Senate Bill sb2518c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2518

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance; and Senator Webster


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

  3         624.310, F.S.; revising definitions; conforming

  4         provisions to a revised definition; conforming

  5         provisions to certain governmental

  6         reorganization; prohibiting affiliated parties

  7         from certain activities constituting a conflict

  8         of interest; providing exceptions; authorizing

  9         the Office of Insurance Regulation to require

10         certain disclosures of personal interest;

11         specifying certain restrictions governing

12         affiliated party conduct; amending s. 624.316,

13         F.S.; deleting provisions providing for an

14         examination of an insurer pursuant to an

15         agreement between the Department of Financial

16         Services and the insurer; requiring such

17         examinations according to rules of the

18         department; amending s. 624.4095, F.S.;

19         conforming provisions to certain governmental

20         reorganization; providing for calculating

21         certain surplus for certain insurers; amending

22         s. 624.610, F.S.; conforming provisions to

23         certain governmental reorganization; revising

24         requirements for securities of a trust fund for

25         a single assuming insurer; amending ss. 628.461

26         and 628.4615, F.S.; specifying additional

27         nonapplication of acquisition of controlling

28         stock provisions to changes of ownership of a

29         domestic insurer or specialty insurer,

30         respectively, under certain circumstances;

31         creating ss. 634.042, 627.8401, 634.3076,


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 1         634.4062, and 651.029, F.S.; prohibiting

 2         certain investments by motor vehicle service

 3         agreement companies, premium finance companies,

 4         home warranty associations, service warranty

 5         associations, and continuing care providers,

 6         respectively; amending s. 440.20, F.S.;

 7         correcting a cross-reference; providing an

 8         effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Section 624.310, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         624.310  Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal

15  of certain persons; fines.--

16         (1)  DEFINITIONS.--For the purposes of this section,

17  the term:

18         (a)  "Affiliated party of a licensee" means any person

19  who directs or participates in the conduct of the affairs of a

20  licensee and who is:

21         1.  A director, officer, employee, trustee, committee

22  member, or controlling stockholder of a licensee or a

23  subsidiary or service corporation of the licensee, other than

24  a controlling stockholder which is a holding company, or an

25  agent of a licensee or a subsidiary or service corporation of

26  the licensee;

27         2.  A person who has filed or is required to file a

28  statement or any other information required to be filed under

29  s. 628.461 or s. 628.4615;




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 1         3.  A stockholder, other than a stockholder that is a

 2  holding company of the licensee, who participates in the

 3  conduct of the affairs of the licensee; or

 4         4.  An independent contractor who:

 5         a.  Renders a written opinion required by the laws of

 6  this state under her or his professional credentials on behalf

 7  of the licensee, which opinion is reasonably relied on by the

 8  department or office in the performance of its duties; or

 9         b.  Affirmatively and knowingly conceals facts, through

10  a written misrepresentation to the department or office, with

11  knowledge that such misrepresentation:

12         (I)  Constitutes a violation of the insurance code or a

13  lawful rule or order of the department or office; and

14         (II)  Directly and materially endangers the ability of

15  the licensee to meet its obligations to policyholders.


17  For the purposes of this subparagraph, any representation of

18  fact made by an independent contractor on behalf of a

19  licensee, affirmatively communicated as a representation of

20  the licensee to the independent contractor, shall not be

21  considered a misrepresentation by the independent contractor

22  to the department or office.

23         (b)  "Licensee" means a person issued a license or

24  certificate of authority or approval under this code or a

25  person registered under a provision of this code.

26         (2)  ENFORCEMENT GENERALLY.--The department or office

27  may institute such suits or other legal proceedings as may be

28  required to enforce any provision of this code. If it appears

29  that any person has violated any provision of this code for

30  which criminal prosecution is provided, the department or

31  office shall provide the appropriate state attorney or other


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 1  prosecuting agency having jurisdiction with respect to such

 2  prosecution with the relevant information in its possession.

 3         (3)  CEASE AND DESIST ORDERS.--

 4         (a)  The department or office may issue and serve a

 5  complaint stating charges upon any licensee or upon any

 6  affiliated party of a licensee, whenever the department or

 7  office has reasonable cause to believe that the person or

 8  individual named therein is engaging in or has engaged in

 9  conduct that is:

10         1.  An act that demonstrates a lack of fitness or

11  trustworthiness to engage in the business of insurance, is

12  hazardous to the insurance buying public, or constitutes

13  business operations that are a detriment to policyholders,

14  stockholders, investors, creditors, or the public;

15         2.  A violation of any provision of the Florida

16  Insurance Code;

17         3.  A violation of any rule of the department or

18  office;

19         4.  A violation of any order of the department or

20  office; or

21         5.  A breach of any written agreement with the

22  department or office.

23         (b)  The complaint shall contain a statement of facts

24  and notice of opportunity for a hearing pursuant to ss.

25  120.569 and 120.57.

26         (c)  If no hearing is requested within the time allowed

27  by ss. 120.569 and 120.57, or if a hearing is held and the

28  department or office finds that any of the charges are proven,

29  the department or office may enter an order directing the

30  licensee or the affiliated party of a licensee named in the

31  complaint to cease and desist from engaging in the conduct


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 1  complained of and take corrective action to remedy the effects

 2  of past improper conduct and assure future compliance.

 3         (d)  If the licensee or affiliated party of a licensee

 4  named in the order fails to respond to the complaint within

 5  the time allotted by ss. 120.569 and 120.57, the failure

 6  constitutes a default and justifies the entry of a cease and

 7  desist order.

 8         (e)  A contested or default cease and desist order is

 9  effective when reduced to writing and served upon the licensee

10  or affiliated party of a licensee named therein. An

11  uncontested cease and desist order is effective as agreed.

12         (f)  Whenever the department or office finds that

13  conduct described in paragraph (a) is likely to cause

14  insolvency, substantial dissipation or misvaluation of assets

15  or earnings of the licensee, substantial inability to pay

16  claims on a timely basis, or substantial prejudice to

17  prospective or existing insureds, policyholders, subscribers,

18  or the public, it may issue an emergency cease and desist

19  order requiring the licensee or any affiliated party of a

20  licensee to immediately cease and desist from engaging in the

21  conduct complained of and to take corrective and remedial

22  action. The emergency order is effective immediately upon

23  service of a copy of the order upon the licensee or affiliated

24  party of a licensee named therein and remains effective for 90

25  days. If the department or office begins nonemergency cease

26  and desist proceedings under this subsection, the emergency

27  order remains effective until the conclusion of the

28  proceedings under ss. 120.569 and 120.57. Any emergency order

29  entered under this subsection is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and

30  is confidential until it is made permanent unless the

31  department or office finds that the confidentiality will


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 1  result in substantial risk of financial loss to the public.

 2  All emergency cease and desist orders that are not made

 3  permanent are available for public inspection 1 year from the

 4  date the emergency cease and desist order expires; however,

 5  portions of an emergency cease and desist order remain

 6  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) if

 7  disclosure would:

 8         1.  Jeopardize the integrity of another active

 9  investigation;

10         2.  Impair the safety and financial soundness of the

11  licensee or affiliated party of a licensee;

12         3.  Reveal personal financial information;

13         4.  Reveal the identity of a confidential source;

14         5.  Defame or cause unwarranted damage to the good name

15  or reputation of an individual or jeopardize the safety of an

16  individual; or

17         6.  Reveal investigative techniques or procedures.



20         (a)  The department or office may issue and serve a

21  complaint stating charges upon any affiliated party of a

22  licensee and upon the licensee involved, whenever the

23  department or office has reason to believe that an affiliated

24  party of a licensee is engaging in or has engaged in conduct

25  that constitutes:

26         1.  An act that demonstrates a lack of fitness or

27  trustworthiness to engage in the business of insurance through

28  engaging in illegal activity or mismanagement of business

29  activities;

30         2.  A willful violation of any law relating to the

31  business of insurance; however, if the violation constitutes a


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 1  misdemeanor, no complaint shall be served as provided in this

 2  section until the affiliated party of a licensee is notified

 3  in writing of the matter of the violation and has been

 4  afforded a reasonable period of time, as set forth in the

 5  notice, to correct the violation and has failed to do so;

 6         3.  A violation of any other law involving fraud or

 7  moral turpitude that constitutes a felony;

 8         4.  A willful violation of any rule of the department

 9  or office;

10         5.  A willful violation of any order of the department

11  or office;

12         6.  A material misrepresentation of fact, made

13  knowingly and willfully or made with reckless disregard for

14  the truth of the matter; or

15         7.  An act of commission or omission or a practice

16  which is a breach of trust or a breach of fiduciary duty.

17         (b)  The complaint shall contain a statement of facts

18  and notice of opportunity for a hearing pursuant to ss.

19  120.569 and 120.57.

20         (c)  If no hearing is requested within the time

21  allotted by ss. 120.569 and 120.57, or if a hearing is held

22  and the department or office finds that any of the charges in

23  the complaint are proven true and that:

24         1.  The licensee has suffered or will likely suffer

25  loss or other damage;

26         2.  The interests of the policyholders, creditors, or

27  public are, or could be, seriously prejudiced by reason of the

28  violation or act or breach of fiduciary duty;

29         3.  The affiliated party of a licensee has received

30  financial gain by reason of the violation, act, or breach of

31  fiduciary duty; or


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 1         4.  The violation, act, or breach of fiduciary duty is

 2  one involving personal dishonesty on the part of the

 3  affiliated party of a licensee or the conduct jeopardizes or

 4  could reasonably be anticipated to jeopardize the financial

 5  soundness of the licensee,


 7  The department or office may enter an order removing the

 8  affiliated party of a licensee or restricting or prohibiting

 9  participation by the person in the affairs of that particular

10  licensee or of any other licensee.

11         (d)  If the affiliated party of a licensee fails to

12  respond to the complaint within the time allotted by ss.

13  120.569 and 120.57, the failure constitutes a default and

14  justifies the entry of an order of removal, suspension, or

15  restriction.

16         (e)  A contested or default order of removal,

17  restriction, or prohibition is effective when reduced to

18  writing and served on the licensee and the affiliated party of

19  a licensee. An uncontested order of removal, restriction, or

20  prohibition is effective as agreed.

21         (f)1.  The chief executive officer, or the person

22  holding the equivalent office, of a licensee shall promptly

23  notify the department or office if she or he has actual

24  knowledge that any affiliated party of a licensee is charged

25  with a felony in a state or federal court.

26         2.  Whenever any affiliated party of a licensee is

27  charged with a felony in a state or federal court or with the

28  equivalent of a felony in the courts of any foreign country

29  with which the United States maintains diplomatic relations,

30  and the charge alleges violation of any law involving fraud,

31  theft, or moral turpitude, the department or office may enter


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 1  an emergency order suspending the affiliated party of a

 2  licensee or restricting or prohibiting participation by the

 3  affiliated party of a licensee in the affairs of the

 4  particular licensee or of any other licensee upon service of

 5  the order upon the licensee and the affiliated party of a

 6  licensee charged. The order shall contain notice of

 7  opportunity for a hearing pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57,

 8  where the affiliated party of a licensee may request a

 9  postsuspension hearing to show that continued service to or

10  participation in the affairs of the licensee does not pose a

11  threat to the interests of the licensee's policyholders or

12  creditors and does not threaten to impair public confidence in

13  the licensee. In accordance with applicable departmental or

14  office rules, the department or office shall notify the

15  affiliated party of a licensee whether the order suspending or

16  prohibiting the person from participation in the affairs of a

17  licensee will be rescinded or otherwise modified. The

18  emergency order remains in effect, unless otherwise modified

19  by the department or office, until the criminal charge is

20  disposed of. The acquittal of the person charged, or the

21  final, unappealed dismissal of all charges against the person,

22  dissolves the emergency order, but does not prohibit the

23  department or office from instituting proceedings under

24  paragraph (a). If the person charged is convicted or pleads

25  guilty or nolo contendere, whether or not an adjudication of

26  guilt is entered by the court, the emergency order shall

27  become final.

28         (g)  Any affiliated party of a licensee removed from

29  office pursuant to this section is not eligible for reelection

30  or appointment to the position or to any other official

31  position in any licensee in this state except upon the written


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 1  consent of the department or office. Any affiliated party of a

 2  licensee who is removed, restricted, or prohibited from

 3  participation in the affairs of a licensee pursuant to this

 4  section may petition the department or office for modification

 5  or termination of the removal, restriction, or prohibition.

 6         (h)  Resignation or termination of an affiliated party

 7  of a licensee does not affect the department's or office's

 8  jurisdiction to proceed under this subsection.

 9         (5)(a)  CONFLICT OF INTEREST.--An affiliated party of a

10  licensee may not engage or participate, directly or

11  indirectly, in any business or transaction conducted on behalf

12  of or involving the licensee, subsidiary, or service

13  corporation that would result in a conflict of the party's own

14  personal interests with those of the licensee, subsidiary, or

15  service corporation with which he or she is affiliated,

16  unless:

17         1.  Such business or transactions are conducted in good

18  faith and are honest, fair, and reasonable to the licensee,

19  subsidiary, or service corporation and are on terms no more

20  favorable than would be offered to a disinterested third

21  party.

22         2.  A full disclosure of such business or transaction,

23  and the nature of the interest of the affiliated party of the

24  licensee, is made to the board of directors.

25         3.  Such business or transactions are approved in good

26  faith by the board of directors and any interested director

27  abstaining and such approval is recorded in the minutes.

28         4.  Any profits inuring to the affiliated party of a

29  licensee are not at the expense of the licensee, subsidiary,

30  or service corporation and do not prejudice the best interests



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 1  of the licensee, subsidiary, or service corporation in any

 2  way.

 3         5.  Such business or transactions do not represent a

 4  breach of the fiduciary duty of an affiliated party of a

 5  licensee and are not fraudulent, illegal, or ultra vires.

 6         (b)  Without limitation by any of the specific

 7  provisions of this section, the office may require the

 8  disclosure by affiliated parties of a licensee of their

 9  personal interests, directly or indirectly, in any business or

10  transactions on behalf of or involving the licensee,

11  subsidiary, or service corporation and of their control of or

12  active participation in enterprises having activities related

13  to the business of the licensee, subsidiary, or service

14  corporation.

15         (c)  The following restrictions governing the conduct

16  of affiliated parties of a licensee are expressly specified,

17  but such specification is not to be construed in any manner as

18  excusing such parties from the observance of any other aspect

19  of the general fiduciary duty owed by such parties to the

20  licensee which they serve:

21         1.  A director of a licensee may not accept director

22  fees unless the director fees have been previously approved by

23  the board of directors and such fees represent reasonable

24  compensation for service as a director or member of a

25  committee. This subparagraph does not limit or preclude

26  reasonable compensation as otherwise authorized by paragraph

27  (a) for a director who also provides goods or services to the

28  licensee.

29         2.  An affiliated party of a licensee may not purchase

30  or otherwise obtain ownership of any asset of the licensee or

31  subsidiary at less than fair market value of such asset.


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 1         3.  An affiliated party of a licensee may not have any

 2  interest, direct or indirect, of any evidence of indebtedness

 3  of the licensee or subsidiary.

 4         4.  An affiliated party of a licensee acting as proxy

 5  for a stockholder of a licensee, subsidiary, or service

 6  corporation may not, directly or indirectly, exercise,

 7  transfer, or delegate such vote or votes in any consideration

 8  of a private benefit or advantage. The voting rights of

 9  stockholders and directors may not be the subject of sale,

10  barter, exchange, or similar transaction, directly or

11  indirectly. Any affiliated party of a licensee who violates

12  the provisions of this subparagraph is accountable to the

13  licensee, subsidiary, or service corporation for any

14  increment.


16         (a)  The department or office may, in a proceeding

17  initiated pursuant to chapter 120, impose an administrative

18  fine against any person found in the proceeding to have

19  violated any provision of this code, a cease and desist order

20  of the department or office, or any written agreement with the

21  department or office. No proceeding shall be initiated and no

22  fine shall accrue until after the person has been notified in

23  writing of the nature of the violation and has been afforded a

24  reasonable period of time, as set forth in the notice, to

25  correct the violation and has failed to do so.

26         (b)  A fine imposed under this subsection may not

27  exceed the amounts specified in s. 624.4211, per violation.

28         (c)  The department or office may, in addition to the

29  imposition of an administrative fine under this subsection,

30  also suspend or revoke the license or certificate of authority

31  of the licensee fined under this subsection.


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 1         (d)  Any administrative fine levied by the department

 2  or office under this subsection may be enforced by the

 3  department or office by appropriate proceedings in the circuit

 4  court of the county in which the person resides or in which

 5  the principal office of a licensee is located, or, in the case

 6  of a foreign insurer or person not residing in this state, in

 7  Leon County. In any administrative or judicial proceeding

 8  arising under this section, a party may elect to correct the

 9  violation asserted by the department or office, and, upon

10  doing so, any fine shall cease to accrue; however, the

11  election to correct the violation does not render any

12  administrative or judicial proceeding moot. All fines

13  collected under this section shall be paid to the Insurance

14  Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.

15         (e)  In imposing any administrative penalty or remedy

16  provided for under this section, the department or office

17  shall take into account the appropriateness of the penalty

18  with respect to the size of the financial resources and the

19  good faith of the person charged, the gravity of the

20  violation, the history of previous violations, and other

21  matters as justice may require.

22         (f)  The imposition of an administrative fine under

23  this subsection may be in addition to any other penalty or

24  administrative fine authorized under this code.

25         (7)(6)  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES.--All administrative

26  proceedings brought under this section subsections (3), (4),

27  and (5) shall be conducted in accordance with chapter 120. Any

28  service required or authorized to be made by the department or

29  office under this code shall be made by certified mail, return

30  receipt requested, delivered to the addressee only; by

31  personal delivery; or in accordance with chapter 48. The


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 1  service provided for herein shall be effective from the date

 2  of delivery.

 3         (8)(7)  OTHER LAWS NOT SUPERSEDED.--The provisions of

 4  this section are in addition to other provisions of this code,

 5  and shall not be construed to curtail, impede, replace, or

 6  delete any other similar provision or power of the department

 7  or office under the insurance code as defined in s. 624.01 or

 8  any power of the department or office which may exist under

 9  the common law of this state. The procedures set forth in s.

10  626.9581 do not apply to regulatory action taken pursuant to

11  the provisions of this section.

12         Section 2.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section

13  624.316, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         624.316  Examination of insurers.--

15         (2)

16         (e)  The commission department shall adopt rules

17  providing that, upon agreement between the department and the

18  insurer, an examination under this section may be conducted by

19  independent certified public accountants, actuaries,

20  investment specialists, information technology specialists

21  meeting criteria specified by rule, and reinsurance

22  specialists meeting criteria specified by rule. The rules

23  shall provide:

24         1.  That the agreement of the insurer is not required

25  if the department reasonably suspects criminal misconduct on

26  the part of the insurer.

27         2.  That the department shall provide the insurer with

28  a list of three firms acceptable to the department, and that

29  the insurer shall select the firm to conduct the examination

30  from the list provided by the department.



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 1         1.3.  That the insurer being examined must make payment

 2  for the examination directly to the firm performing the

 3  examination in accordance with the rates and terms established

 4  agreed to by the office department, the insurer, and the firm

 5  performing the examination.

 6         2.  That the rates charged to the insurer being

 7  examined are consistent with rates charged by other firms in a

 8  similar profession.

 9         3.  That the firm selected by the office to perform the

10  examination has no conflicts of interest that might affect its

11  ability to independently perform its responsibilities on the

12  examination.

13         4.  That if the examination is conducted without the

14  consent of the insurer, the insurer must pay all reasonable

15  charges of the examining firm if the examination finds

16  impairment, insolvency, or criminal misconduct on the part of

17  the insurer.

18         Section 3.  Section 624.4095, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         624.4095  Premiums written; restrictions.--

21         (1)  Whenever an insurer's ratio of actual or projected

22  annual written premiums as adjusted in accordance with

23  subsection (5)(4) to current or projected surplus as to

24  policyholders as adjusted in accordance with subsection (6)(5)

25  exceeds 10 to 1 for gross written premiums or exceeds 4 to 1

26  for net written premiums, the office department shall suspend

27  the insurer's certificate of authority or establish by order

28  maximum gross or net annual premiums to be written by the

29  insurer consistent with maintaining the ratios specified

30  herein unless the insurer demonstrates to the office's

31  department's satisfaction that exceeding the ratios of this


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 1  section does not endanger the financial condition of the

 2  insurer or endanger the interests of the insurer's

 3  policyholders.

 4         (2)  Projected annual net or gross premiums shall be

 5  based on the actual writings to date for the insurer's current

 6  calendar year or the insurer's writings for the previous

 7  calendar year or both. Ratios shall be computed on an

 8  annualized basis.

 9         (3)  For the purposes of this section, gross premiums

10  written means direct premiums written and reinsurance assumed.

11         (4)  For the purposes of this section, surplus as to

12  policyholders for property and casualty insurers shall be

13  calculated as follows: (actual surplus as to policyholders)

14  minus (surplus as to policyholders of all subsidiary insurers

15  as allowed pursuant to s. 625.325).

16         (5)(4)  For the purposes of this section, for the

17  calendar year ending December 31, 1990, and each subsequent

18  year, premiums shall be calculated as the product of the

19  actual or projected premiums and the following:

20         (a)  For property insurance, 0.90.

21         (b)  For casualty insurance, 1.25.

22         (c)  For health insurance, 0.80.

23         (d)  For all other kinds of insurance, 1.00.

24         (6)(5)  This section shall not apply to:

25         (a)  Life insurance written by life or life and health

26  insurers; or

27         (b)  Life and health insurers which have a surplus as

28  to policyholders greater than $40 million and which have

29  written health insurance during each of the immediately

30  preceding five calendar years.



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 1         (7)(6)  For the purposes of this section, surplus as to

 2  policyholders for life and health insurers shall be calculated

 3  as follows: (actual or projected surplus as to policyholders)

 4  minus (surplus as to policyholders required to be maintained

 5  under s. 624.408 for liabilities relating to life insurance)

 6  and minus (surplus as to policyholders of all subsidiary

 7  insurers as allowed pursuant to s. 625.325).

 8         Section 4.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

 9  624.610, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         624.610  Reinsurance.--

11         (3)

12         (c)1.  Credit must be allowed when the reinsurance is

13  ceded to an assuming insurer that maintains a trust fund in a

14  qualified United States financial institution, as defined in

15  paragraph (5)(b), for the payment of the valid claims of its

16  United States ceding insurers and their assigns and successors

17  in interest. To enable the office department to determine the

18  sufficiency of the trust fund, the assuming insurer shall

19  report annually to the office department information

20  substantially the same as that required to be reported on the

21  NAIC Annual Statement form by authorized insurers. The

22  assuming insurer shall submit to examination of its books and

23  records by the office department and bear the expense of

24  examination.

25         2.a.  Credit for reinsurance must not be granted under

26  this subsection unless the form of the trust and any

27  amendments to the trust have been approved by:

28         (I)  The commissioner of the state in which the trust

29  is domiciled; or




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 1         (II)  The commissioner of another state who, pursuant

 2  to the terms of the trust instrument, has accepted principal

 3  regulatory oversight of the trust.

 4         b.  The form of the trust and any trust amendments must

 5  be filed with the commissioner of every state in which the

 6  ceding insurer beneficiaries of the trust are domiciled. The

 7  trust instrument must provide that contested claims are valid

 8  and enforceable upon the final order of any court of competent

 9  jurisdiction in the United States. The trust must vest legal

10  title to its assets in its trustees for the benefit of the

11  assuming insurer's United States ceding insurers and their

12  assigns and successors in interest. The trust and the assuming

13  insurer are subject to examination as determined by the

14  commissioner.

15         c.  The trust remains in effect for as long as the

16  assuming insurer has outstanding obligations due under the

17  reinsurance agreements subject to the trust. No later than

18  February 28 of each year, the trustee of the trust shall

19  report to the commissioner in writing the balance of the trust

20  and list the trust's investments at the preceding year end,

21  and shall certify that the trust will not expire prior to the

22  following December 31.

23         3.  The following requirements apply to the following

24  categories of assuming insurer:

25         a.  The trust fund for a single assuming insurer

26  consists of funds in trust in an amount not less than the

27  assuming insurer's liabilities attributable to reinsurance

28  ceded by United States ceding insurers, and, in addition, the

29  assuming insurer shall maintain a trusteed surplus of not less

30  than $20 million. Not less than 50 percent of the funds in the

31  trust covering the assuming insurer's liabilities attributable


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 1  to reinsurance ceded by United States ceding insurers and

 2  trusteed surplus shall consist of assets of a quality

 3  substantially similar to that required in part II of chapter

 4  625. Clean, irrevocable, unconditional, and evergreen letters

 5  of credit, issued or confirmed by a qualified United States

 6  financial institution, as defined in paragraph (5)(a),

 7  effective no later than December 31 of the year for which the

 8  filing is made, and in the possession of the trust on or

 9  before the filing date of its annual statement, may be used to

10  fund the remainder of the trust fund and trusteed surplus.

11         b.(I)  In the case of a group including incorporated

12  and individual unincorporated underwriters:

13         (A)  For reinsurance ceded under reinsurance agreements

14  with an inception, amendment, or renewal date on or after

15  August 1, 1995, the trust consists of a trusteed account in an

16  amount not less than the group's several liabilities

17  attributable to business ceded by United States domiciled

18  ceding insurers to any member of the group;

19         (B)  For reinsurance ceded under reinsurance agreements

20  with an inception date on or before July 31, 1995, and not

21  amended or renewed after that date, notwithstanding the other

22  provisions of this section, the trust consists of a trusteed

23  account in an amount not less than the group's several

24  insurance and reinsurance liabilities attributable to business

25  written in the United States; and

26         (C)  In addition to these trusts, the group shall

27  maintain in trust a trusteed surplus of which $100 million

28  must be held jointly for the benefit of the United States

29  domiciled ceding insurers of any member of the group for all

30  years of account.



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 1         (II)  The incorporated members of the group must not be

 2  engaged in any business other than underwriting of a member of

 3  the group, and are subject to the same level of regulation and

 4  solvency control by the group's domiciliary regulator as the

 5  unincorporated members.

 6         (III)  Within 90 days after its financial statements

 7  are due to be filed with the group's domiciliary regulator,

 8  the group shall provide to the commissioner an annual

 9  certification by the group's domiciliary regulator of the

10  solvency of each underwriter member or, if a certification is

11  unavailable, financial statements, prepared by independent

12  public accountants, of each underwriter member of the group.

13         Section 5.  Section 627.8401, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         627.8401  Prohibited investments and loans.--A premium

16  finance company shall not directly or indirectly invest in or

17  lend its funds upon the security of any note or other evidence

18  of indebtedness of any director, officer, or controlling

19  stockholder of the premium finance company.

20         Section 6.  Subsection (2) of section 628.461, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         628.461  Acquisition of controlling stock.--

23         (2)  This section does not apply to any acquisition of

24  voting securities of a domestic stock insurer or of a

25  controlling company by any person who, on July 1, 1976, is the

26  owner of a majority of such voting securities or who, on or

27  after July 1, 1976, becomes the owner of a majority of such

28  voting securities with the approval of the department pursuant

29  to this section. Further, the provisions of this section shall

30  not apply to a change of ownership of a domestic insurer

31  resulting from changes within an insurance holding company of


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 2518

 1  which the insurer is a member, provided the insurer

 2  establishes that no new person or entity will have the ability

 3  to influence or control the activities of the insurer and that

 4  the reorganization will not result in any changes in the

 5  officers, directors, or business plan of the domestic insurer.

 6         Section 7.  Subsection (3) of section 628.4615, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         628.4615  Specialty insurers; acquisition of

 9  controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control;

10  merger or consolidation.--

11         (3)  This section does not apply to any acquisition of

12  voting securities or ownership interest of a specialty insurer

13  or of a controlling company by any person who, on July 9,

14  1986, is the owner of a majority of such voting securities or

15  ownership interest or who, on or after July 9, 1986, becomes

16  the owner of a majority of such voting securities or ownership

17  interest with the approval of the department pursuant to this

18  section. Further, the provisions of this section shall not

19  apply to a change of ownership of a specialty insurer

20  resulting from changes within a holding company of which the

21  specialty insurer is a member, provided the specialty insurer

22  establishes that no new person or entity will have the ability

23  to influence or control the activities of the specialty

24  insurer and that the reorganization will not result in any

25  changes in the officers, directors, or business plan of the

26  specialty insurer.

27         Section 8.  Section 634.042, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         634.042  Prohibited investments and loans.--A motor

30  vehicle service agreement company shall not directly or

31  indirectly invest in or lend its funds upon the security of


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 1  any note or other evidence of indebtedness of any director,

 2  officer, or controlling stockholder of the motor vehicle

 3  service agreement company.

 4         Section 9.  Section 634.3076, Florida Statutes, is

 5  created to read:

 6         634.3076  Prohibited investments and loans.--A home

 7  warranty association shall not directly or indirectly invest

 8  in or lend its funds upon the security of any note or other

 9  evidence of indebtedness of any director, officer, or

10  controlling stockholder of the home warranty association.

11         Section 10.  Section 634.4062, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         634.4062  Prohibited investments and loans.--A service

14  warranty association shall not directly or indirectly invest

15  in or lend its funds upon the security of any note or other

16  evidence of indebtedness of any director, officer, or

17  controlling stockholder of the service warranty association.

18         Section 11.  Section 651.029, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         651.029  Prohibited investments and loans.--A provider

21  shall not directly or indirectly invest in or lend its funds

22  upon the security of any note or other evidence of

23  indebtedness of any director, officer, or controlling

24  stockholder of the provider.

25         Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (15) of

26  section 440.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         440.20  Time for payment of compensation; penalties for

28  late payment.--

29         (15)(a)  The department shall examine on an ongoing

30  basis claims files in accordance with s. 624.3161 and may

31  impose fines pursuant to s. 624.310(6)(5) and this chapter in


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 1  order to identify questionable claims-handling techniques,

 2  questionable patterns or practices of claims, or a pattern of

 3  repeated unreasonably controverted claims by carriers, as

 4  defined in s. 440.02, providing services to employees pursuant

 5  to this chapter. If the department finds such questionable

 6  techniques, patterns, or repeated unreasonably controverted

 7  claims as constitute a general business practice of a carrier,

 8  as defined in s. 440.02, the department shall take appropriate

 9  action so as to bring such general business practices to a

10  halt pursuant to s. 440.38(3) or may impose penalties pursuant

11  to s. 624.4211. The department may initiate investigations of

12  questionable techniques, patterns, practices, or repeated

13  unreasonably controverted claims. The department may by rule

14  establish forms and procedures for corrective action plans and

15  for auditing carriers.

16         Section 13.  This act shall take effect October 1,

17  2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                         Senate Bill 2518


22  The committee substitute does the following:

23  -    Provides requirements relating to examinations of
         insurance companies to include that the rates charged to
24       the insurer being examined are consistent with rates
         charged by other firms in a similar profession and that
25       the firm selected by the office to perform the
         examination has no conflict of interest.
    -    Removes the requirement that health maintenance
27       organizations must prepare and submit to the Office of
         Insurance Regulation a report of its risk-based capital
28       provisions.

29  -    Reinserts the term "department" in current law.




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