Senate Bill sb0278

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 278

    By Senator Villalobos


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to transportation of inmates;

  3         amending s. 945.091, F.S.; limiting the mode of

  4         transport an inmate may use in traveling to and

  5         from a place of employment, education, or

  6         training; authorizing the Department of

  7         Corrections to transport inmates in state-owned

  8         vehicles under certain circumstances; creating

  9         s. 945.0913, F.S.; prohibiting an inmate from

10         driving a state-owned vehicle to transport

11         inmates in a work-release program; providing an

12         effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 945.091, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         945.091  Extension of the limits of confinement;

19  restitution by employed inmates.--

20         (1)  The department may adopt rules permitting the

21  extension of the limits of the place of confinement of an

22  inmate as to whom there is reasonable cause to believe that

23  the inmate will honor his or her trust by authorizing the

24  inmate, under prescribed conditions and following

25  investigation and approval by the secretary, or the

26  secretary's designee, who shall maintain a written record of

27  such action, to leave the confines of that place unaccompanied

28  by a custodial agent for a prescribed period of time to:

29         (a)  Visit, for a specified period, a specifically

30  designated place or places:



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 278

 1         1.  For the purpose of visiting a dying relative,

 2  attending the funeral of a relative, or arranging for

 3  employment or for a suitable residence for use when released;

 4         2.  To otherwise aid in the rehabilitation of the

 5  inmate and his or her successful transition into the

 6  community; or

 7         3.  For another compelling reason consistent with the

 8  public interest,


10  and return to the same or another institution or facility

11  designated by the Department of Corrections.

12         (b)  Work at paid employment, participate in an

13  education or a training program, or voluntarily serve a public

14  or nonprofit agency or faith-based service group in the

15  community, while continuing as an inmate of the institution or

16  facility in which the inmate is confined, except during the

17  hours of his or her employment, education, training, or

18  service and traveling thereto and therefrom. An inmate may

19  travel to and from his or her place of employment, education,

20  or training only by means of walking, bicycling, or using

21  public transportation or transportation that is provided by a

22  family member or employer. Contingent upon specific

23  appropriations, the department may transport an inmate in a

24  state-owned vehicle if the inmate is unable to obtain other

25  means of travel to his or her place of employment, education,

26  or training.

27         1.  An inmate may participate in paid employment only

28  during the last 36 months of his or her confinement, unless

29  sooner requested by the Parole Commission or the Control

30  Release Authority.



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 278

 1         2.  While working at paid employment and residing in

 2  the facility, an inmate may apply for placement at a

 3  contracted substance abuse transition housing program. The

 4  transition assistance specialist shall inform the inmate of

 5  program availability and assess the inmate's need and

 6  suitability for transition housing assistance. If an inmate is

 7  approved for placement, the specialist shall assist the

 8  inmate. If an inmate requests and is approved for placement in

 9  a contracted faith-based substance abuse transition housing

10  program, the specialist must consult with the chaplain prior

11  to such placement. The department shall ensure that an

12  inmate's faith orientation, or lack thereof, will not be

13  considered in determining admission to a faith-based program

14  and that the program does not attempt to convert an inmate

15  toward a particular faith or religious preference.

16         (c)  Participate in a residential or nonresidential

17  rehabilitative program operated by a public or private

18  nonprofit agency, including faith-based service groups, with

19  which the department has contracted for the treatment of such

20  inmate.  The provisions of ss. 216.311 and 287.057 shall apply

21  to all contracts between the department and any private entity

22  providing such services.  The department shall require such

23  agency to provide appropriate supervision of inmates

24  participating in such program.  The department is authorized

25  to terminate any inmate's participation in the program if such

26  inmate fails to demonstrate satisfactory progress in the

27  program as established by departmental rules.

28         Section 2.  Section 945.0913, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         945.0913  Inmates prohibited from driving state-owned

31  vehicles to transport inmates in a work-release program.--An


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 278

 1  inmate may not drive a state-owned vehicle for the purpose of

 2  transporting inmates who are participating in a work-release

 3  program authorized in s. 945.091(1)(b).

 4         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.


 6            *****************************************

 7                          SENATE SUMMARY

 8    Provides that an inmate may only walk, bike, or use
      public transportation or transportation provided by a
 9    family member or employer in traveling to and from a
      place of employment, education, or training. Authorizes
10    the Department of Corrections to transport inmates in
      state-owned vehicles only if other transportation is
11    unavailable and subject to appropriations. Prohibits an
      inmate from driving a state-owned vehicle to transport
12    inmates in a work-release program.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.