Senate Bill sb2528

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528

    By Senator Webster

    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to governmental reorganization;

  3         providing legislative intent; amending s.

  4         20.04, F.S.; providing an exception to

  5         departmental structure requirements; creating

  6         s. 20.101, F.S.; creating the Department of

  7         State and Community Partnerships; providing

  8         that the department shall be headed by a

  9         secretary appointed by, and serving at the

10         pleasure of, the Governor; providing primary

11         policy and administrative functional areas of

12         the department; providing that the Florida

13         Housing Finance Corporation and the Division of

14         Emergency Management shall be placed in the

15         department for administrative purposes;

16         amending s. 20.22, F.S.; providing that the

17         secretary of the Department of Management

18         Services shall serve as the custodian of

19         records; repealing s. 20.10, F.S., relating to

20         the Department of State; repealing s. 20.18,

21         F.S., relating to the Department of Community

22         Affairs; providing for the transfer of

23         programs, functions, activities, powers,

24         duties, rules, records, personnel, property,

25         and unexpended balances among certain state

26         agencies; providing that the Secretary of State

27         shall become the Secretary of State and

28         Community Partnerships without further

29         appointment or confirmation; providing

30         transitional provisions; directing the Division

31         of Statutory Revision to prepare a reviser's


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1         bill for the 2004 Regular Session of the

 2         Legislature; providing an effective date.


 4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 6         Section 1.  Declaration of Policy.--

 7         (1)  The vitality of Florida's communities is critical

 8  to the quality of life of the state's residents.

 9         (2)  It is the policy of the Legislature:

10         (a)  To protect the vital role Florida's communities

11  serve as locations for work, education, recreation, and social

12  interaction and build a strong foundation for diversifying the

13  economy, protecting natural resources, and improving quality

14  of life through enhanced coordination of community assistance

15  programs and effective management of growth in Florida.

16         (b)  To promote economic development within Florida's

17  communities while enhancing the quality of life and protection

18  of natural resources.

19         (c)  To provide consistent direction and support

20  regarding local and state roles in protecting critical state

21  resources and addressing significant state issues.

22         (d)  To ensure that the programs of the agency support

23  the goals of Florida's communities by providing a streamlined,

24  cost-effective delivery of services that ensures equality of

25  access by all applicant communities.

26         (e)  To promote a positive business climate in Florida

27  by maintaining an efficient and effective business

28  registration activity.

29         (f)  To ensure a strong and stable democracy through

30  fair, credible, and accessible elections.



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1         (g)  To protect residents, visitors, and property by

 2  planning for and mitigating against hazards, and by

 3  maintaining effective and rapid response and recovery

 4  capabilities at the state and local level.

 5         (3)  The Department of State and Community

 6  Partnerships, the Department of Environmental Protection, and

 7  the Department of Management Services shall evaluate the

 8  programs, functions, and activities transferred to their

 9  respective agencies. The agencies shall each provide a report

10  to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,

11  and the President of the Senate by October 15, 2003,

12  recommending statutory and administrative changes to best

13  effectuate and incorporate the programs, functions, and

14  activities within each agency. Input from constituent groups

15  shall be requested and considered by the agencies. The agency

16  reports must address the policy of the Legislature as provided

17  in this section.

18         (4)  The Department of State and Community Partnerships

19  and the Department of Environmental Protection shall jointly

20  develop a report to be submitted to the Governor, the Speaker

21  of the House of Representatives, and the President of the

22  Senate by October 15, 2003, recommending statutory and

23  administrative changes to best ensure that historical

24  properties and the state museum are managed in a manner that

25  best serves the public and protects the historic resources of

26  the state.

27         Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 20.04, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         20.04  Structure of executive branch.--The executive

30  branch of state government is structured as follows:



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1         (3)  For their internal structure, all departments,

 2  except for the Department of Financial Services, the

 3  Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of

 4  Corrections, the Department of Management Services, the

 5  Department of Revenue, the Department of State and Community

 6  Partnerships, and the Department of Transportation, must

 7  adhere to the following standard terms:

 8         (a)  The principal unit of the department is the

 9  "division." Each division is headed by a "director."

10         (b)  The principal unit of the division is the

11  "bureau." Each bureau is headed by a "chief."

12         (c)  The principal unit of the bureau is the "section."

13  Each section is headed by an "administrator."

14         (d)  If further subdivision is necessary, sections may

15  be divided into "subsections," which are headed by

16  "supervisors."

17         Section 3.  Section 20.101, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         20.101  Department of State and Community

20  Partnerships.--There is created a Department of State and

21  Community Partnerships.

22         (1)  The head of the Department of State and Community

23  Partnerships is the Secretary of State and Community

24  Partnerships. The secretary shall be appointed by the Governor

25  subject to confirmation by the Senate. The secretary shall

26  serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

27         (2)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

28  contrary, it is the intent of the Legislature to provide the

29  secretary with the flexibility to organize the department in

30  any manner the secretary determines appropriate to promote



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1  efficiency and accountability and to accomplish the intent of

 2  this section.

 3         (3)  The primary policy and administrative functional

 4  areas of the agency shall include the following:

 5         (a)  Community Planning and Growth Management.

 6         (b)  Elections.

 7         (c)  Community Assistance Grants.

 8         (d)  Corporations.

 9         (e)  Emergency Management.

10         (f)  Office of the Secretary/Administration.

11         (4)  Entities housed in the Department of State and

12  Community Partnerships for administrative purposes are as

13  follows:

14         (a)  Florida Housing Finance Corporation.

15         (b)  Division of Emergency Management.

16         Section 4.  Subsection (5) is added to section 20.22,

17  Florida Statutes, to read:

18         20.22  Department of Management Services.--There is

19  created a Department of Management Services.

20         (5)  The secretary of the Department of Management

21  Services is designated as the official custodian of state

22  records, including all constitutional and statutory powers,

23  duties, and functions associated with that responsibility.

24         Section 5.  Sections 20.10 and 20.18, Florida Statutes,

25  are repealed.

26         Section 6.  Transfers.--

27         (1)  All powers, duties, functions, rules, records,

28  personnel, property, and unexpended balances of

29  appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the Department

30  of Community Affairs are transferred by a type two transfer,

31  as defined in section 20.06(2), Florida Statutes, from the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1  Department of Community Affairs to the Department of State and

 2  Community Partnerships, except as otherwise provided in this

 3  section.

 4         (2)  All powers, duties, functions, rules, records,

 5  personnel, property, and unexpended balances of

 6  appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the Department

 7  of State are transferred by a type two transfer, as defined in

 8  section 20.06(2), Florida Statutes, from the Department of

 9  State to the Department of State and Community Partnerships,

10  except as otherwise provided in this section.

11         (3)  The following programs, functions, and activities,

12  including all statutory powers, duties, functions, rules,

13  records, personnel, property, and unexpended balances of

14  appropriations, allocations, and other funds associated with

15  the identified program, function, or activity are hereby

16  transferred by a type two transfer, as defined in section

17  20.06(2), Florida Statutes:

18         (a)  From the Department of Community Affairs to the

19  Department of Environmental Protection, the state energy

20  program as authorized and governed by sections 377.701 and

21  377.703, Florida Statutes.

22         (b)  From the Department of State to the Department of

23  Management Services:

24         1.  The records management program as authorized and

25  governed by section 257.36, Florida Statutes.

26         2.  The Florida Administrative Code and the Florida

27  Administrative Weekly as authorized and governed by sections

28  120.53, 120.54, 120.542, and 120.55, Florida Statutes.

29         3.  The laws of Florida production activity as

30  authorized and governed by sections 15.01 and 15.155, Florida



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1  Statutes, and Section 8, Article III of the State

 2  Constitution.

 3         4.  The management of copyrights, patents, and

 4  trademarks held in the name of or on behalf of the State of

 5  Florida as authorized and governed by sections 286.021 and

 6  286.031, Florida Statutes.

 7         (c)  From the Department of State to the Executive

 8  Office of the Governor.

 9         1.  The advocating international business partnerships

10  service as authorized in sections 288.809 and 288.816, Florida

11  Statutes.

12         2.  Issuance of apostilles as authorized by section

13  15.16(8), Florida Statutes.

14         3.  The international notaries' function as authorized

15  in chapter 118, Florida Statutes.

16         (d)  From the Department of Environmental Protection to

17  the Department of State and Community Partnerships:

18         1.  The Florida Recreation Development Assistance

19  Program (FRDAP) as authorized by section 375.075, Florida

20  Statutes, and associated revenues described in section

21  259.105(3)(d), Florida Statutes.

22         2.  The federal recreational trails program.

23         (e)  From the Department of Community Affairs to the

24  Florida Housing Finance Corporation:

25         1.  The Affordable Housing Catalyst Program as

26  authorized and governed by section 420.606, Florida Statutes.

27         2.  The Affordable Housing Study Commission as

28  authorized and governed by section 420.609, Florida Statutes.

29         (f)  From the Executive Office of the Governor to the

30  Department of State and Community Partnerships:



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2528
    9-1441A-03                                              See HB

 1         1.  The Regional Rural Development Grants Program as

 2  authorized and governed by sections 14.2015(2)(f) and 288.018,

 3  Florida Statutes.

 4         2.  The Rural Community Development Revolving Loan Fund

 5  Program as authorized and governed by sections 14.2015(2)(f)

 6  and 288.065, Florida Statutes.

 7         3.  The Office of Urban Opportunity as authorized and

 8  governed by section 14.2015(9)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes.

 9         (g)  From the Department of Community Affairs to the

10  Department of Legal Affairs, the civil legal assistance

11  program as authorized and governed by sections 68.094-68.105,

12  Florida Statutes.

13         Section 7.  The Secretary of State shall continue in

14  office as the Secretary of State and Community Partnerships

15  without further appointment by the Governor or reconfirmation

16  by the Senate.

17         Section 8.  Transitional provisions.--Notwithstanding

18  other provisions of law relating to the programs within the

19  Department of State and Community Partnerships, and for the

20  2003-2004 fiscal year only, the secretary of the Department of

21  State and Community Partnerships has the authority to

22  implement the intent of the Legislature to achieve the

23  greatest possible coordination between program activities and

24  the delivery of services to the public, and to facilitate the

25  efficient operation of the department.

26         Section 9.  The Division of Statutory Revision is

27  directed to prepare a reviser's bill for introduction at the

28  2004 Regular Session of the Legislature to conform the Florida

29  Statutes to the organizational changes made by this act.

30         Section 10.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.



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