  to provide such shareholders or proxyholders a reasonable

30  opportunity to participate in the annual meeting and to vote

31  on matters submitted to the shareholders, including, without


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 1  limitation, an opportunity to communicate and to read or hear

 2  the proceedings of the annual meeting substantially

 3  concurrently with such proceedings; and

 4         3.  If any shareholder or proxyholder votes or takes

 5  other action at the annual meeting by means of remote

 6  communication, a record of such vote or other action shall be

 7  maintained by the corporation.

 8         Section 10.  Subsection (4) is added to section

 9  607.0702, Florida Statutes, to read:

10         607.0702  Special meeting.--

11         (4)  If authorized by the board of directors, and

12  subject to such guidelines and procedures as the board of

13  directors may adopt, shareholders and proxyholders not

14  physically present at a special meeting of shareholders may,

15  by means of remote communication:

16         (a)  Participate in a special meeting of shareholders.

17         (b)  Be deemed present in person and vote at a special

18  meeting of shareholders, whether such meeting is to be held at

19  a designated place or solely by means of remote communication,

20  provided that:

21         1.  The corporation shall implement reasonable measures

22  to verify that each person deemed present and permitted to

23  vote at the special meeting by means of remote communication

24  is a shareholder or proxyholder;

25         2.  The corporation shall implement reasonable measures

26  to provide such shareholders or proxyholders a reasonable

27  opportunity to participate in the special meeting and to vote

28  on matters submitted to the shareholders, including, without

29  limitation, an opportunity to communicate and to read or hear

30  the proceedings of the special meeting substantially

31  concurrently with such proceedings; and


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 1         3.  If any shareholder or proxyholder votes or takes

 2  other action at the special meeting by means of remote

 3  communication, a record of such vote or other action shall be

 4  maintained by the corporation.

 5         Section 11.  Subsection (2) of section 607.07401,

 6  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         607.07401  Shareholders' derivative actions.--

 8         (2)  A complaint in a proceeding brought in the right

 9  of a corporation must be verified and allege with

10  particularity the demand made to obtain action by the board of

11  directors and that the demand was refused or ignored by the

12  board of directors for a period of at least 90 days from the

13  first demand unless, prior to the expiration of the 90 days,

14  the person was notified in writing that the corporation

15  rejected the demand or unless irreparable injury to the

16  corporation would result by waiting for the expiration of the

17  90-day period. If the corporation commences an investigation

18  of the charges made in the demand, or complaint, the court may

19  stay any proceeding until the investigation is completed.

20         Section 12.  Subsections (8), (9), and (11) of section

21  607.0902, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         607.0902  Control-share acquisitions.--


24         (a)  If a special meeting is requested, notice of the

25  special meeting of shareholders shall be given as promptly as

26  reasonably practicable by the issuing public corporation to

27  all shareholders of record as of the record date set for the

28  meeting, whether or not entitled to vote at the meeting.

29         (b)  Notice of the special or annual shareholder

30  meeting at which the voting rights are to be considered must

31  include or be accompanied by each of the following:


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 1         1.  A copy of the acquiring person statement delivered

 2  to the issuing public corporation pursuant to this section.

 3         2.  A statement by the board of directors of the

 4  corporation, authorized by its directors, of its position or

 5  recommendation, or that it is taking no position or making no

 6  recommendation, with respect to the proposed control-share

 7  acquisition.

 8         3.  A statement that shareholders are or may be

 9  entitled to assert dissenters' rights, to be accompanied by a

10  copy of ss. 607.1301, 607.1302, and 607.1320.


12         (a)  Control shares acquired in a control-share

13  acquisition have the same voting rights as were accorded the

14  shares before the control-share acquisition only to the extent

15  granted by resolution approved by the shareholders of the

16  issuing public corporation.

17         (b)  To be approved under this subsection, the

18  resolution must be approved by:

19         1.  Each class or series entitled to vote separately on

20  the proposal by a majority of all the votes entitled to be

21  cast by the class or series, with the holders of the

22  outstanding shares of a class or series being entitled to vote

23  as a separate class if the proposed control-share acquisition

24  would, if fully carried out, result in any of the changes

25  described in s. 607.1004; and

26         2.  Each class or series entitled to vote separately on

27  the proposal by a majority of all the votes entitled to be

28  cast by that group, excluding all interested shares.

29         (c)  Any control shares that do not have voting rights

30  because such rights were not accorded to such shares by

31  approval of a resolution by the shareholders pursuant to


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 1  paragraph (b) shall regain voting rights and shall no longer

 2  be deemed control shares upon a transfer to a person other

 3  than the acquiring person or associate or affiliate, as

 4  defined in s. 607.0901, of the acquiring person unless the

 5  acquisition of the shares by the other person constitutes a

 6  control-share acquisition, in which case the voting rights of

 7  the shares remain subject to the provisions of this section.


 9         (a)  Unless otherwise provided in a corporation' s

10  articles of incorporation or bylaws before a control-share

11  acquisition has occurred, in the event control shares acquired

12  in a control-share acquisition are accorded full voting rights

13  and the acquiring person has acquired control shares with a

14  majority or more of all voting power, all shareholders of the

15  issuing public corporation shall have dissenters' rights to

16  receive the fair value of their shares as provided in ss.

17  607.1301, 607.1302, and 607.1320 as provided in this section.

18         (b)  As used in this subsection, "fair value" means a

19  value not less than the highest price paid per share by the

20  acquiring person in the control-share acquisition.

21         Section 13.  Subsections (4) and (6) of section

22  607.10025, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         607.10025  Shares; combination or division.--

24         (4)  If a division or combination is effected by a

25  board action without shareholder approval and includes an

26  amendment to the articles of incorporation, there shall be

27  executed in accordance with s. 607.0120 on behalf of the

28  corporation and filed in the office of the Department of State

29  articles a certificate of amendment which shall set setting

30  forth:

31         (a)  The name of the corporation.


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 1         (b)  The date of adoption by the board of directors of

 2  the resolution approving the division or combination.

 3         (c)  That the amendment to the articles of

 4  incorporation does not adversely affect the rights or

 5  preferences of the holders of outstanding shares of any class

 6  or series and does not result in the percentage of authorized

 7  shares that remain unissued after the division or combination

 8  exceeding the percentage of authorized shares that were

 9  unissued before the division or combination.

10         (d)  The class or series and number of shares subject

11  to the division or combination and the number of shares into

12  which the shares are to be divided or combined.

13         (e)  The amendment of the articles of incorporation

14  made in connection with the division or combination.

15         (f)  If the division or combination is to become

16  effective at a time subsequent to the time of filing, the

17  date, which may not exceed 90 days after the date of filing,

18  when the division or combination becomes effective.

19         (6)  If a division or combination is effected by action

20  of the board and of the shareholders, there shall be executed

21  on behalf of the corporation and filed with the Department of

22  State articles a certificate of amendment as provided in s.

23  607.1003, which articles certificate shall set forth, in

24  addition to the information required by s. 607.1003, the

25  information required in subsection (4).

26         Section 14.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section

27  607.1004, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         607.1004  Voting on amendments by voting groups.--

29         (1)  The holders of the outstanding shares of a class

30  are entitled to vote as a class (if shareholder voting is



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 1  otherwise required by this act) upon a proposed amendment, if

 2  the amendment would:

 3         (a)  Increase or decrease the aggregate number of

 4  authorized shares of the class.

 5         (a)(b)  Effect an exchange or reclassification of all

 6  or part of the shares of the class into shares of another

 7  class.

 8         (b)(c)  Effect an exchange or reclassification, or

 9  create a right of exchange, of all or part of the shares of

10  another class into the shares of the class.

11         (c)(d)  Change the designation, rights, preferences, or

12  limitations of all or part of the shares of the class.

13         (d)(e)  Change the shares of all or part of the class

14  into a different number of shares of the same class.

15         (e)(f)  Create a new class of shares having rights or

16  preferences with respect to distributions or to dissolution

17  that are prior or, superior, or substantially equal to the

18  shares of the class.

19         (f)(g)  Increase the rights, preferences, or number of

20  authorized shares of any class that, after giving effect to

21  the amendment, have rights or preferences with respect to

22  distributions or to dissolution that are prior or, superior,

23  or substantially equal to the shares of the class.

24         (g)(h)  Limit or deny an existing preemptive right of

25  all or part of the shares of the class.

26         (h)(i)  Cancel or otherwise affect rights to

27  distributions or dividends that have accumulated but not yet

28  been declared on all or part of the shares of the class.

29         (3)  If a proposed amendment that entitles the holders

30  of two or more classes or series of shares to vote as separate

31  voting groups classes under this section would affect those


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 1  two or more classes or series in the same or substantially

 2  similar way, the holders of the shares of all the classes or

 3  series so affected must vote together as a single voting group

 4  class on the proposed amendment, unless otherwise provided in

 5  the articles of incorporation.

 6         Section 15.  Subsection (1) of section 607.1006,

 7  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         607.1006  Articles of amendment.--

 9         (1)  A corporation amending its articles of

10  incorporation shall deliver to the Department of State for

11  filing articles of amendment which shall be executed in

12  accordance with s. 607.0120 and which shall set setting forth:

13         (a)  The name of the corporation;

14         (b)  The text of each amendment adopted;

15         (c)  If an amendment provides for an exchange,

16  reclassification, or cancellation of issued shares, provisions

17  for implementing the amendment if not contained in the

18  amendment itself;

19         (d)  The date of each amendment's adoption;

20         (e)  If an amendment was adopted by the incorporators

21  or board of directors without shareholder action, a statement

22  to that effect and that shareholder action was not required;

23         (f)  If an amendment was approved by the shareholders,

24  a statement that the number of votes cast for the amendment by

25  the shareholders was sufficient for approval and if more than

26  one voting group was entitled to vote on the amendment, a

27  statement designating each voting group entitled to vote

28  separately on the amendment, and a statement that the number

29  of votes cast for the amendment by the shareholders in each

30  voting group was sufficient for approval by that voting group.



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 1         Section 16.  Subsection (4) of section 607.1103,

 2  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         607.1103  Action on plan.--

 4         (4)  The corporation the shareholders of which are

 5  entitled to vote on the matter shall notify each shareholder,

 6  whether or not entitled to vote, of the proposed shareholders'

 7  meeting in accordance with s. 607.0705. The notice shall also

 8  state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting

 9  is to consider the plan of merger or share exchange,

10  regardless of whether or not the meeting is an annual or a

11  special meeting, and contain or be accompanied by a copy or

12  summary of the plan. Furthermore, the notice shall contain a

13  clear and concise statement that, if the plan of merger or

14  share exchange is effected, shareholders dissenting therefrom

15  may be entitled, if they comply with the provisions of this

16  act regarding appraisal the rights of dissenting shareholders,

17  to be paid the fair value of their shares, and shall be

18  accompanied by a copy of ss. 607.1301-607.1333, 607.1302, and

19  607.1320.

20         Section 17.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

21  607.1104, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         607.1104  Merger of subsidiary corporation.--

23         (1)

24         (b)  The board of directors of the parent shall adopt a

25  plan of merger that sets forth:

26         1.  The names of the parent and subsidiary

27  corporations;

28         2.  The manner and basis of converting the shares of

29  the subsidiary or parent into shares, obligations, or other

30  securities of the parent or any other corporation or, in whole

31  or in part, into cash or other property, and the manner and


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 1  basis of converting rights to acquire shares of each

 2  corporation into rights to acquire shares, obligations, and

 3  other securities of the surviving or any other corporation or,

 4  in whole or in part, into cash or other property;

 5         3.  If the merger is between the parent and a

 6  subsidiary corporation and the parent is not the surviving

 7  corporation, a provision for the pro rata issuance of shares

 8  of the subsidiary to the holders of the shares of the parent

 9  corporation upon surrender of any certificates therefor; and

10         4.  A clear and concise statement that shareholders of

11  the subsidiary who, except for the applicability of this

12  section, would be entitled to vote and who dissent from the

13  merger pursuant to s. 607.1321 s. 607.1320, may be entitled,

14  if they comply with the provisions of this act regarding

15  appraisal the rights of dissenting shareholders, to be paid

16  the fair value of their shares.

17         Section 18.  Subsection (6) of section 607.1108,

18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         607.1108  Merger of domestic corporation and other

20  business entity.--

21         (6)  Sections 607.1103 and 607.1301-607.1333 607.1320

22  shall, insofar as they are applicable, apply to mergers of one

23  or more domestic corporations with or into one or more other

24  business entities.

25         Section 19.  Subsections (3) and (7) of section

26  607.11101, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         607.11101  Effect of merger of domestic corporation and

28  other business entity.--When a merger becomes effective:

29         (3)  The surviving entity shall thereafter be

30  responsible and liable for all the liabilities and obligations

31  of each domestic corporation and other business entity that is


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 1  a party to the merger, including liabilities arising out of

 2  appraisal the rights of dissenters with respect to such merger

 3  under applicable law.

 4         (7)  The shares, partnership interests, interests,

 5  obligations, or other securities, and the rights to acquire

 6  shares, partnership interests, interests, obligations, or

 7  other securities, of each domestic corporation and other

 8  business entity that is a party to the merger shall be

 9  converted into shares, partnership interests, interests,

10  obligations, or other securities, or rights to such

11  securities, of the surviving entity or any other domestic

12  corporation or other business entity or, in whole or in part,

13  into cash or other property as provided in the plan of merger,

14  and the former holders of shares, partnership interests,

15  interests, obligations, or other securities, or rights to such

16  securities, shall be entitled only to the rights provided in

17  the plan of merger and to their appraisal rights as

18  dissenters, if any, under ss. 607.1301-607.1333

19  607.1301-607.1320, s. 608.4384, s. 620.205, or other

20  applicable law.

21         Section 20.  Subsection (4) of section 607.1202,

22  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         607.1202  Sale of assets other than in regular course

24  of business.--

25         (4)  The corporation shall notify each shareholder of

26  record, whether or not entitled to vote, of the proposed

27  shareholders' meeting in accordance with s. 607.0705. The

28  notice shall also state that the purpose, or one of the

29  purposes, of the meeting is to consider the sale, lease,

30  exchange, or other disposition of all, or substantially all,

31  the property of the corporation, regardless of whether or not


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 1  the meeting is an annual or a special meeting, and shall

 2  contain or be accompanied by a description of the transaction.

 3  Furthermore, the notice shall contain a clear and concise

 4  statement that, if the transaction is effected, shareholders

 5  dissenting therefrom are or may be entitled, if they comply

 6  with the provisions of this act regarding appraisal the rights

 7  of dissenting shareholders, to be paid the fair value of their

 8  shares and such notice shall be accompanied by a copy of ss.

 9  607.1301-607.1333 607.1301, 607.1302, and 607.1320.

10         Section 21.  Section 607.1301, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         (Substantial rewording of section. See s.

13         607.1301, Florida Statutes, for present text.)

14         607.1301  Appraisal rights; definitions.--The following

15  definitions apply to ss. 607.1302-607.1333:

16         (1)  "Affiliate" means a person that directly or

17  indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is

18  controlled by, or is under common control with another person

19  or is a senior executive thereof. For purposes of s.

20  607.1302(2)(d), a person is deemed to be an affiliate of its

21  senior executives.

22         (2)  "Beneficial shareholder" means a person who is the

23  beneficial owner of shares held in a voting trust or by a

24  nominee on the beneficial owner's behalf.

25         (3)  "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held

26  by a shareholder demanding appraisal and, for matters covered

27  in ss. 607.1322-607.1333, includes the surviving entity in a

28  merger.

29         (4)  "Fair value" means the value of the corporation's

30  shares determined:



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 1         (a)  Immediately before the effectuation of the

 2  corporate action to which the shareholder objects.

 3         (b)  Using customary and current valuation concepts and

 4  techniques generally employed for similar businesses in the

 5  context of the transaction requiring appraisal, excluding any

 6  appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of the corporate

 7  action unless exclusion would be inequitable to the

 8  corporation and its remaining shareholders.

 9         (c)  Without discounting for lack of marketability or

10  minority status except, if appropriate, for amendments to the

11  articles of incorporation pursuant to s. 607.1302(1)(e) or

12  circumstances in which not discounting for marketability would

13  be inequitable to the corporation and its remaining

14  shareholders.

15         (5)  "Interest" means interest from the effective date

16  of the corporate action until the date of payment, at the rate

17  of interest on judgments in this state on the effective date

18  of the corporate action.

19         (6)  "Preferred shares" means a class or series of

20  shares the holders of which have preference over any other

21  class or series with respect to distributions.

22         (7)  "Record shareholder" means the person in whose

23  name shares are registered in the records of the corporation

24  or the beneficial owner of shares to the extent of the rights

25  granted by a nominee certificate on file with the corporation.

26         (8)  "Senior executive" means the chief executive

27  officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, or

28  anyone in charge of a principal business unit or function.

29         (9)  "Shareholder" means both a record shareholder and

30  a beneficial shareholder.



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 1         Section 22.  Section 607.1302, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         (Substantial rewording of section. See s.

 4         607.1302, Florida Statutes, for present text.)

 5         607.1302 Right of shareholders to appraisal.--

 6         (1)  A shareholder is entitled to appraisal rights, and

 7  to obtain payment of the fair value of that shareholder's

 8  shares, in the event of any of the following corporate

 9  actions:

10         (a)  Consummation of a merger to which the corporation

11  is a party if shareholder approval is required for the merger

12  by s. 607.1103 and the shareholder is entitled to vote on the

13  merger or if the corporation is a subsidiary and the merger is

14  governed by s. 607.1104;

15         (b)  Consummation of a share exchange to which the

16  corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be

17  acquired if the shareholder is entitled to vote on the

18  exchange, except that appraisal rights shall not be available

19  to any shareholder of the corporation with respect to any

20  class or series of shares of the corporation that is not

21  exchanged;

22         (c)  Consummation of a disposition of assets pursuant

23  to s. 607.1202 if the shareholder is entitled to vote on the

24  disposition, including a sale in dissolution but not including

25  a sale pursuant to court order or a sale for cash pursuant to

26  a plan by which all or substantially all of the net proceeds

27  of the sale will be distributed to the shareholders within 1

28  year after the date of sale;

29         (d)  An amendment of the articles of incorporation with

30  respect to a class or series of shares that reduces the number

31  of shares of a class or series owned by the shareholder to a


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 1  fraction of a share if the corporation has the obligation or

 2  right to repurchase the fractional share so created;

 3         (e)  Any other amendment to the articles of

 4  incorporation, merger, share exchange, or disposition of

 5  assets to the extent provided by the articles of

 6  incorporation, bylaws, or a resolution of the board of

 7  directors, except that no bylaw or board resolution providing

 8  for appraisal rights may be amended or otherwise altered

 9  except by shareholder approval; or

10         (f)  With regard to shares issued prior to October 1,

11  2003, any amendment of the articles of incorporation if the

12  shareholder is entitled to vote on the amendment and if such

13  amendment would adversely affect such shareholder by:

14         1.  Altering or abolishing any preemptive rights

15  attached to any of his or her shares;

16         2.  Altering or abolishing the voting rights pertaining

17  to any of his or her shares, except as such rights may be

18  affected by the voting rights of new shares then being

19  authorized of any existing or new class or series of shares;

20         3.  Effecting an exchange, cancellation, or

21  reclassification of any of his or her shares, when such

22  exchange, cancellation, or reclassification would alter or

23  abolish the shareholder's voting rights or alter his or her

24  percentage of equity in the corporation, or effecting a

25  reduction or cancellation of accrued dividends or other

26  arrearages in respect to such shares;

27         4.  Reducing the stated redemption price of any of the

28  shareholder's redeemable shares, altering or abolishing any

29  provision relating to any sinking fund for the redemption or

30  purchase of any of his or her shares, or making any of his or



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 1  her shares subject to redemption when they are not otherwise

 2  redeemable;

 3         5.  Making noncumulative, in whole or in part,

 4  dividends of any of the shareholder's preferred shares which

 5  had theretofore been cumulative;

 6         6.  Reducing the stated dividend preference of any of

 7  the shareholder's preferred shares; or

 8         7.  Reducing any stated preferential amount payable on

 9  any of the shareholder's preferred shares upon voluntary or

10  involuntary liquidation.

11         (2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), the availability

12  of appraisal rights under paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (c), and (d)

13  shall be limited in accordance with the following provisions:

14         (a)  Appraisal rights shall not be available for the

15  holders of shares of any class or series of shares which is:

16         1.  Listed on the New York Stock Exchange or the

17  American Stock Exchange or designated as a national market

18  system security on an interdealer quotation system by the

19  National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.; or

20         2.  Not so listed or designated, but has at least 2,000

21  shareholders and the outstanding shares of such class or

22  series has a market value of at least $10 million, exclusive

23  of the value of such shares held by its subsidiaries, senior

24  executives, directors, and beneficial shareholders owning more

25  than 10 percent of such shares.

26         (b)  The applicability of paragraph (a) shall be

27  determined as of:

28         1.  The record date fixed to determine the shareholders

29  entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the meeting of

30  shareholders to act upon the corporate action requiring

31  appraisal rights; or


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 1         2.  If there will be no meeting of shareholders, the

 2  close of business on the day on which the board of directors

 3  adopts the resolution recommending such corporate action.

 4         (c)  Paragraph (a) shall not be applicable and

 5  appraisal rights shall be available pursuant to subsection (1)

 6  for the holders of any class or series of shares who are

 7  required by the terms of the corporate action requiring

 8  appraisal rights to accept for such shares anything other than

 9  cash or shares of any class or any series of shares of any

10  corporation, or any other proprietary interest of any other

11  entity, that satisfies the standards set forth in paragraph

12  (a) at the time the corporate action becomes effective.

13         (d)  Paragraph (a) shall not be applicable and

14  appraisal rights shall be available pursuant to subsection (1)

15  for the holders of any class or series of shares if:

16         1.  Any of the shares or assets of the corporation are

17  being acquired or converted, whether by merger, share

18  exchange, or otherwise, pursuant to the corporate action by a

19  person, or by an affiliate of a person, who:

20         a.  Is, or at any time in the 1-year period immediately

21  preceding approval by the board of directors of the corporate

22  action requiring appraisal rights was, the beneficial owner of

23  20 percent or more of the voting power of the corporation,

24  excluding any shares acquired pursuant to an offer for all

25  shares having voting power if such offer was made within 1

26  year prior to the corporate action requiring appraisal rights

27  for consideration of the same kind and of a value equal to or

28  less than that paid in connection with the corporate action;

29  or

30         b.  Directly or indirectly has, or at any time in the

31  1-year period immediately preceding approval by the board of


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 1  directors of the corporation of the corporate action requiring

 2  appraisal rights had, the power, contractually or otherwise,

 3  to cause the appointment or election of 25 percent or more of

 4  the directors to the board of directors of the corporation; or

 5         2.  Any of the shares or assets of the corporation are

 6  being acquired or converted, whether by merger, share

 7  exchange, or otherwise, pursuant to such corporate action by a

 8  person, or by an affiliate of a person, who is, or at any time

 9  in the 1-year period immediately preceding approval by the

10  board of directors of the corporate action requiring appraisal

11  rights was, a senior executive or director of the corporation

12  or a senior executive of any affiliate thereof, and that

13  senior executive or director will receive, as a result of the

14  corporate action, a financial benefit not generally available

15  to other shareholders as such, other than:

16         a.  Employment, consulting, retirement, or similar

17  benefits established separately and not as part of or in

18  contemplation of the corporate action;

19         b.  Employment, consulting, retirement, or similar

20  benefits established in contemplation of, or as part of, the

21  corporate action that are not more favorable than those

22  existing before the corporate action or, if more favorable,

23  that have been approved on behalf of the corporation in the

24  same manner as is provided in s. 607.0832; or

25         c.  In the case of a director of the corporation who

26  will, in the corporate action, become a director of the

27  acquiring entity in the corporate action or one of its

28  affiliates, rights and benefits as a director that are

29  provided on the same basis as those afforded by the acquiring

30  entity generally to other directors of such entity or such

31  affiliate.


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 1         (e)  For the purposes of paragraph (d) only, the term

 2  "beneficial owner" means any person who, directly or

 3  indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, or

 4  understanding, other than a revocable proxy, has or shares the

 5  power to vote, or to direct the voting of, shares, provided

 6  that a member of a national securities exchange shall not be

 7  deemed to be a beneficial owner of securities held directly or

 8  indirectly by it on behalf of another person solely because

 9  such member is the record holder of such securities if the

10  member is precluded by the rules of such exchange from voting

11  without instruction on contested matters or matters that may

12  affect substantially the rights or privileges of the holders

13  of the securities to be voted. When two or more persons agree

14  to act together for the purpose of voting their shares of the

15  corporation, each member of the group formed thereby shall be

16  deemed to have acquired beneficial ownership, as of the date

17  of such agreement, of all voting shares of the corporation

18  beneficially owned by any member of the group.

19         (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

20  section, the articles of incorporation as originally filed or

21  any amendment thereto may limit or eliminate appraisal rights

22  for any class or series of preferred shares, but any such

23  limitation or elimination contained in an amendment to the

24  articles of incorporation that limits or eliminates appraisal

25  rights for any of such shares that are outstanding immediately

26  prior to the effective date of such amendment or that the

27  corporation is or may be required to issue or sell thereafter

28  pursuant to any conversion, exchange, or other right existing

29  immediately before the effective date of such amendment shall

30  not apply to any corporate action that becomes effective



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 1  within 1 year of that date if such action would otherwise

 2  afford appraisal rights.

 3         (4)  A shareholder entitled to appraisal rights under

 4  this chapter may not challenge a completed corporate action

 5  for which appraisal rights are available unless such corporate

 6  action:

 7         (a)  Was not effectuated in accordance with the

 8  applicable provisions of this section or the corporation's

 9  articles of incorporation, bylaws, or board of directors'

10  resolution authorizing the corporate action; or

11         (b)  Was procured as a result of fraud or material

12  misrepresentation.

13         Section 23.  Section 607.1303, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         607.1303  Assertion of rights by nominees and

16  beneficial owners.--

17         (1)  A record shareholder may assert appraisal rights

18  as to fewer than all the shares registered in the record

19  shareholder's name but owned by a beneficial shareholder only

20  if the record shareholder objects with respect to all shares

21  of the class or series owned by the beneficial shareholder and

22  notifies the corporation in writing of the name and address of

23  each beneficial shareholder on whose behalf appraisal rights

24  are being asserted. The rights of a record shareholder who

25  asserts appraisal rights for only part of the shares held of

26  record in the record shareholder's name under this subsection

27  shall be determined as if the shares as to which the record

28  shareholder objects and the record shareholder's other shares

29  were registered in the names of different record shareholders.




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 1         (2)  A beneficial shareholder may assert appraisal

 2  rights as to shares of any class or series held on behalf of

 3  the shareholder only if such shareholder:

 4         (a)  Submits to the corporation the record

 5  shareholder's written consent to the assertion of such rights

 6  no later than the date referred to in s. 607.1322(2)(b)2.

 7         (b)  Does so with respect to all shares of the class or

 8  series that are beneficially owned by the beneficial

 9  shareholder.

10         Section 24.  Section 607.1320, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         (Substantial rewording of section. See s.

13         607.1320, Florida Statutes, for present text.)

14         607.1320  Notice of appraisal rights.--

15         (1)  If proposed corporate action described in s.

16  607.1302(1) is to be submitted to a vote at a shareholders'

17  meeting, the meeting notice must state that the corporation

18  has concluded that shareholders are, are not, or may be

19  entitled to assert appraisal rights under this chapter. If the

20  corporation concludes that appraisal rights are or may be

21  available, a copy of ss. 607.1301-607.1333 must accompany the

22  meeting notice sent to those record shareholders entitled to

23  exercise appraisal rights.

24         (2)  In a merger pursuant to s. 607.1104, the parent

25  corporation must notify in writing all record shareholders of

26  the subsidiary who are entitled to assert appraisal rights

27  that the corporate action became effective. Such notice must

28  be sent within 10 days after the corporate action became

29  effective and include the materials described in s. 607.1322.

30         (3)  If the proposed corporate action described in s.

31  607.1302(1) is to be approved other than by a shareholders


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 1  meeting, the notice referred to in s. 607.1320(1) must be sent

 2  to all shareholders at the time that consents are first

 3  solicited pursuant to s. 607.0704, whether or not consents are

 4  solicited from all shareholders, and include the materials

 5  described in s. 607.1322.

 6         Section 25.  Section 607.1321, Florida Statutes, is

 7  created to read:

 8         607.1321  Notice of intent to demand payment.--

 9         (1)  If proposed corporate action requiring appraisal

10  rights under s. 607.1302 is submitted to a vote at a

11  shareholders' meeting, or is submitted to a shareholder

12  pursuant to a consent vote under s. 607.0704, a shareholder

13  who wishes to assert appraisal rights with respect to any

14  class or series of shares:

15         (a)  Must deliver to the corporation before the vote is

16  taken, or within 20 days after receiving the notice pursuant

17  to s. 607.1320(3) if action is to be taken without a

18  shareholder meeting, written notice of the shareholder's

19  intent to demand payment if the proposed action is

20  effectuated.

21         (b)  Must not vote, or cause or permit to be voted, any

22  shares of such class or series in favor of the proposed

23  action.

24         (2) A shareholder who does not satisfy the requirements

25  of subsection (1) is not entitled to payment under this

26  chapter.

27         Section 26.  Section 607.1322, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         607.1322  Appraisal notice and form.--

30         (1)  If proposed corporate action requiring appraisal

31  rights under s. 607.1302(1) becomes effective, the corporation


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 1  must deliver a written appraisal notice and form required by

 2  paragraph (2)(a) to all shareholders who satisfied the

 3  requirements of s. 607.1321. In the case of a merger under s.

 4  607.1104, the parent must deliver a written appraisal notice

 5  and form to all record shareholders who may be entitled to

 6  assert appraisal rights.

 7         (2)  The appraisal notice must be sent no earlier than

 8  the date the corporate action became effective and no later

 9  than 10 days after such date and must:

10         (a)  Supply a form that specifies the date that the

11  corporate action became effective and that provides for the

12  shareholder to state:

13         1.  The shareholder's name and address.

14         2.  The number, classes, and series of shares as to

15  which the shareholder asserts appraisal rights.

16         3.  That the shareholder did not vote for the

17  transaction.

18         4.  Whether the shareholder accepts the corporation's

19  offer as stated in subparagraph (2)(b)4.

20         5.  If the offer is not accepted, the shareholder's

21  estimated fair value of the shares and a demand for payment of

22  the shareholder's estimated value plus interest.

23         (b)  State:

24         1.  Where the form must be sent and where certificates

25  for certificated shares must be deposited and the date by

26  which those certificates must be deposited, which date may not

27  be earlier than the date for receiving the required form under

28  subparagraph (2)(b)2.

29         2.  A date by which the corporation must receive the

30  form, which date may not be fewer than 40 nor more than 60

31  days after the date the subsection (1) appraisal notice and


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 1  form are sent, and state that the shareholder shall have

 2  waived the right to demand appraisal with respect to the

 3  shares unless the form is received by the corporation by such

 4  specified date.

 5         3.  The corporation's estimate of the fair value of the


 7         4.  An offer to each shareholder who is entitled to

 8  appraisal rights to pay the corporation's estimate of fair

 9  value set forth in subparagraph (2)(b)3.

10         5.  That, if requested in writing, the corporation will

11  provide to the shareholder so requesting, within 10 days after

12  the date specified in subparagraph (2)(b)2., the number of

13  shareholders who return the forms by the specified date and

14  the total number of shares owned by them.

15         6.  The date by which the notice to withdraw under s.

16  607.1323 must be received, which date must be within 20 days

17  after the date specified in subparagraph (2)(b)2.

18         (c)  Be accompanied by:

19         1.  Financial statements of the corporation that issued

20  the shares to be appraised, consisting of a balance sheet as

21  of the end of the fiscal year ending not more than 15 months

22  prior to the date of the corporation's appraisal notice, an

23  income statement for that year, a cash flow statement for that

24  year, and the latest available interim financial statements,

25  if any.

26         2.  A copy of ss. 607.1301-607.1333.

27         Section 27.  Section 607.1323, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         607.1323  Perfection of rights; right to withdraw.--

30         (1)  A shareholder who wishes to exercise appraisal

31  rights must execute and return the form received pursuant to


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 1  s. 607.1322(1) and, in the case of certificated shares,

 2  deposit the shareholder's certificates in accordance with the

 3  terms of the notice by the date referred to in the notice

 4  pursuant to s. 607.1322(2)(b)2. Once a shareholder deposits

 5  that shareholder's certificates or, in the case of

 6  uncertificated shares, returns the executed forms, that

 7  shareholder loses all rights as a shareholder, unless the

 8  shareholder withdraws pursuant to subsection (2).

 9         (2)  A shareholder who has complied with subsection (1)

10  may nevertheless decline to exercise appraisal rights and

11  withdraw from the appraisal process by so notifying the

12  corporation in writing by the date set forth in the appraisal

13  notice pursuant to s. 607.1322(2)(b)6. A shareholder who fails

14  to so withdraw from the appraisal process may not thereafter

15  withdraw without the corporation's written consent.

16         (3)  A shareholder who does not execute and return the

17  form and, in the case of certificated shares, deposit that

18  shareholder's share certificates if required, each by the date

19  set forth in the notice described in subsection (2), shall not

20  be entitled to payment under this chapter.

21         Section 28.  Section 607.1324, Florida Statutes, is

22  created to read:

23         607.1324  Shareholder's acceptance of corporation's

24  offer.--

25         (1)  If the shareholder states on the form provided in

26  s. 607.1322(1) that the shareholder accepts the offer of the

27  corporation to pay the corporation's estimated fair value for

28  the shares, the corporation shall make such payment to the

29  shareholder within 90 days after the corporation's receipt of

30  the form from the shareholder.



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 1         (2)  Upon payment of the agreed value, the shareholder

 2  shall cease to have any interest in the shares.

 3         Section 29.  Section 607.1326, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         607.1326  Procedure if shareholder is dissatisfied with

 6  offer.--

 7         (1)  A shareholder who is dissatisfied with the

 8  corporation's offer as set forth pursuant to s.

 9  607.1322(2)(b)4. must notify the corporation on the form

10  provided pursuant to s. 607.1322(1) of that shareholder's

11  estimate of the fair value of the shares and demand payment of

12  that estimate plus interest.

13         (2)  A shareholder who fails to notify the corporation

14  in writing of that shareholder's demand to be paid the

15  shareholder's stated estimate of the fair value plus interest

16  under subsection (1) within the timeframe set forth in s.

17  607.1322(2)(b)2. waives the right to demand payment under this

18  section and shall be entitled only to the payment offered by

19  the corporation pursuant to s. 607.1322(2)(b)4.

20         Section 30.  Section 607.1330, Florida Statutes, is

21  created to read:

22         607.1330  Court action.--

23         (1)  If a shareholder makes demand for payment under s.

24  607.1326 which remains unsettled, the corporation shall

25  commence a proceeding within 60 days after receiving the

26  payment demand and petition the court to determine the fair

27  value of the shares and accrued interest. If the corporation

28  does not commence the proceeding within the 60-day period, it

29  shall pay in cash to each shareholder the amount the

30  shareholder demanded pursuant to s. 607.1326 plus interest.



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 1         (2)  The corporation shall commence the proceeding in

 2  the appropriate court of the county in which the corporation's

 3  principal office, or, if none, its registered office, in this

 4  state is located. If the corporation is a foreign corporation

 5  without a registered office in this state, it shall commence

 6  the proceeding in the county in this state in which the

 7  principal office or registered office of the domestic

 8  corporation merged with the foreign corporation was located at

 9  the time of the transaction.

10         (3)  The corporation shall make all shareholders,

11  whether or not residents of this state, whose demands remain

12  unsettled parties to the proceeding as in an action against

13  their shares, and all parties must be served with a copy of

14  the petition. Nonresidents may be served by registered or

15  certified mail or by publication as provided by law.

16         (4)  The jurisdiction of the court in which the

17  proceeding is commenced under subsection (2) is plenary and

18  exclusive. The court may appoint one or more persons as

19  appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision on the

20  question of fair value. The appraisers shall have the powers

21  described in the order appointing them, or in any amendment to

22  the order. The shareholders demanding appraisal rights are

23  entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other

24  civil proceedings. There shall be no right to a jury trial.

25         (5)  Each shareholder made a party to the proceeding is

26  entitled to judgment for the amount of the fair value of such

27  shareholder's shares, plus interest, as found by the court.

28         (6)  The corporation shall pay each such shareholder

29  the amount found to be due within 10 days after final

30  determination of the proceedings. Upon payment of the



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 1  judgment, the shareholder shall cease to have any interest in

 2  the shares.

 3         Section 31.  Section 607.1331, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         607.1331  Court costs and counsel fees.--

 6         (1)  The court in an appraisal proceeding commenced

 7  under s. 607.1330 shall determine all costs of the proceeding,

 8  including the reasonable compensation and expenses of

 9  appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall assess the

10  costs against the corporation, except that the court may

11  assess costs against all or some of the shareholders demanding

12  appraisal, in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent

13  the court finds such shareholders acted arbitrarily,

14  vexatiously, or not in good faith with respect to the rights

15  provided by this chapter.

16         (2)  The court in an appraisal proceeding may also

17  assess the fees and expenses of counsel and experts for the

18  respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

19         (a)  Against the corporation and in favor of any or all

20  shareholders demanding appraisal if the court finds the

21  corporation did not substantially comply with ss. 607.1320 and

22  607.1322; or

23         (b)  Against either the corporation or a shareholder

24  demanding appraisal, in favor of any other party, if the court

25  finds that the party against whom the fees and expenses are

26  assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith

27  with respect to the rights provided by this chapter.

28         (3)  If the court in an appraisal proceeding finds that

29  the services of counsel for any shareholder were of

30  substantial benefit to other shareholders similarly situated,

31  and that the fees for those services should not be assessed


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 1  against the corporation, the court may award to such counsel

 2  reasonable fees to be paid out of the amounts awarded the

 3  shareholders who were benefited.

 4         (4)  To the extent the corporation fails to make a

 5  required payment pursuant to s. 607.1324, the shareholder may

 6  sue directly for the amount owed and, to the extent

 7  successful, shall be entitled to recover from the corporation

 8  all costs and expenses of the suit, including counsel fees.

 9         Section 32.  Section 607.1332, Florida Statutes, is

10  created to read:

11         607.1332  Disposition of acquired shares.--Shares

12  acquired by a corporation pursuant to payment of the agreed

13  value thereof or pursuant to payment of the judgment entered

14  therefor, as provided in this chapter, may be held and

15  disposed of by such corporation as authorized but unissued

16  shares of the corporation, except that, in the case of a

17  merger or share exchange, they may be held and disposed of as

18  the plan of merger or share exchange otherwise provides. The

19  shares of the surviving corporation into which the shares of

20  such shareholders demanding appraisal rights would have been

21  converted had they assented to the merger shall have the

22  status of authorized but unissued shares of the surviving

23  corporation.

24         Section 33.  Section 607.1333, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         607.1333  Limitation on corporate payment.--

27         (1)  No payment shall be made to a shareholder seeking

28  appraisal rights if, at the time of payment, the corporation

29  is unable to meet the distribution standards of s. 607.06401.

30  In such event, the shareholder shall, at the shareholder's

31  option:


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 1         (a)  Withdraw his or her notice of intent to assert

 2  appraisal rights, which shall in such event be deemed

 3  withdrawn with the consent of the corporation; or

 4         (b)  Retain his or her status as a claimant against the

 5  corporation and, if it is liquidated, be subordinated to the

 6  rights of creditors of the corporation, but have rights

 7  superior to the shareholders not asserting appraisal rights,

 8  and if it is not liquidated, retain his or her right to be

 9  paid for the shares, which right the corporation shall be

10  obliged to satisfy when the restrictions of this section do

11  not apply.

12         (2)  The shareholder shall exercise the option under

13  paragraph (1)(a) or (b) by written notice filed with the

14  corporation within 30 days after the corporation has given

15  written notice that the payment for shares cannot be made

16  because of the restrictions of this section. If the

17  shareholder fails to exercise the option, the shareholder

18  shall be deemed to have withdrawn his or her notice of intent

19  to assert appraisal rights.

20         Section 34.  Subsection (1) of section 607.1403,

21  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         607.1403  Articles of dissolution.--

23         (1)  At any time after dissolution is authorized, the

24  corporation may dissolve by delivering to the Department of

25  State for filing articles of dissolution which shall be

26  executed in accordance with s. 607.0120 and which shall set

27  setting forth:

28         (a)  The name of the corporation;

29         (b)  The date dissolution was authorized;




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 1         (c)  If dissolution was approved by the shareholders, a

 2  statement that the number cast for dissolution by the

 3  shareholders was sufficient for approval.

 4         (d)  If dissolution was approved by the shareholders

 5  and if voting by voting groups was required, a statement that

 6  the number cast for dissolution by the shareholders was

 7  sufficient for approval must be separately provided for each

 8  voting group entitled to vote separately on the plan to

 9  dissolve.

10         Section 35.  Section 607.1406, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         607.1406  Known claims against dissolved corporation.--

13         (1)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity, as

14  defined in subsection (14) (15), may dispose of the known

15  claims against it by following the procedures described in

16  subsections (2), (3), and (4).

17         (2)  The dissolved corporation or successor entity

18  shall deliver to each of its known claimants written notice of

19  the dissolution at any time after its effective date. The

20  written notice shall:

21         (a)  Provide a reasonable description of the claim that

22  the claimant may be entitled to assert;

23         (b)  State whether the claim is admitted or not

24  admitted, in whole or in part, and, if admitted:

25         1.  The amount that is admitted, which may be as of a

26  given date; and

27         2.  Any interest obligation if fixed by an instrument

28  of indebtedness;

29         (c)  Provide a mailing address where a claim may be

30  sent;



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 1         (d)  State the deadline, which may not be fewer than

 2  120 days after the effective date of the written notice, by

 3  which confirmation of the claim must be delivered to the

 4  dissolved corporation or successor entity; and

 5         (e)  State that the corporation or successor entity may

 6  make distributions thereafter to other claimants and the

 7  corporation's shareholders or persons interested as having

 8  been such without further notice.

 9         (3)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity may

10  reject, in whole or in part, any claim made by a claimant

11  pursuant to this subsection by mailing notice of such

12  rejection to the claimant within 90 days after receipt of such

13  claim and, in all events, at least 150 days before expiration

14  of 3 years following the effective date of dissolution. A

15  notice sent by the dissolved corporation or successor entity

16  pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by a copy of

17  this section.

18         (4)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity

19  electing to follow the procedures described in subsections (2)

20  and (3) shall also give notice of the dissolution of the

21  corporation to persons with known claims, that are contingent

22  upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of future events or

23  otherwise conditional or unmatured, and request that such

24  persons present such claims in accordance with the terms of

25  such notice. Such notice shall be in substantially the form,

26  and sent in the same manner, as described in subsection (2).

27         (5)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity shall

28  offer any claimant whose known claim is contingent,

29  conditional, or unmatured such security as the corporation or

30  such entity determines is sufficient to provide compensation

31  to the claimant if the claim matures. The dissolved


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 1  corporation or successor entity shall deliver such offer to

 2  the claimant within 90 days after receipt of such claim and,

 3  in all events, at least 150 days before expiration of 3 years

 4  following the effective date of dissolution. If the claimant

 5  offered such security does not deliver in writing to the

 6  dissolved corporation or successor entity a notice rejecting

 7  the offer within 120 days after receipt of such offer for

 8  security, the claimant is deemed to have accepted such

 9  security as the sole source from which to satisfy his or her

10  claim against the corporation.

11         (6)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity which

12  has given notice in accordance with subsections (2) and (4)

13  shall petition the circuit court in the county where the

14  corporation's principal office is located or was located at

15  the effective date of dissolution to determine the amount and

16  form of security that will be sufficient to provide

17  compensation to any claimant who has rejected the offer for

18  security made pursuant to subsection (5).

19         (7)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity which

20  has given notice in accordance with subsection (2) shall

21  petition the circuit court in the county where the

22  corporation's principal office is located or was located at

23  the effective date of dissolution to determine the amount and

24  form of security which will be sufficient to provide

25  compensation to claimants whose claims are known to the

26  corporation or successor entity but whose identities are

27  unknown. The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to

28  represent all claimants whose identities are unknown in any

29  proceeding brought under this subsection. The reasonable fees

30  and expenses of such guardian, including all reasonable expert



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 1  witness fees, shall be paid by the petitioner in such

 2  proceeding.

 3         (8)  The giving of any notice or making of any offer

 4  pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not revive

 5  any claim then barred or constitute acknowledgment by the

 6  dissolved corporation or successor entity that any person to

 7  whom such notice is sent is a proper claimant and shall not

 8  operate as a waiver of any defense or counterclaim in respect

 9  of any claim asserted by any person to whom such notice is

10  sent.

11         (9)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity which

12  has followed the procedures described in subsections (2)-(7):

13         (a)  Shall pay the claims admitted or made and not

14  rejected in accordance with subsection (3);

15         (b)  Shall post the security offered and not rejected

16  pursuant to subsection (5);

17         (c)  Shall post any security ordered by the circuit

18  court in any proceeding under subsections (6) and (7); and

19         (d)  Shall pay or make provision for all other known

20  obligations of the corporation or such successor entity.


22  Such claims or obligations shall be paid in full, and any such

23  provision for payments shall be made in full if there are

24  sufficient funds. If there are insufficient funds, such claims

25  and obligations shall be paid or provided for according to

26  their priority and, among claims of equal priority, ratably to

27  the extent of funds legally available therefor. Any remaining

28  funds shall be distributed to the shareholders of the

29  dissolved corporation; however, such distribution may not be

30  made before the expiration of 150 days from the date of the

31  last notice of rejections given pursuant to subsection (3). In


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 1  the absence of actual fraud, the judgment of the directors of

 2  the dissolved corporation or the governing persons of such

 3  successor entity as to the provisions made for the payment of

 4  all obligations under paragraph (d) is conclusive.

 5         (10)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity which

 6  has not followed the procedures described in subsections (2)

 7  and (3) shall pay or make reasonable provision to pay all

 8  known claims and obligations, including all contingent,

 9  conditional, or unmatured claims known to the corporation or

10  such successor entity and all claims which are known to the

11  dissolved corporation or such successor entity but for which

12  the identity of the claimant is unknown. Such claims shall be

13  paid in full, and any such provision for payment made shall be

14  made in full if there are sufficient funds. If there are

15  insufficient funds, such claims and obligations shall be paid

16  or provided for according to their priority and, among claims

17  of equal priority, ratably to the extent of funds legally

18  available therefor. Any remaining funds shall be distributed

19  to the shareholders of the dissolved corporation.

20         (11)  Directors of a dissolved corporation or governing

21  persons of a successor entity which has complied with

22  subsection (9) or subsection (10) are not personally liable to

23  the claimants of the dissolved corporation.

24         (12)  A shareholder of a dissolved corporation the

25  assets of which were distributed pursuant to subsection (9) or

26  subsection (10) is not liable for any claim against the

27  corporation in an amount in excess of such shareholder's pro

28  rata share of the claim or the amount distributed to the

29  shareholder, whichever is less.

30         (13)  A shareholder of a dissolved corporation, the

31  assets of which were distributed pursuant to subsection (9),


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 1  is not liable for any claim against the corporation, which

 2  claim is known to the corporation or successor entity, on

 3  which a proceeding is not begun prior to the expiration of 3

 4  years following the effective date of dissolution.

 5         (14)  The aggregate liability of any shareholder of a

 6  dissolved corporation for claims against the dissolved

 7  corporation arising under this section, s. 607.1407, or

 8  otherwise, may not exceed the amount distributed to the

 9  shareholder in dissolution.

10         (15)  As used in this section or s. 607.1407, the term

11  "successor entity" includes any trust, receivership, or other

12  legal entity governed by the laws of this state to which the

13  remaining assets and liabilities of a dissolved corporation

14  are transferred and which exists solely for the purposes of

15  prosecuting and defending suits by or against the dissolved

16  corporation, enabling the dissolved corporation to settle and

17  close the business of the dissolved corporation, to dispose of

18  and convey the property of the dissolved corporation, to

19  discharge the liabilities of the dissolved corporation, and to

20  distribute to the dissolved corporation's shareholders any

21  remaining assets, but not for the purpose of continuing the

22  business for which the dissolved corporation was organized.

23         Section 36.  Section 607.1407, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         607.1407  Unknown claims against dissolved

26  corporation.--

27         (1)  A dissolved corporation or successor entity, as

28  defined in s. 607.1406(15), may also file notice of its

29  dissolution with the Department of State on the form

30  prescribed by the Department of State and request that persons

31  with claims against the corporation which are not known to the


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 1  corporation or successor entity present them in accordance

 2  with the notice.

 3         (2)  The notice must:

 4         (a)  describe the information that must be included in

 5  a claim and provide a mailing address to which the claim may

 6  be sent; and

 7         (b)  State that a claim against the corporation will be

 8  barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced

 9  within 4 years after the filing of the notice.

10         (3)  If the dissolved corporation or successor entity

11  files the notice in accordance with subsections (1) and (2),

12  the claim of each of the following claimants is barred unless

13  the claimant commences a proceeding to enforce the claim

14  against the dissolved corporation within 4 years after the

15  filing date:

16         (a)  A claimant who did not receive written notice

17  under s. 607.1406(9), or whose claim was not provided for

18  under s. 607.1406(10), whether such claim is based on an event

19  occurring before or after the effective date of dissolution.

20         (b)  A claimant whose claim was timely sent to the

21  dissolved corporation but not acted on.

22         (4)  A claim may be enforced under this section:

23         (a)  Against the dissolved corporation, to the extent

24  of its undistributed assets; or

25         (b)  If the assets have been distributed in

26  liquidation, against a shareholder of the dissolved

27  corporation to the extent of such shareholder's pro rata share

28  of the claim or the corporate assets distributed to such

29  shareholder in liquidation, whichever is less, provided that

30  the aggregate liability of any shareholder of a dissolved

31  corporation for claims against the dissolved corporation


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 1  arising under this section, s. 607.1406, or otherwise, may not

 2  exceed the amount distributed to the shareholder in

 3  dissolution.

 4         Section 37.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

 5  607.1422, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 6         607.1422  Reinstatement following administrative

 7  dissolution.--

 8         (1)(a)  A corporation administratively dissolved under

 9  s. 607.1421 may apply to the Department of State for

10  reinstatement at any time after the effective date of

11  dissolution. The corporation application must submit a

12  reinstatement form prescribed and furnished by the Department

13  of State or a current uniform business report signed by the

14  registered agent and an officer or director and all fees then

15  owed by the corporation, computed at the rate provided by law

16  at the time the corporation applies for reinstatement:

17         1.  Recite the name of the corporation and the

18  effective date of its administrative dissolution;

19         2.  State that the ground or grounds for dissolution

20  either did not exist or have been eliminated and that no

21  further grounds currently exist for dissolution;

22         3.  State that the corporation's name satisfies the

23  requirements of s. 607.0401; and

24         4.  State that all fees owed by the corporation and

25  computed at the rate provided by law at the time the

26  corporation applies for reinstatement have been paid; or

27         (b)  As an alternative, the corporation may submit a

28  current annual report, signed by the registered agent and an

29  officer or director, which substantially complies with the

30  requirements of paragraph (a).



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 1         (2)  If the Department of State determines that the

 2  application contains the information required by subsection

 3  (1) and that the information is correct, it shall reinstate

 4  the corporation cancel the certificate of dissolution and

 5  prepare a certificate of reinstatement that recites its

 6  determination and the effective date of reinstatement, file

 7  the original of the certificate, and serve a copy on the

 8  corporation under s. 607.0504(2).

 9         Section 38.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

10  607.1430, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsections (6)

11  and (7) are added to that section, to read:

12         607.1430  Grounds for judicial dissolution.--A circuit

13  court may dissolve a corporation or order such other remedy as

14  provided in s. 607.1434:

15         (3)  In a proceeding by a shareholder or group of

16  shareholders in a corporation having 35 or fewer shareholders

17  if it is established that:

18         (b)  The directors or those in control of the

19  corporation have acted, are acting, or are reasonably expected

20  to act in a manner that is illegal, oppressive, or fraudulent;

21         (6)  In connection with paragraph (3)(b), the

22  incorporators or shareholders of the corporation may omit

23  oppressive conduct as a ground for judicial dissolution with

24  respect to such corporation if set forth in:

25         (a)  The articles of incorporation or bylaws and

26  approved by all incorporators, or, if the corporation has

27  issued shares, by all persons who are shareholders at the time

28  of the approval; or

29         (b)  A written agreement that is signed by all persons

30  who are shareholders at the time of the agreement and such

31  written agreement is made known to the corporation.


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 1         (7)  The addition of oppressive conduct as a ground for

 2  judicial dissolution shall apply to all corporations organized

 3  after October 1, 2003. All corporations organized prior to

 4  October 1, 2003, shall be subject to such addition on and

 5  after October 1, 2004, provided that such addition shall also

 6  apply to corporations organized prior to October 1, 2003, to

 7  the extent such corporations expressly elect in their articles

 8  of incorporation or bylaws to become subject to such addition

 9  prior to October 1, 2003.

10         Section 39.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

11  607.1503, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

12         607.1503  Application for certificate of authority.--

13         (1)  A foreign corporation may apply for a certificate

14  of authority to transact business in this state by delivering

15  an application to the Department of State for filing. Such

16  application shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by

17  the Department of State and shall set forth:

18         (a)  The name of the foreign corporation as long as its

19  name satisfies the requirements of s. 607.0401, but if its

20  name does not satisfy such requirements or, if its name is

21  unavailable for use in this state, a corporate name that

22  otherwise satisfies the requirements of s. 607.1506;

23         Section 40.  Subsection (2) of section 607.1504,

24  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         607.1504  Amended certificate of authority.--

26         (2)  Such application shall be made within 90 30 days

27  after the occurrence of any change mentioned in subsection

28  (1), shall be made on forms prescribed by the Department of

29  State and, shall be executed in accordance with s. 607.0120.

30  The foreign corporation shall deliver with the completed

31  application, a certificate, or a document of similar import,


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 1  authenticated as of a date not more than 90 days prior to

 2  delivery of the application to the Department of State by the

 3  Secretary of State or other official having custody of

 4  corporate records in the jurisdiction under the laws of which

 5  it is incorporated, evidencing the amendment. A translation of

 6  the certificate, under oath or affirmation of the translator,

 7  must be attached to a certificate that is in a language other

 8  than English. The application and filed in the same manner as

 9  an original application for authority, and shall set forth:

10         (a)  The name of the foreign corporation as it appears

11  on the records of the Department of State.

12         (b)  The jurisdiction of its incorporation.

13         (c)  The date it was authorized to do business in this

14  state.

15         (d)  If the name of the foreign corporation has been

16  changed, the name relinquished, the new name, a statement that

17  the change of name has been effected under the laws of the

18  jurisdiction of its incorporation, and the date the change was

19  effected.

20         (e)  If the amendment changes its period of duration, a

21  statement of such change.

22         (f)  If the amendment changes the jurisdiction of

23  incorporation, a statement of such change.

24         Section 41.  Subsection (1) of section 607.1506,

25  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         607.1506  Corporate name of foreign corporation.--

27         (1)  A foreign corporation is not entitled to file an

28  application for a certificate of authority unless the

29  corporate name of such corporation satisfies the requirements

30  of s. 607.0401. If the corporate name of a foreign corporation

31  does not satisfy the requirements of s. 607.0401, the foreign


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 1  corporation, to obtain or maintain a certificate of authority

 2  to transact business in this state:

 3         (a)  May add the word "corporation," "company," or

 4  "incorporated" or the abbreviation "Corp.," "Inc.," "Co.," or

 5  the designation "Corp," "Inc," or "Co," or words or

 6  abbreviations of like import in language, as will clearly

 7  indicate that it is a corporation instead of a natural person,

 8  or partnership, or other business entity to its corporate name

 9  for use in this state; or

10         (b)  May use an alternate name to transact business in

11  this state if its real name is unavailable and it delivers to

12  the Department of State for filing a copy of the resolution of

13  its board of directors, executed as required by s. 607.0120,

14  adopting an alternate name. Any such alternate corporate name,

15  adopted for use in this state, shall be cross-referenced to

16  the real corporate name in the records of the Division of

17  Corporations. If the corporation's real corporate name becomes

18  available in this state or the corporation chooses to change

19  its alternate name, a copy of the resolution of its board of

20  directors changing or withdrawing the alternate name, executed

21  as required by s. 607.0120, shall be delivered for filing.

22         Section 42.  Section 607.1605, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         607.1605  Inspection of records by directors.--

25         (1)  A director of a corporation is entitled to inspect

26  and copy the books, records, and documents of the corporation

27  at any reasonable time to the extent reasonably related to the

28  performance of the director's duties as a director, including

29  duties as a member of a committee, but not for any other

30  purpose or in any manner that would violate any duty to the

31  corporation.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2362

 1         (2)  The circuit court of the county in which the

 2  corporation's principal office or, if none in this state, its

 3  registered office is located may order inspection and copying

 4  of the books, records, and documents at the corporation's

 5  expense, upon application of a director who has been refused

 6  such inspection rights, unless the corporation establishes

 7  that the director is not entitled to such inspection rights.

 8  The court shall dispose of an application under this

 9  subsection on an expedited basis.

10         (3)  If an order is issued, the court may include

11  provisions protecting the corporation from undue burden or

12  expense and prohibiting the director from using information

13  obtained upon exercise of the inspection rights in a manner

14  that would violate a duty to the corporation, and may also

15  order the corporation to reimburse the director for the

16  director's costs, including reasonable counsel fees, incurred

17  in connection with the application.

18         Section 43.  Paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) of subsection

19  (1) of section 607.1622, Florida Statutes, are amended to

20  read:

21         607.1622  Annual report for Department of State.--

22         (1)  Each domestic corporation and each foreign

23  corporation authorized to transact business in this state

24  shall deliver to the Department of State for filing a sworn

25  annual report on such forms as the Department of State

26  prescribes that sets forth:

27         (g)  Whether the corporation has liability for

28  intangible taxes under s. 199.032. The Department of State

29  shall annually prepare a list of those corporations that have

30  indicated no intangible tax liability, and provide such list

31  to the Department of Revenue;


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2362

 1         (g)(h)  Language permitting a voluntary contribution of

 2  $5 per taxpayer, which contribution shall be transferred into

 3  the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. A statement

 4  providing an explanation of the purpose of the trust fund

 5  shall also be included; and

 6         (h)(i)  Such additional information as may be necessary

 7  or appropriate to enable the Department of State to carry out

 8  the provisions of this act.

 9         Section 44.  Subsection (1) of section 607.1907,

10  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

11         607.1907  Effect of repeal of prior acts.--

12         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (2), the repeal

13  of a statute by this act does not affect:

14         (a)  The operation of the statute or any action taken

15  under it before its repeal, including, without limiting the

16  generality of the foregoing, the continuing validity of any

17  provision of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a

18  corporation authorized by the statute at the time of its

19  adoption;

20         (b)  Any ratification, right, remedy, privilege,

21  obligation, or liability acquired, accrued, or incurred under

22  the statute before its repeal;

23         (c)  Any violation of the statute, or any penalty,

24  forfeiture, or punishment incurred because of the violation,

25  before its repeal;

26         (d)  Any proceeding, merger, consolidation, sale of

27  assets, reorganization, or dissolution commenced under the

28  statute before its repeal, and the proceeding, merger,

29  consolidation, sale of assets, reorganization, or dissolution

30  may be completed in accordance with the statute as if it had

31  not been repealed.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2362

 1         Section 45.  Section 607.0903, Florida Statutes, is

 2  repealed.

 3         Section 46.  This act shall take effect October 1,

 4  2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 7                         Senate Bill 2362


 9  The committee substitute makes grammatical, punctuation, and
    other technical changes to the bill.























CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.