HB 0337 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to uniform traffic control; providing a
3    popular name; amending s. 316.003, F.S.; defining the term
4    "traffic infraction detector"; amending s. 316.008, F.S.;
5    authorizing the creation of pilot projects in Palm Beach
6    County; authorizing adoption of ordinances permitting the
7    use of traffic infraction detectors under certain
8    circumstances; providing for penalties for violations
9    detected by such detectors; exempting certain vehicles
10    from the ordinance under specified condition; providing
11    procedures for participation in the project; providing for
12    citation content; providing for process of citations
13    issued under the ordinance; limiting scope; providing for
14    responsibility and liability for payment of fine;
15    providing for contest of citation in court; providing for
16    evidence of facts; providing procedures for enforcement of
17    outstanding violations; providing for personnel for
18    enforcement of ordinance; providing for use of funds and
19    excess funds collected; requiring a report to the Governor
20    and the Legislature; providing for future repeal; amending
21    s. 316.0745, F.S.; providing that traffic infraction
22    detectors must meet requirements established by the
23    Department of Transportation; providing for testing
24    according to procedures established by that department;
25    amending s. 320.03, F.S.; prohibiting the issuance of
26    license plates or revalidation stickers when fines are
27    outstanding for violations detected by traffic infraction
28    detectors; providing an effective date.
30          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32          Section 1.Popular name.--This act shall be known by the
33    popular name the "Red Light Safety Act of 2003."
34          Section 2. Subsection (84) is added to section 316.003,
35    Florida Statutes, to read:
36          316.003 Definitions.--The following words and phrases,
37    when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings respectively
38    ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
39    otherwise requires:
40          (84) TRAFFIC INFRACTION DETECTOR.--A device that uses a
41    vehicle sensor installed to work in conjunction with a traffic
42    control signal and a camera synchronized to automatically record
43    two or more sequenced photographs, microphotographs, or
44    electronic images, that utilize wet film, of only the rear of a
45    motor vehicle at the time the vehicle fails to stop when facing
46    a steady red traffic control signal. Any citation issued by the
47    utilization of a traffic infraction detector must include a
48    photograph showing both the license tag of the offending vehicle
49    and the traffic control device being violated in the same frame.
50          Section 3. Subsection (7) is added to section 316.008,
51    Florida Statutes, to read:
52          316.008 Powers of local authorities.--
53          (7)(a) There is created a pilot project in Palm Beach
54    County to determine the potential statewide benefits to traffic
55    safety resulting from the use of traffic infraction detectors
56    for the enforcement of s. 316.075(1)(c), which requires the
57    driver of a vehicle to stop the vehicle when facing a steady red
58    traffic control signal. For purposes of this subsection, the
59    word "county" means Palm Beach County. The county and
60    municipalities therein may choose to participate in the pilot
61    project by adopting an ordinance that provides for the use of
62    traffic infraction detectors to enforce s. 316.075(1)(c) on the
63    streets and highways under their respective jurisdictions. An
64    ordinance adopted pursuant to this subsection shall authorize
65    traffic infraction enforcement officers to issue a citation for
66    a violation of s. 316.075(1)(c) and shall establish a schedule
67    of fines to be assessed against the registered owner of a motor
68    vehicle whose vehicle fails to stop when facing a steady red
69    traffic control signal, as determined through the use of a
70    traffic infraction detector. Such fines may not exceed $100.
71    Emergency vehicles responding to an emergency call shall be
72    exempt from an ordinance adopted under this subsection.
73          (b) The county and municipalities choosing to participate
74    in the pilot project shall:
75          1. Post a sign notifying motorists that a traffic
76    infraction detector is in use at each location that a traffic
77    infraction detector is being used to enforce s. 316.075(1)(c).
78    Signs must conform to the standards and requirements adopted by
79    the Department of Transportation under s. 316.0745.
80          2. Conduct a public awareness campaign of the proposed use
81    of traffic infraction detectors at least 30 days prior to
82    commencing enforcement under an ordinance adopted pursuant to
83    this subsection.
84          (c) The procedures set forth in s. 316.1967(2), (3), and
85    (4) shall apply to an ordinance adopted under this subsection.
86          (d) Citations issued pursuant to an ordinance adopted
87    under this subsection must contain the following information:
88          1. The name and address of the person alleged to be
89    liable as the registered owner or operator of the motor vehicle
90    involved in the violation.
91          2. The registration number of the vehicle.
92          3. The location where the violation occurred.
93          4. The date and time of the violation.
94          5. Information that identifies the traffic infraction
95    detector that recorded the violation.
96          6. The amount of the fine.
97          7. The date by which the fine must be paid.
98          8. The procedure for contesting the violation alleged in
99    the citation.
100          9. A warning that failure to contest the violation in the
101    manner and time provided shall be deemed an admission of
102    liability and that a default may be entered thereon.
103          (e) Violations of s. 316.075(1)(c) being enforced in
104    accordance with an ordinance adopted under this subsection shall
105    be processed by the county or municipality that has traffic
106    jurisdiction over the street or highway where the violation
107    occurred or by any entity authorized by the county or
108    municipality to prepare and mail the citation. Chapter 318 and
109    s. 322.27 shall not apply to a violation of s. 316.075(1)(c)
110    when being enforced pursuant to an ordinance adopted under this
111    subsection. In addition, such a violation shall not:
112          1. Be a conviction of the registered owner of the motor
113    vehicle or operator;
114          2. Be made part of the driving record of the registered
115    owner of the motor vehicle or operator;
116          3. Be used for the purposes of setting motor vehicle
117    insurance rates; or
118          4. Result in points being assessed against the registered
119    owner of the motor vehicle or operator.
120          (f) The registered owner of the motor vehicle that was
121    involved in a violation is responsible and liable for payment of
122    the fine assessed in accordance with this subsection unless the
123    owner can establish that the motor vehicle was, at the time of
124    the violation, in the care, custody, or control of another
125    person. In order to establish such facts, the registered owner
126    must, within 20 days after receipt of notification of the
127    alleged violation, furnish to the county or municipality, as
128    appropriate, an affidavit that sets forth:
129          1. The name, address, and, if known, the driver license
130    number of the person who leased, rented, or otherwise had care,
131    custody, or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the
132    alleged violation; or
133          2. That the vehicle was stolen, with a copy of the police
134    report attached indicating that the vehicle was stolen at the
135    time of the alleged violation.
137          Upon receipt of an affidavit, the person designated as having
138    had care, custody, or control of the motor vehicle at the time
139    of the violation may be issued a citation. The affidavit is
140    admissible in a proceeding pursuant to this subsection for the
141    purpose of proving that the person identified in the affidavit
142    was in actual care, custody, or control of the motor vehicle.
143          (g) A person may elect to contest the determination that
144    such person failed to stop when faced with a steady red traffic
145    control signal as evidenced by a traffic infraction detector by
146    electing to appear before any judge authorized by law to preside
147    over a court or hearing that adjudicates traffic infractions.
148    Any person who elects to appear before the court to present
149    evidence is deemed to have waived the limitation of civil
150    penalties imposed for the violation. The court, after hearing,
151    shall determine whether the violation was committed and may
152    impose a civil penalty not to exceed $100 plus court costs. The
153    court may take appropriate measures to enforce collection of any
154    penalty not paid within the time permitted by the court.
155          (h) A certificate sworn to or affirmed by a person who is
156    employed by or under contract with the county or municipality
157    where the violation occurred, or a facsimile thereof, which is
158    based upon inspection of photographs or other recorded images
159    produced by a traffic infraction detector, is prima facie
160    evidence of the facts contained in the certificate. A photograph
161    or other recorded image evidencing such a violation must be
162    available for inspection in any proceeding to adjudicate
163    liability for violation of an ordinance adopted under this
164    subsection.
165          (i) In the county and municipalities in which citations
166    are issued as provided in this subsection, the names of persons
167    who have one or more outstanding violations may be included on
168    the list authorized under s. 316.1967(6).
169          (j) For the purpose of enforcing violations of s.
170    316.075(1)(c) pursuant to an ordinance adopted under this
171    subsection, the county and municipalities choosing to
172    participate in the pilot project may employ independent
173    contractors or designate employees as traffic infraction
174    enforcement officers; however, any such traffic infraction
175    officer must successfully meet the training and qualification
176    standards for traffic infraction enforcement officers provided
177    for in s. 316.640(5)(a). Nothing in this subsection shall be
178    construed as authorizing a traffic infraction enforcement
179    officer to carry a firearm or other weapon or to make arrests.
180    Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, traffic
181    infraction enforcement officers shall have the authority to
182    issue citations in accordance with an ordinance adopted pursuant
183    to this subsection by the county and any municipality choosing
184    to participate in the pilot project.
185          (k) The uniform traffic citation prepared by the
186    department under s. 316.650 shall not be used for any violation
187    for which a citation is issued pursuant to an ordinance adopted
188    under this subsection.
189          (l) The county and municipalities choosing to participate
190    in the pilot project shall deposit fines into a separate county
191    or municipal account to be used for the purposes of funding the
192    cost of administration of and equipment for the pilot project.
193    Any excess funds may only be used by the county and
194    municipalities for driver education programs.
195          (m) The county and any municipality choosing to
196    participate in the pilot project shall submit an annual report
197    to the department, which report details the results of using
198    traffic infraction detectors to enforce s. 316.075(1)(c) and the
199    procedures for enforcement. The department shall provide a
200    summary report to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of
201    the House of Representatives, and the Governor regarding the use
202    and operation of traffic infraction detectors under the pilot
203    project. The summary report must include a review of the
204    information submitted to the department by the county and
205    municipalities choosing to participate in the pilot project and
206    must describe the potential for enhancement of the traffic
207    safety and enforcement programs. The department shall report its
208    recommendations on or before December 1, 2004, to the President
209    of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
210    the Governor, including recommendations for any necessary
211    legislation in the event that the pilot project would be
212    beneficial for application on a statewide basis.
213          (n) This subsection is repealed December 1, 2006.
214          Section 4. Subsection (6) of section 316.0745, Florida
215    Statutes, is amended to read:
216          316.0745 Uniform signals and devices.--
217          (6)(a)Any system of traffic control devices controlled
218    and operated from a remote location by electronic computers or
219    similar devicesmustshallmeet all requirements established for
220    the uniform system, and, if anywheresuchsystem affects
221    systems affectthe movement of traffic on state roads,the
222    design ofthatthesystemmustshallbe reviewed and approved by
223    the Department of Transportation.
224          (b) Any traffic infraction detector deployed on the
225    streets and highways of the state must meet requirements
226    established by the Department of Transportation and must be
227    tested according to procedures and at regular intervals as
228    prescribed by the department.
229          Section 5. Subsection (8) of section 320.03, Florida
230    Statutes, is amended to read:
231          320.03 Registration; duties of tax collectors;
232    International Registration Plan.--
233          (8) If the applicant's name appears on the list referred
234    to ins. 316.008(7)(i),s. 316.1001(4), s. 316.1967(6), or s.
235    713.78(13), a license plate or revalidation sticker may not be
236    issued until that person's name no longer appears on the list or
237    until the person presents a receipt from the clerk showing that
238    theoutstandingfinesoutstandinghave been paid. The tax
239    collector and the clerk of the court are each entitled to
240    receive monthly, as costs for implementing and administering
241    this subsection, 10 percent of the civil penalties and fines
242    recovered from such persons. As used in this subsection, the
243    term "civil penalties and fines" does not include a wrecker
244    operator's lien as described in s. 713.78(13). If the tax
245    collector has private tag agents, such tag agents are entitled
246    to receive a pro rata share of the amount paid to the tax
247    collector, based upon the percentage of license plates and
248    revalidation stickers issued by the tag agent compared to the
249    total issued within the county. The authority of any private
250    agent to issue license plates shall be revoked, after notice and
251    a hearing as provided in chapter 120, if he or she issues any
252    license plate or revalidation sticker contrary to the provisions
253    of this subsection. This section applies only to the annual
254    renewal in the owner's birth month of a motor vehicle
255    registration and does not apply to the transfer of a
256    registration of a motor vehicle sold by a motor vehicle dealer
257    licensed under this chapter, except for the transfer of
258    registrations which is inclusive of the annual renewals. This
259    section does not affect the issuance of the title to a motor
260    vehicle, notwithstanding s. 319.23(7)(b).
261          Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.