HB 0273 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2         An act relating to the Southeast Volusia Hospital
3   District, Volusia County; providing for codification of
4   the district’s charter; codifying, amending, and
5   reenacting chapters 24961 (1947), 29586 (1953), 57-1931,
6   65-2362, 67-2148, 81-499, and 89-552, Laws of Florida;
7   providing a declaration of legislative intent; repealing
8   special acts relating to the district; providing an
9   effective date.
11         Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13         Section 1.Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
14   this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
15   relating to the Southeast Volusia Hospital District. It is the
16   intent of the Legislature to provide a single, comprehensive
17   special act charter for the district including all current
18   legislative authority granted to the district by its several
19   legislative enactments and any additional authority granted by
20   this act and chapter 189, Florida Statutes, as they may be
21   amended from time to time. It is further the intent of this act
22   to preserve all district authority.
23         Section 2.Chapters 24961 (1947), 29586 (1953), 57-1931,
24   65-2362, 67-2148, 81-499, and 89-552, Laws of Florida, relating
25   to the Southeast Volusia Hospital District, are codified,
26   reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein provided.
27         Section 3. The charter for the Southeast Volusia Hospital
28   District is re-created and reenacted to read:
29         Section 1. A special tax district is hereby created and
30   incorporated, to be known as “Southeast Volusia Hospital
31   District” in Volusia County, which district shall embrace and
32   include the following described property in Volusia County:
33         Beginning at the point of intersection of the main
34   channel of Mosquito Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean,
35   thence run Southeasterly with the shore of the
36   Atlantic Ocean to the point of intersection with the
37   South line of Township 19S, Thence West with said
38   Township line to the Southwest corner of Section 34,
39   Township 19S, Range 33E, Thence North to the Northwest
40   corner of Section 3, Township 19S, Range 33E, Thence
41   West along the South line of Township 18S, Range 33E,
42   to the Southwest corner of said Township 18S, Range
43   33E, thence North with West line of Township 18S,
44   Range 33E, to the Northwest corner of said Township
45   18S, Range 33E, thence West along line between
46   Townships 17S and 18S to the Southwest corner of
47   Township 17S, Range 32E, Thence along the Range line
48   between Ranges 31E and 32E North to the Northwest
49   corner of Township 17S, Range 32E, thence East along
50   the North line of Township 17S, Range 32E to point of
51   intersection with the South fork of Spruce Creek,
52   thence Northerly and Easterly along Spruce Creek to
53   the point of intersection with the main channel of the
54   Halifax River, thence Southerly and Easterly along the
55   main channel of the Halifax River and the main channel
56   of Mosquito Inlet to the point of beginning. All the
57   above described property lying and being in County of
58   Volusia, State of Florida.
59         Section 2. (1) The governing body of the Southeast
60   Volusia Hospital District shall consist of five commissioners,
61   all of whom shall be qualified electors and freeholders residing
62   in the district. The first commission shall be appointed by the
63   Governor between the first Monday in February, 1949, and the
64   second Tuesday in March, 1949. Two commissioners shall be
65   appointed for 4 years, two shall be appointed for 2 years, and
66   one shall be appointed for 1 year. When the term of office of
67   any member of the commission expires, the Governor shall appoint
68   a member or members for a period of 4 years. Commissioners
69   shall serve without compensation. Within 10 days after the
70   first commissioners have been duly appointed and qualified, they
71   shall hold an organizational meeting at which time a chair, vice
72   chair, and treasurer shall be elected from their number. Such
73   officers so elected shall hold office for a period of 1 year or
74   until the next ensuing annual organizational meeting.
75         (2) Effective January 1, 1990, the governing body of the
76   Southeast Volusia Hospital District shall consist of seven
77   commissioners. Two commissioners shall be residents of New
78   Smyrna Beach, two commissioners shall be residents of the City
79   of Edgewater, one commissioner shall be a resident of Oak Hill,
80   and two commissioners shall be residents of the unincorporated
81   area of the hospital district. Commissioners shall have
82   business, professional, or personal experience useful for
83   service as a commissioner. Commission members appointed
84   pursuant to subsection (1) shall continue serving on the
85   commission as long as they remain on the commission or are
86   reappointed to the commission without regard to the requirements
87   of this subsection. The first additional appointment made to
88   the commission which shall be made by January 1, 1990, shall be
89   a resident of the City of Edgewater; the second additional
90   appointment to the commission which shall be made by January 1,
91   1990, shall be a resident of the unincorporated area of the
92   hospital district; the first appointment replacing a
93   commissioner appointed pursuant to subsection (1) shall be a
94   resident of Oak Hill; and the second appointment replacing a
95   commissioner appointed pursuant to subsection (1) shall be a
96   resident of the City of Edgewater.
97         (3) Of the appointments to the commission to be made by
98   the Governor by January 1, 2007, one appointment from the
99   unincorporated area of the hospital district and one appointment
100   from the City of Edgewater shall be for terms of fifteen (15)
101   months expiring March 31, 2008, and one appointment from the
102   unincorporated area of the hospital district and one appointment
103   from the City of Edgewater shall be for terms of fifty-one (51)
104   months expiring March 31, 2011. Thereafter, the terms for all
105   commissioners shall be for four (4) years each, expiring March
106   31.
107         (4) The commissioners shall hold an annual organizational
108   meeting between the first and fifteenth day of March each year.
109   The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the
110   board of commissioners for cause and shall fill any vacancies
111   that may at any time occur therein. Each member shall give bond
112   to the Governor for the faithful performance of his or her
113   duties in the sum of $5,000, with a surety company qualified to
114   do business in the state as surety; however, the bonds of the
115   chair and of the treasurer of the board shall be $10,000 for
116   each such officer, which bonds shall be approved and kept by the
117   Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County. The premiums on
118   the bonds shall be paid as part of the expense of the district.
119         Section 3. The board of commissioners of the Southeast
120   Volusia Hospital District, hereinafter called the board, shall
121   have all the powers of a body corporate, including the power to
122   sue and be sued under the name of the Southeast Volusia Hospital
123   District; to contract and be contracted with; to adopt and use a
124   common seal and to alter the same at pleasure; to acquire,
125   purchase, hold, lease, and convey such real and personal
126   property as the board may deem proper or expedient to carry out
127   the purposes of the act; to appoint and employ a superintendent
128   and chief surgeon and such other agents and employees as the
129   board may deem advisable; to borrow money; and to issue the
130   notes, bonds, and other evidences of debt of the district
131   thereof to carry out the provisions of this act in the manner
132   hereinafter provided.
133         Section 4. Four (4) of the commissioners shall constitute
134   a quorum, and a vote of at least a majority of the commissioners
135   at any regular or special meeting shall be necessary to the
136   transaction of any business of the district. The commissioners
137   shall cause true and accurate minutes and records to be kept of
138   all business transacted by them and shall keep full, true, and
139   complete books of account and minutes, which minutes, records,
140   and books of account shall at all reasonable times be open and
141   subject to the inspection of inhabitants of the district. Any
142   person desiring to do so may make or procure copy of the
143   minutes, records, or books of account, or such portions thereof
144   as he or she may desire.
145         Section 5. (1) The board is authorized to purchase or
146   otherwise acquire such real and personal property as may be
147   required to establish, construct, operate, and maintain such
148   hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or related facilities as in
149   its opinion shall be necessary for the health and welfare of the
150   people of the district. The hospitals, clinics, nursing homes,
151   or related facilities shall be established, constructed,
152   operated, and maintained by the board for the preservation of
153   the public health, for the public good, and for the use of the
154   public of the district; and the acquisition of real and personal
155   property for the establishment, construction, operation, and
156   maintenance of such hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or
157   related facilities within the district are hereby found and
158   declared to be a public purpose and are necessary for the
159   preservation of the public health, for the public use, and for
160   the welfare of the district and inhabitants thereof. The
161   location of such hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or related
162   facilities shall be determined by the board.
163         (2) The board of commissioners of the Southeast Volusia
164   Hospital District is authorized to provide necessary hospitals,
165   clinics, nursing homes, and related services or facilities for
166   poor and indigent persons or, in lieu thereof, the board is
167   authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for a period
168   not exceeding twenty-five (25) years with any hospital, clinic,
169   or nursing home, public or private, now or hereafter existing
170   within the district for the purpose of providing such facilities
171   or services to the poor and indigent and to pay for the same out
172   of the funds of the district and from the proceeds of any tax
173   which is levied under the provisions of this act or amendments
174   thereto.
175         Section 6. The board shall have the power of eminent
176   domain and may thereby condemn and acquire any real or personal
177   property which the board may deem necessary for the use of the
178   district, whether within or without the district. Such power of
179   condemnation shall be exercised in the same manner as is now
180   provided by the general law for the exercise of the power of
181   eminent domain by cities and towns of the state.
182         Section 7. The board is authorized, in order to provide
183   for and carry out the provisions of this act, to purchase or
184   otherwise acquire real and personal property; to establish,
185   construct, repair, alter, and maintain hospital, clinic, and
186   nursing home buildings and facilities; and to purchase, lease,
187   repair, and maintain hospital, clinic, and nursing home
188   equipment, furniture, and fixtures on lands in the district
189   owned by or leased to the district. The board is further
190   authorized to expend district funds derived from taxes or any
191   other source whatsoever for the purchase or lease of real or
192   personal property and for building, constructing, purchasing,
193   leasing, repairing, and maintaining all hospital, clinic, and
194   nursing home lands, buildings, equipment, and facilities in the
195   district, and to borrow money from time to time for such
196   purposes, and also for operating expenses; however, a tax not to
197   exceed four (4) mills on the dollar may be assessed and levied
198   against the taxable property within the district for all
199   purposes.
200         It is hereby found and declared that all funds expended for
201   current operating expenses, the care of indigent patients, and
202   for the construction, purchase, lease, maintenance, and repair
203   of all hospital, clinic, or nursing home lands, buildings, and
204   equipment, whether on lands owned by or leased to the district,
205   shall be for public purposes.
206         Section 8. (1) ISSUANCE OF OBLIGATIONS.--
207         (a) The board is authorized to provide by resolution at
208   one time or from time to time for the issuance of bonds or
209   revenue certificates, or both, collectively referred to in this
210   section as bonds of the district for the purpose of paying all
211   or a part of the cost of acquisition, construction, repairing,
212   extensions, additions, equipping, and reconstruction of any
213   hospital facilities of the district. The bonds of each issue
214   shall be dated, shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may
215   be determined by the board, and may be made redeemable before
216   maturity, at the option of the board, at such price or prices
217   and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the board
218   prior to the issuance of the bonds. The board shall determine
219   the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be
220   attached thereto, and the manner of execution of the bonds and
221   coupons, and shall fix the denomination or denominations of the
222   bonds and the place or places of payment of principal and
223   interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or
224   without the state. In case any officer whose signature or a
225   facsimile of whose signature shall appear on any bonds or
226   coupons shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of
227   such bonds, such signature or such facsimile shall nevertheless
228   be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he or
229   she had remained in office until such delivery. All bonds
230   issued under the provisions of this act shall have and are
231   hereby declared to have all the qualities and incidents of
232   negotiable instruments under the negotiable instruments laws of
233   the state. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in registered
234   form, or both, as the board may determine, and provisions may be
235   made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal
236   alone and also as to both principal and interest, and for the
237   reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to
238   both principal and interest. The issuance of such bonds shall
239   not be subject to any limitations or conditions contained in any
240   other law. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the
241   board may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or
242   temporary bonds with or without coupons, exchangeable for
243   definitive bonds when such bonds have been executed and are
244   available for delivery. The board may also provide for the
245   replacement of any bonds which shall be mutilated or be
246   destroyed or lost.
247         (b) Bonds may be issued under the provisions of this act
248   without obtaining the consent of any commission, board, bureau,
249   or agency of the state or county and without any other
250   proceedings or the happening of any other condition or thing
251   than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are
252   specifically required by this act.
253         (c) The proceeds of the bonds shall be used solely for the
254   payment of the cost of the hospital facilities for which such
255   bonds shall have been authorized and shall be disbursed in the
256   manner provided in the resolution or in the trust agreement
257   authorizing the issuance of such bonds. If the proceeds of the
258   bonds of any issue shall exceed the amount required for the
259   purpose for which the same shall have been issued, the surplus
260   shall be set aside and used only for payment of the cost of
261   additional projects or for the payment of the principal of and
262   interest on such bonds. In the event that the actual cost of
263   the project exceeds the estimated cost, the board may issue
264   additional bonds to cover the deficiency, subject to the same
265   restrictions as required for the original issue.
266         (2) BONDS.--Bonds may be issued from time to time by the
267   board for the purposes herein provided, provided the issuance of
268   general obligation bonds shall have been approved by a majority
269   of the votes cast in an election held for such purposes pursuant
270   to the requirements of the Constitution of Florida.
271         (3) REVENUE CERTIFICATES.--
272         (a) Revenue certificates issued under the provisions of
273   this act shall be payable from the revenues derived from the
274   operation of any hospital facility or combination of hospital
275   facilities of the district under the supervision, operation, and
276   control of the board and from any other funds legally available
277   therefor. The issuance of such revenue certificates shall not
278   directly, indirectly, or contingently obligate the state, the
279   board, or the district to levy any ad valorem taxes or to make
280   any appropriations for their payment or for the operation and
281   maintenance of the hospital facilities of the district.
282         (b) The board shall not convey or mortgage any hospital
283   facility or any part thereof as security for the payment of the
284   revenue certificates.
285         (c) In the discretion of the board, each or any issue of
286   such revenue certificates may be secured by a trust agreement by
287   and between the district and a corporate trustee, which may be
288   any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company
289   within or outside of the state. Such trust agreement may pledge
290   or assign the revenues to be received by the board. The
291   resolution providing for the issuance of revenue certificates or
292   such trust agreement may contain such provisions for protecting
293   and enforcing the rights and remedies of the certificate holders
294   as may be reasonable, proper, and not in violation of law,
295   including covenants setting forth the duties of the board in
296   relation to the acquisition, construction, improvement,
297   maintenance, operation, repair, equipping, and insurance of the
298   facilities and the custody, safeguarding, and application of all
299   moneys. It shall be lawful for any bank or trust company
300   incorporated under the laws of this state to act as such
301   depository and to furnish such indemnifying bonds or to pledge
302   such securities as may be required by the board. Such
303   resolution or such trust agreement may restrict the individual
304   right of action by certificate holders as is customary in trust
305   agreements securing bonds or debentures of corporations. In
306   addition to the foregoing, such resolution or such trust
307   agreement may contain such other provisions as the board may
308   deem reasonable and proper for the security of the certificate
309   holders. Except as otherwise provided in this act, the board
310   may provide, by resolution or by trust agreement, for the
311   payment of the proceeds of the sale of the revenue certificates
312   and the revenues of the facilities to such officer, board, or
313   depository as it may determine for the custody thereof, and for
314   the method of disbursement thereof, with such safeguards and
315   restrictions as it may determine. All expenses incurred in
316   carrying out the trust agreement may be treated as a part of the
317   cost of operation of the facilities affected by the trust
318   agreement.
319         (d) The resolution or trust agreement providing for the
320   issuance of the revenue certificates may also contain such
321   limitations upon the issuance of additional revenue certificates
322   as the board may deem proper, and such additional certificates
323   shall be issued under such restrictions or limitations as may be
324   prescribed by such resolution or trust agreement.
325         (4) REFUNDING OBLIGATIONS.-- The board is authorized to
326   provide by resolution for the issuance of refunding bonds or
327   refunding revenue certificates for the purpose of refunding any
328   bonds or revenue certificates, respectively, then outstanding
329   and issued under the provisions of this act, provided that the
330   refunding of any bonds payable from ad valorem taxes shall be to
331   the advantage of the district, such as providing for lower
332   interest rates or other savings to the taxpayers. The board is
333   further authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance of
334   revenue certificates for the combined purpose of (1)paying the
335   cost of any acquisition, construction, extension, addition,
336   improving, equipping, or reconstruction of a facility or
337   facilities of the district and (2) refunding revenue
338   certificates of the district which shall theretofore have been
339   issued under the provisions of the act and shall then be
340   outstanding. The issuance of such obligations, the maturities
341   and other details thereof, the right and remedies of the holders
342   thereof, and the rights, powers, privileges, duties, and
343   obligations of the district with respect to the same shall be
344   governed by the foregoing provisions of this act insofar as the
345   same may be applicable.
346         (5) ELECTION.--The board of county commissioners of
347   Volusia County shall, when presented with a resolution adopted
348   by the board requesting the holding of an election to approve
349   the issuance of bonds under this act, call, notice, and conduct
350   such election in the manner required by the constitution and by
351   the general laws of the state for the issuance of bonds by the
352   county. The cost of holding and conducting such election shall
353   be paid by the district.
354         Section 9. Prior to the issuance of such bonds, the board
355   shall, by resolution, determine the amount which in their
356   opinion will be necessary to be raised annually by taxation for
357   an interest and sinking fund with which to pay the interest and
358   principal of the bonds, and the board is authorized and required
359   to provide for the levy and collection annually of a sufficient
360   tax, without limitation as to rate or amount, upon all the
361   taxable property in the district to pay such interest and with
362   which to provide and maintain a sinking fund for the payment of
363   the principal of the bonds. Such sinking funds providing for
364   the payment of principal and interest of the outstanding bonds
365   shall not be used for any other purpose, provided, however, that
366   such sinking funds so set aside may be invested at the
367   discretion of the board or in the purchase or retirement of
368   bonds previously issued by the district. The revenues or any
369   part thereof derived from the operation of any hospital facility
370   or any combination of the hospital facilities of the district
371   shall, if so authorized by the board, be deposited to the credit
372   of the sinking fund for such bonds, and in that event the amount
373   of the annual levy herein required may be reduced in any year by
374   the amount of such revenues actually received in the preceding
375   year (excluding any depreciation fund) and then remaining on
376   deposit to the credit of the sinking fund for the payment of
377   such principal and interest.
378         Section 10. The board shall offer said bonds for sale by
379   notice stating the amount of bonds for sale, rate of interest
380   and when due, and payable, by advertising once a week for two
381   (2) weeks in a newspaper published in the district. The board
382   shall receive bids for the purchase of the bonds or any part
383   thereof on the day fixed by the notice, being not less than
384   twenty (20) days from the date of the first (1st) publication.
385   It shall have the right to reject any and all bids and
386   readvertise the bonds or any portion thereof remaining unsold.
387         Section 11. A bank or banks, or other depositary or
388   depositaries to be designated by the board, may receive and be
389   custodian of the bonds and all moneys arising from the sale of
390   the bonds.
391         Section 12. The funds of the district shall be paid out
392   upon warrant signed by the chair of the board and countersigned
393   by the treasurer thereof or bearing the facsimile signature of
394   the chair and treasurer when authorized by the board by
395   appropriate resolution. No warrant shall be drawn or issued
396   against funds of the district except for the purpose authorized
397   by this act or amendments thereto.
398         Section 13. It shall be the duty of the board, whenever
399   the bonds or any portion thereof are from time to time issued by
400   it, or whenever contracts entered into by the board require, to
401   annually assess and levy against the taxable property within the
402   district a tax to be collected and paid into the district fund
403   and used by the board for the operation, maintenance, and repair
404   of a hospital or hospitals established or authorized by this
405   act, or for the payment of any outstanding indebtedness
406   authorized by section 8, or for providing hospitalization under
407   a contract for the poor and indigent as contemplated under this
408   act, or amendments thereto, or for the payment of other
409   necessary expenses in carrying on and transacting the business
410   of the district, provided, nevertheless, that the millage for
411   the operating, maintenance, and repair of the hospital or
412   hospitals established as authorized by this act, or for the
413   payment of other necessary expenses in carrying on and
414   transacting the business of the district, shall not exceed four
415   (4) mills on all of the taxable property within the district.
416         Section 14. The board of commissioners of the Southeast
417   Volusia Hospital District is authorized and directed annually to
418   levy upon all the real and personal taxable property in the
419   district a sufficient tax to pay the interest and to provide and
420   maintain a sinking fund for the payment of the interest and
421   principal of the bonds provided for and authorized by this act.
422         Section 15. The levy by the board of the taxes authorized
423   by any provision of this act shall be by resolution of the board
424   duly entered upon the minutes of the board. Certified copies of
425   such resolution executed in the name of the board by its chair,
426   under its corporate seal, shall be made and delivered to the
427   board of the county commissioners of Volusia County and to the
428   comptroller of the state, not later than the first (1st) day of
429   July of every year. The county commissioners of Volusia County
430   shall order and require the tax assessor of the county to
431   assess, and the county tax collector of the county to collect,
432   the amount of taxes so assessed or levied by the board of
433   commissioners of the Southeast Volusia Hospital District upon
434   the taxable property in the district, at the rate of taxation
435   adopted by the board of commissioners of the district for the
436   year and included in the warrant of the tax assessor and
437   attached to the assessment roll of taxes for the county each
438   year. The tax collector shall collect such tax so levied by the
439   board in the same manner as other taxes are collected and shall
440   pay the same over to the board of commissioners of the Southeast
441   Volusia Hospital District within the time and in the manner
442   prescribed by law for the payment by the tax collector of county
443   taxes to the county depositary. It shall be the duty of the
444   comptroller of the state to assess and levy on all the railroad
445   lines and railroad property and telegraph lines and telegraph
446   property situated or located in the district, including as well
447   all telephone lines. The amount of each levy of each county or
448   state taxes and the said taxes shall be assessed by the same
449   officer respectively as are county taxes upon such property, and
450   such taxes shall be remitted by the collecting officer to the
451   board of commissioners of the Southeast Volusia Hospital
452   District. All such taxes shall be held by the board and paid
453   out by them as provided in this act.
454         Section 16. The board is authorized to pay from the funds
455   of the district all expenses of the organization of the board
456   and all expenses necessarily incurred with the formation of the
457   district and all other reasonable and necessary expenses,
458   including the fees and expenses of an attorney in the
459   transaction of the business of the district, and including the
460   compensation of a secretary to the board whose duties shall be
461   to keep and be responsible for all books of account, minutes,
462   and other records of the board, and in carrying out and
463   accomplishing the purposes of this act. This section, however,
464   shall not be construed to remit or instruct any of the powers
465   vested in the board by any other section or provision of this
466   act.
467         Section 17. At least once a year, the board shall publish
468   once in some newspaper in the district a complete detailed
469   statement of all moneys received and disbursed by them since the
470   creation of the district as to the first (1st) published
471   statement and since the last published statement as to any other
472   year. Such statement shall also show the several sources from
473   which said funds were received and shall show the balance on
474   hand at the time of the published statement. It shall show a
475   complete statement of the condition of the district.
476         Section 18. Each hospital and clinic established under
477   this act shall be for the use and benefit of the indigent sick.
478   Such residents shall be admitted to such hospital and clinic
479   and be entitled to medical care without charge, subject to the
480   rules and regulations prescribed by the board. Such hospitals
481   and clinics shall care for and treat without charge patients who
482   are found by the board to be indigent, but the board may collect
483   from patients financially able such charges as the board may
484   from time to time establish. The board shall have the power to
485   extend the benefits and privileges of such hospitals and clinics
486   and treatment and outpatient department to the home of the
487   indigent residents of the county. The board may extend the
488   privileges and use of such hospitals and clinics to nonresidents
489   of the district upon such terms and conditions as the board may
490   from time to time by its rules and regulations provide.
491         Section 19. It is intended that the provisions of this act
492   shall be liberally construed for accomplishing the work
493   authorized and provided for or intended to be and provided for
494   this act, and where strict construction would result in defeat
495   of the accomplishment of any part of the work authorized by this
496   act and liberal construction would permit or assist in the
497   accomplishment thereof, the liberal construction shall be
498   chosen.
499         Section 20. All bonds issued under the provisions of this
500   act may be validated by the board under and in accordance with
501   the provisions of the general laws of Florida, in the same
502   manner as is therein provided for validation of bonds, etc., by
503   any county, municipality, taxing district, etc. of the state.
504         Section 21. If any section, paragraph, phrase, or sentence
505   contained in this act, or amendments thereto, shall be held
506   inoperative, unconstitutional, or invalid by a court of
507   competent jurisdiction, it shall in no way affect the remaining
508   portions of this act.
509         Section 4.Chapters 24961 (1947), 29586 (1953), 57-1931,
510   65-2362, 67-2148, 81-499, and 89-552, Laws of Florida, are
511   repealed.
512         Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.