Senate Bill sb2574

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2574

    By Senator Cowin


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to educational assessments;

  3         amending s. 1002.22, F.S.; excluding

  4         examination and assessment instruments from the

  5         definition of student records and reports;

  6         amending s. 1008.23, F.S.; providing that

  7         parents or students do not have a right of

  8         access to examination and assessment

  9         instruments; requiring the Department of

10         Education to conduct a study and report to the

11         Legislature; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

16  1002.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         1002.22  Student records and reports; rights of parents

18  and students; notification; penalty.--

19         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

20         (c)  "Records" and "reports" mean official records,

21  files, and data directly related to students that are created,

22  maintained, and used by public educational institutions,

23  including all material that is incorporated into each

24  student's cumulative record folder and intended for school use

25  or to be available to parties outside the school or school

26  system for legitimate educational or research purposes.

27  Materials that shall be considered as part of a student's

28  record include, but are not necessarily limited to:

29  identifying data, including a student's social security

30  number; academic work completed; level of achievement records,

31  including grades and standardized achievement test scores;


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2574

 1  attendance data; scores on standardized intelligence,

 2  aptitude, and psychological tests; interest inventory results;

 3  health data; family background information; teacher or

 4  counselor ratings and observations; verified reports of

 5  serious or recurrent behavior patterns; and any other

 6  evidence, knowledge, or information recorded in any medium,

 7  including, but not limited to, handwriting, typewriting,

 8  print, magnetic tapes, film, microfilm, and microfiche, and

 9  maintained and used by an educational agency or institution or

10  by a person acting for such agency or institution. However,

11  the terms "records" and "reports" do not include:

12         1.  Records of instructional, supervisory, and

13  administrative personnel, and educational personnel ancillary

14  to those persons, that are kept in the sole possession of the

15  maker of the record and are not accessible or revealed to any

16  other person except a substitute for any of such persons.  An

17  example of records of this type is instructor's grade books.

18         2.  Records of law enforcement units of the institution

19  that are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes and

20  that are not available to persons other than officials of the

21  institution or law enforcement officials of the same

22  jurisdiction in the exercise of that jurisdiction.

23         3.  Records made and maintained by the institution in

24  the normal course of business that relate exclusively to a

25  student in his or her capacity as an employee and that are not

26  available for use for any other purpose.

27         4.  Records created or maintained by a physician,

28  psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional

29  or paraprofessional acting in his or her professional or

30  paraprofessional capacity, or assisting in that capacity, that

31  are created, maintained, or used only in connection with the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2574

 1  provision of treatment to the student and that are not

 2  available to anyone other than persons providing such

 3  treatment.  However, such records shall be open to a physician

 4  or other appropriate professional of the student's choice.

 5         5.  Directory information as defined in this section.

 6         6.  Other information, files, or data that do not

 7  permit the personal identification of a student.

 8         7.  Letters or statements of recommendation or

 9  evaluation that were confidential under Florida law and that

10  were received and made a part of the student's educational

11  records prior to July 1, 1977.

12         8.  Copies of the student's fingerprints.  No public

13  educational institution shall maintain any report or record

14  relative to a student that includes a copy of the student's

15  fingerprints.

16         9.  All examination and assessment instruments,

17  including developmental materials and workpapers directly

18  related thereto, which are prepared, prescribed, or

19  administered under ss. 1003.43, 1008.22, and 1008.25.

20         Section 2.  Section 1008.23, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         1008.23  Confidentiality of assessment

23  instruments.--All examination and assessment instruments,

24  including developmental materials and workpapers directly

25  related thereto, which are prepared, prescribed, or

26  administered pursuant to ss. 1003.43, 1008.22, and 1008.25

27  shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of ss. s.

28  119.07(1), and from s. 1001.52, and 1002.22(3). Provisions

29  governing access, maintenance, and destruction of such

30  instruments and related materials shall be prescribed by rules

31  of the State Board of Education.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2574

 1         Section 3.  The Department of Education shall study the

 2  feasibility of making available to parents previously

 3  administered copies of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment

 4  Test while still protecting the integrity of the exam.  The

 5  Department of Education shall submit to the Senate and House

 6  of Representatives a feasibility study, including the

 7  approximate costs and a proposed timetable for implementation

 8  by December 31, 2003.

 9         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.


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13                          SENATE SUMMARY

14    Excludes examination and assessment instruments from the
      definition of student records and reports. Assures that
15    such instruments are confidential and not available to
      parents or students. Requires that the Department of
16    Education conduct a study on making previously
      administered copies of the FCAT available to parents.
















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