Senate Bill sb2462c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

    By the Committee on Agriculture; and Senator Garcia


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Agriculture and Consumer Services; amending s.

  4         527.01, F.S.; redefining the term "qualifier"

  5         for purposes of ch. 527, F.S., relating to sale

  6         of liquefied petroleum gas; redefining the term

  7         "category II liquefied petroleum gas

  8         dispenser"; defining the term "category V

  9         liquefied petroleum gases dealer for industrial

10         uses only"; amending s. 527.02, F.S.; providing

11         for licensure of category V liquefied petroleum

12         gases dealers for industrial uses only;

13         providing license fees for such dealers;

14         creating s. 527.0201, F.S.; providing for the

15         examination of such dealers; revising criteria

16         for determining who may make application for

17         examination for competency; providing that a

18         person may not act as a qualifier for more than

19         one licensed location; providing an additional

20         prerequisite for certification as a master

21         qualifier; clarifying procedures in the event

22         of specified vacancies in qualifier and master

23         qualifier positions; clarifying provisions

24         relating to suspension of a license if a

25         business organization no longer possesses a

26         duly designated qualifier; providing procedures

27         relating to category I liquefied petroleum gas

28         dealers or LP gas installers who no longer

29         possess a master qualifier but employ a

30         category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer or LP

31         gas installer qualifier; providing that the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1         department may deny, refuse to renew, suspend,

 2         or revoke a qualifier card or master qualifier

 3         certificate for specified causes; amending s.

 4         527.06, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference;

 5         amending s. 527.065, F.S.; revising conditions

 6         under which liquefied petroleum gas licensees

 7         must notify the department of liquefied

 8         petroleum gas-related accidents involving a

 9         customer account; amending s. 527.11, F.S.;

10         revising a prerequisite to obtaining a

11         liquefied petroleum gas license; amending s.

12         527.13, F.S.; authorizing the department to

13         impose administrative penalties and suspend or

14         revoke a qualification for violation of ch.

15         527, F.S., rules adopted pursuant thereto, or a

16         cease and desist order; increasing the period

17         of time in which licensees may pay penalties to

18         the department; authorizing the department to

19         issue a warning letter to licenseholders,

20         master qualifiers, qualifiers, or others in

21         lieu of an administrative or civil penalty for

22         first violations; amending s. 527.22, F.S.;

23         revising terms of membership of the Propane Gas

24         Education, Safety, and Research Council;

25         amending s. 559.904, F.S.; revising provisions

26         relating to applications, renewal applications,

27         registration, and registration fees with

28         respect to motor vehicle repair shops; amending

29         s. 559.929, F.S.; eliminating a condition under

30         which the department may waive security

31         requirements with respect to registration as a


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 1         seller of travel; amending s. 501.143, F.S.;

 2         providing limitations on contracts for ballroom

 3         dance studio services, the renewal of such

 4         contracts, and oral or written representations

 5         with respect thereto; providing penalties,

 6         remedies, and enforcement; amending s. 507.03,

 7         F.S.; revising registration requirements for

 8         moving services; amending s. 507.04, F.S.;

 9         revising requirements with respect to insurance

10         coverage for moving services; amending s.

11         501.212, F.S.; revising an exemption from the

12         Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices

13         Act for certain acts or practices involving

14         real estate; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (5) of

19  section 527.01, Florida Statutes, subsection (7) is amended,

20  and subsection (19) is added to that section, to read:

21         527.01  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

22         (5)  "Qualifier" means any person who has passed a

23  competency examination administered by the department and is

24  employed by a licensed business in one or more of the

25  following classifications:

26         (h)  Category V liquefied petroleum gases dealer for

27  industrial uses only.

28         (7)  "Category II liquefied petroleum gas dispenser"

29  means any person engaging in the business of operating a

30  liquefied petroleum gas dispensing unit for the purpose of

31  serving liquid products to the ultimate consumer for


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 1  industrial, commercial, or domestic use, and selling or

 2  offering to sell, or leasing or offering to lease, apparatus,

 3  appliances, and equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum

 4  gas, including maintaining a cylinder storage rack at the

 5  licensed business location for the purpose of storing

 6  cylinders filled by the licensed business for sale or use at a

 7  later date engaging in the business of operating a cylinder

 8  exchange unit.

 9         (19)  "Category V liquefied petroleum gases dealer for

10  industrial uses only" means any person engaged in the business

11  of filling, selling, and transporting liquefied petroleum gas

12  containers for use in welding, forklifts, or other industrial

13  applications.

14         Section 2.  Section 527.02, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         527.02  License; penalty; fees.--

17         (1)(a)  It is unlawful for any person to engage in this

18  state in the activities of a pipeline system operator,

19  category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer, category II

20  liquefied petroleum gas dispenser, category III liquefied

21  petroleum gas cylinder exchange operator, category IV

22  liquefied petroleum gas dispenser and recreational vehicle

23  servicer, category V liquefied petroleum gas dealer for

24  industrial uses only, LP gas installer, specialty installer,

25  dealer in liquefied petroleum gas appliances and equipment,

26  manufacturer of liquefied petroleum gas appliances and

27  equipment, requalifier of cylinders, or fabricator, repairer,

28  and tester of vehicles and cargo tanks without first obtaining

29  from the department a license to engage in one or more of

30  these businesses. The sale of liquefied petroleum gas

31  cylinders with a volume of 10 pounds water capacity or 4.2


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 1  pounds liquefied petroleum gas capacity or less is exempt from

 2  the requirements of this chapter. It is a felony of the third

 3  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

 4  s. 775.084, to intentionally or willfully engage in any of

 5  said activities without first obtaining appropriate licensure

 6  from the department.

 7         (2)  Each business location of a person having multiple

 8  locations shall be separately licensed and must meet the

 9  requirements of this section.  Such license shall be granted

10  to any applicant determined by the department to be competent,

11  qualified, and trustworthy who files with the department a

12  surety bond, insurance affidavit, or other proof of insurance,

13  as hereinafter specified, and pays for such license the

14  following original application fee for new licenses and annual

15  renewal fees for existing licenses:


17                                   Original            Renewal

18  License Category              Application Fee            Fee



21    Category I liquefied

22  petroleum gas dealer.....................$525           $425

23    Category II liquefied

24  petroleum gas dispenser...................525            375

25    Category III liquefied

26  petroleum gas cylinder

27  exchange unit operator....................100             65

28    Category IV liquefied

29  petroleum gas dispenser and

30  recreational vehicle servicer.............525            400



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 1    Category V liquefied

 2  petroleum gases dealer for industrial uses only

 3  ..........................................300            200

 4    LP gas installer........................300            200

 5    Specialty installer.....................300            200

 6    Dealer in appliances and equipment

 7  for use of liquefied petroleum gas.........50             45

 8    Manufacturer of liquefied petroleum

 9  gas appliances and equipment..............525            375

10    Requalifier of cylinders................525            375

11    Fabricator, repairer, and tester of

12  vehicles and cargo tanks..................525            375

13         (3)  Any applicant for original license whose

14  application is submitted during the last 6 months of the

15  license year may have the original license fee reduced by

16  one-half for the 6-month period. This provision shall apply

17  only to those companies applying for an original license and

18  shall not be applied to licensees who held a license during

19  the previous license year and failed to renew the license. The

20  department may refuse to issue an initial license to any

21  applicant who is under investigation in any jurisdiction for

22  an action that would constitute a violation of this chapter

23  until such time as the investigation is complete.

24         (4)(b)  Any person applying for a liquefied petroleum

25  gas license as a specialty installer, as defined by s.

26  527.01(11), shall upon application to the department identify

27  the specific area of work to be performed.  Upon completion of

28  all license requirements set forth in this chapter, the

29  department shall issue the applicant a license specifying the

30  scope of work, as identified by the applicant and defined by

31  rule of the department, for which the person is authorized.


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 1         (5)(c)  The license fee for a pipeline system operator

 2  shall be $100 per system owned or operated by the person, not

 3  to exceed $400 per license year. Such license fee applies only

 4  to a pipeline system operator who owns or operates a liquefied

 5  petroleum gas pipeline system that is used to transmit

 6  liquefied petroleum gas from a common source to the ultimate

 7  customer and that serves 10 or more customers.

 8         (6)(d)  The department shall promulgate rules

 9  specifying acts deemed by the department to demonstrate a lack

10  of trustworthiness to engage in activities requiring a license

11  or qualifier identification card under this section.

12         (7)(e)  Any license issued by the department may be

13  transferred to any person, firm, or corporation for the

14  remainder of the current license year upon written request to

15  the department by the original licenseholder. Prior to

16  approval of any transfer, all licensing requirements of this

17  chapter must be met by the transferee. A license transfer fee

18  of $50 shall be charged for each such transfer.

19         (2)  In addition to the requirements of subsection (1),

20  any person applying for a license to engage in the activities

21  of a pipeline system operator, category I liquefied petroleum

22  gas dealer, category II liquefied petroleum gas dispenser,

23  category IV liquefied petroleum gas dispenser and recreational

24  vehicle servicer, LP gas installer, specialty installer,

25  requalification of cylinders, or fabricator, repairer, and

26  tester of vehicles and cargo tanks, must prove competency by

27  passing a written examination administered by the department

28  or its agent with a grade of 75 percent or above. Each

29  applicant for examination shall submit a $20 nonrefundable

30  fee. The department shall by rule specify the general areas of



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  competency to be covered by each examination and the relative

 2  weight to be assigned in grading each area tested.

 3         (a)  Application for examination for competency may be

 4  made by an individual or by an owner, a partner, or any person

 5  in a supervisory capacity of the license applicant.  Upon

 6  successful completion of the competency examination, the

 7  department shall issue a qualifier identification card to the

 8  examinee. Qualifier identification cards, except those issued

 9  to category I liquefied petroleum gas dealers and liquefied

10  petroleum gas installers, shall remain in effect as long as

11  the individual shows to the department proof of active

12  employment in the area of examination and all continuing

13  education requirements are met. Should the individual

14  terminate active employment in the area of examination for a

15  period exceeding 24 months, or fail to provide documentation

16  of continuing education, the individual's qualifier status

17  shall expire. The individual may reapply for examination by

18  the department in order to reestablish qualifier status.

19  Every business organization shall possess such a full-time

20  qualifier at all times who has successfully completed an

21  examination in the corresponding category of the license held

22  by the business organization.

23         (b)  Qualifier cards issued to category I liquefied

24  petroleum gas dealers and liquefied petroleum gas installers

25  shall expire 3 years after the date of issuance. All category

26  I liquefied petroleum gas dealer qualifiers and liquefied

27  petroleum gas installer qualifiers holding a valid qualifier

28  card upon the effective date of this act shall retain their

29  qualifier status until July 1, 2003, and may sit for the

30  master qualifier examination at any time during that time

31  period. Alternatively, all category I liquefied petroleum gas


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 1  dealer qualifiers and liquefied petroleum gas installer

 2  qualifiers may renew their qualification on or before July 1,

 3  2003, upon application to the department, payment of a $20

 4  renewal fee, and documentation of the completion of a minimum

 5  of 12 hours approved continuing education courses, as defined

 6  by department rule, during the previous 3-year period.

 7  Applications for renewal must be made 30 calendar days prior

 8  to expiration. Persons failing to renew prior to the

 9  expiration date must reapply and take a qualifier competency

10  examination in order to reestablish category I liquefied

11  petroleum gas dealer qualifier and liquefied petroleum gas

12  installer qualifier status. If a category I liquefied

13  petroleum gas qualifier or liquefied petroleum gas installer

14  qualifier becomes a master qualifier at any time during the

15  effective date of the qualifier card, the card shall remain in

16  effect until expiration of the master qualifier certification.

17         (3)  A qualifier for a business organization involved

18  in installation, repair, maintenance, or service of liquefied

19  petroleum gas appliances, equipment, or systems must actually

20  function in a supervisory capacity of other company employees

21  installing, repairing, maintaining, or servicing liquefied

22  petroleum gas appliances, equipment, or systems.  A separate

23  qualifier shall be required for every 10 such employees.

24  Additional qualifiers are required for those business

25  organizations employing more than 10 employees that install,

26  repair, maintain, or service liquefied petroleum gas equipment

27  and systems.

28         (4)  In addition to all other licensing requirements,

29  each category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer and liquefied

30  petroleum gas installer must, at the time of application for

31  licensure, identify to the department one master qualifier who


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  is a full-time employee at the licensed location. This person

 2  shall be a manager, owner, or otherwise primarily responsible

 3  for overseeing the operations of the licensed location and

 4  must provide documentation to the department as provided by

 5  rule. The master qualifier requirement shall be in addition to

 6  the requirements of subsection (2).

 7         (a)  In order to apply for certification as a master

 8  qualifier, each applicant must be a category I liquefied

 9  petroleum gas dealer qualifier or liquefied petroleum gas

10  installer qualifier, must be employed by a licensed category I

11  liquefied petroleum gas dealer, liquefied petroleum gas

12  installer, or applicant for such license, and must pass a

13  master qualifier competency examination. Master qualifier

14  examinations shall be based on Florida's laws, rules, and

15  adopted codes governing liquefied petroleum gas safety,

16  general industry safety standards, and administrative

17  procedures. The examination must be successfully completed by

18  the applicant with a grade of 75 percent or more. Each

19  applicant for master qualifier status shall submit to the

20  department a nonrefundable $30 examination fee prior to the

21  examination.

22         (b)  Upon successful completion of the master qualifier

23  examination, the department shall issue the examinee a

24  certificate of master qualifier status which shall include the

25  name of the licensed company for which the master qualifier is

26  employed. A master qualifier may transfer from one

27  licenseholder to another upon becoming employed by the company

28  and providing a written request to the department.

29         (c)  Master qualifier status shall expire 3 years after

30  the date of issuance of the certificate and may be renewed by

31  submission to the department of documentation of completion of


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  at least 12 hours of approved continuing education courses

 2  during the 3-year period; proof of employment with a licensed

 3  category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer, liquefied petroleum

 4  gas installer, or applicant; and a $30 certificate renewal

 5  fee. The department shall define, by rule, approved courses of

 6  continuing education.

 7         (d)  Each category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer or

 8  liquefied petroleum gas installer licensed as of August 31,

 9  2000, shall identify to the department one current category I

10  liquefied petroleum gas dealer qualifier or liquefied

11  petroleum gas installer qualifier who will be the designated

12  master qualifier for the licenseholder. Such individual must

13  provide proof of employment for 3 years or more within the

14  liquefied petroleum gas industry, and shall, upon approval of

15  the department, be granted a master qualifier certificate. All

16  other requirements with regard to master qualifier certificate

17  expiration, renewal, and continuing education shall apply.

18         (5)  A vacancy in a qualifier or master qualifier

19  position in a business organization which results from the

20  departure of the qualifier shall be immediately reported to

21  the department. If a business organization no longer possesses

22  a duly designated qualifier, as required by this section, its

23  liquefied petroleum gas licenses shall be suspended by order

24  of the department after 20 working days and shall remain

25  suspended until a competent qualifier has been retained. A

26  vacancy in the qualifier position for a period of more than 20

27  working days shall be deemed to constitute an immediate threat

28  to the public health, safety, and welfare. Failure to obtain a

29  replacement qualifier within 60 days after the vacancy occurs

30  shall be grounds for revocation of licensure or eligibility

31  for licensure.


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 1         (6)  Any individual having competency qualifications on

 2  file with the department may request the transfer of such

 3  qualifications to any existing licenseholder by making a

 4  written request to the department for such transfer. Any

 5  individual having a competency examination on file with the

 6  department may use such examination for a new license

 7  application after making application in writing to the

 8  department. All examinations are confidential and exempt from

 9  the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

10         (7)  If a duplicate license, qualifier card, or master

11  qualifier certificate is requested by the licensee, a fee of

12  $10 must be received before issuance of the duplicate license

13  or card.  If a facsimile transmission of an original license

14  is requested, upon completion of the transmission a fee of $10

15  must be received by the department before the original license

16  may be mailed to the requester.

17         (8)  All revenues collected herein shall be deposited

18  in the General Inspection Trust Fund for the purpose of

19  administering the provisions of this chapter.

20         Section 3.  Section 527.0201, Florida Statutes, is

21  created to read:

22         527.0201  Qualifiers; master qualifiers;

23  examinations.--

24         (1)  In addition to the requirements of s. 527.02, any

25  person applying for a license to engage in the activities of a

26  pipeline system operator, category I liquefied petroleum gas

27  dealer, category II liquefied petroleum gas dispenser,

28  category IV liquefied petroleum gas dispenser and recreational

29  vehicle servicer, category V liquefied petroleum gases dealer

30  for industrial uses only, LP gas installer, specialty

31  installer, requalification of cylinders, or fabricator,


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  repairer, and tester of vehicles and cargo tanks must prove

 2  competency by passing a written examination administered by

 3  the department or its agent with a grade of 75 percent or

 4  above. Each applicant for examination shall submit a $20

 5  nonrefundable fee. The department shall by rule specify the

 6  general areas of competency to be covered by each examination

 7  and the relative weight to be assigned in grading each area

 8  tested.

 9         (2)  Application for examination for competency may be

10  made by an individual or by an owner, a partner, or any person

11  employed by the license applicant.  Upon successful completion

12  of the competency examination, the department shall issue a

13  qualifier identification card to the examinee.

14         (a)  Qualifier identification cards, except those

15  issued to category I liquefied petroleum gas dealers and

16  liquefied petroleum gas installers, shall remain in effect as

17  long as the individual shows to the department proof of active

18  employment in the area of examination and all continuing

19  education requirements are met. Should the individual

20  terminate active employment in the area of examination for a

21  period exceeding 24 months, or fail to provide documentation

22  of continuing education, the individual's qualifier status

23  shall automatically expire. If the qualifier status has

24  expired, the individual must apply for and successfully

25  complete an examination by the department in order to

26  reestablish qualifier status.

27         (b)  Every business organization shall employ at all

28  times a full-time qualifier who has successfully completed an

29  examination in the corresponding category of the license held

30  by the business organization. A person may not act as a

31  qualifier for more than one licensed location.


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 1         (3)  Qualifier cards issued to category I liquefied

 2  petroleum gas dealers and liquefied petroleum gas installers

 3  shall expire 3 years after the date of issuance. All category

 4  I liquefied petroleum gas dealer qualifiers and liquefied

 5  petroleum gas installer qualifiers holding a valid qualifier

 6  card upon the effective date of this act shall retain their

 7  qualifier status until July 1, 2003, and may sit for the

 8  master qualifier examination at any time during that time

 9  period. All such category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer

10  qualifiers and liquefied petroleum gas installer qualifiers

11  may renew their qualification on or before July 1, 2003, upon

12  application to the department, payment of a $20 renewal fee,

13  and documentation of the completion of a minimum of 12 hours

14  approved continuing education courses, as defined by

15  department rule, during the previous 3-year period.

16  Applications for renewal must be made 30 calendar days prior

17  to expiration. Persons failing to renew prior to the

18  expiration date must reapply and take a qualifier competency

19  examination in order to reestablish category I liquefied

20  petroleum gas dealer qualifier and liquefied petroleum gas

21  installer qualifier status. If a category I liquefied

22  petroleum gas qualifier or liquefied petroleum gas installer

23  qualifier becomes a master qualifier at any time during the

24  effective date of the qualifier card, the card shall remain in

25  effect until expiration of the master qualifier certification.

26         (4)  A qualifier for a business organization involved

27  in installation, repair, maintenance, or service of liquefied

28  petroleum gas appliances, equipment, or systems must actually

29  function in a supervisory capacity of other company employees

30  installing, repairing, maintaining, or servicing liquefied

31  petroleum gas appliances, equipment, or systems.  A separate


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 1  qualifier shall be required for every 10 such employees.

 2  Additional qualifiers are required for those business

 3  organizations employing more than 10 employees that install,

 4  repair, maintain, or service liquefied petroleum gas equipment

 5  and systems.

 6         (5)  In addition to all other licensing requirements,

 7  each category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer and liquefied

 8  petroleum gas installer must, at the time of application for

 9  licensure, identify to the department one master qualifier who

10  is a full-time employee at the licensed location. This person

11  shall be a manager, owner, or otherwise primarily responsible

12  for overseeing the operations of the licensed location and

13  must provide documentation to the department as provided by

14  rule. The master qualifier requirement shall be in addition to

15  the requirements of subsection (1).

16         (a)  In order to apply for certification as a master

17  qualifier, each applicant must be a category I liquefied

18  petroleum gas dealer qualifier or liquefied petroleum gas

19  installer qualifier, must be employed by a licensed category I

20  liquefied petroleum gas dealer, liquefied petroleum gas

21  installer, or applicant for such license, must provide

22  documentation of a minimum of 1 year's work experience in the

23  gas industry, and must pass a master qualifier competency

24  examination. Master qualifier examinations shall be based on

25  Florida's laws, rules, and adopted codes governing liquefied

26  petroleum gas safety, general industry safety standards, and

27  administrative procedures. The examination must be

28  successfully completed by the applicant with a grade of 75

29  percent or more. Each applicant for master qualifier status

30  shall submit to the department a nonrefundable $30 examination

31  fee prior to the examination.


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 1         (b)  Upon successful completion of the master qualifier

 2  examination, the department shall issue the examinee a

 3  certificate of master qualifier status which shall include the

 4  name of the licensed company for which the master qualifier is

 5  employed. A master qualifier may transfer from one

 6  licenseholder to another upon becoming employed by the company

 7  and providing a written request to the department.

 8         (c)  Master qualifier status shall expire 3 years after

 9  the date of issuance of the certificate and may be renewed by

10  submission to the department of documentation of completion of

11  at least 12 hours of approved continuing education courses

12  during the 3-year period; proof of employment with a licensed

13  category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer, liquefied petroleum

14  gas installer, or applicant; and a $30 certificate renewal

15  fee. The department shall define, by rule, approved courses of

16  continuing education.

17         (d)  Each category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer or

18  liquefied petroleum gas installer licensed as of August 31,

19  2000, shall identify to the department one current category I

20  liquefied petroleum gas dealer qualifier or liquefied

21  petroleum gas installer qualifier who will be the designated

22  master qualifier for the licenseholder. Such individual must

23  provide proof of employment for 3 years or more within the

24  liquefied petroleum gas industry, and shall, upon approval of

25  the department, be granted a master qualifier certificate. All

26  other requirements with regard to master qualifier certificate

27  expiration, renewal, and continuing education shall apply.

28         (6)  A vacancy in a qualifier or master qualifier

29  position in a business organization which results from the

30  departure of the qualifier or master qualifier shall be



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 1  immediately reported to the department by the departing

 2  qualifier or master qualifier and the licensed company.

 3         (a)  If a business organization no longer possesses a

 4  duly designated qualifier, as required by this section, its

 5  liquefied petroleum gas licenses shall be suspended by order

 6  of the department after 20 working days. The license shall

 7  remain suspended until a competent qualifier has been

 8  employed, the order of suspension terminated by the

 9  department, and the license reinstated. A vacancy in the

10  qualifier position for a period of more than 20 working days

11  shall be deemed to constitute an immediate threat to the

12  public health, safety, and welfare. Failure to obtain a

13  replacement qualifier within 60 days after the vacancy occurs

14  shall be grounds for revocation of licensure or eligibility

15  for licensure.

16         (b)  Any category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer or

17  LP gas installer who no longer possesses a master qualifier

18  but currently employs a category I liquefied petroleum gas

19  dealer or LP gas installer qualifier as required by this

20  section, shall have 60 days within which to replace the master

21  qualifier. If the company fails to replace the master

22  qualifier within the 60-day time period, the license of the

23  company shall be suspended by order of the department. The

24  license shall remain suspended until a competent master

25  qualifier has been employed, the order of suspension has been

26  terminated by the department, and the license reinstated.

27  Failure to obtain a replacement master qualifier within 90

28  days after the vacancy occurs shall be grounds for revocation

29  of licensure or eligibility for licensure.




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 1         (7)  The department may deny, refuse to renew, suspend,

 2  or revoke any qualifier card or master qualifier certificate

 3  for any of the following causes:

 4         (a)  Violation of any provision of this chapter or any

 5  rule or order of the department;

 6         (b)  Falsification of records relating to the qualifier

 7  card or master qualifier certificate; or

 8         (c)  Failure to meet any of the renewal requirements.

 9         (8)  Any individual having competency qualifications on

10  file with the department may request the transfer of such

11  qualifications to any existing licenseholder by making a

12  written request to the department for such transfer. Any

13  individual having a competency examination on file with the

14  department may use such examination for a new license

15  application after making application in writing to the

16  department. All examinations are confidential and exempt from

17  the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

18         (9)  If a duplicate license, qualifier card, or master

19  qualifier certificate is requested by the licensee, a fee of

20  $10 must be received before issuance of the duplicate license

21  or card.  If a facsimile transmission of an original license

22  is requested, upon completion of the transmission a fee of $10

23  must be received by the department before the original license

24  may be mailed to the requester.

25         (10)  All revenues collected herein shall be deposited

26  in the General Inspection Trust Fund for the purpose of

27  administering the provisions of this chapter.

28         Section 4.  Subsection (4) of section 527.06, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         527.06  Rules.--



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1         (4)  Rules in substantial conformity with the published

 2  standards in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations

 3  relative to liquefied petroleum gas pipelines shall be deemed

 4  to be in substantial conformity with the generally accepted

 5  standards of safety concerning the same subject matter.

 6  Violation of any provision of the rules adopted pursuant to

 7  this subsection may be enjoined under the provisions of s.

 8  527.09. Any person who violates any provision of the rules

 9  adopted pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to a

10  civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 for each such violation

11  for each day that such violation persists, except that the

12  maximum civil penalty shall not exceed $500,000, in aggregate,

13  for any related series of violations. Any such civil penalty

14  may be compromised by the department. In determining the

15  amount of such penalty or the amount agreed upon in

16  compromise, the appropriateness of such penalty to the size of

17  the business of the person charged, the gravity of the

18  violation, and the good faith of the person charged in

19  attempting to achieve compliance after notification of a

20  violation shall be considered. Each penalty shall be a lien

21  upon the real and personal property of such person and

22  enforceable by the department as statutory liens under chapter

23  85, the proceeds of which shall be deposited in the General

24  Inspection Trust Fund, as provided in s. 527.0201 s. 527.02.

25         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 527.065, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         527.065  Notification of accidents; leak calls.--

28         (1)  Immediately upon discovery, all liquefied

29  petroleum gas licensees shall notify the department of any

30  liquefied petroleum gas-related gas related accident involving



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  a liquefied petroleum gas licensee company or customer account

 2  which:

 3         (a)  Which caused a death or personal injury requiring

 4  professional medical treatment;

 5         (b)  Where Resulted in the uncontrolled ignition of

 6  liquefied petroleum gas resulted in death, personal injury, or

 7  property damage exceeding $1,000; or

 8         (c)  Which caused estimated damage to property

 9  exceeding $1,000.

10         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 527.11, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         527.11  Minimum storage.--

13         (1)  Every person who engages in the distribution of

14  liquefied petroleum gas for resale to domestic, commercial, or

15  industrial consumers as a prerequisite to obtaining a

16  liquefied petroleum gas license shall install, own, or lease a

17  bulk storage filling plant of not less than 18,000 gallons

18  (water capacity) within the state and shall be located within

19  a 75-mile radius of the licensed company's business location.

20  This bulk storage filling plant must have loading and

21  unloading provisions solely for the licenseholder and be

22  operated and maintained in compliance with this chapter for

23  the duration of the license.

24         Section 7.  Section 527.13, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         527.13  Administrative fines and warning letters

27  fine.--

28         (1)  If any person violates any provision of this

29  chapter or any rule adopted pursuant thereto or a cease and

30  desist order, the department may impose a civil or

31  administrative penalties penalty not to exceed $3,000 for each


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  offense, or suspend or revoke the license or qualification

 2  issued to such person, or any of the foregoing.  The cost of

 3  the proceedings to enforce this chapter may be added to any

 4  penalty imposed.  The department may allow the licensee a

 5  reasonable period, not to exceed 90 30 days, within which to

 6  pay to the department the amount of the penalty so imposed.

 7  If the licensee fails to pay the penalty in its entirety to

 8  the department at its office at Tallahassee within the period

 9  so allowed, the licenses of the licensee shall stand revoked

10  upon expiration of such period.

11         (2)  If any license expires while administrative

12  charges are pending against the license, the proceedings

13  against the license shall continue to conclusion as if the

14  license were still in effect.

15         (3)  In lieu of an administrative or civil penalty in

16  subsection (1) of this section, the department may issue a

17  warning letter to the license holder, master qualifier,

18  qualifier, or any person for a first violation.

19         (4)(3)  All such fines, monetary penalties, and costs

20  received by the department shall be deposited in the General

21  Inspection Trust Fund for the purpose of administering the

22  provisions of this chapter.

23         Section 8.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

24  527.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         527.22  Florida Propane Gas Education, Safety, and

26  Research Council established; membership; duties and

27  responsibilities.--

28         (2)

29         (c)  Council members shall be appointed to staggered

30  terms of 4 years, except that, of the initial members

31  appointed, five shall be appointed for terms of 2 years, five


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 1  shall be appointed for terms of 3 years, and five shall be

 2  appointed for terms of 4 years. Members may serve a maximum of

 3  two consecutive full terms. Former council members may be

 4  reappointed to the council if they have not been members for a

 5  period of 2 years. Vacancies in unexpired terms of council

 6  members may be filled by the council subject to approval of

 7  the commissioner. Members filling unexpired terms may serve a

 8  maximum of 7 consecutive years.

 9         Section 9.  Section 559.904, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         559.904  Motor vehicle repair shop registration;

12  application; exemption.--

13         (1)  Each motor vehicle repair shop engaged or

14  attempting to engage in the business of motor vehicle repair

15  work must register with the department prior to doing business

16  in this state. The application for registration must be on a

17  form provided by the department and must include at least the

18  following information:

19         (a)  The name of the applicant.

20         (b)  The name under which the applicant is doing

21  business.

22         (c)  The business address at which the applicant

23  performs repair work or in the case of a mobile motor vehicle

24  repair shop, the home address of the owner, if different from

25  the business address.

26         (d)  Copies of all licenses, permits, and

27  certifications obtained by the applicant or employees of the

28  applicant.

29         (e)  Number of employees which the applicant intends to

30  employ or which are currently employed.



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 1         (2)  Any motor vehicle repair shop maintaining more

 2  than one place of business may file a single application

 3  biennially annually, which, along with the other information

 4  required by this part, clearly indicates the location of and

 5  the individual in charge of each facility or in the case of a

 6  mobile motor vehicle repair shop, the home address of the

 7  owner, if different from the business address.  In such case,

 8  fees shall be paid for each place of business.

 9         (3)  Each application for registration must be

10  accompanied by a registration fee calculated on a per-year

11  basis set forth as follows:

12         (a)  If the place of business has 1 to 5 employees:

13  $50.

14         (b)  If the place of business has 6 to 10 employees:

15  $150.

16         (c)  If the place of business has 11 or more employees:

17  $300.

18         (4)  Each initial and renewal application for

19  registration must be accompanied by copies of the applicant's

20  estimate and invoice forms. Each renewal application for

21  registration must be accompanied by copies of the applicant's

22  estimate and invoice forms only if the original forms filed by

23  the applicant are changed, altered, or revised. Such forms

24  must comply with the applicable provisions of this act before

25  a registration may be issued.

26         (5)  No biennial annual registration fee is required

27  for any motor vehicle repair shop which has a local municipal

28  or county license issued pursuant to an ordinance containing

29  standards which the department determines are at least equal

30  to the requirements of this part, or for any motor vehicle

31  dealer licensed pursuant to chapter 320.


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 1         (6)  The department shall issue to each applicant a

 2  registration certificate in the form and size as prescribed by

 3  the department in accordance with s. 120.60. In the case of an

 4  applicant with more than one place of business, the department

 5  shall issue a registration certificate for each place of

 6  business. The certificate must show at least the name and

 7  address of the motor vehicle repair shop and the registration

 8  number for that place of business. In the case of a mobile

 9  motor vehicle repair shop, the certificate must show the home

10  address of the owner, if different from the business address.

11         (7)  Any person applying for or renewing a local

12  occupational license on or after October 1, 1993, to engage in

13  business as a motor vehicle repair shop must exhibit an active

14  registration certificate or active affidavit of exemption

15  proof of filing certificate from the department before the

16  local occupational license may be issued or renewed.

17         (8)  Each registration must be renewed biennially

18  annually on or before the expiration date of the current

19  registration. A late fee of $25 shall be paid, in addition to

20  the registration fee or any other penalty, for any

21  registration renewal application that is received by the

22  department after the expiration date of the current

23  registration. The department may not issue the registration

24  until all fees are paid.

25         (9)  No annual registration application or fee is

26  required for an individual with no employees and no

27  established place of business. In the case of a mobile motor

28  vehicle repair shop, the established place of business shall

29  be considered the home address of the owner, if different than

30  the business address.



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 1         (10)  The department may deny, revoke, or refuse to

 2  renew the registration of a motor vehicle repair shop based

 3  upon a determination that the motor vehicle repair shop, or

 4  any of its directors, officers, owners, or general partners:

 5         (a)  Have failed to meet the requirements for

 6  registration as provided in this part;

 7         (b)  Have not satisfied a civil fine, administrative

 8  fine, or other penalty arising out of any administrative or

 9  enforcement action brought by any governmental agency based

10  upon conduct involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any

11  violation of this part;

12         (c)  Have had against them any civil, criminal, or

13  administrative adjudication in any jurisdiction, based upon

14  conduct involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any violation

15  of this part; or

16         (d)  Have had a judgment entered against them in any

17  action brought by the department or the state attorney

18  pursuant to ss. 501.201-501.213 or this part.

19         (11)  The department shall post a prominent "Closed by

20  Order of the Department" sign on any motor vehicle repair shop

21  that has had its registration suspended or revoked. The

22  department shall also post a sign on any motor vehicle repair

23  shop that has been judicially or administratively determined

24  to be operating without a registration. It is a misdemeanor of

25  the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.

26  775.083, for any person to deface such sign or remove such

27  sign without written authorization by the department or for

28  any motor vehicle repair shop to open for operation without a

29  registration or to open for operation as a motor vehicle

30  repair shop while its registration is suspended or revoked.



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 1  The department may impose administrative sanctions provided

 2  for in s. 559.921(4) for violations of this subsection.

 3         (12)  In order to implement the biennial registration

 4  requirements set forth in this section, the department has

 5  rulemaking authority to stagger the registrations over a

 6  2-year period. This subsection expires June 30, 2005.

 7         Section 10.  Subsection (6) of section 559.929, Florida

 8  Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         559.929  Security requirements.--

10         (6)  The department may waive the bond, letter of

11  credit, or certificate of deposit requirement on an annual

12  basis if the seller of travel has had 5 or more consecutive

13  years of experience as a seller of travel in Florida in

14  compliance with this part, can demonstrate financial

15  responsibility in the submission of audited financial

16  statements or the prior year's federal income tax return, has

17  not had any civil, criminal, or administrative action

18  instituted against the seller of travel in the vacation and

19  travel business by any governmental agency or any action

20  involving fraud, theft, misappropriation of property, or moral

21  turpitude, and has a satisfactory consumer complaint history

22  with the department. Such waiver may be revoked if the seller

23  of travel violates any provision of this part.

24         Section 11.  Paragraphs (g) and (h) are added to

25  subsection (4) of section 501.143, Florida Statutes, and

26  subsections (7), (8), and (10) of that section are reenacted

27  to read:

28         501.143  Dance Studio Act.--

29         (4)  CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.--Every contract for

30  ballroom dance studio services or lessons shall be in writing

31  and shall be subject to this section.  All provisions,


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  requirements, and prohibitions which are mandated by this

 2  section shall be contained in the written contract before it

 3  is signed by the customer.  A copy of the signed contract

 4  shall be given to the customer at the time the customer signs

 5  the contract.

 6         (g)  A contract for ballroom dance studio services or

 7  lessons may not be for a period in excess of 36 months and,

 8  thereafter, is only renewable annually. Such renewal contracts

 9  may not be executed nor may the fee therefor be paid until 60

10  days or less before the preceding contract expires.

11         (h)  A ballroom dance studio may not, directly or

12  indirectly, make an oral or written representation that a

13  ballroom dance studio contract for future services is for a

14  lifetime, constitutes a perpetual membership, or is otherwise

15  for an indefinite term.

16         (7)  PENALTIES; REMEDIES.--The following penalties and

17  remedies are available for enforcement of the provisions of

18  this section:

19         (a)  The department shall have administrative authority

20  to issue a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 120.695 and

21  to suspend or revoke the registration of any ballroom dance

22  studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or

23  the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules.

24  Such ballroom dance studio may not engage in business while

25  the registration is revoked or suspended.

26         (b)  The department may impose an administrative fine

27  not to exceed $5,000 per violation against any ballroom dance

28  studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or

29  the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to this section.

30         (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (5),

31  the department may require any ballroom dance studio that has


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  operated or is operating in violation of any of the provisions

 2  of this section or the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant

 3  to such rules to post security with the department in an

 4  amount not to exceed $25,000.

 5         (d)  The department may proceed by injunction to

 6  prevent any ballroom dance studio from doing business subject

 7  to the provisions of this section until a performance bond,

 8  letter of credit, or certificate of deposit is posted with the

 9  department.

10         (e)  The enforcing authority may seek a civil penalty

11  not to exceed $5,000 for each violation of this section or the

12  rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules and may

13  institute a civil action in circuit court to recover any

14  penalties or damages allowed in this section and for

15  injunctive relief to enforce compliance with this section or

16  any rule or order of the department.

17         (f)  The remedies provided in this section are in

18  addition to any other remedies available for the same conduct.

19         (8)  CRIMINAL PENALTIES.--Any person which knowingly

20  violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the first

21  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

22  However, any person which knowingly conducts business as a

23  ballroom dance studio without registering annually with the

24  department commits a misdemeanor of the second degree,

25  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

26         (10)  ENFORCEMENT BY CUSTOMER.--Any customer injured by

27  a fraudulent act or fraudulent omission in violation of this

28  section may bring an action for the recovery of damages.

29  Judgment may be entered for three times the amount at which

30  the actual damages are assessed, plus costs and reasonable

31  attorney's fees.


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 1         Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 507.03, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         507.03  Registration.--

 4         (1)  Each mover shall annually register with the

 5  department, providing its legal business and trade name,

 6  mailing address, and business locations; the full names,

 7  addresses, and telephone numbers, and social security numbers

 8  of its owners or corporate officers and directors and the

 9  Florida agent of the corporation; a statement whether it is a

10  domestic or foreign corporation, its state and date of

11  incorporation, its charter number, and, if a foreign

12  corporation, the date it registered with the State of Florida,

13  and occupational license where applicable; the date on which a

14  mover registered its fictitious name if the mover is operating

15  under a fictitious or trade name; the name of all other

16  corporations, business entities, and trade names through which

17  each owner of the mover operated, was known, or did business

18  as a mover within the preceding 5 years; and proof of

19  insurance coverage as required by this act.

20         Section 13.  Subsection (2) of section 507.04, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         507.04  Cargo legal liability valuation and insurance

23  coverage.--

24         (2)  All insurance coverages required under subsection

25  (1) shall be issued by an insurance company or carrier duly

26  authorized to transact business in the State of Florida. The

27  department shall may require a mover to present a certificate

28  of insurance evidence of the required coverages prior to

29  issuance of a registration certificate, or renewal thereof,

30  under s. 507.03. The department shall be named as a



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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2462

 1  certificate holder in the certificate and shall be notified at

 2  least 30 days in advance of any changes in insurance coverage.

 3         Section 14.  Subsection (6) of section 501.212, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         501.212  Application.--This part does not apply to:

 6         (6)  An act or practice involving the sale, lease,

 7  rental, or appraisal of real estate by a person licensed,

 8  certified, or registered pursuant to chapter 475, which act or

 9  practice violates s. 475.42 or s. 475.626.

10         Section 15.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

11  law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
14                         Senate Bill 2462


16  Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 2462 is different from
    Senate Bill 2462 in that it:
    1.   Provides rulemaking authority for the department to
18       stagger the registration of motor vehicle repair shops
         over a two year period.
    2.   Deletes the requirement that movers provide social
20       security numbers for key personnel on their annual
    3.   Requires movers to designate the Department of
22       Agriculture and Consumer Services as a certificate holder
         on its insurance policy.
    4.   Makes technical corrections.









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