Senate Bill sb2578

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2578

    By Senator Sebesta


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to aviation; providing a short

  3         title; creating s. 332.14, F.S.; creating the

  4         Secure Airports for Florida's Economy Council,

  5         or SAFE Council, in the Department of

  6         Transportation; providing for council

  7         membership; requiring the council to prepare

  8         and periodically update a SAFE Master Plan for

  9         developing airport facilities and an intermodal

10         transportation system; providing for

11         rulemaking; providing for funding projects as

12         specified; providing for the council to review

13         and approve or disapprove the projects and to

14         submit a list of approved projects to the

15         specified state officials; providing for the

16         Department of Community Affairs, the Department

17         of Transportation, and the Office of Tourism,

18         Trade, and Economic Development to review the

19         list and make recommendations, as specified;

20         providing for the council to develop bylaws;

21         providing for council meetings; providing for

22         per diem and reimbursement of travel expenses;

23         allowing the council to hire an administrative

24         staff and providing for payment of the staff;

25         providing guidelines for expenditure of moneys

26         derived from the SAFE program; providing

27         exemptions to the guidelines; providing for

28         monitoring project funding; amending s.

29         206.606, F.S.; providing for funding the SAFE

30         Program through the State Transportation Trust

31         Fund; providing for uses of the funds;


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 1         providing for revenue bonds; providing

 2         guidelines for entities created under s.

 3         163.01(7)(d), F.S.; providing limitations on

 4         the use of funds appropriated under this

 5         program; amending s. 215.98, F.S.; providing a

 6         limitation on the definition of the term "state

 7         debt"; providing an effective date.


 9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Secure

12  Airports for Florida's Economy (SAFE) Act."

13         Section 2.  Section 332.14, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         332.14  Secure Airports for Florida's Economy

16  Council.--

17         (1)  The Secure Airports for Florida's Economy Council,

18  or SAFE Council, is created within the Department of

19  Transportation. The council consists of 22 members, including

20  the airport director, or the director's designee, of each of

21  the following airports: Daytona Beach International Airport,

22  Gainesville Regional Airport, Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood

23  International Airport, Jacksonville International Airport, Key

24  West International Airport, Melbourne International Airport,

25  Miami International Airport, Naples Municipal Airport,

26  Okaloosa County Regional Airport, Orlando International

27  Airport, Orlando-Sanford International Airport, Palm Beach

28  County International Airport, Panama City-Bay County

29  International Airport, Pensacola Regional Airport,

30  Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, Southwest Florida

31  International Airport, St. Petersburg-Clearwater International


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 1  Airport, Tallahassee Regional Airport, and Tampa International

 2  Airport; the Secretary of Transportation or his or her

 3  designee; the director of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 4  Economic Development or his or her designee; and the Secretary

 5  of Community Affairs or his or her designee.

 6         (2)  The council shall prepare a 5-year SAFE Master

 7  Plan that defines the goals and objectives of the council

 8  concerning the development of airport facilities and an

 9  intermodal transportation system consistent with the goals of

10  the Florida Transportation Plan developed under s. 339.155.

11  The SAFE Master Plan must include specific recommendations

12  for:

13         (a)  The acquisition and construction of transportation

14  facilities connecting any airport to another mode of

15  transportation; and

16         (b)  The acquisition and construction of transportation

17  facilities or airport facilities for the purpose of protecting

18  the safety and security of passengers and cargo, enhancing

19  international trade, promoting cargo flow, increasing

20  enplanements, increasing airport revenues, and providing

21  economic benefits to the state. The council shall update the

22  5-year SAFE Master Plan annually and shall submit the plan by

23  February 1 of each year to the President of the Senate, the

24  Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Office of

25  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, the Department of

26  Transportation, and the Department of Community Affairs. The

27  council shall develop programs, based on an examination of

28  existing programs in this state and other states, for the

29  training of minorities and secondary-school students in job

30  skills associated with employment opportunities in the

31  aviation industry, and shall annually report to the President


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 1  of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives

 2  on progress and recommendations for further action.

 3         (3)  The council shall adopt rules for evaluating

 4  projects that qualify for funding under this act. The rules

 5  must provide criteria for evaluating the economic benefit of

 6  the project, measured by the potential for the proposed

 7  project to maintain or increase airport security or

 8  enplanements, cargo flow, international commerce, airport

 9  revenues, and the number of jobs for the local community near

10  the airport. The council shall make a reasonable effort to

11  apportion 26 percent of the grants awarded pursuant to this

12  act among the general aviation airports and 74 percent among

13  the airports listed in subsection (1).

14         (4)  The council shall review and approve or disapprove

15  each project eligible to be funded under the SAFE Program. The

16  council shall annually submit to the Secretary of

17  Transportation, the director of the Office of Tourism, Trade,

18  and Economic Development, and the Secretary of Community

19  Affairs a list of projects that have been approved by the

20  council. The list must specify the recommended funding levels

21  for each project, and, if staged implementation of the project

22  is appropriate, the funding requirements for each stage must

23  be specified.

24         (5)  The Department of Community Affairs shall review

25  the list of projects approved by the council to determine

26  consistency with approved local government comprehensive plans

27  of the units of local government in which the airport is

28  located and consistency with the airport master plan. The

29  Department of Community Affairs shall identify and notify the

30  council of those projects that are not consistent, to the



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 1  maximum extent feasible, with such comprehensive plans and

 2  airport master plans.

 3         (6)  The Department of Transportation shall review the

 4  list of projects approved by the council for consistency with

 5  the Florida Transportation Plan and the adopted work program

 6  of the department. In evaluating the consistency of a project,

 7  the department shall determine whether the transportation

 8  impact of the proposed project is adequately handled by

 9  existing state-owned transportation facilities or by the

10  construction of additional state-owned transportation

11  facilities as identified in the Florida Transportation Plan

12  and the adopted work program of the department. In reviewing

13  for consistency a transportation facility project as defined

14  in s. 334.03(31) which is not otherwise part of the work

15  program of the department, the department shall evaluate

16  whether the project is needed to provide for projected

17  movement of cargo or passengers from the airport to a state

18  transportation facility or local road. If the project is

19  needed to provide for projected movement of cargo or

20  passengers, the project must be approved for consistency as a

21  consideration to facilitate the economic development and

22  growth of the state in a timely manner. The Department of

23  Transportation shall identify then those projects that are

24  inconsistent with the Florida Transportation Plan and the

25  adopted work program and shall notify the council of projects

26  that are found to be inconsistent.

27         (7)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

28  Development, in consultation with Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

29  shall review the list of projects approved by the council to

30  evaluate the economic benefit of the project and to determine

31  whether the project is consistent with the SAFE Master Plan.


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 1  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall

 2  review the economic benefits of each project based upon the

 3  rules adopted under subsection (3). The Office of Tourism,

 4  Trade, and Economic Development shall identify those projects

 5  that it has determined do not offer an economic benefit to the

 6  state or are not consistent with the SAFE Mater Plan and shall

 7  notify the council of its findings.

 8         (8)  The council shall review the findings of the

 9  Department of Community Affairs, the Office of Tourism, Trade,

10  and Economic Development, and the Department of

11  Transportation. Projects found to be inconsistent pursuant to

12  subsections (5), (6), and (7) and projects that have been

13  determined not to offer an economic benefit to the state

14  pursuant to subsection (7) may not be included in the list of

15  projects to be funded.

16         (9)  The council shall adopt bylaws governing the

17  manner in which the business of the council will be conducted.

18  The bylaws shall specify the procedure by which the

19  chairperson of the council is elected. The council shall meet

20  at the call of its chairperson, at the request of a majority

21  of its membership, or at such times as are prescribed in its

22  bylaws. However, the council must meet at least semiannually.

23  A majority of voting members of the council constitutes a

24  quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the

25  council. All members of the council are voting members. A vote

26  of the majority of the voting members present is sufficient

27  for any action of the council, except that a member

28  representing the Department of Transportation, the Department

29  of Community Affairs, or the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

30  Economic Development may vote to overrule any action of the

31  council approving a project pursuant to subsection (4). The


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 1  bylaws of the council may require a greater vote for a

 2  particular action.

 3         (10)  Members of the council shall serve without

 4  compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for per diem

 5  and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061. The council may

 6  elect to hire an administrative staff to provide services to

 7  the council on matters relating to the SAFE Program and the

 8  council. All of the airports that receive funding from the

 9  SAFE Program shall pay, pro rata, for the administrative

10  services, using a formula measured by each recipient's share

11  of the funds as compared to the total funds disbursed to all

12  recipients during the year. The share of costs for

13  administrative services must be paid in full by the recipient

14  airport upon execution by the airport and the Department of

15  Transportation of a joint participation agreement for each

16  council-approved project, and such payment is in addition to

17  the matching funds that the recipient airport is required to

18  pay. Except as otherwise exempted by law, all moneys derived

19  from the SAFE Program must be expended in accordance with s.

20  287.057. Airports subject to competitive negotiation

21  requirements of a local governing body are exempt from this

22  requirement.

23         (11)  Project funding expended pursuant to this act

24  shall be monitored for compliance with all applicable laws by

25  a person chosen by the council and approved by the Division of

26  Bond Finance. The monitor shall make periodic reports to the

27  council and the Division as necessary, but at least

28  semiannually.

29         Section 3.  Section 206.606, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         206.606  Distribution of certain proceeds.--


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 1         (1)  Moneys collected pursuant to ss. 206.41(1)(g) and

 2  206.87(1)(e) shall be deposited in the Fuel Tax Collection

 3  Trust Fund.  Such moneys, after deducting the service charges

 4  imposed by s. 215.20, the refunds granted pursuant to s.

 5  206.41, and the administrative costs incurred by the

 6  department in collecting, administering, enforcing, and

 7  distributing the tax, which administrative costs may not

 8  exceed 2 percent of collections, shall be distributed monthly

 9  to the State Transportation Trust Fund, except that:

10         (a)  $6.30 million shall be transferred to the

11  Department of Environmental Protection in each fiscal year and

12  deposited in the Invasive Plant Control Trust Fund to be used

13  for aquatic plant management, including nonchemical control of

14  aquatic weeds, research into nonchemical controls, and

15  enforcement activities.  Beginning in fiscal year 1993-1994,

16  the department shall allocate at least $1 million of such

17  funds to the eradication of melaleuca.

18         (b)  $2.5 million shall be transferred to the State

19  Game Trust Fund in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

20  Commission in each fiscal year and used for recreational

21  boating activities, and freshwater fisheries management and

22  research.  The transfers must be made in equal monthly amounts

23  beginning on July 1 of each fiscal year. The commission shall

24  annually determine where unmet needs exist for boating-related

25  activities, and may fund such activities in counties where,

26  due to the number of vessel registrations, sufficient

27  financial resources are unavailable.

28         1.  A minimum of $1.25 million shall be used to fund

29  local projects to provide recreational channel marking, public

30  launching facilities, aquatic plant control, and other local



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 1  boating related activities. In funding the projects, the

 2  commission shall give priority consideration as follows:

 3         a.  Unmet needs in counties with populations of 100,000

 4  or less.

 5         b.  Unmet needs in coastal counties with a high level

 6  of boating related activities from individuals residing in

 7  other counties.

 8         2.  The remaining $1.25 million may be used for

 9  recreational boating activities and freshwater fisheries

10  management and research.

11         3.  The commission is authorized to adopt rules

12  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement a Florida

13  Boating Improvement Program similar to the program

14  administered by the Department of Environmental Protection and

15  established in rules 62D-5.031 - 62D-5.036, Florida

16  Administrative Code, to determine projects eligible for

17  funding under this subsection.


19  On February 1 of each year, the commission shall file an

20  annual report with the President of the Senate and the Speaker

21  of the House of Representatives outlining the status of its

22  Florida Boating Improvement Program, including the projects

23  funded, and a list of counties whose needs are unmet due to

24  insufficient financial resources from vessel registration

25  fees.

26         (c)  0.65 percent of moneys collected pursuant to s.

27  206.41(1)(g) shall be transferred to the Agricultural

28  Emergency Eradication Trust Fund.

29         (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law except

30  subsections (1) and (2), on July 1, 2003, and annually

31  thereafter, $20 million shall be deposited in the State


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 1  Transportation Trust solely for the purposes of funding the

 2  SAFE Program. These funds must be distributed on a 50-50

 3  matching basis to any airport listed in s. 332.14, to be used

 4  for funding projects as described in that section; however,

 5  funding for projects that assure safety and security for

 6  passengers, cargo, and airport property requires a 25 percent

 7  match of funds received by an airport from the program for

 8  such a project. These funds may be assigned, pledged, or set

 9  aside as a trust for the payment of principal or interest on

10  bonds, tax anticipation certificates, or any other form of

11  indebtedness issued by an individual airport or appropriate

12  local government having jurisdiction thereof, or collectively

13  by interlocal agreement among any of the airports, or may be

14  used to purchase credit support to permit such borrowings. If

15  these funds are pledged or assigned to the payment of bonds or

16  other forms of indebtedness issued by an entity under s.

17  163.01(7)(d) as authorized in this paragraph, such revenues

18  must be transferred to the trustee for such bonds or

19  indebtedness 60 days before each principal payment date or

20  interest payment date. Interest on the funds held by the

21  trustee may be used to pay administrative costs of the

22  financing program or to pay interest on the bonds or

23  indebtedness. However, such debt does not constitute a general

24  obligation of the State of Florida. The state does hereby

25  covenant with holders of these revenue bonds or other

26  instruments of indebtedness issued hereunder that it will not

27  repeal or impair or amend in any manner which will materially

28  and adversely affect the rights of such holders so long as

29  bonds or other indebtedness authorized by this section are

30  outstanding. Any funds that are not pledged to the repayment

31  of bonds as authorized by this section may be used for


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 1  purposes authorized under the SAFE Program. This revenue

 2  source is in addition to any amounts provided for and

 3  appropriated in accordance with s. 206.46(3). The SAFE Council

 4  shall approve distribution of funds to airports for projects

 5  that have been approved pursuant to s. 331.30. The council and

 6  the Department of Transportation shall perform such acts as

 7  are required to facilitate and implement this subsection. To

 8  better enable the airports to cooperate to their mutual

 9  advantage, the governing bodies of the airports or appropriate

10  local governments having jurisdiction thereof may exercise

11  powers provided to municipalities or counties in s.

12  163.01(7)(d). Any entity created pursuant to s. 163.01(7)(d)

13  must consist of five members. One member must be located in

14  each of the following geographic areas: northwestern Florida,

15  northeastern Florida, central Florida, southeastern Florida,

16  and the west coast of Florida. One of the five members must be

17  an airport or local government with jurisdiction over an

18  airport that in calendar year 2001 did not have more than

19  200,000 commercial enplanements. The uses of funds provided

20  under this subsection are limited to eligible projects listed

21  in this subsection. Income derived from a project completed

22  with the use of program funds, beyond operating costs and debt

23  service, may be used only to further airport capital

24  improvements consistent with aviation purposes. Use of such

25  income for nonaviation purposes is prohibited.

26         (2)  Not less than 10 percent of the moneys deposited

27  in the State Transportation Trust Fund pursuant to this

28  section shall be allocated by the Department of Transportation

29  for public transit and rail capital projects, including

30  service development projects, as defined in s. 341.031(7) and



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 1  (8), unless otherwise provided in the General Appropriations

 2  Act.

 3         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 215.98, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         215.98  State debt fiscal responsibility.--

 6         (2)  The Division of Bond Finance shall conduct a debt

 7  affordability analysis each year.  Proposed capital projects

 8  that require funding by the issuance of additional state debt

 9  shall be evaluated on the basis of the analysis to assist the

10  Governor and the Legislature in setting priorities among

11  capital projects and related appropriations. The term "state

12  debt" does not include debt issued by a municipality, a

13  county, a water management district, or an entity created

14  pursuant to s. 163.01(7)(d).

15         (a)  The Division of Bond Finance shall annually

16  prepare a debt affordability report, to be presented to the

17  governing board of the Division of Bond Finance, the President

18  of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,

19  and the chair of each appropriations committee by December 15

20  of each year, for purposes of providing a framework for the

21  Legislature to evaluate and establish priorities for bills

22  that propose the authorization of additional state debt during

23  the next budget year.

24         (b)  The report shall include, but not be limited to:

25         1.  A listing of state debt outstanding, other debt

26  secured by state revenues, and other contingent debt.

27         2.  An estimate of revenues available for the next 10

28  fiscal years to pay debt service, including general revenues

29  plus any revenues specifically pledged to pay debt service.




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 1         3.  An estimate of additional debt issuance for the

 2  next 10 fiscal years for the state's existing borrowing

 3  programs.

 4         4.  A schedule of the annual debt service requirements,

 5  including principal and interest allocation, on the

 6  outstanding state debt and an estimate of the annual debt

 7  service requirements on the debt included in subparagraph 3.

 8  for each of the next 10 fiscal years.

 9         5.  An overview of the state's general obligation

10  credit rating.

11         6.  Identification and calculation of pertinent debt

12  ratios, including, but not limited to, debt service to

13  revenues available to pay debt service, debt to personal

14  income, and debt per capita for the state's net tax-supported

15  debt.

16         7.  The estimated debt capacity available over the next

17  10 fiscal years without the benchmark debt ratio of debt

18  service to revenue exceeding 6 percent.

19         8.  A comparison of the debt ratios prepared for

20  subparagraph 6., with the comparable debt ratios for the 10

21  most populous states.

22         (c)  The Division of Bond Finance shall prepare an

23  update of the report set forth above upon completion of the

24  revenue estimates prepared in connection with the legislative

25  session.

26         (d)  Any entity issuing debt secured by state revenues

27  shall provide the information necessary to prepare the debt

28  affordability report.

29         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

30  law.



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2578

 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Creates the "Secure Airports for Florida's Economy (SAFE)
      Act." Creates the Secure Airports for Florida's Economy
 4    Council, or SAFE Council, within the Department of
      Transportation. Requires the council to prepare a 5-year
 5    SAFE Master Plan for developing airport facilities and an
      intermodal transportation system. Provides for funding of
 6    projects to maintain or increase airport security and
      achieve related goals. Provides for issuing revenue
 7    bonds.(See bill for details.)


























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