Senate Bill sb2568

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

    By Senator Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of Children

  3         and Family Services; amending s. 39.001, F.S.;

  4         providing for the provision or purchasing of

  5         child welfare legal services by the department,

  6         community-based lead agencies, and sheriffs;

  7         providing a definition of the term "child

  8         welfare legal services"; amending s. 39.3065,

  9         F.S.; permitting funds to be made available to

10         the sheriff for the provision of child welfare

11         legal services; amending s. 415.102, F.S.;

12         redefining the terms "abuse," "exploitation,"

13         and "neglect"; creating s. 415.1046, F.S.;

14         providing the Department of Children and Family

15         Services with the authority to contract for

16         provision of adult protective investigative

17         services; stipulating the requirements for

18         sheriffs' offices to be eligible to contract

19         for provision of adult protective investigative

20         services; providing for the contracting and

21         funding for adult protective investigative

22         services; requiring sheriffs' employees to

23         complete certain training; stipulating minimum

24         requirements for the sheriffs' offices'

25         operation of adult protective investigations;

26         requiring a program performance evaluation;

27         providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1         Section 1.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (2) of

 2  section 39.001, Florida Statutes, to read:

 3         39.001  Purposes and intent; personnel standards and

 4  screening.--

 5         (2)  DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS.--The department may contract

 6  with the Federal Government, other state departments and

 7  agencies, county and municipal governments and agencies,

 8  public and private agencies, and private individuals and

 9  corporations in carrying out the purposes of, and the

10  responsibilities established in, this chapter.

11         (f)  Child welfare legal services may be provided by

12  the department or purchased by the department from public or

13  private nonprofit legal services entities. As used in this

14  chapter, the term "child welfare legal services" means the

15  legal services and representation of the state for legal

16  actions required to be performed pursuant to this chapter. The

17  department may make funds available to community-based lead

18  agencies for child welfare legal services relative to the

19  contracted foster care and related services pursuant to s.

20  409.1671, and to sheriffs for child welfare legal services

21  related to child protective investigations pursuant to s.

22  39.3065, in which case such legal services may be provided by

23  the community-based lead agencies or sheriff, respectively, or

24  purchased from a public or private nonprofit legal services

25  entity.

26         Section 2.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

27  39.3065, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

28         39.3065  Sheriffs of certain counties to provide child

29  protective investigative services; procedures; funding.--

30         (3)



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1         (c)  Funds for providing child protective

 2  investigations must be identified in the annual appropriation

 3  made to the Department of Children and Family Services, which

 4  shall award grants for the full amount identified to the

 5  respective sheriffs' offices. Notwithstanding the provisions

 6  of ss. 216.181(16)(b) and 216.351, the Department of Children

 7  and Family Services may advance payments to the sheriffs for

 8  child protective investigations. Funds for the child

 9  protective investigations may not be integrated into the

10  sheriffs' regular budgets. Funds for child protective

11  investigations may include available funds to provide child

12  welfare legal services pursuant to this chapter, in which case

13  such legal services may be provided by the sheriff or

14  purchased from a public or a private nonprofit legal services

15  entity. Budgetary data and other data relating to the

16  performance of child protective investigations must be

17  maintained separately from all other records of the sheriffs'

18  offices and reported to the Department of Children and Family

19  Services as specified in the grant agreement.

20         Section 3.  Subsections (1), (7), and (15), of section

21  415.102, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         415.102  Definitions of terms used in ss.

23  415.101-415.113.--As used in ss. 415.101-415.113, the term:

24         (1)  "Abuse" means any willful act or threatened act by

25  a caregiver that causes or is likely to cause significant

26  impairment to a vulnerable adult's physical, mental, or

27  emotional health. Abuse includes acts and omissions.

28         (7)(a)  "Exploitation" means a caregiver person who:

29         1.  Stands in a position of trust and confidence with a

30  vulnerable adult and knowingly, by deception or intimidation,

31  obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or use, a vulnerable


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1  adult's funds, assets, or property with the intent to

 2  temporarily or permanently deprive a vulnerable adult of the

 3  use, benefit, or possession of the funds, assets, or property

 4  for the benefit of someone other than the vulnerable adult; or

 5         2.  Knows or should know that the vulnerable adult

 6  lacks the capacity to consent, and obtains or uses, or

 7  endeavors to obtain or use, the vulnerable adult's funds,

 8  assets, or property with the intent to temporarily or

 9  permanently deprive the vulnerable adult of the use, benefit,

10  or possession of the funds, assets, or property for the

11  benefit of someone other than the vulnerable adult.

12         (b)  "Exploitation" may include, but is not limited to:

13         1.  Breaches of fiduciary relationships, such as the

14  misuse of a power of attorney or the abuse of guardianship

15  duties, resulting in the unauthorized appropriation, sale, or

16  transfer of property;

17         2.  Unauthorized taking of personal assets;

18         3.  Misappropriation, misuse, or transfer of moneys

19  belonging to a vulnerable adult from a personal or joint

20  account; or

21         4.  Intentional or negligent failure to effectively use

22  a vulnerable adult's income and assets for the necessities

23  required for that person's support and maintenance.

24         (15)  "Neglect" means the failure or omission on the

25  part of the caregiver or vulnerable adult to provide the care,

26  supervision, and services necessary to maintain the physical

27  and mental health of the vulnerable adult, including, but not

28  limited to, food, clothing, medicine, shelter, supervision,

29  and medical services, that a prudent person would consider

30  essential for the well-being of a vulnerable adult.  The term

31  "neglect" also means the failure of a caregiver or vulnerable


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1  adult to make a reasonable effort to protect a vulnerable

 2  adult from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by others.

 3  "Neglect" is repeated conduct or a single incident of

 4  carelessness which produces or could reasonably be expected to

 5  result in serious physical or psychological injury or a

 6  substantial risk of death.

 7         Section 4.  Section 415.1046, Florida Statutes, is

 8  created to read:

 9         415.1046  Department authorization to contract for the

10  provision of adult protective investigative services;

11  procedures; funding.--

12         (1)  As described in this section, the department may

13  contract for the performance of adult protective

14  investigations of alleged acts of exploitation with a

15  sheriff's office that is deemed eligible as stipulated in

16  subsection (2). The department and eligible sheriffs' offices

17  may enter into a contract for the provision of adult

18  protective investigation services of adult exploitation that

19  is alleged to have occurred in the county of the respective

20  sheriff.  Such contracts may not include adult abuse and

21  neglect cases.

22         (2)  A sheriff's office is eligible to contract with

23  the department for the provision of adult protective

24  investigation services if:

25         (a)  The sheriff's office has been responsible for the

26  provision of child protective investigation services, pursuant

27  to s. 39.3065, for a minimum of 2 years; and

28         (b)  The annual program performance evaluation

29  conducted pursuant to s. 39.3065(3)(d), has determined that

30  the sheriff's office is satisfactorily performing child

31  protective investigations.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1         (3)  During the first year in which a sheriff's office

 2  contracts with the department for provision of adult

 3  protective investigation services, the funding associated with

 4  the provision of the services to be furnished, including, but

 5  not limited to, funding for appropriate investigative,

 6  supervisory, and clerical positions; training; associated

 7  equipment; furnishings; and other fixed capital items, must be

 8  transferred from the department's budget to the sheriff's

 9  office.  In subsequent years, funding for providing the adult

10  protective investigative services must be identified for each

11  sheriff's office entering into a contract in the annual

12  appropriation made to the department, and the department shall

13  contract with each respective sheriff's office for the full

14  amount identified.  Notwithstanding ss. 216.181(16)(b) and

15  216.351, the department may advance payments to the sheriffs'

16  offices for adult protective investigation services.  Funds

17  for the adult protective investigations may not be integrated

18  into the sheriffs' regular budgets.  Budgetary data and other

19  data relating to the performance of adult protective

20  investigations must be maintained separately from all other

21  records of the sheriffs' offices and reported to the

22  department as specified in the contract.

23         (4)  Each employee of the sheriffs' offices who

24  provides these services must complete the training provided to

25  and required of the adult protective investigators employed by

26  the department.

27         (5)  The sheriffs' offices under contract with the

28  department shall operate, at a minimum, in accordance with the

29  performance standards and outcome measures established by the

30  Legislature for adult protective investigations conducted by

31  the department.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2568

 1         (6)  A program performance evaluation shall be

 2  conducted of the adult protective investigations performed by

 3  each of the sheriffs' offices entering into contract with the

 4  department. This program performance evaluation shall be

 5  conducted in the same manner as the program performance

 6  evaluation for child protective investigations stipulated in

 7  s. 39.3065(3)(d), and shall be incorporated into the annual

 8  report required pursuant to s. 39.3065(3)(d).

 9         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


11            *****************************************

12                          SENATE SUMMARY

13    Provides for the provision or purchasing of child welfare
      legal services by the department, community-based lead
14    agencies and sheriffs. Requires a program performance
      evaluation. (See bill for details.)


















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