HB 0303 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to Miami-Dade County; providing for the
3    relief of Jonathan Snell, a minor, and Erika Snell, a
4    minor, by and through their mother and natural guardian,
5    Latisha Snell; providing for an appropriation to
6    compensate them for injuries and damages sustained as a
7    result of the negligence of Miami-Dade County; providing
8    for the use of such funds; providing for payment of costs,
9    attorneys' fees, and outstanding medical bills; providing
10    an effective date.
12          WHEREAS, on May 26, 1998, 20-month-old Jonathan Snell
13          and his sister, Erika Snell, age 3, were both run over by a
14          Miami-Dade County bus, causing severe injuries to their lower
15          extremities, and
16          WHEREAS, while the children were positioned on a grassy
17          median off the roadway, the bus, upon making a right-hand turn
18    too sharply, jumped the curb with its rear wheels and ran
19          over the children, and
20          WHEREAS, the incident, which occurred at the
21          intersection of Northwest 14th Avenue and 183rd Street in
22          Miami-Dade County, Florida, was witnessed by several
23          independent persons and responsibility for the negligence of
24          the bus operator was not contested, and
25          WHEREAS, multiple surgical procedures were performed on
26          both children at Jackson Memorial Hospital by a skilled
27          orthopedic surgeon, Steven Stricker, M.D., and each child has
28          been left with permanent impairment and scarring, and
29          WHEREAS, a lawsuit for damages was brought against
30          Miami-Dade County by and through the children's mother and
31          guardian, Latisha Snell, and after extensive discovery just
32          prior to trial, the case was settled during a second mediation
33          in exchange for Miami-Dade County's support of a claim bill, and
34          WHEREAS, Miami-Dade County agreed to the entry of a final
35    judgment for Jonathan Snell in the amount of $400,000 and for
36    Erika Snell in the amount of $137,000, and the county has
37    partially satisfied the final judgment by paying $100,000 for
38    the benefit of each child in accordance with the limits
39    established under s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE,
41          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
43          Section 1.The facts stated in the preamble to this act
44    are found and declared to be true.
45          Section 2.The Miami-Dade County Commission is authorized
46    and directed to appropriate from funds of the county not
47    otherwise appropriated and to draw a warrant in the sum of
48    $300,000 payable to Latisha Snell, as guardian of Jonathan
49    Snell, as compensation for injuries and damages sustained by
50    Jonathan Snell, minor child of Latisha Snell, due to the
51    negligence of Miami-Dade County.
52          Section 3.The Miami-Dade County Commission is authorized
53    and directed to appropriate from funds of the county not
54    otherwise appropriated and to draw a warrant in the sum of
55    $37,000 payable to Latisha Snell, as guardian of Erika Snell, as
56    compensation for injuries and damages sustained by Erika Snell,
57    minor child of Latisha Snell, due to the negligence of Miami-
58    Dade County.
59          Section 4.After payment of attorneys' fees, costs, and
60    medical bills, the balance of the moneys appropriated shall be
61    used to purchase an annuity for each child. Each child shall be
62    eligible to receive periodic payments from his or her annuity
63    upon reaching the age of majority.
64          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.