Bill No. HB 293 CS
Senate House
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12          Representative Smith offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          Between line(s) 112 & 113, insert:
17          Section 2. Section 403.4131, Florida Statutes, is amended
18    to read:
19          403.4131 The Clean Florida Commission"Keep Florida
20    Beautiful, Incorporated"; placement of signs.--
21          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that a coordinated
22    effort of interested businesses, environmental and civic
23    organizations, and state and local agencies of government be
24    developed to plan for and assist in implementing solutions to
25    the litter and solid waste problems in this state and that the
26    state provide funding as set forth in s. 403.709(4) to the Clean
27    Florida Commissionfinancial assistance for the establishment of
28    a nonprofit organization with the name of "Keep Florida
29    Beautiful, Incorporated," which shall be registered,
30    incorporated, and operated in compliance with chapter 617. The
31    Clean Florida CommissionThis nonprofit organizationshall
32    coordinate the statewide campaign, provideand operate as the
33    grassroots arm of the state's portion of the effort, and shall
34    serve as an umbrella organization for volunteer-based community
35    programs. The Clean Florida Commissionorganizationshall be
36    dedicated to helping Florida and its local communities solve
37    solid waste problems, to developing and implementing a sustained
38    litter prevention campaign, and to act as a working public-
39    private partnership in helping to implement the state's Solid
40    Waste Management Act. The commission may enter into such
41    contracts and agreements with other agencies, organizations,
42    associations, corporations, individuals, or federal agencies as
43    it determines are necessary, expedient, or incidental to the
44    performance of its duties or the execution of its powers under
45    this chapter. The commission may accept gifts, grants, bequests,
46    loans, and endowments for purposes not inconsistent with its
47    responsibilities under this chapter. The Clean Florida
48    Commission shall have rulemaking authority.As part of this
49    effort, the Clean Florida CommissionKeep Florida Beautiful,
50    Incorporated, in cooperation with the Environmental Education
51    Foundation, shall strive to educate citizens, visitors, and
52    businesses about the important relationship between the state's
53    environment and economy. The Clean Florida Commission shallKeep
54    Florida Beautiful, Incorporated, is encouraged toexplore and
55    identify economic incentives to improve environmental
56    initiatives in the area of solid waste management. The Clean
57    Florida Commission shall coordinate with the Department of
58    Transportation to approve appropriate segments of roadway for
59    adoption and specific locations for placement of adopt-a-highway
60    signs. To assure the safety of the volunteers and the motoring
61    public, litter pick-up activities must be conducted in
62    accordance with safety standards of the Department of
63    Transportation and adopt-a-highway litter pick-up processes.
64          (2) There is created within the Department of Community
65    Affairs the Clean Florida Commission, which shall coordinate a
66    statewide public awareness and education campaign involving
67    state agencies, local governments, local organizations, and
68    individuals. The Clean Florida Commission shall consist of the
69    following members:
70          (a) The Secretary of Environmental Protection or the
71    secretary's designee.
72          (b) The Secretary of Transportation or the secretary's
73    designee.
74          (c) The Commissioner of Education or the commissioner's
75    designee.
76          (d) The Commissioner of Agriculture or the commissioner's
77    designee.
78          (e) The Secretary of Community Affairs or the secretary's
79    designee, who shall serve as chairman.
80          (f) Any additional members from interested state agencies,
81    local governments, and state and local organizations who are
82    appointed by unanimous consent of the members listed in
83    paragraphs (a)-(e).
84          (3) The commission has the following powers and duties:
85          (a) To appoint an executive director, who may employ such
86    other administrative and clerical staff as are necessary to
87    carry out the purpose of litter prevention in this state as set
88    forth in this section. Such employment by the commission may be
89    pursuant to contract with a public entity or a private entity.
90          (b) To establish an "adopt-a-highway" program to allow
91    volunteers from local organizations to be identified with
92    specific highway cleanup and such organizations shall coordinate
93    such efforts with the Clean Florida Commission.
94          (c) To contract for the development of a highly visible
95    anti-litter campaign that, at a minimum, includes:
96          1. Identifying groups that habitually litter.
97          2. Designing appropriate advertising to promote proper
98    disposal of litter by groups that habitually litter.
99          3. Fostering public awareness of the litter problem in
100    this state and the litter prevention program.
101          4. Developing educational programs and materials for
102    promoting the proper disposal of litter; acting as the state
103    clearinghouse for educational programs and materials developed,
104    distributed, and promoted by state agencies; and coordinating
105    efforts and resources among agencies to ensure minimal
106    duplication of efforts and efficient use of state funds.
107          5. Using talent, equipment, or expertise donated by the
108    private sector for producing multimedia materials.
109          (d) To make and execute contracts necessary to the
110    exercise of its powers, including interagency agreements.
111          (e) To engage in the planning of a litter prevention
112    program.
113          (f) To conduct, direct, encourage, coordinate, and
114    organize a continuous program of public education relating to
115    litter prevention.
116          (g) To review, upon request, all plans and activities
117    pertinent to reducing litter and littering and to coordinate
118    these activities with the various levels of government, as well
119    as with other local organizations.
120          (h) To coordinate with state and local organizations to
121    market programs promoting litter prevention and to facilitate
122    the exchange of such programs between local organizations
123    through annual conferences.
124          (i) To make available to elementary and secondary schools
125    and other public forums educational programs and materials for
126    promoting the proper disposal of litter.
127          (j) To develop and implement statewide incentive programs
128    designed to motivate individual residents of this state, local
129    organizations, local governments, and other groups interested in
130    participating in litter prevention program activities.
131          (k) To provide to local governments and nonprofit
132    organizations grants to be used for implementing and maintaining
133    certified Keep America Beautiful Florida Systems litter
134    prevention programs through education and broadbased public
135    involvement at the community level. Except as specifically
136    appropriated, such a grant may provide up to one-half of the
137    first-year costs of initiating and operating such a program, or
138    $25,000, whichever is less. Certified Keep America Beautiful
139    Florida Systems are eligible to apply for the funding of local
140    level litter prevention and educational programs and projects,
141    and must receive first priority in the award of such grants.
142          (l) To monitor the effectiveness of the statewide litter
143    prevention campaign annually and to prepare an annual report of
144    operations which includes the results of such monitoring. The
145    commission shall submit the annual report to the Governor, the
146    President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
147    Representatives no later than February 1 of each year, beginning
148    in 2004.
149          (4) The Department of Transportation shall place signs
150    discouraging litter at all off-ramps of the interstate highway
151    system in the state. The department shall place other highway
152    signs as necessary to discourage littering, in accordance with
153    the anti-litter program developed by the commission.The
154    membership of the board of directors of this nonprofit
155    organization may include representatives of the following
156    organizations: the Florida League of Cities, the Florida
157    Association of Counties, the Governor's Office, the Florida
158    Chapter of the National Solid Waste Management Association, the
159    Florida Recyclers Association, the Center for Marine
160    Conservation, Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Associated
161    Industries of Florida, the Florida Soft Drink Association, the
162    Florida Petroleum Council, the Retail Grocers Association of
163    Florida, the Florida Retail Federation, the Pulp and Paper
164    Association, the Florida Automobile Dealers Association, the
165    Beer Industries of Florida, the Florida Beer Wholesalers
166    Association, and the Distilled Spirits Wholesalers.
167          (2) As a partner working with government, business, civic,
168    environmental, and other organizations, Keep Florida Beautiful,
169    Incorporated, shall strive to assist the state and its local
170    communities by contracting for the development of a highly
171    visible antilitter campaign that, at a minimum, includes:
172          (a) Coordinating with the Center for Marine Conservation
173    and the Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management to
174    identify components of the marine debris and litter stream and
175    groups that habitually litter.
176          (b) Designing appropriate advertising to promote the
177    proper management of solid waste, with emphasis on educating
178    groups that habitually litter.
179          (c) Fostering public awareness and striving to build an
180    environmental ethic in this state through the development of
181    educational programs that result in an understanding and in
182    action on the part of individuals and organizations about the
183    role they must play in preventing litter and protecting
184    Florida's environment.
185          (d) Developing educational programs and materials that
186    promote the proper management of solid waste, including the
187    proper disposal of litter.
188          (e) Administering grants provided by the state. Grants
189    authorized under this section shall be subject to normal
190    department audit procedures and review.
191          (3) The Department of Transportation shall establish an
192    "adopt-a-highway" program to allow local organizations to be
193    identified with specific highway cleanup and highway
194    beautification projects authorized under s. 339.2405 and shall
195    coordinate such efforts with Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. The
196    department shall report to the Governor and the Legislature on
197    the progress achieved and the savings incurred by the "adopt-a-
198    highway" program. The department shall also monitor and report
199    on compliance with provisions of the adopt-a-highway program to
200    ensure that organizations that participate in the program comply
201    with the goals identified by the department.
202          (4) The Department of Transportation shall place signs
203    discouraging litter at all off-ramps of the interstate highway
204    system in the state. The department shall place other highway
205    signs as necessary to discourage littering through use of the
206    antilitter program developed by Keep Florida Beautiful,
207    Incorporated.
208          (5) Each county is encouraged to initiate a litter control
209    and prevention program or to expand upon its existing program.
210    The Department of Environmental Protectionshall establish a
211    system of grants for municipalities and counties to implement
212    litter control and prevention programs. In addition to the
213    activities described in subsection (1), such grants shall at a
214    minimum be used for litter cleanup, grassroots educational
215    programs involving litter removal and prevention, and the
216    placement of litter and recycling receptacles. Counties are
217    encouraged to form working public private partnerships as
218    authorized under this section to implement litter control and
219    prevention programs at the community level. The grants
220    authorized pursuant to this section shall be incorporated as
221    part of the recycling and education grants. Counties that have a
222    population under 75,000 are encouraged to develop a regional
223    approach to administering and coordinating their litter control
224    and prevention programs.
225          (6) The department may contract with Keep Florida
226    Beautiful, Incorporated, to help carry out the provisions of
227    this section. All contracts authorized under this section are
228    subject to normal department audit procedures and review.
229          (6)(7)In order to establish continuity for the statewide
230    program, those local governments and community programs
231    receiving grants for litter prevention and control must use the
232    official State of Florida litter control or campaign symbol
233    adopted by the Clean Florida CommissionKeep Florida Beautiful,
234    Incorporated,for use on various receptacles and program
235    material.
236          (8) The Legislature establishes a litter reduction goal of
237    50 percent reduction from the period January 1, 1994, to January
238    1, 1997. The method of determination used to measure the
239    reduction in litter is the survey conducted by the Center for
240    Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. The center shall consider
241    existing litter survey methodologies.
242          (7)(9)The Department of Environmental Protection shall
243    contract with the Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste
244    Management for an ongoing annual litter survey, the first of
245    which is to be conducted by January 1, 1994. The center shall
246    appoint a broad-based work group not to exceed seven members to
247    assist in the development and implementation of the survey.
248    Representatives from the university system, business,
249    government, and the environmental community shall be considered
250    by the center to serve on the work group. Final authority on
251    implementing and conducting the survey rests with the center.
252    The first survey is to be designed to serve as a baseline by
253    measuring the amount of current litter and marine debris, and is
254    to include a methodology for measuring the reduction in the
255    amount of litter and marine debris to determine the progress
256    toward the litter reduction goal established in subsection (8).
257    Annually thereafter, additional surveys are to be conducted and
258    must also include a methodology for measuring the reduction in
259    the amount of litter and for determining progress toward the
260    litter reduction goal established in subsection (8).
261          (8)(10)(a) There is created within the Department of
262    Agriculture and Consumer ServicesKeep Florida Beautiful, Inc.,
263    the Wildflower Advisory Council, consisting of a maximum of nine
264    members to direct and oversee the expenditure of the Wildflower
265    Account. The Wildflower Advisory Council shall include a
266    representative from the University of Florida Institute of Food
267    and Agricultural Sciences, the Florida Department of
268    Transportation, and the Florida Department of Environmental
269    Protection, the Florida League of Cities, and the Florida
270    Association of Counties. Other members of the committee may
271    include representatives from the Florida Federation of Garden
272    Clubs, Inc., Think Beauty Foundation, the Florida Chapter of the
273    American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc., and a
274    representative of the Master Gardener's Program.
275          (b) The Wildflower Advisory Council shall be controlled
276    and directed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
277    Services and shall serve in an advisory capacity to the
278    department with respect to the award ofdevelop procedures of
279    operation, research contracts, educational programs, and
280    wildflower planting grants for Florida native wildflowers,
281    plants, and grasses. The council shall also make recommendations
282    to the department concerningthe final determination ofwhat
283    constitutes acceptable species of wildflowers and other
284    plantings supported by these programs.
285          Section 3. Paragraphs (a) and (j) of subsection (2) of
286    section 403.41315, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
287          403.41315 Comprehensive illegal dumping, litter, and
288    marine debris control and prevention.--
289          (2) The comprehensive illegal dumping, litter, and marine
290    debris control and prevention program at a minimum must include
291    the following:
292          (a) A statewide public awareness and educational campaign,
293    coordinated by the Clean Florida CommissionKeep Florida
294    Beautiful, Incorporated, to educate individuals, government,
295    businesses, and other organizations concerning the role they
296    must assume in preventing and controlling litter.
297          (j) Other educational programs that are implemented at the
298    grassroots level coordinated through the Clean Florida
299    CommissionKeep Florida Beautiful, Inc., involving volunteers
300    and community programs that clean up and prevent litter,
301    including Youth Conservation Corps activities.
302          Section 4. Subsection (4) of section 403.709, Florida
303    Statutes, is amended to read:
304          403.709 Solid Waste Management Trust Fund; use of waste
305    tire fees.--There is created the Solid Waste Management Trust
306    Fund, to be administered by the department. From the annual
307    revenues deposited in the trust fund, unless otherwise specified
308    in the General Appropriations Act:
309          (4) Up to 4.5 percent shall be used for funding to the
310    Clean Florida CommissionDepartment of Transportation for the
311    coordination, development, and establishment of a statewide
312    public awareness litter prevention and education campaign
313    control programs coordinated by Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. The
314    Clean Florida Commission shall establish a competitive and
315    innovative grant program pursuant to s. 403.4131.
316          Section 5. Subsection (28) of section 320.08058, Florida
317    Statutes, is amended to read:
318          320.08058 Specialty license plates.--
320          (a) The department shall develop a Florida Wildflower
321    license plate as provided in this section. The word "Florida"
322    must appear at the top of the plate, and the words "State
323    Wildflower" and "coreopsis" must appear at the bottom of the
324    plate.
325          (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
326    Wildflower Trust Fund in the Department of Agriculture and
327    Consumer ServicesAccount established by Keep Florida Beautiful,
328    Inc., created by s. 403.4131. The proceeds must be used to
329    establish native Florida wildflower research programs,
330    wildflower educational programs, and wildflower grant programs
331    to municipal, county, and community-based groups in this state.
332    A maximum of 10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of such
333    plates may be used for administrative costs.
334          Section 6. (1) All unexpended proceeds of fees paid for
335    Wildflower license plates which are held by Keep Florida
336    Beautiful, Inc., must be transferred to the Wildflower Trust
337    Fund in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
338    promptly after the effective date of this act.
339          Section 7. There is created within the Florida Department
340    of Agriculture and Consumer Services the Florida Wildflower
341    Advisory Council. The department shall enter into a memorandum
342    or letter of agreement with the Wildflower Advisory Council,
343    which shall specify the approval of the department, the powers
344    and duties of the council, and rules with which the council
345    shall comply. The head of the department shall provide from
346    existing personnel staff support services to the council as are
347    necessary to enable the council to fulfill its duties and
348    responsibilities. The council shall consist of a maximum of 15
349    members who shall direct the revenues and expenditures of the
350    Wildflower Trust Fund. The council members shall serve without
351    compensation but are entitled to per diem and travel expenses
352    pursuant to section 112.061, Florida Statutes. The council shall
353    include a representative from the University of Florida
354    Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the Florida
355    Department of Transportation, the Florida Department of
356    Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Agriculture
357    and Consumer Services, the Florida League of Cities, and the
358    Florida Association of Counties. Other members of the council
359    may include representatives from the Florida Federation of
360    Garden Clubs, Inc., Think Beauty Foundation, Inc., the Florida
361    Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc.,
362    the Florida Master Gardner Program, Keep Florida Beautiful,
363    Inc., the Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association, Inc., the
364    Association of Florida Native Nurseries, Inc., and two members
365    of the Florida Wildflower Foundation, Inc. The Commissioner of
366    Agriculture, based on recommendations from the above listed
367    organizations, shall appoint members to the council.
368          (2) The Florida Wildflower Advisory Council shall develop
369    operational procedures, marketing initiatives, research
370    contracts, educational programs, and wildflower planting grants
371    for native wildflowers, plants, and grasses and shall submit
372    their recommendations for approval to the Commissioner of
373    Agriculture. The council shall make the final determination of
374    what constitutes acceptable species of wildflowers and other
375    plantings to be supported by these programs.
376          Section 8. Wildflower Trust Fund.--
377          (1) Funds in the Wildflower Trust Fund in the Department
378    of Agriculture and Consumer Services may be used by the
379    department only to:
380          (a) Market the Wildflower license plate;
381          (b) Establish native wildflower research programs;
382          (c) Conduct wildflower educational programs; and
383          (d) Provide wildflower grant programs to state, municipal,
384    county, and community-based groups in this state.
385          (2) The department and the Wildflower Advisory Council
386    shall identify, develop, and collect sources of public and
387    private funding for native wildflower and grass development
388    projects. The department may accept, apply for, expend, and use
389    any gift, grant of money, or property for projects deemed worthy
390    by the Florida Wildflower Advisory Council and the Commissioner
391    of Agriculture.
392          (3) The Wildflower Trust Fund is exempt from service
393    charges and the appropriation required by section 215.20(1),
394    (2), and (4), Florida Statutes.
395          Section 9. All unexpended proceeds of fees paid for
396    Wildflower license plates which are held by Keep Florida
397    Beautiful, Inc., must be transferred to the Department of
398    Agriculture and Consumer Services promptly after the effective
399    date of this act.
402    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
403          Remove line(s) 17, and insert:
404 areas; A bill to be entitled
405          An act relating to environmental control; amending s.
406    403.4131, F.S.; replacing "Keep Florida Beautiful,
407    Incorporated" with the Clean Florida Commission; providing
408    membership and duties of the commission; providing
409    rulemaking authority; providing for an executive director
410    and other commission employees; providing for the
411    commission to contract for the development of a statewide
412    anti-litter campaign; providing for local governments and
413    nonprofit organizations to receive grants to be used for
414    community litter prevention programs; providing priorities
415    for the award of grants; requiring an annual report to the
416    Governor and to legislative leaders; requiring the
417    Department of Transportation to erect anti-litter signs;
418    providing requirements for litter reduction programs;
419    placing the Wildflower Advisory Council under the control
420    of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services;
421    amending duties of the council; amending s. 403.41315,
422    F.S.; amending cross-references, to conform; amending s.
423    403.709, F.S.; transferring proceeds to be used in litter
424    prevention from the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund to
425    the Clean Florida Commission; imposing a duty on the
426    commission; amending s. 320.08058, F.S.; providing that
427    the proceeds of fees paid for Wildflower license plates
428    must be distributed to the Wildflower Trust Fund in the
429    Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; creating
430    the Wildflower Advisory Council and providing for
431    membership, powers, and duties; specifying uses of the
432    proceeds; transferring the balance of such proceeds from
433    "Keep Florida Beautiful, Incorporated" to the department;
434    providing an effective date.