Senate Bill sb0250c2

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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

    By the Committees on Appropriations; Health, Aging, and
    Long-Term Care; and Senators Peaden, Jones, Klein, Saunders
    and Fasano


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to rural hospitals; amending

  3         ss. 395.602 and 408.07, F.S.; revising the

  4         definition of the term "rural hospital";

  5         creating s. 395.6025, F.S.; authorizing

  6         exemptions from certificate-of-need review for

  7         the construction of a new or replacement

  8         facility for a rural hospital; providing

  9         conditions for eligibility for the exemption;

10         creating s. 395.6063, F.S.; permitting any

11         statutory rural hospital to contract with the

12         Department of Management Services in order to

13         purchase coverage in the state group health

14         insurance plan for the hospital's employees;

15         requiring a participating hospital to pay a

16         fee; requiring the Department of Management

17         Services to obtain a private letter ruling;

18         expanding the definition of the term "infant

19         delivered" for the purposes of payment of an

20         initial assessment for each infant delivered in

21         a hospital; providing an effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section

26  395.602, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         395.602  Rural hospitals.--

28         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this part:

29         (e)  "Rural hospital" means an acute care hospital

30  licensed under this chapter, having 100 or fewer licensed beds

31  and an emergency room, which is:


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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1         1.  The sole provider within a county with a population

 2  density of no greater than 100 persons per square mile;

 3         2.  An acute care hospital, in a county with a

 4  population density of no greater than 100 persons per square

 5  mile, which is at least 30 minutes of travel time, on normally

 6  traveled roads under normal traffic conditions, from any other

 7  acute care hospital within the same county;

 8         3.  A hospital supported by a tax district or

 9  subdistrict whose boundaries encompass a population of 100

10  persons or fewer per square mile;

11         4.  A hospital in a constitutional charter county with

12  a population of over 1 million persons that has imposed a

13  local option health service tax pursuant to law and in an area

14  that was directly impacted by a catastrophic event on August

15  24, 1992, for which the Governor of Florida declared a state

16  of emergency pursuant to chapter 125, and has 120 beds or less

17  that serves an agricultural community with an emergency room

18  utilization of no less than 20,000 visits and a Medicaid

19  in-patient utilization rate greater than 15 percent;

20         5.  A hospital with a service area that has a

21  population of 100 persons or fewer per square mile. As used in

22  this subparagraph, the term "service area" means the fewest

23  number of zip codes that account for 75 percent of the

24  hospital's discharges for the most recent 5-year period, based

25  on information available from the hospital inpatient discharge

26  database in the State Center for Health Statistics at the

27  Agency for Health Care Administration; or

28         6.  A hospital designated as a Critical Access Hospital

29  by the Department of Health in accordance with federal

30  regulations and state requirements.



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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1  Population densities used in this paragraph must be based upon

 2  the most recently completed United States census. A hospital

 3  that received funds under s. 409.9116 for a quarter beginning

 4  no later than July 1, 2002, is deemed to have been and shall

 5  continue to be a rural hospital from that date through June

 6  30, 2012, if the hospital continues to have 100 or fewer

 7  licensed beds and an emergency room, or meets the criteria of

 8  subparagraph 4. An acute care hospital that has not previously

 9  been designated as a rural hospital and that meets the

10  criteria of this paragraph shall be granted such designation

11  upon application, including supporting documentation to the

12  Agency for Health Care Administration.

13         Section 2.  Subsection (42) of section 408.07, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         408.07  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, with the

16  exception of ss. 408.031-408.045, the term:

17         (42)  "Rural hospital" means an acute care hospital

18  licensed under chapter 395, having 100 or fewer licensed beds

19  and an emergency room, and which is:

20         (a)  The sole provider within a county with a

21  population density of no greater than 100 persons per square

22  mile;

23         (b)  An acute care hospital, in a county with a

24  population density of no greater than 100 persons per square

25  mile, which is at least 30 minutes of travel time, on normally

26  traveled roads under normal traffic conditions, from another

27  acute care hospital within the same county;

28         (c)  A hospital supported by a tax district or

29  subdistrict whose boundaries encompass a population of 100

30  persons or fewer per square mile;



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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1         (d)  A hospital with a service area that has a

 2  population of 100 persons or fewer per square mile.  As used

 3  in this paragraph, the term "service area" means the fewest

 4  number of zip codes that account for 75 percent of the

 5  hospital's discharges for the most recent 5-year period, based

 6  on information available from the hospital inpatient discharge

 7  database in the State Center for Health Statistics at the

 8  Agency for Health Care Administration; or

 9         (e)  A hospital designated as a Critical Access

10  Hospital by the Department of Health in accordance with

11  federal regulations and state requirements.


13  Population densities used in this subsection must be based

14  upon the most recently completed United States census. A

15  hospital that received funds under s. 409.9116 for a quarter

16  beginning no later than July 1, 2002, is deemed to have been

17  and shall continue to be a rural hospital from that date

18  through June 30, 2012, if the hospital continues to have 100

19  or fewer licensed beds and an emergency room, or meets the

20  criteria of s. 395.602(2)(e)4. An acute care hospital that has

21  not previously been designated as a rural hospital and that

22  meets the criteria of this subsection shall be granted such

23  designation upon application, including supporting

24  documentation, to the Agency for Health Care Administration.

25         Section 3.  Section 395.6025, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         395.6025 Rural hospital replacement facilities.--

28  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 408.036, a hospital

29  defined as a statutory rural hospital in accordance with s.

30  395.602, or a not-for-profit operator of rural hospitals, is

31  not required to obtain a certificate of need for the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1  construction of a new hospital located in a county with a

 2  population of at least 15,000 but no more than 18,000 and a

 3  density of less than 30 persons per square mile, or a

 4  replacement facility, provided that the replacement, or new,

 5  facility is located within 10 miles of the site of the

 6  currently licensed rural hospital and within the current

 7  primary service area. As used in this section, the term

 8  "service area" means the fewest number of zip codes that

 9  account for 75 percent of the hospital's discharges for the

10  most recent 5-year period, based on information available from

11  the hospital inpatient discharge database in the State Center

12  for Health Statistics at the Agency for Health Care

13  Administration.

14         Section 4.  Section 395.6063, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         395.6063 Rural hospital employee health insurance.--

17         (1)  Effective July 1, 2003, any statutory rural

18  hospital may contract with the Department of Management

19  Services in order to purchase coverage in the state group

20  health insurance plan for the hospital's employees and

21  qualified family members at the same premium cost as that for

22  retirees and surviving spouses. The hospital shall collect

23  payroll deductions or other remuneration from qualified

24  employees as may be required for the employee contribution in

25  accordance with the department's regulations. The hospital

26  shall also make the employer contributions required and pay an

27  annual administrative fee of not less than $2.61 per enrollee

28  per month.

29         (2)  The provisions of ss.624.436-624.446 do not apply

30  to the State Group Insurance Program for purposes of this

31  section.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1         (3)  The Department of Management Services shall

 2  request a private letter ruling from the Internal Revenue

 3  Service determining whether the inclusion of employees of

 4  rural hospitals in the state group insurance program, in

 5  accordance with this section, jeopardizes the qualified tax

 6  status of the state group insurance program. The department

 7  shall request this determination no later than July 31, 2003.

 8  Implementation of this section is contingent upon receipt of a

 9  favorable ruling by the Internal Revenue Service.

10         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

11  766.314, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

12         766.314  Assessments; plan of operation.--

13         (4)  The following persons and entities shall pay into

14  the association an initial assessment in accordance with the

15  plan of operation:

16         (a)  On or before October 1, 1988, each hospital

17  licensed under chapter 395 shall pay an initial assessment of

18  $50 per infant delivered in the hospital during the prior

19  calendar year, as reported to the Agency for Health Care

20  Administration; provided, however, that a hospital owned or

21  operated by the state or a county, special taxing district, or

22  other political subdivision of the state shall not be required

23  to pay the initial assessment or any assessment required by

24  subsection (5).  The term "infant delivered" includes live

25  births and not stillbirths, but the term does not include

26  infants delivered by employees or agents of the Board of

27  Regents, or those born in a teaching hospital as defined in s.

28  408.07, or those born in a teaching hospital as defined in s.

29  395.806 that have been deemed by the association as being

30  exempt from assessments since fiscal year 1997 to fiscal year

31  2001.  The initial assessment and any assessment imposed


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    Florida Senate - 2003                     CS for CS for SB 250

 1  pursuant to subsection (5) may not include any infant born to

 2  a charity patient (as defined by rule of the Agency for Health

 3  Care Administration) or born to a patient for whom the

 4  hospital receives Medicaid reimbursement, if the sum of the

 5  annual charges for charity patients plus the annual Medicaid

 6  contractuals of the hospital exceeds 10 percent of the total

 7  annual gross operating revenues of the hospital.  The hospital

 8  is responsible for documenting, to the satisfaction of the

 9  association, the exclusion of any birth from the computation

10  of the assessment. Upon demonstration of financial need by a

11  hospital, the association may provide for installment payments

12  of assessments.

13         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
16                      CS for Senate Bill 250


18  The Committee Substitute expands the definition of the term
    "infant delivered" for the purposes of payment of an initial
19  assessment for each infant delivered in a hospital to exclude
    infants born in a teaching hospital that have been deemed by
20  the association as being exempt from assessments since fiscal
    year 1997 to 2001.
    Provides that statutory rural hospitals, or a not-for-profit
22  operator of rural hospitals, are not required to obtain a
    certificate-of-need for construction of a new hospital located
23  in a county with a population of at least 15,000, but no more
    than 18,000, and a density of less than 30 persons per square
24  mile, or a replacement facility, provided that the replacement
    or new facility is located within 10 miles and within the
25  current primary service area.

26  Provides that 1) statutory rural hospitals may contract with
    the Department of Management Services in order to purchase
27  coverage in the State Group Insurance plan for their
    employees; 2) provides that the provisions of ss.624.436 -
28  624.446 related to multiple employer welfare arrangement do
    not apply to the State Group Insurance Program; and 3)
29  requires the Department of Management Services to request a
    private letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service to
30  determine if the inclusion of employees of rural hospitals
    jeopardizes the qualified tax status of the State Group
31  Insurance Program.


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