Senate Bill sb2732

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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                      SR 2732

    By Senator Fasano


  1                    Senate Resolution No. ____

  2         A resolution recognizing May 2003 as "Florida

  3         Osteoporosis-Prevention Month."


  5         WHEREAS, osteoporosis is a debilitating disease that

  6  decreases bone mass and causes them to become fragile and more

  7  likely to break, and

  8         WHEREAS, osteoporosis afflicts more than 44 million

  9  people throughout the nation and costs more than $17 billion

10  annually in medical care and treatment, and

11         WHEREAS, by the year 2010, the number of Americans

12  afflicted by osteoporosis is expected to climb to 52 million,

13  and

14         WHEREAS, more than 2 million Floridians presently

15  suffer from osteoporosis, which causes more than 22,000 hip

16  fractures annually, and

17         WHEREAS, osteoporosis is a true threat to public

18  health, but can be prevented by eating foods high in calcium,

19  getting plenty of physical exercise, not smoking, and limiting

20  alcohol use, NOW, THEREFORE,


22  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


24         That the Florida Senate recognizes May 2003 as "Florida

25  Osteoporosis-Prevention Month."

26         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

27  with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to the

28  Honorable Jeb Bush, Governor of the State of Florida, with a

29  request that he declare May 2003 as "Florida

30  Osteoporosis-Prevention Month."



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.