Senate Bill sb2792
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Florida Senate - 2003 (NP) SM 2792
By Senator Argenziano
1 Senate Memorial No. ____
2 A memorial urging the President of the United
3 States and the Congress of the United States,
4 in negotiating any new international trade
5 agreement, to retain the existing tariff on
6 orange juice imported to North America in order
7 to promote fair trade in North America and
8 ensure that orange juice producers in North
9 America will not be subjected to any additional
10 adverse economic impact resulting from
11 importation of orange juice produced outside
12 North America.
14 WHEREAS, for more than 100 years, the citrus industry
15 has been a vital part of Florida's economy, providing
16 substantial economic, tax, and environmental benefits to the
17 state, annually generating more than $9 billion in sales,
18 employing nearly 90,000 Floridians, and maintaining invaluable
19 green space throughout the state, and
20 WHEREAS, orange juice is one of the world's most
21 important agricultural commodities, with Florida and Brazil
22 producing the majority of all orange juice consumed in the
23 world market, and Florida producing 90 percent of all orange
24 juice consumed in North America, and
25 WHEREAS, the existing orange juice tariff is critical
26 for the survival of Florida's citrus industry in that the
27 tariff effectively levels the playing field for North American
28 orange juice producers and those who import orange juice
29 produced outside North America, fairly compensating for the
30 competitive advantages enjoyed by Brazil and other foreign
31 producers that are subject to fewer regulatory controls,
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Florida Senate - 2003 (NP) SM 2792
1 less-restrictive environmental laws, and lower labor costs,
2 and
3 WHEREAS, any reduction in the orange juice tariff that
4 may result from negotiated international trade agreements
5 would not promote the expressed goals of free trade and would
6 reduce competition, diminish consumer benefits, and impair
7 overall industry growth, NOW, THEREFORE,
9 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11 That the Florida Senate urges the President of the
12 United States, in negotiating any new international trade
13 agreement, to retain the existing tariff on orange juice
14 imported to North America.
15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be
16 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
17 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
18 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
19 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.
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