Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 570246
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Senator Crist moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 79, between lines 17 and 18,
16  insert:  
17         Section 58.  Paragraph (s) is added to subsection (1)
18  of section 465.016, Florida Statutes, to read:
19         465.016  Disciplinary actions.--
20         (1)  The following acts constitute grounds for denial
21  of a license or disciplinary action, as specified in s.
22  456.072(2):
23         (s)  Dispensing any medicinal drug based upon a
24  communication that purports to be a prescription as defined by
25  s. 465.003(14) or s. 893.02(20) when the pharmacist knows or
26  has reason to believe that the purported prescription is not
27  based upon a valid practitioner-patient relationship,
28  including appropriate patient history and a face-to-face or
29  visual encounter by the practitioner.
30         Section 59.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (11) of
31  section 465.003, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 570246 1 465.003 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the 2 term: 3 (11)(a) "Pharmacy" includes a community pharmacy, an 4 institutional pharmacy, a nuclear pharmacy, and a special 5 pharmacy, and an Internet pharmacy. 6 1. The term "community pharmacy" includes every 7 location where medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, 8 stored, or sold or where prescriptions are filled or dispensed 9 on an outpatient basis. 10 2. The term "institutional pharmacy" includes every 11 location in a hospital, clinic, nursing home, dispensary, 12 sanitarium, extended care facility, or other facility, 13 hereinafter referred to as "health care institutions," where 14 medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or sold. 15 3. The term "nuclear pharmacy" includes every location 16 where radioactive drugs and chemicals within the 17 classification of medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, 18 stored, or sold. The term "nuclear pharmacy" does not include 19 hospitals licensed under chapter 395 or the nuclear medicine 20 facilities of such hospitals. 21 4. The term "special pharmacy" includes every location 22 where medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, stored, or 23 sold if such locations are not otherwise defined in this 24 subsection. 25 5. The term "Internet pharmacy" includes locations 26 that are not otherwise defined in this subsection where 27 medicinal drugs are compounded, dispensed, or stored and 28 subsequently sold primarily or exclusively to consumers over 29 the Internet. An Internet pharmacy must be licensed as a 30 pharmacy under this chapter to sell medicinal drugs to persons 31 in the state. 2 10:57 AM 04/30/03 s2738c2c-12b0a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 570246 1 Section 60. Section 465.0161, Florida Statutes, is 2 created to read: 3 465.0161 Distribution of medicinal drugs without a 4 license.--An Internet pharmacy that distributes medicinal 5 drugs to persons in the state without being licensed as a 6 pharmacy under this chapter commits a felony of the second 7 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 8 Section 61. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 9 895.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 10 895.02 Definitions.--As used in ss. 895.01-895.08, the 11 term: 12 (1) "Racketeering activity" means to commit, to 13 attempt to commit, to conspire to commit, or to solicit, 14 coerce, or intimidate another person to commit: 15 (a) Any crime which is chargeable by indictment or 16 information under the following provisions of the Florida 17 Statutes: 18 1. Section 210.18, relating to evasion of payment of 19 cigarette taxes. 20 2. Section 403.727(3)(b), relating to environmental 21 control. 22 3.4. Section 409.920, relating to Medicaid provider 23 fraud. 24 4.3. Section 414.39, relating to public assistance 25 fraud. 26 5. Section 440.105 or s. 440.106, relating to workers' 27 compensation. 28 6. Section 465.0161, relating to distribution of 29 medicinal drugs without a license as an Internet pharmacy. 30 7.6. Part IV of chapter 501, relating to 31 telemarketing. 3 10:57 AM 04/30/03 s2738c2c-12b0a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 570246 1 8.7. Chapter 517, relating to sale of securities and 2 investor protection. 3 9.8. Section 550.235, s. 550.3551, or s. 550.3605, 4 relating to dogracing and horseracing. 5 10.9. Chapter 550, relating to jai alai frontons. 6 11.10. Chapter 552, relating to the manufacture, 7 distribution, and use of explosives. 8 12.11. Chapter 560, relating to money transmitters, if 9 the violation is punishable as a felony. 10 13.12. Chapter 562, relating to beverage law 11 enforcement. 12 14.13. Section 624.401, relating to transacting 13 insurance without a certificate of authority, s. 14 624.437(4)(c)1., relating to operating an unauthorized 15 multiple-employer welfare arrangement, or s. 626.902(1)(b), 16 relating to representing or aiding an unauthorized insurer. 17 15.14. Section 655.50, relating to reports of currency 18 transactions, when such violation is punishable as a felony. 19 16.15. Chapter 687, relating to interest and usurious 20 practices. 21 17.16. Section 721.08, s. 721.09, or s. 721.13, 22 relating to real estate timeshare plans. 23 18.17. Chapter 782, relating to homicide. 24 19.18. Chapter 784, relating to assault and battery. 25 20.19. Chapter 787, relating to kidnapping. 26 21.20. Chapter 790, relating to weapons and firearms. 27 22.21. Section 796.03, s. 796.04, s. 796.05, or s. 28 796.07, relating to prostitution. 29 23.22. Chapter 806, relating to arson. 30 24.23. Section 810.02(2)(c), relating to specified 31 burglary of a dwelling or structure. 4 10:57 AM 04/30/03 s2738c2c-12b0a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 570246 1 25.24. Chapter 812, relating to theft, robbery, and 2 related crimes. 3 26.25. Chapter 815, relating to computer-related 4 crimes. 5 27.26. Chapter 817, relating to fraudulent practices, 6 false pretenses, fraud generally, and credit card crimes. 7 28.27. Chapter 825, relating to abuse, neglect, or 8 exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult. 9 29.28. Section 827.071, relating to commercial sexual 10 exploitation of children. 11 30.29. Chapter 831, relating to forgery and 12 counterfeiting. 13 31.30. Chapter 832, relating to issuance of worthless 14 checks and drafts. 15 32.31. Section 836.05, relating to extortion. 16 33.32. Chapter 837, relating to perjury. 17 34.33. Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of 18 public office. 19 35.34. Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of 20 justice. 21 36.35. Section 847.011, s. 847.012, s. 847.013, s. 22 847.06, or s. 847.07, relating to obscene literature and 23 profanity. 24 37.36. Section 849.09, s. 849.14, s. 849.15, s. 25 849.23, or s. 849.25, relating to gambling. 26 38.37. Chapter 874, relating to criminal street gangs. 27 39.38. Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention 28 and control. 29 40.39. Chapter 896, relating to offenses related to 30 financial transactions. 31 41.40. Sections 914.22 and 914.23, relating to 5 10:57 AM 04/30/03 s2738c2c-12b0a
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2738 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 570246 1 tampering with a witness, victim, or informant, and 2 retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant. 3 42.41. Sections 918.12 and 918.13, relating to 4 tampering with jurors and evidence. 5 6 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 7 8 9 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 10 And the title is amended as follows: 11 On page 6, line 22, after the semicolon 12 13 insert: 14 amending s. 465.016, F.S.; providing for 15 disciplinary action for dispensing a medicinal 16 drug when the pharmacist knows or has reason to 17 believe a prescription is not valid; amending 18 s. 465.003, F.S.; providing a definition for 19 "Internet pharmacy" and requiring such 20 pharmacies to be licensed under ch. 465, F.S.; 21 creating s. 465.0161, F.S.; prohibiting the 22 distribution of medicinal drugs by an Internet 23 pharmacy without a license; providing 24 penalties; amending s. 895.02, F.S.; including 25 violation of s. 465.0161, F.S., in the 26 definition of "racketeering activity" for 27 prosecution under ch. 895, F.S.; 28 29 30 31 6 10:57 AM 04/30/03 s2738c2c-12b0a