Senate Bill sb2626

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2626

    By Senator Villalobos


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to colleges; amending s.

  3         1000.21, F.S.; changing the name of Chipola

  4         Junior College to Chipola College and

  5         Miami-Dade Community College to Miami-Dade

  6         College; amending ss. 288.8175, 1002.35,

  7         1004.76, F.S.; conforming provisions; providing

  8         an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Paragraphs (d) and (o) of subsection (3) of

13  section 1000.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         1000.21  Systemwide definitions.--As used in the

15  Florida K-20 Education Code:

16         (3)  "Community college," except as otherwise

17  specifically provided, includes the following institutions and

18  any branch campuses, centers, or other affiliates of the

19  institution:

20         (d)  Chipola Junior College.

21         (o)  Miami-Dade Community College.

22         Section 2.  Subsection (5) of section 288.8175, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         288.8175  Linkage institutes between postsecondary

25  institutions in this state and foreign countries.--

26         (5)  The institutes are:

27         (a)  Florida-Brazil Institute (University of Florida

28  and Miami-Dade Community College).

29         (b)  Florida-Costa Rica Institute (Florida State

30  University and Valencia Community College).



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2626

 1         (c)  Florida Caribbean Institute (Florida International

 2  University and Daytona Beach Community College).

 3         (d)  Florida-Canada Institute (University of Central

 4  Florida and Palm Beach Junior College).

 5         (e)  Florida-China Institute (University of West

 6  Florida, University of South Florida, and Brevard Community

 7  College).

 8         (f)  Florida-Japan Institute (University of South

 9  Florida, University of West Florida, and St. Petersburg

10  Community College).

11         (g)  Florida-France Institute (New College of the

12  University of South Florida, Miami-Dade Community College, and

13  Florida State University).

14         (h)  Florida-Israel Institute (Florida Atlantic

15  University and Broward Community College).

16         (i)  Florida-West Africa Institute (Florida

17  Agricultural and Mechanical University, University of North

18  Florida, and Florida Community College at Jacksonville).

19         (j)  Florida-Eastern Europe Institute (University of

20  Central Florida and Lake Sumter Community College).

21         (k)  Florida-Mexico Institute (Florida International

22  University and Polk Community College).

23         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

24  1002.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         1002.35  New World School of the Arts.--

26         (2)(a)  For purposes of governance, the New World

27  School of the Arts is assigned to Miami-Dade Community

28  College, the Dade County School District, and one or more

29  universities designated by the State Board of Education. The

30  State Board of Education shall assign to the New World School

31  of the Arts a university partner or partners. In this


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2626

 1  selection, the State Board of Education shall consider the

 2  accreditation status of the core programs. Florida

 3  International University, in its capacity as the provider of

 4  university services to Dade County, shall be a partner to

 5  serve the New World School of the Arts, upon meeting the

 6  accreditation criteria. The respective boards shall appoint

 7  members to an executive board for administration of the

 8  school. The executive board may include community members and

 9  shall reflect proportionately the participating institutions.

10  Miami-Dade Community College shall serve as fiscal agent for

11  the school.

12         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 1004.76, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         1004.76  Florida Martin Luther King, Jr., Institute for

15  Nonviolence.--

16         (2)  There is hereby created the Florida Martin Luther

17  King, Jr., Institute for Nonviolence to be established at

18  Miami-Dade Community College. The institute shall have an

19  advisory board consisting of 13 members as follows: the

20  Attorney General, the Commissioner of Education, and 11

21  members to be appointed by the Governor, such members to

22  represent the population of the state based on its ethnic,

23  gender, and socioeconomic diversity.  Of the members appointed

24  by the Governor, one shall be a member of the Senate appointed

25  by the Governor on the recommendation of the President of the

26  Senate; one shall be a member of the Senate appointed by the

27  Governor on the recommendation of the minority leader; one

28  shall be a member of the House of Representatives appointed by

29  the Governor on the recommendation of the Speaker of the House

30  of Representatives; one shall be a member of the House of

31  Representatives appointed by the Governor on the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2626

 1  recommendation of the minority leader; and seven shall be

 2  members appointed by the Governor, no more than three of whom

 3  shall be members of the same political party.  The following

 4  groups shall be represented by the seven members: the Florida

 5  Sheriffs Association; the Florida Association of Counties; the

 6  Florida League of Cities; state universities human services

 7  agencies; community relations or human relations councils; and

 8  youth.  A chairperson shall be elected by the members and

 9  shall serve for a term of 3 years.  Members of the board shall

10  serve the following terms of office which shall be staggered:

11         (a)  A member of the Legislature appointed to the board

12  shall serve for a single term not to exceed 5 years and shall

13  serve as a member only while he or she is a member of the

14  Legislature.

15         (b)  Of the seven members who are not members of the

16  Legislature, three shall serve for terms of 4 years, two shall

17  serve for terms of 3 years, and one shall serve for a term of

18  1 year.  Thereafter, each member, except for a member

19  appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall serve for a 5-year

20  term. No member shall serve on the board for more than 10

21  years.


23  In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a member

24  of the board by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Governor

25  shall appoint a successor to serve for the balance of the

26  unexpired term.

27         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.






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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 2626

 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Changes the name of Chipola Junior College to Chipola
      College and Miami-Dade Community College to Miami-Dade
 4    College.





























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